76: A War in Two Fronts [Marathon - 2]


  Lux's plan was good. It consisted on pretending to be hunters. We settled two carriages, where everyone was in and covered by organic matter, which means, plants, roots, leaves, food, fruit, etcetera. Obi-Wan was riding one of those funny creatures, Lux and Ahsoka were riding one of the carriages, while Ani, Cal and I were on the second one. We were wearing our robes and kept our faces down, avoiding to be spotted.

"Halt." Said one of the droids that's right in front of Lux's carriage and we had to stop. "What were you doing outside the city gates?"

"Hunting." Said Bonteri. "We've been trekking for days."

"Did you register before your excursion?" The other droid started scanning the first carriage.

"No, but most of our time is spent in the bush collecting our traps. We come to the city to sell. We can't get a thrip larva like this on Iziz. Only the biggest trees on the other side of Onderon."

"He's smart." Anakin whispered and I nodded.

"A fast thinker." I whispered back. "They all are."

"Hey, listen!" Steela yelped from the top of that carriage. "We need to deliver all of this in time for supper." I smiled again.

"Are you scanning anything?"

"It's hard to tell with so much organic matter." It worked.

"Come on!"Yelled a woman that's behind our carriage. "Our merchants are waiting inside. Can you hurry it up?"

"Let them through."

"Roger, roger." The ray shielded door vanished and we rode into the city successfully.

"Not a bad start." Said Ani once he had parked the carriage next to theirs. "Now, hard work begins."

"You must find recruits and choose your targets wisely." Said Obi-Wan.

"They'll be looking for us." Steela commented.

"We should split up." Lux suggested. Saw crawled out of the back of their carriage.

"We'll regroup after nightfall. I'll alert our brothers." The two guys hopped off the vehicle.

"We'll make sure you have the supplies you need." I told Bonteri. He nodded.

"Rex and I will take care of that." Said Ahsoka, gaining the young man's attention.

"Good luck." He said.

"You too." Both girls told him before looking at each other. Steela jumped down and Ahsoka looked at her hands while my eyes met Anakin's. He had a smile on his features.

Lux walked away while Ahsoka rode the other carriage while we stayed put. Obi-Wan rode the Dalgo until he stood beside us.

"How do you think they'll do?" Anakin asked.

"I have a feeling we'll be pleasantly surprised." Said Kenobi and I nodded.

"So you're finally admitting our new strategy will work?" I asked.

"I am hopeful, Allana. Hopeful." He turned the creature to the right while Anakin rode left to find the supplies that we needed.

From that moment on, we've been spreading around the city. At some point, Cal went with Ahsoka; Obi-Wan went on his own and joined them afterwards, Rex helped a group of rebels, Saw and Lux went together and then divided themselves and I sided with Anakin and Steela. All of us were targeting the battle droids and started taking them out when the sunlight hit the streets. Four attacks in one rotation, soon to be five with this one. Our plan in making the people talk and getting the King's attention. It was working.

We were at the top of a building, the hoods of our robes over our heads and Steela aiming at a droid that was guarding an entrance.

"Ma'am, we're in position." Rex informed through the comlink.

"Good, Captain." I responded as I moved my hand down. "That's your cue." Steela nodded and in within seconds, she fired her sniper, hitting the droid's head. As usual. When the droid fell upon the controls panel, she fired at the ray shield generator that made it impossible for us to cross to the next square.

That's when a spider droid appeared, aimed at us and started firing at us. As we found cover, and heard blaster fire down below, meaning, that Rex and his fellas were already attacking back. In a matter of seconds, we heard how one of the detonators exploded and the electricity zapping through the droid, disabling it.

We crawled back to the front and spotted three droids approaching from the opposite corner. The rebels destroyed them in no time. I smiled. The job we've been doing has been of some use.

"That should give King Rash something to think about." Said Steela as she looked at us. I smiled more.

"Hmm. I'm sure you've got his attention." Said Anakin before we slid down the ceiling and made our way to the ground. "Good job, all of you." Anakin congratulated the rebels and the Captain of the 501st. They nodded, thanking him.

"Now, time for meeting up the rest." I said and we all started walking, leaving the spare parts of the droids behind.

As we walked through the streets, we met with the rest. All of them had been successful. Saw guided us to a base where we could plan whatever we'll do next and rest. As we walked, we were able to spot different allies spread around the hallways and alleys. We also realised how the enemy's patrols were thicker, they were using tanks this time.

Gerrera guided us into the building, the one that was right in the corner. As we entered, a scent of wet dirt filled my nose. The light was dim and the decoration was completely turquoise, both light and dark shades of the colour. There were two half moon-shaped couches that complemented each other. Ahsoka, Cal and I sat on one while Lux, Saw and Steela sat across from us.

No one said a word or emitted a sound until we were all settled. Us Jedi took off the hoods of our robes while the rebels placed their large guns on the ground, right next to them. One of the guys that was already there offered me a glass of water, that I thankfully took, as Ani started to talk.

"Your success will not go unnoticed." Said he and everyone around us cheered. I smiled.

"I agree." Said Obi-Wan. "But we need to be mindful of public perception." I also agree with that. "What's your observation Padawans?" He asked Snips and Witty as I took another sip of the glass.

"The people were fearful, Master." She said as my Padawan nodded in agreement.

"Judging from the reactions we saw, I'm afraid our intentions can be mistaken." Cal added.

"Indeed." Obi-Wan backed them up.

"We need to do more damage." Said Saw, as if he hadn't heard what these two just said. "A few dozen broken-down droids will do little to free Onderon."

"The people need to believe we can succeed." Steela said. "Without their support, our efforts are meaningless."

"If they're afraid, they won't support us." Lux jumped into the conversation and I nodded at his words. "We need to reassure them of our intentions."

"I don't understand." Said Saw as he looked at his hands. "Why are they afraid?" He asked, looking at Lux's eyes.

"They're afraid we're not strong enough to win." Said Steela. "We need to earn their trust."

"You'll have plenty of time to earn their trust." I spoke. "All of you are going to be very busy."

"Today was only a taste." Rex commented. "You'll get your chance." I nodded.

"In the meantime, make the most of your victories." Obi-Wan told them. "Welcome and learn from them."

"Perhaps if we hit something big, give a show of strength, they will overcome their fear and join us." Lux proposed as he stood up.

"Do you have something in mind?" Asked Snips.

"I know the perfect target." Answered Bonteri.

After hearing his plan about blowing up the main power generator, our little team walked out, placing the hoods over our heads.

"I think they're ready to give the 501 some competition." Anakin commented and I chuckled, while Rex scoffed.

"Let's not get carried away, General, though these rebels have impressed me."

"We will share the developments with the Jedi Council. Ahsoka and Cal will remain here as advisors." Said Kenobi. "Monitor them and report back with their progress." He added.

"Are you up for it, Witty?" I asked as I placed my hand over Kestis' shoulder.

"That's not even a question, Master." He said and I laughed.

"I know. I'm just wondering if you'd like to return to Coruscant." My eyes found Ahsoka's. "Both of you." They looked at each other and meditated for a hot minute, then, they nodded in agreement.

"No, Master. We'd like to stay." I nodded when she answered.

"Good." I told them as I smiled. "We'll continue providing supplies and credits to you."

"But." Kenobi spoke. "They must learn to operate on their own. Their survival depends on it." He started walking away, and with him, the rest. Though Anakin and I stayed a couple seconds more.

"Yes, Master." They said at the unison as they bowed their heads at him.

"Do let us know if you need help." I said. "And be careful, don't do anything too stupid." Cal smiled as he nodded.

"Remember your purpose." Anakin told his Padawan and then we walked behind the rest.

"So you know?" I asked in a whisper as we kept our distance from the other two and walked towards our transport, that had arrived a while ago.

"Know about what?"

"Your Padawan and the Senator's son."

"Oh...that." He scoffed. "It was a bit hard to miss."

"Was it?"

"Yup." He scoffed and I narrowed my eyes.

"Are you bluffing to make me talk, or...?" He chuckled.

"No. I did notice the way she looks at him. I'm very familiarised with that type of glance, it's the way I look at you." I blushed. "Not to mention, I...know a thing or two about...jealousy." He cleared his throat.

"Really? Huh, I definitely didn't know that." He chuckled at my sarcasm.

"Shut up." He sighed. "When you went to the jungle with Cal, we were practicing with blasters. When Steela shot the heads of three droids, Ahsoka decided to 'increase' the difficulty level by moving one of the targets with the Force to make it harder for her. However, Steela managed to destroy that target too."

"She was loosing focus." He nodded.

"That's why I keep reminding her why she's here, although I know it'll be hard for her. Suppressing those feelings isn't easy."

"You would know all about that, wouldn't you?" He scoffed as we arrived at the entrance and hid behind a carriage that two of our allies were moving out to hide our escape.

"We would know." I chuckled.

Once we were outside of the city borders, we hopped on the carriage and we were taken to the extract point. When we arrived, we thanked our peers and hopped in the ship. In no time, we exited the atmosphere and started our way to Coruscant.

When we jumped into hyperspace, I felt dizzy. But, thankfully, closing my eyes was enough. I fell asleep shortly after that. It's funny how tired I felt all of the sudden. Anakin woke me up as we landed in the hangar.

When we walked out, we made our way to the Council Chambers and told them all about what we had been doing and how the rebels have been training, plus, what they have accomplished in such little time. We also made sure to let them know that the Padawans were still there and that we're waiting for their call later today to inform about what has happened while we were gone.

We were dismissed after that briefing and we all wanted to rest. I headed to my quarters in the Temple, knowing very well that the kids' report will arrive sooner or later; meaning, we'd be called to the briefing room at some point.

I laid down on my bed and fell asleep for about two hours, until the nausea woke me up and I had to vomit. Getting up and running to the bathroom is no fun. Anyways, after that, I laid down on the bed again and stared at the ceiling as the clouds turned violet. That was until I heard a knock on my door.

"Come in." I looked at the entrance as the door slid open, revealing young Skywalker. "Hey."

"Hi." He walked in and the door closed. He sat on the mattress, grabbed my legs and placed them over his lap. "What are you doing?"

"Nothing. Literally looking at the roof." He chuckled as I sat down. "Why?"

"I did something." I frowned with a smile. "Come on." He placed my feet on the ground and offered a hand. "You're gonna love it." I grabbed his hand and he pulled me up.

"What did you do?"

"It's a surprise."

"Right." We walked out of my tiny room and started walking down the crowded and cheerful hallways. This time of day made everything look like a huge castle. The lights looked way more golden and that made the beige walls look fancier, not to mention that the red carpet that adorned the floor looked brighter. The Jedi Temple has always been a beauty but at this time of the day, it looked glamorous.

"Race you to the workshop." He smiled as we turned left.

"The workshop? Ani, that's on the other side of the building."

"Maybe. But so what? Don't be such a killjoy." I played offended. "Yeah, I said that." I narrowed my eyes with a smile.

"You're gonna lose."

"Doubt it. Anyhow, I'll give you a head-start."

"Don't need one, sweetheart." I tied my hair in a low bun quickly as he shrugged.

"If you say so." When my hair was tied, he arched an eyebrow and I nodded. "Three, two-" I started running. "Cheater!" I laughed and he started running behind me.

"At this point you should always know I start on 'two'." His laugh echoed behind me, but he was running right beside me in a second, though.

As we ran, people had to move out of the way, certainly they thought we were running to get to the hangar because there was an emergency, but in reality, this idiot just wanted to show me something. Plus, I know his true intentions behind this offer. To cheer me up. We'd always do this as kids to cheer each other up, or pure mischief. It felt good to do this, to go back to centuries old traditions. Hopefully, we won't be punished by cleaning the goddamn droids again. And thankfully Madame Jocasta is not trying to catch us either.

We did bump into her though. She was escorting a group of younglings —amongst them, Caleb Dume and his former Master— out of the Archive Room. When she saw us laughing she said 'these two never grow up' as Master Billaba chuckled and Caleb said 'Go, Skywalker, go!'.

We turned to the right and, Good Lord, I forgot how far the rooms are from anywhere else in this place. I felt like running out of breath as we ran down the final hallway before we met the workshop room. Nearby, for some unexplainable reason, were Kenobi, Windu and Yoda. The third one sitting on a floating chair.

"Anakin, Allana, everything alright?" Asked Obi-Wan, concerned.

"Shit." I said under my breath.

"Out of the way, Master!" Anakin said and I laughed.

"What?" We were too close. I jumped and ran through the wall while Anakin jumped over the group of men and rolled over the ground just to resume my running a second later. I laughed with victory, knowing too well that said action made him lose momentum. My feet were already on the ground when his were reincorporating from rolling.

My hands found the wall and I opened the door. That meant I won. We both laughed as we recovered our breaths.

"You show off too much." I said in between breaths. "That made you lose." My hands found my thighs while his found his abs and the wall.

"Nah. I lost because you never start on 'one' or 'three'. It's always on 'two'." I chuckled. "Why do you always do that?"

"It keeps things interesting." He chuckled too. "It was a cool landing, though."

"I know, right? I looked pretty cool doing all that..." He mimicked his movements with his hands while I nodded and proceeded to cough. "Good race." I smiled and high-fived the hand he placed up, he then shook it.

"Thank you, loser." He rolled his eyes and proceeded to punch my arm gently. "Did you hear Jocasta?" He busted into laugher as we entered the room, that invited me to laugh too.

"I did. I almost stop to laugh and pee my pants on the spot." I laughed even louder. "So many flashbacks." I nodded.

"Would've done that too, to be honest." He nodded in agreement as I sighed. "So, why did I have to lose a lung to come all the way here, Skyguy?"

"Because I fixed something. Something I believe you'll like a lot, Smarty."

"Okay...enlighten me."

"Gladly." We walked closer to a table where, what I assumed was a droid, was covered by a blanket. "So, here he is. Good as new and ready to overcome anything else." I frowned as I looked at him and the droid. He removed the blanket and revealed by emerald buddy. "R6-D6. R2's twin brother."

"You...fixed him?" He was off but he looked good as new, indeed.

"I did. He has been owning my nights for the past couple months. This little fella is the reason I haven't been home early. No other reason." I scoffed.

"I know that. You love me too much as to have an affair." He scoffed.

"Good girl." I chuckled as my hands were placed over his metallic head. "Go on. Turn him up." I smiled and when I was about to click the button, R6 spinned his head making all kinds of noises. Scaring the shit out of me and making me yelp. Anakin laughed as my droid danced with his two legs over the table. "We got her, R6." He said as he stopped laughing and carried him to place him on the ground.

"You planned that?"

"Of course we did. Can you think of a best way to celebrate being back alive? I think not." R6 made a spin over his functional wheels and I wanted to cry. I giggled.

"Oh, I hate you. Both of you." I punched Skywalker's arm and kicked R6's leg. Both very gently. And both complained even if it hadn't hurt them.

"No you don't." I looked at the door as I shook my head before I wrapped my arms around Ani's neck and kissed his lips quickly. I saw how my droid turned around to face the door as I closed my eyes, making me laugh against his lips. He smiled into the kiss as his arms embraced my waist.

"Thank you. A lot." I said as I broke the kiss, not breaking the hug. He knows how much that droid means to me.

"Of course, love." He kissed the tip of my nose before letting go. I kneeled down and checked on my buddy. He turned back around.

"And thank you for the privacy, little guy." Ani laughed as R6 ooed.

"His memory before the accident is intact, but, I will have R2 share all the information he has with him either way. Just to be sure, and for him to have all the data you may need when navigating or traveling, or anything."

"Thanks." I smiled.

"Oh, and by the way, your Padawan seems to have some insomnia issues." I frowned as I looked at him. Asking what did he mean with my eyes. "He helped me a lot to rebuild circuits, and to assemble some parts that had to be restored; but every time I found him here, he'd say it was because he couldn't sleep and that was almost every night." I stood up. "Check on him, and make sure to give him the credit he deserves for bringing this little guy back." He looked at R6 and padded his head gently, making him whistle.

"I certainly will." The doors opened as I stopped talking. The attention of the three of us snapped towards the person who had just arrived.

"What on the blazers was that?" Asked a slightly angry and sightly amused Obi-Wan.

"Uh...what do you mean?" Asked Anakin.

"That little act you pulled outside."

"Oh...that." I had to suppress a laugh.

"It was a...race." I answered.

"A race."

"Mhm." We said at the same time while Kenobi sighed, rolled his eyes and held his head with a hand. "Kind of obvious." I added and Anakin chuckled but quickly cleared his throat.

"Honestly, don't you two grow up?"

"We've been asked that a lot, actually. And the answer seems to be, more or less or no. But it depends." I did laugh this time when Skywalker spoke. Obi-Wan smiled a bit while he sighed again, still irritated.

"He's back?" He asked, pointing at the droid.

"He is. All thanks to Anakin and Cal's hard work, apparently." I said.

"Huh. Lovely. Well, the three of you, briefing room. Now."

"Has something happened?" Asked Anakin as we walked out of the workshop and started our way to said room.

"That's yet to be seen. The Padawan's have made contact, which means, a report on the situation on Onderon." I nodded.

"Good." I said as I placed my hands behind my back.

"We'll see how good." I rolled my eyes.

"The way you say it, makes me think you have very little faith in these rebels." He looked at me with a sad smile.

"You know? From time to time, you sound a lot like Adi." I gulped and smiled. That was a lovely compliment. He looked back to the front right after I had nodded, thanking him. "I don't have little faith on them, I just worry about them doing a bit too much than they should. I worry because I do not know if they can be unstable."

"They seemed very stable to me." Said Anakin as we entered the room. "They have the right amount of determination, that will keep them focused." I nodded as we turned on the holo-projector that rests in the middle of the place.

"Agreed." I said. In a matter of seconds, the images of Witty, Snips, Lux, Steela and Saw appeared before us. "Hello, everyone. It's good to know you're all in one piece." They smiled at us.

"Glad to see you too, General." Said Lux offering a kind smile, that I returned.

"It looks and sounds like you succeeded." Said Obi-Wan. And he was right. Every single one of them had a smile on their faces, not to mention the cheers of the soldiers was audible in the background.

"We did. Many droids were destroyed, our mission as a success and many people are joining the cause." Said Saw.

"We must celebrate." Said Steela.

"With pleasure." Saw said before carrying her and spinning her around, as if they were dancing. I smiled at the view.

"Come here, you handsome Senator." Steela told Lux once Saw had placed her feet on the ground again, and they embraced each other. I saw from the corner of my eye how Ahsoka turned a bit away, from us and from them.

"Steela is a born leader." Obi-Wan said to me.

"Yeah...she is. Also quite courageous, I hear." Cody opened the door and waved at Kenobi to check on something quickly. The General nodded and walked towards his Commander after he excused himself for being away for a moment.

"Ahsoka, remember what I told you about staying focused." I heard Anakin say to 'soka as I admired the way Cal was interacting with Lux and the other grown ups that were around him.

"I can't help it, Master." She looked at him and Anakin made what he could to look at me over his shoulder in the most discrete way possible before looking at his apprentice again.

"I understand."

"You do?" He giggled softly.

"I do. But try to remember, always put purpose ahead of your feelings." When Kenobi was reaching my side again, I cleared my throat, signalling Skywalker. He quickly dropped the subject. He nodded at me and I nodded back.

"This latest development will surely get Count Dooku's attention." Said Obi-Wan, calling everyone's attention. "He will respond harshly. They will stop at nothing to find you. You must adapt and continue to confront them in order to liberate Onderon."

"We will." Said Saw.

"And we shall win." Said Steela, backing him up.

"In that, we have no doubt." Obi-Wan said with a smile.

"Now you must rally the people." Anakin jumped into the conversation. "You will need their support. Your ability to influence them will determine your capacity to represent them not only on the battlefield but off of it, against your enemies, even within your own ranks. Your commitment will inspire others. Your conviction will lead to victory."

"After tonight's efforts, the people will be ready to follow." I said. "You will need a leader for them to rally behind." They nodded. "Congratulations, and good luck on whatever is coming up next." They nodded and returned to the small celebration party they were enjoying. The Padawans bowed their heads before the communication ended.

"That was nicely handled." Said Obi-Wan as we started to exit the room.

"Agreed." I sighed. "I could use a very long night sleep after today."

"Indeed. And a nice dinner."

"Then go anywhere that's open but here, Master." I chuckled.

"Why? Is the food not good today?"

"Is it ever?" Kenobi giggled.

"I'll give you that."

"Everything alright with Cody?" I asked, changing the subject.

"Yes. He was just informing me on small patrol missions the 212 went through in my absence and how things were handled. Nicely, as well."

"Good to know." He smiled at me.

"Would any of you like to join me for dinner?"

"Are you paying?" Ani asked making Kenobi and I laugh.

"Next time you are." The apprentice chuckled at the Master's words.

"Fair enough." We all walked out of the Temple and headed towards a small but fancy restaurant Obi-Wan likes. It's a few blocks away from Dex's diner, but I never remember the name.

Dinner was good, as usual. The ambience of the place was very enjoyable and the drinks were just as good. When we were done eating, Obi-Wan payed for the food and we walked outside. Kenobi was very tired, so, he took a speeder to get to the Temple while Skywalker and I decided to 'walk there'. Just because it isn't too far.

But we obviously didn't go there, instead, we walked home. When we arrived, we made sure to make R2 give R6 the intel he needed. Not before them greeting each other, R2 was very excited to see his friend and that warmed my heart a lot. We took a shower and then we went to bed.

I was laying down on my side until Ani turned me around to place his head over my womb. I laughed. But I stopped immediately when he started singing a song that his mother used to sing him to sleep when he was a child. I ran my fingers through his hair as I smiled.

"You know they can't hear you, right? Or that you can't hear them? It's barely anything right now. It's been three weeks." I said.

"So what? Our baby can start taking in that information...if it can." I giggled. "Do you think it'll be a boy or a girl?"

"How am I supposed to know?"

"I don't know. Intuition?" I chuckled and he chuckled too. "I'll say it'll be...a boy."

"A boy?"

"Mhm. A boy."

"Hmm. What if it's a girl?"

"A girl?" I nodded when he looked at me. "Hmm. I'll stick to the idea of a boy...for now." I laughed and he smiled and he moved up. He was now facing me, his face inches away from mine. He looked at me for a second and we smiled at each other for a very long time. "We're having a baby." He whispered.

"We're having a baby." I repeated. He kissed my lips. "And we still have no idea what to do." He chuckled.

"We still have a bit of time to figure that out. Let's not worry that much yet." I nodded. "I love you."

"I love you too." He smiled before laying down on my chest. His hands never leaving my waist, and mine never leaving his hair.

I felt his soft kiss on my neck as my eyes closed, with the sound of the distant starships crossing the night sky of Coruscant. And with the glimmer of thousands of little places shining through the window. I smiled, forgetting for a moment the thick sorrow that still surrounds me as my eyes closed, right after I kissed his forehead. Allowing myself to travel around the vast world of dreams.

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