*Am I Still a Good Boy?*
Name: Tsukiko
Age: In her early twenties
Gender: Female
Looks: Long, purple hair (that she wears on a ponytail while on a mission) and dark brown eyes, pale-ish skin. Kinda short, although she prefers the term 'fun sized'. Wears comfy, bright colored clothes
Personality: Very cheerful and outgoing but, she doesn't have many close friends because she doesnt open to people easily. Speaks her mind and does what she wants. She prefers treating her problems like something minor or joking about them, than facing them. She has a short attention span and can be very random. She doesn't easily get angry but well, if hurt her friends... You're a goner.
Likes: Books, music, sweets, kittens...
Dislikes: Killing, bullies and all those kind of people
Crush: Tobi/Obito
Extra: Clueless about relationships
~Tsukiko's P.O.V~
"Deidara!" I growl, slowly turning towards him.
"W-what?" Deidara slightly stuttered back with a nervous grin and a sweat drop, scratching the back of his head.
"Where the hell is my book?!" I yell, getting in his face.
"Hidan took it! Yeah!" Deidara shouts and points at Hidan.
"Hey! I didn't do shit, you fucker! Why the fuck would I want some dumbass book?!" Hidan yelled back from across the room.
I look at Deidara as my anger rises. I was getting to a really good part! "Just tell me where my damn book is, Deidara."
"But I don't know! Hm!" Deidara was trying hopelessly.
An irritable sigh escapes my lips as I close my eyes in anger but, before I yell at Deidara, Tobi comes running up and hugs me from behind.
"Tsukiko-chan! Tobi is a good boy??" Tobi yelled from behind me.
Sighing again, I reply "Not now Tobi, I'm waiting for Deidara to give me my book back."
Tobi lets go and hold a book out, "Do you mean this one Tsuki-chan?!" I glance at the book and my eyes go wide.
"Yes! Where did you find it Tobi?!" I yell as I hug him tightly before letting go and taking the book from his hands.
"Tobi found it under Deidara-senpai's bed!"
"WHAT?!" I yell at Deidara.
"What the hell, un! Why were you look under my bed? Yeah!" Deidara ignored me to yell at Tobi. I glare at Deidara as he glares at Tobi.
"Tobi head Tsuki-chan yelling at you about her book! Tobi thought it was best to check the room first!" Tobi replied happily, ignoring the menacing glare he was receiving.
"So why didn't you search her room first?! Hm!" Deidara yelled at Tobi again. I was curious about this myself. I had already checked everywhere besides the member's rooms. I would think if Tobi was trying to help find it, he'd search my room.
"That's Tsuki-chan's room! Tobi doesn't want Tsukiko mad at him!" Tobi replied as if it were obvious.
Deidara glares harder and mumbles, "Oh sure, you won't wreck her room but anyone else's you'll gladly do it."
Tobi nods and skips off to the kitchen, "Okay..." I mumble and head to the kitchen as well to get a cupcake to eat while I read.
"Hey Tobi-kun! What are you getting?" I ask with a smile as I grab a chocolate cupcake and a glass of milk with my book under my arm.
"Tobi is gonna get cookies!" Tobi replied jumping a little.
I laugh a little, "Alright, have fun! Thanks for getting my book by the way. I'm going to go finish it now, see ya later Tobi!"
"Wait Tsukiko-chan!"
"Hm?" I turn back to Tobi. "What is it?"
"Can Tobi read the book with you?"
"Uh.. Sure, we can try." I reply, a little unsure of how it would work.
"Yay! Let's go Tsuki-chan!" Tobi yelled as he bounced off to my room.
I chuckled and followed him, "Damn, she's really oblivious. Who woulda thought that Tobi would get a crush on her?! Un!" My eyebrows furrow a little.
'Who is Deidara talking about?' I wonder to myself as I quickly make my way to turn the corner. I slowly conceal my chakra so it seems I kept walking and I wait for Deidara to continue out of pure curiosity.
"What the hell are you going on about you fucker?!" Hidan yells at him with an irk mark.
Deidara rolls his eyes and replies, "Tsukiko! She's so damn oblivious! She can't tell tha-" Deidara stopped mid-sentence. My eyebrows furrowed then I felt Tobi's chakra, he must have felt it too. I quickly turn around to nearly run into Tobi. My eyes widen and I could tell he was about to ask me what was taking so long, so I quickly grabbed Tobi's hand and ran to my room.
"Huh... Coulda sworn Tobi was coming this way." Deidara mumbled, shrugging his shoulders.
"Tsuki-chan! What was taking you so long?!" Tobi yelled, whining to me.
"Eheh.. Sorry Tobi," I smiled and scratched the back of my head sheepishly. "I thought about getting another cupcake but, I changed my mind. Sorry again." I really hope he believes me.
"It's okay Tsuki-chan! Can we read now?? And eat cookies??" Tobi asked loudly, jumping up and down.
"Sure! But.. What do you have in mind on how to make it where we can both read at the same time?" I ask, tilting my head slightly.
I swear I could hear Tobi practically smile. Tobi grabs my hand and points to the edge of my bed. "You want me to sit at the edge of the bed?" Tobi simply nods, taking my book, cupcake and milk. As he sets them down, I sit down on the edge. Tobi turns around to see my sitting down and again, I could practically hear him smile as he sits down at the other end of my bed where my pillows were.
"Tobi? How are we-" I was cut off by Tobi because he surprised me by leaning up and wrapping his arms around my waist and pulling me back with him.
"Tobi-" I tried continuing but he simply put a finger to my lips and handed me my book.
"Tsukiko-chan can just hold the book while her and Tobi read together!" Tobi bounced a little.
I laugh a little, "Alright, this can work but I wanna eat my cupcake and drink my milk first." Tobi nods and hands me my cupcake and milk after I put the book down. While I eat, Tobi begins slipping some cookies under his mask to eat.
"Hey Tobi? Can I see your face?" I ask, turning around a little.
Tobi shakes his head no furiously, "Nooooo! Tsuki-chan can't see under Tobi's mask! Tobi's mask special!"
I pout a little, "Why not though?"
"Can Tsuki-chan read the book out loud?" Tobi bounces a little again. He's avoiding the subject. Hmph.
I set my cup down and cross my arms, turning my head, "Not until I can see under your mask."
"But Tsukiiii-channn! Please don't be mad at Tobi! Tobi doesn't want to take his mask off!" Tobi flailed his arms a bit.
I smile a little and turn around, "Can I take your mask off then?"
"That's not what Tobi meant!" Tobi flailed his arms some more, yelling.
I sigh, "Alright, we can just read the book then." I finally give in to him.
"Yay!" Tobi pulled me against him again and picked up the book.
"Alright," I began reading the story out loud for the both of us.
"Hikaru couldn't believe his eyes. There was Hitomi, the love of his life, dead. From what Hikaru could gather was the she had ended her own life. 'Hitomi.. Why would you do this to me? To us?' Hikaru started asking as tears slowly fell down his cheeks.
'I love you Hitomi..' he mumbled as he looked for a suicide note of some sorts. Hikaru wanted to find it if there was one so he could read it before alerting the authorities in fear that he may never be able to see it if he alerts them first. Hikaru spots a small piece of paper on Hitomi's desk and walks over to it and picks it up. The letter said:
'My dear Hikaru,
I'm sorry to have to write this. I can no longer take us being apart. If father were to catch us near each other again, he would kill us both. I took my own life, to save yours. Do not tell anyone that you have found me. After you read this, take it with you. If you don't wish to keep it then dispose of it away from the castle. I want you to leave and never come back here. Meet a special girl that will help to heal your heart, have beautiful children and always keep them safe. Remember that I'll always love you. You were my one and only.
Goodbye Hikaru,
Love, Hitomi.'"
I pause after reading the letter when I hear faint heavy breathing. I look behind me to see Tobi, who had fallen asleep. I pouted a little. The book wasn't that boring.. It was sweet. I sigh quietly and before I go to get up, I get an idea. If Tobi's asleep.. I can try to see under his mask! I slowly and quietly turn towards him and begin slowly lifting his mask up. Before I can lift it any higher than his mouth, Tobi grabs my wrist. "Gah! Tobi! Hi! Eheh.." I bite my lip and look down, feeling guilty.
"Why does Tsuki-chan want to see Tobi's face so badly?" Tobi asked and I lifted my head to look at him.
"I... I guess just pure curiosity." I replied honestly.
"If Tobi can get a present, Tobi will let Tsuki-chan know his secret and see his face." My face instantly brightens.
I nod my head yes, "What do you want as your present?"
"Tobi will tell you after he shows Tsukiko-chan. But if Tobi does, Tsuki-chan can't say no to what Tobi wants as his present!" Tobi exclaims happily.
I tilt my head slightly, "Um... Okay."
Tobi bounces up and down slightly before settling down and slowly lifting up his mask. I bit my lip in anticipation, "Tobi, come onnn!" I whine slightly, wanting Tobi to hurry.
Tobi chuckles but, it doesn't sound like his normal laugh, "If that's what Tsuki-chan wants." My eyes widen slightly. Tobi's voice has never been that deep before.
Tobi finishes taking his mask off and sets it down, looking at me. All I can do is stare in wonder, "Tobi I-" Tobi cuts me off before I can ask say anything.
"My real name is Obito. Obito Uchiha." My eyes widen slightly more. I had heard about the Uchiha's. I thought it was only Itachi and his younger brother.
"Obito..?" My statement came out more like a question.
Obito nods, "Are you ready to hear what I want as my present?" I nod my head this time. "I want you Tsukiko."
"What?" I ask, tilting my head to the side again slightly, completely confused.
"I would like you to be my girlfriend Tsukiko-chan. I've become very fond of you." Obito answers. My cheeks heat up.
"You want me... To be your girlfriend...?" I repeat as a question again. Obito nods.
"I like you a lot, Tsukiko-chan." Obito smiles a little.
I smile back, "I.. I like you too Obito."
"So you'll be mine?" Obito asks for confirmation.
I nod my head yes, smiling bigger, "Whatever that may entail."
Obito smiles a bit bigger too and lightly kisses my lips. My face gets very bright and Obito chuckles at my red face.
The end!
Comment, vote, fan, etc. Whatever you like ^.^
This was a request from AkanamiTsukiko
I am so sorry btw for taking so long ._. I will be working on another one for you ^.^ I hope you enjoyed the oneshot! :D
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