birthday bash 4?

The screen show Alem tuber on a building as he leaped down and raced off

angry Luigi bounced off a race as they cross paths

We see a city with lights everywhere and there are even christmas gifts then a green blur rushes past the streets as we see A 6 year old in a green jacket and a blue scarf and some snowboots running across the streets fastly as he increased his speed and jumped over a car and then landed and continued to run around and took a deep right and leaped across the walls in a alleyway then landed and ran out of it his name was Brandy .

Brandy ran all the way back home to his house and jumped out of his boots and took off his jacket

"oh back all ready brandy?" a woman asked as she had purple eyes and some weird star on her hand as she had blonde hair and wore a purple gown

Yep brandy said and zipped to his room and did a small dance then put on his green pyjamas and dashed down stairs

"Mommy do I really have to go to the foster care can't i just go to stay at another place ". Brandy asked

"Sweetie we talked about this i can't take you to daddy because he has problems " skylia said and brushed his hair as brandy yawned

"Angry Luigi" brandy said "yeah that's my new nickname because of my anger issues and I love that Luigi guy" angry Luigi said and drank some hot chocolate and spit some out

"My tongue." angry Luigi said .

"Are you okay sweetie" skylia said and put some magic sugar to try and cool it down .


A silloute just looked up to the skies and jumped off the building and landed on the ground and sprayed relish on two guys

"Hey what the heck!?" one of them called out as the silloute laughed and jumped on the walls then into a apartment

"See ya suckers" the silloute laughed


Angry Luigi was sleeping in bed as skylia sighed

"I wish I didn't have to do this but I fear those demons might have been led by Sabrina it's too dangerous for brandy to be near me ". skylia said and sighed

"Don't worry about it he'll be fine" a mysterious voice said .

"Ugh not you again". skylia said .

"What's wrong still mad because I touched you" drell asked revealing himself

"Listen I'm not talking to you!" skylia shouted

"Your still talking " .drell said as skylia used a spell to teleport drell to a sea of sharks .

"Oh she is hard to get "drell said as the sharks jumped him

Angry Luigi and skylia was seen in a car driving in new York

You okay sweetie you've been quiet skylia said looking back as angry Luigi who was looking at his bracelet

Yeah angry Luigi said.

Listen it's not goodbye forever when I'm done with my problems I will come back for you skylia said as the arrived at an apartment.

Stay safe sweetie skylia said and hugged him .

Angry Luigi waved good bye as he was kinda broken inside.

So your brandy a woman named miss hannigan asked.

Yeah angry Luigi said.

Hm you look like the other guy she said

Hm angry Luigi said.

The alem tuber kid he always runs off and does what ever he wants mrs hannigan said anyway head upstairs she said

Angry luigi walked upstairs and entered a room and saw 5 girls one was Annie another was pepper isabella tessie and Mia.

hello all the girls except Pepper greets as Angry luigi sighs and waves at them before falling on a bed .

woah this is a weird Pepper asked.

I know who comes into a foster care then faints ?Mia asked

No She Mean's he's the second boy to come here Annie said

and he looks like alem tuber tessie said

We should let him get some sleep he's proably had a hard time Annie said

Angry Luigi woke up a bit and heard Annie singing.

Alem tuber came back by jumping through the window and landing on a bed causing Angry Luigi to be flung out the window as Angry Luigi looked down and fell into a garbage bin

he's back pepper said annoyed

hi alem Mia said.

your leader is back alem tuber said as a hand passed him a bottle with a red bow as alem tuber looked at it and saw angry Luigi who smiled smally

my gosh they're twins Annie said .

oh yeah Mia said wait what angry Luigi and alem tuber asked . before miss hannigan came in.

well well well looks like the twins have met and I don't care all of you clean up this orphanage and make it shine .

alem tuber groaned and then glared at angry Luigi.

You your in mega trouble miss hannigan said and dragged alem tuber out of the room

your dead alem tuber said as the girls started mopping angry Luigi smirked as he started cleaning with his super speed

woah Annie said and had an idea and grabbed angry Luigi "in ya go: she said and dumped him in a basket then jumped on a bed and in.

the other girls used the bedsheets to cover them up

the girls pushed the cart outside as a man put it in a truck and drove off.

girls where is Annie Mrs hannigan asked walking towards them

she is in the laundry truck pepper said.

wait wait Mrs hannigan said running after the truck as alem tuber ran out and ran the other way.

What Now Angry luigi asked Annie.

I'm going to look for my real parents Annie said I know they're out there somewhere .

"Ok I'll Help" Angry luigi said as the duo continued to walk a cop was slowly following the duo until Annie And Angry luigi noticed him and ran in different Directions to fool him as he ran after Annie

Angry luigi was wondering where he was until he saw alem tuber dash and Look at the sky and run into an alleyway.

Hey you Angry luigi said as he soon heard Barking as a dog was running towards Angry luigi who ran off after Alem tuber

Alem Help Angry luigi said as he caught up with his brother as alem tuber punched him down.

"go away we're not brother" Alem tuber said and then looked up to see sandy run behind him as Boys conrened them.

Oh great it's you guys again Alem tuber said .

It's you a boy said starring at alem tuber

Yikes Angry Luigi said and jumped on a crate as Annie came into the scene

Leave them alone . Annie said with her hands on her hips

Or else what a boy asked as Annie punched him in a face the punched another boy then Alem tuber Kicked a third boy in the gut as the rest ran off .

Losers Alem tuber said.

thanks Angry luigi said.

Hey no prob they come again I'll knock thier tooths out Annie bragged.

I like you Annie Alem tuber said as Sandy walked near Annie As Angry luigi grew nervous.

come on let's go alem tuber said

Meanwhile 3 kids was walking one had a pimple on his face he wore a red jacket with a sword sash one had a golden tooth

This was Alex Jack and reply

the group walked as Annie sang to Sandy as alem tuber ran off with angry Luigi following him

wait up angry Luigi said.

what do you want? alem tuber asked

we're brothers angry Luigi said so we gotta stick together .

You really think so you damm idiot alem tuber shouted mad as angry Luigi dashed off into the distance as alem tuber chased his brother across New york


hey you a cop said pointing at Sandy.

me Annie asked

No the dog the cop said

Wait sir He's My dog Annie said.

Really now the cop said what's his name ? "Sandy" Annie said "because of his Sandy skin"

Oh yeah Walk over there the cop said as Annie did as she was told.

Call for Him The Cop said

Annie Gulped and knelt down

Here Sandy here Boy Annie said as Sandy Looked confused as Annie took out a piece of corn

"Come to Mommy" Annie said as Sandy ran over

Ok Make sure the dog has a leash The cop said

will Do Annie said and continued to walk with Sally

Angry Luigi and Alem tuber raced by as they race across the streets as Brock and Beth was sipping tea and sees this

Alem tuber leaped trying to punch Angry Luigi who leaped away aas Alem tuber and Angry Luigi keep racing

Alem tuber Chased Angry luigi near a shipping area as Angry luigi hopped on a crate as Alem tuber Jumped Up and Punched it as Angry luigi hopped off at the last second and dashed off at high speeds as Alem tuber tossed the crate away and dashed after Angry Luigi "I'll crush you" Alem tuber said as Angry Luigi was cornered as Alem tuber smirked and ran towards Angry Luigi who put his hand on the ground as a crystal wall rose under Angry luigi lifting him up and alem tuber ran into it as Angry Luigi dashed away as Alem tuber walked back before punching the crystal platform breaking it then chasing Angry luigi into town

Meanwhile Annie And Sandy was walking in the streets at night time

Hey Girl the cop said what did I say about that Leash

Run Sandy Annie said as Sandy rushed past the cops as they started to chase Sandy .

Hey Annie said bet ya can't catch Me Annie said teasingly and dashed off as One cop chased Annie and the other chased Sandy

"Stop The cop said as Annie Hid in a Alley way as the cop past her

Meanwhile Sandy was still being chased as Angry Luigi dashed By Sandy and the cop both.

Huh the cop said as Alem tuber Hopped on his Head and Dashed After Angry Luigi who was running at superspeed

Hey get back here the cop said and chased Alem tuber as Sandy had Snuck off .

we see Angry Luigi hop On a barrel and then jump off as it is now rolling towards Alem tuber who shot a ki blast at it as the cop chased Alem tuber but had trouble keeping up

Alem tuber chased Angry Luigi in a mall as Angry Luigi dashed By the Food Court and ran by some girls who was eating pizza then Angry Luigi dashed and Jumped Over Alem Tuber who chased Angry Luigi as The cop arrived and saw the du

We see Annie on the other side of the Mall running as she passed By Angry Luigi and ALem tuber and ran down a isle

the we see a cop run towards a different isle as Alem tuber is soon seen chasing a cop then We see Angry Luigi carring Annie while running

then we see Alem tuber being chased by the cops as soon we see Angry Luigi Alem Tuber Annie and the cops collide as Angry Luigi and Annie dash off then Alem tuber chases them then the cops run after all three of them

We See Annie and Angry Luigi Running then ducking behind some coats as the cop pasted by as Annie And Angry luigi popped up and continued to tip-toe away so glad we gave him the slip Annie said as Alem tuber Rushed and Grabbed Angry Luigi by the collar.

Woah What's going on Annie asked confused.

This little loser thinks we're brothers but we're not Alem tuber said

well you look the same and from what I can tell I think I saw you both run faster than a car so Yeah you kinda are twins Annie said as Alem tuber looked at Angry luigi who hid behind annie as Alem tuber picked them both up then the Cops Grabbed Both of them.

AW Man Annie said .

Soon the cops returned the kids to miss hannigan

oh thank you both for returning these wonderful kids Miss Hannigan said lying

We're toast Alem tuber groaned

We See Angry Luigi and Alem Tuber running around a office at high speeds cleaning up as Annie Smirked as Mrs Hannigan entered the room The brothers was Done.

How did you? Mrs Hannigan asked.

Teamwork Angry Luigi said as a woman knocked on the door .

hello? the woman asked I'm Looking for Mrs Hannigan she asked .

Your Looking at her Mrs Hannigan said.

Oh My Name is Grace secertary of Oliver Warbucks Grace said .

The Mr Warbucks! Mrs Hannigan asked.

"Yep and He wants 3 ophans to stay with him at his house for the weekend" Grace said and Looked at Angry Luigi and Alem tuber "Like those One's " She said.

"No way they're too cheeky" Mrs Hannigan said "And Awesome "Alem tuber said causing Mrs Hannigan to Glare.

I mean she may have let us Loose on the streets he said.

take them Mrs Hannigan said as Annie Smiled and Ran Over to Grace's Side.


The Kids and Grace Soon Headed towards a pizza Place.

Oh I remember Eating Pizza 3 weeks ago Angry Luigi said .

I've never had Pizza Annie said and Licked her Lips.

Me Neither Alem Tuber Lied as He ran in.

hello the Manger said.

Hello My Good Man Alem Tuber said as We soon see the four of them Eating a plain steamy cheese Pizza .

Delicious Annie said and Took a sip of her soda Pop .

We then see the group trying out coats As Angry Luigi is in a rainbow coat then we see alem tuber in a red leather coat then we see Annie in a blue coat.

the group soon was at a diary place.

Woah Angry Luigi and Annie said as Grace Smiled

Alem tuber soon ran to a ice cream maker machine.

Ok Guys What Do You want He asked.

Oh Baby Annie said as she was soon seen eating A sundae and Angry Luigi was eating cotton Candy.

We then See Alem tuber and Angry Luigi playing video games at a arcade . as Annie was Smiling and took a picture of them .

You Kids Having Fun Grace said as they were in a limo.

Yeah Alem Tuber said as Angry Luigi nodded.

woah is that a train station Annie asked.

No that's Mr Warbucks Place where you'll be staying Grace said.

Woah Angry Luigi said as Alem tuber ran out using his Super Speed and ran towards the house and saw the guard who looked at him.

I'm the ophan Staying here Alem tuber said and took out a contact as the guard soon Let Him in.

Alem Tuber SMirked.

Annie Angry Luigi and grace entered the place and saw a lot of workers

Sweet Mother of Mayham Angry Luigi said as Alem tuber ran to them.

I already set up My Room he said .

Just where? Grace asked.

Um that Big room down the left Alem tuber said and dashed towards the right.

Oh Brother Grace sighed and whistled.

everyone this is Angry Luigi and Annie they're staying here for the week Grace said and looked at the duo

so what would you like to do first Grace said as Angry Luigi was confused.

"I'll do the windows" First Annie said "then the stairs then the bedroom"

Um sweetie your not here to work your here to have fun.

Really Annie asked.

Woo-hoo Alem Tuber can be heard in the background as Angry Luigi tip-toed away .

Angry Luigi soon arrived in the Swimming area as Alem Tuber was swimming.

Cool Angry luigi said and Jumped In getting his cholthes wet.

You should have taken off your clothes first Alem tuber said as Angry luigi Looked at himself then dashed away and came back in green swimming pants and floates.

"Nerd" Alem tuber said.

Mr Warbucks came in the house.

woah Annie said silently

"Did the painting arrive?" Warbucks asked as he came to a couple of his servants.

They grabbed a cloth down from the painting and showed that it was a portrait of Mona Lisa. Warbucks stared at it long and hard as everyone felt their hearts pounding and blood chilling for his approval. Warbucks stepped back, making Annie, Sandy and Goldie hide away better so they wouldn't be seen.

"I don't like it!" Warbucks snapped. "Send it back! Any messages?"

"President Roosevelt called three times," Grace replied, without fear. "He said it was urgent."

"Everything's urgent to a Democrat," Warbucks scoffed. "What else?"

"Mr. Rockefeller, Mr. Vanderbilt, Mr. Du Pont, Mr. Carnegie-"

"WAIT!" Warbucks stopped his people from going up the stairs with the painting. "There's something interesting in that woman's smile. I might learn to like her. Hang her in my bathroom."

alem tuber laughed and then realized. something.

I stole his room he said and used his super speed to do his best to reset his room.

Oh Grace said this is Annie the ophan She said.

Ophan she's a girl Ophans are girls WarBucks said . Alem Tuber Came up to Him "Hiya I'm Alem Tuber " He said and that's Angry Luigi .

Angry Luigi waved Shyly.

Come on if you kick Annie away Her heart will be broken and it's bad luck to break a little girl's spirit Alem tuber said.

Ok But Only for a week Mr Warbucks said and high-fived as Grace led Annie and Angry Luigi thier rooms.

HEY WHO TOUCHED MY MUG mr warbucks yelled out.

Alem Angry Luigi and Annie deadpanned


Chrissy sighed as she noticed Alex and Jack walking by as she followed them and sees sheets for a owl duke and owl dragon and other stuff

“ What are they?” Chrissy asked as a door lowered down as a prototype owl warrior arrived

“ Ok let’s do this” Chrissy says as he rushed and tries hitting her but she teleported and punched hit and then bounced back as it shot lunar beams as Chrissy dodged as she tossed plasma waves paralzying it as she leaped and punched it.

It was sent down as she leaves 

ALex and Jack took the plans and ran

We see Angry Luigi and Annie waking up as Annie starts Jumping on the bed as Angry Luigi jumped out of the bed

"What are you doing " Angry luigi asked

"Jumping on the bed it's Fun" Annie said as Alem tuber walked by and saw them

ha faker alem tuber said towards Annie

Ok that's it Annie said as she stopped jumping

you two are brothers and you gotta accept that so I talked with grace while you two were busy and arranged a day for the two of you to be alone Annie said as Angry Luigi and alem tuber was surpisred

Oh no Alem tuber said please no.

the duo was soon seen in a limozine with a pizza in it

I love pizza alem tuber said and then remembered something

Alex and Reilly was sparring trying to punch each pther

see the bros having fun on skateboards as the duo pass by places then we see Angry Luigi toss a ball at some bottles then we see alem tuber do the same but breaks them as Angry Luigi giggles a bit then we cut to see the duo on a ferris wheel and then on a roller coaster then We see the bros run past a bunch of runners as the duo holds up a trophy as alem tuber smirks.

meanwhile two people man and a woman saw the duo from a tv

so that Randy kid is famous huh well soon we'll teach him the man said

what about his twin the woman asked.

Who cares the man said " we will rule new York

the camera shows Annie and Mr Warbucks walking to a park as we soon see Them Taking Pictures as One shot shows Mr Warbucks Carring Annie over his Shoudlers as Annie is Smiling then We See Mr WarBucks and Annie do a thinking Pose and a running Pose as well as a relaxing Pose

Later This has been a fun week Annie said to Bad Al Dosen't Like Pictures Annie said A/N 'Al is a nickname for Angry Luigi

oh so that's why they're not with us Mr Warbucks said "Anyway I have to Get Back to work"

Aw Come on these past two days you've been working Annie said.

Sorry Annie I'm a busy man Mr Warbucks said as he and Annie got in a limo and Mr Warbucks took out his phone.

Annie took out her phone and saw a few pictures Of Angry Luigi eating blueberry pie and a picture of Alem Tuber on the Limozine

Wait What Annie asked herself and looked up as the screen Shows Alem Tuber hops off and dashed off.

Later We see Annie walk into her room as Angry Luigi was lying face flat on the floor

Are You Okay ? Annie asked

Yeah Sure Angry Luigi said

Guess who's Going to the Movies Grace said coming in the room

Who ? Angry Luigi said

All of us Grace said

Awesome Annie said as She Soon got dressed in An Icy Blue Dress as Angry Luigi was in a black suit with a green tie

Alem tuber came in with a Black suit and a red tie

Let's Get Moving Guys Alem tuber said as Soon Mr Warbucks Joined them .

wait can we get the My friends To Join Us Annie asked.

Sure Mr WarBucks said as soon we See Mr WarBucks Annie and Alem tuber came into the ophanenge

Annie the other girls except pepper said running and Hugging her

Get Ready Girl's We're going to the Movies Annie said

YYYAAAYY the girls said as Mr Hannigan got close to Mr Warbucks

Well Hello Handsome Mr's Hannigan Purred as Alem Tuber Recorded it and did a few edits and showed a video as Mr Hannigan as A cat Purring.

Mr Hannigan growled as Alem tuber Smirked "Careful Mr Hannigan you don't want those drinks to take over your body" Alem tuber said as Pepper Snickered and recorded the whole thing as Soon we See Mr Warbucks Annie Grace The Twins and Ophans enter the limozine as Mr Hannigan got close to the car but Pepper sprayed Pepper in her eyes

Thanks She's Scary Mr Warbuck said

No Prob Pepper said.

At the theaters the girls was dressed up in different dresses as they were holding popcorn and other movie snacks as Molly didn't cause she was the youngest

This is Amazing Molly said

I can't believe we're acutally in the movies Duffy said

If this is a dream I hope I never wake up Kate said.

Ooo Movie's About to start Annie said ready !

Ready Angry Luigi said

Popcorn Annie said lifting up Popcorn

Butter Alem Tuber said

Nachos Duffy said

Cheese Molly said

Where's the root beer with the red lickerish Straw Pepper asked

Right Here Angry Luigi said Lifting it up and Giggled as the movie started

Soon the Movie ended then everyone started to have fun dancing in a dance hall as Angry Luigi ate some chips

Soon the group came across Sandy

Sandy Here Boy Annie said as Sandy Leaped in

Can we keep Him Annie asked

Why Not Mr Warbucks said as Angry Luigi looked nervous

as the ophans Soon had to head Back.

Bye Molly Duffy Kate and even you Molly Annie said as Angry Luigi and Alem tuber waved

ok that was a party Alem tuber said as he dragged Angry Luigi into his room

Ok Buddy Alem Tuber said and Shut the doors and put a do not disturb sign as he walked over and Opened a book as there was a bright Light

woah where are we angry Luigi asked as the duo was in a castle as it was night.

a different whole i think storybook town i lost track alem tuber said as the brothers walked around and sneaked and saw food.

I don't know about this angry Luigi said

don't worry no one will notice we'll just eat and return to our world alem tuber said as angry Luigi shrugged and started eating with his brother as an arrow nearly stabbed alem tuber as he moved away from the arrow as some knifes flew towards the brothers as angry Luigi and alem tuber ran away from the table as a vampire named forte was behind them.

yikes a vampire angry Luigi said and ran off at high speeds as alem tuber smirks and leaped towards forte who dodged the attack then alem tuber tried to kick the vampire who moved away as alem tuber jumped up and tried to punch forte who grabbed his fist as alem tuber shot a no blast at forte then punched him as forte grabbed him and tossed him at the ground as an electric blast shocked forte as angry Luigi grabbed alem tuber and ran off as super speed.

" you will not escape " forte said and ran at insane speeds. But ran face first into a wall of crystals .

forte teleported in front of the twins as alem tuber jumped at forte who dodged then angry Luigi grabbed alem tuber and ran off again as forte jumped and grabbed the twins as alem tuber bit forte's hand causing forte to let go of them as he punched alem tuber who shot a ki blastat forte who dashed and kicked alem tuber as angry Luigi jumped and shot a bunch of crystals at forte who smiled and dodged and punched angry Luigi knocking him out.

" game over " forte said as angry Luigi had a dark aura.

what is this forte said

I am bruty bruty said and dashed towards forte who dodged as bruty flew up as forte tried to knock him out but bruty dashed and flew around as he shot dark blasts at forte who teleported and appeared him bruty who backhanded him in the face.

more power bruty said and shot a bunch of ki blasts at forte .

meanwhile Annie was finished playing and went to check on angry Luigi and alem tuber and saw the duo sleeping

so cute Annie said

kids i have something to tell you Mr warbucks said as grace stood beside him

What is it ? Annie asked

How Would you like to be adopted by me Mr Warbucks asked.

"Leaping Lizards !" "Sweet Mother of Mayham!" Annie and Angry Luigi exlamied

I'll take the offer as a yes Alem Tuber said

Sorry But My real Parents are out there Annie said

Same Here Angry Luigi said .

Um Alem aren't you and Angry Luigi Brothers Grace asked

Nah we're not brothers what makes you say that Alem tuber scoffed

you look alike and pretty much the same Annie said as Alem tuber grew annoyed.

Alright Alright Angry Luigi and I will go out for a few alem tuber said and Dragged Angry Luigi with him as we soon see the duo riding on a skateboard as Angry Luigi is Clinging on to Alem Tuber

Soon the duo arrived to meet Alex Jack and Reily

Hey Man Jack said and high fived Alem tuber as reily bro fisted alem tuber and Angry Luigi looked confused

We then See Jack Alex teaming up Against Reily and Alem Tuber as Angry Luigi watches boredly

Ok Boys We're Going to be going later Alem tuber said and High Fived Jack

Later Bro Alex said as Alem tuber and Angry Luigi arrived Mrs Hannigan's Place

Ok bro we're going to check if we really are brothers Alem tuber said you wait out here while I check Alem Tuber said and Jumped in as Angry Luigi did a thumb up as Lily and Rooster Grabbed Angry Luigi and Dragged him in the Bag and tied it up and put him in the Dumpster and put Bricks on top to make him stay in.

That should keep that brat out of our way Rooster said .


Alem Tuber was looking for the files and heard Mrs Hannigan Rooster and Lily talking about getting Annie

Oh Great What Now? Alem tuber said as Mr and Mrs Clusterfeild appear behind him

oh uh oh Alem tuber said and zipped off as Mr Clusterfeild tried to shoot alem tuber who jumped away from the bullets and dashed off as they chased the boy as Alem Tuber did a backflip and kicked Mr Clusterfeild in the face as Mrs Clusterfeild Stabbed him In the Arm as Alem tuber Bleeds as he is soon seen being thrown out in the Streets.

"Did you think we were going to let you live after what you did to us no no no it's time for us to get what we deserve Mr Clusterfeild said and ripped the papers then took out his phone

Meanwhile the Ophans was sneaking away when Mrs Hannigan Rooster and Lily caught them

Not So fast Mrs Hannigan said Holding Molly

Let us go! Molly screamed

Chrissy gets ready to fight but an Owl duke arrived as it tries to attacked Chrissy wh leaped and dodged as they begin clashing

It shot lasers as Chrissy dodged and rushed in punching and kicking the Owl duke as she leaped up and slammed it down.

“ hmph” she says as she goes to the window and teleports

She was racing as drones shot missles as she dodged 

We See Annie and Sandy running to Mr warbuck's office

Annie we would you like you to meet the muffels your parents Mr Warbucks said as Mrs Muffel a.k.a Mrs Hannigan ran with Tears and Hugged Annie.

"We missed you so Much sweetie" Mrs Muffel said and showed the other piece of the necklace as Annie gasped and hugged her 'parents' as the lights soon got cut

What's going on Mr Warbucks said as the lights returned and Annie was gone so as the mufflels

Let's go Lily said as the car drove off as Annie Got Scared Real Fast.

Meanwhile an some crystal shards bust through the garagbe then Angry Luigi jumped out and Saw the Ophans Running as Angry Luigi ran but Saw Alem Tuber weak and Cold on the ground with the bloody mark.

“ Brother Angry Luigi said

“they ripped the papers destroying the edvicene” Alem tuber said and looked down “Mr and Mrs Clusterfeild teamed up with Mrs Hannigan and a man named rooster to take Annie away”  Alem tuber said.

we gotta save Annie Angry Luigi said as Alem tuber was barely standing .

I got an Idea Alem tuber said .


the Ophans with Sandy Soon Arrived to meet Punjab

We Need to Speak to Mr warbucks Molly said

it's Urgent Duffy said

Punjab allowed them in

what's going on Mr warbucks said

Annie was taken by horrible people pepper said

leaping lizards Mr warbucks yelled out.

Meanwhile we see the duo on a skateboard chasing the clusterfeilds who was in a different car.

we're on their tail alem tuber said as there was police sirens.

huh alem tuber asked in confusion as the clusterfeilds took a right as the bros did the same and ducked when an egg nearly hit them.

Ok if Annie's gone then we gotta save her angry Luigi said

you go do that I need to exact some vengeance alem tuber said as angry Luigi looked concerned.

"I'll be fine alem tuber said then after this we'll split paths and move on " .

Ok angry Luigi said and used electric jets to fly around .

Chrissy rushed as she tossed plasma waves at drones zapping them


I need to pee Annie said

do it later rooster said.

please this is a cool car and I don't wanna pee inside Annie said as Lily stopped the car then Annie stepped on mrs hannigans leg causing her to scream then angry Luigi came and landed on rooster then jumped and landed on mrs hannigans foot as she screams.

Angry Luigi thank goodness your here Annie said then ripped the paper in piece.

I'll kill them rooster said as angry Luigi grabbed Annie and ran as mrs hannigans grew worried.

stop they're just babies mrs hannigan said running after her brother..

Meanwhile the clusterfeilds high five and kiss as a truck arrives as jack tossed a skunk at the car as it climbed in the Windows as the clusterfeilds screamed as it sprayed them then alem tuber punched Mr chesterfield then kicked mrs clusterfeilds gut then alex stepped on Mr clusterfeild .

Meanwhile angry Luigi and Annie run up the bridge tracks and see that they had to climb

Annie looked back to see rooster with a knife as angry Luigi screamed and tried to make a big crystal platform but it didn't grow as angry Luigi grabbed Annie and ran up the tracked walls at high speeds and nearly fell as they were on top.

hang on Annie said trying to lift her friend up as rooster climbed after them.

Meanwhile reily arrived and saw Lily driving as Reilly took out a broken glass and put it in the woman's way as Lily droveover the glass and was stuck as she screamed then alem tuber punched her

mr warbucks and grace arrived with the police as alem tuber ran and kicked mrs hannigan in then shin then ran up to be on top of rooster then alem tuber kicked rooster down as he fell down and landed on the trampoline .

We did it alem tuber said

Chrissy watched this and smirked

“ Come on Intern let’s go home” Alem tuber says

Angry Luigi spots his mom and leaped in hugging her as she smiled and hugged him

A few months later

The twins was relaxing at night as Alem tuber sees something and shook suddenly the owl duke appeared scaring Alem tuber as the twins rushed away

They rush around avoiding the owl duke

The twins was shaking as they hid before he arrived as the twins rush off

“Why owls?” Alem tuber asked

“ It’s just a suit” Chrissy says

“ A suit” Alem tuber says and stops as he leaped and punched the Owl duke and kicked him

The Owl Duke fell back as Chrissy kicked him as Alem tuber shot a ki blast causing a explosion.

The owl duke flew away

On March 8th

“ Happy birthday boys” Skylia says as it was their first twin day

“ What’s a birthday?” Alem tuber asked as Angry luigi gives him chocolate as a gift

“Aw” Skylia says.

“ Thanks intern” Alem tuber says eating the chocolate.

Now to what you’re all waiting for 

In Greendale a 19 Year Old Angry Luigi arrives to see his friends looking outcold

“ huh?” Angry Luigi asked

They get up “ Surprise!!” they say

“ Aw you guys  you shouldn’t have” Angry Luigi says 

“We just had to” Sabrina says

“ Yeah” Hilda says

Suddenly the gifts was stolen by Wlem and Wandy who drove off.

“ Here we go” Mario says as he leaped into his kart as the heroes does so and drive after them

Wlem and Wandy sees this and scream as Wandy used his orange rings shooting orange missles but Alem tuber shot ki blasts causing explosions as Luigi drove after them with Daisy who used her hearts to get hit but tossed the missile right back blasting them out

“ Mine Mine!” they say but the cosmic buddies Mario luigi and Daisy leaped at them getting into a fight cloud.

Later the group was partying as delta was being fed by Chrissy Melony was by herself 

Luke was there too as Goth and Jester was there along with the Adventure kids team real Bianca Kaa and everyone.

“Great party” Nimona says

“ Yeah” Katy Caterpillar says as Umi was eating some cake

“ I made the cake” Savannah says and kissed Angry Luigi on the cheek 

“ And Angry Luigi is my boyfriend” Savannah says

Angry Luigi walked up it wasn’t a luke party but not everyone wants a whole town party about you. A lot of Luke’s fans showed up

“ Luke sign my autograph” Most girls says as Alem tuber growled at Luke

“ Some day Cherry I’ll meet ya” Angry Luigi says.

The end

The credits shows a image of everyone around the cake 

A image shows Angry Luigi having a thought bubble of Cherry butler

The next image shows Goth blushing as Delta was in a cheerleading outfit 

The final image shows 19 year old and 6 year old Angry Luigi  standing side by side

Angry Luigi was seen in a back holding a image of Lady Gothika and one of Gonza and and smirked as he speeds off.

The logo appears as Angry luigi and Alem tuber was posing before speeding off as a silhouette of Gonza appeared

A/N Angry9guy: Thanks for the support all I need now is for someone to write a Angry Luigi and cherry team up story I’m just kidding or am I?



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