81: To Catch a Jedi
"We have to go back to the Temple." I said and we turned around. Lana walked with a limp, so, I placed my arm underneath hers as I moved one of her arms over my shoulder and walked for her; she's so short compared to me that I can carry her by doing so.
"I'm fine, I can walk." She complained as her feet barely touched the ground, only her tiptoes were eventually making contact with the concrete, she groaned. "You are ruining the tip of my favourite pair of boots."
"Shut up, they were ruined long ago, and you know this way it'll be faster." She groaned once again as she rolled her eyes and we made our way out. When we were outside, she checked her ankle and nodded before walking.
We hopped into a gunship and were taken to the Temple, once there, we presented the case to the Council. Everyone was there, but, before we could speak and give in what we had in favour of my Padawan, Takin showed up and he gave a small briefing of his own.
"After further investigation, there can be little doubt that the clone officers murdered in the escape were killed by none other than Ahsoka Tano herself. She used a Jedi mind trick to convince the clone to open the door and then proceeded to cut him down." He said.
"Excuse me?" Allana asked.
"Yes, General. She did this to other five troopers along the way."
"I'm sorry, but there's an issue with the continuity of your story, Admiral." Tarkin sent her a cold glare. "We've spoken to Fox. He informed us that he took Ahsoka's lightsabers before she entered the detention area of the facility to speak to Letta. How could she be able to cut down the trooper after he opened the door if she was unarmed?"
"It appears to me that you're lying. Would you be so judgemental if I had been the one to attend the call and walk out of the meeting?" There was a high pitched silence in the room. She placed him right where she wanted him, in a place where his credibility would be questioned.
"I do not believe that Ahsoka could have fallen so far." Master Plo commented to ease the tension.
"The beliefs of the Jedi Council are irrelevant. We deal strictly in facts and evidence, and the evidence points to Padawan Tano being guilty of the attack on the Temple and the murder of the Republic officers." Lana scoffed. "Despite her being a Jedi and a minor, we shall proceed as the laws of the Republic dictate." He looked at Naberrie. We side-eyed each other, assuming that Fox delivered a report to the Admiral about our visit to the prison. We frowned.
"You're not proceeding by the laws of the Republic if you're ignoring the basic rights of a citizen!" Lans continued her effort to fight.
"This is sedition!" Said Tarkin and his hologram faded away.
"God, I swear, the moment I see him I'm gonna-" I placed my hand on her shoulder and her whisper was shut up before words she could regret to say out loud in this room escaped her lips. She sighed as everyone looked at each other.
"Skywalker." I removed my hand from Lana's exposed skin as Master Mundi spoke and crossed my arms. "Was there no way to stop your Padawan before she escaped?"
"No, Master Mundi." I answered the question as I walked and stood on the middle of the room, Lans beside me.
"The Council believes that Ahsoka may be guilty of the crime." Said Windu.
"You can't be serious." We said at the unison, reacting to Yoda's words.
"Believe they are wrong you do, hmm?" Asked Yoda.
"Yes." We said again. "I believe she didn't kill the clone troopers or the woman who used the nano-droids to blow up the Temple." I added.
"Come on, Masters." Lana said. "I was called in too. Whoever is setting Ahsoka up, could've set me up as well. We have to look and place every card on the table, not just reduce it to this and point our fingers at her...she couldn't have done this."
"I agree." I backed her up. "That's why she's running. To prove her innocence." Windu looked at us and then at Yoda.
"Now she's in the lower depths. With her skills, she will be hard to find." He said.
"Two teams we will send." Master Yoda commented. "Both of you, lead the teams will." He added as he looked at us. "With your troopers you will go."
"I think it would be best if both of them stayed here." Windu said and we looked at each other. He always thinks we aren't rational whenever a case hits close to home, and, he doesn't trust us enough. Ever since we were teenagers he's been like this...colder. "Having you involved may actually make things...worse."
"Master Windu, with all due respect, she's my Padawan. Allana has been a close second hand to aid on her training." I said.
"The reason for you not to go."
"I think we're being foolish if we take them off this mission." Obi-Wan backed us up. "Who knows her better?"
"They're emotionally tied to her."
"Are you not to Master Billaba?" Lana asked without thinking, but, she was right. Both Jedi Masters exchanged looks before looking at us again. "Every single one of us, Masters of a Padawan, are emotionally tied to them despite not having to. It's a natural feeling." A pause. "Ahsoka trusts us, if someone else tries to get close, she'll just run faster." She tried to ease the tension she had created.
"It's different. You're too emotional to do what has to be done." Windu said cold as ice, making my angel sigh.
"I'd rather have us capture Ahsoka and find out the truth than let her run because of a lie." I said, just as cold.
"You must prove to us that you will stay focused." Said Master Yoda. "Can you?"
"I've already alerted security on the lower levels to be on the lookout for Ahsoka." I saw how Lana looked at me from the corner of my eye. You haven't, have you? She spoke in my head. Not yet. I responded. "We have it under control."
"Go swiftly then." Yoda said after a couple seconds. "Bring back this lost child before it is too late." I sighed.
"Yes, Master." We said at the unison and walked out of the chambers. When the door opened, Cal stood up from a seat by the window.
"Kestis." Lana greeted her apprentice, surprised. "What are you doing here? It's late, you should be asleep." She sounds like a mom. Even in these tough moments, the thought sent a small smile to my lips.
"Just heard about Snips. You don't believe it was her, do you?" Said Witty as we walked down the halls and towards the exit.
"Of course not, Cal." I said. "We're on our way to find her." I added as I commanded security on the lower levels like I said I had already done.
"I'll go with you."
"No, you will stay here and signal us if she makes contact with you." Allana ordered.
"What? No. If I were in her position, she'd be out there looking for me to give me a hand. I'm not staying here." We looked at each other and, after I shrugged, Lana sighed as she rolled her eyes.
"Fine. But you won't like this. Right now, it is as if Ahsoka was a fugitive. An actual fugitive. We must find her at all costs before things get uglier."
"I know, don't worry about me." He added and we made our way to get ready for the ugly weather out there. Cal got a navy blue poncho that matched his Jedi robes. "Do you think she could contact someone else?"
"I don't know." I said. "She's having a hard time trusting people around her. She seemed a bit skeptical, even with us." I placed my robe over my body.
"Can you blame her? The Jedi, her own kind, are hunting her down and we were sent to lead the hunt." Lana sighed. I sensed her guilt, her eyes were pinned to the wall as she placed her own black pocho over her shoulders, the fabric reached her thighs and she fixed a few wrinkles it had, disassociating for a hot minute to avoid thinking too much.
"Cal, go get the legions ready. Talk to Wolffe and Rex, we'll meet you at the hangar." He nodded and ran down the hall to find the troopers. "Why do you feel guilty?"
"Because I let her go in alone. I should've gone with her, I could've avoided this from happening."
"Or you could be on the run right now as well." I said and she sighed as she closed her eyes.
"I'm sorry."
"Don't be. It's not your fault. Someone else is pulling the threads right now and we're gonna find who that is. We're gonna bring her home, I promise." She nodded. "Let's find her and build this case up." We started walking to meet with the Padawan and the legions to start the lookout for Snips.
I was walking through the crowded, dirty and colourless streets of the Underworld. I hid behind boxes or in alleys whenever I saw a patrol, specially when I spotted them with a data-pad with my picture on it.
I saw a security car talking to a small patrol and hid from them until they were gone, then, I resumed my walk. Always keeping my head low and my eyes pinned to the ground. As I walked, I thought of someone...anyone I could talk to within the Temple to find a helping hand.
The first person to cross my mind was Cal. No, he'll be with Allana. Second was her and Anakin. No, they're trying to catch me. And not for the wrong reasons, they wanna help, but if I get too close they'll get me and I'll be back in the shadows. Obi-Wan? He's off-world. Padmé? She's probably figuring out how to help but she'll tell her sister. Who? Who? Who? Barriss!
I clicked my comlink and waited for her to pick up. The second she said 'Barriss here' a sigh of relief escaped my lips.
"Barriss, it's Ahsoka." I said.
"Ahsoka! I'm so glad you're safe." She said.
"Safe, but on the run."
"I can't tell you, but, someone's definitely trying to frame me."
"It's not safe for you to call me using the Jedi communicator. Someone could intercept the call. Find another way to contact me."
"I will."
"In the meantime, I'll do some digging and see if I can find anything out to help you on my end." I sighed again.
"Thank you, Barriss."
"Be safe." The communication ended. As soon as I placed my forearm away from my mouth, I focused on the panorama I had before me. I spotted a man on the ground, drinking from an almost empty bottle, he was wearing a cape.
I removed the comlink from my glove, dropped it to the ground and stepped on it to break it. Once it was tore to pieces, I approached the man and bent down in front of him.
"Hey, buddy. Are you hungry?" I asked.
"Yeah." He said with a chuckle and rising his bottle as if he was toasting. I took out one of the protein bars I have from my pocket.
"Let's make a trade." He chuckled and grabbed the bar, after he sniffed it, he frowned.
"What do you want?"
"Your cloak." He gave it to me and started eating as I walked away and placed it over my head.
Even tough it smelled bad, it was useful to keep my face hidden. I made my way to the train station as I placed the pieces of the puzzle before me and made an effort to figure this out. Whoever is framing me could've framed two Jedi with this. What are they trying to prove? What's the point in all of this? I sighed once again.
I stepped into the train wagon and grabbed a pole to maintain my balance as I looked at the ground. Who could be behind this? Someone I've hurt or placed in prison? Ziro's dead, he couldn't be. Any bounty hunter? Why make Letta create the bomb when they could do it themselves? I mean, Cad Bane alrady broke into the Temple once. He could've done this attack and in a larger range than the hangar...No. It's not that.
I was lost in my thoughts until the gate that connects wagons opened. Two coppers walked in.
"Shit." I said under my breath as they walked near every passenger and asked for their passes. I stepped close to the door as we were getting closer to the next stop. I waited as I felt trapped again, they weren't very far from where I was. The train stopped few moments later and the gates opened, but, they revealed more of them. I gasped in surprise and stepped backwards.
"It's her. The rogue Jedi." Said one of them. They were boxing me in, so, I extended my hand and pushed three of them with the Force. One of them ended up outside of the train and the gates closed. I am trapped again.
I ran into the next wagon with four of them following behind. They started saying 'stop her' and the citizens started to help them. I ended up fighting the four of them to make my way out. I kicked and pushed people. When I was by the doors, I used the Force to open them and jumped out of the train in movement.
I rolled and proceeded to slid down the train stop. I stood up and started to walk just to be spotted again. They chased after me and I ended up jumping through the entry gates and ran into an elevator. The cops opened fire at me and, even if they didn't get me, they did blast the lift's panel before the doors closed.
"Not good." I said and the lift fell on a free fall. As it went down, I realised a little Twi'lek was here with me, trapped and made an effort on not to look too scared. "Don't worry, little guy." I told him. "I'll get us out of this." I looked at every corner of the reduced place and tried to figure a way out. "I'll- I'll think of something." I jumped towards the roof and held on to the walls by using my feet while my hands wandered over the metal. Seconds later, I pulled out my lightsaber and started cutting through the roof.
"Ya kumay na. Ya kumay na." He said. "Kumay na." He repeated but I didn't know what he was saying. I assumed it was a 'hurry up'.
"Almost there." I said.
"Kumay na."
"Almost got it!"
"Kumay na!" Suddenly, the elevator stopped falling and I fell to the ground with a loud thud. I looked at the kid and he looked at me. "Kumay na." He repeated in a calmer tone of voice, panting and pointed at the opposite control panel that I hadn't seen.
"Huh. I guess I'm not exactly on my game these days." I said and incorporated. "Allana was right to suggest for us to learn Ryl." He chuckled. "Wanna go on a fun ride?" He nodded and I chuckled as I cut a hole through the glass. Then, I kicked it. "Well, hop on." He extended his arms and I carried him before I jumped down through the hole on the glass. When we landed, I let go of him and he ran towards his mother. "Thanks, kid. I owe you one."
I breathed in and out, stood up and threw the hood over my head after he sent me a final wave. I smiled at him, weakly, and waved back before walking away to get a place where to sit for a while, catch my breath or just rest my feet for a second. This has been the longest night of my life.
I obviously didn't stop. I continued walking and walking. At some point, I found a gate cutting my way, so, I jumped it and continued walking. Not much time had passed when I heard something cracking behind me. The second I turned around, I was kicked on the stomach and brought down to the ground. The red blades of two twin lightsabers were enlightened and placed close to my neck, pinning me down.
"Well, well, well. I didn't believe it when I first heard it, but I guess it's true, the Senate has put a bounty on your horned little head." Said the person who hid behind a mask. One lightsaber was turned off and, with a click of a button, the mask lifted from the face. It revealed Asajj Ventress. "And I'm going to be the one who collects."
"Ventress. It was you, wasn't it?" I asked as she took my lightsaber from my belt. "You were behind all of this, and you framed me!" She frowned.
"I don't know what you're talking about."
"Yes! You do!" I frowned as well. "So what are you now? A bounty hunter?"
"Yes. And someone who knows how to make easy money." She lifted me up and took the cloak off of me. After she threw it somewhere, she made me walk to the nearest exit to get a transport to the surface.
"You think you're just gonna hand me over? And then what? Get a pad on the shoulder? You're a Separatist war criminal and a Sith. They'll have us both in prison before you said your name."
"I don't have to hand you over to the Jedi. I can hand you over to the bondsman and still get paid. I'm gonna get the money whether you're dead or alive." I scoffed.
"Good luck with that. Despite what you hear, I'm still a Jedi."
"I'm afraid the other Jedi no longer see it that way." I was quiet for a moment. There may be five or six who still do, but...the rest doesn't. Not anymore.
"I hate to admit it, but you're right. That's why I'm going to need your help." I turned around as I formulated a quick strategy in my head, she clicked the button on the side of her mask and it lifted, revealing a very confused face that also displayed a certain...disgust of some kind.
"In what star-system do you think I would ever help you?"
"A traitourus Jedi tried to blow up the Jedi Temple and has framed me for that and other killings."
"Hmm. So the Jedi aren't that holy after all." She let go of my arm and placed her hands on her hips while I placed my hands behind my back.
"I know Dooku tried to have you killed. I know he betrayed you. What if this is his new apprentice? I've fallen from my path just as you have fallen from yours. We have a lot more in common than you think." She grabbed my arm, tightly.
"What can you offer me that's better than money?"
"If you help me, I'll speak to the Council and the Senate on your behalf. I'll get you a full pardon for your crimes." She arched an eyebrow.
"You have my attention. But I'm going to go where the tide flows." She placed my lightsaber before me. "If the tide's flowing against you, don't think I'll forget about the bounty on your head." She pulled the handle of my weapon away when I reached out for it.
"Fair enough." She looked up as I nodded.
"I suggest we find somewhere else to discuss this." I frowned and looked up, following her gaze. I spotted two transports.
When we were ready, we hopped on two separate transports. We were informed that Ahsoka had been spotted heading towards the level 1312, so, we headed there. It was time to bring her home. By the time we arrived, we saw two figures that looked oddly familiar standing on the platform.
"Shine the light over there!" I ordered. The light fell upon them and I saw Ahsoka, though the other person was hard to spot clearly.
"Stay where you are!" Wolffe commanded through the speaker but they started running. A second later, I jumped and landed on the platform.
It didn't take long for Smarty and Witty to jump down as well and run beside me. But, we were slow, we had to cut the run when a plasma door shut the gate and stopped us from going any further.
Snips turned around and the other person turned around as well. Ventress was with her. Ahsoka shook her head before Asajj placed her hand upon my Padawan's shoulder and they resumed their getaway.
I was left standing there, confused. My eyes opened wildly as my lips parted open. She's with her? When? What? Why? Hundreds of questions filled my head.
"What the fuck?" I said under my breath as I looked at Lana. "What the fuck?" I repeated louder. She had the same confused expression on her face. "Ventress?" She shrugged. For the first time in a while, General Naberrie was left speechless and wondering many things at once that she couldn't come up with an answer like she always does. I turned around and faced the troopers. "Send out the probes. I want them found, now!"
The transports lifted themselves in the air and the droids floated through the air until they got past an opening above us. That's when I placed my hands on my hips and looked at the sky that seemed so far away from where we were left standing. I wanted to scream, I wanted to know what was going on. Why was this happening to us, to our team, to our little family? I sighed.
"What the fuck is going on, Lana?" I asked when I sensed her behind me and felt her hand on my back.
"I don't know."
"Why was Ventress with her?"
"I don't know either." I sighed. "But we'll figure it out. We always do." I nodded.
"I unlocked it!" Cal yelled and the plasma gate was gone. I nodded at him and looked at Lana.
"We always do." I repeated. She nodded. "We always do." I placed my hand on her shoulder and we walked towards the entrance, then, the three of us walked in to find them and hopefully, bring all of this closer to an end.
We walked for a while around the cold streets, avoiding the probs that Anakin most certainly sent. I felt bad. The look on his face when he saw me with Ventress...I only saw a glimpse of it, for I turned around, but he seemed so hurt. I sighed.
"We're here." Asajj said as we turned left on a corner.
"Nice place you have here." I said with a hint of sarcasm. This was definitely not the nicest place to be in.
"Not everyone on Coruscant lives in a luxurious Temple on the surface."
"I guess I'll have to get used to that."
"Just make the call." She said once we were in front of the pay-phone. She walked a few steps away while I moved some cables of the console. "Adding another criminal act to your record?" Her sarcasm is so much like Allana's, given the right circumstances.
"I don't want them to be able to trace it." I clicked a few buttons and contacted my friend. "Barriss, it's me." Her hologram appeared before me in within seconds.
"It's so good to see you, Ahsoka. Are you okay?" No, I'm not.
"Yeah, I'm okay if you consider Anakin, Allana, Cal and a hundred clones on my tail a good space to be in."
"You were almost captured?"
"Once or twice, yeah." I looked at Ventress and she raised her eyebrows before rolling her eyes.
"Where are you?"
"I can't say, Barriss."
"I believe I've found a clue."
"A clue? How? From where?"
"We don't have much time, Ahsoka. I need to know where you are located as to tell you if you're close or not to the location I have." I sighed.
"Fine, I'm on level 1312." She nodded and held her chin as she thought.
"Three levels up there seems to be an abandoned warehouse where they used to build munitions that Letta visited during the time she was getting access to the nano-droids."
"How did you find this out?"
"I told you I would do some checking." A relieved breath left my mouth.
"Thank you, Barriss."
"Be careful, Ahsoka." She hung up after I had nodded. Then, I walked up to my new friend.
"Well?" Asked the bounty hunter.
"I think I have a lead." I answered.
"It doesn't sound like you need my help."
"That's not true. We need to find an abandoned munitions warehouse on level 1315. We should be able to find some information there." She frowned, thoughtful. "You know the place I'm talking about, don't you?"
"Yes. I can get you there." That's when we heard footsteps approaching. A second later, Wolffe and many of his brother were aiming their weapons at us.
"Listen to me." I said as I placed my hands up. "I don't want to fight."
"Oh, but I do." Said Ventress, her voice was distorted by the mask.
"We're taking you in now, Commander." Said the Wolfpack's second in command.
"That's not gonna happen, trust me. Now, I'm not gonna hurt any of you." I said and looked at Ventress. "We're not gonna hurt any of you...but you're not taking me in." Their guns clicked.
"Commander, we are taking you in." Wolffe said harshly. That's when Ventress turned on her sabers and the clones took it as their cue to start the attack. I started defending myself by using only my fists and feet to fight.
"Ventress, don't!" I said and saw her cutting the blasters and turn off the blades to fight with her hands as well. Within five minutes, we took down the squad that Wolffe was leading.
"See? Didn't kill one. It's the new me." Said she before we ran away from the scene as we heard their grunts.
It took us a while to get to level 1315, but we did. We walked in silence as we approached the abandoned building. It was rusty and a thick mist covered it, as well as the smell of rusting metal and burned plastic.
"There it is." Said the ex-assassin. "That's where you're supposed to find this clue." I frowned as I thought what and how could Barriss have found out about this...lead and what could it be. "I've done my part of the bargain." She added, calling my attention. "Which means you're on your own from here. But don't forget, you have to speak on my behalf now. That was the deal." She handed over my weapon.
"Agreed." I said as I took the handle of my saber. "Thanks for getting me this far, at least. I have to admit, I never saw us doing anything together...ever."
"These are strange times." With that, she walked away before I stepped into the warehouse.
I walked in and through the curious looking halls trying to spot something, anything. But there was nothing. The only thing I felt was my nerves spiking, as if something was about to happen. That made me walk and look in all directions to make sure nothing was there. I suppose it's just my anxiety. I sighed as I approached some boxes that were piled on a corner.
"How am I supposed to find a clue when I don't even know what I'm looking for?" I spoke to myself. I suppose talking to R2 on our free time made me do this. Suddenly, I heard footsteps and two lightsabers enlightening. I turned around just in time to block a direct attack that went for my head. I blocked the thrusts and threw a few myself before I kicked the abdomen of my attacker. "Ventress!" Great! My trust has been broken yet again in one day. "I see you've had a change of heart."
She pulled down a piece of metal, that I dodged by jumping backwards. However, it lifted a thick pile of dust that made me cough. When I looked up again, I saw her running away. I followed after her until I stood over the next level of the building. I looked around but she was nowhere to be found.
"Why bring me here?" I asked. "Answer me, Ventress! Why?!" I heard a clanking of some metallic pieces and stepped backwards. Then the lightsabers enlightened again and I turned around right on time once more to block the attack.
We engaged a fight again and when I moved my arm up to block, she kicked me and threw me backwards. I grunted as I got up and saw her running to get to the next level. I ran after her when, all of the sudden, a bunch of barrels fell upon me. I dodged them and climbed the wall to get to the next level.
The fight continued until we stepped close to some steam pipes and she made a cut over the metal. The hot gas hit my face and it burned like hell. She made more cuts on the rest of the pipes before throwing with the Force some other barrels. I assume they were filled with petrol, because a fire was lit the second they made contact with the steam.
I ran away and found cover, because I knew they were going to blow up. And I was right. I found cover behind a piece of metal but the explosion was too strong I was sent backwards either way. The metal was over me, but, it was lifted as I tried to stand. A second later, two hands took ahold of me and threw me against the wall. My body felt too weak to go on, but I wasn't going down without fighting.
I turned my lightsaber on again but she pushed me backwards. The impact of my body against some more boxes was so strong it knocked my saber out of my hands. The only thought that went through my head as I watched the metallic handle fall was 'Anakin's gonna kill me'. I stood up again and coughed as I faced her.
I frowned, threw some kicks after I placed my fists up, but she dodged them. Then, she punched me on the stomach with her elbow and, the second she faced me, she kicked me. That made me fall. I fell three levels and hit the ground in the most painful way I have ever before. I placed my hands on the dusty floor to help my stand, but my elbows gave in. There was no longer any strength in my body to get up.
The strength returned seconds later. When I managed to get on my knees, I looked up and found boxes with the legend 'nano-droids' written over them. I looked up and found Ventress standing there. She looked at me and then ran away. That's when I heard footsteps behind me.
We were informed about suspicious activity on level 1315. We were closer than Anakin's unit, so, we arrived faster and we got in the second our transport landed. Skywalker was not far behind.
We walked around the place and walked even faster when we heard struggle. Wood breaking, grunts and coughing. Not to mention the smell of burned materials was very strong.
As we approached, we saw Ahsoka kneeling on the ground in front of many munition boxes. I frowned. She heard us approaching, so, she turned around to face us. Her eyes opened wildly when she saw us.
"No, wait." She said, placing her hands up. "Allana, Wolffe, I can explain." My Commander didn't give her time to do so, he pulled the trigger and stunned her in a second. She fell to the ground and I approached her quickly. I sat on the ground and pulled her close to have her rest on me instead of the ground. That's when Anakin arrived.
My eyes met his and his face softened when he saw that she was alive and okay. He stepped closer and held her hand into his. He looked at me and then focused on the girl he thinks of as a little sister or a daughter. I'm not really sure.
"Explosives." Wolffe said and we looked at him, he was digging into one of the boxes nearby. "These are the same type of nano-droids that were used to blow up the Jedi Temple." I frowned and looked at the kid that's sleeping in my arms, then, at her Master. He was just as confused as me. Cal was silent beside me but his face revealed nothing but skepticism.
"I can't believe it." Said Anakin.
"None of us can." Kestis said before Ani took Snips and carried her. I stood up and saw her lightsaber on the ground. I pulled it towards me and clipped it to my belt as we walked towards the exit.
Moments later, we hopped on our transports. Cal stayed with Ahsoka on one of the vehicles while Anakin and I stepped into the other one. The Captain of the 501st and my Commander were standing beside us. Master Yoda made contact as we made our way back to the Temple.
"Captured she has been?" He asked and I sighed.
"Yes, Master Yoda." I answered.
"Without incident?"
"No. She was subdued by the clones and found in possession of explosive nano-droids. Still, we must check all the evidence, I mean, why was she there? She must have gotten a clue of some kind that lead her there. She was trying to prove she's innocent."
"Agreed. And, this doesn't explain Ventress' involvement." Anakin commented. "We saw her with Ahsoka." He sighed. "I think there's more going on than we know." I nodded in agreement.
"By Ahsoka or against her?" Asked Windu and I closed my ayes to avoid rolling them in front of him. We didn't answer, we just looked at each other. We know it's against her, but, they need to hear what they want to hear and we must say it in order to keep on leading this case.
"That remains to be seen." I said as Anakin simply shook his head, he hated to say it, even thinking it.
"We're taking her back to the Temple." Anakin finally said.
"Let's just hope we can keep her here." Mace commented and the transmission ended when we nodded. Our eyes met. Skywalker rolled his blue eyes with such annoyance that I simply sighed and shook my head.
"There's still much that I can't understand." He said. I could sense the confusion, the worry, the stress. I exhaled through my nose.
"I know. Me too. But she's here now, she's alright. We can hear what she knows and we'll be a step closer to figure everything out. We will figure it out."
"I know. We always do." I nodded and held his hand. A bold movement, but, the two clones that are before us have known for a while now and they don't mind or would tell a soul. He squeezed my hand gently and we let go of each other as the wind roared around us and we approached the Temple. I hope we can get this over with...soon.
a/n: hello everyone! long time no see. i hope you're all doing great, staying healthy and safe wherever you are.
i'm here to tell you that this part of the story is coming to an end, this is the antepenultimate chapter of this book. the rest will be on a separate book named "Demons" that you'll find very soon on my profile as well.
i decided to divide the story bc otherwise it would be too long, hopefully y'all will check the second bit out, that's where everything will start to get gloomy lol
anyways, stay safe, drink some water and have a great day/night/evening or whatever time it is wherever you are. see u soon.
loads of love <3
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