Mother's Day

(So I decided to make a chapter about the hollow heads as kids and Alan as a dad stick figure it would be wholesome, just imagine their mom as Alan's wife, and I imagine her as a magenta stick figure but you can imagine her however you want, also Second is Alan's favorite XD)

Alan took the hollow heads to the store to pick out a Mother's Day gift. "Okay kids, here are the things for Mother's Day." He says, pointing at some Mother's day cards. "You kids can look for things." He said smiling. Dark runs to another aisle, leaving Mother's day things behind. "CAN I HAVE THISS!" He screams. Picking up an action figure of a powerful stick figure. "Dark, for the last time... this is Mother's Day, not 'Dark's B-day'." Alan snaps. Dark's head droops in disappointment and embarrassment. He muttered to himself as he walked back to the Mother's Day aisle. Alan follows behind looking at the gifts carefully.

"This one is nice." Victim says, holding up a crown. Alan looks up at the crown that Victim held. "It is. Here, put it in this bag." He says, handing out a bag. Second runs with a card. "This?" He says happily and innocently. "Awe that's really cute, Kaori will love it." Alan says, taking the card to look at it, then he places it in the bag. Dark comes up with a purse. Of course, Dark always goes for the expensive stuff, and who has to pay? Me. Alan snatches the purse from Dark. "No. We are NOT getting this Dark. Go put it back NOW." He scolded. He saw Dark with a surprised and startled face. He backs away slowly as he puts back the purse. Alan felt a little bad, but he had to show that he wasn't playing with Dark. Chosen comes back with nothing. "Did you find something?" Alan asks him. Chosen shook his head. Alan rolled his eyes. "Ughh, for heaven's sake, why are you two middles so annoying." He grumbled loud enough for Chosen to hear.

Chosen felt ashamed. He looks around for something decent. That's it! A bouquet of flowers! He grabs a bouquet of flowers and runs to Alan. "I found flowers! Kaori wil-" he says before getting cut off by Alan snatching the flowers. "No. These are literally $20. Go find something else or forget it." He says, rolling his eyes annoyedly. Chosen's eyes low. He looks at Alan sadly, then walks away with the flowers. 

Dark sat in a corner of a candy aisle. He sighs. Why does Alan not want to buy a purse! Mom would've loved it... he says, wiping tears out his eyes from Alan's outburst. Then Dark spots a bag of Mother's Day candy. Dark flails his arms in excitement. He runs to the bag of candy, only to bump into Chosen. "OW!" Chosen yells. Dark falls the opposite way. Hitting the floor. "OWWW!!!!" Dark cries. Chosen turns to look around and runs away. Leaving Dark crying on the floor. (Lol)

Chosen was kind of lost, a few minutes later he see his brother, Victim. Victim goes to Chosen. "Boy, do you know how much trouble you guys are in?" Victim says in a sarcastic tone "I don't care smarty!" Chosen yells at Victim. Victim rolls his eyes. "Yeah, sure." he says. They leave the aisle and Victim leads him to Alan. 

Alan had found Dark, he was angry with both of them. "WHAT WERE YOU TWO THINKING? RUNNING AWAY LIKE THAT!?" Alan yells to Chosen, making people stare at them. "Uh.. uh... I... I was trying to find a very special gift for mom..!" Chosen says stuttering in embarrassment. "WELL I BROUGHT YOU TO THIS AISLE, AND YOU LEFT, BOTH OF YOU." He yells, looking at Chosen and Dark. Second starts to cry. "LOOK, NOW SECOND IS CRYING!" Alan yelled again, picking up Second. "Alan.. we should go home now." Victim suggested. "Yeah, and you two," Alan says, pointing at Chosen and Dark. ",YOU TWO ARE GONNA STAY IN YOUR ROOMS UNTIL TOMORROW." Alan says, then walks away to pay for the Mother's day gifts that only Second and Victim got unfortunately. Dark glares at Chosen, and Chosen rolls his eyes at Dark. "Your fault, all the way." Dark mutters. "No, yours." Chosen retorts. They go to the checkout. Only buying 2 things. A cheap silver crown, and an amazing card. If only I got the bag of candy... Dark thought to himself. He glares at Chosen again. Chosen deserved to be in trouble. He didn't even help him get up when he fell, and just ran away. He even made Dark forget to grab the candy. 

After they finished paying, Dark grabs the bag. But Chosen snatched it. "I'M HOLDING IT!" He snaps. Dark gets angry. "NO! I AM!" He snatches the bag back. Chosen hits Dark on the head. "OWWWWWWWW!!!!!!" Dark yells, as Alan snatches the bag from both of them, his face was angry, as people stared at them. "YOU GUYS!!!" Victim says annoyedly. Alan turns to Victim. "You can hold it." He says. Victim takes the bag and holds the door open. The Becker family walks out. "Mommy will love this!" Second says with a smile. Dark walks slowly as he thinks about the purse he could've gotten for Kaori. He glances at Chosen angrily while holding his head that Chosen hit. They go into the car. Alan sits second in his car seat. And Dark pushes Chosen to the side to get in first. Chosen trips as Dark pushes him. Dark sits down in the back. His arms crossed. He keeps his arms crossed the whole way home. Chosen glares at Dark. He rolls his eyes and looks out the window. Alan calls from the front. "You, Chosen and Dark. Don't forget you're both still in trouble." He says. 

As they get home, Alan made Dark and Chosen go to their room. Second gave Kaori the card, and Victim gave her the crown. Everything was peaceful without Dark and Chosen fighting all the time. And everyone (Except Chosen and Dark XD) had an amazing day. :D

(Yes this was cringe kinda but if you don't think so I could make more things about them if they were young :D maybe with the Fighting sticks too)

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