Chapter 2- The Group

I licked the dripping blood from my muzzle and black nose. The scarlet liquid stained the tan fur along my lips. I looked down at the dead man at my wolf paws. I turned into a cat as I heard a twig snap behind me. My brown tabby pelt bristled as I whipped around to face the intruder. It wasn't a Z or it would've set off one of my traps. I looked at the combat boots in front of me. Above the boots was a set of skinny legs with ripped jeans. The girl was pointing her gun at me, straight in my face. My pink nose was almost at the barrel of the gun. I twitched my ear and flicked my tail slowly. 

"Meg! Warren wants you at the truck!" Someone yelled from a distance. The girl relaxed a little and laughed to herself. I yowled as she reached down and grabbed me. The the voice from before got closer and it turned out to be a very tall girl with darker skin. "Meg, Warren said she'll leave without you." The girl stopped and crossed her arms." 

"Sorry, Haley. Tell Warren I'll be back in a minute." Haley shrugged and jogged back the way she came. This 'Meg' girl tossed me up to her shoulder and carried me back like a baby. I was so uncomfortable. I unsheathed my claws and dug them into her camo shirt trying to make her drop me. When that didn't work I got pretty mad. Oh no not now. Please not now. Too late. I was a lion. I was a lion crushing the girl who was carrying me. No. The girl who was carrying the cat me.

"Whoa what the hell?!" She screamed while trying to get away. Oh god don't stress me out! Nope now I'm a rat. I scurried away towards a tree. My pink paws scraped frantically at the trunk as I tried to climb it. 

"Oh, now I'm hanging in the air by my tail. Huh, fun." I grumbled. I crossed my small arms over my brown and white chest. I looked at the person holding me. Upsidedown all I saw was his shoes which wasn't much help. I looked up and saw a spikey haired teenager with goggles. "Do you mind sir?" He dropped me to the floor and mid-air I changed into a cat. "All this changing is tiring people! Stop stressing me out." I finally leaned against a tree as a human. 

"Meg? 10k? What's with all the racket?" I heard a man's voice this time. 

"Oh, nothing. Just a freaking animal girl!" Meg yelled at a hippie looking old man. 

"A what?" 

"A-a girl who-" '10k' looked at me. "Shape-shifts?" 

"That's a 100% for you 10k. A+. You passed with flying colors. Now do you have any food?" I replied sarcastically. 

"Yeah kid, let's get back to Warren and the others." The old man stuck out his hand to me. "Call me Doc."

"Kayleigh. But I also have a name for each of my animals. Just know my lion is Shiva, cat is Pipin, and wolf is Vix. I won't respond to anything else, got it?" The three people nodded and we walked back to their group.

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