78: They Kill, I Kill
We've spend a couple weeks on small missions to aid the army in different spots in the Galaxy, rather than engaging fights. I've been doing that more than anyone lately. We can say it's been five weeks since that...personal discovery. I enjoyed the quiet every now and then, though today had been too quiet for my taste. Too slow.
I was walking towards the Communication centre to check on some intel, when I bumped into Obi-Wan.
"Kenobi, good evening." He looked up but...something was off. "You alright?" He looked at me and shook his head.
"Not really." He said and I frowned. I indicated him to join me and we entered the room. I sat down and he stood across from me, brushing his beard as he always do and looked concerned.
"What's troubling you?"
"We received a message from Satine. She said she's lost Mandalore, that her people have been massacred and that Almec is the Prime Minister again. Plus, he has the support of crime families." I raised my eyebrows and reclined my weight on the chair's back. "I know."
"What does the Council say?"
"That we cannot interfere."
"Why? If she lost Mandalore it must have been to the Death Watch, right?"
"Yes, but, they're no longer allied with the Separatists. Which means, it's an internal affair." I rolled my eyes.
"I'm getting very tired of that rule." He nodded in agreement. "What else did they say?"
"That I must take it to the Senate, but we both know what they will say." I sighed.
"Yeah. 'No' as well because Mandalore is a neutral system and they're not allied with us."
"Indeed." He sighed this time. "Is there a way that Padmé could help us?" I shook my head.
"She may want to help, but it'll be one or two votes against thousands." He sighed once again and I bit my cheek. "And what are you going to do?"
"Follow yours and Anakin's teachings, and go against the rules." I scoffed.
"At this point, I'll take that as a compliment." I made him smile. "Can I go with you? I feel like you could use a hand, not to mention, that I'm boring my brains out here." He smiled and nodded.
"Where's Cal? He has way to keep things entertained even if he only speaks." I chuckled.
"Hanging out with Wolffe and the 104th, patrolling. After his good development for this past month, I've decided to promote him in the Battalion. He's now Captain." We started to walk out of the room and down the hallway.
"Oh, good for him!" He said with a contagious smile. I nodded.
"Yeah, so, now he's bossing everyone around. Except for me, obviously." He chuckled.
"Are Wolffe and Sinker okay with that?" I chuckled.
"They pretend not to be, but they are. They enjoy the kid's company." He nodded.
"I need to change my clothes, I'll meet you in the hangar." I nodded and we walked our separate ways. I frowned though, why would he need to change his clothes?
I contacted Anakin to ask if he had taken the Twilight with him to this small mission he had in Felucia, he said no, that I could borrow it. He also mentioned that I should be gentle with the ship, no clue why, though. I entered the hangar and moments later, Kenobi reached my side.
"We do have a transport, don't we?" He asked, dressed up in Hardeen's clothes. No idea why he kept those. I breathed in as I suppressed the urge to punch his once bald head for a second and pretend that I hadn't noticed and that I didn't care. Although he noticed. A soft glance of his let me know he knew what I was thinking.
"We do." I said after breathing out. "The Twilight." We looked at the front and met... "What a piece of junk." He sighed.
"Anakin let us borrow it? Even if it looks like that?" The ship was dirty, covered with a thin layer of dust and smoke crawled out of it. Not from where it should.
"Yup. He did." I looked around. "And that's the best we have that won't scream 'Hey, the Republic is here', so, we're gonna have to...try not to die on that thing."
"Do you think we'll manage to get to Mandalore in that?"
"There's just one way to find out." I looked around and found R6 standing in the corner with a couple more droids. Whenever we're at the Temple, he's here or the workshop. He's a productive droid. "R6! Come on buddy, we have somewhere to be, let's go!" He chirped, excited for his new adventure. When he reached our side, I patted his head. "You're gonna help us to not die out there with the wreckage Anakin left us as a so-called ship." He whistled and we walked in.
It smelled like burned metal in there and said scent made me sneeze. I sat as pilot, Kenobi as co-pilot and R6 was by the navigation system. I started piloting out of the hangar and the ship made the weirdest, most terrifying noises. As if it was breaking and about to explode.
"Oh dear." Said Obi-Wan.
"Yeah. Okay, hold on." R6 entered the coordinates to Mandalore and we started our voyage. I started to check on the vital parts of the ship, like the oil and fuel containers, the engines, the guns, etcetera and we can say that we ended up praying to the stars for us to even arrive and land instead of blowing up in the middle of the hyperspace. And thankfully, we did.
We arrived at the neutral system and it was a fucking miracle. We spotted several columns of smoke crawling out of the few escapes the underground city has here on the surface as we approached the docks. We looked at each other concerned and confused.
When landed, a very relieved sigh escaped our lips, before a scream when a small panel blew up and fire crawled out of it. That scared the shit out of us, and R6. He was a fast thinker though, after he screamed, he approached and used the fire extinguisher to ease the flames.
"Thanks little guy." I said.
"I swear, this is the last time I borrow a ship from Anakin." Said Kenobi as he stood up and placed the helmet over his head. "Two Death Watch fellas down there. For our fortune, one is female."
"What's the plan?"
"You stay here, I'll bring them in, we knock them out and take their armours for disguise." I nodded.
"Good plan."
"I know." He walked out and I did Kestis' move: the monkey move. Hanging from the ceiling is fun.
"R6, hide over there buddy. Don't let them see you." He beeped in response and hid in the small closet the ship has.
"You better get your ship looked at." Said a female voice, that was muffed by the helmet, outside.
"Oh, it's my friend's ship." I heard a loud thud and giggled to myself. I could only imagine how dumb Kenobi could look like. Improvising plans like this has never been his strong side, just like his apprentice. "He told me it was perfectly fine." More metallic clanging. "Terribly sorry about that." But he's always good with words.
"Do you have a landing permit?" Asked a male voice this time.
"Um...I think I left it in the ship. Come with me and I'll get it." As soon as they were in, Kenobi punched the guy and knocked him out. When she was about to call for help, I jumped down and knocked out as well with a good punch in the head. "Well done." He said as the girl moved, not entirely 'out'. That's when R6 electrocuted her, causing her head to hit the ground again. "You too." The droid whistled.
"Thanks." I dragged the girl into the small room in this ship and took her armour off, then, I placed it on and when I was settled, I tied up her wrists and ankles. I also found tape and placed a string over her mouth. When I walked out, Obi-Wan was already in character. "These are cool, I've always wanted to wear one." He barely smiled at me as we started to descent the ship's ramp.
"Well, there's always a first time for everything." I chuckled as I placed the helmet over my head, ad we made our way to a small transport. When we hopped in, I looked over my shoulder, the feeling of having eyes on us made me uncomfortable, but I saw no one.
Obi-Wan piloted the speeder and he took us to the prison. I was in awe. I've never been in Mandalore. Sure, I came here to escort the Duchess to Coruscant a while ago, but I never entered the city or went past the landing docks. And this place is magnificent. It's huge, well organised, a fancy and elegant architecture, it gives off a very calm vibe...this place is a masterpiece. Sadly, it's facing a sad series of unfortunate events. Mainly known as war.
We walked into the facility and started walking down the hallways, looking for the cell where the Duchess might be. After ten minutes, more or less, we found her. She was sitting on the ground, facing the wall.
"I'll cover you." I said and Obi-Wan nodded as he opened the door and I held the blaster in my hands. It feels weird. As the Master Jedi that's behind me would say: it's a very uncivilised weapon.
"Here to do more of your Master's bidding?" Asked Satine, without even turning around.
"I do my own bidding." Said Kenobi as he took off the helmet.
"Obi-Wan!" She turned around and hugged him. He hugged her back and I smiled. They look lovely together. "Are you alone?" She hasn't seen me.
"No. I brought a good friend with me." I lifted the helmet to share a kind smile with the Duchess.
"General Naberrie." She smiled back as she greeted me.
"Duchess." I placed the helmet down. "It's good to see you're okay." She smiled more and nodded.
"Unfortunately, it's just the two of us." Obi-Wan continued. "The Jedi Council and the Galactic Senate will be of no help to us here."
"We're clear and we need to move." I said and he nodded, held her hand and we started to move towards the closest lift we had.
"I trust you have an escape plan then?" She asked as he placed his helmet over his head and I pressed a button, calling for the lift.
"As always, my dear." I almost chocked with air. He cleared his throat, remembering that I was actually standing beside them, while Satine simply opened her eyes wildly. That's when the doors opened and a guy wearing the same armour than us —but that's an actual bad guy— showed up. Kenobi pushed Satine in and the three of us walked in.
The two of us were covering the Duchess with our bodies, as if that could hide her from him, and looked at each other. Not knowing what to do and holding a silent argument our next move. When we saw how the dude looked over his shoulder we immediately looked at the front and stood straight. My eyes scanned every corner to find a way out or to figure something out, but, we're in an elevator. There's not much one can do in here.
"There's no record of a prisoner transfer here." Said the fella.
"The orders came from upstairs." Said Obi-Wan and our friend nodded before turning around once more.
"What's the authorisation code?"
"Oh, um..." It took too long, so, I kicked the guy against the doors and hit the back of his neck, that was unprotected, with the back of the blaster. Knocking him out. "Good idea. Better one."
"Thanks, I know." The doors opened and the guy fell forward while we walked out and reached two motor-speeders. Satine was behind Kenobi while I rode on my own. We heard a guy calling us, and then informing the people that were actually upstairs about the Duchess' escape. We reached the docks and started receiving blaster fire. "I'm still covering you, go!" I said as I fired back at the bad guys, hitting almost every target. But because this is not my weapon, it was hard. I started walking backwards into the ship, still firing the blaster. "R6, close the gate!" I commanded and the droid closed the entrance in a second.
By the time it closed, Obi-Wan was already trying to fire the guns, succeeding after a while. He fired back and I threw the helmet across the room. How do these guys breathe under that? Goodness. I stood beside the Jedi and the Duchess as the bad guys kept on firing their blasters at us and I saw a small transport arrive as well.
"We need to contact my sister for help." Said Satine. "She'll send reinforcements."
"Who's your sister?" Asked Kenobi as I narrowed my eyes, trying to see who had just arrived. Failing. But I do feel the presence...that sinister feeling again. Could it be? No...or...it could? "Allana, start flying or we'll be shot down."
"On it. But I must tell you, blaster fire won't get through." I piloted the ship and turned it around. Unfortunately, moments later, we received the impact of rockets right underneath us. The three of us grunted.
"Could that get through?!" Asked he with his usual sarcasm.
"Isn't it obvious?!" I replied with mine. "Brace yourselves!" I said as the electricity zapped around us and we spinned.
"Let's get out of here!" We all stood from our seats and R6 turned his rockets on. I watched him flying out and land on a tower, far from where we were. Thankfully, no one saw him and he will stay there. While he did so, we had to hold on to the edges of the Twilight's ramp. Obi-Wan was holding on to Satine's hand tightly.
"Let go!" I said as a whirring noise started to increase, meaning, this thing was bowing up any second now. And I was right. As soon as we let go of the metal, the ship blew up. I landed roughly on the ground, over my back and I swear, my back cracked like it has never cracked before.
I stood up slowly, shaking the stunned feeling and the dizziness out of my system as I saw the enemy party approaching. Death Watch soldiers and...the Nightbrothers. I was right. I shook my head again.
"No...it can't be." Said Obi-Wan to my left as something stirred inside of me. When my eyes landed on Savage. I grabbed my lightsabers and turned them on, as well as the Jedi Master. But they were faster. Maul extended a hand and started Force-chocking Kenobi while his brother did the same with me. We immediately let go of our weapons.
"We meet again, Kenobi." Said Maul as his brother collected the handles of the lightsabers. He also pulled me towards him until his hand was wrapped around my neck, the grip was stronger than the previous one. My hands found his thick wrist and started trying to fight him, to make him let go. But his claws started to get through my skin and made me yelp and give up. "I expected you to come alone but I am pleased with the company." I groaned with fury as I ran out of air. "Welcome to my world." They let go of us and the soldiers took ahold of us while Savage threw the Duchess unconscious self over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes and we coughed. "Take them back to the Palace."
They dragged us all they way to the Palace and my feet hurt a lot by the time we got there. In fact, every muscle and every limb of my body ached. I wanted to scream, I wanted to fight, but I was tired. Not to mention, we were unarmed. And even if my abilities are better than Savage's because of my not rushed training, it wouldn't be wise to risk it.
When we arrived, we were standing before Maul, who was sitting on the throne with Savage to his right and Satine was made to kneel to his left. I was angry. That is a humiliation she didn't deserve.
"Your noble flaw is a weakness shared by you..." Maul started speaking directly to Obi-Wan, totally forgetting about my presence.When he raised his hand, he lifted Satine with the Force, chocking her. She gasped and Kenobi frowned, taking a step forward and being stopped by the mandalorians. I wanted to step in too but they were also holding me. "And your Duchess." He stood up and started dragging her with him as she kicked for a way out and tried to rip with her hands the invisible rope that was being tightened around her throat. "You should have chosen the Dark Side, Master Jedi." She continued to gasp. "Your emotions betray you. Your fear, and yes, your anger."
There was a short pause in which I saw how Obi-Wan closed his eyes, trying to calm himself and Satine continued to gasp while my heart rate increased. I wanted to help but how? What could I do? Maul growled.
"Let your anger deepen your hatred." He continued, making his voice echo all over the room.
"Don't...listen to him, Obi-" She tried to speak and Savage looked at her like a predator looks at its prey.
"Quiet." He ordered while Maul moved a hand up, asking him to be quiet as well.
"You can kill me, but you will never destroy me." Said Obi-Wan. "It takes strength to resist the Dark Side." He looked up from the ground. "Only the weak embrace it." He added with a killer tone of voice I've never heard from him. The kind of voice Anakin uses whenever he's incredibly angry. That pissed off Maul even further.
"It is more powerful than you know." His lava eyes landed on me. "Isn't it, young Naberrie?" I looked away, but with a hand movement, he made me face him again. "You have had a taste."
"Maybe. But I'll never embrace it willingly." I said. "Those who oppose it are more powerful than either of you will ever be." He snarled and his invisible grip around my jaw disappeared when Obi-Wan spoke again. I had to open my mouth to ease the tension.
"We know where you're from." He said, calling the Sith's attention. "We've been to your village. I know de decision to join the Dark Side wasn't yours. The Nightsisters made it for you."
"Silence!" I flinched. "You think you know us? You think you know me? It was I who languished for years thinking of nothing but you. Nothing but this moment."
"Well, you should get professional help then, bud. That's psychotic behaviour." I said and with a glare, Maul indicated Savage to approach me. I moved backwards but the Mandalorians stopped me. A second later, Savage grabbed me by the shoulders in yet another second he hit my abdomen with his knee with a strength that could've made very serious damage. With a grunt, the air escaped my lungs and I fell to the ground. He kicked me and started beating the shit out of me.
"Stop that!" Obi-Wan tried to intervene. like a worried older brother. "Take your anger out on me! I dragged her here! Leave her alone!" He continued but the Monster never stopped.
It was until I stopped moving and tried to defend myself as a sharp pain increased and grew over my lower belly that...I knew I had lost someone. It's truly a shame that these armours don't cover the abdomen entirely. That's when Savage stopped for a second, when he panted, exhausted of the aggression he just committed.
I coughed and spitted blood when he stepped away, after he decided I've had enough. That's when Maul continued as if nothing had happened. I couldn't move, I couldn't breathe, I could only look through my tears and the combination of them and blood that were over the ground.
"Now...the perfect tool for my vengeance is in front of us." He said with a sinister voice. "I never planned on killing you. But I will make you share my pain, Kenobi." He added and I incorporated from the ground a bit while Obi-Wan was made to kneel and Satine was thrown forward only to be empaled by the black lightsaber Maul was weilding.
She gasped and extended a hand, reaching out for Obi-Wan, just like he was reaching out for her, and I stifled a scream. Obi-Wan seemed like he wanted to scream too, but he didn't, and if he did...the scream was muted. She gasped when the blade crawled back to the handle and she collapsed on the ground. That's when Obi-Wan rushed towards her, to aid her.
"Satine." He whispered as he turned her around gently and placed her over his lap. They looked at each other sadly and my heart broke for them.
"Remember, by dear Obi-Wan..." Her hand found his cheek and he placed his face even closer to her touch. "I've loved you always...I always will." A final breath escaped her lips and I saw something I've never seen before. I saw Obi-Wan Kenobi cry. A pair of tears fell down from his eyes onto her blood stained dress as her hand dropped from his face. He caught it midair and, as he made their foreheads touch and kissed her knuckles.
Obi-Wan placed her hands together over the wound and laid her gently on the ground as he continued to silently cry for his forbidden and lost love. I was in tears too. I've never seen Obi-Wan destroyed like he is right now, he's always been good at hiding his emotions but this...this was completely overwhelming him.
"Do we kill them now, brother?" Savage asked Maul and I swear, I wanted to rip his head off.
"No." His brother answered. "Imprison them below. Let him drown on his misery. Take them to their cells to rot." Two solders took a hold of Obi-Wan and made him walk. When they tried to make me stand, the pain was too much that I ended falling again, so, they dragged me instead.
When we reached the transport, they made us kneel and they handcuffed us. No one spoke and the way to the prison was eternal. The silence made my ears ring. When we arrived, they made him stand while they dragged me again. A second later, a guy fell as he yelped, making the rest get extra sharp.
"It's the rebels!" Someone said and a high pitched noise echoed behind me. Obi-Wan kicked the guy and he fell again, for he had stood up seconds after he had fallen for the first time, only to blow up shortly after that.
A redhead lady showed up out of the blue and started kicking ass, getting rid of every single one of the ones that were surrounding us in a matter of seconds. One minute tops. I stood up as I could, ignoring my pain and jelly legs when she grabbed our lightsabers from the ground.
"I'm sorry, I don't believe we've met." Said Kenobi as she enlightened his saber to cut the handcuffs. "You are?"
"Bo-Katan." She said, then, she handed over the handles as her friends landed beside us. "I'm here to rescue you, that's all you need to know."
"Enough for me." I said.
"You ever used one of these before?" She asked as she handed over jetpacks to us. We looked at each other.
"Can't say I've had the pleasure, no." I said.
"No, but, we're fast learners." Obi-Wan said at the same time and she attached the jetpacks to the back of the armours.
"Let's go." She commanded.
"Wait." I said. "Does anyone have a stim? I'm...kinda dying here." Bo-Katan chuckled.
"Here." She gave me one and I injected it to my abdomen, hissing. Hopefully that'll do for a moment.
"Thanks." She nodded and everyone got ready to get to the entrance. "I'll meet you at the docks." That's when my body started feeling normal, but I was still feeling ill and everything still hurt a little.
"What?" Asked Obi-Wan. "Where the hell do you think you're going?" I looked at him. And a glance was enough for him to know. "No."
"Allana, no."
"Allana, yes." He shook his head.
"No. This is not a joke. If you go alone they will kill you."
"And if I don't go alone, they will get close to kill me anyway." I got closer to the edge to start my way to get to the Palace again, but, he stopped me by holding my arm.
"I can't let you go there. It's suicide." He was saying that not because he doubted me, it was because he had seen what they're capable of doing to someone he loves. He doesn't want to risk it. I've always known Kenobi loves us as a little family, even if he doesn't say it enough, because in all honesty, we're not meant to say it. I was silent for a moment, trying to pick my words correctly. "And revenge is not the Jedi way."
"I don't give a damn about the Jedi way right now." I said slowly. "Out of everyone and anyone in the Order, this planet, the next one and the entire Galaxy, you must be the one to empathise with me. To know what I'm feeling, what I've been feeling."
"And I do. That's why I'm telling you that revenge will make you feel better only for a moment, but it will place you on a point that is hard to get out of."
"But it will make me feel better." My eyes pooled with tears. "He killed my Master, a sister, the woman who raised me; teenagers, kids...and he's been hunting me for weeks. In my dreams or everywhere I go. Killing him will give me closure and will make the lightsaber that I hold with my left hand feel less fucking heavy all the time." I paused for a moment. "So yes, I'll be left standing in a dark path but I can handle it, I survived that before."
"Barely. I saw you. You nearly died in Anakin's arms that night."
"But I survived." I plead with my gaze. "Trust me. That's all I want you to do right now." His eyes were sadder. "I'll meet you at the entrance."
"And if you don't?" I meditated that for a moment. If I die here...I will leave many people behind. I will break too many hearts. "If I wait for twenty or thirty minutes and you're not there, then what? What am I supposed to do?"
"Then all you need to know is that you've been the best big brother I've ever had. And a great friend. The best one anyone can ask for." That made him cry. "If I don't meet you there, you'll go home and tell Cal that I'm sorry. You'll tell Ahsoka that I'm sorry. You'll tell Anakin that I'm sorry and you will tell Padmé that I'm sorry." A shaky breath escaped my lips. "And you will tell them...that I love them and that I'll miss them...but that I'm alright, that nothing hurts and that I fought 'till the very end." He cried again. "But you won't have to because I will meet you at the entrance...and we will cry in silence. And after I'm checked at a med-station, we'll cry more with the company of a bottle of whiskey. From dusk till down if you'd like." He smiled a little bit. I offered a hand as he let go of my arm, trusting me. "I'll meet you there." He grabbed my hand and nodded.
"You better." I nodded back and we started flying through the air in opposite directions. In within ten minutes, I arrived at the Palace and I assumed the rest were still on their way to the docks.
When I landed, the Death Watch soldiers started firing at me, but, I deflected the blasts with the lightsabers; and I didn't care...I killed those that were too close. When I was getting closer to the entrance, I deflected the blasts of the two guys that were outside back to them, killing them. I extended my hand and the gates opened, revealing the Nightbrothers.
When I walked in, their attention snapped towards me and, before the Death Watch soldiers that were here could do anything, they started choking with a movement of my hand. Maul stood from his usurped throne as the Mandalorians stopped gagging. I let go of them and they fell to the ground, lifeless.
"I'm surprised to see this behaviour from a Jedi." Said he.
"Well, I've never been the best example." I said coldly.
"It was foolish for you to come here. Specially alone." I shrugged.
"Maybe. But I believe you, like many others, are committing the mistake of underestimating me." I sighed. "Listen, Maul. I'm giving you the chance to step aside. My fight is not with you." He chuckled.
"And let you kill my brother?" I chuckled too.
"You really think I'd kill him if you don't fight by his side?" I looked at Savage. "I mean, hopefully, but that's just for you to know how little your brother thinks of you."
"Don't listen to her. General Naberrie is famous for using words against her enemies."
"Well, words cut deeper than any blade, don't they?" Maul snarled and Savage growled.
"I see you have Kenobi's arrogance."
"Nah. It's my own, he just taught me a trick or two." He growled.
"If you want one..." He enlightened his lightsaber and so did Savage. "You'll have to fight both of us." I breathed in and enlightened the blades of my own sabers.
"I like challenges."
They nodded at each other and they attacked first as I repeated in my head that I was not afraid of the monsters. I can't be. Not anymore, not if I wanna make it out alive.
When Maul moved to my right, I moved forward and avoided his thrust. When he jumped to attack again, I did the same and our lightsabers crashed loudly. I managed to push him away and that's when the big guy jumped into scene. Both of them attacked from above and my knees felt weak for a second, but I was not breaking tonight. I managed to hold their attacks.
As they pushed down, I pushed up. My knees were no longer close to the ground. I stood up. In a second, I pushed them backwards with the Force. When they were reincorporating, I jumped and went for Savage's head, but he defended himself. I pushed my attacks against him until Maul jumped back in. I had to jump backwards to avoid his attack. When I was in the air, he pushed me backwards, but I recovered my guard and just waited for him to go again.
And he did. Maul was protecting his brother like a fierce beast, knowing too well how dead I wanted him. Our lightsabers collided against each other with a very loud and rapid crash over and over again until we engaged them.
"My fight is not with you. Get. Out. Of my way." I said. "Last chance."
"Never." He growled and I sensed Savage coming from behind. I pushed Maul backwards with barely the momentum of my arms to turn around and defend myself from the animal. We engaged a small fight and I managed to break his defence. I kicked him in the face twice with a spinning kick. When he knelt down, I could have terminated him in a swift move, and I was close to but the blade of the brother got in the way. I groaned, annoyed.
That's when Savage hit the back of my heels and made me fall. When Maul was about to stab me, I jumped backwards and recovered my standing. He started attacking me and I started losing ground.
We arrived at the balcony and the space was reduced, I attacked from below, his feet, but he jumped backwards avoiding said attack. He stood over the railing. I was looking at him, defence up, when I saw from the corner of my eye how savage started running towards me. He used his arm to push me away.
The impact was against my belly again and I yelped. Also for the fact that he threw me off the balcony. But I was not falling alone. I extended my hands and pushed them with me. We all landed on our feet. I was looking at the ground, anticipating movements with my eyes closed and I knew Savage was the one to start this round.
He turned his lightsaber on and tried to impale my head, but, I moved backwards and his blade got stuck to the ground. I turned on my lightsabers and thrusted to the left to get his head once more, but he turned on the second blade of his weapon and blocked my attack.
Maul moved from the right and I used the violet lightsaber to block his thrust. When I broke the contact, I kicked Maul backwards. When I threw a twin thrust downwards, he rolled to the back, avoiding it. That's when I sensed Savage attacking from behind again, so, I moved my right hand to the back and blocked the thrust without even turning around. When I did, I punched him with my elbow as hard as I could and it did hurt him, but I was hurting too. Goodness, he's made of steel.
Maul threw a kick to my face, but, I bended backwards and dodged it. He tried to get my legs, but I jumped and dodged his attack too. He looked at me angrily, waiting for me to attack, but I'm not stupid. Instead, I just held on tighter to my lightsabers.
"Come on!" I yelped and Savage jumped over me, landing right behind me. My gaze was glued to him, trying to figure out if I could attack him as he jumped, but my concentration was broken when I sensed Maul throwing a lateral thrust to chop my head off. I moved to the right and blocked with the blue blade. Then, the threw a punch to my face, but, I jumped backwards. Not only dodging it, but kicking his brother's jaw from underneath.
Savage complained and fell further from where we were. I looked at Maul and groaned again as sweat covered my forehead and the curly locks fell over my face, getting stuck to my skin. He jumped and tried to go for it, but, when he was in the air, I pushed him backwards as strong as I could with the Force. He hit the opposite wall roughly, his eyes were closed after a couple seconds. I breathed out in relief. One less, for now.
I turned off the lightsabers and removed the sweat from my face as I heard Savage getting up and turning on his weapon again. I turned around to face him. He was angry, but not as angry as I was.
"You have no idea, how badly I've been waiting to do this." I said slowly as I connected the magnets that are in the lower part of the lightsabers' handles, assembling my double-bladed weapon. His eyes opened wildly as I enlightened the blades. Hopefully the training will pay off.
He moved forward and when he threw an attack, I dodged by moving to the left. Then our fight started. A rapid back and forward between our continuous attacks and blockades. At some point he pushed backwards and kicked me. I rolled over the ground, spitting blood that came from God knows where. When I looked up and started to stand up, he attacked me. I had to separate the lightsabers to block each one of the blades of his weapon. He pushed downwards but I managed to stand and kick his abdomen.
I assembled the lightsaber once more and started throwing thrusts at him over and over again, attacking with a jump to the right, but he blocked all the time. I was getting tired but that didn't mean my attacks were less aggressive, on the contrary.
I jumped to the left, attacking again but he turned to the right, dodging my attack. That's when he threw a lateral thrust from the left, so, I separated the lightsabers and blocked it. Without turning around again, when I broke the contact with one blade, I used it to attack him from the opposite side, but he blocked again.
I turned around and we continued fighting. I was using the double bladed saber once more, but when he tried to hit me with the handle of his weapon, I separated them, spinned and kicked him. I stunned him. And there was my chance. I turned around and started walking towards him, when he seemed to be recovering his conscience, I kicked him again. This time he fell off the place where we were standing, further onto the empty streets.
I jumped behind him and when he was on the ground and tried to stand, I stepped closer and finally stabbed him. He grunted and I heard Maul screaming behind me.
"Brother! No!"
Savage simply looked at me and when light was about to leave his eyes, I let him go by turning the blue blade off. He fell to the ground and Maul was already here. He approached him as I gave a few steps backwards. Savage managed to give him a few last words, the ones Adi couldn't give to me when we were in their position, as he was being covered by the green magic that's characteristic of the Nightsisters, his true fuel of power. When he died, Maul growled and enlightened his two lightsabers.
He turned around and we engaged a hatred fight in which I defended myself but didn't try to kill like before. He managed to punch my face multiple times. He has a good right hook, but so do I. At some point, I managed to disarm him and he was at his most vulnerable point before me. He seemed hurt and scared. I don't doubt he is, even if it can only be a deceiving act.
"Please, have mercy." He said when the blade of my weapon was very close to his neck.
"Unlike you, I am merciful. You don't need to ask me to be." I turned my lightsaber off. "I told you, my fight was not against you." I started to walk away as I clipped my lightsabers to my belt, but I heard him coming from behind. I saw it as clear as water in my head. I placed a hand up and heard him grunting as he stopped cold. I turned around and found him frozen, only his eyes moved under my control. "Really? After I spared your life? Disappointing." I pushed him backwards and he hit the wall. The concrete broke underneath him. "I hate betrayal." I said to myself as I pulled towards my hand Savage's weapon. I clipped it to the back of my belt.
I jumped and landed on the first area where we had fallen to. There, I started walking as I wiped the blood that was crawling out of my nose and mouth with the back of my hand, feeling the odd sensation of someone watching me. I looked up and saw a hooded figure by the balcony of the Palace. I frowned and blinked a few times, when my eyes met the spot again, the figure was gone. I shook my head as I thought that those punches had me hallucinating.
I turned on the jetpack and as I started flying towards the entrance, I started feeling weak again. As if I had been losing blood, but I have no wounds. When I arrived, I spotted Kenobi still waiting by the entrance of a vessel. As I flew, I ended up dodging blasts, but got hit eventually. Twice. One on the opposite side of my waist from where I already have a blast burn from Teth, and the second one on the jetpack. I took it off before it blew up and hit the ground hardy once again. The burning of the new wound over my skin, the body ache and the impact made it unable for me to move.
I placed my hands on the ground to get up but my arms felt weak. I sighed and looked up, spotting Obi-Wan coming to aid but stopping when a wave of blasts started hitting closer to the vessel. The pilot started take off and for a second, I thought I was staying here...until I heard a lovely familiar beep in front of me.
"Hey, bud." R6 beeped and turned around, turning on his rockets. This is R2 and Anakin's famous getaway move. "If you drop me, I swear, I will turn you off for a month." He beeped, offended and I held on to his head as he flew as fast as he could into the closing gate of the vessel.
As we got closer, I heard Obi-Wan's complaints on why didn't they wait a little longer. That's when we entered, when the gate was very close to closing. I groaned as I let go of R6 to collide against the ground.
"You made it." He said with a smile, looking at me from above. "Come on." He tried to help me stand but I grunted. Everything hurt.
"Nope. I like the floor." I hissed as he placed me down again. "The stim effect is over." I smiled to myself. "Thankfully it's over until now and not while I was fighting those demons." He smiled sadly. "I did it, and...I'm...fine." My eyes started closing against my will, but, I ended up giving in. I was tired. I heard him calling my name but I didn't wake up, I just slept for hours and hours.
"Allana?" Asked a male voice again. I frowned as I opened my eyes and saw a very bright colour white. The medical wing. I'm getting too familiar with his place, it's scary. When my eyes adapted to the artificial light, they found a beardless face that has a vertical scar that mirrors mine over his right eye. "Hey." The still funny, but no longer little boy, smiled at me. He held my hand.
"I thought you were Obi-Wan." I said.
"Really? It certainly was the accent." He imitated his Master's accent, making me laugh. I frowned a second later, laughing ached my abdomen.
"No. It's only that he's the last person I was talking to." He smiled and I sighed. My head felt a bit heavy. "What happened?"
"You don't remember?"
"I do. I just don't remember what happened after I got into the ship."
"Well, you were unconscious. Obi-Wan carried you all the way here and the med-droids said you were very close to the edge." I gulped at the sight of his bright blue eyes being covered by a worried mist. In anyway, I was close to dying. "Internal bleeding."
"Oh." He nodded.
"Obi-Wan was worried. He's been here taking guards. He said it was his fault."
"How could it be his fault?"
"He said he was the one to tell you about the situation in Mandalore. Haden't he told you, you wouldn't be in this position." The words he told Savage on his attempt to make him stop the beating echoed in the back of my head. I shook my head.
"Talking about the situation, have Republic forces been sent there?" He shook his head. "Why?"
"It's still an internal affair."
"Yeah, one orchestrated by Maul and Savage."
"Still, as the Separatists were not involved, we can't interfere." I rolled my eyes.
"Bullshit." I shook my head again. "I told the Chancellor that if we didn't go after them something like this could happen. They've taken over Mandalore, killed Satine-"
"What?" I looked at him. "Satine's dead?" I sighed and closed my eyes.
"Maul killed her right in front of Obi-Wan. Somehow, he knew about them and used it against Kenobi to get his revenge."
"That's why he's so sad." I nodded and it was his turn to sigh.
"It's terrible." That's all I was able to say.
"I agree." He opened his mouth to say something else, but, the med-droid that I assume was attending me arrived. Ani let go of my hand and intertwined his fingers together, reclining his forearms over his legs.
"General Naberrie, is good to see you're awake." I smiled.
"Thank you." He nodded.
"I must tell you something that we found when we performed the surgery." He looked at Anakin. "It would be proper to discuss it alone." I frowned.
"Whatever it is, is fine. General Skywalker is trustworthy."
"As you wish." He made a pause and looked at the datapad. "Apparently...you were five weeks pregnant." He said and I gulped. "Unfortunately, with the severe internal damage you had...you lost the baby." I already knew that, better said, I imagined that. Ani didn't. And even if I had thought it happened, hearing it wasn't easy. "I am sorry." My eyes had tears in them and I could bet Anakin's were just the same but he was looking away for it not to be noticed. "I will be erasing that part of the report to keep this hidden. If the Jedi Council gets to know about this, you will be expelled from the Order and I assume you don't want that." I tried to swallow the lump that had been formed on my throat.
"That's very kind of you, thank you." I looked at him and he nodded before walking away. "When can I get out of here?"
"Very soon." I nodded and he resumed his way out of the room. We stayed in silence for a moment. A very long moment in which he held my hand again and I squeezed it at the point where my knuckles were white.
"Anakin, get me out of here. Please."
"But he said-"
"I want to go home. Please, get me out of here." Both of us were crying and he knew as much as I did, how being at home would allow us to be vulnerable...together. Without the risk of being seen hugging each other as we cry about something that's not in the report and that would be nonsense to anyone else.
I got up with his help, I dressed up with my clothes —that were folded over the small nightstand— and he helped me to get out of this place.
The entire way home was silent, neither of us spoke. When we arrived, I made my way to the bathroom, took off my clothes, and sat on the bathtub under the shower's warm water and didn't move.
Eventually, Anakin walked in. He didn't take off his clothes, he simply took off his shoes when he saw me hugging my knees close to my bare chest, stepped into the tub and hugged me as the water got his robes wet. We sat there in silence, crying until we decided it was enough, until we were tired and our eyes were dry. He helped me stand again, wrapped me around a towel, took off his clothes and got a towel for himself.
Once our hair and skin were dried, we dressed with our pyjamas and laid down in bed. I spotted Savage's lightsaber over the dresser. I assumed, he wanted to ask about it when the droid interrupted. I closed my eyes and tears fell off from my closed eyelids. I felt Anakin hug me and I cried again, even harder.
I apologised. It was my arrogance that took our baby's life away. If only I had kept my mouth shut...He told me that it wasn't my fault, that I couldn't have known what they'd do to me. We cried more. I turned around to hug him and hid my face in the crook of his neck. I'm still surprised at the way it fits so perfectly there. He just embraced me and told me that everything will be okay. That we'll be okay.
That was a sad night for us, and I could imagine that for many other people too. We didn't know our child, but still, we'd miss him or her. Obi-Wan will miss Satine, just as her sister will miss her. Many people are missing many people tonight. Goodness, even Maul is missing Savage. I breathed in as I repeated Ani's words in my head.
Things may hurt now, but we'll be alright. Things may be alright. Things will be alright. We continued to cry as the night continued to fall over Coruscant and sorrow continued to fall over us, until we fell asleep.
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