Tasting Fear | Sukuna Ryomen

• Sukuna Ryomen x f!reader smut oneshot

• Day 3 of Kinktober: Double Penetration.

SUMMARY: The King of Curses sends out Uraume to fetch his new concubine to birth his heir, and, unfortunately, it happened to be you.

CW: Heian era!Sukuna, historically innacurrate, Double penetration, spankings, degredation, Sukuna uses the word "whore", cunninglingus, slight hints of dub-con.

WC: 4k



It's a full moon tonight, and the night sky shines brightly, illuminated by the brightness of the moon, and the night air is cool, making your kimono sway in the wind.

Though, compared to the coolness of the night, you're feeling quite warm as sweat trickles down your forehead. Your hands are nervous as you dig the tips of your fingers into your palms, and your stomach is swarming with butterflies, making you feel rather ill.

It's a full moon.

That thought alone is enough to make your body quiver with fear.

In fact, you're trembling. Your hands start to shake as you fear the worst.

You look to your left and to your right and see the other girls on their knees with their heads down and their shaking hands in their lap, just as you are. For a split second, you don't feel so alone until you hear the banging of a drum.

It's a steady beat, and it resonates in your ears, causing your head to vibrate.

Thum, thum, thum, thum.

You swallow thickly as the beat gets closer, and the beat pounds in your head with each second it gets closer.

Thum, thum, thum, thum.

With one final slam, THUM!, the beat shakes your bones and you jump, whimpering as your worst fear has come true.

The King is here to collect his prize.

There's a defeaning silence. You hear someone's wooden sandals walk against the dirt of the ground, kicking around the dirt as they pace back and forth down the line of girls, furthering the intimidating atmosphere.

Then, they stop. Wooden sandals stop in front of you and your heart thumps loudly in your chest, and your eyes widen. You shake your head as tears begin to fall down your face.

"No, no, no, no..." You whimper under your breath.


The woman in front of you speaks, her tone, mocking as she erupts into laughter. She reaches down and immediately grips your hair, yanking your head up so you meet her face.

You're met with a sheet of pale skin, and a wicked smile is etched upon her face, only to be graced by mischievous, purple eyes. Her short, white hair is swept by the breeze of the night, but safely kept together by the red clips in her hair.

"You don't have a choice. Otherwise, the King will burn down your village, remember?" Her voice is low and sharp.

You can only whimper and nod in response—too scared to even reply.

The King of Curses.

You've only heard tales of horror about him. He burns down villages, murders women and children in cold blood, and captures the remaining survivors of the village as slaves to be used as servants at his temple.

"He's a demon! A living curse!"

Your grandmother would say each time the full moon arose, when the King's servants came to your village to pick his woman.

Then, of course, the women who were chosen to be concubines for the King were never seen or heard of again.

It was as if the walls inside the palace were impenetrable. No one had ever made it outside the King's temple to live and tell the horrible tale of Sukuna Ryomen, and no one from the outside had ever made it in, unless, they were invited, and those who were invited were never seen again.

The temple of the King of Curses—a black hole in the middle of Japan.

The woman lets your hair go and thrusts your head back down.

"Arise. We're off to his Majesty's temple at once."

The dirt crunches under her feet as she walks away towards the carriage.

Slowly, you rise off of your feet, and with a hanging head, you join the woman.

The ride is long and torturous.

The woman introduces herself as Uraume—the King's head servant. She serves the King closely, and retrieves anything he asks for, even the women he chose as concubines.

She also tells you the rules and how to approach the King.

"Do not make eye-contact with him unless instructed to by him."

"Do not speak to him unless spoken to."

"Do not refer to him so casually, even as you lie in bed together. He is His Majesty—nothing more, nothing less."

She continued to ramble on about the rules, but all you could do was focus on the fear that was quaking within your body, the tremors growing slowly within you as you neared the King's temple, until suddenly, the carriage comes to a halt.

Thump. Thump. Thump.

Your heart pounds loudly in your chest and your nails dig into your palms as you try to calm yourself, but, despite the numbing pain, your heart still keeps that quick, pounding beat.

"We're here."

Uraume is abrupt with her movements as she stands up. She grabs your hand and forces you to come with her, yanking you out of the carriage. You almost trip and fall, but luckily you catch yourself, stumbling over your feet as you catch your balance.

Uraume scoffs at you, rolling her eyes as she fixes her kimono before turning to you to fix yours.

"Be presentable in front of the King," she murmurs, almost scoffing at the fact that she can't believe she's bringing in someone like you in front of her lord.

Once she's done fixing your kimono, she turns away and starts walking up the steps of the temple, and you follow behind.

The palace is huge—your jaw nearly drops at the sight of it. Guards are posted at nearly every corner of the temple, and the steps lead all the way up to the temple that looks like it could sit in the sky.

Though, as big and as pretty as it was, as soon as you took a step on the stairs that led up to the temple, you felt a rush of cold shoot through your body. It was as if an evil shroud surrounded you, making chills run up and down your spine.

You look up at the temple again, knowing a certain evil must be resting inside.

That demon. The King of Curses.

Fear enshrouds you the entire time you walk up the steps to the temple, but, despite it, you persist, simply because you know you have to see who or what lies in that temple.

Finally, after climbing many steps, you arrive to the front of the temple. Uraume waves a stiff hand to the guards, and the guards move quickly to open the heavy front doors.

You swallow thickly.

A resounding bolt unlocks the doors, and they slowly open before coming to a slam shut once you and Uraume step inside.

The interior is huge, and red. Long archway made of red wood overarch the ceiling. Fountains of water run along the walls, and intricate murals adorn the walls full of—what you assume to be—epic battles and stories from what the King must've pursued, and, at the very end of the interior was his throne.

You bite your tongue once you see it. It lay empty, but the throne itself was full of blood, as it was shaped out of bones and human skulls, all of different sizes. It made your stomach churn.

"This way."

Uraume's voice suddenly tears you out of your sickly state, making you whip your head to find her opening up a shoji screen.

You follow her through it, making several twists and turns throughout the palace, until finally, you reach a large shoji screen.

You shiver. You feel that cold feeling again, knowing that a being of malice has to lie beyond this door.

This is it.

"Remember the rules. His Majesty Sukuna awaits you," Uraume shoots you a sharp look that sends ice down your spine. "Enter."

Slowly, she slides the shoji screen open.

You step in, and she suddenly slams the screen shut behind you, making you flinch.

You keep your head bowed, remembering the rules.

You hear a groan, a deep, rumbling groan escape from someone. Then you hear shifting, as if a large animal were moving. The movements are heavy, and slow.

Then, feet padding over to you, until they stop suddenly.

You see large feet out of your left peripheral and your heart drops to your stomach.

How big is he? You think to yourself as your breath starts to shake as you keep your gaze to the floor.

A finger. A large, thumb slides under your chin and your breath skips, and the thumb tilts your head up until finally, you see him.

The King of Curses. Ryomen Sukuna.

His face is made of something out of a nightmare. Half of his face is human, while the other half of it is made from—what looks like—wood. Two big, red eyes sit on the wooden piece, glaring down at you like you were something inferior, while his more human face also held two red eyes. His hair, stood like flames, and the color of it resembled something along those lines, too.

Your eyes follow his neck down, and they widen when you see his skin adorned with inky black tattoos, and they widen even further when you realize those tattoos follow not only two big arms, but four.

Your heart beats faster in your chest, and a lump forms in your throat as you let out even more shaky breaths when your eyes reach his stomach.

The demon was already large and intimidating, but there, something monstrous lies at his stomach as an opening suddenly reveals itself to you, and a large tongue licks its lips.

A mouth. On his stomach. So this is what the villagers meant when they said the King devoured.

"You must be the woman Uraume fetched for me," he suddenly says; his voice is deep, and it rumbles.

Your legs shake at the sound of it and you swallow thickly, completely too stricken with what feels like fear to speak.

He turns your head from the left and to the right, as if he's inspecting you.

"Hmm," he sighs and his tall stature leans down until his face is pressed into your neck and he sniffs. He pulls away, standing back up to his full height. "You'll do."

"Although..." He lets go of your face and he circles around you, slowly, putting one foot in front of the other like a tiger circling his prey. "...you're full of fear. I can see it. Smell it. Hear it. Touch it," he runs a hand down your back, making goosebumps arise on your arms. He grins a mouth full of big teeth and then leans down once more, pressing his face into your neck again. His tongue darts out and leaves a slow, long lick along your skin on your neck. He murmurs into your ear, "and taste it."

He hums when he hears your breath shake again, and with a low, amused chuckle, he pulls away.

"I must say, it tastes delicious. I think I want to taste it some more." He leans down once more, and he runs a long fingernail under your chin, making you whimper.

"That's it..." A laugh emanates from him—deep and loud—and he scoops you up with all four of his arms, and within seconds you're pushed down flat against the plush mattress of the King's bed, your face pressed into the pillows.

You want to struggle, you want to whine and try to kick Sukuna off because you know it's not right to have sex with a demon such as himself, but like a spider to the fly, he traps his prey within his arms and crawls on top of you, immediately spreading your legs out for him.

"You humans are so weak... so pathetic," he murmurs and he flips up the bottom of your kimono, revealing your bare ass to him. He grins, wickedly, and rubs a large hand over the smooth, supple flesh and then slaps it harshly with another one of his hands, causing you to jolt. You whimper again, and you clutch onto the bedsheets, feeling like you want to cry.

"Yet, you're perfect for carrying an heir... useful and disposable—just like you mortals should be."


Another meaty hand meets your ass and you let out another cry.

"Tsk. Human girls. Such finicky things..." He responds to your cry, and he uses two of his large hands to grip the globes of your ass while his other two hands spread your legs further apart. His eyes widen at the sight in front of him, and he grins, and laughs.

"I was going to make a complaint about having to take my time to make you wet, and yet, here you are..."

Your eyes widen at Sukuna's remark and you shake your head, finding it impossible that you're wet.

You're scared out of your mind. How could your body be betraying you in times like this?

"N-No..." You try to argue but Sukuna laughs—maniacally.

"Oh, yes, yes, I'm afraid... you're wet, girl."

He slides a thick knuckle down your slit, gathering up your slick and thrusts his finger in front of your face. The shine reflects in the light. You swallow harshly.

"I-I—" Your attempt to rebuttal falls weak to yet another laugh from Sukuna. He's cruel. He's mean, and yet, somehow, you're finding a very small piece of you liking it, apparently.

You catch yourself swiveling your hips in response to Sukuna touching you, hoping that he'd touch you again. The large demon and his large hands—his fingers—all of him, you hope that he touches you, admittedly.

Yes, he's a terrifying being, bit, maybe that's what's drawing you in. Maybe that's the grip that has a hold on you as your hands dig into the plush of the comforter while you beg for more.

"Oh?" Sukuna is amused once he sees your hips swivel in front of him.

"This is amusing..."


His large hand meets your plush bottom again and you jolt.

You whimper.

He grins.

"You don't bore me..." He grips your ass and pulls you forward towards him and he leans down and presses his large nose against the slick flesh between your thighs.

He smells. Deeply.

"I can smell it... your fear. Yet, you still behave like you want me. It is... pleasing," his voice lowers almost impossibly, and you grip your bedsheets again, gasping when he suddenly presses the flat of his tongue against the flesh of your cunt.

It's so wet, and it drools against your cunt as if it were a waterfall, leaving your head to be nothing but a dizzy mess.

The flat of his tongue rolls over your cunt as if he were testing your limits for something. His touch is light and teasing while he licks from top to bottom, grazing ever so lightly over your clit that has you squirming.

Sukuna notices this, and, amused, he grins and decides to earn your favor by closing his lips around your sensitive nub and suck.

His tongue prods at it, darting in and out of his mouth while suckling intently on your clit, and his nose presses into your folds, spreading the mess of your insatiable sin around as he sucks intently.

All of it leaves a burning feeling begin to kindle in your stomach. You're hot. You begin to sweat from how good Sukuna's tongue is. It's unbelievable that you're trapped beneath the demon's arms with his tongue pressing the button of your clit, over and over again, swirling and licking as if you were a delectable fruit, ripened for the slaughter.

His tongue is messy, too, leaving a trail of saliva everywhere his tongue leads, trailing down and onto the bedsheets, onto the sides of your thighs, and even somehow to your asshole where saliva leaks in.

All of it, all of the wetness makes your head spin, and the suckling of the clit only gets harsher and meaner when Sukuna detects that you're getting close. You whine, fingers grasping at the bedsheets for who knows what—as if the bedsheets were going to save you from the attack of Sukuna's tongue—meanwhile your breath quickens and the kindling fire in your belly grows and grows until it's a roaring fire, leaving you a panting mess.

"M-My Majesty... I-I'm—"

Your words are rewarded with another harsh slap onto your bottom once more, making you let out a cry from the soreness. It stings, and yet, it makes your cunt throb, and it twists the oven open in your stomach, leaving the roaring flame to become ablaze when you suddenly feel every inch of you shaking and crying as you cum.

Sukuna retreats his tongue, giving you room to shake and cry beneath him. He's amused while he watches the feeble human shake under him as he watches silky, white cream flow from your cunt.

He doesn't stop, though, as he grins and takes a finger and traces a sharp talon around your folds, making you twitch and whimper.

"Mmm... I could taste your fear, too," Sukuna licks his lips that are coated in your shine and grins.

He retracts his talons into his fingers, making his nails short and stubby while he plays with your wet pussy. He grins while he watches you twitch and shake beneath him.

It's cruel, you think, as you watch him with a dizzy head and a shaking body, how he plays with you like he's a spider and you're the fly, being spun into his web. Yet, unlike the fly, you're enjoying every second of the demon taking advantage of your fear.

Knowing that you're enjoying this, Sukuna decides to take things a bit further, and circle his finger around your asshole making your eyes widen.

"Your Majesty..." You begin to protest, but Sukuna tuts.

"Ah, ah, ah... no. It has to be done. This is how you will take me."

He commands it, and your body tenses up as his finger glides over the wet entrance of your asshole, covered by your slick and his saliva.

"No. Don't be so tense."

Another command voiced by his low tone, and it's almost aggravated. It makes you weak as your muscles loosen.

He hums, pleased by your obedience. His finger slowly dips into your asshole, groaning at how tight it is, he feels his cocks twitch at the feeling.

"Tight..." His voice rumbles.

Slowly, he prods his finger in and out of it, getting you to open up as his finger pushes in deeper, and deeper each time he pushes it in, until his knuckle reaches the base of your ass, and by the time his knuckle reaches it, your body is a heated mess from having to take his thick finger in your ass.

"Aaah... Majestyyy..." You whine, your fingers digging into the mattress.

Your whines only heightened when Sukuna pushes in yet another finger into your ass. You almost scream from the pleasure, but you're too distracted from how full his fingers make your ass feel.

Your eyes almost cross when he begins the same motion again, pumping them in and out, slowly, and then, when he's satisfied, he adds yet another finger.

You're melting from his fingers. Your body becomes a limp mess, your knees weaken as you slowly melt into the mattress, but, despite it, Sukuna keeps you held up with one hand placed underneath your thigh.

"Now..." Sukuna hums and he withdraws his fingers, leaving your hole gaping and needing. "Be good."

It's a simple command, and it leaves you wondering what he means by that. You turn your head to get a better look at him, and you see him removing his black bottoms slowly.

He unwraps the thick fabric from around his waist, and as it moves down his body, your eyes widen once you're revealed as to why he needed to prep both of your holes.

Two cocks.

Both of them, heavy and thick. One rests on top of the other while the other one hangs down on top of a heavy set of balls.

You swallow thickly and the demon grins.

"Stay as you are, human," he grunts as he moves forward on top of you, trapping you within his four arms.

Not like I have a choice, you think to yourself as you let out shaky breaths.

You feel his cocks brush against your holes and you whimper to yourself, unsure if you're able to take both of them, especially at the same time.

Sukuna, though, doesn't leave room for argument as he quickly cuts to the chase, pressing the tips of his cocks against each hole, and then, slowly, he pushes each cock in leaving you moaning and feeling so full.

"F-Fuuuu..." You can't even finish your sentence as your body feels so stuffed to the brim. You lean the front of your body down, pressing against the mattress, feeling yourself wanting to go limp.

Once more does Sukuna not give you the time to react, once he pushes in, he goes in all the way, and then he pulls out, and goes back in, starting with agonizing slow thrusts.

Immediately, your brain is turned off. You're nothing but a measly bunch of holes to him as he starts to fuck you.

Large, meaty hands grab your bottom, keeping it up, while the other hands push your head down into the mattress.

You're floored with how good this feels, feeling stuffed to the brim as each cock moves in and out of you, and as his pace quickens.

He's thick and girthy, and you feel your walls clinging to him as he fills you out, each thrust filling you out more and more as each second passes, leaving you a babbling mess as you continue to take Sukuna deep within you.

"Haaa... aaah..."

Sukuna chuckles at this, finding it almost hilarious that a human such as yourself is enjoying this. Usually his prey are weak and so full of fear that they can't even take him, and yet, you... you're different. Your fear fuels you, turning you on to such an extent that you accept him fully, to the point where you're taking both of his cocks so well.

"Hmmph, what a good hole you are... so easy to use... you don't fight back." He grins. "I'm loving this."

With that, his pace grows more intense and brutal. You whine as his hips meet yours in harsh snaps—skin meeting skin in a loud cacophony, among other sounds—your bottom snaps back against him, jiggling with each motion. He groans at the sight, and removes one of his hands from your head and smacks your bottom with a resounding clap, making you whine again.

It's nasty, and it's so delectable that you're being stuffed and impaled as if you were one of his poor victims meeting the end of his sword, that it sends your head spinning with pleasure, and soon, your gut twists as you feel yourself coming close to your end.

You tighten around him as a result and the demon grunts.

"Tight little—" he breathes, gritting his teeth as he feels close, too. "—whore."

His pace quickens, becoming meaner by the second as you feel the tips of his cocks meet your cervix, fucking you dumb as you lay against the mattress, until, finally, you tighten around him again, and again, and again, and—


You finally cry out as your legs shake, and tremble, finishing around his cock, earning a loud grunt from him.

With one final, mean, snap of his hips, you feel him bruise against your cervix and your ass. You feel his cocks throb as he finally leaks into you, spilling his white seed inside you, leaving you more full than you already were.

Sukuna grins while he watches you babble dumbly beneath him, trying to gain a sense of reality back. He huffs and he pulls away, his cocks leaking out of your holes as he begins to dress his lower half again.

"Mm, good little whore. I suppose I'll keep you around to see an heir, yes?"

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