6: The Beauty of Naboo


After dinner at the Naberrie's I spent great amount of time with Allana's father. He asked me how bad the situation was with Padmé and I explained everything to him, and how hard my Master is working to prevent any harm on her.

After that, Lana asked me if I'd like to see the rest of the house and commented that she had to pick some of Padmé's belongings from her room, more clothing I supposed. I said yes and we went to find whatever she needed at her sister's room after a short tour of the property.

"So she still lives at home?" I asked as my eyes travelled around the room.

"She moves around so much." Allana explained as she opened a dresser drawer. "She says she's never had a place of her own, but the apartment in Coruscant is the closest thing I think." She pulled out a black dress well bended. "She feels good here, at home."

I walked towards the window and looked at the tree that is outside.
"I've never really had a home. Home was always where my mom was." I explained as she closed the drawer. She was silent as she kept the clothing into a bag her mother gave her. Then I spotted a hologram, by the window. "Hm, is this you?" I asked her. She turned around and walked towards me.

"Yes, I'm that little girl there. It was when Padmé was trying to adapt those children here, but they couldn't. They all died, she was really devastated." She explained. "Oh, and this one." She commented as she moved behind me. Her scent of roses and mint flooded my senses as she did. "This one was on my birthday, I turned two, a day before I left." Her voice turned sad, nostalgic. "We were playing at the gardens, like every other day, but that day specially the flowers of the garden started to bloom. That's why my entire family calls me 'Flower'." She chuckled to herself. "Also, those flowers are called Streptocarpus Alana. That's why I'm named like that, only that my name is spelled with an extra 'l'." I looked at her and she had a smile on her lips. "Stupid and yet, lovely."

"Well, I don't think it's stupid. Rather symbolic, that way you're always present at home even when you're not here." I told her. I saw the pink flowers in the hologram and smiled as I thought that she's as beautiful as they are.

"That's very nice of you." She told me as she placed the bag over her shoulder. "And, believe me, I understand you. But perhaps, home could be now someone besides your mother, a friend, the Jedi, I don't know. But I do think it's lovely that she's always on your mind." She said with a smile as her fingertips held my hand, showing her support.

"Maybe." I said in a whisper thinking about who I'd like to be a synonym of 'home' and how pretty she is when she smiles. "You don't have a bedroom here?"

"No, that's because I don't really live here, when I come for a visit I rarely stay overnight. Sola moved out to a little house couple blocks away and said I could have her room. I'll arrange that the next time."

"If you need help moving things around I could join." She smiled at me.

"I'll let you know. They would love to have you here again." I smiled brightly.

"Would you like a cup of tea or coffee?" Asked Lana's mother and we said yes. She had prepared the beverages already and everyone was settling outside at the gardens. We helped bring all the cups, some snacks and the pots outside and set them on a wooden table built by Mr. Naberrie. We all sat there and enjoyed the very tasteful drinks as the sun went down, hearing the kids' laughter as they played and the distant waterfalls.

  When the sun was about to set, we all got inside. I helped take all the cups I had brought into the kitchen and was able to spot Allana all alone outside. My eyes glued to her figure as she admired the sunset. I was able to feel a pair of eyes on me, I looked to the left and saw Sola smiling. I smiled back and blushed as I placed the cups in the sink.

"She's always loved sunsets." She said out of the blue. "Ever since she was a baby, the colour changes of the sky mesmerised her." I smiled.

"She told me once she found this time of the day very calming." She nodded.

"She'd fall asleep right after she and Padmé were done running around the gardens." I chuckled and she smiled, remembering the past. "If you asked her what was her favourite colour she'd look up at the sky and tell you that it was whatever the colour of the sky was at the moment." She made us both giggle, then, a silence fell upon us. "I'm sorry if I made you feel uncomfortable earlier today." I frowned.


"At dinner. When I said you were her boyfriend."

"Oh." I cleared my throat. "No, you didn't. It's fine. Don't worry about it." She chuckled this time.

"She does have feelings for you, you know?" I looked at her feeling my heart skip a bear.

"Did she tell you?"

"No, but I know her. Even if she didn't grow up here for me to know her better, I still do." Her eyes focused on Lana through the window. "She's a good Jedi, she'll try to follow the rules and that included ignoring her feelings but Allana has always been a rule breaker in some way. She's the kind of person that reads a manual of instructions, analyses them, understand them, and then does whatever she wants but reaches the same outcome." I smiled and chuckled. That's true. "She'll try to keep your friendship as a partnership but I saw it clear as water. She likes you." I looked at my hands. "I think time will let her know. Perhaps she'll break a rule for you." I smiled.

"She already has broken a few for me. And so have I." She smiled.

"There you go." We smiled at each other. "Be patient, she'll come to her senses."

"Thank you, Sola." She nodded and I walked out the kitchen and into the garden. I walked in silence towards her and stood beside her, hands on the stone railing that overlooked the village. "What's your favourite colour tonight?"


"Sola told me your favourite colour is the colour of the sky." She laughed and shook her head. "So, what's your favourite colour tonight?" She looked at me, I looked at her, and then she looked up. The sky was already painted with a pitch blue shade and stars twinkled on it brightly, as well as the two moons.

"Dark blue at the moment." I nodded with a chuckle escaping my lips. "Although my favourite will always be that lilac colour when the sun is setting or when it's going up. That one's superior to all the others."

"I like it when it's red and orange."

"Wise choice, Skywalker."

"Thank you, Naberrie." We stayed in silence for a while and she sighed.

"I guess we must go, it's getting late." I nodded and we walked back into the cozy house.

Shortly after that, we had to say goodbye to her family to go back to the Lake country. Lana's father told me to take great care of his little daughter, his blooming flower, and I promised I would, with my life while she hugged her sister and her nieces. They said goodbye to R2 too as we thanked Mrs. Naberrie for this delightful evening. After a final wave, we started our way to the next paradise to sleep under a quiet sky.


  When the morning came and after we had breakfast, we decided to go and take a boat trip around the quiet and beautiful lakes.

Today Naberrie looked the next level of beautiful, like an Angel. Yes, the most beautiful creatures in the Galaxy. Her hair was placed in a bun that hid her Padawan braid and it was adorned with silver accessories. She was now wearing a pastel pink, lavender, and yellow dress, very long. It covered her neck and abdomen, unlike the blue one she wore yesterday, but it left visible her back and shoulders.

We got out of the water speeder once we had reached Varykino again and started walking upstairs onto a terrace that's overlooking a lovely garden as she talked to me about this place in a more detailed way.

"My sisters brought me here for their school retreats. I learned how to swim here. We would swim to that island every day. I love the water. " She said with a huge smile, her eyes glued to the shimmering lake and the mountains rising beyond while my eyes were glued to her.

"I do too. I guess it comes from growing up in a desert planet." I commented, making her giggle as she gave me an empathetic look.

"We used to lay out on the sand and let the sun dry us, you can imagine how burned we ended up." She continued with a chuckle. "We also tried to guess the names of the birds singing." She finished once we had reached the balcony's stone railway that's underneath a tree, the shadow made the air feel cold.

"I don't like sand." I told her as I was playing with a grain that was on the rock railing after a couple seconds. "It's coarse and rough and irritating and it gets everywhere." I continued as her beautiful hazel eyes were placed on me, a smile on her features. "Not like here." I smiled. "Here everything's soft, and smooth." Our hands were dangerously close, so close to each other I could feel the warmth of her skin.

I grabbed the nerve that I found deep inside of me and I started to make my fingers travel through her soft hands hoping that she didn't move, and she didn't, instead, she kept looking at me. There was a sudden wave of nervousness that washed over my chest and felt as if someone had dropped a bucket of cold water over me, but it couldn't be my own nerves, it was hers.

Then my touch started to climb, to her arms, her shoulder, and eventually to her back. Her skin was the softest thing I've ever felt in my entire life. I felt goosebumps rising over her skin under my touch. My eyes looked deep into hers, those hazel eyes that I've never stopped thinking about for just one minute since I last saw them.

"There was an old man who lived on the island." She said in a whisper out of the blue. "He used to make glass out of sand...and vases, and necklaces out of sand. They were magical."

"Everything here is magical." I said as I smiled and studied her features realising how she had couple sun freckles on the bridge of her nose, placed by the makers carefully so that they looked like a constellation, and how the mol on her cheek is perfectly aligned to the one right above her lip.

"I will never forget how you could look into the glass and see the water, the way it ripples and moves. It looked so real...but it wasn't." Her tone turned slightly sad. I shook my head softly.

"Sometimes, when you believe something to be real, it becomes real." My eyes met hers again. Both of us looking into each other's eyes as if we were trying to say so many things all at once. Feeling many things all at once.

"After that day I started to think that if you look too deep into glass, you would lose yourself." I breathed in.

"I think it's true..." I leaned over slowly, until I was close enough to feel her warm breath on my face.

Her eyes never leaving mine until our lips collided in a soft, tender kiss. Not just a kiss, but a stolen one. One that felt so wrong and yet so right. The first kiss for two teenagers that were becoming adults, two teenagers that were falling into a forbidden adventure. Her lips tasted like strawberries and vanilla and her scent just increased making the moment even more magical. But just like everything that's great, it had to end.

She broke the kiss and looked at her hands, as if she was ashamed. "No." She whispered as I stood close to her ear, "We shouldn't have done that." Her honey eyes were glued to the crystalline waters before us and mine were placed on her mesmerising beauty as I felt my heart breaking, wondering if I had messed everything up. She's my best friend, if with this move I lost her friendship I'd be devastated.

"I'm sorry." I apologized in a whisper too. And proceeded to look away at the vegetation surrounding us. "Is just that...when I'm around you, my mind is no longer my own." I looked at her and saw the way something broke inside of her.

"I..." I feel the same, perhaps? No. A silence. She sighed. "I'm sorry." She turned away from me and after a second she walked inside of the house, leaving me there alone with the lullaby sang by the trees.

I sighed and let my head drop forward. I messed this up. I looked over my shoulder and saw her undoing her hair with one hand and how she was touching her lips with the other one. I looked back to the front and stood there until my legs ached. Then I went inside.

  The afternoon went by very slowly. We decided to train a little, maybe the training wouldn't be as the one in the Temple with all the Jedi there looking at us but we managed with what we had until the night fell. Suddenly, the air was too hot and the water we drank wasn't enough. That's when I thought the water of the lakes wouldn't be as warm. I smiled at her as I took off my boots, my belt and the top part of my robes.

  Her eyes opened and I saw how she blushed before looking away. I smiled.

"What?" I asked. "Like what you see, Naberrie?" She scoffed.

"You wish." I chuckled. "What are you doing?"

"Getting ready to go for a swim." She looked at me. "Wanna join?" It took a couple seconds but she smiled and took off her belt and her boots. When she took off her training shirt it was my turn to blush and look away. She was wearing a sports bra that matched her leggings. She chuckled.

"Like what you see, Skywalker?" My turn to scoff too.

"You wish, too."

"Race you to the island." I chuckled and she laughed as we ran downstairs towards the garden and downstairs again towards the small coast of the house.

  We jumped into the water and it was refreshingly cold. I laughed as we swam towards the island as fast as we could. She obviously won the race and bragged about it.

"I'll beat you next time." I said.


"Seriously, I'll be a faster swimmer."

"Whatever you say, desert boy." I scoffed and she let out a tired groan as she fell onto the sand. I just stood there. "Come on, lay down. The remaining sun should dry us a bit." I sat down.

"I told you I don't like sand."

"But you said that everything here is soft and smooth." She was right, the sand wasn't as coarse as it looked. "You'll be fine. In a moment we'll have to swim back and the water will wash the sand off of you." I breathed in and laid down. "Attaboy." I chuckled making her laugh. "It's not that terrible, is it?" She looked at me and I looked at her.

"No, it's not." We stayed like that for a bit and I just thought how she made laying down on awful and annoying sand worth it. As a matter fact, I don't believe anyone else but her could make me do this. "Where's the old man's house?" I asked as I looked around the island.

"Oh, no longer here. It was demolished ages ago after he died according to my Dad. That's awfully sad if you ask me."


"Well...because he died alone." I frowned. "I would hate to die alone." I sighed.

"Yeah, me too. And what happened to all his work?"

"I don't know. I guess it was sold. He had no family, no one would keep it for him." I frowned. Must be a misery to be all alone. A part of me pitied the dead man. "I'd like to live here." She added, her eyes closed, her hair loose, her fingers playing with the sand.

"In this island?"

"Maybe. It's quiet and it has a beautiful view." I looked at her.

"Yeah...it does. Seems like a good place to rest." She nodded, then looked at me.

"This will take a dark turn, but I'd like to be buried here when I'm older and I'm gone."

"But the Jedi have their own funerals."

"Yeah, but I refuse to be burned and not buried home. It's tradition for us Naboolians." I nodded understanding what she meant. "I mean, even if I swore my life to the Jedi, they must respect my roots. At least I hope they do when the time comes."

"Understandable. I'd like to be buried here too. It's so peaceful. Peaceful than most places." I looked up and closed my eyes as I breathed in slowly.

"Totally agreed."

"Are cemeteries here depressing?" I opened my eyes as the thought popped in my head. She chuckled.

"No, they're actually quite beautiful. Each dead person has its own crypt, their coffins have a laying figure of themselves on top, and people of the government and that have served the planet have a statue of their own outside the crypt with two guardians, meaning two people that were beside them 'till the very end. People that gave their lives for them and perished alongside them or that are still alive but would've given their lives for them."

"Interesting." She nodded. "Who would be your guardians?"

"I don't know. Haven't thought of how my crypt would look that much and that often." I laughed and she did the same. "Perhaps my Master and someone else. No clue, though."

"I'm guessing mine would look like that too, I mean, that my Master would be there." We remained silent for a while. "It did take a dark turn." She busted into laughter.

"Yeah. We're far too young to be thinking of this." I laughed too and stood up.

"I'm hungry."

"Me too." I offered a hand and she took it, I pulled her to help her up and then we walked back into the water that was colder than earlier. I didn't realise she was still holding my hand until she let go to start swimming back to the opposite shore.

  We arrived, grabbed our stuff from the terrace and walked into the house to direct ourselves towards our respective bedrooms. I took a shower and got dressed with a loose shirt and some trousers afterwards. Moments later she walked out wearing a white silk nightgown and a blue robe over her shoulders, her chocolate curls loose down her back with few water droplets falling from their ends.

  As we had dinner we didn't speak that much, we just listened to the quiet waters outside and all the birds that were singing goodnight, the silence was very comfortable and enjoyable. I guess I didn't mess up that badly. We walked out to admire the night and she started telling me the names of the birds that were singing.  We stayed out there until the birds went to bed and everything fell in a light-weighted silence.

  Before each one of us walked into our respective rooms she said that we could do something fun tomorrow, visit her favourite spot here, the waterfalls. She smiled and I smiled back as I wished her a good night, she did the same and walked into her quarters.

  I went to bed with the feeling of her close to me, with the feeling of her rosy lips against mine. The ghost of her warmth fading away.


It was now the following morning since the most precious moment resting in my memory. I've never seen a waterfall before, so, I was excited, plus, her excitement made me remember her nine year old self and it was even more lovely.

We were sitting on the grass of the huge flower meadow having a picnic as the noise of the calming water that was falling filled the entire place. She was now wearing a yellow dress with pink flowers all over it. Slats of different colours were falling down her ponytail and her wrists. Her hair was also tied up in two small buns on each side of her head that were covering her ears, covered by what seemed to be a yellow net to keep all the locks on place, even though a few of brown curly locks were falling on her face, faming it.

"Have you, you know...ever liked someone?" I asked her after the conversation of what happened on one of her many missions in Ryloth ended. I immediately mind-slapped myself. That was a stupid question and subject to talk about now.

"I don't know." She said as she played with the grass and a soft smile cracked through her lips.

"Sure you do, you just don't want to tell me." I told her.

"You could try to use Jedi mind trick on me." She commented in a giggle. "That way you could practice your abilities in the Force, you know, since you're not that good on that field." I rolled my eyes.

"Ha, ha, ha. Very funny." She chuckled and grabbed a strawberry to eat it. "Plus, you know they only work on the weak-minded." I smiled.

"Fine, but you won't like the answer." She sighed while I frowned. "I was fifteen. Another Jedi, his name was Ferus. He was tall, brown hair and one blonde lock, brown dreamy eyes, two years older than me-"

"Okay, I knew Olin, I get the picture." I said dryly as she kept on playing with her graceful fingers with a flower that she found on the grass. I was surprised that they had a thing, specially because he followed the code very strictly, always sticking to the rules. We crashed and fought quite often because of that. "Whatever happened to him?"

"He felt guilty for the death of a Padawan, whose name I unfortunately don't remember. I think Obi-Wan was there when everything happened but I am not sure, he quitted while I continued. That day I came back from Ryloth. I don't know what has he been up to, I think he decided to become a businessman."

"He was weak then."

"No he wasn't. He just accepted his feelings might get in the way and realised where his actual passions in life were, that's all."

"Whatever." I said. "So, tell me." I said calling her attention after a few moments. "What do you think about politicians?" I tried to change the subject again...honestly, you suck at this. She laughed, though. That eased my nervousness a bit as I laughed with her. 

"Well, even if my sister is one of them, I don't really like them. What about you?"

"I like two or three." I sighed and shifted my eyes from her smile to the river in front of us. "I don't think the system works." I commented.

"Well, how would you have it work?" Her soft voice asked me as she laid down on the grass.

I meditated for a few seconds as I laid down too but reclined my weight on my left forearm. "We need a system where the politicians sit down and discuss the problem." I started my explanation and looked at her. "Agree what's in the best interest of all the people and then do it."

She frowned and incorporated, leaning on her right forearm to face me. "That's exactly what they do. The problem they have is that people don't always agree."

"Well, then they should be made to."

"By whom? Who's gonna make them?"

"I don't know. Someone." My eyes broke the eye contact between us.

"You?" She asked arching her eyebrow.

"Of course not me."

"But someone..."

I nodded. "Someone wise."

She shrugged and looked away for a brief second as she laid down again. "Sounds an awful lot like a dictatorship to me." I realised she knows too much about politics as well. She could successfully dress up like Padmé and take her place in the Senate if she wanted to and no one would notice the difference.

I smiled. "Well, if it works..." I said and then stood silent. She looked at me, pure shock on her features. Seconds went by in which I tried very hard not to break character, my eyes continued being severe but her confusion made me laugh, I couldn't hold it in anymore and she and realised what I was doing, she finally smiled.

"You're making fun of me." She assured chuckling, throwing a cherry she had in hand at me but I caught it before it hit my face.

"Mmm no, I'd be too frighten to tease another Jedi." I said laughing as I looked deep into her beautiful dreamy eyes, then I looked at the flowers on my hands, feeling her glance on me. "But I made you laugh, that's an achievement because you're always so serious." She raised her eyebrows, pretending to be offended.

"I'm so serious?" I chuckled again.


"Always so serious?"

"Definitely." She grabbed a piece of fruit and threw it at me but I caught it and kept it in my hand, then she threw another one, and another one, and another one, all of which I caught with ease until my hand was filled with fruit and I couldn't catch them anymore. All of the sudden, there were many strawberries and cherries raining over me.

  Lana bursted into laughter, as well as me and I swear, I've never laughed this much in such a long time. My belly ached and there were tears streaming down my face, when I looked at her, she was crying because of the laughter too. She made clear the fact that she isn't always serious, even if I already knew that, she always laughs at my dumb jokes and on the wrong situations.

  Suddenly, silence fell upon us and we recovered our breaths and looked at the clouds while the Shaaks groaned as they made their way down the meadow to feed themselves.

"Another race?" She offered out of the blue and I looked at her again. "All the way to that hill." She pointed at said location. "I'll give you a head start."

"I don't need a head start."

"If you say so."

"On three?" She nodded with a mischievous smile. "One, two-" She stood up and ran, chuckling mischievously. "Hey! Unfair!" I stood up and ran behind her as fast as I could, even if she was running as fast as she could too. Naberrie is one of the fastest people I know, catching up with her when she means to run faster than you is quite hard to achieve.

At some point, I stopped and observed. The fabric of the yellow dress danced with the wind as well has her hair. Just like the air of Naboo, she made everything smell like flowers as she felt the breeze on her cheeks. I looked to my left and saw a bunch of Shaaks, so, I decided to try something a little crazy instead. I jumped on one of the Shaaks that were there and tried to ride it and maintain my balance.

"Whoa." I exclaimed as the creature kept on running trying to get me off its back. I heard her laughter behind me. I laughed because of it, but I got distracted. The animal gave a small hop, but was enough to make me fall down. Its legs didn't hit me, but I was trying to get up and my laughter just didn't let me, I fell on the ground once more.

"Ani?" I heard her calling me. "Ani?!" Her voice was worried. Then I heard her running towards me. "Ani! Anakin! Are you alright?" She asked as she bent down beside me. I was laughing in a whisper until she turned me around to check if I was alright. When she did, she punched my chest with the palm of her hand. "You idiot! You scared the shit out of me!" She yelled as she laughed alongside me. I grabbed her wrists and I pushed us down through the small hill where we were.

We rolled down and laughed. Her scent was now all over my clothings. When we stopped rolling, she was above me. My hands on her waist and hers on each side of my head. We stopped laughing with smiles on our faces. She was so close and I wanted to kiss her again, but I didn't think it would be the most appropriate thing to do.

Instead, she shook her head and laid down, at first on my chest, then, she rolled to the right until she was laying on the grass facing the sun and turned at me before she closed her eyes and took a nap on the meadows. I looked at her and then fell asleep too.

When I opened my eyes again, ten minutes had gone by and I woke her up, I had a feeling that the sun was gonna burn us if we didn't leave or move. We decided to go back to the house and do something else.


When we arrived, we decided to have a bit of a fancy dinner. I was looking out of the windows. The clouds were slowly turning into a peachy colour, the water reflected the sky and then I turned around. Lana was wearing a black dress that was perfectly attached to her body that highlighted her figure, her hair was braided and she was wearing a silver tiara across her forehead.

When we sat down and we started to eat, she asked me about our missions, making conversation, and I gladly told her some of the best ones we've had in my opinion.

"So, when I got to them, we went into aggressive negotiations." I said as one of the house helpers handed me a plate with fruit. "Thank you." I told her.

"Aggressive negotiations? What's that?" She asked.

"Well, negotiations with a lightsaber." I answered, and we both laughed. She was going to cut her fruit when I pulled it towards me using the Force. She smiled and I did the same. I started to cut the pear when an image of my master came to my mind. "If Master Obi-Wan caught me doing this, he'd be very grumpy."

I felt her eyes looking at me, studying my movements. I then lifted the piece I had just cut and placed it on her plate carefully. We ate and spent a delightful evening.

  Hours later, the air got cold, therefore we were sitting by a fireplace in the living room across the dining room. We were looking at each other's eyes and every now and then her eyes traveled towards my lips, and mine traveled to hers too. As if we were longing to repeat that moment that took place a moon ago. But then we'd look away.

There was a silence that made the tension palpable, and I saw the opportunity for speak the words that my heart was so desperate to tell her.

"From the moment I met you, all those years ago, not a day has gone by when I haven't thought of you." I said, then I sighed and looked behind her. "And now that I'm with you again, I'm in agony." I commented as my sight traveled back to her eyes. "The closer I get to you, the worse it gets. The thought of not being with you...I can't breathe." Her eyes shimmered with a thin line of tears. I knew that she might feel the same, but she was trying to hide it, to bury it, like I tried unsuccessfully all those years ago. I paused for a moment. "I'm haunted by the kiss I shouldn't have given you and that you shouldn't have returned." Her eyes traveled to the darkness behind me. "My heart is beating, hoping that that kiss will not become a scar." I commented as I leaned closer to her. She wasn't pulling away but her face reflected and begged me to stop talking, as if those words were hurting her soul. "You are in my very soul, tormenting me."

"Ani..." She whispered.

"What can I do? I will do anything that you ask." I said looking at the fire behind her. She stood quiet, meditating it for a few seconds, but I was impatient to hear whatever she had to say. "If you're suffering as much as I am, please, tell me."

"I-" She whispered, then sighed. "We can't. It-it's just not...possible."

"Anything is possible, Allana, listen to me."

"No, you listen." She said as she stood up from the sofa and gave a few steps towards the fireplace. "We live in a real world Ani, please, come back to it. You're studying to become a Jedi, and I- I am too." She paused as I heard the pain in her voice. "If you follow your thoughts through the conclusion, it'll take us to a place we cannot go, regardless of the way we may feel about each other."

"Then you do feel something."

"Ani, we." She paused for a brief second. "I will not let you give up your bright future for me."

I stood up and walked towards her. "You are asking me to be rational, that is something I know I cannot do. Believe me, I wish that I could just wish away my feelings but I can't, and for five years I've tried to get you out of my head, but I just...I haven't been able to." Her eyes glimmered with surprise and something in them told me she felt the same, I was certain.

"I can't."

I walked away from her and when I was about to walk out, I turned around to face her once more.
"Well, you know, it wouldn't have to be that way." I commented as an idea arrived to my mind. "We could keep it a secret."

"We'd be living a lie...one we couldn't keep even if we wanted to. I don't think I could do that, but let me ask, could you, Anakin? Could you live like that?"

I was silent for few seconds. Her eyes were begging me to say something but I knew that either answer was going to hurt her. "No, you're right." I saw her heart breaking. "It would destroy us." I commented and then left towards the room I had feeling my heart breaking too. I took off my clothes as the echo of her heels hitting the ground sounded louder every time, until they stopped when she reached her bedroom, right next to mine.

I placed my robes on the chair and threw my shirt angrily as I placed my body underneath the sheets. As I was thinking of all the previous events of the week flashed trough my head, I fell asleep. But it didn't last long.

I dreamt of my mother...again. She was suffering, begging for me to help her. "No." I said in my sleep.

"Anakin! Help me!" Her voice begged echoing in my head, making my ears ring.

"Mom, no."


"No." I said.

She screamed. "Anakin!"

"No!" I opened my eyes and ever since I couldn't close them. I have to help my mother, that was certain. I have to save her.

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