See you Soon

"Quick! Search for the criminal in every room of this building!" The head of the police commanded to his subordinates.

The police did search, but only to find a room with shattered windows and a knife laying beside the bed. They found out the name of the person who was confined in that space; the girl who was found together with the said murderer while exiting the mysterious building; Rachel Gardner. Its no use of continuing this search. He's already gone with the patient.

At the same time on the other alley, Zack is checking the area is they've been followed or seen. Seems like no one is there so he could tell its safe. Before he can completely turn back, Ray suddenly embraced him.

"Zack, I can't believe you came back... for me... for our promise..."

Zack somewhat returned the hug by slightly pressing her body to his. "Don't make me repeat what I've said earlier. Hey, wait. Did you miss me?"

"I did. What about me? Did you-"

"Of course! I missed that shitty, boring face of yours. Man, its been a long time since I killed someone out of the prison. Are you ready, Ray?"

Ray puts her usual demeanor, "Yes. You can kill me right here, right now, Zack."

"You know what it takes for me to kill, right?"

Ray's about to smile, but then her stomach suddenly growled.

"What was that?" Zack questioned, kind of weirded out.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I guess I haven't eaten yet.."

"Eh? You think I can kill you with that state? Tch, wait here, brat."

"W-Where are you going, Zack? Its dangerous out there. You might get caught!"

"Shut it! I can take care of myself! I'm just going to get you some snack. I hear people say its not possible to smile when you're hungry."

Zack walks away, but paused at the end of the alley. "You're the one who must be careful. If anyone sees you, your wish won't be fulfilled, got it? Be quiet, I'll be back."

He proceeded, leaving Ray temporarily. For some reason, Ray wondered how Zack's going to buy something, but then she realizes that he have his own way of doing things.


Zack came back on where he left Rachel, only to find her sleeping. He observed her peaceful face that made him resist to kill her. He wants either the cheery smile, or a frightened expression in order to kill Ray, but certain situations has been refraining her to do so. He sat beside her and putting aside the bag of food he got from threatening the market employees.

Upon thinking, he never resisted to kill someone before. Why is that so? Even he doesn't know the answer. While in jail, other than figuring out how to break out of that hell, Ray filled a space in his mind. He knows that he's alive but this set him to think that what if Rachel forgets that promise she started. Now that he have her, all he have to do is to kill her, then she gets what she wanted and he gets his too. But there's something that prevents him from doing it. Its not really that strong, but it bothers him.

Suddenly, he heard the sirens of the police car. They arrived. As fast as possible, he picked Ray up together with his scythe and the bag and climbed to the walls of the dark alley. There's only one place they could hide where the police won't probably search; his old man's house.

When they reached the said house, he locked the door, closed the curtains and placed Ray on the bed. His eyes scanned the familiar space. Its still the same after these years he abandoned it. He didn't actually remember the way back to this house, it just happened that he accidentally passed here before going to Ray's mental institution.

Since Ray is asleep, there's nothing left for him to do but to close his eyes and sleep too.


The dawn has come, with a small amount of light passing through on the curtain drapes, interrupting Ray's sleep. For those days she spent staying with her counselor and in that mental hospital, this is the first time she ever had a peaceful sleep. Maybe because she had finally seen Zack who came back for their oath, and at last, he can kill her. This might be her last sleep, and she's happy that its a peaceful one.

She got off the bed, and observed the place she found herself. 'Where am I?', she thought. She was confused until Zack arrived and closed the door.

"Oh? So you're awake?" She nodded.

"Is this where you've been staying, Zack?" Ray asked.

"I was in the fucking jail all these time, I just happen to find this empty room. Anyway, there are police who almost seen us, so I moved here to be safe."

"Uh, I see."

"Here!" He said, throwing the bag of food at her, "I don't like to hear that grumbling sound again."

She caught it, barely. "...thanks."

While eating, her eyes hovered to Zack. She saw a patch of fresh flood located on both of his sleeves. Zack noticed that she's been staring at him.

"What?" He asked, rudely.

"You killed someone just this time, didn't you?"

"Why not? I was bored. You probably won't like to be killed in your sleep."

She just hummed in response, but remembered something she's been meaning to ask to him. "Uhm... Zack-"

"What is it?!"

"How did you escape the prison? I mean, I heard that you've been sentenced to death. You might have been placed into a maximum security. How?"

"Tch, do I have to explain that to you?"

She stared and nodded at him. "Ugh, fine."

"Yesterday afternoon,the police took me into a place with large halls. There were also people who were watching me and those people with long wigs and dress that they call as 'justice'. All they do is to hit the table with a small hammer while I answer their questions. That's when I heard that they sentenced me to death. And then they escorted me back to car and prison. I stayed quiet after that shit, thinking how should I get out. For sometime, I saw the blade and handle of my scythe, so my eyes followed where he was going. Good thing that they hid it with in the jail area."

"How did you get it, then?"

"Just shut up and listen! At first, I wasn't sure how to use my fist and foot, but I followed my instincts and beat the shit out of them. There was a knife on a nearby desk, so I got my hands on it and started to kill them. I found my scythe's blade and handle, and surprisingly, I connected it again. Remember how I break those rocks on that building? I did the same to those thick ass walls."

"Oh, I see. That's why you have those wounds when you took me, right?"

"Yeah." He paused, inhaling for a while. "Satisfied?"

Ray placed her fingers on her chin and nodded. But still her eyes shows she wants to ask more.

"Tch. Are you going to ask me again? Damnit, you're being so talkative right now, its annoying." He said, then smiled. "You're becoming more normal to me. I like it."

"I'm... normal?"

"Like I said, yes."

Rachel slightly opened the curtain and peeked on the little space in the window, where she cam she the ruins of the building they've been.

"Zack. Do you miss the building?"

"Huh? Why would I? We almost got killed inside that hell. That place gave us a hard time."

"Yeah, that's true. But inside that building, we've met each other. We passed on every floor together. Without that building, we might not have known each other, this oath would not exist, we won't be connected, and I still might be a person who'll run away from my life. I won't realize how to be normal without you, Zack. Thank you so much." She said, with a real smile on her face.

Zack's eyes widened at that time. This is the smile he has been yearning for. He's mesmerized by the beauty of it, and in fact, for the first time, her eyes aren't blank. They were full of positive emotions. Its pure happiness.

"So, bye bye for that building."

"Its been months since we left that bullshit. Its late for your 'bye-bye'. And finally! You can now smile like a real human!" He exclaimed, excitedly.

"Are you going to kill me now, Zack?"

"Hm? Later." He simply replied.


He don't know too either. Even if he already saw that smile, he couldn't get himself to kill Ray in this moment, and in this place too.

"Who knows? Maybe you want to do something before you go?"

"Hmm... there's nothing really. Nothing at all."

Zack sighed. It seems to be the end. Their end. He carelessly picked her up, swung her to his shoulders and got out of the old house. Ray doesn't seem to mind. She expected this already.

"Hey, where are we going?"

"If you really want to be killed, at least think of somewhere decent where you'll die! Is there some place special to you that you wanna die in there?!"

The question shocked Rachel. Zack isn't the type to ask the place where he can kill someone he wanted to kill. He just kill the person in random places, more specifically, where he had find the victim.

"I wan to die somewhere... peaceful and colorful."

"Huh?! Where do you think I can find some place like that?!"

"You're the one who asked. If you don't like it, then kill me wherever you want. It'll be more easier for you."

Zack frowned and making his signature 'tch' sound. He's gonna try find that peaceful place Ray's wishing for. The whole city looks like its too early for people to wake up, so its safe for them to run freely at the roads. They should be careful for roaming police patrols though.

'Peaceful... somewhere peaceful, colorful... shit!' Zack thought of somewhere Ray wants to be killed. He isn't so sure why he wants to obey her request. Perhaps this will be one of her last wishes.

His head craned everywhere, but then Ray tugged on his hoodie, speaking. "Zack, stop." He glanced on the girl, his eyes questioning.

"I told you it doesn't matter. As long as you kill me, it'll be okay."

"Sometimes I can't just really understand you, you know?"

He set her down and they walked together. Soon they passed into an abandoned lot, but it is surprisingly clean, although there are some weeds in its ends. Ray went to it, and said, "Here." Zack got her message and swung his scythe lively in his front.

"Is this where you wanna die?" She nodded.

He smirked, "This is it Ray... this is it! You'll gonna die!" His laughter filled the said lot. "Now, smile for me damnit!"

Ray's eyes furrowed. This is the time she's been waiting for, to be killed. But upon looking at Zack, it kind of saddens her. She still knows that its selfish of her to make him grant her wish, even if he isn't a God, but Zack kept his word all this time. Its not that she's worried about him what will happen to him after killing her, she knows that he'll live on his own again, just like before they've met. Its just... this will be the last time she'll she see the only person that she's been close with. Her first and only friend. Again, she's about so smile but...

"Fucking wait!" Zack shouted.

A small gasp escaped at her lips. "W-Why?"

She received no answer, but she observed his posture. His hands that hold his scythe were trembling, and his head hung low. "Zack, what's wrong?" She asked.

His hands, although trembling, gripped his scythe very tightly. He doesn't have the idea why he's holding back. Never in his whole 20 years of life did he thought that killing is hard. This is his hobby and he's living for this, but why he can't get his hands and strength to kill the girl in front him, who has wished for death? Without her, he couldn't possibly get out of that damned building in his own. She had helped him, and she was the cause the he could somehow overcome his fear.

"Zack?" Ray insisted.

He gritted his teeth, forcing himself to speak out the words in his mind. He won't hide it and just kill her like there's nothing that bothered him.

He lowered his scythe before stating. "Ray, before anything else, let me tell this things to you. I... I kind of couldn't get myself to kill you. You know what I mean. You became an important part of my life. You're different. You didn't fear me. Instead, you understood me. You're the only person that never saw me as a tool, a monster, but a human."

She replied, "The same goes to me. You're the first and only person who I got close with. Zack, I see you as a person, but not just that. I also see you as a friend. I had a chance to know how does it feel to have someone who'll stay beside you. But, your words... does that mean that you don't want to kill me anymore?"

His eyes softened, "I told you I still want to kill you. Hey, I'm doing my best to grant your wish because you're kind of special to me, and who said and take that oath for yourself anyway? And I know how it feels like when you don't get what you want. It leaves you disastisfied as fuck!!"

Ray's eyes started to water and her lips trembled as well. "Zack...t-thank you for taking all this burden for me!"

"This isn't burden! This is our oath! Remember?! And I'll do what it takes to kill you, because we swore to each other!"

"Yeah!" Ray agreed, crying.

"Now that I said it, I'll be very happy to kill you, Ray! So, stop crying. Smile!" Zack said, giving his natural smile, while wiping her tears with his hands.

Ray smiled joyfully with her eyes now full of life, "Please kill me, Zack!"

Zack screamed, "Gladly!" He started to swing his scythe to the back, getting ready to wield it to his front.

While the process is occurring, Ray speaked, keeping the smile on her face, "Zack, I.. I hope I'll see you again. Bye bye."

"Well, I'll see you soon, Ray."

With that, the sharp blade caught Ray's petite body, piercing her neck, chest, stomach and torso. Blood quickly oozed from her body. She met her end. Tragic as it may seem, but Ray died with a happy smile plastered on her face.

Ray's death will forever linger on Zack's mind. He sighed then smiled, for their oath to each other has been fulfilled. He kneeled down and petted her hair, stained with blood.

"Now you're happy, I'll be happy. Goodbye, Ray."

The sun broke free from the dark horizon. Its morning. Too bad, Rachel didn't happen to witness this but its okay, she didn't wish to see the sun rising. Zack opted to sit and stay beside her, until he decides to leave. He looked back to the situations with Rachel, the moments where they got closed, especially when she asked him to kill her, without fear. Just like what Ray said about her music box, those memories will stay on him.

The oath that was formed by their bond, faith and trust to each other has been fulfilled, and both of them has their benefits claimed.

After a couple of minutes, he stood up, tearing a piece of Ray's garment by his blade, and looking for the last time at her corpse. He closed his eyes, frowned, and slowly walked away, leaving her on the said lot, exposed. He will really miss that brat, for sure.


A corpse was found in an abandoned lot, 3 blocks away from the mysterious building's location. The corpse was confirmed to be Rachel Gardner, a patient from a mental institution, and very known to be the daughter of the Gardner family, who were brutally murdered. She was murdered as well.

The main suspect of the crime is Isaac Foster, an infamous serial killer, who is currently on the run after escaping the prison six hours ago. It was reported that after he broke out of the jail, he had gone straight to the mental institution where Rachel Gardner was confined. Without further investigations, he is considered to be the murderer of Rachel Gardner.

The location of Isaac Foster is still unknown, and the policemen continues to search. People in the vicinity are advised to stay indoors, for no one knows when the serial killer will attack next.


It was already two weeks since Zack killed Ray. He does and he continued to roam in the city and murdering random people day and night, to satisfy his bloodlust. Most of his victims were drunkards and civillians.

Something became different after her death to Zack. Even if his blood lust is satisfied, he's still somewhat... sad. The thought and memory of him killing her is not leaving his brain. He stayed on his old man's house for a while, because it would be a waste if he doesn't make this one useful to him somehow. He set his scythe aside and sat beside it. He sighed, probably a little tired of killing a bunch of people on this day. His thoughts were full of possible situations if Rachel is still alive today. Will she go with him through his killing spree? Will she stay beside him? He shook off these thoughts. He thinks that he'll just make Ray take the burden of their oath becoming unfulfilled, and he clearly doesn't want that.

Killing the only person who appreciate your being is fun, to him atleast, because he feels like he has taken a great treasure to his life, as twisted it may be. But admitting to the half of himself, he didn't really want to kill Ray, because at first, it doesn't have anything to be gained of. And then this oath was made, and they promised. He must do it, he hates liars, and she asked him to after all. For these quite reason, Zack felt something he forgotten to feel after years. Loneliness. He sighed, the smiled to push away the feeling. Even if the memories of Rachel unexpectedly comes to his mind, and tries to not think about it, he'll be happy, as long as he knows that she is happy.

An urge to kill stroke his brain and veins once more. Unable to resist his desire, he picked his scythe up and went out of the house to make his next kill again.


One after another, dead bodies fell on the floor of an alley. Zack left the bodies of the people he killed blood stained. Its pretty early for him to go on killing spree, because its just 5:00 in the afternoon. He doesn't care though, killing is a huge part of his life, and he wouldn't call this day a day if he didn't killed.

The fact that he's not that bright balances on how strong his instincts are. There's a person who witnessed his crime. In the instant he tried to flee, Zack noticed him, causing him to ran after the guy. He got him cornered at the dead end. The man has his legs shaking, and voice stammering.

"P-Please... d-don't k-k-ill me... I-I promise I w-won't t-tell anyone!"

"Oh, really?" Zack walked closer, showing his eyes full of murderous intents."I don't think you will."

The man pressed himself more on the wall, "I-I will, I w-will! Especially the p-police! Just p-please d-don't kill me..!"

"I don't trust the likes of you. There's no way I'll let go such a prey!" He swung his scythe to the man.

"No, please!!!"

His scythe tore the flesh of the poor man, leaving him dead. He started laughing like a maniac, as he stroke the body a couple of times before stopping. Then again, the memory of him slicing through Ray's body came across his mind. He frowned slightly, and kicked the corpse. He closed his eyes, trying to clear his thoughts.

He's definitely missing that bitch.

Without him knowing, he's being tracked secretly by the police forces who is tasked to hunt him down. They're currently contacting other units to operate with them, knowing that this vicious murderer is very dangerous, so they're also planning to ambush him. For them, this is the perfect time to execute their plan, now that the killer is detected near a police patrolling spot.
Zack already met the police patrol unit, but they're only of a few numbers. This is a part the plan, but the policemen in the unit are very terrified. Upon meeting the murderer, they widened their eyes, and pointed their guns to him.

"Out of my way, you damn shitheads. Or you want to die early?" Zack intimidated.

The policemen are frozen, waiting for an order for their chief. The chief answered, saying that they should disarm him. They knew its nearly impossible, but they have to do this. Its their job.

"Isaac Foster, we order you to put your weapon down and surrender to us. In that way, bloodshed will be avoided. Do you understand?"

Zack's eye twitched when he heard what the police said. "You... don't you dare to order me around, YOU BASTARDS!"

In his anger, he wielded his scythe before the policemen shoot him with their guns, catching their bodies, instantly killing them. "What a waste," he muttered.

Staring at the dead, he realize what is really going on. He is wondering how did they found him but he can't afford to be caught again by those bullshits, now that he attained his freedom once more, and it sucks to be stuck in a box unable to kill some people. He has to run to achieve what he desires.

His feet started to run, but it was too late. The police mobiles and its associates has reached where he is, and in that moment, they took out their guns and pointed it all to him.

This is the big time plan of the government, to capture the person with the highest number of recorded murders in their place's timeline. Almost counting as two hundred murders, in different times. He is the most wanted in their city to be precise, but he has no idea about that.

While observing these people around him, Zack gritted his teeth, thinking what is their deal with him.

"Isaac Foster, please surrender to the police and authorities! Drop your weapon, kneel and put your hands behind your head!" A police with a megaphone said.

His eyes twitched once more in annoyance. He dispised being ordered, and they're repeating it for the second time, resulting to his blood starting to boil.

"Like hell I'll listen to you, bastards!!" He answered, then swung his scythe and preparing to attack.

The authorities fired their guns to him, but his scythe, serving as a spear and a shield, blocked the bullets by his blade and attacked at the same time. Using his immense strength, he crampled the mobile and injured the officials outside the vehicle. Its been a long time since he released his all out power, and its making him go crazy and proceed in his killing spree. He laughed while shattering the windshield of the car and wounding the police around him.

It lasted for alot of minutes, and Zack's stamina still seems to be full. He smiled maniacally, while witnessing the sight of the bloodshed he created. He is stupidly and badassly strong enough to take down a batallion, but his biggest flaw is he focused on what he sees, not the ones who are sneaking up secretly on him.

A bullet passed through Zack's arm muscles and puncturing it. He winced in a familiar pain. He looked up on where did the gunshot came from, and looks like its from a high floor of the building. The snipers have arrived.

The snipers, total of three, pointed in his head, heart and other vital body parts. His eyebrows crossed and his teeth gritted. He knows he's a bad matchup for a long range attacker, because its much opposite to him. But the young man refused to give up. He searched for the leading man of the group, which he easily found because of the uniform difference. He took the said chief, pointed his blade to his neck, basically taking him as an hostage.

He smirked, thinking he had turned the tables, "Ya try to shoot me, or you'll shoot this fucking old man to death!"

The snipers swore when they saw their chief being hostage, "Shit... we can't shoot!"

The chief, however, didn't come into the scene unarmed. A sound of a gunshot echoed through the streets. It hit Zack's leg, causing him to slightly kneel. His anger bursted and sliced the man's stomach deep, like what he did to himself back on that crazy building.

"You FUCKTARD!" Zack said.

His subordinates screamed for their leader being hurt, and ready to take on their revenge. The chief, who is now in his four limbs and assisted by another police halted their moves. He looked at Zacl before saying.

"Give it up, lad. There's no way we can let you out in our grasp. Look around you. Do you still think that you can run away?"

Zack stood up and wielded his scythe to the police and chief again. "You talk so fucking much, can you shut up-?!"

He didn't quite finish because of the bullet that entered on his arm. He looked at the circle shaped wound and muttering a couple of "damn it"s.

"See now?" The chief told, after coughing up an amount of blood, "Tell me, lad. What's the reason behind you killings? Why did you... kill an innocent girl like Rachel Gardner?"

His eyes widened and his actions halted. After hearing Ray's full name, all of his memories with Ray came rushing to his mind like a camera film, including her death. Ahh, those good days where he can still talk to her. Those days that will never come back again.

Then he remembered Ray's last words and his answer. It wasn't the wish to be killed, but a "I hope to see you again" one. And his answer was she'll be seeing him soon.

How he wishes to see that brat again.

he is brought back to reality when one of the snipers shot him in his leg. Despite of this, his lower body refused to crumple and managed to stand. He walked closer to the chief with the stamina that coursed through is veins.

"You know... you should ask me those questions after this."

The chief and the others were confused to what he said.

Zack completely kneeled down and placed his arms behind his head, even if it is really painful. "I surrender, idiots."

With that declaration, they pounced on Zack, restricting his possible actions, disarmed him, and put his hands in handcuffs. He is officially arrested, so he is placed inside the police mobile and the police department took care of his custody. In either way, he have to go to the hospital to remove the bullets that plunged inside his muscles.

This day ended with a battle that Zack couldn't win by himself with a new desire to see Ray's face again.


For the second time, Zack is taken to the court to give justice to the death of Rachel Gardner. To be honest, this isn't necessary if the people just know about what really happened, because her 'murder' was according to her consent.

Zack reluctantly followed the authorities which lead him to the judges. As soon as he reached his seat, the jurisdiction and interrogation started. For him, it seems that they just repeated their question asked to him, there's just more, from Rachel's death. There's also the recent news that the chief that lead the capture of the criminal has died in the hospital, which added to the punishment he is facing. Oh, wait, the death sentence is the maximum punishment, so even if he murdered more people, this is still the consequence he'll accept till his end.

"Zack, why did you kill Rachel Gardner?" The justice asked.

He remained quiet for a while. Asking him that makes no sense. He's a serial killer after all, and it ticks him off that they've been asking these questions ever since they first held his custody.

"I'll repeat the question, Za-"

"SHUT UP YOU OLD ASSHOLE! I killed her because she wished to, damnit!"

The people in the court exchanged glances because it was a twisted testimony for them to hear. The crowd started to murmur about how doubtful the thing he said.

"I don't think its really believable. You don't have to lie, its not going to get you anywhere."

He showed his angered face. "Do you think I don't know that, shitass? Of course! Its up to all of you to judge. I don't care if you don't believe me, but I know what I did."

The jurisdiction ended in a couple of minutes. Everything that happened inside the court were utterly pointless. Nothing has changed. His punishment is still in death row, and he's going to get executed as soon as possible.

After staying in the filthy prison cell a couple of days, Zack is called out by the policemen. This is his last day. Honestly, if he were to choose, he wants to kill before he dies and too bad he isn't allowed to do that. How is he going to get killed anyway? Is it electrocution? Gas inhalation? Lethal injection? Nope. He survived all of them in the building where he met Ray.

He's soon transported to a building where he guessed he'll be killed. There aren't many people, just selected officers whose brave enough to see a legal murder live.

"So this is it, murderer. At last you'll meet your end, the killings you started will cease and those you have killed will have justice. Any last words, Isaac Foster?"

Zack is quiet, but spoke after a few minutes. "I regret killing off Ray. And if I were to be placed in this world again, I'll make sure you all die in my hands!!"  He blurted out.

The leader of the firing squad hissed, and ordered the others to point their guns on Zack. He felt numb for a while, although he isn't scared as anybody will think. Then he smiled, as if he's killing someone, except without bloodlust. It's happiness.

The firing squad began counting, "5..."

Thank you, Ray.


Thank you for coming in my fucking life.


Thank you for helping me get out of that shit ass building.


Thank you for letting me take your life. I was happy, but then I realized how you really mean to me.


I hope you'll be happy when I get there.


I'll see you soon, Rachel.

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