65: Prison Break Pt. 2


  All the progress was lost as we were escorted back into the facility. As we were in the elevator, the droids asked us to place our hands behind our heads. As I moved my hands up, I quickly gave Obi-Wan my lightsaber and he hid it in his sleeve as well as his own, just like Master Piell was doing, then, I opened the small pocked of my belt where I keep my small universal key and when I laced my fingers behind my back, I hid it underneath my glove as I could, a second later, they handcuffed us all.

  We were guided into the main centre, or main office we can say. There, the droids were operating the computers and observing scanners while a tall humanoid stood few feet away from where we were asked to stand. The Commander who answers to the name Osi Sobeck. I've heard about him, I know he's a control freak who's like me, he tried to be a step ahead and he's proved that he knows how to do so, he's also a cold blooded guy, but I don't know how much.

"Welcome back." He said and then turned around. I chuckled but hid it with a cough as I could. The guy has a funny face. He started to approach us as Kenobi whispered me to shut up with a soft smirk on his features. I could bet he thinks the same.

"I must say, you're not at all what I pictured for someone with such a soft voice." I chuckled again but this time, I didn't hide it, instead, I took a deep breath.

"And you ask me to shut up." I whispered and Kenobi smiled again. The dude grumbled before us and then looked at Even.

"Obi-Wan Kenobi and Allana Naberrie. I assume you could come. A real pleasure."

"I hope I could say the same Sobeck." I spit and his crazy looking eyes collided against mine. He chuckled dryly.

"For me, it is. Dealing with a mind that races like mine is pleasing. But I must admit, I already am ahead of you General."

"Hm. I still can move the pieces in my favour."

"Can you?" I gulped. "I'm in check position young one, as soon as I get the rest of your team it'll be check mate. You've lost."

"Have I?" It was his true to look surprised. "Last time I checked, you didn't have the information you seek for, you still don't. You're a few moves away to reach the check position Commander but not quite. This game isn't over yet." His frown turned annoyed and angry and he growled before he broke our eye contact to look at Master Piell.

"Unfortunately for me, she's right. I want your half of the information. Give it to me now, or I'll start executing your men."

"This is war, Sobeck." Master Piell said. "We're all prepared to die to protect that intel." Sobeck chuckled as he took the blaster off of the droid's hands and turned around.

"Really?" I looked at him and in a second, he aimed the weapon at another one of Kenobi's troopers, then, he pulled the trigger and I jumped. I expected the blast, the shot, but I didn't expect him to kill a man that coldly. To shoot him on the face with no regret. I frowned as he shrugged and aimed at Wolffe's face, making me give a step forward and grab the key from the glove to free my hands and defend my loyal pal, but...

  "Sir." The protocol droid interrupted the execution of my Commander as he called Sobeck's attention. "We have located the other group." The Commander walked up to the droid. "Our droids are closing in on them." He threw the blaster back to the droid, who caught it in the air and I breathed in with relief.

"Your Jedi resolve only delays the inevitable." Said Sobeck and my heart skipped a beat. If they are where I suppose and assume they are located right now, which would be inside the pipes, a single shot would make them all blow into pieces. "Take them to interrogation. Torture them slowly." With those words, he turned around, making us face his back and the droids escorted us out.

  "This is bad." I whispered as low as I could to Obi-Wan, who was right beside me.

"You think?" He whispered back with sarcasm and I sighed. "We must contact them and warn them." I shook my head.

"We don't know if they're still in the pipes, but if they are, that would be worse than a squad of droids. That gas is incredibly volatile, the slight electromagnetic pulse could ignite it and that obviously includes communications." He sighed. "Anakin knows plan B, let's worry about getting out of here first." He nodded.

"Any ideas?" I showed him the key behind my ear. "Brilliant."

"Yeah, but I need a diversion."

"We can figure that-"
"Quiet!" Said a droid and I rolled my eyes.

  We walked quietly for five more minutes until we stopped walking, spotting three battle droids painted with blue that we all recognised immediately.

"We'll take them from here." Said one of them and I smiled.

"Uh...I think we have a-" Said the droid who cut Kenobi off as he looked at his partner, but it was his turn to be cut off.
"We'll handle it."

"Yes, sir." They said at the same time before the moved to aside and pointed at the droids so that we walked with them. My eyes met Obi-Wan's and he nodded before we started walking, guided by our re-programmed mates.

  As we walked and I made sure the other droids weren't watching us, then, I moved my hands down and started working on the locks of my handcuffs as a familiar beep echoed behind us.

"Good to see you R2." Said Kenobi as he bent down and R2 started working on his handcuffs. In that moment, I finally freed my hands and started helping the rest of the troopers. "I wondered where you've been." He beeped and moved his head happily. I smiled.

"He's pleased to see us as well." I commented as Sinker's hands were free. R2 beeped again and I chuckled. "Yes buddy, we all would like to return to the shuttle as soon as possible."

"I couldn't agree more."

"What about General Skywalker Sir?" Asked Cody as his handcuffs fell to the ground.

"Not to worry." Kenobi answered. "Like Allana said, he'll switch to plan B. Right now we must get to the shuttle and get to Anakin to pick the group up." We nodded and started walking through the hallways towards the exit. As we did so, Kenobi handed my lightsaber over and I held it with both hands behind my back.

  As soon as we arrived at the entrance, the doors slid open for us and we walked out. I frowned when I saw that the turrets weren't aiming at us, they were locked forward. I wasn't the only one who realised it, Obi-Wan did too.

"Hold it. Where are you going with these prisoners?" Asked one of the droids that were guarding the ship as soon as we were in front of them.

"We're transferring them aboard the shuttle from Citadel to Point Tarron." Answered the re-programmed droid.

"Point Tarron? There's no outpost there." I chewed my lip as my eyes looked at Obi-Wan, who nodded at Even.

"Uh...it's new." R2 beeped with annoyance and told him to hurry. "We have orders. We're coming aboard." The droid that's behind the one we were talking to moved his blaster and the one that stepped in our way moved aside, so, we started to make our way to get into the shuttle.

  Everything seemed to be going great but in a second, the droid placed his gun before Kenobi, stopping his walk and causing us all to stop walking too. "Wait." He said and started listening to something someone was telling him on the other side of his communicator. They were mostly mumbles but I caught a few words: prisoners, escaping, shuttle. I sighed and Kenobi smiled as he took his saber out and cut the droid by the half.

  Our droid friend blasted the other one and in less than a quarter of second, the turrets started firing at us and we had to run, dispersing through the area to find cover. I went to the right following Obi-Wan and Piell, with my Commander and Sergeant behind me, while the rest of my team, the crew and the Attack Battalion went left.

  Wolffe and Sinker moved to the opposite side of the place where we were basically hiding, alongside one of the friendly droids to attack, but the droid was quickly blown up and they had to take cover again.

  I peaked my head out carefully to spot a whole squad of droids approaching us. We were toasted. Well, I thought so until I saw blue blasts taking down a few of them. I looked behind me and spotted Skyguy and Snips reaching our position alongside the rest of their team.

"Sorry I'm late." Said Ani as he bent down beside me. I smiled and shrugged.

"Glad you could join our little party." He smiled back. "How did everything go?"

"Mmm, calm. I blew up an entire fuel line and destroyed a squad of droids in record time."

"Sounds like fun."

"It was." As we spoke, Ahsoka looked behind the platform and had a look only to look at us with a frown.

"The ship is surrounded." She informed.

"We need to launch a full forward assault to take that vessel." Tarkin commented and I frowned.

"Well, we may have a bigger problem, those turrets." Said Kenobi. Pointing out the obvious. "If we don't take them out, they will use them to destroy the shuttle and prevent our escape."

"Which is precisely why we should get aboard that shuttle and use the weapon systems to decimate those droids."

"That may not be a good idea." I jumped into the General and Captain's conversation. "In the bad scenario, they blow it up before we get on board and in the worst one they'll blow it up with us in it. Plus, the forward attack you're suggesting will cause a lot of casualties and we'll be far more outnumbered than we already are."

"Whatever we're gonna do, we better do it fast." Anakin commented standing up and pointing at something in the distance. When my eyes focused on the thing that was approaching, they realised it wasn't a singular but a plural: droids in speeders.

They didn't waste a second to blast us too and those blasts hit small fuel cells that were close to us. When they exploded, the expansive wave of the explosion made us fall.

  When we got up, we saw them approaching and the five of us turned our lightsabers on as Tarkin placed himself behind us. We started deflecting the blasts back to them quickly. From one moment to another, Master Piell jumped to destroy one of them, taking momentum by using Ani's shoulders, then, Anakin jumped on top of one of the speeders and kicked the droid down to take its place, as it fell, I cut it by the half to destroy it as he flew away in the speeder.

  The boys started destroying the droids with the remaining charges as my eyes followed Anakin's speeder being followed by the remaining droid. As my eyes followed him, he approached my position and extended a hand, so, I grabbed it and he pulled me up. I placed myself behind him and started deflecting the droid's blasts, being his shield. In less than a minute, the droid was being blown into pieces.

  When I turned my saber off and placed my hands around his torso properly, his communicator started to beep. It was Echo.

"General Skywalker, a droid is manning one of those turrets. They're gonna blow up the shuttle sir." Anakin started driving the small speeder towards the turret to avoid that from happening. As we started to approach, the droid aimed the turret at us and started firing. Ani dodged the green blasts and fired his own blasters but we were hit and lost stability. We jumped when the speeder was close to hitting the turret and fell hardly on the ground.

  We rolled over it and I swear that hurt till the damn bone. I shook my head to make the stunned feeling go away. Once the feeling vanished, I crawled towards Anakin, who was struggling to get up.

"You okay?" I asked as he blinked a few times and nodded, then, I quickly stood up and pulled him up to run away from the rain of blasts of the other turret.

  As we approached the rest, we heard Fives calling Echo and then a big explosion rumbled everywhere. We were thrown by the wave again and collided against the ground. When I got up, I turned around to spot the shuttle destroyed and the helmet of a friend on the ground with streaks of smoke crawling out of it.

"No." I said with eyes filled with tears. Echo, the brilliant and charismatic trooper, a guy who had my back multiple times whenever I went on missions with the 501st, the kind of man who always make me laugh when it had been a rough day and had a positive thought that things would be better the next one.

"Echo!" Yelped Fives and my heard broke as Ani's hands were placed under my armpits and he lifted me up in order to stand once again.

"We have to go now!" Said Obi-Wan as I looked at Skywalker, who had a sad frown on his face.

"Let's go." He whispered and I looked behind me once again before we started running away. In a minute, Kenobi contacted the Temple, hoping and knowing that Master Plo would be listening.

"Master Kenobi, what has happened?" Said man asked.

"I'm afraid we've had a situation with the shuttle." He said and I scoffed.

"By situation he means big explosion, by the way." I commented.

"Yeah. We're gonna need a rescue." Anakin added.

"It will be done. I'm sending our cruisers now." With that final sentence, the transmission ended.

Few moments later, we entered a cave where we had a clear view of the prison and the droids that were looking for us from afar. Kenobi, Anakin, Piell and I were standing while Snips, alongside most of the troopers were sitting and Rex and Fives were taking guard.

"We'll need to hold out until the Council sends a ship." Said Obi-Wan.

"Not a problem." Master Piell commented. "We've beat them once, we'll beat them again." I smiled, we needed that enthusiasm, plus, I admire Piell's determination.

"This landscape is almost impossible to cross." Said Fives from the opposite side from where we were, calling our attention. "How are we going to get to the rendezvous point?"

"That is the trap of the Citadel." I commented with a frown and looking at the floor as the image of the map popped in my head, then, its surroundings. I sighed as my gaze met those around me. "It was designed so it would be almost impossible for fugitives to get off the surface, even if they escaped the tower."

"How lucky we're not just any fugitives." Ani commented and offered a smile that I returned.

"I hope you're right." Said Master Piell as we started to walk through the tunnel that's inside of the cave.

About twenty minutes in, we reached another clear area where we could rest for a moment.

"What's our next move?" Asked Snips and we stopped to look at her.

"We're going to have to fight our way off this rock." Anakin answered.

"Contact the Council. See when they plan to rescue us." Obi-Wan ordered.

"I'll handle it." Even offered himself for the task. Moments later, he stood before R2, who was making an attempt at contacting our mates in Coruscant, succeeding after a few minutes.

"Master Piell, it's good to see you're alive my friend." Said Master Windu's hologram.

"Likewise Master Windu." Said man replied. "Our escape route has been compromised, and there are several squads of droids closing in on us." He added and I took a step forward.

"When can we expect your arrival Master?" I asked and his eyes met mine.

"Master Gallia is already en route." He answered and I smiled. She's gonna brag about this for a while until the table turns again.

"Gunships will arrive to evacuate you and your men, but do not delay." Master Yoda informed us as he stepped into the conversation. "Only a small window of opportunity shall we have." Yoda's hologram shifted into a huge map of the system's surface, then, two points were highlighted in red. "Your rendezvous point will be here, this island." I nodded. We can make it on time.

"Understood." Said Even.

"May the Force be with you." Windu wished and I smiled at him before the communication ended.

As soon as that happened, we heard the echo of distant blasters being fired and our attention, obviously, snapped towards the noise as Cody yelped 'incoming'. When we turned our lightsabers on, it was late, the boys had successfully handled it, destroying every droid that pretended to terminate us.

"No doubt, there's more on the way." Kenobi assured as we turned the weapons off. "We must get to the island." Everyone nodded and we all started walking behind him.

Few moments later, and after running for about ten minutes, we reached the edge of a cliff. When I looked down, I had to give a step backwards. Underneath us, there was nothing but hot and burning lava, not to mention the height. Since my last encounter with free fall I'm not a huge fan of it, though I've been working on it.

Two seconds after that, we heard and saw more droids getting closer and closer. As soon as the troopers opened fire at them, they responded. I turned on my saber alongside Master Piell and we started deflecting the blasts.

"They're boxing us in!" Said Snips.

"Lock in the cables. We'll cover you." I said taking a moment to look over my shoulder just to spot Ani and Kenobi firing the cables at the ground, making the tip get stuck on the rocky ground.

"R2, we need your droids to hold off the enemy as long as possible." Skywalker ordered and R2 beeped and whistled in response. "Good, everybody follow me!" Obi-Wan and Anakin carried Crew members after they had attached the cables to their belts to start their descent.

I continued deflecting the blasts as I did the same with my own cable and, as R2's troopers delayed the inevitable, I started my way down alongside the rest.

Ahsoka was right beside me and we were basically running down the cliff's side as Kenobi yelled at us to hurry up and keep moving, hearing the endless blaster fire behind us. From one moment to another, the blasts echoed louder and then, two figures fell to my left, yelling until they collided against the ground. Those were mine and Piell's officers.

As soon as my feet touched the ground and I got rid of the cable, I went to check on them but they were gone. The blood on the ground was enough proof. I closed my eyes and sighed until the blasts started raining upon us. I looked up and spotted the droids in formation firing at us with no mercy. I frowned, looked up and turned my lightsaber on to continue deflecting the blasts back to them.

"Everyone, into the cave! Keep moving! Keep moving!" I ordered the squad and they all did as I said, except for Anakin, who reached my side to help me deflect the blasts with his elegant and aggressive movements. Wolffe also stayed behind and grabbed the heavy weapon of his fallen brother to fire at the droids and avenge his death, succeeding. When most of them were destroyed, we turned the weapons off and jumped into the mouth of the cave after my Commander had.

The tunnel wasn't that long, only a few yards. In less than five minutes we were by the exit and walking one behind the other one by the edge of the rock, hearing the bubbles of the magma slowly popping to our left.

"What if your Jedi friends are not there when we arrive?" Asked Tarkin. My eyes met Ahsoka's and we both made the same expression, we rolled our eyes with anoyance.

"Keep moving and you won't have to worry about that, Tarkin." Even answered and I chuckled.

"I don't find our current situation amusing, General." Said the Captain and I sighed.

"Oh it isn't, but, Master Piell's answer to your question was." He frowned. "You must learn to trust us Captain, we're your ticket out and to be honest, your lack of faith is disturbing." I pressed my pace with Snips following my lead until we were by Anakin's side. 

"I couldn't have said it any better." Said he and I smiled.

"I swear, if I hear one more word from him, I will kick him in the face." She sighed as I chuckled. "Why did Master Piell have to share half the intel with that guy?" Ahsoka deed a question to her comment as we walked underneath a rock arch. "It's like he's not even grateful we rescued him." I shrugged and shook my head a second after my eyes met Skywalker's, not knowing the answer to that question.

"Captain Tarkin feels the Jedi should be...relieved from the burden of leading the war effort." Anakin answered.

"That's ridiculous."

"Hm." I exclaimed. "Maybe, but, as weird as it sounds coming from me, he may have a point. I mean we aren't meant to be soldiers."

"Exactly, we aren't. We're peacekeepers." Anakin backed me up. "The Jedi Code often prevents us from going far enough to achieve victory." I nodded.

"I agree."

"A rather simple point of view." Kenobi commented.

"Either way, he's a good Captain." Said Skyguy and I frowned.

"Meh...I bet there are better and far more likeable than him." I said as I shrugged, but in within a second, the howl of the wind was mixed with something else made us all look up and sharpen our hearing as we frowned and stopped our walk. The noise caused goosebumps to appear in the back of my neck.

"Did you hear that?" Asked Snips.

"Yes." Answered Even. "We're going to have company."

We continued our walk and now Kenobi and Piell were behind us with the rest of the 212th battalion, Wolffe and my troopers were in the middle while I was guiding the line with Anakin and Ahsoka, and Tarkin behind us. The silence felt heavy and made the walk feel like an eternity, so, I decided to break it.

"I have news." I commented calling my husband and our Padawan's attention. "Obi-Wan told me that Adi was supposed to tell me that I may have a Padawan and become their Master." Anakin chuckled and Ahsoka smiled.

"Well, congrats Smarty." She said and I smiled back.

"Thanks kid."

"And who's the unlucky one?" Asked Ani and I rolled my eyes with my smile glued to my lips.

"Kestis, although he has two options, either Master Topal or me." Skyguy hissed.

"Topal would be a tough teacher. I remember him being...cold and very intolerant to little things." I chuckled.

"Yeah, me too. But still, he's a good Master and the other option, it's not certain yet."

"I think you could be a better Master, less strict." I chuckled.


"Are you excited?" 'soka asked.

"Not...entirely." I answered. "If I'm honest it worries me."


"Well, I stopped being a Padawan two years ago, I'm not sure I'm going to be any able to teach a student...properly I mean. Plus, we go on very dangerous missions, like the one we're stuck in at the moment and I don't want to drag another kid into these places."

"Hm. That's understandable, but still, I think you'll make a great Master. I can talk from my own experience." She gently pushed me using elbow and I smiled while Anakin scoffed.

"Yeah, listen to her." Anakin commented. "Surprisingly, she's not that wrong from time to time." Snips scoffed.

"I learned that from you Master." It was Anakin's turn to scoff and I laughed. We were walking in silence and after a while, Tarkin arrived at our side. He had been arguing with Master Piell as we spoke about Cal joining us, I assumed he'd like to mark his distance for a moment.

"You know, it's not wise to argue with Master Piell." Anakin commented and he chuckled, making me smile. Any Jedi that has been on a mission with said Master, knows this. "It's certainly not a good career move." I dropped a rough chuckle but then cleared my throat.

"Sorry." I said as Snips chuckled in a whisper too. "Shh." I whispered with a smile and she nodded.

"Well, Generals, I stand by my principles no matter what." Tarkin said after he threw a cold glance at Snips and I. That's respectful and admirable. "Besides, I needn't worry about my career. I've fallen into favour with the Chancellor."

"Really?" I asked as we walked a step up.
"Oh." Ani exclaimed at the unison.

"Yes. He shall support me."

"Well, I happen to know the Chancellor quite well, myself. Both of us actually."

"Oh, really?" Tarkin's gaze moved from Skywalker to me.

"Yeah. They're closer though." We stopped for a second and the rest of those that were left walked past us.

"Let's keep moving." Kenobi indicated. "If we're not at the rendezvous point at the exact time, we'll miss our window." We resumed the walk and in less than a minute, we heard more howls in the distance.

"Those creatures are gaining." Said Fives and we all turned around.

"If they've caught our scent, they'll lead them right to us." Master Piell pointed out.

"We're gonna have to deal with them." Ani assured looking deeply into everyone's eyes and we nodded in response.

"What about using this cave to surprise them?" Asked Ahsoka after a short pause as she pointed at said cave. I nodded again.

"If we can get them to pass by, we can attack them from behind." Master Piell added to her plan.

"Agreed." I said. "But we'll need a distraction."

"We can handle that." Anakin proposed and I nodded once more. As I did, Obi-Wan cleared his throat "And Obi-Wan, of course." Kenobi smiled.

"Okay, the rest of you, follow me." As soon as those words left Even's mouth, we all started moving. Kenobi, Ani, R2 and a I continued our way forward while the rest moved to the right following Piell's lead.

We walked for more or less five minutes, hearing the distant howling come closer and closer with every damned second. At some point, the light emitted by the lava started to become quite dim and the mist and fog surrounded us.

When we reached a small dead end, we stopped walking and turned around to face the creatures. When their heavy breaths reached our ears, we grabbed the handles of our weapons and turned them on. In second, a violet light was flanked by a pair of blue lights.

The howling was not familiar but the shapes of the animals definitely were, anoobas. Highly sensorial animals that are always behaving like a lion in a cage that has been starving for weeks even if they have eaten. They usually travel in packs of ten or twelve for, for our fortune, there were only six.

I tightened my grip around my lightsaber when the first one jumped and attacked Kenobi but he quickly kicked it away. In a matter of seconds, the second one ran towards me and jumped, but when it was getting closer, I stabbed it with my saber, frowning. I hate killing animals but right now it is a matter of kill or get killed.

As two were gone, Anakin pushed other two against a rock and left them unconscious. The fifth one ran past him to get us but I extended my hand and stopped it's run with the Force for Kenobi to approach and finish it. As he did so, Anakin killed the sixth one.

When we looked up, we spotted six droids riding their speeders and approaching us quickly. When we were in their range, they opened fire and we started deflecting them. As I dodged the blaster fire and returned them to the enemy, something tensed in my stomach and I bent down right on time for an anooba not to bite my head off. When I reincorporated and started moving backwards to avoid the red and burning blasts, Anakin dodged an attack from another one of those animals.

"Seems like we've become too predictable." He said. "They're not the only ones that thought of an ambush." He started doing backflips to avoid the firing of a commando droid.

"Yeah. I can tell, thanks." I deflected more blasts as the boys arrived at the battlefield and started helping us out as they always do.

When Wolffe reached my side, we started fighting as we usually do. I'd deflect the blasters away from him while he opened fire against the clankers. While I did my thing, I saw an anooba jump on top of Anakin. When he fell, his saber got knocked out of his hand. It's handle landed close to where I was standing, and he was struggling to push the aggressive animal away, so, I stepped in and grabbed the saber from the ground to roll over it as the droids kept on blasting us with no mercy to arrive by his side and stab the animal.

"You're welcome." I commented as he stood up and I handed over his weapon.

"Thanks." He said and we continued on deflecting blasts. "I had it sorted though." I scoffed.

"Yeah right."

"Heads up?" He asked pointing at a pair of droids that were closing up to Kenobi. I nodded and walked backwards just to run towards the step he made with his hands. When my foot was on said step, he pushed me up and I stabbed the droid as I kicked the other one down, spotting from above how Obi-Wan cut it by the half as it fell, just for him to be ambushed by an anooba, but he managed to kick it away.

I jumped off the speeder and it crashed against the hill as I landed on my feet. As I did so, the troopers destroyed the last two of the remaining droids.

"So much for the hunting party." Said Wolffe.

"There are more squads on their way." Tarkin pointed out. I reached my Commander's side and realised only the troopers had come along.

"Where are Master Piell and Ahsoka?" I asked as Skywalker stood beside me.

"She's there." Said Obi-Wan, who was standing on a hill, with a sad expression on his face. We all looked behind us to spot her figure breaking through the fog carrying...Even.

Kenobi, Anakin and I ran towards her position with the rest following us. When we reached her side, her eyes fell on her Master and he approached her slowly and carefully to help her place another Jedi, who was lost in battle, on the ground.

"He died honourably." She said with a frown as Anakin stood up and looked at her sadly. Her eyes never leaving Piell's closed ones.

"What about the information?" Asked Skyguy.

"I have it. He told me just before he died." I approached her and placed a hand on her shoulder. When our eyes met, I smiled at her and she made an effort to smile back.

"We must give him a proper farewell. I wouldn't want to leave him here on the ground."

"We don't have much time." Obi-Wan pointed out.

"I know but we must take a moment to honour him, then, we'll go on." He nodded. "It's something he would've done for any of us." Everyone nodded in agreement, knowing very well that I was right.

The Jedi have this tradition where there's not a fancy funeral for those whose lives have reached the finish line. There's no parade in which people walk behind their carriages and their friends and family. No. The Jedi like simpler ways to say goodbye to their fellow members, they place them in coffins and then enlighten them with a line of fire so that they are able to join the Force faster.

We didn't have a coffin, we only had a river of lava and a robe that apparently was inside someone's backpack. I took the fabric and wrapped it around Even's body. When I had placed him the ground and stood up, Anakin and Obi-Wan extended their hands and carried him using the Force to carefully place him on the burning lava. My hand found Ahsoka's shoulder as we watched his corpse catch fire and being moved by the river of burning fire until it was out of view as it fell down the cascade of fire.

"We must keep going." Obi-Wan repeated and we all nodded.


After ten minutes, we finally reached the extraction point that was right across the lava lagoon. Anakin and Cody rushed to climb a small hill and throw the cables, that got stuck on the opposite rock that's across from us.

Takrin and Rex were the first ones to go through the cables being followed by Wolffe and I.

"Incoming!" Rex yelped and pointed at something to our left. When my eyes met the area, I could see a squad of droids and the Commander coming at us. I knew or I thought that they could fire at the cable stabilisers and that would make us fall and die by being burned alive, so, we pressed the crawling until we made it to the other side.

By that time, they were already making the blaster fire rain upon us, so, as Sinker and Fives crawled through the cables, the troopers and Captain blasted them back and I turned my lightsaber on to deflect their attacks, as well as the other three Jedi that were on the opposite side.

I spotted Anakin, Kenobi and Ahsoka deflecting the blasts and taking ahold of the droids' speeders just to cut their heads off or stab them and take over the small transport. Moments later, Anakin instructed his Padawan to start crossing the cables, so, she jumped down and grabbed it but in a second, Sobeck started riding towards her to hurt her. Thankfully, R2 was faster and used some nitrogen gas to cover her up until she crossed and stood beside me.

R2's distraction was enough for the Separatist Commander to attempt the runaway and press another attack but Sinker was much faster and he opened fire against his speeder, being helped by his brothers and Tarkin. Their attack managed to blow Osi's transport and caused him to fall and roll over the ground.

Snips and I were deflecting more blasts until we heard a blaster firing behind us. Tarkin aimed to kill Sobeck but he was fast and dodged the attack, with a grunt, he threw himself at Tarkin and started to strangle them.

"Captain!" Yelped Snips as Kenobi fell from the speeder and few droids were surrounding him.

"I'll handle it, you, help Obi-Wan." I commanded.

"On it!" She started running away as I made my way towards Tarkin. Even if I want to kick him in the face every time he speaks as well as Ahsoka, I can't let Sobeck kill him.

"If I can't have the information, it will die with you!" Osi yelled as he walked uphill to throw the Captain at the lava. When he carried him, I was already behind them and didn't hesitate at turning my lightsaber on, which's blade went through his chest making him grunt.

"Check mate asshole." I said as the air escaped his lungs.

Sobecks arms went weak and Tarkin fell to the ground as Osi's body fell on top of me before I pushed him away, then, I turned my weapon off and placed the handle on my belt to offer a hand to help Wilhuff up but he was already on it, so, I let it fall to my side.

"My thanks, General Naberrie." He adjusted the cufflinks of his suit and sighed. "I see you've been trained well." With that unnecessary additional comment that made me feel like a domestic animal, he walked in between Anakin and Snips, who were watching the scene.

"So humble." I said with sarcasm and Anakin chuckled.

"Good job." He properly complimented and I smiled.

"Thanks. You too." He nodded as Kenobi approached us.

"The rescue ship must be here by now." He said and Anakin scoffed.

"So should the rest of the Separatist army." He added and we all started walking closer to the centre of the rock as we heard the engines of the gunships roaring closer and closer every time.

In a very short moment, the doors of the ships slid open and revealed Adi, who was smiling at us, being accompanied by her troopers.

"I believe you've worn out your welcome." She said and the steps of crab droids echoed everywhere, they were surrounding us...again.

The droids started to open fire and we turned our lightsabers on to deflect their attacks as we walked backwards towards the ship to get inside. As we did so, Adi jumped down to stab a droid that was getting dangerously closer to me and that I was not in position of fighting off because I was busy with another one. When she was done, we jumped into the gunship and the doors slid close.

"Admiral Coburn, we have the survivors." Said she as I caught my breath for a second. "Recall all fighters."

"Yes General. Prepare to jump to lightspeed." Said her Admiral and the communication was over. About five minutes went by until we felt the ship landing, which meant we were inside the cruiser, safe and sound.

"We're all ready Admiral." Said Gallia through her communicator again and we felt the ships jumping into hyperspace. "Looks like we're even." She told me, placing her hand over my shoulder, as we walked out of the gunship.

"Even? About what?"

"Well, you saved my life three times, I saved yours two and now three. Even."

"Oh." I chuckled. "You are keeping track of that?"

"Aren't you?" She chuckled as I scoffed and we directed ourselves towards the elevator. "You all should rest, it was a very rough and stressful day for you." She suggested and everyone directed themselves towards the spare rooms in the cruiser without a complain but I didn't want to rest, instead, I went all the way to the bridge with her but she stopped at the entrance of the elevator, blocking my way out. "Why didn't you go with the others?"

"Because I'm not tired." She narrowed her eyes. "And I'm hungry." She smiled and opened a pocket of her belt to offer a perfectly wrapped, but opened, energy bar.

"Eat that. I took a bite and kept it for later."

"Thanks." I removed the wrapping paper and looked at her. "The paper looks suspicious, how long has it been opened?" Adi chuckled.

"Two days." I frowned and took a bite. "How is it?"

"Dry." I chewed for a second. "Very dry." She laughed and let go of the door for it to close. "Hey wait." I used my hand to stop the door's movement and she turned around. "Can I help you with the report or something?" She frowned and walked closer to the elevator's entrance but she only slid her arm in and clicked a button of the control panel before she offered a kind smile and proceeded to place her hand on my hand to attempt at removing my hand from the door with no use.

"I don't need help. Sleep. I can tell you need it."

"I don't-"

"It's an order." Annoyed but with a smile, she pinched my finger and I removed my hand from the door letting it close. I sighed and continued to eat the dry bar until the door slid open with a soft chime. I walked out and entered the free spare room that was left, sat down on bed and laid down just to stare at the ceiling. Five minutes, ten minutes, fifteen. I sighed. I can't sleep...as I haven't for days, almost a week.

I got up and walked out to make my way towards the room where our connection took me. When I arrived, I knocked the door and seconds later, it slid opened, revealing an 'I was about to sleep' Anakin, who tenderly smiled at me before he pocked his head out of the door and looked left and right to make sure no one saw me walking in, then, he moved to a side and I got inside.

"Why do I owe the pleasure?" Asked he with a smile as he placed his hands on my hips and I smiled, locking the door just in case.

"I'm tired but can't sleep." I answered and caused him to frown. "I could use cuddles." He chuckled and kissed my forehead gently.

"I'll be glad to do so." I chuckled as well and stood on my tippy toes to kiss his lips. A second later, we moved to the bed and laid down. My head over his shoulder, my hand on his chest, his on my hips and neck, his lips over my forehead and my nose tickling the hollow of his neck. "I've missed this." He moved inches closer to me and I smiled. "It'll probably sound stupid but three days felt like an eternity."

"It's not stupid. I've missed it too, a lot." I smiled to myself. "We're used to working together all the time and...after a quite..." I sighed. "Traumatic experience you tend to miss people more than usual." His hand that was moving up and down through my hips and waist stopped and his lips stopped making contact with my skin. I looked up. "What?"

"How are you?"


"No, no, no, I mean...how are you? Because." He sighed too and moved to sit down, inviting me to do the same. His blue waters were struggling a bit to express what he was thinking, to express the concern I could feel. And my earthy eyes were struggling to come up with an answer to an unformulated question. "I know that you didn't sleep well even before we parted our ways and I could tell that in these past three days you haven't slept. You have bags underneath your eyes and you are constantly scratching the new wound, even over the new armour. I can sense you're worried, you're jumpy and I want to know what's bothering you...what are you feeling." I gulped. "I want to know and understand what you're going through so that I can help you." I smiled as silence fell upon us and placed my hands on his cheeks, cupping them to lean over and kiss him.

"I love you." He smiled, I smiled back and then sighed. "Okay." I took a minute to place my thoughts in order. "I don't exactly know what's exactly wrong, all I know is that I...I have a hard time sleeping because every time my eyes are closed, I see him. His stupid red eyes glimmering, I hear his laughter, I feel his paws grabbing me and lifting me up, the claws getting stuck to my arms and his teeth getting stuck in my skin and I feel the...poison spreading through my body." He frowned worried. "I've always known I had darkness in me, Adi made sure that I knew in order to control it like she was taught but now that I know what I'm capable of doing if I use it...I'm scared. That darkness is there and I'm sure as hell I don't want to go back to being who I was four days ago for ab hour or two. She scares me. He scares me and he's-" I breathed in. "He's fucking dead. And I was too, and during that time I felt like drowning into something I knew would end me." I paused for a brief moment. "The Son managed to get stuck to my head and he manages to make me feel terrified with his thought and I simply can't kick him out of my head. I can't. No matter how hard I try and I don't know what to do anymore."

"I assume I'm the only one that knows?" I nodded.

"I don't want to tell Adi or Obi-Wan because they're probably going to make me talk to Master Yoda about this and I'm not sure I'd like to share." He nodded and I sighed as I laid down, placing my head on a pillow, seconds later, he was laying right beside me. "I'm tired."

"Try to sleep. There's still thirty minutes left, more or less, for our arrival."

"But I don't want to...I fear being defenceless."

"As you're asleep? Defenceless to what?"

"Him of course." He incorporated, leaning on his elbow to look at me. Then, he creased my cheek with his gloved fingertips making me smile.

"Lana, he's gone. He can't hurt you, I made sure of it. He's dead, just like his father and his sister." He moved his arm up and I took it as an invitation to place myself in the position I was on before this talk started. "Talking about the Daughter, her light somehow lives in you as well as her power, I bet anyone can sense that. That strength, the power of that light will help you lick the darkness away." He kissed my forehead again. "Close your eyes my love. Breath in and out and sleep, I promise you'll be just fine." I smiled and kissed the skin of his neck tenderly, then, I looked up. "I won't fall asleep until you do and I'm tired so please sleep." I laughed and he laughed alongside me.

"I love you." He chuckled and moved inches closer. His embrace really made me feel safe. Goodness, I'm so in love with him.

"I know." He commented against my lips and kissed me softly. "I love you too." I smiled against his lips.

"I know." I left a short peck on his lips and proceeded to place my head over his shoulder, feeling his calming and steady breath moving his body up and down, inviting me to dive into the tiredness my stressed mind was drowning in.

I closed my eyes and I felt my body relaxing specially when he started humming a random melody I remember from the radio. I smiled and breathed in deeply just to exhale that air and finally fall asleep.


I opened my eyes with the feeling of getting out of hyperspace. The first thing I saw was his relaxed face on the pillow next to me. I smiled and closed my eyes again knowing that we still had a bit of time to get to the surface. We had like five minutes really, for we needed to get ready for landing and we couldn't be seen walking out of the same room at the same time, but still, we had time.

I breathed in slowly and hugged him tighter, feeling his lips getting curved against my skin. He breathed in too and kissed my forehead again as I opened my eyes.

"I assume you slept well?" He commented with a raspy tone of voice and I smiled.

"You're assuming right." He chuckled and sat down on the mattress and I mirrored his movement. "I'll get out and meet you at the bridge." He nodded and I got up, kissed his cheek and made my way towards the door. Once before the metal, I unlocked it and proceeded to poke my head out. I looked to the left and walked out, there was no one, there was no need to wait. "All clear." Anakin shrugged and walked out of his room, then, we turned around and...Shit. "Rex."
"Wolffe." Anakin and I spit at the unison as the eyes of our slightly confused and amused troopers, collided with our surprised ones. "We..." He cleared his throat. "We, uh."

"We were on our way to find you Generals." My Commander told me as an amused smirk was formed on his lips and my heartbeat raised and dropped over and over again.

"Well, you- you just...did." Rex chuckled.

"Separately." He cleared out.

"Oh." I sighed. "Um...this isn't what you-" I tried to explain as I pointed at Skywalker and I with my thumb.

"Yeah we were talking about uh..." I looked at Anakin and I can tell his mind was blank but he was still trying to lie. "You know..." Oh god.

"No need to explain Generals." Said the 501st Captain. "It's not our business." Wolffe nodded.

"Your...situation is safe with us." I breathed in and my soul returned to my body.

"Thank you." We said at the same time.

"Though it would be an interesting story to hear." Rexter mocked and I chuckled as the four of us started to walk towards the bridge.

"Perhaps...probably not." Said Skyguy.

"Come on, we'll need a funny anecdote for today's toast." The images of Echo and Even popped in my head. "I'm sure he would've liked to know." Wolffe placed a hand over Rex's shoulder. I sighed once more, he was right and his tone of voice was convincing. I looked at Anakin and I knew he was thinking the same, plus, we know the would be a tomb.

"If we're telling you, you must promise me two things." I looked at them. Anakin smiled, Rex nodded and Wolffe smirked. "One, you must tell no one, the consequences to this may be...chaotic, and two, whatever drink you're giving us to spill the tea must be strong." The three of them chuckled.

"Count on it ma'am." Said Wolffe as we entered the elevator to get to the bridge.

After the nervousness was eased, the metallic doors opened and we met with the rest, who were getting everything ready to get out of the ship. We helped them with what they needed and moments later we walked out of the cruiser. Then, we boarded a gunship that took us all to the Temple, where Masters Fisto, Yoda and Windu received us. Yoda was the first one to approach us.

"Of Master Piell's loss, we are sorry to hear." He said and I sighed.

"He will be missed." Windu added.

"Because of his great sacrifice, we now have the Nexus Route coordinates." Master Plo commented and I assumed him and Kenobi had caught up, he was in the ship during our rescue.

"Captain Tarkin and Ahsoka have each memorised half." Said Obi-Wan.

"Debrief them both, we must." Yoda instructed and I nodded in agreement.

"With all due respect, Master Jedi." Takin spoke and I rolled my eyes. "I was instructed by Chancellor Palpatine to bring the intel directly to him for debriefing." Everyone frowned with confusion.

"I promised Master Piell that I would deliver it only to the Council." Snips spoke. "And that's what I will do." I smiled.

"Hmm. Personally meet with the Chancellor, I will. Decide what is best to do, we shall." Yoda stablished and started to walk back inside. The Masters of the Council started to follow behind him, even Obi-Wan, who I thought could join us.

I looked over my shoulder, spotting two troopers talking vividly with amused smiles on their faces, probably plotting what they could do. I smiled. If I'm honest, this is probably the one time I've seen Wolffe smiling this much and I couldn't help but wonder if his cheeks hurt at this point.

"Master Plo." Anakin's voice called my attention before I started walking to meet up with our pals. "There's something I wanted to ask you." Plo stopped walking and his eyes met Ani's while Ahsoka waved goodbye to walk into the Temple too. "Did you assign Ahsoka to the mission?" I looked at my husband and rolled my eyes. Sometimes he can be a killjoy. Ahsoka stopped walking and turned around as Skywalker crossed his arms and I placed my hands on my hips.

"It appears I did." Said Koon and Ahsoka smiled before they started to walk away together.

"A job well done General Skywalker." Tarkin said out of the blue. Goodness, I forgot he was even here. He extended his hand and Ani shook it. "I wish more Jedi had your military sensibilities." He added.

"Thanks." Skywalker looked at me. "There are a few." I smirked and Tarkin's eyes landed on me just to scan me from head to toe in a judgemental way.

"Perhaps." He sighed and extended his hand towards me. "I guess I can say the same about you General Naberrie. I'm surprised by your abilities in the battlefield and...thank you again." I blinked and shook his hand too.

"Thank you Captain, it was my pleasure." I made an effort to sound as convincing as possible.

"Hm." He let go and started to walk away towards the gunship. "Perhaps I can inform the Chancellor of your valor." In a matter of seconds he walked into the ship and it started to walk away.

"Honestly, he's a pain in the ass." Anakin laughed.

"Rude and harsh Naberrie."

"What? He earned it." I sighed. "I don't know what to think of your new ally."

"You sound so much like our Masters from time to time." I scoffed. "And in anyway, I think we need people like him. This is a war. If we aren't willing to do what it takes to win, we risk loosing everything we try to protect." I shrugged, agreeing with him in some way.

"You're right but, unfortunately, war tends to distort our point of view."

"How so?"

"Let me clear this out, I agree with you but think about it this way...if we sacrifice our code, even for victory, we may loose that which is most important...our honour." It was his time to shrug in agreement.

"You also have a point."

"So it's a tie."

"It is."

"You know? You really sound like Obi-Wan some times." I punched his arm jokingly. "It's not exactly a bad thing." He added as he rubbed his arm.

"I know it's not." We finally reached Rex and Wolffe's position. "Ready boys?"

"Yes ma'am." They said at the unison.

"I think you can call us Anakin and Allana for tonight, specially after we tell you this." They chuckled and so did we. "This is probably going to be a long night."

"For you, maybe." Said Rex and we laughed again as we made our way to a pub that's nearby.

We know we can trust them, we've literally placed our lives in their hands multiple times and vice-versa, plus, it was going to feel good to let a close friend know, to get this off our chests. Yeah...we thought the night was going to be long, all because of the nervousness and the loss we felt at the end of the day, well, turns out it wasn't.

  a/n: helloo everyone!! okay, again, i apologise for the lack of updates but here we are. i made this extremely long to compensate that, so, enjoy!

  also, tysm for 7k reads!! that means a lot and i'm so glad y'all are adding this story to your reading lists and that you keep on going with this.

  i appreciate each and every single one of you so much, take care and see you sooner than before lmao. have a great day/noon/afternoon/night or whatever time it is wherever you are <3

  xoxo, f

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