67: Fighting For Being Found


  I was panting. We had divided ourselves, Ahsoka was above while I was underneath. Usually, I don't feel tired that fast or that much but right now, I was lacking air in my lungs and the right side of my abdomen hurts.

  The blasts continued to echo behind us and land not far from where we were, not to mention that the Trandoshan's weren't far behind, their growling sounded distant but not much. I jumped down and landed beside my partner, when I was about to jump down again, she pulled me with her through a branch. I made a twig crack and stopped for a second just to resume the race but we had lost the advantage.

"Duck." She said and we moved underneath the tree trunk and held on to the branches strongly, placing our bodies as close to the wood as possible. I saw a line of ants walking very close to my face and I had to suppress the urge to smack them away. The growl was louder, he was right above us and we held our breaths. In that moment, the pod they were riding was placed right before us.

"Where are they?" Asked one of them.

"These two were faster than most. I've lost the scent." Explained the other guy, gaining a growl in response.

"They can't hide forever." Yeah? Try me. "Mark my words...I'll have them hide and nail 'em to the wall for killing my son." The pod was moved around for the second guy to hop in, and we started to move quickly towards the opposite side and forward to be away from their radar before and if they turned around. When they were gone, we climbed the trunk to sit properly on it and catch out breaths.

  A couple minutes later, we made our way to our hideout, by the time we arrived, night had fallen upon the system. My shoulders felt heavy as the owls that were outside moved and flew upon us before one of them sat on my shoulder, like a guardian.

  When we entered, O-Mer and Jinx were sitting before a consumed bonfire, where traces of smoke crawled out of.

"You made it." Said the Twi'lek.

"We feared the worse." Added his pal as they stood up. Ahsoka and I exchanged looks.

"Where's Kalifa?" Asked Jinx.

"She didn't make it." Tano explained.

"She's dead?" We fell silent. "I...I can't believe it." O-Mer hid his face behind his hands. "She had been here longer than any of us, and now..."

"We're all going to die here." Jinx spoke as he sat down, collapsing, or at the edge of doing so. "It's only a matter of time."

"If its only a matter of time till we die, I say we go down with a fight." I spoke and Jinx scoffed.

"That is suicide." He said. I shook my head.

"Didn't he say that every few days they release new prisoners on the beach?" I asked my Commander, she nodded. "That's our shot."

"We attack that drop ship head-on." Said she and I nodded back.

"They'll never expect it." I added. O-Mer sighed and looked at Jinx.

"Is it worth a shot?" He asked.

"Maybe it is." Said the last one. It took us a minute to nod and hop outside of our spot to run all the way to the beach. When we arrived, we hid behind some bushes on the side of the path in order not to be seen.

  "Get ready." Warned Ahsoka as she looked at us. "We'll have to be swift."

"The drop point is not far." O-Mer pointed out. In that moment, we spotted three little lights that belong to the ship breaking the cloud of mist and then the metallic transport started getting closer. We waited a minute for the signal and then...

"Now!" Yelped the Commander and we ran through the sand as fast as we could and proceeded to jump on top ofp a tree to get momentum, then, we jumped again and landed on the ship.

"Jinx, O-Mer, you two g to the back, take the guy who comes out from the back." I said and they nodded, hiding behind the hatch that opened in a minute to reveal a lizard with a sniper in hand that aimed at us in a second. When my eyes traveled to the back, O-Mer and Jinx jumped, and the first one of them hit his face with a kick. Both of our friends were holding him.

"We'll go for the pilot." Tano said and I jumped right behind her into the hatch. Once in, we hid behind each side of the entrance to the cockpit.

  We started walking in, as slow as we could but fast at the same time, if it makes any sense. Hands up and trying to be ready. And we were. From a moment to another, the lizard pilot turned around, holding his weapon and fired at us but we managed to dodge the blasts as we jumped through the walls. Each one of the divided blasts hit the controls that rested on the wall and I suddenly had a bad feeling.

  Ahsoka managed to take a hold of the guy while I checked on the prisoners. From one moment to another, I slipped and fell towards the left side of the ship. When I managed to regain my balance, I realised Ahsoka was twirling the wheel as she applied pressure for the Trandoshan to stay down. I didn't get up, for 'being unconscious' sounded like a good plan. Right now, being a step ahead of the enemy means making him believe he's regaining control of the situation. Unfortunately for our side, that meant I had to let him throw Tano towards the panel that's to the right. She made backflips to avoid the fire of his blaster as the ship stabilised itself...kind of.

  Tano managed to push away the blasts as I stood up and pulled him backwards with the Force. I managed to break the glass and leave the guy unconscious as he went through it. We exchanged looks and nods before we rushed to the main control panel. Everything was fried. The crackling of the electricity let us know that this piece of junk may collapse in any second. We heard explosions all of the sudden, and then, Jinx showed up, landing on what was left of the glass.

"Get out of there, come on!" He said.

"But the prisoners, they'll die!" Said Ahsoka.

"Hit the release. Hurry!" We looked for the button and she pressed it, a second later, we crawled out and jumped as an explosion echoed right behind us. We landed on the soft and yet rough sand as the ship crashed against the surface. I sighed.

  "Well...I guess we won't be escaping on that ship." Said O-Mer and I smiled.

"We'll find another way." Tano said before I could. Between the zapping of the debris, we heard a distant roar. Our attention snapped towards the noise and I frowned.

"What was that?" Asked Jinx.

"A survivor." I answered and started running towards the source of the sound. "It could be one of the prisoners they were dropping off." I added as the silhouette of the creature raised. It was obviously not human, I could tell due to its height. And if it was...then they're very tall. 

"What is that?" Asked O-Mer. Once the, indeed creature, reached our side. My eyes opened wildly and I could bet my jaw fell too. I've never seen someone of this kind in person.

"It's a Wookiee." Answered Ahsoka as our new fella growled.

  We managed to get to our outpost with no inconveniences and in one piece. Once there, we sat down and talked to our new friend. By 'we' I mainly mean Ahsoka. My Shyriiwook is not fluid and the rest doesn't know how to speak it.

"Your name is Chewbacca?" She asked the Wookiee and he grunted in response.

"Chewbacca, does anyone even know you were taken?" Asked O-Mer. He grunted again.

"No. But he says his home world is very close." Tano translated.

"That's great." That was pure sarcasm. "But it might as well be Coruscant, as far as I'm concerned." Said Jinx, standing up and pacing around the bonfire. "We've got no ship."

"Come on." I said. "We're closer to get one and get the hell outta here." Chewbacca stood up, grunted and sat back down. My eyes met my partner's.

"He thinks he can contact his home planet if we find a way to transmit a signal."

"Right." Jinx called our attention again. "And how do we do that? Send smoke signals? We don't exactly have a transmitter laying around, if you haven't noticed." He laid down and I sighed. Ever since Kalifa, he's more pessimistic than usual. The Wookiee grunted again.

"Chewbacca says he can build a transmitter from the wreckage on the beach." Ahsoka told us. The fluffy haired creature grunted again and I smiled.

"Well, we can't just sit here." O-Mer commented.

"Agreed." I said and we all looked at Jinx, who rolled his eyes.

"Fine. We'll do it the Wookiee way." I giggled to myself. That sounded funny.

  The night was still creating darkness around the jungle, so, we wasted no time and got to the crash site by the beach once more. When we arrived, we waited by the thick tree trunks and a small sand hill that formed itself around the roots of the trees.

"Cal, Chewbacca and I will go out to inspect the crash site." Ahsoka said. "You two stay here and signal us if you see anything." O-Mer and Jinx nodded as we started our careful approach at the wrecked ship.

  When we arrived and were about to enter, something echoed in the distance. An engine. The light the flashlights emitted by the speeder reflected themselves over the sand and I turned around right on time as to spot the pod getting closer.

"Get back. It's a patrol." I said and we hid behind some debris as the engine rumbled over us and started to fade away as it flew farer from our position. After a couple seconds, it left for good. "All clear." They nodded and we walked into the ship. Finally. When we stepped into the cockpit, Chewbacca slipped sideways but managed to hold on to some cables that were hanging there.

"Hopefully that patrol won't be back for a while." Said Ahsoka and I nodded in agreement. I started to look around for something but all my eyes could see was junk. I have no idea how will this guy manage to build a transmitter. "What are we looking for?" My thoughts exactly. I turned around to find our Wookiee friend ripping something from the wall, making it zap, turn around to face the Togruta and grunt. "Are you still feeling optimistic about making a transmitter out of this junk?" My thoughts exactly again. I turned back around to find something where to put everything he was carrying, fortunately, there was an empty box nearby. He grunted again.

"Here." I said and he started placing things in after he grunted for a third time. I smiled. "You're welcome, I guess." I have no clue what those grunts mean. We looked around more and Tano found a flashlight that she immediately handed over to the only one who knows what he's doing and continued to rip things off from here and there. I crossed my arms by the entrance, taking guard. Ahsoka sighed.

  "We better get going." She commented. "That patrol may come back." Both of us nodded and Chewbacca picked up the box before we started out way out. In the process I frowned, feeling something...I don't know what, out there. "It looks clear. Come on." She added once we were by the entrance.

"Wait." I called.

"What is it?"

"I have a weird feeling. A bad one." She smiled.

"I've heard that many times and some of those times it's nothing that bad. It's okay." Chewbacca grunted. "Trust me. Come on." She started to walk out again but I didn't like this. I closed my eyes, placing my hand on the ground and digging my fingers into the sand, trying to find an echo. I'm good at that. Sensing through stuff and surfaces. I felt a vibration on the ground and that opened my senses. My hearing. I heard a clicking. A sniper. I opened my eyes in a snap and looked to the right.

"Get down!" I said and pulled Ahsoka's arm down as a red blast flew through the spot where her head was. "Told you." We hid behind the debris again.

"Thanks." We looked over the metal and spotted our friends struggling to fight against one of those lizards, so, we rushed to them and we arrived right on time. I took a strong hold over the wrist of the guy, when he tried to stab Jinx, and squeezed with all my strength in order to make him drop the knife. Once he had dropped it, I used my knee to punch his stomach and that brought him to the ground. My hands were not under my control and found the neck of this guy. He looked too much like the one who killed Kalifa.

"Wait!" Called Jinx. "We should take him prisoner!" I looked at my Commander and she nodded.

"Fine." I let go of him.

"Chewbacca, get a hold of him." She commanded. "Let's take him." The Wookiee left the box down and grabbed the lizard's arm. I carried the box with O-Mer's help as Ahsoka guarded our back and Jinx guided the line.

  Before we entered our hiding spot, O-Mer tied up the Trandoshan's hands with a piece of root tightly. As soon as we walked in, Chewbacca got to work and Jinx made our guest sit down nearby. In no time, the transmitter had been assembled and started buzzing as the Wookiee clicked some buttons. I crossed my fingers for it to work.

"How's it looking Chewbacca?" Asked Ahsoka. He growled in response. "Will it work?" He clicked some other buttons and it started moving, looking for a good spot to have signal.

"Well, something's working." Said O-Mer. After a few seconds, the few electricity it had zapped and Chewbacca groaned, annoyed. I sighed and uncrossed my fingers.

"We've got a prisoner." Jinx pointed out. "We should use him to our advantage while we have a chance."

"Wasn't the prisoner the backup plan?" I asked, remembering our previous agreement. The transmitter was the first choice.

"It's clear enough that we cannot rely on that device." Chewbacca groaned. "No offence, but we just can't sit here any longer."

"We should wait." Said Tano.

"I...agree with Jinx." O-Mer sided with his mate. "We have to act while we have an advantage."

"Okay. Let's say we do it your way." I said. "What's the plan?"

"We could use the prisoner to trick the enemy into flying one of their pods down to us, then we hijack the pod, fly up to their base and take them by surprise." I grabbed my chin to think.

"Risky and ambitious." I said as my eyes met Ahsoka's. She nodded.

"Listen." O-Mer called our attention. "You two got us to believe in ourselves again. And, well, I believe Jinx's plan will work." That sounded like something my Master would say. Right now, all I've been doing has been relying on her words and those that sounded like hers.

"I agree." I supported them. "It sounds like something Allana or Anakin would consider doing." Ahsoka remained silent.

"Look. Do what you want." Jinx said. "But O-Mer and I are leaving with the prisoner in the morning. Cal, you're invited to join." They turned around and walked up to their sleeping areas.

"Their hearts are in the right place, just like yours." Said my partner after a hot minute. I nodded and she looked at the Wookiee, who was determined to keep on working on his device. "We can't let them go alone." He howled. "Chewbacca, we're gonna need you. We won't be able to make it without you." He looked at her when she placed her hand over his shoulder. "We'll need your help." He growled. "Who knows? Maybe our luck's just about to change." My gaze alternated in between them as they spoke but I didn't get a thing.

  I shook my head after the most confusing ten seconds of my life and walked up to my spot to take a short nap. We agreed that Tano'd be the first one to take guard. As I laid down, I smiled. Feeling optimistic at what she said. Our luck will change. We're closer.


  We woke each other up to look after the prisoner by turns until the sunlight flooded the small cave. As soon as that happened, the rest woke and got up to start our way towards the beach. We arrived in no time.

"Alright. We better get started." Said Ahsoka. 

"Right, time to call your friends." Jinx commanded the prisoner swiftly. Lizard-man shook his head.

"I'm not helping you, whelp." Every single pair of eyes met each other's. I sighed.

"Chewbacca, we're gonna need him at eye level, please." I said. The Wookiee made the Trandoshan kneel before us. "You will listen to me." I added as I locked eyes with him and extended my hand. Mind control is something Master Yoda insisted not to be taught to the younglings, but Caleb asked Master Plo once and he didn't hesitate in teaching us, claiming that we should learn, just in case.

"No." He chuckled. "I won't." Okay. I expected that, no one does it in the first try. What I didn't expect, was Chewbacca hitting the guy's head. He forced him to keep the eye contact by grabbing his skull. "You will listen to me." I repeated.

"I will listen to you." He said after a second. I smiled to myself.

"You were our captive, but now you've escaped."

"I was your captive, but now I've escaped."

"You need to call a speeder to pick you up."

"I need to call a speeder to pick me up." As he finished talking, Jinx removed the root that was around his wrists. He wasted no time in turning his comlink on.

"Smug." Someone said on the other side of the line. "Where have you been?" I bit my lip, hoping that my mind trick would work.

"I need a speeder to pick me up." I breathed out in relief. Time for the second phase.

  As soon as the communication ended, we made Smug stand on the clear and wait. After...ten minutes, more or less, the speeder arrived.

  We were hiding in the shadows and waiting for Ahsoka's sign. When she said 'now' she jumped and kicked the driver's head while Jinx handled our ex prisoner. At some point, the other lizard jumped on top of Tano and that was when O-Mer and I jumped into the speeder. He grabbed the wheel before I did and stabilised the transport. As that happened, Jinx knocked the orange guy out while Chewbacca did the same with the blue one. Phase two, complete.

  "Want a lift?" O-Mer asked jokingly to the team and I smiled.



  When we all had hopped into the speeder, O-Mer started driving up until we found the base. We wasted no time in jumping out, only that Cal and O-Mer stayed with the transport. 

  Jinx kicked the first guy's face as he jumped out, while Chewbacca threw the other one off the ship as I landed on the railing. In about two seconds, our attention snapped towards the other guy, who had started squealing, calling for the others.

"Kill them! Kill them! I want their skins!" Yelled someone from above and the rest followed his command, for they tried to get to us. Two of them didn't waste their time and fired their blaster at us, making us get shelter behind another speeder that was on the landing zone, that Chewbacca had to flip in order for the three of us to have shelter. When we turned around, I saw another guy rushing towards another speeder.

"Hey, let's give him a lift." I told Jinx, who mirrored my movement and helped me lift the speeder with the Force just to throw it at the other two.

  We took advantage of our small number to start fighting. Chewbacca engaged a fist fight with a yellow, greenish skinned lizardo while Jinx and I ran towards the brownish one. He aimed his blaster at us but Jinx kneeled as he used the Force to move his weapon to another direction. I jumped and kicked him on the face, making him almost fall.

  We heard blaster fire from behind and spotted Cal and O-Mer firing at the ones that were going to attack us from behind. I focused on the guy I was fighting alongside Jinx for two more minutes, until we all heard an engine whirring and spotted the speeder falling our way. We all jumped out of the impact range right on time. I managed to cover my head and look down to avoid any impact, but I looked up when I heard a gun clicking. The lizard was aiming his blaster at me once again.

"A valiant effort little younglings. Especially the Togruta and the Human." He crackled and I frowned, clenching my jaw. "You two will be prised trophies in my collection." We heard another engine and Chewbacca growled behind me. I looked at him and he was pointing up. I followed his gaze and found a ship that seemed oddly familiar.

  The Trandoshans started firing their blasters at them and we didn't waste another second before we got up and fought again. I was focused fighting a guy until I took him down.

"Ahsoka!" Cal called me and pointed up, towards the spot where the 'big guy' was. I nodded.

"Can you get us up there?" I asked a Wookiee, who called one of his mates to help Kestis up. They bent down and when we ran and jumped, they impulsed us up. In within seconds, we landed on the upper platform.

  We walked into the room and everything was dark, very few rays of light filtrated into the area. There were multiple creatures' heads displayed right and left, and a throne far into the back. It was creepy. I silently signaled Cal to move forward and he nodded. Both of us very attentive to the noises of the empty room. When we were close to the throne looking seat, I counted to three with my fingers before we jumped to its sides to see if he was hiding behind it but there was no one.

  I broke my defence for an instant to continue wandering around to look for our enemy. Until Cal's eyes opened wildly.

"Watch out!" He said and I bent down right on time to avoid an axe from cutting my head off. I rolled under the Trandoshan's legs and Cal took his distraction to kick his chest. When the lizard went for him, he jumped up to get a hold of the wall and I pushed the greenish dude with the Force, making him hit the wall, knocking the axe out of his hand. Cal landed beside me.

  When he stood up, we jumped backwards, away from the seat, then, we both pushed him with the Force again, but he managed to stick his claws onto the ground and avoided being thrown backwards again. He looked up and jumped on top of us. He got a hold on me and smashed my back against some seats, then, he let go to grab Cal and throw him to the opposite side. Both of us grunted. In a second, the lizard pulled out a knife and tried to stab Kestis' face, but he managed to hold his arm, groaning in the process.

  The blade was inches away from his skull. I jumped and wrapped my arm around the guy's neck and pulled back. Cal stood up and kicked his stomach, then his hand, making the knife fly away from his hand. He threw two punches and received one that made him fall. That's when I threw two kicks but he grabbed my ankle and pushed it down to get a hold of my neck but I quickly placed my feet over his chest and impulsed myself to the back, making him let go.

  His back hit the table and he grabbed his blaster as I got ready to dodge and Cal got up. He fired and we zig-zagged to dodge the blasts, in a second, we pushed him and he rolled over the table, falling on the other side and dropping his weapon. I jumped on top of the table while Cal stood down but beside me.

"You're beaten." He said, panting.

"You murdered my son, and you need to pay for what you did." He spit.

"Your son died because of your own actions, not ours." I said and he looked at his blaster, then, back at me. "Don't!" He grabbed it and when he aimed, I pushed him as strongly as I could with Cal's help, away from us. He rolled all the way down the hallway and the impact of our combined attacked tore the doors down and made him fall off the platform. We walked out and looked down, spotting the corpse surrounded by the survivors and the Wookiee tribe. That's that. We're free.

"Time to go home, don't you think?" Said Cal and I looked at him before I smiled.

"Yeah. Finally." We jumped down and the ship that had brought the Wookiees landed nearby. Now I know why it was so familiar. The purple haired bounty hunter was perfectly recognisable. "Sugi?" I asked as she approached.

"Padawan Tano." She said. "So long no see. You're not looking so well." She smiled.

"Thanks. I cannot say the same about you." She scoffed. "Hey, can I ask you for a lift? You can arrange everything when we arrive." She smiled.

"Sure thing. To Coruscant, I assume?" I nodded, returning the smile.

"You assume right." I extended my hand and she shook it.

  In no time, we boarded the ship to get back home safely, to the people who I assume, have been looking day and night for us with no stop.



  We had been for three days in a row, with no sleep and only caffeine as fuel, looking here and there, jumping into hyperspace with small squads towards spots where the few clues we gathered took us to, to find nothing.

  Anakin and I were in the Communication Centre, this place has been our home for the past 72 hours. We were making contact with every transport that we could reach. He was going through the lines of the Outer-Rim while I was in the Mid-Rim. After ending the fifth call, I made contact with the sixth one.

"Assault-ship SS-54, this is Coruscant's Jedi Temple, can you hear me?" I said and held my forehead as I waited for the hologram to appear, surprisingly, the person who popped before me was a familiar face. "Well, well, well. If it isn't my bounty hunter friend." She smiled and scoffed.

"General Naberrie. A pleasure." Said Sugi.

"Pleasure's all mine." I smiled back.

"Tell me, why do I owe it?"

"I'm looking for some people and you were in the sector I'm covering at the time."

"Some people huh?" Anakin approached from behind. "General Skywalker." She greeted.

"Sugi." He greeted back. She nodded.

"Who are you looking for?" She retook the subject.

"Two teenagers. Both of them fifteen year olds, a Human and a Togruta. Their names, respectively, are Cal Kestis and Ahsoka Tano, our Padawans." She nodded.

"What do I get?"

"What's your fee?" Asked Anakin.

"Grand me permission to land and we'll discuss it. Do it fast, I'm jumping into hyperspace in five seconds." I looked at Anakin and he looked at me. We didn't expect that. It took me a second to talk.

"Permission granted, meet us at the west landing zone."

"Agreed." The transmission ended and I breathed in and out. A good feeling flooded my body for the first time in three fucking days. My eyes met my beloved's oceanic eyes, and his met mine. His hands fell on my shoulders.

"Did we...basically...just found them?" I asked as I stood up. He was silent for a moment.

"Probably." I breathed out and hugged him. Relief flooded me and i was sure it flooded him too.

  We waited for ten minutes, they felt like pure agony. When we got a call about someone landing on the agreed platform, we rushed to get there. When the doors opened, they revealed a quite large group of people. Younglings and Wookiees. I looked at every face but I couldn't see them. That was until one of the Wookiees walked to the left and revealed the two kids talking vividly with a tall Wookiee. I sighed.

"Ahsoka!" Ani and I called them at the unison. Their attention snapped towards us and they smiled brightly. We walked up to them and they walked up to us. I hugged my Padawan as Anakin placed his hands over Snips' shoulders.

"It's so good to see you're safe." I said as I pulled away and placed my hands over the redhead's shoulders. He smiled. "Both of you." I hugged Ahsoka as well, she chuckled. I pulled away and looked at them, alternating my gaze in between them. "Kids...I'm so sorry."

"Both of us are." Ani added.

"For what?" They asked at the unison.

"For letting you go." Said Anakin. "I was the one to call them all back. Under orders from above, but still."

"And I was the one to ask you to go to the back, all alone." I added. "I placed you there."

"We...basically let you get taken."

"It's our fault, we're so sorry."

"What? No." Said Cal.

"Masters, it wasn't your fault." Ahsoka added and Kestis nodded.

"But...it was." I said. "I'm always saying 'be prepared', 'expect the unexpected', 'be aware or your surroundings' and I wasn't. I should've payed more attention."

"And I should've tried to find you faster, harder." Anakin commented. We had discussed this. We had cried together over this. The feeling of guilt. It was eating us alive all those countless days, hours, minutes, seconds. The fact that there was nothing else we could do, and yet, a lot of options. A lot of decisions we could've taken, the orders we could've ignored and the punishments for not asking for permission just to bring these two safe and sound. It was all overwhelming and unbearable.

"You both already did everything you could." Said Ahsoka.

"And I bet you did everything you had to do." Said Cal.  

"When we were out there, alone." I closed my eyes at Snips' words. That's a hard way to start a story. "All I had was your training and the lessons you two have taught me." Kestis nodded. "Because of you, we did survive. And not only that, we were able to lead others to survive as well."

"Even if everything I know from you are basic training tactics, it helped. Plus, I did listen to everything with all my senses. I was even able to, somewhat, predict a sniper attack." My Padawan said. I smiled. "I saved her life in a very cool way." Ahsoka rolled her eyes with a smile as well as Cal punched her arm playfully and I giggled with tears in my eyes.

"I...I don't know what to say." I commented.

"Neither do I." Anakin agreed.

"I think we do." Said Ahsoka and Cal nodded in agreement. "Thank you Masters." They said at the same time. Ani's eyes met mine before we looked at them again.

"You're welcome, Padawans." They smiled and we smiled back at them. "You must be starving." I said and everyone chuckled.

"We are. Fruit based diets are the worse." I chuckled.

"Dex's diner? Anyone down for a burger, maybe?" Anakin asked.

"I'm so down for that." Ahsoka assured.

"Well then, dinner's on me." I said. That's when my eyes met Sugi's. "Give me a minute." Ani nodded and I walked up to meet her. "Thank you." The first thing I told her as I shook her hand.

"No problem Jedi."

"We should discuss the-"

"Already did that with Masters Yoda and Windu. My fee has been payed. We're good." I nodded.

"Alright. Thank you again." She smiled.

"Anything for a friend, right?" I chuckled. "Enjoy your dinner."

"You enjoy your trip." She nodded and stepped into her ship as I directed myself to the small team.

"Everything okay?" Asked Anakin.

"Yeah, fine." I said. "Let's go."

"If you don't mind, I'd much rather get a shower first." Said Cal and we all chuckled again.

"Same." Said Ahsoka. "Sand can be really irritating."

"That's what I've been saying this whole time." Said Anakin and I laughed. "Take your time, we'll be waiting for you at the entrance." They nodded and ran off to their rooms to get ready. We walked through the golden hallways in silence, my eyes glued to the red carpet. When we walked out and the fresh air hit my face, I breathed in and out. My eyes met his and he smiled.

"We found them." I returned the smile.

"I promised, didn't I?" I chuckled to his words.

"You did." He placed a hand over my shoulder. "You never break a promise, do you?"

"Never." I scoffed. My hand found his wrist. I looked around and no one was close, so, I hugged him briefly. A dangerous move to make before the Temple. Too bold. When we separated from each other, we sighed and sat down by the staircase to admire the ships coming and going in order.

  The night had started to fall upon Coruscant. The shiny planet started to go from a golden yellow to a peachy pink and lilac. I closed my eyes and felt the wind hit my face. Calm. That's the best word that could describe what I was feeling right now, the moment. I bet that the four of us would have a lovely evening and then, we'd finally go to bed and sleep, a very peaceful night...after a while.

  a/n: hi everyone! my goodness. it's been a very long while and i'm so sorry for that but here we are! wrapping S3 of the Clone Wars and we're getting quite closer to an end. Probably halfway there, who knows. I'm thinking about dividing this book too, still deliberating ab it. guess we'll see.

  anyways, i gotta thank you real quick for 9k reads on this! that means the world to me. and i'm glad to know you're enjoying this (through the votes and comments [for those who do it]) i really, really appreciate it.

  i hope to see you soon and more often. ilysm. happy late christmas for those who celebrated it and happy new year! i hope that all ur dreams and wishes come true. stay safe & have a wonderful day/night/noon/afternoon/evening or whatever time it is, wherever you are. <3

xoxo, f.

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