63: Ghosts
When I walked out, I met Obi-Wan. He was standing by the entrance of the ship, watching the dark landscape and the pouring rain. When his eyes met mine, he smiled and I smiled back.
"How is she?" He asked and I sighed.
"Asleep. Alive...she'll be alright, I hope." He nodded.
"That's good." I sat down on the ship's ramp and looked outside too. "I'm getting a little tired of how unreliable the weather is here."
"Some might say that's part of the appeal." He chuckled.
"You did well. How do you feel?" I sighed.
"I'm not sure we're doing the right thing by leaving. The Son is consumed by the Dark Side." He frowned.
"And if we stay, we may be used to the Dark Side's advantage." I stood silent. About twenty minutes later, Lana walked out of the small bedroom, my robe was no longer over her body and she was a bit pale, her eyes were a bit wild too and her breath was uneven, that indicated she had a nightmare. "Allana, how are you feeling?"
"I've been better Kenobi, thanks for asking." My Master smiled and she smiled back. "So, what's the status of our ship?" She asked placing her hair in a tighter low bun.
"Haven't checked." I answered.
"Well, then, I will." She walked up to the tool box and pulled out some goggles to protect her eyes.
"Shouldn't you rest a longer bit? You went through quite an ordeal." Said Obi-Wan and I nodded in agreement.
"I'll have time to rest when I die." A knot was formed in my stomach and throat.
"Too early for those jokes." She sighed. Humour, sarcasm and fixing things are her coping mechanisms.
"Whatever, right now, all I want is to get the hell out of here." She opened the hatch that's on the ground and slid into the underpart of the ship to check on everything. "Skywalker, hand over the wrench would you?" I sighed as I turned around, dug in the box and once I found it, placed it into her hand that was coming out of the hatch. "Thanks."
"Sure." I turned back around and kept on admiring the rain falling. "How's everything down there?" I asked after ten minutes and Allana popped out of the hatch, placing the goggles on her forehead and reclining her forearms on the ground, letting out a sigh as the usual two locks of hair framed her face that had a little bit of dirt over her skin.
"Well, do you want the bad news or the really bad news?" I sighed.
"Let's try the bad news, laced with a little optimism." Said Obi-Wan, crossing his arms and I smiled, just like her.
"We have two cracked shilo pins, a busted power converter, the engines should be fired twice to dump debris and the backup vent needs charging." She crossed her arms.
"Sounds terribly downbeat." She nodded and placed the goggles properly again before sinking into the ship's belowdeck. "Can it be fixed?" I stood up to get one of the bent speeders that these ships carry.
"Uh...I can reroute the primary initiator, weld the dampening vents and that might give us enough power to leave the atmosphere." She popped out of the hatch again, frowning when she saw the speeder floating underneath my hand and when our eyes met before they met Obi-Wan again. "After that, I can't guarantee she'll hold together."
"We'll take our chances. Everything's better than staying here." Obi-Wan walked out and I followed behind with the speeder in hand. Once outside, I extended it and hopped on it. "Where are you going?"
"To see the Father." I answered. "I'm not convinced that the Son will be contained here without our help." I turned the speeder's engine on and heard it powering up. "Perhaps we should make a stand."
"If I don't get the Father's blessing to leave, it'll haunt me forever." I knew he'd understand, I could sense his comfort. "Keep an eye open, I'll be back soon." I started riding the speeder away, towards the spot where my instincts were taking me.
I didn't know where was that, only that the landscape had a lot of hills with shiny, green diamonds that seemed to glimmer synchronised with a heartbeat. I continued for a while util I found him, closing the round gate of a tomb where I assumed his daughter was settled down to rest...forever.
"You should have left by now." He said without even facing me as I hopped off the speeder and started to walk up to him.
"Our ship needs repairs." I explained.
"Do not underestimate my son. He will seek your ship to escape our isolation and sow terror through the universe. And while you are here, he will use you to do it."
"What will you do now that he's given himself over to the Dark Side?"
"It is my actions that have unleashed great danger on the universe. I must...kill him." Something stirred inside of me. I understood the assignment he must do and that it was...the right thing to do but...to kill a son? Your own son? I could never allow myself to, I'd let him kill me rather than kill him.
"But he's too powerful for you alone."
"Hmm. Perhaps, perhaps not. The Force will decide." I breathed in. Son or not, I wanted to make him pay for what he did.
"I can help you."
"The choice is no longer yours to make." He started walking down the pathway and I followed him, placing my hands behind my back. "Both our destinies are clouded. This place is strong with the Force. Darkness has no hold here. Go." He pointed at the horizon and after he scanned the landscape, his eyes met mine. "Ask and you will know what to do." I nodded and started walking down the small path do begin my walk through the weird place.
I had no idea where to go and I didn't have a path to follow, so, I just went to the place where my feet took me at a steady pace as I looked around. Thinking about what to do.
"You have grown strong and powerful, just as I imagined." Said the voice of someone who I cared about deeply and I know, he cared about me too after knowing me for five minutes. His voice snapped me out of my thoughts and made me look uphill towards a small cloud of mist that transformed into...
"Master Qui-Gon?" I asked as I couldn't believe this was possible.
"Do you believe you are the Chosen One?" I frowned.
"How can I know?"
"I can tell you what I believe. I believe you will bring balance to the Force, that you will face your demons and save the universe."
"And- and this creature of the Dark Side? Do I leave, or do I stay and kill him?" I walked closer to where he was.
"Neither." The answer made me stop my movements. "Look deeper. You will find another way." I sighed, closed my eyes and shook my head.
"I don't understand." Where and what am I supposed to do?
"Not far from here there is a place which is strong in the Dark Side of the Force." I opened my eyes and my frown remained. "You must go there."
"And...destroy the Son?"
"Remember your training Anakin. Trust your instincts." He smiled and winked.
"Master?" He started to fade away. "Master!" And he left me alone once the wind blew the mist away.
Thunder rumbled as I poured some tea into a pair of cups. I took a sip of mine as I walked to hand in the cup to Naberrie, but when I approached the hatch to hand the cup over, I found her sleeping. I smiled to myself, this reminded me of when she was only a child that got a little too tired after a duelling session.
"Might I suggest less sleeping and a little more work?" Her eyes snapped open with a soft smile.
"Sorry, Master Kenobi." I chuckled, that was the answer every time. "It's been years since I've heard you saying that." She removed the goggles to place them over her forehead.
"I know. I could say the same." I offered the cup as I bent down before her. "Here, this should help." She took the cup and took short sips to enjoy the warm beverage. "We need to change plans." She frowned. "You must focus on the firing drives. Disengage them." I stood up and her frown intensified as she almost spit the drink before she placed the cup on the ground to her right.
"What? Why? I'm almost finished putting this junk hep back together and-"
"Just do as I say. We don't have much time."
"What's that supposed to mean?" I grabbed the second one of the three small speeders we had brought with us in the ship. "You're scaring me." I sighed and turned around to face her from the entrance.
"I know you feel it too...something's wrong." It was her turn to sigh as she put the goggles back on.
"Whatever you say then. You're the boss." She took the final shot of her drink and got lost belowdecks as I walked out. When I did, I met the Father.
"Where's Anakin?" I asked.
"He came to me for guidance, but at a crossroad, only he can choose." He answered and walked up to me. It truly surprises me how tall the three of them are. "The Force will be his guide now."
"I don't like this...what have you done?"
"I have done nothing." He turned around and made me face his back. "I am merely letting the will of the Force take shape."
"Where has he gone?" Asked Allana's voice from behind, that caused the Father to look at us over his shoulder.
"To the Well of the Dark Side." My eyes met Allana's and hers reflected my worry, perhaps hers had more. I turned the speeder on as I looked back at the Father.
"Anakin has gone to confront your son, hasn't he?" I asked.
"Deep within this planet exists a place where all that is dark is channeled." Answered he.
"And how do I get there?" I hopped on the speeder quickly.
"You cannot interfere. Neither of you."
"The way I see it, if we were not supposed to interfere, Allana and I wouldn't be here in the first place."
"I'll go with you." Said she and I looked at her shaking my head.
"No. Look after the ship. I'll find Anakin." In a second, I started driving the speeder guided by nothing else than my instincts.
Once Qui-Gon had vanished away, I walked back to the speeder, hopped on it and started driving towards the spot where the Dark Side of the Force intensified and created a knot on my stomach.
When I arrived, it seemed to be a volcano, so, I drove into the mouth of it and started to descent in circles until I reached the ground feeling the warm lava embrace me, making the air suffocating.
I landed the speeder and started to walk a few steps looking around, stopping at the edge of the rock where I was standing. Why would Master Qui-Gon send me here? There's nothing. My sight swept from left to right but nothing here. Or...
"Welcome." The Son's voice echoed behind me and snapped me out of my thoughts, making me turn around. "I believe there has been a misunderstanding. We really don't have to be enemies." I frowned angrily.
"You murdered your sister and Allana."
"But she's alive again isn't she?" The arrogance in his voice made me sigh annoyed and repress the urge to snap his neck.
"The Force is out of balance." I walked up to him so that we stood face to face. "I have to stop you."
"Must you?" I grabbed my lightsaber and turned it on but in two seconds he pulled it away from my grip, turning it off in the process. "There is no use for such crude implements here...I have a gift for you."
"I've had enough of your trickery."
"Oh but you'll like this one, I promise." He started walking around me, like a cat. "What if I could show you...the future?" I frowned even more as the wind howled around my ears and started to feel dizzy and my head ached as many images appeared behind my closed eyelids.
"No." I opened them and held my head, thinking that maybe that way the images and flashes of my nightmares would go away. "No! Stop it!" I begged. This can't be the future...it can't...it can't be.
"Know yourself. Know what you will become!" His voice echoed in my head as I shook it with the hope to make the images go away with no use. A red, grey and black mist wrapped itself around me and I immediately closed my eyes, unfortunately, I couldn't close or mute my ears, so, I heard groans that seemed to be from all the Jedi I know. I placed my hands over my head to make it stop but it was useless.
"I will not look." I said under my breath, as if it was an instruction that I gave myself.
"The Force is strong with you." Said a raspy, dark and twisted voice that for some reason had a familiar key. In a second, the image of a man with a long, dark, cloak, who threw Force lightning appeared before me, making me jump and open my eyes. When I did, I saw a scared youngling and a lightsaber being enlightened.
"Anakin, please!" Allana begged to my right and I saw her grabbing her throat as if someone was chocking her until she fell to the ground and faded into the mist. When I stepped closer to get to her I heard a lightsaber to my left.
"You were my brother Anakin!" Said Obi-Wan before he threw a thrust to my head and I had to step backwards to avoid it, falling in the process before he was embraced by the mysterious mist too.
"A powerful Sith..." Said the man's voice again as something blew up Alderaan.
"I hate you!" I heard my own voice screaming with pain and fury. I closed my eyes again and held my head as I looked at the ground.
"No. No. No..." Behind my eyelids, the man of the nightmares came towards me breathing heavily through the respirator of his helmet before he took it off and revealed himself. "NO!" I yelled at the top of my lungs before my hands met the ground in order for my face not to collide against it. I panted as I repressed the impulse to crawl into a fetal position and cry my eyeballs out...this cannot be possible. The urge of crying was bigger than the impulse to stop it, so, the tears left my closed eyelids in less than a second. My hands found my eyes to wash them away as I hid my face behind my palms. "I will do such terrible things." I thought out-loud with a broken voice, effect of the new knot that formed in my throat.
"Yes." Said the Son. "But it doesn't have to be that way." I looked up at him and stood up. "The choice is still yours to make."
"The future, by its nature, can be changed. Join me, and together we will destroy this Emperor you see in your visions. Then we shall end war, corruption and suffering throughout the Galaxy."
"Will we bring peace?" I looked away hesitant and thought about the future I want. The one I've spent countless nights beside my Angel thinking about it, countless moons when we've added a little detail to the picture.
"Of course." He paused and I seemed as if his eyes were digging into my mind and my thoughts. "You will have that future." He assured. "You won't have to live in the shadows anymore." He offered my lightsaber back and I took it. This was the only way.
I arrived at the spot where the Dark Side was stronger than I've ever felt in my entire life, guiding myself by instinct, as I have instructed Anakin all his life. I had a bad feeling, something had happened. Something bad.
I started my descent into the mouth of the volcano until I parked the speeder over the surface where I spotted Anakin's speeder. I hopped off the vehicle and looked around, feeling the heat of the lava suffocating me. I tensed when I felt a presence behind me, a dark presence. I placed my hand over my weapon and turned around, finding my once Padawan.
"Anakin, are you alright?" I asked as he approached, head low.
"There has been a change of plan." He said as he pushed my speeder into the lava with the Force. "Sorry." His eyes met mine and they were just like Allana's hours ago: yellow. The eyes of a Sith. But his were different, there was a shadow covering them. "You will not understand what I have to do to end the Clone War." My eyes opened wildly as I understood...he had fallen into the Dark, like Naberrie did. "You will try to stop me." I tried to step close to him when I felt lightning striking over me.
I groaned as I fell to the ground and looked at Anakin again as I placed a hand over my abdomen. Breathing ached. The Son was there too, he had attacked me from behind.
"I'm sorry." He repeated. "I have seen that it is the Jedi who will stand in the way of peace." He hopped on the remaining speeder and started to drive out of the volcano as I stood up. My eyes followed him until they met with the Son's eyes.
"He's mine now." He stablished and jumped to turn into a gargoyle again as he crackled maniacally. I frowned and through my about what the Father had said. They need our ship. I clicked my communicator and started my attempt at contacting Allana.
"Why can't you work piece of-" I hit the control panel of the ship after I had fixed the circuits. Still, it refused to work. I was clicking the communications button to boost the power and static crackled in a minute. "Ha! Finally." I took off the goggles and left them, along the screwdriver, on the seat and leaned forward. "This is Jedi Shuttle 634 calling on all secure channels for help." Silence. I sighed. "Do you read? I repeat. We are stranded and need immediate evac. Come in please." I waited for five minutes but it wasn't working, no one could hear us.
I sighed and walked back to the hatch on the ground and before I slid down again, I grabbed all the pieces and tools I needed and placed them before the entrance, then, I got to work again on the power converter and assembled some power cells to the ship as my communicator started to beep.
"Allana." Kenobi's voice echoed from the other side of the line. "Come in, please."
"Hold on." I twisted the nuts and bolts with the wrench and screwdriver.
"Can you hear me? Allana!" I sighed and stood up, clicking the comlink to answer, smiling proudly at myself, those were the last ones.
"Yes, Kenobi, I hear you. Any success with Anakin?"
"No, quite the opposite." I frowned.
"What are you saying?"
"Anakin has joined with the Son." The tools fell off my hand as I breathed in, processing the information.
"No." I whispered as my eyes opened wildly. He'd never join him willingly, none of us would...something must have happened. "I can't believe what I'm hearing."
"I know, me neither. Listen. Do not engage him."
"Just do as I say. Listen to me, you have to disable the ship." I groaned annoyed.
"You're kidding right? I literally just finished putting it back together."
"Lana, please listen. We have to prevent Anakin and the Son from leaving."
"Roger that Kenobi." As those words left my lips, the distant whirring of the speeder's engines echoed. I frowned and twisted the nuts and bolts quickly to get the power converter, then, I jumped out and grabbed a couple of power cells that boosted the communications and placed the pieces in a pocket of my belt.
In a minute, I heard the speeder parking and I jumped to do the 'monkey move' as Cal Kestis likes to call it. It consists in hanging from the ceiling and wait, it's useful to ambush or escape from the enemy and right now, I needed to hide.
Seconds after my feet were against the metallic ceiling, he walked in. Anakin's eyes were not the dreamy blue shade that drives me crazy but a hatred red that made me look away.
He walked in quickly and towards the cockpit, so, when he was in and his back faced me, I moved my feet down and impulsed myself to jump and land outside. I had to roll over the ramp of the ship though, but thankfully, he didn't hear me.
My eyes moved in all directions to make sure Ani hadn't realise I was behind him and that the main character of my nightmare was nowhere to be found. I also made sure I still had the pieces I needed and hadn't dropped any on my runaway.
When I was certain, I hopped on the speeder and breathed in trying to figure out where exactly was the Well of the Dark Side. I closed my eyes for a second and focused on Obi-Wan and finding him. An advantage of being under the Son's influence was that I was able to see the nexus of the Force of the planet as I meditated. I had an idea of where to go.
"Allana! What have you done?!" Anakin's voice snapped me out of my thoughts. My hands found the handle of the speeder's wheel and I turned the engines on to start driving away from there as fast as possible. "Allana!" I looked over my shoulder and spotted him running out of the ship but I was way too far from him now.
It took me a while to arrive at the volcano's entrance, but when I did, spotting Kenobi wasn't hard. He was climbing a wall of the hot rock, he almost slipped.
"Hmm. Nice job." I said mockingly and he sighed.
"What took you so long?" I shrugged as he jumped and landed behind me.
"Well, you try assembling the ship then tearing it apart again, escaping a very angry looking Anakin and getting here when you have no idea where exactly to go." He scoffed and I sighed. "I did as you said and I have the power converter and the cells. The shuttle's going nowhere without those."
"Good." His hands found my waist. "That gives us some time to rescue Anakin." I nodded. Hopefully enough time. I thought as I drove back to the surface.
As soon as her silhouette vanished into the darkness of the place, I walked back into the ship to check it fondly. Naberrie had taken with her everything important, meaning, the ship was basically useless.
After a while, the Son arrived and landed before me as I walked out of the ship. He had his arms crossed and was looking at the horizon.
"I cannot contact anybody, communications are unusable." I informed. "Allana didn't wipe the communications history though. She tried to contact someone but I doubt anyone heard her signal."
"My father still has a hold over this realm, but I will be able to draw any ship here soon." Said he.
"If I know my old Master, he, too, will try to stop us. As well as Lana. Together with your father, they could be formidable opponents."
"I can turn the tide in our favour. Stay here." I nodded as he turned into a gargoyle again and started flying through the star-kissed night sky.
"What did he show you?" The Father's voice said behind me, making em turn around to face him.
"I've seen what I become, and I cannot let that happen." I answered.
"And for this, you join him? Your destiny can change just as quickly as the love in one's heart can fade...Nothing is set in stone." I frowned. What's the 'love in someone's heart fading away' part supposed to mean? How does it have anything to do with this?
"But I will cause so much pain."
"If there is to be balance, what you have seen must be forgotten." He stepped close to me and moved his index and middle finger towards my forehead.
As soon as his skin made contact with mine, I heard some kind of chime ringing in my ears that made me feel dizzy and my head felt heavy, as if I was spinning over, and over, and over again. My body stopped responding and in a second, I hit the ground and everything went black.
I don't know how long had it been, only that my eyelids struggled to open. When they did, it took me a second to adapt to the darkness and the very dim, golden light that emerged from the ground. I sat down as I shook my head to ease the stunned feeling.
"Where...am I?" I asked.
"I have brought you back to my Monastery." Answered the Father to my left and I sighed as my hand found my forehead and my eyes closed for a second.
"What happened?"
"My son broke the laws of time and showed you what you should never have seen." I frowned.
"I don't...remember."
"I have erased that time." My hand fell on my lap and my eyes snapped towards him again. "We shall never know."
"Anakin!" Allana's voice made my attention snap towards her. Thank the stars she's fine.
She parked the speeder she was driving and hopped off the vehicle, being followed by Obi-Wan. Both of them walked up to where I was and Lans offered a hand to help me stand. I took hers and, even if the touch was minimum and discrete, the traces she formed with her thumb around the knuckle of my thumb calmed me as I stood up. I wanted to hug her, she wanted too, I saw it in her eyes but right now we couldn't.
"Are you alright?" Asked Obi-Wan as we let go of each other as soon as I was standing.
"I think so." I answered. "But we must stop the Son once and for all."
"We have little time." Said the Father as he stood up too. "And you'll get only one chance. You know what you must do." I nodded as the only idea popped in my head. To kill him.
"How quaint." Said the Devil from above, making us all look at him. I felt Lana's unease and her fear. When I looked over my shoulder briefly and her eyes met mine, she breathed in.
"It's okay. I won't let him hurt you." I spoke in our heads and a small and quick comforting smile flashed through her lips.
"I know. And don't worry, I'll be brave...I hope" She said sweetly and I returned the gesture as I looked back at the Son again. He landed gracefully before us, like a feather of a bird hitting the ground.
"My own personal send-off." The Son added and a shiver went down my spine as his red eyes popped against the darkness in a way I've never seen before.
"I ask you one last time." His father spoke. "Do not leave, my son."
"You have no power to keep me, old man. You must understand by now, this planet is not my destiny."
"What you will do will destroy all that is good...I beg you, restrain yourself and stay." The Son shook his head and his eyes went from his father's to the ground for a second.
"I cannot."
"And then...it shall be. I love you, my son." The steps he took backwards were enough invitation for me.
"Do you?" I breathed in as I took my lightsaber from my belt and turned it on.
I attacked from left and right but the Son blocked my thrusts every time with his bare hands. In a second, he grabbed me by the neck and squeezed it, making me gasp and choke. As he lifted me up and my hand found his forearm, I heard Obi-Wan and Lana enlightening their own lightsabers.
From one moment to another, he threw me through the air and my body hit the ground painfully as I heard the lightsabers being turned off and how my wife and our friend screamed and grunted, when I looked up, I saw them colliding and rolling over the ground too. I also saw how the Father pulled the elegant dagger from his son's belt using the Force towards his hand.
"What?" Said the Son and my eyes went from them to my fellow Jedi and back to the Father and Son. The last one chuckled. "You're going to kill me now?" He asked as he threw the handles of Lans and my Master's weapons towards my position, couple yards away.
"I held hope that you could resist the Dark Side." Said the Father as he stared at the dagger. "But I see now...there is no going back." I frowned as he placed the elegant weapon against his abdomen.
"Father." The Son's whisper was mixed with his father's grunt as he made pressure with his own arms and caused the dagger to get through his skin. "No! What have you done?!" He embraced the Father quickly. "It did not have to be this way!" The Son pulled the dagger out and threw it opposite from me. It landed before Allana.
"Yes, my child, it did." They kneeled down as my eyes met hers. When her beautiful hazel orbs collided against mine, I nodded and she nodded back before she slowly and carefully started crawling towards the weapon. "You and I are tied together, and your strength runs through me. This way, I take your power." It clicked in my head. As the Father died, the Son became a mortal gradually.
"Please...don't die." He cried and it surprised me how a being as vile as him could cry.
"I always knew...there was good in you." There it is. The reason why the monster is able to cry. There's always good in it.
The Father pulled him for a hug and when his turquoise eyes met mine, I looked at Allana, who took the dagger and threw it at me with a grunt, I could sense the pain over the shoulder that once was broken and threw the weapon at me.
The grunt called the Son's attention and caused him to pull away from his father, but he couldn't act. I had already caught the weapon and was standing right behind him. In a blink, I stabbed him and he gasped. After another second, I pulled the dagger out and he collapsed into the Father's arms.
"And so you have betrayed me, Father." He gasped again and then, fell to the ground. As that happened, I dropped the dagger and kneeled before the Father.
"It is done." I said in a whisper.
"And now...I die." He said looking at me, then, at the corpse of his other child. "My heart broken, but knowing...the role...you will play." I frowned.
"And what is that?"
"You...are...the Chosen One. You have brought balance...to this world. Stay on this path...you will do it again...for the Galaxy. But beware your...heart." With that, he collapsed and fell too. What does that mean? How can mg heart be related to all this? I'll never know, only he knew the answer and there's no way he could answer now, for his corpse hit the ground in a second just to vanish and leave his clothes and hat behind. He evaporated away like ice on fire.
I closed my eyes as I stood up and Lans and Obi-Wan reached my side. I looked at them and they looked back at me as they pulled their lightsabers towards them using the Force and the unmistakable noise of rocks crumbling echoed all over the place. The planet is falling apart without the strength that kept it together.
A bright light above us shone and called our attention. The shiny prism that rested above the Monastery had fallen on the concrete and blew up. The chained explosions it caused were colourful and bright...too bright they were blinding. It was as when we arrived, everything was too white until it turned black.
"General Skywalker, come in." Said Rex's voice and I frowned as I struggled to open my eyelids.
"Master, do you read?" Asked Ahsoka as I incorporated and shook my head again.
"We read you Snips. Can you hear me?" I said.
"Yes Skyguy, standing by." She smiled and I returned the gesture as Lans and Obi-Wan groaned next to and behind me respectively. "We were worried."
"You were off the scopes there for a moment Generals." Rex commented and I frowned.
"A moment?" I also scoffed as my eyes met Naberrie's beside me.
"We've been gone more than a moment Rex." She said and my Captain and Commander frowned.
"Ma'am, I don't understand." Said Rexter.
"Yeah, me neither." Snips backed him up. "You'll need to explain." We chuckled.
"You wouldn't believe us if we told you. We're coming in now." They nodded and ended the transmission. Once the holograms were off, we all sighed.
"A moment huh?" Obi-Wan commented.
"Longest, most weird and traumatising moment of my life." Said Allana and I nodded.
"Yeah...I need a nap." I said.
"And I need a drink." Said my Master and I smiled.
"I could do both." Lans added and I chuckled as I piloted the shuttle towards the Jedi cruiser that's before us. "When we get back to Coruscant, drinks are on me."
"Deal. Dinner's on me." She nodded and we high-fived each other.
"Sounds like a plan." Obi-Wan said and sighed again.
"Yup." We said at the unison. "What a day huh?" I added.
"What a day." They commented as the ship landed in the hangar of the ship and we got ready to get to the bridge to head back home.
a/n: helloo everyone!! hope you're doing great and that everything in your lives is going smoothly. here's the closure of one of my favourite arcs in tcw, hope you enjoyed!
i'm dropping here to announce that i may be a little ia bc i'm in exams weeks. idk if i'll have time to write tbh, i'll make all i can y clear a spot in my schedule tho, i promise.
anyways, i hope you have a wonderful day/night/noon/afternoon/evening, whatever time it is wherever you are. sending u loads of love.
stay safe and drink water!! ilysm, see you soon
-fer xoxo
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