61: Overloads

a/n: the Mortis arc will have different pov's at the same time in the same chapter. These may be some of the longest chapters because of that. enjoy!
- m xoxo



  Everything was dark. I had no idea where I was nor what time it was and it was cold, freezing cold. That meant I was scared, I know the feeling a little too well. I felt like this when I was away from my mother, when I dreamt of her, whenever I've been close to loosing Lana, Obi-Wan or Ahsoka, even Padmé...I hated this feeling.

  I couldn't see a thing, until, I saw myself: I was nine again and I was wearing those old clothes that always smelled like sand and itched my skin. I could see the face of my younger self, he was scared like hell and I couldn't do anything. He moved slowly past me and then, out of nowhere, the unmistakable noise a lightsaber does whenever it's being enlightened echoed in the dark and empty place making me jump. That's when I remembered.

  A constant nightmare I had when I was a kid. I've never known what it means...what it could mean, and no one knows I had it. Only Mom did and the secret is buried with her. A scarlet red light illuminated the area and the silhouette of a man as tall as me with a shining black armour and a helmet that made his breath sound like a deadly whisper approached the young Anakin. I tried to move and help him but I couldn't, I was stuck, I couldn't do a thing.

  I was only able to watch how the man approached him and with a thrust of his lightsaber killed him. I screamed my lungs out but the scream was muted. I couldn't even hear myself but it seemed like he could. The attention of the man snapped towards me and he approached me slowly. When he was in front of me, he moved his hands towards his helmet and took it off. The breather stopped making his breath sing a deadly lullaby and when his eyes met mine I shook my head and wanted to scream again.

  Those were my eyes, but at the same time...they weren't. They were red, yellow, orange...the eyes of a Sith. We had the same face, we were the same person. He was me...or I was him.

"No." I said. "No, no, no." I repeated and then, he stabbed me. My body burned and I screamed, then, I woke up.

  "Anakin." Said Lana's voice as my eyes adapted to the darkness of our bedroom. "Ani, love, you're okay, it's okay." She brushed my hair gently as my breath felt heavy and then regulated as she kissed my forehead. "Shh, shh. It's okay." My hands found hers and then I moved to recline my head on her chest and listen to her heartbeat, it always calms me down but was fast, I scared her.

"Sorry." I whispered as I inhaled her sweet strawberry scent, that holds hints of mint. "I woke you up."

"It's okay, I don't mind." Another kiss on the top of my head. "You have nothing to apologise for. We've talked about this, nightmares are normal."

"But not for a Jedi. Nightmares mean predictions." My heart grew small was I thought of what I had seen.

"Not always, Ani." She breathed in and her heartbeat calmed down, the steady noise relaxed mine. "Not always." She kissed my forehead again as I hugged her tightly and she brushed my hair gently. She whispered how everything was fine and asked me to sleep again. I breathed in and closed my eyes again, hoping not to dream like that again.
"It's a simple song." I breathed out as she started singing a random song we heard on the radio constantly and that we liked. "Won't stop the rain from coming down, or your heart from breaking." I breathed in and out slowly as her sleepy voice sang the soft lullaby for my nightmares o go away. "It's a simple song." I smiled. "It's never gonna turn this day around...or stop the earth from shaking..." She whispered until her words faded into the silence.


  I don't know how long it had been until I opened my eyes again. The daylight was bright and indicated a new day had begun again. Lana was still hugging me and I was hugging her. I looked up and her features were relaxed. I love that view so much. What I hated were the bruises on her neck.

  I moved slowly out of her embrace in order not to wake her up and kiss her forehead. Around the third kiss, she woke up. I always make her wake up like this. When her honey eyes met mine, she smiled.

"Hi." She said with her raspy morning voice.

"Hi." I whispered and kissed her forehead a fourth time. "Happy birthday and...sorry about last night."

"Thank you and I already told you, I don't care. It's fine." I moved to my spot of the bed and reclined my back on the headboard. "Do you wanna talk about it?" I looked at her and sighed, I don't need to hide this from her.

"I used to have this...dream almost all the time as a kid. There was a guy in an armour and...he chased after me, he wanted to get me." She frowned and I felt bad for not telling her the rest, but I feared to say it because it could become real. "I don't know what it means but it scares me." I lied a bit and scoffed. "I haven't dreamt that for years." Lana smiled sweetly.

"If it hasn't been constant throughout the years then it's just a dream." I smiled back.

"I hope so." She leaned closer and kissed me lips tenderly, when she pulled away I smiled and sighed. "We have to go to work right?" She nodded as she sighed as well and stood up. Gathering all my will power, I stood up too and walked towards my side of the closet to grab my boring but comfortable clothes and put them on as she got dressed as well. She grabbed one of her turtlenecks to cover the marks around her neck.

  When we were done, I prepared some coffee while she prepared the sandwiches we'd eat on our way to the Temple. As we arrived 'separately', our respective Masters summoned us to the Council's Chambers. We frowned but did as they said in anyway.

  Once we were standing before the Council, we were informed that they received a mysterious message from beyond the Outer Rim, but they cannot explain why and from where the call was coming. They also said that a Jedi distress code, that hasn't been used in over two thousand years, was buried deep within the call. That certainly was concerning, so, they dispatched Obi-Wan, Allana and I to investigate. After that Gallia, Obi-Wan and Snips wished Lans a happy birthday.

  I told Ahsoka to command the troops with Rex because something told me that it could be a Separatist trap, after all, Dooku was once one of us, he could know, so, she followed my instruction.

As soon as we walked into the ship, we took our usual seats and I piloted the vessel out of the planet's atmosphere and set the coordinates, when everything was ready, I pulled the leaver and we jumped into hyperspace.

  More or less an hour went by and we arrived at the rendezvous point but there was no signal of the cruiser. I thought that because we travel in a smaller ship, we got here before, at the end, calculating the exact point where you could jump out of hyperspace was a little tricky. We decided to wait but after five minutes, I contacted them.

"Ahsoka, Ahsoka, can you read me?" I asked and sooner than later, her hologram and Rex's appeared before us. I sighed with relief. "We're at the rendezvous point awaiting your arrival. Where are you?" They looked at each other and back at me.

"Master...we are at the rendezvous point and there's no sign of you on our scanners." Said Snips and my eyes met Lana's, who frowned with worry and confusion.

"Oh, come on. That's impossible." Said she.

"Something's wrong." I said. "We're at the exact coordinates where the distress signal originated but there's nothing here." I added as I looked at the navi-computer. "Ahsoka and Rex are at the exact same coordinates and they're not here."

"This is getting interesting." Said Obi-Wan behind me.

"We're unable to find you. Where are you sir?" Asked Rex's distorted voice, we were loosing the transmission.

"Something's blocking the signal." Allana informed as she looked at the scanners before her. I'm not liking this. Suddenly, the power of the ship went down completely. "Not good" She added as she clicked buttons trying to figure out what the hell was going on with no use.

"Everything's dead, even the life support." Obi-Wan informed standing up and placing himself in between Lans and I.

"Hmm, this is really strange." I commented looking at them both. In within seconds, the everything powered back up.

"There, see?" My Master said with a smile. "Nothing to be concerned about after all" He added, trying to maintain his positivism. My eyes met my wife's and she sent me a smile and then one to Obi-Wan but as soon as her eyes met the front again, the beautiful gesture faded away.

"Then what the heck is that?" She asked and our attention snapped towards what she was pointing at. I felt concerned as a 3D diamond appeared out of the blue and was floating in the middle of the space. Another second went by and the ship jerked. "It's pulling us towards it." She added as soon as we started to approach that...thing.

  When we were at least ten meters before it and its appearance grew and grew, it seemed to open, as if it was a box. A very bright light was emitted from the inside and it was quite blinding.

"Everyone, strap in." I said as the beeping of the controls started to get on my nerves and placed me on the edge more than I already was. "Looks as though we're going for a ride." We entered the light completely at the point where it seemed like we entered a white room. I covered my eyes with my hand and then, everything went black.


  I opened my eyes and sighed but closed them again for a second as my hand found my neck and rubbed it.

"I must have blacked out." I commented.

"So did I." Lana added. "Last thing I remember was...the light. If that's what it was."

"Then...who landed the shuttle?" Asked Obi-Wan. I frowned and realised that, indeed, we had landed safely. No one had an answer for that.

"Mmm, where are we?" I asked as we looked outside. My eyes met a jungle and rocks. I frowned. This is too strange. Lans clicked the scanners that are on her side of the panel and frowned.

"Some kind of organic mass." She informed. "The readings indicate it's bigger than an asteroid...and the atmosphere is breathable."

"Well, this is getting more unusual by the minute." Said Obi-Wan and I spinned the seat around to look at him, Allana did the same. "I can't even lock down where in the Galaxy we are...or if we are even in our own Galaxy." I turned back around and clicked his side of the control panel.

"Well, the ship's systems seem fine, but, for whatever reason, nothing's working...I don't like this." I said.

"My thoughts exactly." My Master and wife commented at the same time. Lana breathed in, turned back around and looked at the distance, then, she stood up and walked out to have a proper look. My gaze met Obi-Wan's and we followed her outside.

  The area was truly...something. There were floating rocks all over the blue sky, tall palm trees, what seemed to be an endless line of hills and mountains and a lot of mist and clouds.

  "What is it?" Asked Obi-Wan.

"I saw something." Lans answered. "Up on the hill. A reflection of some kind."

"I don't see anything." I looked at my Master and spotted how he was using some binoculars. We were in silence as our eyes scanned the place.

  "Are you the one?" Asked a woman's voice. I arched and eyebrow and frowned.

"What...what?" I said as I looked to my right and to my left. "Uh...did you hear that?"

"Hear what?" Asked Lana as she continued to scan the place, placing her hands on her hips.

"I didn't hear anything." Said Obi-Wan, still looking through the binoculars at the hills that are on the other side.

"Are you the one?" She repeated. This time, I knew the direction the voice had come from, behind me. I turned around and spotted a tall and really pretty woman, who's not as beautiful as my Angel. Her skin was very pale, her hair was green and it matched the vegetation. There was also at type of...aura surrounding her.

"Hello." Said Obi-Wan playfully. I looked at him over my shoulder with a frown and then at Allana, who had a surprise look on her beautiful features, then, she frowned and let her hands fall to her sides as I looked back at the woman.

"Who are you?" I asked as I placed my hands on my hips.

"I am Daughter." She answered and my frowned intensified. "Are you the One?" She asked again. What does that even mean?

"Uh...the One what?"

"I will take you to him."

"Him who?" Asked Lana.

"Uh, did you bring us here?" Asked obi-Wan.

"Only he can help you." I looked at my fellow Jedi, they were just as confused as me. "There is little time. Follow me. We must have shelter by nightfall." She turned around and started to walk towards the opposite side.

"And we thought the planet was strange." I whispered at my Master and Lans. "How about this one?" I added tightening my teeth together and making sure she couldn't hear me.

"We don't even know if this is a planet." Lana whispered. "If we don't get answers and she keeps saying 'he'll help you' but doesn't tell me who 'he' is, I'll jump off the cliff." I chuckled at her childish impatience.

"We'll be fine as long as we stay together." Said Obi-Wan and after we all nodded. Lana sighed.

"This has got to be the weirdest birthday in the history of birthdays." I laughed.

"Come on." I said and we started to walk behind the one who calls herself 'Daughter'.

  We followed her through the rock pathways that were crafted into the cliffs. The sun was bright a minute ago but it seemed that now it wasn't. It also seemed to be spring where the ship was, the flowers bloomed and the air was slightly cold but now it was quite warm. It was as if...

"Do the seasons change with the time of day? Or is it just me?" Asked Lans.

"Yeah, I noticed that too." I said.

"And there are no animals." Said Obi-Wan. "You sense it, don't you?" He added after a short pause.

"Mhm." Lana and I answered at the unison. "Since we arrived. The Force is...very strong." I added.

"An intersection like anything I've ever felt before." Said my Master. "Be wary."

  "Excuse me." I called the woman's attention. "Who are you taking us to?"

"The Father, of course." She answered as it was the most obvious thing in the universe.

"Of course." Allana repeated with sarcasm.

"And what exactly are you?" Asked Obi-Wan.

"We are the ones who guard the power." The Daughter answered. "We are the middle, the beginning and the end."

"Glad she cleared that up for us." I said with sarcasm too. As we continued our walk, the leaves from the trees and bushes changed from a vivid green to a deadly, scarlet red colour. When the wind blew harder at the top of the cliff, I heard a rumbling, looked up and spotted a huge rock falling. "Hey! Look out!" I called the Daughter and pushed her out of the way as the rock fell.

  I heard struggle behind me, the echo of a scream, Obi-Wan's scream but then I heard his muffed voice thanking Lana and breathed out of relief. I stood up and approached the woman with green hair and placed my hand on her shoulder to help her stand but she turned around and slapped my hand away.

"It is forbidden for you to touch me." She said coldly.

"Oh, sorry. I was just saving your life, you're welcome by the way." I said, my irritated sarcasm and arrogance were still there.

"That was my brother's work." She informed as she looked up at the broken rocks. "You are in great danger. Wait for me. Do not leave this place." She added and started to walk away, leaving me all alone.

"Hey! Wait!" I called but she didn't turn around. I sighed.

"Anakin, are you there?!" Obi-Wan's scream reached my ears from the other side of the rock. "Are you alright?!"

"Yeah! But our friend here has run off!" I raised my voice even more as I turned around to look at the mysterious woman walking through the pathway, then, I faced the rock again. "Go back to the ship and try sending another distress call! I'll follow her and find out how to get off this rock!"

"And what if it's a trap?!" Asked Lana.

"Well, I'm not gonna wait around to find out!" I answered.

"No, stop! Wait for us to find another way around and meet you!" She said again. I didn't answer and started walking away slowly towards the Daughter, well, the place where I saw her walking through. "Anakin?!" She groaned loudly. I could bet Obi-Wan was thinking that I'm impatient and reckless but I need to find away out.



  "He'll find her, let's not worry...yet." I commented as I placed my hands on my hips and looked at the rock that had fallen before us and blocked our way, thinking about a way to walk around it or over it...with no success.

"But what else will he find?" Asked Obi-Wan and I sighed. Right after he had crossed his arms, thunder rumbled and our attention snapped towards it. The sky that was bright blue seconds ago turned grey, if not black and the clouds were moving abnormally fast.

"Storm's coming." I pointed out.

"Come on." We started walking back to the ship and as we moved, the plants seemed to die. Everything turned red and shades of dark brown and cracked. It made me sad to look at the dry landscape and it felt odd. It was as if something or...someone was pulling life away.

  When we arrived at the place where the ship was, we looked at each other when we met a blank space.

"The ship's gone."

"Yes. I can see that." Now everyone's gonna be sarcastic.

"It was here without a doubt, how could it have just vanished?" I looked at Kenobi and back at the ground, spotting how the plants dissected and turned into dust, they looked like ashes. "Everything's dying."

  "Did you loose something?" Asked a man's voice behind us, but unlike the Daughter's his voice was sinister instead of kind. We turned around, and I enlightened my lightsaber taking my defence position. He was quite terrifying. The man's skin was completely white, except by the scarlet red stains under his eyes that fell like tears of blood, his eyes were completely black but his iris were bright red. He was wearing black clothes and his presence made me feel cold. "You didn't do as you were asked."

"And what was that?" Asked Obi-Wan before I could.

"My sister said to wait."

"Did she now? Well, we were unfortunately separated."

"Yeah, we couldn't hear her command." I added. "Now, if you don't mind, we'd like our ship back."

"Not!...Yet." He approached Kenobi slowly and the grip around the handle of my weapon intensified. "Is it true that he is the Chosen One?" His question caught me off guard. My frown disappeared and was replaced with surprise and my defence was slightly broken but I retook it fast as Obi-Wan enlightened his lightsaber too.

"What do you know about such things?" Asked he.

"What is about to happen shall occur, wether you like it..." His red eyes went from Kenobi's to mine. "Or not." I frowned as he moved his hand and the blade of my weapon turned off, making me feel very scared all of the sudden.

"You're a Sith." I spit.

"Sith?" He repeated and chuckled as the rain started to fall and a lighting popped in the distance. "Yes...and no." My glance met Obi-Wan's again and his met mine as the terrifying dude turned around and started to walk away. "The storms here are quite lethal. If you want to live...I suggest you find shelter." He ran away, jumped, and turned into...something with wings that made him fly very fast as more lightings filtrated through the sky's dark clouds.

  As I watched him fly away, I placed my saber's curved, iron handle on the belt clip, realising my hands were shaking a bit.

"What...in the universe was that?" I asked the Jedi Master.

"I'm not quite sure." He answered honestly. From one moment to another, lightning started to fall very close to where we were standing and they killed whatever they touched. I frowned worried. "Quick. There's a cave over there." He pointed at something to our left and we ran towards the entrance as I realised the trunks of the trees illuminated the pathway. It was as if someone was guiding us to safety.



  I ran after the Daughter for a while, but after I lost her from sight I didn't see her again. It was as if she had vanished. From one minute to another, the bright blue sky turned grey and from grey to black and rain started to pour heavily. Lightnings fell from all directions and dodging them was tiring. I felt scared and concerned, not because I was, those were Lana's emotions.

  After we found out that the bond we share is way deeper than we thought, we realised that we can feel each other's emotions deeply, we already knew that in some way, but now it had increased. Her worry made mine spike, and I knew she wasn't in danger but I know she hates electric storms. I could feel her...fear.

  A line of illuminated trees guided me to what seemed to be a cave. I jumped inside as a lighting hit the ground close to my feet. When I pocked my head out, I saw a little reflection...a glimmer. I narrowed my eyes and realised it was a Monastery. Whoever I'm looking for must be there.

  Thankfully, it wasn't so far from where I was, so, after I breathed in and out, I started running towards the mountain, dodging the stupid lightning. I felt like I ran for an eternity before I arrived at the bottom of the staircase.

"Oh you're fucking joking." I said as I looked at the amount of stairs from up close. In that moment, a lightning fell right beside me, so I started running upstairs until I reached the top of the place. A large opened area, where they were a couple of pillars that flanked another path of stairs that were were the entrance of the Monastery, welcomed me and I breathed out a gasp of relief. I was finally there and my legs started to ache a bit.

  I climbed the stairs two steps at the time and when I reached the entrance, I spotted someone on the opposite side of a long pathway. I walked in towards him and admired the place. It was large, all black with turquoise illumination. I couldn't see the ground, everything was covered by turquoise mist, plus, the rock pathway was very width. As I approached, I could see the figures that rested next to him: a griffin with white eyes and a gargoyle with red ones.

  When I arrived, I silently recovered my breath as I stood before a very old looking man wearing fancy clothes and a matching hat. His beard was long and white. He was meditating and I've been instructed my whole life not to interrupt someone when they meditate, so, I did what I used to do whenever I needed to talk to Obi-Wan but he was busy somewhere else in space: I sat down before him and waited.

  More or less, two minutes went by until he opened his eyes. They were bright and matched the turquoise light that's flooding the Monastery.

"Welcome, my friend." He said. Like with the Daughter, his voice had an echo. I frowned.

"What is it that you want from me?" I asked, going straight to the point to get going as fast as possible.

"To learn the truth about who you really are, one that maybe you have known all along." He stood up and invited me to do the same. For some reason, the flashes of my most recent nightmares came to mind but I decided not to feel scared, or at least to try not to. "One you must believe in order to fulfill your destiny." He approached me at the point where I had to move a few inches away. My frown intensified.

"Enough with the riddles, old man. Tell me what's going on here."

"As you can see, there is nowhere else to go." He pointed out and I sighed. He started to walk away and I walked alongside him. "It is late. You will be my guest tonight." I sighed again knowing that he was right and that indeed, there was nowhere to go right now.



  As soon as we entered the cave, we were submerged into a deep darkness, the only light that was there was a blue, dim one the crystals provided. We enlightened our lightsabers and made our way through the area.

  We agreed on the idea that a bonfire was the easiest way to a) have better illumination and b) stay warm over night, so, we started to look around for rocks and dry branches that had fallen close to the entrance of the cave and got to work. After three minutes, the fire was cracking and warming up the cold space. We turned the lightsabers off and sighed. I looked at Allana and saw how she suppressed a yawn.

"You seem to be tired." I commented, she looked at me and smiled.

"Kind of. Something woke me up last night." She answered looking at the ground. "Couldn't sleep for about an hour and when I did, I woke up every thirty until...three or four a. m." I frowned.

"What was it?" She looked at me and shrugged, taking off importance of the matter.

"Nothing important, just...thoughts. The war, the battles, strategies, where could the enemies be. Stuff like that." I smiled. She tries to carry so much on her shoulders, just like Anakin does. That's another thing they have in common.

"Then take a nap." I said. "I'll take the first round."

"You sure?" I nodded.

"If anything happens, I'll wake you up." She smiled at me.

"Alright." She moved towards a rock and reclined her arm there to use it as a pillow. "I owe you one."

"Several ones really." She scoffed and closed her eyes, in within a few minutes, she fell asleep.

  I looked at the ground as I tried to figure out where in the blazes are we. This place was so strange it is unsettling. I sighed and shook my head as my brain was unable to tie the loose ends. In that moment a shiver went down my spine, I felt as if someone was watching me. I looked towards Allana's position but she was still asleep. I have no idea what she's dreaming about but she had a frown on her face. I frowned too as I looked around, but nothing was there.

"Obi-Wan." A familiar voice called. "Have you done as I asked?" My head snapped towards the voice and there he was. A man I miss terribly all the time: my Master. His ghost. "Have you trained the boy?" I stood up, taking my lightsaber in hand and turned it on.

"Master Qui-Gon, how are you here?" I pointed at him as he paced around before me.

"I am here because you are here." He answered and I shook my head.

"No. I don't understand. What is this place?"

"Unlike any other, a conduit through which the entire Force of the universe flows." He always has the answers, he always did. I looked down and then at the girl that I helped train every now and then and has become one of my dearest friends and thought about my Padawan, another great friend.

"Are we in danger?"

"This planet is both an amplifier and a magnet. Three are here who seek Skywalker. They, like me, believe him to be the chosen One." I turned my lightsaber off, facing the ground once again.

"You were right." I looked at Qui-Gon. "The Force within him is stronger than any known Jedi. I've trained him as well as I could, but...he's still willful, and balance eludes him."

"If he is the Chosen One, he will discover it here."

"And if not?"

"Then you must realise with his power, this is a very dangerous place for him to be." Thunder rumbled as he spoke and the hairs of my neck spiked a bit. This could be very bad. I looked down for a seconds as I thought but when I looked back up...he was gone...again.



  My head ached as I slept. The thunders rumbled loudly and the light emitted by the deadly lightnings made its way through my closed eyelids. I felt cold even if I had a blanket placed over me.

  I moved from one side to another trying to fall asleep with no use. Sleeping all alone has become quite complicated. I'd much rather sleep beside my beloved company and her strawberry scent but she wasn't here.

  "Wake up my son." A familiar voice spoke as I felt a soft hand traveling through the right side of my face, causing my eyes to snap open. "I must tell you a secret."

"Who's there?" I asked as I incorporated and looked left and right to spot nothing, no one but darkness. "Who's there, I said!"

"It is me Ani." Said the voice again from behind. I turned around and there she was, standing before the window with her classic grey dress and her brown hair braided into a bun. "Your mother." She opened her eyes and I stood up to walk away from...that. Whatever that is is not her. I know it perfectly.

"What kind of black arts is this?" I asked as I marked the distance between us. "You're...dead." Those words still hurt and tasted bitter. They tasted like blood. "I buried you, I..."

"Nothing really dies, my son." She started to walk up to me. "I have a secret to tell you."

"Then tell me."

"Everything you have done, everything you have learned, has led you here." I shook my head.

"Whatever you are, my mother is..." I closed my eyes. It surprises me how, even after two years, the thought hurts and the words make a knot in my throat. "Is dead."

"And you blame yourself. Your Jedi training has served you well, Ani, but you are more than a Jedi." I looked at the ground. "Tell me." My eyes snapped back at a pair of brown ones that I miss so much. "Where is your pain so I might take it away." I felt as if tears could flood my eyes in any moment.

"I was too late to save you, I...I failed as a Jedi and...I failed you." I stopped walking. If she's a ghost, being honest and telling her wouldn't harm me.

"How so?"

"I tasted only vengeance when I slaughtered so many to avenge your death." Her hand found my cheek and I frowned with sadness.

"It is time you realised that your guilt does not define you my son." She approached me a bit with a sad frown on her features. "You define your guilt." She placed a hand on my chest and hugged me.

"The only love I feel in my heart is haunted by what would happen should I let go." I was honest with her as I thought of my beloved.

"Then it is not love. It is a prison."

"But I...I have a wife. I wish you had met her. She's strong, caring, daring, loving...she's everything to me."

"She's not your destiny."

"But I love her." I looked at her and her features went from gentle to aggressive.

"No!" She frowned and her voice turned sinister. "She's a poisoner!" I stepped away from whatever took the shape of my mother.

"What are you?" The bright, white light of the lightning flooded the room and for an instant, the creature that took the form of Shmi Skywalker, my mother, revealed itself. It was a large, evil looking, bright red eyes, sharpened teeth...terrifying gargoyle. That was the sickest joke a creature of the Dark Side has ever played on me. In a second, it recovered the shape of my dead guardian angel.

"Your fate!" She screamed and the shadow of darkness filled the room, embraced her and took her away, in another blink, I was all alone again.

  I looked around and decided to get the hell out of the room. I started walking through the hallways until I met the owner of the Monastery. He was still meditating but now I don't care if I interrupt his meditation. I turned my lightsaber on and pointed at him with it. The tip of the blade was very close to his forehead.

"Cannot sleep?" He asked. Turquoise eyes still closed. "To strike an unarmed man is hardly the Jedi way."

"You're a Sith Lord." I stabled.

"You have a very simple view of the universe. I am neither Sith nor Jedi." He finally opened his eyes. "I am much more...and so are you."

"I see through your spells and visions old man. Tell me what the hell is going on here." I stepped closer and now the blade was close to his chest. He looked into my eyes and with a neutral expression, he grabbed the lightsaber's blade with his bare hand making it crackle. I opened my eyes wildly as surprise mixed with a hint of fear filled me up.

"Some call us Force wielders." He pushed the blue blade down and turned my weapon off in a second. I looked at the saber's handle feeling unprotected in some way. Defenceless against this guy. Then, my eyes met his again.

"The Jedi have never spoken of this."

"Hmm. Few still know of our existence."

"In that room, my mother came to me." I informed pointing at the hallway with the handle of my lightsaber and a frown of a mix of emotions on my face. "But it couldn't have been her. It was something else."

"Ah. My son, I suspect." He brushed his white beard with his long and skeletal fingers. "We can take many forms. The shapes we embody are merely a reflection of a life force around us." He walked forward and stopped to look at me from the corner of his eye. "You carry a great sadness in your heart." I frowned more. He wasn't wrong. "My children and I can manipulate the Force like no other. Therefore, it is necessary to withdraw from the temporal world and live here as anchorites."

"As a sanctuary?" He looked down.

"And a prison." He looked at me again. "You cannot imagine what pain it is to have such love for your children and realise that they could tear the very fabric of our universe." I shook my head as he gave me his back.

"You're right. I cannot imagine and that is because I don't understand."

"It is only here that I can control them. A family in balance, the light and the dark, day with night, destruction replaced by creation." This guy's completely insane.

"Then why reveal yourselves to us?"

"There are some who would like to exploit our power. The Sith are but one. Too much dark or light would be the undoing of life as you understand it. When news reached me that the Chosen One had been found...I needed to see for myself." He turned back around.

"The Chosen One is a myth."

"Is it?" The question made something stir inside of me. "I should very much like to know. Why don't we find out together?" I had a terrible feeling about this. "Pass one test." He started to walk up to me. "And I shall know the truth, then, you, your friend and your wife may leave." I blinked a few times when he addressed Allana as my wife, that last bit took me off guard.

"How do you even-"

"We know everything. But not to worry, for I know to keep secrets."

  I frowned, not knowing what he meant and felt scared about what could happen in said test, but if that meant to get off this damned rock, then, it should be worth it.



  I was sleeping but felt uneasy. I felt as if someone was breathing on my neck and that made me feel uncomfortable. One thing is feeling Anakin's warm breath tickle my skin whenever he hides his face on my neck and a very different one was...whatever this is. I frowned and breathed in trying to catch sleep again when...

  "Are you happy?" Asked a voice that I know very well. Mine. My eyes opened abruptly and scanned the cave. It was empty. The fire cracked and the blue crystals shone brightly but it concerned me not to spot Kenobi.

"Obi-Wan?" I asked as I stood up but got no response from the Jedi. I looked at the left completely, turning around and moved my gaze to the right.

"Anakin, does he treat you well?" The voice asked again and when I looked at the front towards the fire, there she was. An older version of...myself. She wore long, black robes, her hair reached her hips and had a very serious expression. She was a Jedi Master, an expectation and ambition that rests deeply in the back of my head. A version of me that I'd never get to be if I continue walking down the path I want to have the life I want after War ends. I frowned as I didn't know what's happening.

"What concern of it is yours?" I asked her, placing my hand over the handle of my saber.

"I am your future, your potential." Her voice was deeper, a lower tone of voice than the one I have already. I enlightened the violet light of my lightsaber in a minute, adopting my defensive position once again tonight.

"This is a trick." I assured myself.

"There is a wildness to you Allana. Seeds of the Dark Side...planted by your husband. Do you feel it?"

"No. You said who he is. He cares about me and he loves me. Add to that the fact that he's like no other Jedi. Passionate, impulsive and all...I trust him with my life."

"There are many contradictions in you...and in him." I blinked and looked at the fire, then, back into the reflection of my own eyes. "Be warned. You may never see your future if you remain by his side."

"You're wrong. You don't know that...and you don't even know what kind of future I want to have."

"Leave this planet!" She ignored my comment and when she crossed her arms, she stepped closer to the bonfire, stepped in and got covered by the flames until she disappeared. I felt my skin on fire and opened my eyes with a gasp.

  "Allana?" Asked Obi-Wan as he bent down in front of me. I looked at him and he was concerned and confused. The frown mixed with the arched eyebrow asked the predictable question as my skin felt cold again and my brain acknowledged it had been a dream, or a nightmare.

"I had a vision." I confessed looking at the fire, then, my eyes met his. "I think Anakin is in trouble...or he may be."

"I had one too." He stood up and offered a hand to pull me up too. Once I was standing he sighed. "We need to find him." I nodded and after we turned the fire off, we walked out of the cave.

  As we walked, the sunlight shone above us. With every step we took, the line that divided day and night moved forward and made the tree leaves re-appear on the branches and bushes, and the flowers bloom. I closed my eyes for a second and opened them again, confused.

  "The longer we stay here, the stranger this place gets." I commented as I looked around.

"It appears the planet is renewing herself." Kenobi pointed out. I sighed.

"I'm worried about Anakin." I know I could trust Obi-Wan with a few of my thoughts, besides, there was no point in bottling everything up right now.

"Calm down. Anakin will not be easy to deceive." He smiled and I returned the gesture, adding a head nod to it.

  We continued walking in silence. I looked down and spotted a shadow, no, two shadows. The ones of...some creatures flying towards us. As they approached the image was obvious and Obi-Wan realised it too. We turned around and there was no time for running. The gargoyle and the griffin were already above us.

  The white and green animal held Kenobi while the scary gargoyle grabbed me. It's paws closed tightly around my biceps and the claws hurt against my skin, they felt like knives.

  They took us flying to a...Monastery of some kind. They proceeded to fly around the building to land on a Coliseum looking place. When the gargoyle was close to the ground, it let go of my left arm and held the right one tightly. The landing was not swift for my legs. I fell to my knees for a second.

  Anakin was there though. In one piece, thankfully, he was fine. I stood up when his eyes met mine and the gargoyle roared above me, making my eardrums hurt.

  "Whatever he wants, don't do it Ani!" I told him as I tried to free my arm, causing the creature to tighten its grip around my bicep. In front of me, Skywalker looked troubled and Kenobi was still making an effort to fee himself, grunting.

"Let them go." Said Anakin coldly to a tall man with grey robes and skin, white hair and beard. "I will not play your games."

"Oh, but I think you will." Said the man. "I have ordered my children to kill your friends." My heart skipped a bit. "The question is...which one will you choose to save?" In a blink, the man went from Ani's side to the highest seat to admire from above. "Your Master? Or your...best friend? You must now release the guilt and free yourself by choosing!" Anakin shook his head.


"Their powers are too strong for us, Anakin!" Said Obi-Wan straining. "Save Allana!" The gargoyle intensified the grip around my arm and caused me to grunt and groan in pain, it felt as if by squeezing it, he could either break my arm or chop it off. Anakin's eyes met mine and I saw nothing but anger and worry in them.

"It's okay." I said in my head knowing he could hear me. "Let me go. Save him." I yelped as the fucking beast squeezed my arm harder.

"I can't let you die." He said in his head and I herd the thought, then, he looked at the man. "Let them go." He said out loud this time.

"Only you can make my children release them." Ani closed his eyes.

"Anakin!" Kenobi called his apprentice. "The planet is the Force. Use it." Skywalker's eyes snapped opened and I could sense the rollercoaster of emotions he was riding. There was guilt, pressure, anger, worry, fear...and many others.

"You will let them go!" He commanded and extended his hands at the creatures. The push he was employing with the Force made me loose my balance a bit too. He raised his lands and the griffin and gargoyle started to float, not at their will.

  The sky shifted from daylight to nightfall in a second and the ground below us illuminated itself as thunders rumbled in the distance and lightnings appeared through the clouds. When Anakin's hands went down, Obi-Wan and I fell to the ground, landing on our feet. My eyes were watery and my lips were parted as I saw how he pulled the creatures towards him and then pushed them against the walls hardly, causing the rock to break.

  I ran out of the small circle where I was standing and turned around when I heard the gargoyle roaring again. When my eyes met his bright red ones, he started flying towards me, so, I grabbed my lightsaber, turned it on and aimed at him to defend myself, but before the terrifying creature could aporach me, he stopped.

"Down!" Anakin commanded and started to control the creatures. The tears my own rollercoaster formed in my eyes fell as I saw that the Prophecy is right...he is the Chosen One. The one that can balance Light and Darkness. "On your knees!" Daylight came back as the creatures recovered their humanoid forms and panted on the ground. I turned my lightsaber off and washed the salty tears from my skin.

  "And now you see who you truly are." Said the man, who was now back at our level. "Only the Chosen One could tame both my children.

"I have taken your test." Ani said panting too as Kenobi and I approached their side. "Now, fulfill your promise and let us go."

"Ah, but first you must understand the truth. Now, all of you, leave us." He said looking at his children, Obi-Wan and I. I approached Anakin as much as I could. His eyes met mine and I breathed in, still feeling mine watery.

"Do not trust him." I whispered.

"You think?" He answered with sarcasm and I made an effort to smile. "It'll be okay." Said he in my head.

"I said, leave us." He repeated and we did as he said. Obi-Wan and I walked away from the area, listening to the Daughter, and who I assume is called Son, walking behind us.

  When we walked out and reached the main gate of the Monastery, we saw our ship right outside, so, we walked downstairs towards the ship. In about five minutes, Anakin arrived by our side.

"Ready to leave?" Asked Obi-Wan. I nodded while Ani stayed silent and looked at the Monastery's entrance. He looked at us, back at the front, sighed and nodded. I frowned as we boarded the ship. "I for once, would love to pilot us out of here."

"No one will stop you." I commented and Kenobi dedicated me a smile before he walked into the cockpit to take the controls and start piloting the ship out of this crazy place. I walked slower until Ani and I were all alone by the small dormitory. "Hey. Are you okay?" I asked with worry flooding my voice. He looked at the ground and nodded. "What did he tell you?"

"That I should've stayed but I refused." Another sigh. "Look, I'm exhausted. I've never done that in my entire life and I feel as if someone's dragging all my energy away." I nodded.

"Get some rest. I'll help Obi-Wan with the scanners and stuff." I offered a smile and he returned a quite weak, but genuine one. Then, he hugged me tightly before I left and kissed my neck softly. "I love you. More than anything. Never forget that, no matter what." I frowned, the comment scared me and reminded me of the vision I had. I hugged him back and hid my face on his chest.

"I love you too. So much. Don't forget it either." He chuckled.

"And don't ask me to let you go again because I know that's something I cannot do." I smiled.

"Okay." I whispered. "I'm sorry." He shook his head and I inhaled his coffee scent. "Gotta go. He's going to come looking for me or something." He nodded as we let go of each other. When I was about to walk out, I left a quick kiss in the corner of his mouth. "Rest. I'll tell you when we arrive at the cruiser." He nodded and hopped on the bed.

  I walked out and made my way towards the cockpit, sat on my seat and watched the clouds as we flew away from the craziest place in the entire universe.

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