*following the events of the last chapter*
"Okay where were we?" Nick Fury asked, settling back into his chair. The teens grabbed a chair and sat, listening on the adult's conversation intently. The Avengers were all seated randomly, but each listened with the upmost attention. Well, except for Clint who was leaning back in his chair, and twiddling an arrow in-between in fingers. Though he looked casual, one could tell he was paying attention to how quiet he was being.
Tony was the only one standing up (besides Hulk, who stood in the back of the room with his arms folded silently, there were no chairs that could with-hold his immense size) and displaying a holographic screen to the others. The screen showed charts, and graphs, as well as many algorithms and formulas, all from the data collected from the Infected. Tony tapped a certain diagram that showed one of the DNA structures from the Infected before the gas attack, and one after. "Anyway, as I was saying," Tony continued, "These are bits of DNA that was taken from Rhino before he was gassed. The formula that Rhino had injected in him, genetically changed his DNA structure and bonded with his blood, and rearranged its anatomy-which is why half actually looks like a Rhino. Now the gas, it's composed of a lot of chemicals; some of which even S.H.E.I.L.D scientists can't identify-"
"You too." Sam Wilson interrupted.
Tony grumbled, "Well-yeah, for the time-being anyway." He coughed in his fist and continued. "Anyway, there are a few chemicals that have been discerned, including some which are found in many anabolic steroids." Tony was interrupted again by Flash who raised his hand and said," Wait, wait, wait-steroids?"
Amadeus nodded, "Yeah, anabolic steroids. It's a synthetic steroid hormone that develops muscle growth, and enhances physical capacity. That actually explains the rapid growth that the infected keep experiencing, the anabolic steroids are strengthening them, and actually heightening their development."
The Avengers, especially Tony, blinked in surprise. Fury and the other teens were fully aware of Amadeus's genius brain, but the Avengers must have missed the memo. "Wow, you actually understand what I'm saying?" Tony smirked. Amadeus scoffed, and crossed his arms over his chest stubbornly, "Puh-lease, this stuff is easy-peasy." He said, a cocky tone underlining his words.
"Really?" Tony mumbled in interest. "You know, maybe you can help me in the lab sometime." Amadeus didn't answer, but inside he felt a bubble of excitement. Finally, he might be able to use a lab to really be able to study the gas, besides (he'd never admit it) but he actually always wanted to work with Tony. But that moment of happiness and awe was interrupted when Tony added, "If you don't get in the way."
Before Amadeus could shoot back a snarky reply, Clint interrupted "Okay you nerds can spew geek over each other later. Just continue on Tony, I may not be able to understand a single thing you're saying, but that doesn't mean I'm not listening." Tony shot Clint a raised eyebrow, but turned back to his screen.
"As I was saying, and as Iron Spider explained, the anabolic steroids are enhancing the infected. So we know whoever did do this, wanted them to be as strong and capable as they could. Although that many steroids isn't really healthy for the body, and since the carbon monoxide in their bodies are weakening any of the healing factors or metabolism defenses that they did have against harmful chemicals, the steroids could have a negative effect. But that also brings up another point," Tony tapped the holographic screen and another diagram came up. "This is some of Spider-Man's DNA after he showed signs of calming aggression, and perhaps even intelligence-after we had captured him again. It seems the carbon monoxide poisoning only has a short-term effect before it starts dissipating, and allowing the bodies regular healing capabilities to come back fully. So we know whoever did this WANTED to enhance the infected, but also wanted all their powers and extra abilities completely intact. We still don't know why the Infected had displayed levels of such aggression and anger, but it could be from an attack on the Amygdala, which is the part of the brain that controls emotion-although I have yet to figure out how that attack came to be, and what it wants to accomplish." Tony scratched his chin, suddenly deep in though.
Everyone sat in silence for a moment, the other Avengers examined the screens with impeccable attention. The teens also showed signs of interest, but some of them still didn't quite get what Tony was saying (including Hawkeye). But didn't say anything, they figured Tony knew what he was talking about.
But Nick coughed loudly, breaking the silence. "Need I remind you that we are on a schedule?" He asked, "Continue to the next part of the meeting."
"Yes Sir," Tony saluted sarcastically, but told J.A.R.V.I.S to save the data into a folder and send it to himself, and bring out another file containing more information (and theories') involving the Infected. Before he started though, he shot the teen heroes a hesitant gaze. "You sure you want them here Fury? This might get a little..." Tony scratched his neck.
"What?" Nick prompted dryly.
"Awkard," Tony said. "I mean, teens, hormones-the kind of stuff that should be discussed with-you know, parents." The teens immedianly disagreed. "I'm sure we can handle whatever it is your talking about." Nova said.
"Yeah, we're very mature." Power-Man added.
"Well, most of us anyway." Dagger noted, shooting Agent Venom and Nova a small look. Tony still didn't look to sure, but Nick shrugged. "You heard them; go on Tony." Tony sighed, but nodded.
"Alright then, but don't cry to me when things get really, really awkward." He brought up another screen. This one had information and facts involving the diets of animals, habits, habitats, behaviors, and...reproduction instincts? On the animals that the Infected heroes resembled. Right at looking at the information, the teens wondered if they made a mistake in staying. Tony cleared his throat, but started saying, "Anyway, I've looked into the eating habits, and behaviors of spiders, tigers, rhinos, squirrels, and fish. I've come up with a good list of food that we can send to the Infected, so that won't be a problem. A problem that we MIGHT encounter on the other hand, is the-uh, reproductive instincts that they might be experiencing."
The teens were quiet for a moment, "Excuse me?" Cloak commented.
The adults in the room shared a look, and motioned for Tony to continue. Tony glared at them, but said none-the-less, "Um, yeah. We've seen the natural instincts from normal animals show up in the behavior of the Infected, which got me thinking also about the reproductive instincts in animals as well. Since Spidey defeated and/or made the others submit to him, that makes him Alpha of their-hmm...pack. And the Alpha of the pack is naturally to choose a mate. Since he defeated all the other...uh...males, then that gives him the right to pick a female."
The teens were frozen for a moment, "You mean Spidey is going to...." Nova swallowed thickly. "Like...uh...do...IT with-with-GAH! I can't even say it!"
Tony shrugged, "Uh...well, we don't know for sure if this is going to happen. Technically, their all different species, and that would be cross-breeding-I guess. Animals don't usually...uh...mate with animals not within their own species. But we can't be sure with how the Infected are affected by the chemicals, their brains might be working different and Spidey might actually...uh...you know..." Tony finished a little awkwardly. He could usually talk about this kind of thing, but when there were teens involved....well, things can get a little uncomfortable.
The teens eyes were as wide as saucers, "Uh....." Agent Venom mumbled.
"S-so, um...what will happen if they do, uh....you know...m-mate?" Dagger asked, struggling to get the last word out.
Tony scratched the back of his neck, "I don't think you want to know."
It was quiet again, "You know, I think I have some training to do." Power-Man suddenly said.
"Oh, yeah. Training, I better go too." Agent Venom agreed.
"Team training is very important." Iron Fist replied calmly.
"You know for once, I'm gonna say it: I wanna go train." Nova said.
"Yeah, I probably should go too." Dagger nodded.
"Come on, let's go." Cloak said. They all turned to Amadeus who had remained quiet. He shrugged at their gazes, "What?" he demanded. "Yeah, okay. It's kind of weird, but I want to stay. There could be something here which can help me with my own research."
The teens slowly backed to the exit of the room, "Yeah, sorry buddy. You're on your own." Power-Man said. "See ya...uh...Avengers..." and the teens (excluding Iron Spider) were out of the room before anyone could say: Odd teenage hormones.
Tony coughed into his fist again, "Okay, moving on..."
Back in the Academy, Spider watched his sleeping comrades with interest. He knew they were going through some changes, the same changes that he had been going through. They were probably hurting, and feeling intense, and extreme rage. He had tried to keep them from fighting as long as possible, but eventually-well, they just wouldn't listen.
So he and the voice came up with the next best thing, and cocooned them all. They struggled, and fought, and hissed but eventually they fell asleep. It looked uncomfortable on the floor, so Spider constructed a big, comfy web and placed them on there. Now he was just waiting for them to wake up.
Spider didn't have much to do, but his stomach was beginning to hurt, and made an odd growling noise. It left him feeling nauseous, and slightly angry. He hated this sensation! It was unpleasant! Spider heard the voice scoff, Oh please, he sighed. You just hungry. You're not going to-like, die or anything.
Well it felt like it to him. He needed to find something to satisfy this...hunger... Yeah, try looking in the cafeteria. I heard they had Sloppy Joes in there today! The voice piped up. Cafeteria? Sloppy Joes? What are those? Spider was so confused.
Oh, just...never mind. Get off your rear-end and go find something to eat! The voice advised. Spider cocked his head to the side, and looked at his comrades worried. He couldn't just leave them here! Would if they woke up? Would if they started fighting again? He needed to stay here and look after them, make sure they'll be okay.
Spider stubbornly shook his head, and stayed nestled in his corner of the web. Come on! The voice whined. I'm hungry too! They'll be fine, I promise. Our webs are stronger than most people think. Spider still refused to get up. He would not allow himself to be swayed by the voice, not this time. He tried blocking out the voice, but it was hard to block out an annoying voice in his head.
You know, the others will be hungry too. Do you know what a good leader would do? The voice asked. Spider thought for a moment, but couldn't come up with an answer. He shifted his position on his web uncomfortable.A good leader would go find his friends some food! FOOD! Come on six-arms, even you can't stay the 'big strong Alpha' if your weak from hunger. Spider thought again. The voice did make sense...he did feel weaker with this hungry sensation.
Spider carefully maneuvered his way around the web, careful not to disturb the sleeping mutated teens. He shot them one more concerned glance, before scuttling down the wall and out of the room he had been located in. He followed the voices instruction, before coming to a sealed room. Spider sniffed around a little, and found his way to the door.
He tore the door from its hinges, and carelessly threw it behind him. The wonderful smell of food greeted him, and Spider followed it to a section of the room-cafeteria the voice called it-that still had a few plates of some sort of food. It was red, with bit of meat in it. There was some other, softer food by it. Buns the voice identified them as, but they didn't look as appealing. Bring them anyway, the voice ordered. Squirrel Girl will like them.Squirrel Girl? The female with the fuzzy tail, and big teeth. Spider didn't like to be told what to do, but...if 'Squirrel Girl' really would like them.
He huffily gathered the buns in a few of his arms, before turning to the meaty sauce. Spider wouldn't have preferred to eat it, he liked his food alive, squirming and wrapped in webs (not his comrades of course). No, nuh-uh, no way! Just get that out of your mind right now six eyes! We. Are. Not. Eating. Bugs! The voice said.
Spider hissed, he would not be told what to do. By a voice in his head no less! But Spider grabbed the meaty sauce, all that he could find, before heading back to his nest. He crooned softly to himself, pleased to think his 'friends' would like what he found. As he walked, Spider explored some of the voices memories for food that did seem enticing.
There was an image of a metal, creature with weapons and wings. To the voice it was an enemy, a foe, so certainly the voice wouldn't mind if he ate that. What?! No! You're not eating The Beetle! Ew! Just...ew! For one bug-breath he's a person, and were not eating people! And two, just-NO! EW! Ew! Ew! Spider hissed in agitation; then what could he eat? The food he gathered would not be enough for his hungry team.
The voice offered no suggestion, so the Spider angrily ignored him. It wasn't long before Spider found his way back to the nest, where some of his comrades had awoken. Rhino, and Squirrel Girl were still asleep. But Triton, Tiger, and Zabu were awake and squirming,
They turned to Spider once he entered the room, and cocked their head to the side when they smelled the food he brought with him. Spider set the food down, and crawled back on the web. He approached Zabu first, the big cat was whining and fighting to get free, eyes hooked on the food.
He seemed calmer than before, a good sign. Spider hissed at Zabu, a warning to behave, before ripping the webbing loose. Immedianly Zabu lunged for the food, but Spider held him back forcefully. Zabu yowled in anger, and swiped at Spider with his claws. Spider immedianly bared his fangs to remind Zabu who was in charge; the giant cat ceased his fighting at Spider's warning, but kept his eyes fixated on the food.
Spider hissed at Zabu to stay still, and went to help out Triton and Tiger. They too could barely restrain from gulping all the food down, but a few hisses and growls from Spider was enough to hold them back. They all seemed relatively calmer, and not so aggressive as before. Very good.
Spider jumped down from the web, landing right in front of the food. He glanced at his team, wondering how to make sure they all got some of the meal. The voice suggested dividing it, while Spider was still angry at the voice; he still took its advice and carefully divided the food into equal sections.
He gave the awakened Infected their sections, which they gobbled down immedianly, and set the others aside. Zabu and Tiger finished rather quickly, and looked a little more satisfied with something in their belly. Zabu walked up to Spider, and shyly rubbed his head against one of the arachnid's arms and purred softly. Spider was surprised by the act, and hesitantly patted Zabu's head in acknowledgement. Tiger didn't rub against him, or purr, but she did look at him rather gratefully and lay down off to the side (not to far from him) and relaxed.
It wasn't any later that Squirrel Girl and Rhino woke from slumber, and he gave them food too. The voice was right, Squirrel Girl did enjoy the buns, and Rhino sort of did too. Though he did seem a bit reluctant to eat them. Afterward Triton, Rhino, and Squirrel Girl all left to explore the Academy, while Spider, Zabu, and Tiger remained by the nest.
Spider relaxed on his web, he had eaten some of the food as well. His portion had been a tad smaller than the others, and it hardly did anything for his still-aching belly, but he didn't complain. His pack was fed, and his job was done. As he lay, his thoughts drifted.
His body still ached, but he had gotten used to it and wasn't concerned. Spider noticed his body growing in size, but he didn't really care for that either. As long as he was well enough to watch his team, he would be okay. It was quiet for a moment, before the voice decided to interrupt it all. So, I realize you-I...uh....we? Have animal instincts now, you wanna tell me what those are? You know, just enlighten me on the subject.
The voice was still annoying and persistent, but Spider would handle that too. Besides, he could also try and ignore him for as long as possible.
Oh you better not ignore me! I want to know if you have the sudden urge to eat a fly-or Beetle for that matter! Hey! You listening to me? You can't ignore me forever!....So help me six-eyes I will annoy the living crap out of you!!!
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