73: Deception Pt. 2


"Master?!" Cal's voice echoed from afar, very afar. "Master, wake up!" I felt him shaking my arm. "Allana, can you hear me?!" The voice stopped being a distant echo. "Lana, please, wake up!" I frowned.

"I'm on it! I'm on it, please stop yelling." I said, my voice low. "I can hear you loud and clear, kid." I frowned more as I sat up and he sighed, relieved. I groaned. "What happened?" I looked up.

"We crashed."

"I can tell." I felt a sharp pain of my forehead and my hand traveled to the spot, when I looked at my palm, there was blood. "Wasn't I piloting?"

"You were, but I dragged you out of the seat to check on you." I nodded and looked at Kestis before my eyes scanned the place, they didn't find Ahsoka. My eyes opened wildly. "Where's Snips?"

"She's okay. She rushed out to aid Master Skywalker." I got up and he helped me to do so.

"Thanks." He nodded. "How long have they been gone?"

"Not much, about five to ten minutes." I nodded. "I had enough time to check on the damage, it's not critical. I started repairing it, so, doing the entire thing shouldn't take long."

"Let's get to work then." We worked on the ship for another ten minutes and they arrived. "Hey." I greeted as I finished assembling a piece of metal that broke from the wing. "What happened? Are you okay?" Ahsoka was helping Anakin stand, I frowned again, worried.

"He just needs to sit down for a second." She informed. "How are you? Any dizziness?" I smiled at her concern.

"None. I'm pretty good, thanks, kid." She nodded. "Hey, would you mind helping Cal with the broken controls, please?"

"On it." She smiled back and walked into the ship. While I approached Anakin.

  "I sense you're concerned. And so am I." He sighed as he looked at me. He frowned. "What?"

"What happened to you?" He looked into the ship to make sure the Padawans weren't looking and stepped closer to me. Once he was right in front of me, his fingertips gently brushed the cut on my forehead.

"Oh, that. Well, when we crashed the inertia made me hit the wheel, knocked me out but I'm fine."

"You sure?"

"Yeah, sure, sure." He nodded and stepped away when he heard footsteps approaching. "Hey."

"Hi." Said Cal. "Glad to see you're in one piece, Master." He told Anakin, who smiled at him.

"Thanks, Witty." Cal nodded.

"Anyways, controls are back online as well as the guns, not like we need them right now, but they're operating again. The escape pods are intact and everything in here is fixed." He hit the side of the entrance twice with the tool he had in hand before keeping it in his belt.

"You work fast." Anakin pointed out.

"Well, I like to spend my free days in the workshop, I find it useful."

"It is." I smiled.

"Well, everything out here is repaired too. The only issue was the wing, but it's fine now. We were lucky though, if the engines had been damaged, we'd have to call a transport." They all nodded at my words. "Now, would you please tell me why the long face?" I asked Anakin, who sighed before he sat down on a rock that was nearby.

"Obi-Wan's alive." I frowned.

"What?" Cal and I asked at the unison. "That's impossible." I added. "He- he died...in my arms."

"We all were there, we saw how he stopped breathing....that makes no sense." Said Cal.

"I know, I know, and I understand. You're confused, I'm confused too." Ani told us.

"How can you think that?" I started asking.

"While fighting Hardeen, I felt a connection. I don't know why, but, we'll get to the bottom of this." I nodded. "We need to get back to the Temple." He stood up and we all walked in. "My head aches, could you handle it?" He asked me and I nodded.

"Get some rest." He smiled and thanked me before he sat down on a passenger seat and closed his eyes. I looked at Cal. "Have you piloted one of these?" He shook his head. "Would you like to learn?"


"As long as you don't crash the ship, everything will be fine." He chuckled.

"You're one to talk. You were the one who crashed it earlier." I scoffed.

"Touché." I sat as co-pilot and he sat on the pilot seat. I started teaching him how to manoeuvre the ship and after a while he was very good at it. More or less. We jumped into hyperspace and did the same thirty minutes back to Coruscant.

  When we landed on the hangar, we directed ourselves in. About ten minutes later, Anakin and I were summoned by Yoda at his meditation room.

"You summoned us, Master?" I asked when we had crossed the door.

"Wrong to deceive you, it was." He said. "But much at stake there is."

"So I was right. Obi-Wan is still alive." Said Ani.

"Skywalker, a powerful Jedi you are, yet unpredictable and dangerous you can be to both your friends and enemies." I looked at Anakin, he had a sad, confused and concerned expressions on his face. "And Naberrie, the same, you are. Yet, differently." I frowned. "For Obi-Wan, on your patience, everything depends."

"What if he needs our help?" Asked Anakin and I nodded, agreeing with the thought.

"Mm. If you leave, help him you could, but his future...uncertain is." Yoda explained. "Trust in Obi-Wan we must." Anakin nodded. Then, we were dismissed. I looked at Anakin and he looked at me.

"He's alive." I whispered as we walked away from the door. "He's alive and they kept it from us?" He nodded. His eyebrows seemed as if they could touch in any second due to the intense frown on his face. "Why? Why would they do that?"

"When I was complaining about this with the Chancellor he said that maybe they don't trust me enough, my feelings. As if they could intervene with the mission. Seems like that applies to you as well."

"They do trust us. With their lives."

"Maybe. But not enough. Never enough. Had we know anything we could've helped." He said even lower.

"I..." A sigh escaped my lips. "I'll give you that." He sighed too. The lie we had to see, to live...to lose a friend like that and it was all an act made me angry, made me feel betrayed. I, no, we have done nothing but trust them all. Perhaps too blindly as not to see they don't trust us the same way. It hurts to think that. That's when my communicator started to beep. "Naberrie, here."

"Allana, is Anakin with you?" Asked my Master.

"Yes. We just walked out from a short meeting with Master Yoda, why?"

"Because we need you at the Briefing room. Your apprentices are already here."

"We're on our way." We started walking towards said room.

"What do you think this is all about?" Asked Ani.

"Probably something related to to tomorrow's Festival." He nodded and we arrived at the room in no time. Like Adi said, Ahsoka and Cal were already there, as well as Windu, Plo Koon, Shaak Ti, Kit, Eeth Koth, Ki-Adi, Tiin and Yoda. Most of the Council is here. Yoda arrived few moments later. "Are we late?" I asked Gallia in a whisper, for Windu was already displaying a hologram. She shook her head.

"Right on time." I nodded.

"As you can see, we've mapped the Chancellor's route to and from the Festival stage." Said Mace. "We know where he'll be at every moment from the time we land on Naboo."

"What security measures are in place?" Asked Master Plo and Windu clicked a button, changing the image before us.

"The Naboo Royal Guard will have armed sentries at all entry points on the palace." Said points were highlighted with red on the map. "And the stage itself will be sealed off by a ray shield for the duration of the event."

"I see nothing here to worry about." Said Anakin to my left.

"With complacency, comes vulnerability." Said Yoda from the low right. We all looked at him. "Yes...is what we do not see that concerns me. A long time to plan his attack, Count Dooku has."

"Yes." Windu added. "We thought we'd have an advantage with Obi-Wan on the inside." His eyes landed on our side for a second. "But we've had no communication from him in days." I shrugged.

"I'm sure he'll do his part. He's good at playing pretend." I said as I crossed my arms over my chest. "Let's worry and make sure about doing ours." I felt bad. "If you'll excuse me, I'll prep the ship for tomorrow." I walked out of the room under the vibrant gaze of them all and made my way to the Hangar.

"You know? Arrogance doesn't suit you." Said Adi behind me.

"And lying suits the members of the Council?" She arched an eyebrow. I sighed. "Sorry. That was rude." She placed a hand on my shoulder.

"To be angry is to be human." I remember saying those words to a boy I know too well long ago.

"Yet, I shouldn't feel anger." She sighed. "Did you know?" She remained silent but that was enough answer. "Why didn't you tell me anything?"

"You are too close with him, war brought you closer, specially because of all the missions you've been in together. Maybe you don't share the bond he shares with Skywalker, but still, you have one. It was risky to tell you."

"We could've helped."

"I know. I voted in favour of letting you both know, however, the votes were against that option." I frowned. "Now, the ships were prepared a while ago. Go to your room, rest and get ready for tomorrow." She smiled. "Now."

"Yes, Master." I sighed as I turned on the opposite corner and made my way to the small bedroom of the Temple. I felt like a twelve year old all of the sudden. I stepped into the room, took off my clothes and took a shower.

  When I was done, I dried my body and hair as I walked out into the bedroom again. I thanked the idea I had months ago of bringing some clothes in case crashing here was necessary. I threw a clean black skin tight, tall neck, backless and long sleeved shirt over my torso, placed the skin tight green cargo pants on and laid down on the small bed, falling asleep instantly.


The next morning, I dressed up and went to the Temple's Hall to have breakfast. The food was terrible as usual, lacking taste. When I finished my food, I met Cal at the hangar. He was talking with my Master, Anakin and Ahsoka. When I arrived, they all greeted me and I greeted them back, then, Windu arrived.

  After Adi wished us luck and that the Force may be with us, we all hopped into the ship we had fixed and Anakin piloted all the way to the Senate, where we picked up the Chancellor and a special security squadron that had been assigned to him. Afterwards, we started our way to Naboo.

When we arrived, Skyguy parked the ship in the main Square, where the Queen, Padmé, Typho and Bail Organa were waiting for us. When we approached them all, the Queen bowed before the Chancellor, offering a kind smile.

"Greetings, your Majesty." He said.

"Welcome home, Chancellor." Padmé greeted warmly, like only she can, once the Queen had stepped away. "I'm thankful for the Jedi for bringing you here safely." She looked at us all for a brief second, smiling kindly when our eyes collided. I returned the smile.

"Yes, Senator. It is good to be back. Although, I think the amount of security that has accompanied me is overkill."

"With all due respect, Chancellor." Said Mace. "Where your safety is concerned, there is no such thing as overkill."

"So you, and the members of the Jedi Council, keep insisting, Master Jedi. But I've grown tired of discussing it." He walked away and so did the clones and Windu, behind him. That's when Padmé stepped close and hugged me.

  "So long no see." I chuckled at her words.

"I agree." We let go of each other. "It's good to be home." She smiled more.

"It's great to see you all again." She said to my friends, as she scanned our faces, her eyes landed on Cal. "I don't think we've met before."

"Right. Padmé, this is Cal Kestis, my Padawan. Cal, Senator Amidala. My sister." They shook hands.

"Pleasure to meet you Milady." He said with formality, making her chuckle.

"Pleasure's all mine, and please, call me Padmé." She looked at everyone once they let go of each other. "Welcome to the Festival." We started walking behind the other group.

"None of us has seen the Festival of Light." Ahsoka pointed at Cal and herself. "Sounds like a big event."

"It is." I explained. "It's full of colour and cheers...something beautiful."

"They're expecting a large crowd." Said Anakin. "Which means it will be difficult for Dooku to attack during the ceremony. That leaves the Palace as the best opportunity for an ambush." I frowned. His mind is not in the moment, but in the military operation we're here for.

"Are you that certain an attack is imminent?" Asked Padmé.

"I'm afraid so." He answered. "Which is why I'm making the Padawans your personal bodyguards."

"At your service, my lady." Said Snips for the two of them. I liked how the plan was forming up.

"If there's trouble, Ahsoka and Cal will take you, the Queen, and the rest of your staff to safety."

"What about you two?" Amidala asked, looking at the two of us.

"Hopefully where we always are." I said and fist-bumped my husband. He smiled at me and I returned the gesture.

"She means saving the day." Cal said, teasingly.

"Of course she does." The ones behind us laughed and I shook my head with an amused smile on my lips.

From that moment on, we all walked near the Chancellor until we entered the stage place. The guests started getting settled as the suns started to go down. There was still time before the bright stars hid behind the hills and that provided Naboo's sky an ombre lilac and peach colour. This picturesque landscape was breathtaking for a very suitable day. Under different circumstances, I'd be far too excited for today.

Few minutes after we were settled and the sky was completely lilac, the important people arrived. Everyone applauded and cheered as the Senators, the Queen and the Chancellor arrived at the area and sat on their places. Our apprentices were flanking the entrance while Anakin and I were standing opposite from them.

"The stage is set." Anakin discretely whispered at the guards that are on the opposite side of the lines of the comlinks. "Activate the ray shield."

"Copy that, General Skywalker." Said the guy of the Royal Guard and the shield covered the area where we were. Anakin turned around and nodded at the Chancellor, said man stood up and walked up to the box to speak.

  "It is an honour to be here for this momentous occasion." Palpatine started speaking and his voice echoed everywhere. "The pride I feel for this planet cannot be put into words. 847 years ago, Naboo joined the Republic. And tonight, we celebrate that union." More people clapping. "Take a moment and look around this glorious city of yours. It wasn't long ago this was all plasma mines. Naboo has indeed come a long way." I felt something on the tip of my stomach and frowned as my eyes scanned the place. "But, as we chart bold course for the future, let us never forget our past." The fireworks went off and they formed beautiful and colourful images on the sky, that's when my sixth sense went off.

My eyes went to the left as Mace told us about the shield generator. I saw a guy getting through the shield and my eyes opened wildly as Anakin won the race and started approaching said guy to stop him. When I thought about getting close to get the guy and ran towards the area, the generator blew up and the expansive wave threw us backwards.

The crowd shouted and I heard people giving instructions as I got up. My blurred sight saw how Windu talked to two guards and the Padawans started getting the crowd to safety. I shook my head as I tried to stand, failing. I felt too dizzy.

"You good?" He asked but a second impact to my head in one day wasn't good.

"No, but I'll be. Get him." He nodded and I saw him turning his lightsaber on before jumping down the balcony's railing. I heard struggle and blaster fire as I finally stood up.

"Naberrie, are you alright?" Windu asked as I turned my weapon on. "I assume that's a yes."

"It is." The two of us made our way to help Anakin. He groaned as he held his head. "You good?" He smirked.

"Those tentacles pack quite a punch." I offered my hand and helped him stand.

"I bet."

"Come on." Windu instructed and we ran upstairs again. "Follow me." We ran behind him until we arrived at the speeder where the guard was long gone and instead was...Embo? I frowned when I saw the Chancellor hopping calmly on the transport. Mace jumped on top of the speeder and pointed at him.

"Embo...man, I thought we were friends." I said as I aimed at him. He raised his hands after complaining. Palpatine stood up.

"Chancellor, are you alright?" He punched Anakin's face once, twice, lost the disguise —for it faded out— and then lost an arm when Ani chopped it off. "Where is the Chancellor?" I saw from the corner of my eye how a second speeder arrived. A guy threw an unconscious soldier on the back and then hopped on. Their costumes faded away too and revealed the ones we're looking for.

"There!" I said and ran on the opposite side with the two Jedi running behind me once the soldiers arrived to arrest the bounty hunters.

"So long, Jedi." Said Bane and they drove away before we could get to them. Moments later, Windu talked with the dead, Obi-Wan said he'd go after them. I turned around and saw the troopers taking the bounty hunters in and leaving the speeder behind. I clipped the handle of my saber to my belt and ran to the opposite side. I hopped on the speeder and drove to where Ani and Mace were standing.

"Need a ride, gents?" I asked and they jumped in. Anakin to my left and Mace behind us. "He said he'd send you the coordinates?" I asked Windu.

"Yes. Retransmitting them now." In no time, they arrived at the holo-projector. I followed the trace and we arrived quickly. I parked the speeder and jumped out at the same time the other two did. We turned our lightsabers on, Anakin and Windu aimed at Eval while I aimed at Bane.

"Ah! Please! Do not kill Moralo Eval." He begged.

"Take him and Bane into custody." Said Windu and we turned our lightsabers off as the troopers that were arriving hopped off their vehicles. "And make sure the Chancellor is returned safely to the Palace." Moralo placed his hands up and Anakin took a hold of him while I picked Bane up from the ground to do the same. "You did a good job, Obi-Wan." Bane pulled away from my grip but I intensified it.

"Kenobi!" He said. "I should have known. Something smelled wrong about you from the start."

"Yes." Said the man in disguise. "Well, spending so much time with you was no reward either."

"Reward?!" A clone handed over a pair of handcuffs to me. I thanked him with a nod. "I'll give you a reward, when I plug you full of laser bolts!"

"Such a pleasant fella." I said with sarcasm as we started to walk away. Obi-Wan chuckled.

"I was about to say that." He smiled at me. "I hope this was all worth it."

"Yeah. Me too." He frowned sadly, understanding the meaning of my words. "Let's go, sleemo." I sat him right beside Eval and hopped on the speeder beside Anakin, who started driving back to the Palace. In a matter of minutes, we arrived and the Royal Guard took care of them. I sighed. "I could use some sleep." Ani chuckled and threw his arm around my shoulders in a friendly way.

"Same." He said.

"We could sneak out of here and go to the Lake house." I whispered.

"Sounds good to me." We smiled at each other before we made our separate ways to the small house. Finding transport was the hard part, but, with the good amount of discretion, we managed to get there. We took our clothes off and laid down underneath the bedsheets, enjoying the silence and the singing of the birds. That lullaby, adding the tiredness of the day, made us fall asleep immediately.


When we woke up, we stood on the balcony and admired the view before we returned to Theed. When we got there, we walked directly to the Palace and thank goodness, no one seemed to spot we were gone for the night. We met with Windu and the Chancellor to escort him to the outside hangar of the Palace, where the cruisers had landed. Once there, we met with the kiddos, Obi-Wan, Padmé and her fellow Senators, and the Queen.

  "Once again, you have all distinguished yourselves in the eyes of the Republic, and the people of Naboo are in your debt." Said Padmé.

"It's all part of the job, milady." Anakin spoke for all of us. With that, the Committee left and we all started walking behind them.

"I'm not sure I agree with your orders to send the rest of the security detail back to Coruscant." Windu told Palpatine.

"Now that the threat has passed, I think Generals Skywalker and Naberrie are all the security I need." I was surprised to hear that he'd 'need' me. Usually, Anakin is the one to stay behind with him. It's nice to be considered by a man who I thought didn't like me. It feels weird though because, in all honesty, I don't like him. Ani sighed beside me.

"You look terrible." He told his Master. He groaned.

"Being a criminal is not easy work." Kenobi commented in return.

"If I had known." He looked at me. "If we had known what was going on, we could've helped you." He frowned. "Too bad the Council didn't trust us."

"Guys, it was my decision to keep the truth from you." We stopped walking and turned around. Obi-Wan placed his hand on Ani's shoulder but he moved, making Kenobi place it to his side again. "I knew if you were convinced I was dead, Dooku would believe it as well." I frowned and looked at him, not believing what I was hearing.

"Your decision?" I asked.

"Look, I know I did some questionable things, but I did what I had to do." He looked at the ground the entire time, then, at us. "I hope you can understand that." I scoffed.

"You lied." Said Skywalker. "You lied to her, to the kids, to me. How many other lies have we been told by the Council?!" He snapped. "And how do you know that you even have the whole truth?" Anakin breathed in and out before he looked at me. "If you have something to add, do it. I'll be waiting with the Chancellor." I nodded and he walked away. I looked at Obi-Wan and he looked very sad.

"I'm sorry." He shrugged. "But...I agree with every single thing he said." I said lowly. He looked at me. "We could've acted too, but you shut us out. And man, I really could slap your face right now."

"I think I do deserve that." I nodded.

"Yes. You do." I sighed. "Do you have any idea what this whole...bullshit put us through while you were busy playing the killer? We spent half a night at a pub drinking, crying and blaming ourselves for not being able to do more to avoid that from happening." My eyes started to fill up with tears. "You died in my arms, for God's sake. Do you have any idea how that felt? To lose one of my best friends just like that? On the spot?" The tears fell. "I heard and saw how you stopped breathing, how your heart stopped beating..." I breathed in. "I trust you but you didn't trust me enough this time."

"You're wrong."

"Am I? Because I think not." He frowned sadly again. "I've placed my life on your hands multiple times for two years, and you've placed yours on mine. Tell me, Kenobi, what made this time so different?" I washed the tears off my cheeks. "This lie will cost you, and the rest, a part of my trust. And it won't be easy to have it back." I sighed through my nose. "I'll be babysitting if you need anything. Contact me though, I think Anakin will be upset enough as to not answer the calls." I sniffed before I turned around to walk up to the other General, the Chancellor and the rest of the Committee.

When we all were together, the Senators and the Queen left towards the Palace, while the Chancellor insisted on going for a walk. And we were with him until dusk, that's when we returned to the Palace.

  We talked about politics most of the time as we walked through the fancy hallways. When Anakin was done with the subject, he asked what was the planned itinerary for what was left of the day.

"We'll leave as soon as Queen Neeyutnee's banquet is over." I frowned. "I also want to thank goodbye to Senator Amidala. She has been a very gracious host."

"Hmm." I said under my breath as I placed my hands behind my back and thought about when and how could that information escape my ears.

"Padmé didn't mention anything about a banquet." Said Anakin. My thoughts exactly.

"Perhaps she meant it as a surprise." The Chancellor chuckled. "I must say, the lengths the Jedi will go to is nothing short of incredible. I assume the brilliant plan to disguise Obi-Wan Kenobi was yours, dear." He looked at me. "Given the very detailed anecdotes I've heard and the undeniable record of your successful and rarely ineffective plans."

"That's flattering, your Excellency, but no. It wasn't my idea, Sir." I answered. "I was in the dark, as much as you and Anakin were."

"Really?" He asked Ani this time, as we arrived at the Hall's doors. Skyguy nodded. "Interesting. I was under the impression the Jedi always worked as a team."

"Trust me when I tell you, Sir, we thought the same way." Said Anakin and the doors opened.

"Welcome." Said Dooku's voice from the opposite side of the room as the doors whirred shut. Our eyes snapped to him and we found him sitting on the last chair of the table, waiting for us. The zapping of electricity echoed to our left and right.

"My gracious, it's a trap!" Said Palpatine as I grabbed my lightsaber from my belt.

"Chancellor, stay back!" Anakin commanded and pushed him out of the way as one of the droids with the electric staffs attacked. It hit his shoulder. He grunted. "You should have quit while you were still alive, Dooku."

"Fighting off the entire Jedi security force would have been difficult, but now that they're gone..." He stood up and enlightened his lightsaber. "Defeating you two alone will be an easy task." I turned my saber on as well. That was enough sign for the droid to attack me. I dodged the attack and threw my own thrust. I managed to cut his head and stabbed him before I kicked him away.

Behind me, Anakin fought his droid and stopped a punch with his own hand, the robotic one. He then chopped the arm of the droid and stabbed him before cutting him by the half.

"Chancellor, get out of here!" He commanded as we both started the run towards the Count.

"Good idea." Palpatine commented and he ran towards the door. Anakin walked through the table while I walked from the ground. Anakin jumped and attacked from above to get in front of him while I stood behind.

I attacked him and the Count turned around to block my quick attacks, smiling every time and getting on my nerves. He then pressed his attacks and it was my turn to block them all. When he got tired, he frowned and pushed me backwards with the Force, but I managed to stand my ground. I only slid down the marble floors a meter or two. Like I was taught to handle.

  That's when Anakin started to attack him, after about ten seconds, the Count pushed him too. I moved forward to attack him from behind again, but he stopped me with a single hand movement before he started choking me. He really likes to do that for no reason. I struggled with the lack of air for a bit until he pushed me back and against a wall.

I coughed as I saw how the Count threw at Anakin chairs, silver trades and cutlery. Anakin had no other way but blocking with his hand, the forks got stuck to his robotic arm. I got up and ran towards them, jumping and grunting in the process. Ani was my mirror. The Count pulled a pair of chairs and used them as shields. I couldn't see how close was I to him, I just pushed my weapon forward, grunting. Seconds later, he pushed backwards again, getting rid of us and the chairs.

We stood up properly as he turned the weapon on again. Anakin was the first one to attack and Dooku blocked the thrusts he threw. Ani walked forward, making the Count walk backwards, when they reached the spot where I was, Skywalker gave a step back and I started to attack this time. And I pushed and pushed until we were out of the salon.

  When my arms felt a bit tired, I moved back and Anakin continued. We got to the stairs and he kicked Dooku down. Anakin threw merciless attacks at him and started to get close to finish the Count's life, that's when he threw his lightning at him, making Ani yelp and fly backwards. He hit me with Skywalker's body and made us fall back a lot. I grunted as I helped him stand.

"Ani. You okay?" He nodded.


"Fine." Obi-Wan arrived.

"Are you alright?" He asked when he had reached our side. We just looked at him.

"Come on!" Anakin said and we started running upstairs. We found them getting into a ship. I was the one to jump and attack Dooku from behind. He obviously blocked but by this time, the other two Jedi were behind me.

  When I moved backwards, Kenobi attacked from the left and then Ani from the right. That's when the droid that was in the ship finally jumped into action. Obi-Wan destroyed it. Anakin was fighting Dooku while I held Palpatine's left arm and Obi-Wan held the right one. We jumped off the transport and seconds later, the Count pushed Anakin, but he jumped and landed on his feet in front of us. The four of us looking at him from the ground.

"Well done, Master Kenobi. You're a worthy adversary." Said he, making his voice echo around the place. "I cannot say the same about your young apprentice and his companion." The engine of the ship whirred, he turned off his lightsaber, crossed his arms and the gate of the ship closed before flying away.

As I recovered my breath, the Royal Guard arrived, alongside the woman they once served as Queen.

"Chancellor." Said Padmé as she reached our side. "Are you alright?"

"Yes." He answered. "Thanks again to the heroics of the Jedi. That's the second time today."

"We specialise in heroics, Chancellor." Said Obi-Wan.
"It was our pleasure." I commented at the unison.

"As long as I live, no harm will ever come to you, your Excellency." Anakin added.

"Hmm, well, here's to your long and prosperous life, Anakin." Said Palpatine as he placed his hand over Skyguy's shoulder. "One prospers to think where the Galaxy would be without the Jedi." We smiled at him before entering the Palace.

There, we were offered a place to stay the night and I'm not lying when I say that it's the most comfortable mattress I've ever laid down on. We enjoyed a great night of sleep before the morning arrived and we left the beautiful planet to get to Coruscant again.

  a/n: hi everyone! just dropping by to thank u all for 12.3k reads!! i'm very thankful for that and i'm so glad you're enjoying this story. hope you keep on reading and adding this book to your lists as you've been doing. i really appreciate it <3

  i may be very ia from march 28th until idk when. university admissions and stuff. and also from this week to the next two bc of midterms. anyhow, i'll try to update more often :)

  stay safe! pls, drink water and eat something! u deserve it <3

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