69: Vanished
The whole team was asked to meet the Council very early in the morning. I woke up in my room at the Temple, got ready and walked out.
As I walked through the hallways, Cal met me half way there, then, Anakin with Ahsoka joined us. We walked through the doors and met with the Jedi of the High Council, of which Obi-Wan is member. When we stood in the middle of the room, we bowed before them.
"Skywalker, Naberrie, Tano and Kestis." Said Windu. "We've got a mission for you."
"What do you need us to do Master?" Asked Anakin.
"Take your battalions to Kiros. Help the people of the colony, you must." I frowned.
"What's going on there?" I asked.
"They are a neutral and peaceful planet, but Dooku arrived and will try to make them join his side." Adi informed.
"But...if they're a known neutral planet, Dooku shouldn't get any closer to them." Anakin pointed out.
"We know, but he has." Windu jumped in again. "They're a society that has no weapons, no soldiers. An armed conflict would destroy them. Master Yoda made contact with them but their leader said that they'd try to negotiate their way out of it."
"We know Dooku too well as to know he won't let them go that easily." I said. "We'll get the legions ready."
"Obi-Wan will go with you." Windu said and, once Kenobi had stood up to stand beside us, the five of us bowed before walking out of the room.
When we reached the elevator, it didn't take us long to contact our Commanders and Captain to get the boys ready and warm up the engines. Everything was ready for departure when we arrived at the hangar, and we hopped in quickly, we don't have a single second to waste.
While Anakin, Ahsoka and Obi-Wan hopped on Skywalker's cruiser, alongside the 501st and 212nd, the 104th, Cal and I hopped on ours. Cody was on board of a separate ship, they were scanning for enemies.
"Kestis." I called as I placed my hands behind my back. Cal reached my side in a second.
"Yes Master?"
"Lace our communications with the rest, would you?" He nodded.
"Right away." He started to work. That should be Admiral Coburn or Lieutenant Flynn's job, but, a week ago, when Ani and I had to go to Naboo, we asked Tano to teach Cal how to properly operate the controls they have access to of the cruisers. He learned in no time. "We're connected." He informed after a minute as the Generals and Rex's holograms popped before us.
"Thanks." I smiled, he smiled back and nodded at me. "Gentlemen, how is it going over there?" I asked.
"We're good." Answered Anakin.
"Cody just made contact." Obi-Wan informed. "He said everything's clear. That there are no Separatist craft in the system." I frowned. The Commander was right. "I don't like the way this feels."
"Neither do we. Even out here, things feels very quiet." I said and Cal nodded.
"I just hope we're not too late." Said my apprentice. It was my turn to nod.
"Same kid." Anakin agreed. "It's been ten rotations since Master Yoda's contact with the surface."
"Let's keep our hopes up and minds clear to figure things out." I commented optimistically. Anakin nodded with a smile. "See you down there." They nodded and I ended the transmission. "Admiral, take us down."
"Yes, sir." Said he and as we entered the atmosphere, we started walking towards the elevator.
"Check with Wolffe if they're ready." I asked Cal. He nodded and click his comlink to communicate with my Commander.
"Commander Wolffe, do you read?" He asked, sounding very professional. I smiled. I wasn't as young as him when I had to direct myself to a Commander, however, when I had to, I did sound like that.
"Loud and clear, Padawan Kestis." The Commander replied.
"Great. We're on our way to the hangar, is everyone ready?"
"Yes, sir."
"And the gunships with the walkers?"
"Engines warmed up and waiting for your arrival."
"Good. See you in a bit sir."
"Alright, sir." The communication ended and I saw how Cal smiled to himself from the corner of my eye.
"Good." I told him. "Continue talking that way and you could take over anytime." His eyes opened wildly at me.
"For real?" I chuckled.
"No." He sighed and rolled his eyes. "But...someday, from time to time, perhaps. I'll think about it."
"Deal." The doors of the elevator opened themselves to reveal the Wolfpack moving everyone around. Again, half of each of the battalions were coming, if the rest is needed, one call and they'd arrive. Wolffe turned around when he heard our footsteps and stood straight before us.
"At ease soldier." I told him and his body relaxed. "Lets not waste a second and get to the surface, shall we?"
"Yes ma'am. Almost everyone was already in the gunships before you arrived, now, everyone's settled. The gunship with the speeder you asked for earlier will be taken down by Warthog, is the one that's in the middle."
"Great, thank you." As Kestis and I walked towards said gunship, he directed himself to the one that's to our left. The second we entered them, the doors closed. "Warthog, get us down there."
"Yes, General." Said the pilot, nodding his head. When our transport lifted itself, I saw from the openings of the door how the rest followed.
"You'll be my gunner." Cal nodded and we sat on the speeder's seats, respectively.
When we landed, Warthog opened the back door for us, it's ramp slid down. I thanked him and drove the speeder down, meeting the rest outside. We were all in pairs, Skyguy and Snips together and Rex with Kenobi.
The second the scouts of the 501st, that were riding walkers, showed up, we started moving. As we drove, we didn't spot anyone, not a single soul. It was and felt like that time we were in Ryloth. This is now a ghost town. It felt unsettling.
"Anyone else thinks is too quiet?" Asked Ahsoka to our right. "I haven't seen any colonists."
"They're probably hiding." Said Anakin. My gut disagreed, the whole place feels strange. I don't think an entire town is able to hide like that from the Separatists, unless they had a specific system, but due to what we know, a pacifistic town like this one, that shouldn't even be involved in this war, wouldn't have one. It seemed as if the had been erased from here. As if they had vanished. I don't know in which way. However, the optimistic part of me decided to agree with Skywalker.
"Let's hope they stay hidden." Obi-Wan spoke loudly from the left. "It makes our job easier if we don't have to worry about them in battle."
"I don't like it." Rex added. "The clankers have never been shy about using civvies as living shields." I nodded.
"Agreed." I said. "It's like Ryloth all over again, yet, very different."
"I'm sure they're here somewhere." Said Cal.
"I think so too, Witty." He called my apprentice by a way he felt suited him, after knowing him for years while we were helping to his basic training and now that he's joined us, it makes a lot of sense. Cal has a way of directing himself to those we face with a sarcasm, a sass and in such a witty-smart way...it's truly amusing. "Let's make for the city center."
Us and the men who joined, from both mine and Ani's squads, made the engines of our bikes roar. We rode for five more minutes until something was placed on our way. I frowned.
"Biker droids, right ahead." Snips pointed out.
"Squad, tighten up." I raised my voice to make myself audible, over the engines of the speeders. "Form on me." We were certainly not gonna stop, and the droids realised it. They started riding towards us, causing their engines to whoosh. Cal, Ahsoka and Rex started firing the guns and it didn't take long before the red blasts responded the blue ones. They impacted a few of the speeders and the men behind us. "Kids, leave the guns, cover the troopers." I commanded the Padawans and in a second, they let go to grab their lightsabers. Ahsoka's green blades were seen deflecting blasts, just like the blue ones from Cal's double-bladed weapon.
The Padawans managed to take down a few speeders, and when we were getting closer, I turned my lightsaber on. When I rode beside one of the droids, I made a downward cut, destroying not only the droid, but its speeder. Later on, Anakin did the same on his side.
We had gone past them, now, we were in front of the enemy. We rode for two, or so, minutes before we heard screaming and more blaster fire behind us. The Padawans turned their lightsabers off and sat back town to turn around and take down the bikers. With Rex's help, the way was clear in a matter of minutes.
When we arrived at the city center, we spotted a bunch of droids and tanks. The gunners of the bikes from our side started firing at them. Most of them were destroyed immediately, while the rest were destroyed the moment Ahsoka's bombs —the ones she threw into the tanks when she jumped— went off. We had parked the bikes by that moment.
"Good call." Cal congratulated his mate. She smiled.
"Thanks." Snips told him.
"Captain, have your men secure the area." Obi-Wan commanded Rex and he nodded. When he mixed and divided the teams and the troopers of our battalions, they started patrolling. And as they did so, Cody and Wolffe arrived with the big walkers. Kenobi also sent his two best scouts to check out the perimeter. "How's everything, Boil?" Asked he when they had reached our side.
"We're still mopping up clankers here and there, sir." He answered. "We've stablished a perimeter around the Governor's Tower." He pointed to our left and my sight followed up to the spot. "No one gets out without a fight."
"Good work, boys." I told them and they nodded before we turned around, meeting Wolffe and Sinker talking with the Commander of the 212nd. "Commander, any word from the Separatist Commander?"
"He's barricaded inside. His name is Darts D'Nar. He sent you a message ma'am." I frowned.
"Me?" He nodded.
"Both of you, actually." Wolffe pulled out of his back pocket a communicator disk. As soon as he clicked it, the hologram of a Zygerrian.
"Masters Kenobi and Naberrie. It has come to my ears that you're...quite good negotiators. So, come to the tower. We will negotiate terms for surrender." I raised my eyebrows as the message ended.
"Well, that was easy." Said Kenobi
"Still, it doesn't feel as right as it should. There's something-" The disk floating away from Wolffe's hand towards the left cut me off. It had flown to Anakin's hand. He had a very intense frown on his face and I completely understood. He was angry and upset, you could tell not only by looking at him, but because he squeezed the disk, breaking it before throwing it away.
"Zygerrian scum." He said. "I'll handle that slaver." From the corner of my eye, I saw how Witty and Snips looked at each other and then back at us.
"Anakin, he asked for us." Obi-Wan told him. "I need you to locate the missing Togruta colonists." Anakin's eyes met mine for a fraction of second and a fraction was enough. He breathed in and out.
"Fine. I'll have Admiral Yularen initiate a planetary bio-scan." He stepped away from us. "R2, with me." R2 chirped as Kenobi's eyes met mine, his had a sad expression, for he knows the reason why behind Anakin's current mood.
"Why is he so upset?" Asked Ahsoka as both of them stood from where they were, fixing a wiring, and walked up to us.
"Anakin has never talked about his past, has he?" Asked Obi-Wan.
"Only to say he won't talk about it." Answered Cal. My eyes met his with a frown. "Ahsoka told me." He added. Ahsoka hit his arm discretely. Man, they remind me of the younger us so much from time to time. I sighed.
"It's not really our place to say it, but...as a child, Anakin and his mother were sold into slavery by the Hutt clans. That's why he doesn't like talking about it. It still hurts him."
"Oh..." Said Snips. "And these Zygerrians, they're slavers?" I nodded.
"Indeed. Anakin has struggled to put his past behind him." Obi-Wan added. They nodded and looked at said Master, who was talking with Yularen's hologram. I looked at him too.
"Now, do me a favour." The two Padawans nodded at my words. "Keep your mouths shut about this, you know nothing, and keep an eye on him while we...do this thing." They nodded again and we started to walk away. "You know, there's something I really don't like about this."
"I feel the same way, however, we must keep on going." Said Kenobi as we entered the tower. "Are you sure the Padawans can handle it?"
"The mission?" I clicked the elevator's button and the doors closed above us. "Yeah, definitely." He chuckled.
"No, I don't mean the mission. I'm very sure they are far from able to. I mean handle an angry Anakin."
"Oh." I chuckled too. "Let's hope so." As we got closer to the hatch on the ground, we overheard a conversation, whispers really.
"Why are you still there?" Asked someone.
"I'm going to make the Jedi pay for their arrogance." I looked at Kenobi, he smirked. "I have them right where I want them." The hatch of the ground moved up and we saw everyone in there. The droids and the Zygerrian. Two of those special units aimed their blasters at us, we put our hands up and I rolled my eyes. As that happened, the two people that were on the hologram turned around to meet our gazes.
"Gentlemen, meet Obi-Wan Kenobi and Allana Naberrie, Jedi Knights." The other Zygerrian growled and I frowned. That's a new one, I've never been growled at before. "D'Nar, bring them to me...on their knees." I stopped frowning and I looked at Obi-Wan.
"Told you this felt bad." I whispered.
"Not now." He whispered back, frowning this time.
"With pleasure." D'Nar told the Count and finished the transmission. We started being escorted up to the table, right before the slaver.
"We were going to discuss...surrender? Right?" I asked. He smiled with arrogance, then, he placed his feet on top of the desk.
"Yes. You will surrender." I chuckled and his smirk fell, then, I sighed.
"I think we have a terrible misunderstanding here, my friends." Said Kenobi. A second later, he looked at me as he moved his hands to cross his arms, pointing at the comlink that rests on his wrist discretely. I nodded in agreement and catching the indirect.
"Indeed." I backed up as I placed my hands behind my back and clicked my comlink, opening my communication with the rest of the team.
"No. You're wrong, Jedi." Said D'Nar.
"Are we?" Asked Obi-Wan.
"You're no doubt aware your droid forces have been destroyed and you are surrounded." I added.
"Do the honourable thing and give up now, D'Nar." He looked down at the small bird that rests on his arms. "I promise you will receive fair treatment."
"You've broken through my defences." He said when he had looked back at us. "You think you've won. Think again. I have planted bombs all over the city. No one will survive." He smiled with malice for a second, that was unsettling, plus, my heart stopped to his words for a hot minute. These are innocent people, and the ones that are eavesdropping must start searching for those bombs now, if he's saying the truth. "Now, surrender." I rolled my eyes.
"Look, I love the whole drama you're putting up here, but, if you're done buffing, then we must concede. But, you'll have to make a few considerations, am I right?" I looked at the actual negotiator in the room. He nodded. "Okay. What about releasing the colonists first?"
"Here is my counteroffer." He raise his hand and the protocol droid that's standing behind him clicked the remote's red button before we could do anything. An explosion echoed behind us and the ground beneath our feet rumbled for a second. I looked at Obi-Wan and both of us ran to the back window, spotting a column of smoke crawling out of what once was a house. "There were no colonists in that structure." I closed my eyes with relief. What worried me now, is that said structure was dangerously close to our position. "But, there could've been." I turned back around, looking angrily at him. "Now, bow down and surrender to me, Jedi filth." He hit the desk with his fist. Kenobi and I looked at each other again, frowning.
I knew what I had to do, what we had to do, and we did it. We took off the lightsabers and I finished the transmission for now as we walked up to the desk. Once we were before it, we left the handles of our weapons on the fancy, wooden furniture.
"Very well. We surrender." Said Kenobi and we moved our hands up. This fucker smiled again.
"Long before this war, your Jedi destroyed the great Zygerrian Slave Empire." Said D'Nar.
"It's good they did." I whispered but he heard me, so, he sent me an icy glare. Just like Kenobi, but it was more of a...'please, shut your mouth right now' kind of glare.
"I would kill you know." He added. "But Dooku would prefer you alive."
"I...understand your frustration." Said Obi-Wan, walking up to him to meet the slaver halfway. I placed my hands behind my back again. "It is unfortunate we cannot resolve our differences as you do in the Zygerrian tradition." I blinked. Oh, he didn't. The comment took the slaver off guard and the bird took advantage of it to fly away from him. He laughed.
"With no weapons, you would fight me?" He stood very close to Kenobi.
"For good reason."
"Obi-Wan, I-" He moved a hand up, shutting me up as I tried to speak.
"Say, if I win, you reveal the location of the colonists and the bombs." A pause.
"And, if I win, I deliver you two to Dooku in a cage, like one of these filthy creatures."
"Perhaps." I didn't even have time to complain, for D'Nar took a hold of my friend by his clothes, lifted him up and hit his face with his skull, then, he threw Obi-Wan away. He grunted and when I tried to step in, the droids took a hold of me. D'Nar walked up to Kenobi, lifted him up and dropped him against the ground hardly, then, he threw him against one of the Togruta statues, breaking it and making the animals chatter.
"Careful." Said the slaver. "You're disturbing my pets. They fetch a high price." Kenobi tried to fight him again, but ended up being pushed onto the wall instead. Hardly. Then, D'Nar tried to throw a cage at him but it impacted the wall. When Obi-Wan threw a left punch, D'Nar's face moved, literally, two inches. Obi-Wan tried to punch him again with his right fist but the slaver held his fist and twisted it, making Kenobi's knees to weaken and the Zygerrian took advantage of that, for he kicked Kenobi's stomach with his knee, making Obi-Wan fall to his knees. He then held Kenobi's face up. "For thousands of years, Zygerria supplied slave labor to the galaxy." He threw my Jedi companion before him, but Obi-Wan didn't roll over the ground, he managed to stop himself. "We prospered." He punched his face once. "Our costumers prospered." Twice. They were moving backwards as Kenobi grunted with every punch. "Then the Jedi came." He punched underneath Obi-Wan's jaw and he flew backwards, hitting his back with the desk. My mate spitted the blood that was in his mouth as he tried to reincorporate, but D'Nar was quite faster and held on to his throat. Kenobi started gagging because of the chocking. That's when the comlink chirped.
"Uh, excuse me sir." Said a droid as my eyes met Kenobi's. "We have a problem." He extended a hand and I decided that it was enough. I focused and sent the droids away by using the Force, I rushed to him and high-fived him.
"What problem?" He asked and punched D'Nar's face as strong as I could. This made him let go of Obi-Wan.
"Our spotters are tracking two enemy walkers moving-" I held the back of D'Nar's neck and made his head collide against the desk, breaking the disk and cutting the droid off. Obi-Wan coughed as he recovered his breath on the ground and I placed my fists up as D'Nar turned around. He growled at me again.
"It's a one on one fight. Me against him."
"I'm his relay." He chuckled.
"Women can't do this."
"That's a bit sexist. Plus, I think I can handle myself." He groaned. "Not to mention that if he looses, I'll be going with him on that cage, right? I think I can fight for myself too."
"As you wish." I tightened my fists and gulped. Yes, I've fought bigger guys, but I think the one closest to D'Nar in strength was Savage and...it didn't go as planned. He moved forward and I moved backwards, when he threw a punch to my face, I bent down and punched his stomach. It didn't affect him much. He tried to hit me again but I moved again, rolling over the ground forward, and kicking his back when I had reincorporated. He chuckled. "A quick one." I shrugged. He threw his punches faster. I dodged one, blocked another one and got punched on the face. I threw a kick to his face, succeeding too but when I jump-twisted to throw another one, he held my ankle and threw me across the room. I groaned when I hit the ground.
"Come on Ani. Hurry up." I whispered to myself as I stood up and ran at him. I managed to jump and wrap my legs around his neck, when I moved downwards, I took him down with me. I stood up fast but he held my ankle again, pulled it and made me fall. He placed himself above me and threw punches to my face, succeeding in getting two out of the four. I protected myself with my forearms and threw a right punch, making him groan. I kicked him away with that distraction and shook my head, shaking off the numb feeling from my face. He stood up and looked at me. "What? That's all you've got?" When he walked quicker to me, I damned myself for annoying him. He threw punches, that I dodged until he took a hold of my hair, pulled me down and kicked my stomach.
I rolled over the ground for a second. As I tried to get up, he took a hold of my hair again and pulled me up, making me yelp. He proceeded to hold me by the neck and feet before he threw me onto the ground. The glass it is made out of cracked beneath me, I felt one or two pieces cutting and getting stuck on my exposed skin. I coughed and couldn't move that well. I saw how Kenobi stood from where he was and ran up to us. When he was close enough D'Nar hit his face, making him fall and picked me from the ground by the neck.
"Now, I'll take revenge for my people, Jedi." He said as my hands found his wrist and struggled to breathe.
"Sir." The protocol droid interrupted. "You have an urgent transmission." He clocked a new communicator disk.
"Sorry to interrupt sir, but you weren't responding." Said a battalion droid.
"What is it?" Asked D'Nar.
"Uh...the Jedi have disarmed your bombs." The transmission ended and I closed my eyes for a second, in pure relief.
"What?" I smiled and chuckled. He growled and threw me back down. My face hit the ground and laid down right next to Kenobi. "Give me the detonator." As D'Nar clicked the button aggressively trying to detonate disabled bombs, we stood up.
"Are you alright?" Asked Kenobi as I whipped a thread of blood that crawled out of my mouth. The one from the nose was too dry now.
"My back hurts, but, I think I'm doing better than you." He chuckled. "Took him long enough."
"Certainly. Far too long this time." He shook some dust from his shoulder as I took the glass out of my skin, the piece I was able to get, the other one was kindly removed by Obi-Wan. We extended our hands and each one of us squeezed a droid with the Force, breaking them. We proceeded to pull our lightsabers towards us.
"Now, please tell me, we got him right where we wanted him, right?" Obi-Wan nodded and the Zygerrrian turned around to face us, for I spoke louder to gain his attention.
"Indeed." We looked at him. "Shall we discuss your surrender..." We enlightened the sabers. "Again?"
"I still have one more bomb, Jedi." Said he and turned the droid around. He complained, asking his master how could've he done that to him. I felt bad for the droid. Before we could move, he threw the droid at us, and honestly, our muscles were far too weak to jump around. The droid fell upon me and took me down, unfortunately, I brought Kenobi down too.
We pushed the droid away and as D'Nar escaped, the droid asked us to get the bomb off of him as the device beeped faster and faster. We figured the best idea was to get rid of the bomb first and deal with the slaver in a second. With the use of the Force, we pushed the droid off the window. He fell and in within a few seconds, the explosion echoed outside, making the floor shake too.
We started running down the tower to made an attempt in catching the slaver, following the tunnel he had gone through just a few moments ago. As we did so, Obi-Wan tried to reach Ani.
"Anakin." He called. "Anakin come in."
"I'm here." He said.
"D'Nar is making his escape from the tower. We've started chasing him." He informed and we pressed the run after the communication ended. We saw him getting into a ship. When we were getting closer, but not closer enough, the ship started to take off. We stopped. That's when we saw Anakin, Ahsoka and Cal riding the walkers, jump with them on top of the cliff and use them to impulse themselves up and land on the ship. "Will that work?"
"Let's hope so. Usually when he does that, he doesn't have a plan." I sat down and caught my breath, rubbing my aching jaw, looking up the whole time. Spotting how one of the engines failed, how the ship moved to a side and seem to go down in any given time, how things fell and later on how it was stabilised.
Moments later, the ship landed again and the three of them escorted D'Nar out. We all started walking back to where the troops were. Cody handcuffed the salver and locked him on a much more comfortable cage that's actually called prison cell, in one of the cruisers.
"Master, are you alright?" Asked my Padawan. I smiled at him.
"Yeah, I am."
"You don't look alright." Said Anakin. "Neither do you." He looked at Obi-Wan.
"Thanks." I said with sarcasm. He smiled at me and shook his head. "Very kind of you." He raised his eyebrows, thanking me for the fake compliment.
"Well, we had to distract him, somehow." Obi-Wan said.
"You got beaten up to distract him?" Asked Ahsoka.
"He did. I got beaten up for helping him. Those guys are brutal, I can't even imagine what they do to the people they take." I commented.
"They're just like this...even worse." Answered Anakin.
"Did he reveal the colonists' location?" Asked Obi-Wan, changing the subject. Anakin shook his head.
"He only said that his Queen will bring back the royal slave auction, and how Zygerria will be powerful and rich again, adding that the Jedi won't stop them again." I sighed. "Rex said that Yularen made contact, as well as the Council to give and receive a report, respectively."
"Then we should meet them." Said Kenobi and we started walking into the Triumphant.
Obi-Wan and I made a quick stop at the Med-wing to check if we had any internal injuries or anything more serious. We didn't, nearly. but not quite. We were given healing stims and when we got the dust and blood washed from our skin, we made our way to the briefing room, where the holograms of the Council and the Admiral.
"General Skywalker." Said Yularen after we had bowed before the Council. "I ran the bio-scan twice, but the results were negative." I frowned.
"Are you saying the colonists are not in the city?" Asked Ani.
"I'm saying they're not even on the planet." I blinked with surprise. "The entire population appears to have simply vanished."
"Vanished?" Asked Snips with a sad tone of voice. "That's impossible. Those are my people." I held my chin to think.
"Troubling is the return of the Zygerrians." Said Master Yoda.
"It is likely they mean to use Dooku to rebuild their slaver empire." Said Adi.
"We cannot allow that, Master." Said Anakin.
"Agree I do, but first, find the colonists you must. In great danger, they are." Yoda spoke again. His words made my frown to grow.
"What do you mean Master?" I asked.
"Sense I do a darker hand in this mystery. Slavery, a great tool it is for the rise of the Sith." I sensed Anakin's unease. The transmission ended and when everyone walked out, Anakin stayed. I walked back in and there we were alone.
"I feel like I need to ask." He looked at me. "The question is, should I ask?" He shook his head. "Okay." He sighed and sat down on one of the chairs that rests in a corner of the room. "We'll figure this out. You'll see." I hugged his neck and brushed his curls with my hand as his hands found my waist and lower back. He nodded and I chuckled when his forehead rubbed my abdomen as he did so. He scoffed.
"What?" He asked.
"Nothing. The nodding seemed funny. It also felt funny." He looked up, smiling. I bent down and left a quick kiss on his cheek, close to his lips. "I love you." His smile grew bigger.
"I know." I scoffed and he winked. I rolled my eyes at him. "Let's get to work." I nodded and he stood up. Once we were outside, we met with the rest.
a/n: hi everyone!! omg. so long no see...again. i'm so sorry. i've been busy with exams and college admission stuff, not to mention there hasn't been time to write anything.
anyways, i wanna say thank you again. 10k reads!! wth. thank you all so much! glad you're enjoying it <33
stay tuned bc this arc is pretty cool and writing it was so much fun! thank you for your patience and for sticking around, i really appreciate it.
i love you sm, stay hydrated and safe. see you soon :)
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