62: Darkness vs. Light, Death vs. Life
When Lana walked out, I laid down on the small bed and closed my eyes, I was truly exhausted. It took a while forme to fall completely asleep, but sooner than later, I was already dreaming, or so I felt. I started turning around on the bed constantly from left to right as I submerged in the darkness behind my eyelids.
"Anakin." A man said and I frowned. "Anakin. Anakin." My eyes snapped open and I incorporated to sit down with a gasp, placing my hands over my eyes. When I removed them, my frown increased. I was back at Mortis and before me, from behind the mist and across the river, a figure raised. I stood up as he walked through the water to meet me face to face. It was...me. "It's true what they say." He smirked. "You are the Chosen One." The comment was a bit...amusing. I smirked a bit. "Join me." He started to float and and he shape-shifted again, from me to his actual shape. The Son was now before me. "Together, we can change the balance of the universe...my friend."
"You must know I will never join the Dark Side willingly." I assured as an angry frown returned. He smiled and shook his head.
"How simple you make it...light and dark as if there is one without the other. Aligned, you and I can restore balance wherever we go, peace to the universe."
"By becoming a Sith. Never!" I turned around and started to walk away.
"We will destroy the Sith!" I continued my walk as I breathed in and made an effort to ignore him. "And the Jedi..." I turned around when I heard fire enlightening and felt it's strong heat. In that moment, the Son took his gargoyle form and roared. He flew towards me and opened his large mouth. I covered my face to protect myself and when I closed my eyes, awaiting for the impact. I opened them and gasped.
I looked around and I was back in the ship. I incorporated, panting and covered my face with my hands again for a second. In that moment, Lana was walking by. She stood by the door frame and frowned with worry.
"Were you having a nightmare?" She asked sweetly. I groaned as I placed my feet on the ground.
"Something like that." I stood up and in that moment, the ship jerked and rattled, making us hold on to the nearest thing we had in order not to fall down.
"If you're done napping, I could use a little help here." Said Obi-Wan from the cockpit. I walked out of the small room and stood by the entrance of the ship.
"I offered mine but you refused." Lans commented as we slowly walked into the cabin. I smiled.
"I wanted to give it a shot but I reached the same conclusion: I hate flying."
"Well, I'm here now." I commented as I reached the cockpit's entrance but stopped my movements when Allana gasped. My eyes opened wildly as she groaned and I slowly turned around. When I did, the Son was holding her by the neck and the door of the cockpit slid closed, leaving Obi-Wan on the other side.
"Leaving so soon?" He asked as Lans struggled to get away from his grip and I frowned as anger started to build up inside of me. He moved Allana around so that his scary eyes met her scared ones. I saw how he tightened his grip around her neck and heard her choking and yelping. The bruises on her neck from the previous choke attempt were still fresh and I could bet that what he's doing is hurting her terribly. "Not without this, you won't." Lans reached out for me and I extended my hand to grab hers as the emergency gate opened and he jumped out with her. She screamed as our fingers were merely inches away, she was out of my reach again.
"Lana!" Her screamed echoed loudly and then the gate closed, muting them. The gate of the cockpit opened again and I rushed inside and sat on the co-pilot seat.
"What's going on?" Asked Obi-Wan. It seems that he didn't hear what had happened.
"The Son took Allana." I clicked a few buttons and his attention snapped towards me.
"What in the blazes are you talking about?" A worried frown appeared on his features.
"Move. Let me fly." I won't loose her. That's not happening. I trespassed the controls from the pilot to the co-pilot's and turned the ship around and downwards trying to spot the gargoyle who had taken my wife hostage.
In no time, I spotted him, flying through the tall columns made out of rock. He started flying faster but I was hot on his heels. From one moment to another, I had to fly in zig-zag as I avoided the impact against the columns. In less than a second, the gargoyle flapped his wings and got lost in the mist.
Worry filled my body as well as Obi-Wan's. His eyes met mine concerned before I frowned, tightened my teeth together and my grip around the controls and flew into the mist too.
Few seconds later, a huge tower appeared before us. It seemed like a scepter and it held a glowing, green sphere. I continued to fly towards it and tried to spot the Son but couldn't see a thing.
"Look out." Said Obi-Wan but I didn't listen, my eyes kept on scanning the place until he pulled his controls to the side and moved the ship, once we had avoided the impact, I pulled the controls towards my right again, but it didn't go as planned. We crashed.
The ship moved terribly as we collided against the ground for an entire minute. My head moved forward and to the sides drastically and made me feel as if my neck was being snapped while Obi-Wan moved forward and hit his head with the wheel.
When the ship finally stopped, the electricity zapped and crackled, indicating that everything was fried. I rubbed the back of my neck as my Master incorporated and sat properly. In a second, hie eyes met mine with an angry look I know quite well.
"I didn't think you saw it." He sarcastically commented as he stood up.
"It was a giant tower! Of course I saw it!" I stood up too and we started to walk out of the crashed ship carefully. "Any sign of him?" I asked as soon as we had walked outside. He stood in place and looked around.
"No." My eyes scanned the dark area too. "But I think it's obvious where he's taken her." I frowned as my eyes met the tower that stands tall at the distance and breathed in as I started walking.
"We must hurry." He placed himself in front of me and placed his hands on my shoulders, stopping my movements.
"Anakin, this wasn't a mistake. He brought us here for a reason. We must not get involved." I looked at him, not believing what he's saying. "Any conflict here could have dramatic repercussions for the universe at large." I closed my eyes and thought, he was right but...
"I don't care." I opened my eyes and met his again, then, I resumed my walk. "He's too powerful and...she's terrified him, I saw it...I can sense it. I know you know that. I won't leave her alone." He grabbed my forearm and turned me around to face him again.
"We are in the middle of something we don't truly understand." I turned around as worry flooded me and faced the building. "We'd be wise to confer with the Father first." I turned back around.
"There's no time."
"This is what he wants, to divide us."
"It's my fault he took her!"
"You must feel how strong this part of the planet is with the Dark Side. The Father will know what to do." He turned around to walk back into the ship. "Besides, Allana is strong, one of the strongest Jedi I've ever met, she'll be just fine. Now, we have to hurry up and find him." I sighed.
"He can't help us." I stablished and started walking towards the building to save my Angel, who has now fallen into the hands of the Devil.
After all the flying, the strangling, the screaming and the pain, the Son locked me in a dark dungeon. My wrists and ankles were chained and I couldn't get free, no matter how hard I pulled my extremities to try and break the locks. I groaned annoyed and in pain as I imagined how new bruises will stain my skin soon.
"You cannot keep me here! You hear me?!" I yelled with a broken throat that made my voice raspy.
"Save your energy." Said a small creature to my right, making me jump. "You have been left to die." I frowned and pulled my hands towards me again.
"Then I...will...escape." I told him as I strained.
"Impossible." He chuckled. "I have been here for more years that I care to remember."
"I am a Jedi and I was taught not to give up easily."
"Jedi? Huh. You seem quite young for being called Jedi. Aren't you just a Padawan that ended up all alone?" I frowned.
"I am not a Padawan. I stopped being one long ago and...I'm not alone." I pulled my knee up to make an attempt at freeing my left leg.
"Then where are your fiends?" He started to climb the wall I was chained to.
"Surely coming for me."
"And if they do not?" He placed his face really close to mine, it made me look away.
"They will!"
"What makes you so sure?" He...somehow, unlocked the chains and my wrists were released with a mechanical whirr, then, I bent down and made an effort to release my ankles, thankfully, he helped again. I sighed.
"Thank you."
"The chains. The chains are the easy part." 'Easy.' Yeah right. "It's what goes on in here that's hard." He said pointing at his head. "Don't you see? You are alone now. If you are to survive..." He grabbed my wrist. "You must forget them. Your friend and your lover." I frowned and my head ached a bit, making me hold my forehead with my hand.
"What did you say?" He didn't answer, instead, he pulled my arm and bit me, making me yelp and pull away. When I looked at my arm, his teeth had broken the dark, marine blue leather of my glove and the dark grey armour all they way to my skin. The bite looked hideous and when my blood crawled out of my skin it looked darker than what it should be. It was a darker red, then brown and then...black? "What have you done?" I asked as I felt something...warm ticking and spreading underneath my skin like poison. My body started to go against me and my knees felt weak.
"You are mine now." Said the creature as I kneeled on the ground and fell completely, closing my eyes and feeling my blood extremely warm against my cold skin. In a second, everything was too cold but my eyes snapped open. I had now a purpose. "Rise my child." I stood up slowly feeling odd. I felt a strength I've only experienced whenever I let the darkness that's inside of me out in moments of desperation. I looked at the Son and he smiled."I have a mission for you."
"Tell me Master." My voice was lower than usual and sinister...like his.
"You must convince the Chosen One to join me." The door of the dungeon opened and we walked out. I placed my hands behind my back as we walked. "Go to the courtyard and wait there for his arrival."
"Of course Master. I'll convince him, after all, you only want what's best for the universe, am I right?"
"Indeed." We arrived at the courtyard and walked towards the tree that rests in the middle of the place. "Wait here and do as I told you." I nodded and he walked away as I kneeled on the ground and closed my eyes to meditate. "Perhaps you could tell him to join you." I smiled and continued my meditation where the waves of the ocean were aggressive but instead of concerning me, they calmed me now.
As I did, I sensed Adi Gallia, she was concerned and her chest hurt, I could see her clear as water, how she wondered what had happened to the old Allana, her apprentice. Huh. What a shame. I also sensed Obi-Wan and his worry too. Anakin was closer and he'd arrive any minute now. He had a surprising rollercoaster inside of his head, for some reason, it matched mine.
I felt...conflict inside of me. A part wanted to fight the Dark Side's poison and another embraced it. I frowned. I felt the darkness helped me more than the light and at the end...I let it fill me up at the point where I felt as if a part of me died.
I heard the Son, my new Master's voice in my head making a deep promise that froze my blood in case Anakin didn't join him and told me to tell him, then, he whispered every way in which I've been let down and I've felt small because of others and I accepted them, he was right. Everything he said was right.
Anakin had left about ten minutes ago, leaving me behind. I felt uneasy, stressed, anxious. I care about both of them deeply and I know they share a bond that no one else does, they've grown up together and care about one another in a way I've never seen before in the Jedi Order. I saw that since the first assault of Geonosis, when Allana fell from the gunship and Anakin tried to save her. I knew then about the way they...love each other but I've decided not to pay attention, for their sake.
She's a little bit more patient than he is and she knows she has to do her duty but I also know that if the roles were inverted, she'd try to save him too. I sighed as I paced around, from one side to another, before the entrance of the crashed ship.
"Anakin...always on the move." I said to myself. I looked at the tower. "How do I even find the Father?" I brushed my beard as I thought and tried to come up with a plan. As my mind raced, I realised a bright light started to grow from behind and made my shadow appear on the ground.
I frowned as I turned around and my mouth opened as I saw the glimmer shining bright on top of a cliff. When my eyes analysed the structure, I realised I was standing at the very bottom of the Monastery. Perhaps, I can find my answers there.
I started to run uphill and upstairs as fast as I could. When I arrived, I saw the Son attacking the Father with the Force lightning, although they were different, instead of being blue, they were...red.
The Father was thrown off the stairs and rolled over the ground. I approached him with worry.
"I hate you!" Yelped the Son before he roared and transformed into a gargoyle that flew above me. I turned around to watch him fly away as the Daughter called her Father and started running towards us. I bent down beside the unconscious man as she placed his head over her lap.
She took him inside and to a large room, where she placed him down and started moving her hands above his head and chest.
"We will leave him to rest." The Daughter informed.
"I must talk to him." I said.
"Not until he's stronger."
"But your brother is losing himself to the Dark Side. He's taken our friend."
"Then he must have his reasons."
"The same reason he had for attempting to murder your father?"
"He would never do such a thing." She shook her head as her eyes reflected surprise, pain...and a glimmer of hope that there's good in him.
"But I saw him."
"It is not his fault. My nature is to do what is selfless, my brother's will always be to do what is selfish." She frowned.
"Then know you must help us."
"I cannot interfere with the ways of the Force." She stood up and started to walk away. "My Father forbids it." I watched her walk from the spot I was sitting.
"Your brother will flee this place wreak havoc on the universe. You and Anakin combined have the power to stop him." She looked over her shoulder and her gaze met mine. The words sank into her head. I knew she knows what's the right thing to do.
"Come with me." I stood up and started walking behind her.
We walked outside of the Monastery and the night was long gone. After thirty minutes of walk, we arrived at the entrance of a cave. She guided me in and there was no need for light, the one emitted by her aura was enough for me to see. We stopped walking at the edge of the cliff and when I looked down, my eyes opened wildly as I spotted tall columns of rock, like the ones Anakin dodged as we chased the Son, growing out of a turquoise mist.
In the column that's in the middle, rested a circle of green fire that protected something. An altar. I frowned as I followed behind the Daughter again, downstairs until we arrived at the bottom of the staircase.
"I can go no further." She informed. "When you reach the altar, it will give you what you need." I shook my head. My eyes glued to the fire and what it surrounds. A 3D pyramid eclipsed something...
"I...I don't understand."
"He who wields the blade will be able to control my brother." I looked at her and back at the front. I breathed in before I jumped towards the next platform. When my feet hit the rock, it descent until I was before the pyramid.
I walked up to it and the rocks moved to a side, letting the handle be seen. I hesitated before I grabbed it and pulled it out of the small gravitational field it was floating on. Green flames covered it until they vanished and revealed a rock blade. I looked up and when the Daughter's eyes met mine, she nodded. I breathed in and nodded back. This was necessary. Now, I have to reach Anakin.
Arriving at the tower was the easiest part but climbing to the top was getting complicated and unfortunately, it wasn't even the top, top of the tower. Just the lower level. It took me twenty minutes to get there.
When I placed my feet on the ground again, I panted and looked up, spotting the largest part of the building and calculated how long would it take to get there. Perhaps twenty more minutes.
I frowned as I ran towards the wall to start climbing and, as I did, I realised something: Lana was no longer scared but conflicted. That could mean a few things: 1) she fell asleep and is having nightmares, 2) she escaped and is trying to reach an entrance with no use or...I didn't want to even think of it. I don't even know. I sighed. "I'm almost there." I said out loud, assuring it to myself and to her even if she couldn't hear me.
After forty minutes instead of twenty. I reached a large courtyard. It was dark, the plants were dead and in the middle, rested a tree with dry leaves. At the bottom of it was Lans. She was sitting down, not moving. It seemed as if she was meditating and calmed but her feelings were a rollercoaster that I cannot describe.
"Allana." I called but she didn't turn around. "Lana, it's me. You're safe now. Let's go." She didn't move as I nervously looked around for any signs of the Son.
"Do you...love me Ani?" She asked without facing me. I frowned. Her tone of voice was different.
"What?" I scoffed. As if she didn't know that. I tell her almost every single day. "Of course Smarty. Of course I love you. Now let's get out of here."
"He's right." Her voice was colder. "Right about everything." She finally stood up and turned around to face me. "You must join him. He only wants what's best for the universe." I frowned. She was acting strange but the light didn't help me to spot what was wrong with her.
"Hey, what's the matter? What's wrong with you?" She rolled her eyes. A glimmer in them was different too.
"Always with the criticism, Ani. You know? I'm sick of it. You never believe me, nor trust me...you think I'm weak."
"What are you even talking about?"
"You perfectly know what I'm talking about." She snapped. "You always need to be protecting me, you doubt my power, my strength...you think I always need saving, that I need you. Well...I don't. Not anymore." Her words were like blades getting stuck in my chest.
"Allana...Lana, listen to me. He has done something to you, snap out of it. This isn't you, I know it."
"Do you now?" She looked deeply into my eyes and I realised the hazel had turned into yellow with hints of orange and red. Her stare made my blood freeze. "Isn't it who I am? I feel more like myself than ever have. My old Master always said there's darkness within us but that we must ignore it and I tried all the time but now...I am not. I'm using it and it is...liberating. It gives me focus, power, strength...you should try it love." She smiled wildly. Her expressions were the ones of a mad person, someone who has lost all sanity. After a short pause, she sighed. "On another note. He asked me to deliver you a message." She went completely serious all of the sudden. "He said, if you don't join him...he will kill me." My heart skipped a beat as she smiled and laughed like a maniac.
"I won't let him." She went serious again. "And I won't join him, Allana we can find a solution, I'm sure of it."
"What if you join me Anakin?" She walked down the staircase to reach my side but stood over the high ground. "We could be together if we join him and no one would dare to tell us anything. We won't have to lie...to live a lie. We wouldn't have to run away, we could make things like we want them to be." She smiled and I frowned.
"I...I can't do that." Her smile faded away and an angry frown appeared on her features. "That will only harm us, our marriage, everything." She rolled her eyes.
"Then you will be forced to kill me." She extended her hand and the handle of her lightsaber flew from the belt to her palm. When she grabbed it, she turned it on and the whitish violet blade enlightened slowly as I frowned and shook my head. "The long awaited duel darling, let's see who has the last win." She spinned the lightsaber in her hand and jumped towards me.
I took my lightsaber from my belt and turned it on to block her attack. When I started going backwards and she gained ground, she thrusted from the right, so, I blocked quickly.
She attacked mercilessly, like I've seen her fight Ventress or Dooku when she's angry, like she fights when she's pissed...she was attacking to kill. To kill me.
I tried to avoid her attacks and struggled a lot, I do not want to fight her, this is not a duel like the ones we did when we were younger, no, this was a different fight. A life or death fight and defending myself was getting more and more complicated with every second that went by.
The Daughter guided me through the main entrance of the tower we almost crashed. The place where the Son resides. It was dark and illuminated by the yellowish light that filtrates through the window mosques. And there he was, standing tall and giving us his back as he faced the window and stood beside his throne.
"Sister." He whispered as we walked up to where he was. "What a pleasant surprise. And you brought a friend."
"What have you done Brother?" She asked him.
"Done?...I've done what is right...or what is wrong." He smiled with arrogance as he walked towards the throne. "Depending on your point of view." He sat down and laced his fingers before him.
"Our father is dying. Did you do it?" I frowned.
"He is just so selfish and was taking too long to die, so...I decided to move things along. Now...why are you here?"
"I won't let you leave this planet."
"You're not strong enough to keep me here." He stood up and I stepped forward.
"Not alone, she isn't." I commented.
"Are you referring to your friend, the Chosen One?" He stood up and walked to the window again. "You might want to check up on him." Worry flooded me. I looked at him, the window and back at him. "He's a little...preoccupied right now." I frowned more and ran towards the courtyard and with every step, the grunts, groans, growls, screams and the crashing of the lightsabers echoed louder and louder.
Violet and blue crashed above our heads as she thrusted down once more and I blocked, groaning in the process.
"I don't wanna fight you Lana." I said as she attacked me three more times from above, left and right. Suddenly, she did a backflip and kicked my jaw from underneath strongly, sending me backwards and knocked the lightsaber off my hand. She laughed.
"And now...I shall kill you. That's poetic. A very dark and twisted version of Romeo and Juliet but...instead of ending in the death of both of us...only the Knight will die in this story." She sighed. "I thought it'd be harder." She laughed again. "Guess I am able to fight much larger opponents than me and found your weakness Skywalker." I frowned and extended my hand as I spit the blood that was accumulated in my mouth and pulled the handle of my weapon back to me with the help of the Force.
I looked up and saw her jumping towards me again. As I turned my lightsaber on, she did the same in the air and the blades crashed hardly once more.
"Getting head of yourself, aren't you, Smarty? I thought the nickname fit you." I teased.
"Stop calling me that! I hate it when you call me that!" She turned to the left and attacked me under her arm gracefully from a side but I blocked that one too quickly. She turned around again bent down to attack my feet but I jumped and spinned my lightsaber to move my wrist, that was starting to ache.
As soon as I placed the lightsaber before me she hit me hardly and the lightsabers collided for the thousandth time in ten minutes. I moved the blade of my weapon in a circle and then up, throwing the saber off of her hand.
As it was in the air, she frowned and ran towards me, and used my torso to get momentum. She placed her feet over me and then stepped on my shoulders to jump, like she did on a pair training session as kids in order to beat two of our mates.
I turned around to watch her land on her feat, stand up slowly and extend a hand to reach up, in a second, the curved handle landed on her palm. She slowly turned it on again as I heard another lightsaber being enlightened, I looked over my shoulder to find Obi-Wan reaching my side. Thank God he's alive and here.
When our eyes met, he was worried, maybe not as worried as me, but worried, at the end, they have a quite strong friendship. Allana laughed as we looked at her.
"Well, well, well. Master Kenobi is here." She sighed as she spinned the saber around and adopt the reverse grip. "Two Jedi...finally a challenge." She jumped back down and started to attack us by times, spinning around, pushing us away using the Force, kicking and punching our bodies and faces.
She was fighting Obi-Wan quickly but he blocked every attack with his perfect defence, when he spinned out of the fight, I stepped in and attacked her from above. She kneeled down as she blocked and when she jumped backwards to break the engagement of the blades, I pushed her using the Force, causing her to stick the violet blade on the ground to stop being thrown through the air. I took advantage of that to look at Obi-Wan.
"Any suggestions?" I asked annoyed, angry, worried and hurt.
"Yes." He moved a hand to the back of his belt and grabbed a handle of something. "We cut her free." He extended his hand and a rock blade grew out of turquoise flames, creating a sword.
"What is that?"
"It can kill the Son." Allana growled behind me and my attention snapped towards her.
"Where did you get that?" She asked with an echo on her voice that made her sound like a projection from the underworld and made the blood of my veins freeze again. "Give it to me!" She ran towards us to get the rock sword, so, the battle was resumed.
As we fought and defended ourselves from her, the glass above us broke. When we looked up, we saw how the Daughter and the Son flew out of the window and the amount of sharpened glass that fell alongside them.
We ran to avoid the pieces of the broken window and fell to the ground in the process. I was exhausted.
"So glad you could make it to our little party, Father." Said the Son as I stood up. I saw how he threw a variation of the Force lightning to him but he blocked his attack.
"You will stop this." The Father commanded.
"You are too weak for me, old man." He intensified the attack and I saw how the Father started to slip through the ground as he made an effort to make his legs stand their ground. "You mean nothing to me anymore." Few seconds later, the father was thrown through the air and rolled over the ground. The Son floated gracefully towards his position and walked a few steps before he attacked his father once more.
"Anakin, now!" Obi-Wan called my attention and threw the the dagger at me. I extended my hand but before I could catch it, Allana jumped out of nowhere and caught it midair, rolled over the ground, and once she was considerably away from my position, she stood up and walked slowly towards the Son. After she had jumped to stand beside him, she looked over her shoulder and smiled as she held the sword in her hand and her lightsaber in the other one. I frowned as she stood up.
The Son stopped attacking the Father to turn at her. When their eyes met, she stood up.
"Everything has transpired exactly as I planned." He said with an air of victory all over him that made my blood boil. The Father slowly stood up with a worried and surprised expression written all over his face.
"You...showed them the Altar?" Asked he to his daughter, who stood up with Obi-Wan's help.
"I am sorry Father." She said. "I didn't know how else to stop him."
"Give it to me child." He ordered Lana, who looked over her shoulder to meet my gaze again. This time, a subtle frown appeared on her face and I understood that a part of her doesn't want to do as he says but the control he has over her right now is pushing her to do so.
"Allana, don't." She looked down and tightened her grip around the handle of the sword and I could sense conflict inside of her but it stopped when she looked up and extended the sword for the Son to take it. When he had it in his power he admired it with an arrogant smile.
"Thank you." Said he as he moved the sword to check its balance. "Your usefulness has come to an end." I frowned as he extended his hand and touched Lana's forehead. In a second, she fell and her body hit the ground with a thud. When the handle of her weapon rolled a few inches over the ground, her chest was not moving up and down and the light of her eyes vanished before they closed, I knew what he had done. He killed her.
"NO!" I yelled with all the strength I had left and let all the air out of my lungs out of my lungs as a heavy pain pressed my chest. I started running towards their position to a) avenge her death and b) hold her and pray to the stars for her to come back. But he pushed me away using the Force, making me roll over the ground.
"The Jedi have brought me the dagger." Said the Son, turning around to face the Father as I looked up, trying to find more strength to get up. Unfortunately, it quickly evaporated away hen I saw her corpse on the ground. "And you have brought yourself. Now Father, you will die." He raised his hands to stab the Father and I saw how the Daughter stood up completely, getting out of Obi-Wan's grip.
"Father!" She yelped and ran to stand before him, getting stabbed instead. She gasped as the bright light her skin, hair and clothing had started to fade away and her brother grunted frustrated and looked at his hands that now were stained with two different shades of blood.
"WHY?!" He yelled almost as strongly as I did. The thunder rumbled as he jumped and transformed into a gargoyle midair before he started to fly away. When he was out of my sight, I looked at Lana and ran towards her.
I left my lightsaber on the ground as I carried her and placed her over my lap and brushed the curly locks that had fallen over her face away. I felt my lungs collapsing, the air couldn't get in or out, my throat closed and formed a knot inside of it that hurt as hell...one of my biggest fears had come true. I've lost her. No, no, I haven't. She can't be gone. Not yet. Not when we still have a lot to do.
"Hey, hey, Lana." I shook her before I pulled her up and her head fell back, she was like a rag doll. "Allana please." I looked to the left at Obi-Wan and he had a frown of sadness on his face that could match mine. His eyes were glued to her before he looked at me. I knew his head was blank like mine, we don't know what to do. I let out a shaker breath as I looked back at my Angel. "Wake up. Please wake up." I whispered as the Father blamed himself as the Daughter coughed and begged him not to hate his son, that it was his nature.
"All is lost." The Father said and he was right. Not only because balance was fading away but because I had lost my everything. "Balance has been broken. I thought by bringing you here, I would..." I looked at him as I hugged my wife. "But I have destroyed everything." I knew I didn't have any idea on how to help Lana but I was certain of two things: 1) I couldn't let her go yet and 2) there was a way...there's always a way. I breathed in and let out a quiet sob as the knot in my throat made it hard to speak.
"Can you help her?" I asked.
"There is no light." He looked up at me. "The evil has been unleashed, and the Dark Side shall consume her." I shook my head as I pulled her close to me.
"You must help her!" The pain in my voice broke through.
"I cannot undo what is done. There is no hope."
"Yes, there is! There's always hope!" The tears formed in my eyes as I met her closed ones. Her skin started to go from pale to grey slowly. When I looked up, the Daughter reached for her father's face and then pointed at Lana. He looked at the Daughter, me, at Lana and then at the ground. I placed Lan's body carefully on the ground and stood up when he did.
He stood in font of the two women and invited me to stand before him. When I did, he placed a hand on my shoulder and pressed it down, asking me to kneel, and I did. I closed my eyes and focused...not really knowing in what. The only thing that was in my head was the image of my beloved, with eyes full of life, popped in my head.
"Then let my daughter's last act be to breathe life into...your friend." My body started to be maneuverered by the Father, I could sense him moving my arms as if I was a puppet. My arms were extended and then the right one touched the Daughter's forehead and the left one touched Lana's a second later.
I felt an insane amount of power flooding me, something I've never felt before. I felt it floating through my body from right to left and I felt it flooding my Angel's body. It was so much strength it was overwhelming...it was too much for me that after ten seconds I had to let go of them and catch my breath.
I immediately looked at Lana, her eyes were still not opening. Open your eyes, open your eyes, please...look at me, Lana looked at me...breathe. I begged in my head and she still wasn't doing a thing. I wrapped my arms around her and pulled her close. Her head rested on my shoulder and her face in the crook of my neck.
Few seconds went by when I felt her lungs filling in with air. She inhaled and started coughing as I pulled away to watch her eyes glimmer with life again. In less than a second, I pulled her close again feeling her breath tickling the skin that's behind my ear. I pulled away again, smiled and laughed softly at her.
"Hey Smartass." She smiled weakly as her hand found my arm. Her eyelids struggled to remain open.
"What's going on dumbass?" Her hazel gaze went from mine to Obi-Wan's, who smiled softly at her with relief.
"Uh, not much." I answered with honesty and her eyes traveled to mine. The green lights of the lampposts made the few shades of green her eyes hold pop. "It's good to see you." I stood up and helped her stand, she seemed dizzy because her hand squeezed my skin to maintain her balance. Obi-Wan picked our lightsabers from the ground and handed them over.
"As the balance in this world crumbles." Said the Father as we clipped the handles on our belts and turned around to face him. "So shall war escalate in your galaxy." He bent down beside the lifeless body of his daughter. "As my son has descended into the Dark Side, so have the Sith gained strength." I frowned.
"We will stop your son." I said with determination as anger filled me up. I'm going to make him pay for what he did.
"No. You must go now. He needs your ship to leave the planet. You must leave before he can take it."
"What about you?" Obi-Wan asked.
"I shall mourn all that I have done...and all that is yet to be." His eyes were glued to the Daughter as we started to walk away from where they were.When we reached the stairs Allana stopped and turned around, I could assume things clicked in her head.
"I'm sorry for your loss." She told the Father, then, she sighed. "I will always be thankful to her for this. Always." He nodded.
"Go." She nodded back and resumed her walk.
Allana had a hard time walking, so, we went slowly. I didn't know if I should help her or not. Everything she said...I don't think she's weak and I don't doubt her power and her strength, I just want her to be safe. I've tried to be less protective of her but I simply don't wanna loose her.
Obi-Wan was ahead and she was beside me. We weren't talking as the clouds flooded the sky and he screamed and cried making thunders rumble and rain pour.
"I'm sorry." She whispered and I looked at her as the rain fell on us.
"What?" I asked.
"I'm sorry." I frowned as we approached the ship. "Uh...before I continue my apology, what the hell happened to the ship?"
"Isn't it obvious? It crashed."
"It crashed or you crashed?" I chuckled and she smiled.
"I...crashed, well, Obi-Wan also crashed." She chuckled. "Good thing is that we can repair it...as soon as the rain ends. I mean...hopefully." She nodded as she looked at my Master walking into the ship, then, her eyes met mine and they were flooded with tears and they were red, meaning she had been crying but thanks to the rain I couldn't tell which ones were the salty water drops. I frowned. "Hey..." She approached me and hugged me, so, I hugged her back and felt her sob against my chest as I stroked her hair under the rain.
"I'm sorry."
"It's okay, it's-"
"Just listen to me."
"Alright." She pulled away and her gaze met mine. She breathed in as she found the words to express herself.
"I'm sorry. I know it was the poison talking but I am aware of everything I said and everything I did and the way that hurt you. I do need you and I love you, more than all the power of the world. I wouldn't be able to live without you and I know you only want what's best for me...for us and I don't hate it when you call me Smarty." I smiled and she smiled back. Every word she spoke remove the blades the previous ones stuck on my chest and made me feel relieved. "I like it, it makes me remember that I'm the smart one of the group." I punched her arm playfully and she chuckled. "I know that you don't think I'm weak but I must admit that...sometimes I feel weak with all the protecting and I know you don't mean for me to feel like that."
"Never. Allana, I think you're the strongest woman alive. You've been through so much and I'm aware that everything you did was under his influence." I frowned. "I can sense you're scared." She nodded. "Because of him?"
"Yeah, and because I have been thinking that you could...feel differently about me."
"No, no, no, why would you think that?"
"Because of what I said." I opened my mouth to complain but she extended her hand and made me shut up. "I know you know. But words are the blade that cuts deeper than any other." I shook my head. I looked at the sip and Obi-Wan was still nowhere in sight, so, I stepped closer to her and placed my hands on her neck, right underneath her jawline and started tracing circles on her cheeks.
"Nothing, and listen carefully, nothing could ever change the way I feel about you. Specially when it was the Dark Side speaking and not you." Her eyes flooded with tears. "I sensed the conflict within you as we fought, you didn't want to do it. He used you and he made you say things you didn't mean and I know it, okay? I love you no matter what."
"All I want is your love okay? I kinda need it at this point." I chuckled.
"And I need yours." I hugged her again. "I really thought I had lost you." I breathed in as I felt her with me. Alive. "That won't happen again...I couldn't live with it." She pulled away to look at me.
"You won't have to, you'll deal with me for the rest of your life and perhaps in the afterlife too." I smiled.
"That would be my pleasure." She smiled and I quickly pressed my lips against hers, feeling teardrops falling from her eyes into it but I didn't care. I pulled away after a few seconds and she smiled. "Now, rain will go on for a while and you could use some rest." She sighed and nodded.
We finally walked into the ship and dried our clothes with towels that are kept in the small closet of the ships, then, she grabbed my robe and put it on to lay down on the small bed that's in the ship. Sooner than later, she fell asleep and I sat there for five minutes to watch her get lost in dreams peacefully, making sure to see how the air filled her lungs as she inhaled and went out as she exhaled.
I kissed her forehead before I walked out, feeling calm at the fact that she's with me again.
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