71: Enslaved
T.W: i'll be touching a subject (physical abuse and attempt of s.a) further into the chapter. the asterisk (*) marks the beginning and ending of that part (as well as being suspicious it happened, etc). in case you want to skip it if it makes you feel any uncomfortable or it's triggering to you. please proceed and read with caution.
My head hurt. My whole body hurt. I felt my muscles tense for no reason. Something soft was touching my face. I breathed in and my eyes opened slowly. I found myself in a room I wasn't familiar with, the view made me frown.
"You destroyed my auction and frightened my costumers." Said the Queen and I got up abruptly. "Count Dooku and half of my kingdom are demanding your death." I frowned and extended my hand. She gasped and choked under my command. Her feet were off the ground and her hands reached for the throat.
"You should have listened to them." I stood from the bed. "My friends, where are they?" She continued to make an attempt at breathing, a bit uselessly.
"Continue to misbehave...and they die." I squeezed my hand an inch more and then let go. She coughed once her feet were on the ground as well. "A most curious Jedi who cares more about his friends than his own mission. Hero. General." She laughed. "And now my servant." She walked up to me. I frowned and every single unpleasant memory of my childhood came back to me like a flash produced by lightning.
"I will not serve you." She laughed.
"Your heart is not in your words. You will stand beside me, a testament to my power." She pulled out my lightsaber and handed it over. "Here. My bodyguard will need a weapon." I took it, looking angrily at her. She laughed. "And you need not worry about your friends. They will be quite safe."
We walked out and entered the Throne room. She decided to go for a flight ten minutes later, so, she took me to the place where the creatures were and we rode them. She was behind me, hands around waist and head laying over my back. It felt odd. I didn't like that feeling. Not from her. That kept me wondering where was my wife, if she was safe, if she's alright. I breathed in as we flew through the clouds.
"You were once a slave, weren't you?" I frowned.
"What makes you think I was a slave?" I asked, looking at her over my shoulder.
"The noble selflessness in your eyes, and your commitment to the service of something greater than yourself, your Jedi, the Grand Republic, even your friends."
"I don't see commitment as slavery."
"Oh, it is when it comes at the cost of yourself. What you could be. With you willingly beside me, there is nothing we could not accomplish." Her hand crawled under my arm and over my chest while her head fell over my shoulder again.
"We are nothing." I said coldly. "You have all the power." We remained silent until we returned to the palace. Once we had landed, I hopped off the creature and extended a hand to help her out. When I tried to let go, she pulled me.
"What if I freed your friends?" She let go of my hand. "Would you promise to stay, commit to serving me?" I frowned. "Even a Jedi as noble as you have his word, I think you might keep it."
"I don't trust you." I turned around to walk away. She scoffed.
"Have I been anything but honest? I have no reason to lie. I am who I am. It is you, you who are the complicated one. Now, Master Skywalker, the future of your friends lays in your hands. If they are to live as slaves, it will be you who keeps them that way." I crossed my arms and looked down. What am I supposed to do now? The afternoon went by very slowly and when the moonlight arrived, I was taken to a small room where I'd stay. I laid down with worry and a stressed mind. Then, I fell asleep as I imagined a brunette with honey like eyes laying down by my side in order to feel less lonely.
I was woken up early, for the Queen likes morning walks. She made me walk with her around town. I was thinking about what she said yesterday. If I stay, that means the five of them leave unharmed, but then it means leaving them either way.
Ever since I met them, I could not imagine living without them. Obi-Wan is like a father to me, my best friend too. Rex is my right hand, Ahsoka is technically a kid I'm rising, Cal's the same and Allana...she's my everything. I could never leave her, I can't imagine a life without her.
"Have you considered my offer, Skywalker?" She asked after a while. As if she could read my mind too. Ugh. I despise this. There's only one person who's actually able to do that and she's not here right now. "If you vow loyalty to me, I will free your friends."
"Yeah, I know, you've mande it clear." She frowned as I sighed. Offended at the sudden change of behaviour. "It's not an easy situation." I answered.
"Hm. Curious. I thought the Jedi were selfless, placing the needs of others before their own." I sighed. As we turned around the corner, we met with Atai.
"My Queen." He said. "I bring word." I tried to step forward but she tightened her grip around my arm and frowned angrily at me. "Count Dooku is on his way here." She sighed and let go to walk up to the edge of the balcony. I arched an eyebrow. This was interesting.
"Sooner than anticipated. Make preparations for his arrival." She commander and Atai walked away after sending me a glare.
"So even you have a Master." I said.
"Dooku is not my Master." She assured. "Perhaps you should not attend this meeting." She faced me again and stepped closer to me. "Can I trust you not to run away?" She extended a hand for my lightsaber. I frowned, took it and placed the tip of the handle close to her neck. She frowned with a small hint of fear and worry on her face, moving an inch backwards.
"I don't run away from anything, Your Highness." The guns of the two soldiers clicked behind my head. She chuckled as she took ahold of my weapon and walked away. I raised my hands. One of the soldiers hit me with the back of his weapon. I grunted. In a second, I head a familiar beeping behind me and a soft thud.
"Get off, you miserable tin can!" One of the warriors yelled at the droid. I turned around and met R2. I smiled at him and jumped off the balcony to hold on to the railing from underneath. "Get down there and find that Jedi!" He commanded the other one.
"Yes, sir!" Said the other guy and when I heard footsteps fading away, I jumped back up. The soldier barely had time to look at me. I punched his face, grabbed his armour and threw him away. Then, I jumped back onto the balcony. R2 whistled.
"Nice work, pal. Did you find the rest?" I asked him. He whistled, turned the rockets on and started flying, so, I jumped over the structures to follow him.
I followed and when there were no more buildings to jump onto near by, he carried me. Soon enough, we reached the top of one
a large building. I saw three of them in cages. I landed on the edge of the building and later on over Ahsoka's cage. Cal's was to her left and Lana's to her right. It hurt to see them like this.
"Hello, Master." She said with a weak smile. "Took you long enough." I smiled back.
"Well, I knew you had a nice view." I jumped back on the ground and used the Force to pull the three cages, one by one. I opened Snip's first and then Witty's. They crawled out of them. "Are you two okay?" I opened Smarty's. She didn't even move. That worried me. I sensed something was wrong.
"We are." Said Cal. Both of them broke the electrifying necklaces to take them off their necks with the use of the Force. "My Master's not so well." He added and I looked at her, then back at the Padawans.
"Listen, get back to our ship, take this comlink." I handed it over to him. "Go, now."
"I sense a disturbance in the Force." Ahsoka pointed out.
"It's Dooku." I informed, then, I looked at Allana again, she was still curled up on a corner of that cage. "Lans, come on." She looked at me and then her sight got lost somewhere. She zoned out. "What happened to her?" I asked the kids.
"We don't know." Answered Cal. "She's been like that since that Zygerrian scum brought her back." I frowned.
"Get the ship and wait for my signal. We have the surprise factor again. Get going and let no one see you."
"What about you two?" Asked Ahsoka. "Where will you go?"
"The Queen knows where Obi-Wan and Rex are." I looked at Lans. "Do you wanna kick someone's ass?" She returned to our reality, cracked a weak smile and nodded slowly.
"Yeah. I wanna beat them up." I smiled back.
"Then come with me." I extended a hand and she took it. I frowned when I saw and felt her trembling. She let go quickly, as if she didn't like to be touched, even for holding a hand. That worried me even further. I frowned before I looked at the kids again. "Already told you, hold on to that comlink and wait for my signal." They nodded. I jumped and Lana jumped behind me. "What happened to you?" I asked as we ran through the building's rooftop.
"I'd rather not talk about it right now." I saw scratches on her back, neck and abs. The clothes a bit broken here and there, puffy eyes and red marks. I imagined the worse, but I don't know what happened, so, making assumptions was not going to work. "All I'm gonna tell you is that I may or may not kill someone today." I frowned. This wasn't like her, Allana is no killer, however, if someone dared touch her, I'd kill them too. I don't doubt she could do it herself either.
After a while, we arrived at the Throne room. We heard argument and gagging from afar. When the door opened, we found Dooku strangling the Queen by lifting his hand.
"Enough Dooku." I said and he did let her go.
"Skywalker." She said weakly as she laid on the cold ground.
"I see the Queen has given you a long leash." He said and turned around. "One more step, and I will end her life." I frowned. "I must admit, I expected you to come alone."
"Nice to see you too, Count." Said Lans.
"Wish I could say the same." She sighed through her nose.
"Why do you think I'd care about this slaver scum, anyway?" I asked, going back to the subject.
"Indeed." He said and pulled his saber out. I pulled the whip the Queen had in hand and enlightened it and Lans pulled the whip away from Atai's belt, he growled at her. When she enlightened the whip, she threw it at the Count but he blocked, I was the one to attack next but he blocked too. Truth is, we're great sword fighters, just like Dooku. And these fucking useless whips are no patch for a lightsaber. When both of us attacker to get ahold of him by the neck or the ankles, he dodged and threw a thrust that we dodged too.
He attacked again but we succeeded on avoiding his attacks. In that moment, he unarmed me and I fell to my knees, a second later, he pushed Lana away with the Force. It took him a second to turn off the lightsaber and throw his Sith lightning at us. Our screams flooded the room for ten seconds straight, until it stopped. I panted and looked at Lans, who had her eyes closed and a painful expression over her features. She's never gone through this five stars experience.
"Lana." I spoke weakly. Her eyes opened slowly.
"The Queen!" A soldier pointed out. We looked up and found three armed Zygerrians looking very confused by the entrance of the room.
"She was murdered by the Jedi." Said Dooku as we moved and stood. I clicked the comlink to signal the kids. "Take your vengeance!" He ordered and they opened fire. I moved to lift the Queen from the ground and Lana covered my back by stopping the red blasts. She has mastered that ability and has taught her Padawan how to do it. She stopped them and with a groan she pushed them to the walls, giving her enough time to run. When I jumped, I dodged Dooku's attack. Lana kicked him and jumped behind me.
When we were close to the window, the blasts and the impact of me jumping backwards through it, broke the glass. Thankfully, Ahsoka was there with the gate of the ship opened to catch us. When we landed, I heard a male scream behind me and a very loud thud. I turned around to find Lana holding Atai by the neck with the whip. In a matter of seconds, she started beating the shit out of the guy, mercilessly. One punch after another, and another, and another until she stopped. He spit blood and her shoulders trembled.
"Say you're sorry." She ordered. He didn't say a thing, so she kicked him. "Say it!" He chuckled.
"Why would I be sorry for what happened?" She held him with the Force, not choking him, just holding. She took steps forward and he screamed when he realised he was floating on the air. He acknowledged that if she lets go, he'd fall and certainly die. "Stop, stop! Please! I beg you!" She chuckled dryly.
"Funny, that's what I said." I frowned.
"Please! Don't! It's not your way, to kill. You're Peacekeepers!"
"Well, ridding the galaxy from a piece of scum like you would add a bit more of peace, don't you think?"
"Allana?" I asked, confused at the scene that was developing before my eyes.
"Don't." She looked at me over her shoulder. "The marks and the broken clothes...are on him." She did read my mind. "He said that the Queen had promised me and Ahsoka to him. When I told him to leave her out of it, he said 'fine' and took me to a room." My heart stopped. "He just wanted me to beg for him not to do anything, and I did. He didn't hurt me any further...but he did. He fucking did. And that feeling, that image...those things will be in my head for a very long time." I looked at the man that could've abused her. "I told you, I may or may not kill someone today." She looked at him. Few seconds went by and I sensed a wave of darkness taking over Allana, it felt like that time we were in Mortis again. Atai started chocking under her command. "And, you know what? This leaves me wondering...how many women have gone through the same? How many people? How many kids? Because I doubt this is the first time something like this happens." I looked at him. I felt angry. I was furious at him. And I felt guilty for not being there for her. To protect her.
"Please!" He told me as he ran out of breath and her fist tightened. "Tell her not to kill me!" I stepped closer.
"I am holding myself back not to kill you myself right now. But you're not a life that's mine to take." I looked at her. "Do what would bring your mind ease." I stepped back and saw her letting go. The Zygerrian's screams echoed on a fade out. When he was close to hitting a surface, Lana pushing him backwards with such strength...that I imagined a lot of bones breaking. He fell through another window, though. Way lower. He wouldn't die. She hurt him but didn't kill him, just like he did to her. "Ahsoka, close the gates." I asked through the comlink.
"Yes, Master." She answered from the other side of the line. In no time, they closed the gate and flew away.
"Your Highness." I said as I laid her down.
"No escape...for any of us." She handed my weapon back.
"Where is Obi-Wan? Tell me."
"Kadavo system." She breathed in with difficulty. "You were right, Skywalker..." She laughed weakly. "I am a slave, just as you are." She groaned and died a second later.
I stormed into the cockpit, while Lana said she'd change her clothes, and told Snips to enter the coordinates for the Kadavo system. In about ten to fifteen minutes, we jumped out of hyperspace and landed in less time.
"Thought you may need this." Cal told his Master as he handed over her weapon while Ahsoka rushed to change her clothes too. Lana frowned.
"How did you get it back? And yours? They were taken away."
"Let's say that we made a quick stop at a room of the palace before we got to the ship and got them back."
"Huh...nice one."
"Thanks." When he spoke those words, Ahsoka arrived and we rushed out of the ship, R2 was going as fast as he could, alongside us. As we ran to get into the facility, the turrets opened fire against the ship and it blew up after a couple moments. "There was our way out."
"Look out!" I yelped and we bent down to dodge a piece of ship that flew over us. We ran under the heavy fire of the turrets until we found cover underneath the main gate. "Indeed, so much for our ride home."
"What now?" Asked Ahsoka.
"We get through." Said Lana. "The old fashioned way." She enlightened her saber and started cutting a hole through the wall. As the blasters impacted close to where we were, Lans continued cutting through and we got closer to the wall, a screen that was by the door turned on.
"Anakin." Said Obi-Wan and man I was glad to see he was doing okay, well...hanging in there. "I'm glad to see you, but I'm afraid our host feels otherwise."
"Well, you can't make everyone happy, Master." I told him. "Don't stop cutting through." I whispered and Allana nodded as she continued.
"They're threatening to kill the slaves unless you surrender." She stopped for a second to looked at me, then, she continued.
"It's good to see you're always ready to negotiate, but I've had enough bargaining with slave drivers."
"Anakin you must realise this is a fight you cannot win alone." I smiled.
"Who said I was alone? The 104th battalion, commanded by Master Garrlia, are closing in."
"You contacted my Master?" Asked Lans.
"She was closer than the rest." She smiled and continued.
"Well, I hope you told Master Gallia not to destroy this facility before we get off of it." Said Cal.
"Yeah, all of us and the slaves." I said and Lana finally cut through.
"We'll need a bigger ship." Snips added. Right after Lana was done, she kicked her way in. Three soldiers came out. I could sense Lana's anger, and we all saw how her radiant vibe was replaced by a shadowy one. We deflected blasts and while I terminated two guys, she stabbed the third one.
"Come on." The five of us started running through the facility, basically blindfolded. We were running on instinct.
"The controls are destroyed, Adi." Obi-Wan spoke through the line. "There's nothing we can do from here."
"I cannot move the cruiser in for the rescue operation until those enemy cannons are destroyed." Lans' Master pointed out.
"We'll take care of those cannons." Said Allana. "Just make sure that cruiser gets down here. We're running out of time." We continued running as a chiming alarm echoed around, annoying me.
"I'm going to go help my people." Ahsoka told me. "I'll see if I can buy us some time." I nodded.
"Good luck." I told her before she turned on the right hallway while we went to the left. Cal, Lana and I headed out of the facility and rushed to the towers. "I'll take this one, Lana, take the one to the right." She nodded. "You think you can handle the third one?" I asked the Padawan.
"I can handle myself, Master. I've got this."
"Alright, Witty."
"Cal." Lana called her apprentice. "These guys are brutal, you already know that. Be-"
"I'll do what must be done." He cut her off and jumped. In within a second he was on top of the tower and in another one, he was inside.
"So the same." I told her and she smiled. Before she jumped, she shrugged. When she was out of sight, I jumped to get to my tower. When I opened the hatch at the top, a guy fired his blaster at me. I turned my lightsaber on and jumped in. I cut his throat and stabbed the guy who was firing from behind, then, I removed his body from the chair and took his place. I started firing and destroying the towers that were near my range and heard the rest being taken down by the other two Jedi. "We're all clear, Master Gallia. Bring the cruiser down to the landing pad."
"Cancel that order Master." Ahsoka said from the opposite side of the line. "There's no way to get the people out of the holding cell up to the landing platform. But I have an idea. We need to have the cruiser moved in underneath the facility. We can escape onto the ship if Admiral Coburn." The most recent acquisition to Naberrie's battalion, by the way. "Can get in close enough."
"You heard Commander Tano." Said the Admiral. "I want the men topside with rocket packs and cable guns. Move it!"
"Yes, sir!" Said Wolffe.
I got out of the tower and jumped down, meeting Naberrie and Kestis on the ground. In a minute or two, R2, Obi-Wan and Rex joined us. We ran towards the gunship that had landed among the smoke. About three minutes, or so, later, the comlinks chirped again.
"Everyone has been picked up Generals." Said Wolffe.
"Okay, Commander." I said when I saw Lana closing her eyes with relief. "Master Gallia? The cruiser is clear."
"All gunships, fire." She said and from the opened doors of the ship, we managed to see how the rockets were launched and the facility exploded before the gates closed. Lana let herself fall right after Cal asked for a high-five. She smiled at him and chuckled.
"Well done, kid." He smiled at her. "You went through a lot, but great job."
"Thank you, Master." He shrugged. "I'm liking all the action." She chuckled.
"Stick around, you'll have plenty with us." He chuckled. I smiled at the sight.
After a few minutes, we landed in the Triumphant. When the gunship opened its gates, we walked out and met with Ahsoka, who was talking with the Governor of Kiros. We all started walking down the hangar.
"I thank you, the Jedi, and the Republic for saving our lives." Said the Governor.
"Ahsoka is the real hero." I pointed out. "Without her creativity, I don't think we could've gotten your people to safety." Lana placed a hand over her shoulder and shook it a bit in a warm congratulating manner.
"Indeed." He looked at her. "Padawan Tano, might I have a word in private?"
"Of course." She said and we all walked away from them. Obi-Wan and Adi met up, after they greeted each other, she helped him get to the Med-wing while Wolffe made fun of Rex before helping him out as well. We chuckled.
"Master?" Cal called Lan's attention.
"Yes?" She asked.
"Could I be excused? I'm-"
"Of course." She said. "Get a shower and get some rest. I'll wake you up before our arrival, how does that sound?"
"Great." He smiled. "Thank you Master." Lana nodded. "Skyguy."
"Witty." He made a quick salut, that I returned and then he left. I looked at Lana, who sighed when she sat on top of a box. "I'm sorry."
"What for?" She frowned.
"Had I been there, I could've stopped him. Prevent anything from happening." She shook her head with a soft and small smile.
"Don't blame yourself. You were dealing with your own stuff with the Queen and...my mind is calm now. Calmer. I mean, I won't easily forget that feeling, but with the time, and your support, I will." I smiled.
"Tough girl." She chuckled.
"By the way." She whispered and I crossed my arms and breathed in slowly. "How come you flirted with her saying that 'her beauty is not like a star on comparison' but when this thing started to happen." She pointed at the two of us right after mocking my voice. "You flirted with sand being annoying?" I busted into laughter and she laughed alongside me. "Genuine question."
"I...don't know." She scoffed.
"Yeah, right."
"Maybe I was nervous." She arched her eyebrows and crossed her arms as well.
"Nervous?" I nodded. "With which one of us?"
"You, dumbass. Obviously." I whispered.
"I swear." She nodded. "It's not my fault that she fell for it. I was just doing my job."
"She really fell for you."
"She did?"
"The second you looked at her."
"Told you I have a magnetic charm." She rolled her eyes.
"I'm also wondering what did you whisper to her."
"That's uh...something I thought you and I could do someday."
"Is that so?"
"Yeah. We haven't had time though."
"Yeah, we've been so busy lately."
"Yeah." She sighed.
"Perhaps some other day. I don't think I'm ready for it." I nodded.
"Of course. Whenever you're ready, I'm ready." She chuckled.
"Of course."
"No, no. I mean that." I made a head movement, inviting her to follow me into the elevator. Once there, and when the doors closed, I looked at her and extended my hand, after a second, she held it. "You went through something you shouldn't have gone through, and I'm aware it will take time for you to heal in any way you need to heal, so, I'll wait for that moment. I don't care how long it takes. Take your time and I'll help you out in any way I can, okay?" She smiled. "Okay?" She nodded.
"Okay." She stepped closer and left a kiss on my cheek. "Thank you." I nodded.
"No problem." We let go of each other and when the elevator's bell ranged. We entered the bridge and Lans asked her Admiral to tale us back to Coruscant to get a well deserved rest.
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