Oblivious Savior: Tordoroki X Reader (Fluff)

(My first chapter that's not requested! Yay! I hope you peeps like this.)

  "Have a safe trip home (Y/N)!" Yelled your manager.

  "I will, thanks boss," you say as you exit restaurant.

  You got to to go home early from work today since someone needed a job, got hired, and they replaced you for today since you want a break. Since you work at a restaurant, you don't get a lot of free time. Everyday from 10 am to 9 pm. Those are long hours and you can barely do anything when you come home since you need sleep and is tired as shit. To be honest, working at a famous restaurant is hard. You have to deal with rude customers, not messing up at all, everything needs to be perfect or close to perfect, you have to be kind even if it's a rude customer, getting thrown around all over the place since you're a waitress, not getting the customers mad, and all kinds of other things. So why not get a day off right. Something's gonna right today. Wrong.

You walk through the streets looking at some of the building you pass. It was 5 o'clock and you could do anything, but for some reason, you feel like going home. You turn around to go in the direction of your home listening to music and can't hear a thing.

You're walking and a big shadow looms over you. You suspect Mountain Lady is near, but then you feel something grab you by the back of your jacket, lifting you in the air. You know it's not Mountain Lady now, so you turn around and see a big man made out of clear glass.

"You're my new hostage girly~," said the man in a creepy way.

"Help! There's someone trying to kidnap me!" You yell at the top of your lungs trying to remove yourself from your hoodie then out of his grip.

For some odd reason, people didn't notice you disappeared and were in the air now until you yelled. People looked at you scared and not knowing of what to do.

"Call someone!" You yell in fear and irritation. You would try to get out of this guy's grip with your quirk, but your quirk isn't helpful with this kind of stuff. Your quick is growth with plants. You could try to slow him down by wrapping him in vines, but you aren't that strong with your quirk, so he would eventually get out in about two minutes, also considering how big and strong he is.

You were about to use your quirk, but he jumped in the air, landing on a tall building.

"Now, you're going to be a good girl and keep still. If not, I will keep on squeezing until blood comes out, got it. Just wait until one hero comes, hopefully not dying in the process of saving you."

You shivered at his words.

"You can't kill a hero. It's rare a hero nor a villain dies. Plus, there's no way you're killing a hero. I don't think you're powerful enough," you say almost mockingly, but he notices.

"Don't reply snarky, it won't let me let you go, just squeeze you tighter."

You then felt this squeezing sensation everywhere in and on your body. It was very painful, but you needed to distract him just a little until someone shows up.

  "Why are you doing this? Why do you even want to kill a hero and why do you need a hostage. Can't you just kill someone, or go to them?" You question stupidly and unreasonably buying some time.

  "I want to prove myself to someone. Also, I don't kill innocent, I only want to kill a hero. I need you since I'm not killing you, and it's easier that way. Too much of a hassle to go to them. There are many reasons why though, but I don't want to say the reasons to some civilian girl."

"I'm not just some civilian, I have a pretty powerful quirk."

"Then why aren't you using it."

"... I-," you were interrupted when someone came to the roof.

It was a boy. He had red hair on the left side, a blue eye, and it was red around his eye, as if he had a forever burn mark. Then on his left side he had white hair, a brown eye, but not a burn mark. You then notice that there was a tall ice sculpture. You look at him again and see that he has frost from his left and fire on his right. It was a half fire half ice quirk. No, he was the Shoto Todoroki. The second place winner in the sports festival. He actually could have won too, but lost due to using too much energy with the fight with Izuku.
He has great power, so much power that he got asked by so many hero companies to join them, but he went for his dad's surprisingly, and he hates him. You're friends with Uraraka and since she's friends with Izuku, he told her some things and she told you some things too.

"I knew someone would come for you."

"Of course. I'm a freakin' person who got kidnapped by a villain and someone called for help. Use your brains."

He squeezed harder than before, thinking you might have a fractured bone. Except you can't tell which one it is because you're body is in so much pain that you can't recognize which one it is.

"Just let go of the girl," says Todoroki feeling as if he didn't care.

"I don't wanna yet. She's actually kept me company after waiting for ages for you. What took you so long, Junior Endeavor~," said the man in a mocking voice.

Todoroki didn't respond as he just ran up to him while making ice making him slide towards the arm you were in. Once he was close, he froze the arm, but not you. He went up higher, now at your level. He actually looked cute when looking at him closer, but while you were looking at him, he burned the guy's finger as he let go of you, making you fall to the ground. Before you could, Todoroki slid under you and caught you, bringing you down to the roof, now realizing which bone is fractured. It was your left leg. He went back up as him and the villain was fighting, but Todoroki won in a matter of one minute. Other heroes finally came along as they arrested the guy and Todoroki went back to you.

He looks at you not saying anything. It makes you a little upset as he doesn't ask you if you're ok.

"Are you going to ask 'are you ok?' or what. If not, sorry to burst your bubble, but my leg is fractured, I was held captive, and could have almost died. So, no, I'm not ok," you said giving him a sarcastic remark.


  "You gonna respond, help me, do something than not doing anything."

  "I just saved you earlier."

  "So? You want thanks, cause I'll thank you, but I'm not just someone you 'save'. I'm still a person. When you save someone, you have to think about how they feel. They were scared, or what if they were traumatized. You're doing something to make them even more uncomfortable, or as I like to say, unwanted. If you want to be a good hero, act like you care, like a real hero. If you could, try taking lessons from Izuku," you said.

  His eyes widened. He didn't expect this advice from someone that's not a hero. He erased the surprised face as he saw you trying to get up, but couldn't as your leg hurt like hell. He realized you were right.

  "H-hey, let me help you up..."

  You look up at him as you fail your attempts to get up. You just barely smile to yourself as you got through the stoic boy, Todoroki.

  "Ya, thanks," you say as you bring your hand up as he takes his into yours, lifting you back up.

  "Can you maybe take me to a hospital, because I got a fractured leg and my body is probably a little messed up from being squeezed too hard earlier, as you can tell."

  "Ya, of course." He puts your arm around his shoulders and makes an ice path, sliding down. You get scared shitless as you freak out and jump making him hold you bridal style as he's having a very hard time staying on the ice. Actually, he fell off, making you both scared until he made a new path as you both made it safely to ground.

  "Remind me to never take you with me to be on ice if I see you again," he said actually laughing a bit.

  You started laughing as you said, "Sorry, I've never done that before. It scared the shit out of me... but you laughed~," you said teasingly at the end.

  He stopped laughing as he said, "Let's go to the hospital."

  You smile at his embarrassment as he took you to the hospital.

  You arrived at the hospital as they took you in to check you leg and they gave you crutches. They said you could go home, so you exited your room heading for the lobby, but you see Todoroki.


  "Ah, yes. I wanted to make sure if you were ok," he said as he stood up from the chair.

  "Oh, ya, I'm fine. It's just a little fracture and I should have these crutches for a few weeks. Maybe about a month hopefully."

  "That's good. By the way, what is your name?"

  "Oh, my name is (L/N) (Y/N)."

  "Ok, well, nice to officially meet you (L/N)."

  "Yep! Well, I gotta get home."

  "Let me walk you there. I mean, you got kidnapped while going home and now you have a fractured leg. Plus, it'll add to me being rude earlier today."

  You smile as you respond, "Sure. I'd like that."

  You walked home, but he was stoic as ever. You tried making small talk, but it didn't really get anywhere.

It's now been four weeks since you've met Todoroki and you still hang out with him. It's surprising that such a stoic guy is hanging out with a girl full of odd, changing emotions, but, he's grown on you. It's weird. Since he's been around you almost everyday, that you've grown used to him and like being around him. Maybe you like Todoroki, you have no idea, but all you know is that you like being around him and it's a different kind of feeling than when you're around Uraraka.

  "Hey Todoroki, why do you still hang around with me?" You ask out of the blue while Todoroki is walking you home again from work.

  "What do you mean, I'm just being nice, just as you told me the day I saved you."

Damn, this guy is oblivious.

"No, that's not what I meant."

"Then what do you mean?"

"Have you saved anybody else besides me the past two weeks?"

"Yes. I have rescued about three people."

"Have you seen them after saving them like me. Cause of course now, you're nice to people you save, correct?"


"Then why aren't you doing what you do to me with them?"

He stopped walking as you did as well. It looked like he was in deep thought.

"I-I don't know..."

Whoa! D-does Todoroki like me as a friend! O-or what if something else...

"You really don't have an answer?"

"I'm not sure. I guess maybe hanging out with you is... fun? I don't have many friends like Midoriya does, but I feel like you are showing me what a friend is like. The feeling is good to me. What you said to me the day I saved you was what changed me. It was as if you were giving me advice, just like a friend would."

You look at him for a second and realize how kind he can be.

"When I'm around you, you make me feel things. You make me feel happy when I'm around you. You make me feel sad when you're not around. I get mad when someone hurts you in anyway. My heart beats fast when I'm around you, talking to you, and just doing anything with you. The feelings of friendship, correct?" He said looking deep into your eyes.

Your face paints a rosy pink on your face as you look down. Nobody has ever said something like that to you and been so oblivious to say that's what 'friendship' is. You thought it was cute, but you also that he was stupid to realize that he probably, not saying that he does, but probably likes you. Not in a friendly way, but a love kind of way.

  "Y-you're so stupid."

  "Wh-what? Why?"

  You look up at him, trying to not be embarrassed about what you're going to do.

  "Dammit Todoroki," you say his first name for the first time while grabbing his hand. "You're too oblivious for the world."

  You then let go of his hand and hug him. He doesn't respond as he's confused at why you're hugging him. He then hugs you back hesitantly and lightly.

  You let go and go back, as you don't see the reaction you want to see for your answer. You go closer to him, grab his face and kiss him.

  His eyes widen at the fact you're kissing him. Before he could respond back to the kiss, you removed your lips from his. You see that he has a light blush on his face. It looks like your observation was right.

  "Todoroki, I like you. I've been wondering if I actually do, but now I know. You've been so kind to me and actually hang around with me. You're the only person to actually give me real human interaction since my family and friends live somewhere else, and I enjoy that... now I'm going to go..." you say as you turn around and leaving him there, moving your crutches at lightning speed.

  You were about to turn the corner until you feel someone grab your waist and pick you up, causing you to let go of your crutches. You then feel your body being turned around as you face Todoroki.

  "H-hey what are you doing, put me down."

  "You're right, I was oblivious, but now I'm not. I think I... like you too," he said as he kissed you this time, slowly lowering you back to the ground. You soon kissed back, now knowing the person you love, loves you back making you happy.
(Yes, I rushed it... what you gonna do 'bout it? (()) You wanna fight me about it, cause we can? Kidding ( ̄∇ ̄))

Laterz! (^ω^)


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