68: Sacrifice, Promises and Oaths


The raindrops hitting the window woke me up. I breathed in as I turned around and felt Anakin's breath against my forehead. I smiled as I hid my face in the hollow of his neck. His embrace around my waist intensified. I smiled.

"Hi." Said he with a raspy voice.

"Hi." I greeted back and breathed in, my eyes still closed.

"We should stay like this. We deserve a day off, specially after last mission's success." I smiled.


"I told you I'd beat you next time we went swimming." I scoffed. "Surprising."

"You won once. And I'm just as surprised, desert boy." He chuckled and kissed my forehead. "We should stay like this." He nodded and we did stay like that...for twenty minutes, until my comlink beeped. I sighed and incorporated to take it from the nightstand. "Naberrie here."

"Allana." It was Padmé. "I need your help." I frowned as my eyes met Anakin's and we incorporated to sit down. That sentence woke me up quickly.

"Is everything okay? Are you okay?"

"I am. Naboo isn't. I received a distress call from the Queen saying that things are very tense between the people on the surface and the Gungans...again."

"How so? I thought things were fine."

"Not since rumours about the Gungans plan to aid the Separatists in an attack on Theed raised among the crowds."

"But that's insane, they would never do that. Has Jar Jar spoken to them and dialogued with the Queen?" I stood up and made my way to the kitchen to get a cup of coffee. This was too much to handle at first time in the morning.

"Not yet, he's talking to his people as we speak. They're forcing me to go and I want a personal escort."

"You fear being in danger?"

"No. But you have good ideas and are perfect for thinking and talking strategy." I chuckled as I poured the dark beverage into a pair of mugs. Anakin arrived in no time to take his own, and he drank it just like that, not even adding sugar to it. What a weird human being.

"Thank you."

"Sure." I placed the sugar on it, mixed it and took a sip. Then, I sighed.

"When and where do I meet you?" I started drinking the hot beverage. Thankfully it wasn't as hot as to burn my tongue.

"My apartment, thirty minutes. Bring Anakin with you." He stopped drinking his coffee and looked at me with a frown.

"Me? Why?" He asked in a whisper.

"He's asking why." He rolled his eyes with a smile.

"I'll need your team work in dealing and solving circumstances quickly in case things get out of hand." He nodded and we chugged down the coffee to start getting ready.

"He's coming. And don't worry, everything will be fine. Keep your mind optimistic and leave the pessimistic mood to me." She chuckled as we walked back into the bedroom.

"Thanks. See you in a bit."

"Bye." We looked at each other and started to get dressed with our usual clothes. I braided my hair in two and made a low bun with the braids, grabbed my belt and clipped it around my waist just to place my lightsaber in place. Once that was done, we brushed my teeth and headed out.

  The rain was cold but after a moment it felt nice. We hopped on a speeder and we're driven by a droid towards the Senator's apartment. There, she asked me to change into one of those fancy Handmaiden scarlet red and golden suits, that matches hers, in order to be disguised as one of them, just in case, and even did my hair like hers. That helped her, somehow, to calm her nerves. Afterwards, we hopped into the ship and Ani, alongside Typho, flew the ship towards Naboo.

  Padmé was silent the entire time, not saying a word and only looking through the window. The atmosphere was tense but I couldn't think of anything to diffuse the tension. She sighed. I stood up from my seat and held her hand, I remember how that calmed her nerves when we were babies. She smiled at me, I smiled back and nodded at her.

  About an hour and a bit later, right after I had informed the Council about the situation and the reason behind our absence today, we arrived home. The atmosphere felt cold and it was cloudy like in Coruscant, only that it wasn't raining. When we arrived at the Capital we flew straight to the Palace, where the Queen received us and informed us better about the situation. Moments later, the three of us, started our way to meet with the Gungans.

  "Jar Jar, do you read me? It's Anakin." Said my husband, who's sitting to my left, piloting the transport. "We need you to meet us on the surface of Lake Paonga immediately."

"Okeyday, mooie palo." Said our friend and I smiled. "There's bombad trouble down here." Our eyes met and he sighed.

"We know. That's why we need to talk to you."

  We arrived at the agreed meeting point and, once he had landed the ship, we walked out. The area looked misty. More than a lake, it looked like a swamp. About five minutes after we arrived, Jar Jar did too, with a characteristic Gungan ship.

"Oh boy." Said he once he had popped out of the ship. "Mesa must stop zipped to ze surface. Ears go boomba someday." I giggled.

"What's going on, Jar Jar?" I asked as we approached. "We're hearing disturbance rumours." I stood on a wing of the ship.

"Is Boss Lyonie calling for a march on Theed?" Asked Padmé as Ani helped her up.

"Oh, yesa, My Lady." Answered the Gungan. "Mesa give mooie fiery speeches blaming Naboo for everything." I frowned. This is bad. Anakin placed his hand on my lower back as we hopped into the ship. He had sensed my discomfort. "Mesa say it couldn't be true."

"Of course, it's not." Said Padmé.

"We need to talk to him Jar Jar." I commented and he nodded before he submerged the ship into the water.

  From where we were, the trip to the Underwater city wasn't long. I was in awe. These cities are beautifully constructed, their elegance and shine always amazes me. Although it look darker, as if someone had below the candle off.

  When we landed, Jar Jar walked us through the hallways carefully and quietly until we reached the room where a motion was in session.

"For centuries, the Nabooians have treated yousa like second-class citizens. Nosa more. There-sa moments in da history when change-a isa necessary. Are yousa going to take what is rightfully oursa?" The Council's leader, that's standing in the centre of the room, spoke with determination. One of the men that was standing close to the entrance turned around and Jar Jar waved at him. His a General, if I'm not mistaken.

"This is mooie-mooie bad." Jar Jar told him. "Don't worry General. Mesa friends can help." He looked at us and I offered a sad smile that matched the expression in his eyes.

"Mesa hope so, Jar Jar." Said he. When the small crowd that was there started to move out, the Gungans indicated us to stand close to the edge for the rest not to spot us. We turned around and Anakin helped me cover Padmé. When the last one of them walked away, we turned around and started to walk down the hallway.

"Be quick." Warned the General. We nodded.

  "Young Senator Amidala." He said without even looking at her. "If yousa here to talk mesa out of a marchen in Theed, yousa wasting time." I frowned. When his eyes met ours they looked dull. Something's not right.

"With all due respect, your course of action is based on lies. You must make your warriors stand down." Said the Senator.

"Mesa different now. Mesa enlightened." I frowned. A vibe here feels very odd.

"See? Acting locount." Jar Jar whispered and I nodded.

"We've seen closely what mind-control looks like. He seems possessed, if you ask me." Ani whispered too.

"Or under someone's influence." She added.

"I'd say something and someone's." I concluded. Everyone nodded.

"Stop whispering and go." He ordered. "Besa gone." I spotted something glimmering.

"You see that too, right?" Ani nodded. "The necklace." He extended his hand and pulled it towards him by using the Force, ripping it off his neck and breaking it when he had caught it and tightened his fist. The King shook his head and held it with his hand.

"Wha-? Wasa happenin?" He asked. "Binks? Whosa are they?" I frowned once again. When we arrived, he knew who Padmé was, now he doesn't...? That makes no sense.

"Who are we?" I asked. Thinking out loud.

"Boss Lyonie, don't you remember anything?" Padmé questioned.

"Who gave you this necklace, Your Majesty?" Asked Anakin.

"Minister Risha Loo." He answered. "Hesa given it to me. Hesa tellin me itsa make me bombad leader, very powerful."

"They say Risha Loo know ancient Gungan mystical power...mind over matter. But hesa only use it for good." Jar Jar explained.

"Until now, you mean." I said. "We must talk to him." Anakin nodded.

"You will not go into aggressive talking to him." Padmé warned, pointing with a finger at us. A mannerism we know too well...from everyone.

"Why not? You do realise this thing was going to make him march on the Capital right?" Anakin asked moving his hand, causing the metal of the broken necklace to tingle.

"I agree, but, what if we remove the aggressive negotiation from the table and leave it in talking?"

"No." Said the King. "Mesa shall speak to hesa. Follow mesa." Said he and we all started to walk down the hallway, reached the exit and continue walking until we found ourselves before the entrance of another bubble-like room. "Let mesa go in alone." We all nodded.

"We'll be right outside." Anakin assured and he walked in while we waited.

"Why do you think the Minister did that? What could he be up to?" Asked Padmé in a whisper while we waited and Jar Jar walked away.

"I don't know. But to betray a King, his King...he couldn't have done that all by himself just like that." I whispered back. "Someone must have encouraged him, pushed him to do so."

"I agree." Ani backed me up and then, we frowned, mirroring each other. I held my head, feeling that knot in my chest. "Something's wrong."

"We better get up there." The three of us ran through the lightened pathway and entered the room to find the Minister extending his hand towards Boss Lyonie, making him enter on a kind of trance. "Boss Lyonie, don't listen to him." I said and Loo's attention snapped to us.

"Yousa get them!" I looked up on instinct, specially when I heard mechanical movements. The head of a special unit droid popped out of the mist that's covering the ceiling and, in no time, three droids fell down just to aim at us. When we pulled our lightsabers out and Padmé pulled her blaster out of its holster, they fired and my sister returned the blasts with her own while we deflected theirs back to them.

"Lana, go right, I'll go left and Padmé handle the middle." He looked at me when other two jumped down. "Meet me in the middle." Skywalker said and we nodded. Ani and I started moving in synch to destroy the droids. I cut by the half the one that's on my side while I heard him doing the same on his. From one moment to another, we heard Padmé struggling and I saw her falling, but before anything could happen, a blue blast went through the droid's head. I smiled.

  I wasted no time and met Anakin in the middle, where we fought the droids and when I destroyed mine, the Minister ran past me.

"Come on!" I said as I turned my lightsaber off and ran after the guy, spotting the King on the ground. I heard him destroying the droid and turn his lightsaber off before running behind me. In a second, we ran past Padmé. "Check on Lyonie!"

"Guys!" She yelled but we didn't turn around. We continued the chase. Loo had the advantage, he was very far, so, we pushed the run. When we were getting close to him, he pushed a lady away and made her fall before he entered a ship, similar to the one Jar Jar took us here in, and turned the engines on. He dove into the dark waters as we reached the edge of the ground. I sighed and panted, just like Ani as Loo drove away until he got lost in the darkness of the lake.

"Damn it." I said under my breath. He sighed. We turned around and when we made sure that lady was fine, we jogged back to meet with Padmé to find her walking beside a stretcher where Boss Lyonie was laying down, with her hands covered in blood. "What happened to him?" We walked alongside the Senator.

"He got stabbed. I tried to stop a haemorrhage and, eventually, help arrived." She explained with a worried and sad expression on her face.

"Hey, if he's alive, then you did a good job." She smiled at Anakin's kind words and I smiled at her as well, as I nodded.

"Thanks. He is alive, but critical."

"He'll be fine." I said and placed my hand over her shoulder. She nodded and we entered the Hospital Wing, where they quickly attended their leader. After a while, he was laying down a more comfortable bed, vital signs stable but eyes closed. When the word spread, Jar Jar returned, he was standing next to Padmé, holding Boss Lyonie's robes over his forearm.

"This is mooie upsetting, My Lady." Said he.

"I know, Jar Jar." She calmly said, placing her hand over his shoulder.

"How is he?" Asked Anakin, who had entered the room again after he was out, checking something with one of Boss' guards.

"Stable." I answered. "The bandages have stopped the bleeding, but he's unconscious."

"The Gungans are still poisoned and gathered to march on Theed." He told us. Jar Jar yelped, he had somehow, fallen down. "Boss Lyonie never got the chance to call off the invasion."

"And it's almost dusk." Said Padmé.

"Jar Jar." He looked at Ani from the ground. "You're a Senator. You can tell them to stand down, they'll listen to you."

"Thesa Gungans are proud." He stood up, looking at his Leader. "With theysa mood at the moment, mesa the last person they'll listen to now." He placed Boss Lyonie's crown over his head and looked at us again. I scoffed and my gaze met the other two humans ones.

"You've gotta be kidding me." I said and crossed my arms with a smile making its way through my lips.
"I don't believe it." Anakin commented at the same time.

"The resemblance is...remarkable." Said Padmé and I alternated my sight between the two Gungans.

"Mesa resemble whatsa?" Asked Jar Jar as he scratched his head.

"You." I started to explain. "You look just like Boss Lyonie."

"Yes." Said Padmé. "I didn't realise it until you put the crown on." She added.

"Are you thinking what I'm thinking?" Asked Ani as he looked at me. I smiled.

"Most likely." I said.

"Care to share?" Asked my sister with a funny undertone on her voice.

"The idea I have in mind is that Jar Jar must put on Lyonie's robes on and keep that crown on." Anakin nodded. "Was that it?"

"As usual, score." I smiled. He placed his elbow over Jar Jar's shoulder. "It's a good plan."

"Oh, noi, noi. Mesa can't do that." I placed my hand over his arm, for he is too tall for me to push his shoulder. Then, I slowly and gently started to pull, making him walk.

"Well, you'll have to if we're going to convince the Gungan army to stand down." I said.

"But theysa never listen to mesa."

"Maybe not, but they'll listen to Boss Lyonie." Anakin said as he also pushed with his hand. He sent me a glare and high-fived me and Padmé chuckled.

"But wesa all don't look alike."

"Shh. It'll work." I said.

"Why did I tell you to bring him? You two together...my goodness." Said she. We chuckled.

"Because you love us." Said Anakin with a shrug as we walked down the dark hallway.

"What he said." I added, looking over my shoulder. She rolled her eyes.

  We got Jar Jar all dressed up and once he was ready, even if he was not convinced, he walked out. I smiled and felt confident on this working out. It has to, otherwise, this could mean the dead of so many people, my people. Not to mention...a group of people that I love beyond words.

"Well, look at you." Said Ani and we giggled.

"Are yousa sure this will work?"

"It will." Said Padmé, before either of us could say anything. I nodded. "What's the plan?"

"Anakin and I will go with Jar Jar, you, get to the Palace. Inform the Queen and the army about the situation. I'm confident that this can work out, but if it doesn't, the people need to be ready." I said and she nodded.

"I've spoken to the General." Said Anakin. "He has a small ship waiting for you to be taken up. Be careful, let no one see you. If they spot a Naboo down here they could think you snuck in and hurt you Senator."

"Don't worry, I'll be quiet." We nodded. She approached me and placed her hands over my shoulders. "Good luck, and be careful." Her forehead collided against mine gently, like when we were little, so little. I smiled.

"You too." She nodded and after she sent a glare to the rest, she started her way. I looked at the other two. "Let's go." They nodded and we started to go up on our own way.

  When we reached the surface, the Gungan army had already arrived and were settled. We went behind them and hid behind the tall grass and mist.

"That's Separatist gear?" I said in a whisper. "Do you think they're the actual mastermind behind all this?"

"I think so." Anakin whispered too.

  "Disa sad day for all us Gungans." Said Loo from afar, talking the Gungans up. "Our beloved leader, Boss Lyonie, isa dead." The soldiers muttered among each other. "Wesa must honour his last order and prepare for oursa attack against the Naboo! Wesa march with the Separatist droid army on Theed!" This is bad, and I knew how bad it was when they all started screaming 'dead to the Naboo'. I gulped and breathed in as I felt a reassuring hand making a slight amount of pressure on the back of my neck. My eyes met Ani's and, with his glance, he asked me to calm down, that we were going to solve this. His hand fell over my shoulder and I nodded as mine gave his a soft touch.

"Thisa bad. Thisa very bad." Said Jar Jar to our left.

"Get up there and stop the attack." Anakin pointed at the Gungans and ordered the one that stands with us.

"Agh...mesa can't do it." He turned around to leave but I held his arm before he gave another step.

"Jar Jar, listen to me. If you don't do it and they attack the capital, people will suffer, women, men, children. They will kill everyone that stands in their way. Do this for them, for the families...for your brothers and sisters of the surface. Please." I basically begged as the faces of my mother, father, sisters and nieces flashed in my head. "I believe that you can, but if you don't, think that Boss Lyonie can, and would." His eyes met mine and he sighed before he turned around and walked out of the tall grass, and we bent down to take more cover.

"Isa Boss Lyonie." Said one of the soldiers as he looked at Binks. "Hesa alive." Everyone, included Risha, looked at him.

"Say something." Said Anakin. Jar Jar struggled and I bit the inner part of my cheek as the people were in awe, 'realising' that their Leader was still with them.

"Uh..." Binks cleared his throat. "Mesa." He cleared his throat again. "Mesa fellow Gungans." He made a deeper voice and spoke exactly like Lyonie. I smiled. "Uh...mesa made a terrible mistaken orderen march on Theed. Wesa cancelling our attack."

"It is Boss Lyonie." Said another soldier. I stopped biting my cheek and breathed out.

"It's working." I whispered.

"Risha Loo manipu-" His voice cracked. "Manipulated mesa head thoughts with lies and da misinformation." He quickly recovered. "Hesa the real enemy." He stablished and the army turned against the liar, who started walking backwards and then rushed to a speeder.

"He's getting away again." I said standing up to start the round two of the chase.

"He won't." Anakin stablished, following behind me as we approached the two soldiers that were riding kaadus. They hopped off and we hopped on to chase after the Minister. "Good Work. Try not to mess up, Boss Lyonie." He told Jar Jar as we rode past him.

  The chase had been going for about ten minutes and I had a weird feeling. When we were getting closer to Loo, we heard a whirring behind us and later on blaster fire started raining upon us. Anakin's kaadu was shot down and I stopped mine to aid him, turning around and spotting two probes attacking us.

"Go!" He said. "I'll catch up!" I groaned and resumed the chase. I lost him from sight, so, I had to continue on instinct to get to him.

  Moments later, I heard footsteps behind. I didn't need my eyes to know it was Skyguy, so, when he hopped on behind me, I wasn't surprised.

"Hey" He said.

"Hi." I told him.

"You lost him." I frowned.

"I didn't, by the way. He's leaving too much of a trace to find him." Five minutes later, we found his speeder and hopped off the creature to let it rest. "See?" We walked at the edge of the cliff and found a structure below. "Down it is." I got ready to jump but he held my arm.



"I have a weird feeling."

"Yeah, me too. For a while ago now, it isn't something I haven't felt before, so..." I moved again but his grip around my arm intensified a bit.

"I don't really like this...it feels like a trap."

"When haven't we not activate traps and got out of it?"

"Lana, this feels different though. I don't like this."

"And what do you want me to do? Jump in alone?"

"No, of course not."

"Let you go alone?"

"Maybe." I sighed. "I don't know, it feels like the right choice though." I frowned.

"Really?" He nodded. "It's the same thing, and I don't like that idea either."

"I know, I know, but I feel like we should do that."

"What about the team spirit we had today?"

"It's still here but-"

"We should go in. Both. We're running out of time."

"What if something happens to the two of us?"

"What if something happens to you?" He remained quiet. "And why are you so worried all of the sudden? Taking risks is not a new thing: It's been two years of this crap."

"I know, but I-" My comlink interrupted, he sighed and let go for me to answer.

"Naberrie here. Please be quick, I'm in the middle of something."

"General Tarpals is dead." Said Padmé's voice on the opposite side.

"What?" I asked. "How? What the hell happened?"

"The Separatist General killed him."

"Grievous?" Anakin asked. "He's here?"

"Indeed." She sighed. "Tarpals sacrificed himself for us to get ahold of him."

"Wait...you captured him?" I asked.

"The Gungans did." That's...wow.

"That's great." I said.

"Partially. He's the head of attack but I don't think his the mind behind this whole thing...someone else is." My eyes met Anakin's. "How's the chase after Risha Loo going?"

"We probably found him. We were in the middle of an argument about it."

"Great. Not...the argument bit, but, great." I nodded. "We have been unable to get information out of Grievous and they won't let me get closer. I need one of you to come here, you've dealt with him more than I have."

"Give me five minutes." I said.

"Make them three." She hanged up and we looked at each other again.

"Go with Padmé, I'll handle this." I tilted my head and opened my mouth to protest but he stopped me. "If what she said about someone else being out here, the fact that Loo left the trace and this...trap feeling that's pounding in my head lets me know someone must want us both."

"What's your plan?"

"I don't have one yet. Not complete I mean. The only thing I have in mind is that they need someone with the military knowledge to think of a strategy to make Grievous talk and formulate a plan in case he escapes or commands the droids to attack the Capital."

"You know that you're a General too, right?" He smiled and placed his hands over my shoulders, towering me, as usual.

"I know. But you've always been better at logically thinking than me for these situations, Smarty." He kissed my forehead. "I'm going in and if I need help, you run here. You'll know."

"You're so stubborn. I hope you know that."

"That's why we get along so well since we were kids." He made his characteristic military salut and jumped off the cliff while I hopped on the kaadu again and rushed towards the last position where I knew everyone was, finding them all there.

"Where is he?" I asked as I hopped down the creature.

"In that ship." Padmé informed.

"Well, I'll have a word with him."

"About that...it's not the time yet." I stopped the walk I had started and looked at her. "You're coming with me."


"Yeah. I know you and my brother-in-law too well to know the argument you two were having was about this, or related to it. Probably about who should do what." She whispered. "I knew you'd be the one to come at the end. Don't ask me how, I just knew."

"So, now you're siding up with him for these situations?" She shrugged. "Look, I know you're best mates, but that's betrayal." She chuckled.

"Get over it." She turned around and started walking. "Come."


"Underwater. Boss Lyonie woke up."

  Padmé, Jar Jar and I were driven underwater inside of the fancy ships the Gungans own. When we arrived at the city, we quickly made our way to meet with the Leader, he incorporated and sat down on his bed.

  While he was asked questions and people checked on him, I felt uneasy. Something was happening, but I didn't know if Skywalker needed my help yet. The feeling was not as intense.

Boss Lyonie started asking us what had happened in his absence and we answered them. He was sad about the passing of the best General his army has ever had, we all were, but he was surprised about how things, somewhat, were working out at the end.

  When a nurse came back to continue the checking on the wound over Lyonie's abdomen, Jar Jar stepped close to me as I paced from one side to another with a frown on my face and my hands behind my back, cracking my knuckles.

"Wheresa Ani?" He asked. "Heesa been long for mooie long time."

"I know...and yet I don't know." I sighed.

"You don't know?" Asked Padmé, frowning as well.

"I mean I know, but...I'm not sure where he is. Capturing the Minister shouldn't take him so long." She bit her lip. "Give me a second." They nodded and I walked away, a bit far from them, not too much.

  I sat down by the corner and closed my eyes, taking deep breaths. I was starting to get annoyed by the feeling pounding my chest. I focused and connected with the Force. The waves before me were tranquil, until they started shaking. I heard lightsabers turning on. Someone grunting...getting stabbed. It couldn't have been him. I would've sensed it, plus, I could still feel him. Struggle, the blades crashing loudly against each other. Electricity. A grunt. I felt a zap of the energy tickling under my skin. More struggle, then, more of the energy. The tingles felt harder but then vanished to be replaced by the feeling of running out of there and lightning striking me. The waves moved aggressively, deadly. I focused on Ani and, from one moment to another, I saw him against a wall as the waters echoed and moved like the ocean of Kamino during the strongest of storms. Anakin. I reached out for him.

"Lana! I know...who's behind this! It's..." A grunt and he vanished. My eyes snapped open. I breathed in, loudly, making them all look at me.

"Is everything okay?" Asked the middle child of our family in a whisper.

"No. Something happened to him." I whispered back and the communicator disk that's in my pocket started beeping. "It's him." I answered the call. "Anakin." It wasn't my loved one the one that popped before me, it was..."Dooku."

"General Naberrie, we finally meet again." He said and I frowned. "I must regretfully inform you that young Skywalker has been detained." He sighed. "I expected to meet the two of you, but one shall do."

"What's that supposed to mean? What have you done with Anakin?" The anxiety built up in me as I thought of the countless things that could've happened to him, but I couldn't show too much emotion, in fact, I shouldn't show any. The Count already knows too much since we shared a prison cell with him.

"Now, now, General." He said with a victorious smile that I loathe to see on his stupid face. "Let's not become emotional." Great, I failed and he was able to see through me.

"What do you want, Dooku?"

"I'm glad you asked. I could be persuaded to return Skywalker to you in exchange for...General Grievous." I frowned.

"Allana...don't!" Anakin yelled in the background of the call. He sounded weak. A second later he groaned as electricity zapped. I tried to speak but it stopped in a moment.

"I...I can't do that...I-" I gulped. The mission over us. A promise that with pain in our hearts we made long ago...it made a knot form in my throat to keep that promise. "I'm...sorry." He frowned and his smile dropped, revealing the bitter gesture he always carries.

"You soon will be." He made a hand movement and Anakin's screamed again as the feeling of electricity tickled my skin and certainly burned his. I frowned.

"Stop." I said under my breath.

"Lana...! Don't!" He managed to speak in between screams of pure pain.

"Stop it." I spoke louder. "You cannot torture a prisoner."

"Torture?" He scoffed. "I don't know what you mean." He paused and I could hear my heart...maybe his heart, beating in my ears. "I'll give you an hour to consider my proposition. I'm sure you will make the right choice. If not...I'm afraid he'll have to die." He finished the transmission and I slowly turned around. I genuinely don't know what to do. All I was certain about was not willing to let him die.

"Yousa have to trade with him." Said Jar Jar as I looked down, feeling my eyes watery. I turned around for them not to see it.

"She can't Jar Jar." Padmé told him. "With Grievous captured, we could win the war. End it."

"But...but Padmé, hesa our friend."

"He's more than that." I thought out loud. "He's...my best friend."


"Allana we-" I turned around after I had washed the tears off my eyes and face.

"Can't. I know, okay?" I groaned. "But if I had been there, if it had been...me...things would be different wouldn't they?" She frowned sadly and remained quiet.

"Mesa think yousa have to deal."

"Yousa should listen to Binks." Boss Lyonie jumped into the conversation, making us all look at him. "Hesa right." She frowned again.

"Senator, a word, please." She nodded and we walked out until we were standing in the middle of the hallway. "I know this is a huge thing for the war effort. I really do, but I..." I sighed as I whispered. "I can't let him die."

"He said you made a promise. To place-"

"Missions first, yes, but...I can't. I made a promise, but those can be broken. However vows and oaths...it's a sin to break those and I made him an oath when I got married to him. I can't do this."

"I understand."

"And I know that if we trade him, I will push the advantage miles away from us, I'll take those consequences, I...do promise you that-" I spoke quickly. Padmé placed her hands over my shoulders.

"Lana...I understand." She held my hands. "If it had been you instead of him, he'd do this, and I would certainly release Grievous without thinking twice about it. I get it." I breathed out. "I'll make the arrangements." I looked down and nodded.

"I'm sorry."

"Don't be. We'll capture him again another day." I smiled.

"Thank you." She nodded and started walking towards the exit while I stood there in the middle of a dessertic and dark hallway.


  Forty minutes went by when we were settled. We were standing over the grasslands where the Battle for Naboo took place, way too long ago. The Queen and the Captain were here, as well as 'the good' General, all held up.

  We waited for a moment and the Separatist crew arrived, three cruisers floated above us and a smaller shuttle approached the grasslands. When their ship landed, the door slid down and the ramp was displayed downwards too. I was behind Padmé and she was behind the Queen and her guards, so, I had to move to see. I only moved my head though, spotting five droids —a protocol one and four soldiers— and a glimpse of Anakain.

"Release the General." Said the leader of the metallic droids. The Queen nodded at Typho and he nodded at the Gungans, who escorted an annoyed Grievous, based of the fact that he didn't stop growling until he reached the opposite side and started chuckling by then.

As he walked they brought Anakin forward. They were basically dragging him, for he was unconscious and looked like a rag doll. I frowned. You could really see the difference in between us and them. They threw Anakin to our feet, while Grievous walked his way there, escorted.

  As Anakin fell to the ground, I was fast enough to reach out and stop his face from colliding against the ground by using the Force. I approached him and gently laid him down after I had knelt on the ground, placing his head over my lap. I looked at the droids once I double checked his heart was still beating, for he looked dead in a way. The protocol droid threw his lightsaber and I caught it midair, before the handle could hit his stomach.

"Lana." He whispered as my right hand found his light brown curls and the left one clipped the handle of the weapon to my belt before falling over his chest gently.

"Hey partner." I whispered back and smiled at him. He smiled back, weakly.

"I'm sorry."

"Shh. Don't worry." He closed his eyes. "We'll talk later." I added even lower.

"I want to get up."

"Okay." I helped him stand and he threw his arm over my shoulder and mine wrapped itself around his waist before we started to walk, not with him almost falling down multiple times. "You should rest."

"I will. On a bed." I shook my head as we entered a speeder, like the one the Queen had arrived on, and were driven straight to the Palace. When we arrived, some soldiers aid the General and took him to the Hospital Wing, where he was placed to comfortably rest for a while, until it was time to go.

  He was asleep when Padmé came by to check how were we doing. I said we were fine and thanked her again. She said I owed her one, and I did, big time. She also said that we'd leave in fifteen minutes. Moments later, she walked away and I entered the room to sit by his side. About three minutes later, he breathed in deeply and loudly before his eyes opened slowly and met mine.

"Hey you." He said with a raspy voice.

"Hi." I said lowly. "How are you feeling?"

"Better. I could sleep for the rest of the day if I'm honest." I chuckled.

"I bet. Padmé said we're leaving in fifteen."

"Oh, okay." He breathed out slowly. "This whole thing has me thinking that maybe, if we had gotten in together, we could've had more opportunities against Dooku." I chuckled.

"Told you." He chuckled back.

"You shouldn't have done that." He said after a while. "We made an agreement, two years ago." I looked down and nodded, a second later, I looked back up to find his ocean blue eyes looking in mine.

"I know and I tried but I couldn't...I couldn't leave you to die, just like that. Even if we could've ended the war and set the score on our favour." He cracked a smile. "And I know you wouldn't have done it either." He nodded and giggled.

"It was a stupid idea, wasn't it?" I giggled too and nodded. "Seemed like a good plan at the beginning." I chuckled.

"Yup." He nodded again and looked forward as he sat down. "Not anymore though." He chuckled with me. He looked back at me. "I'd do it again. Saving you, I mean. Not promising anything."

"I know." He made sure no one was watching and leaned over, leaving a tender kiss on my lips. I smiled into it. "I love you."

"I know." He smiled as I kissed him. "I love you too."

"I know."

  When we broke the kiss, he stood up and we started walking towards the hangar of the Palace. There, we met the Queen and Boss Lyonie, who thanked us for our service. We nodded and escorted Padmé into the ship with Typho. Once we were settled, the Captain started piloting the ship to get back home, to the planet that never sleeps and a well deserved night to sleep and rest.

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