53: Unexpected Alliances Pt.2
I woke up, the early morning light blinded me a little but my eyes adapted quickly to the light.
The four of us stayed at the living room of Cassis' house but I quickly realised one of the girls was missing. I got up from the ground and looked outside through the large window, and there she was, with her hands behind her back, her hair braided, the braid crowned her head and few locks were being moved by the wind, she was facing the sun, like a sunflower, I smiled, she enjoys waking up like that sometimes.
After a while, the village woke up, as well as Snips and Obi-Wan. Cassis offered us some fruit and juice as breakfast, I looked out again and she was still there, standing still. I grabbed a plate with food and a glass with juice, then, I walked downstairs and out of the house, the breeze was warm and the sunlight felt like an embrace.
I was a couple steps away but Lana seemed so...calm, so, I decided to walk back towards the house.
"Don't leave." She said and I stopped my movements. "Like you once told me, your presence is soothing." I chuckled.
"Morning." I walked up to her again, she turned around with a smile.
"Hi." She looked at my hands.
"I brought you breakfast." She approached and took the plate and the glass, then, she sat down on the grass and I sat beside her. She ate in silence and I joined that silence, enjoying the noise the leaves produced when the air hit them.
After a while, the farmers started to work on the sillim, placing them in bushels. Sugi and Obi-Wan were taking care of that task, well, making sure there were no problems in the process. Snips and Smarty stayed with the kids and helped place some traps for Hondo and his men while I went to train the rest of the farmers, who had long tools, staffs, on their hands.
The children wanted to see, so, Lans brought them with herself while Ahsoka helped the rest of the bounty hunters. The youngest kid was holding my wife's hand and my heart warmed up, she'll be a great mother some day, I smiled and then focused again, although the thought was still there in my head.
"Alright everyone, form up." I commanded placing my hands behind my back after I had cleared my throat, they were all confused, I sighed. "Uh...divide into rows of five." I shook my head as I breathed out when they just moved around, Lana chuckled.
"I told you, we're not soldiers." Said Dillani as Naberrie placed the small group of kids on a side and helped me out to organise them into the rows, with the right space in between each one to train comfortably. "We don't even have weapons."
"Well." Said Lana looking at the farmer and I approached the little guy who's standing to his left.
"May I?" I asked, offering my hand to take his staff. He hesitated for a second but handed it over. I checked the weight and started to spin it in front of me, then behind me and to a side, stoping it strongly. I continued to spin it over my head and over my shoulders until I pointed with it at the farmers, they seemed surprised, I smiled. "Yep, these'll do." I handed the staff over and turned around, Lana was now behind me, carrying the kid with a smile and a light blush on her cheeks, I smiled at her.
She placed the kid on the ground, next to other one of the kiddos and instructed them all to go with Ahsoka and Seripas while she stayed to help. We placed everyone on formation and she grabbed the staffs an old farmer brought to us, when her eyes met mine she threw one of those staffs towards me. I caught it mid air and we started to teach the locals few defensive and attack moves, helped them maintain their balance and find the balance points to be steady and more comfortable as they fought.
When we told them to give a thrust, one of the staffs flew out of someone's hands, so, we moved to aside and dodged the hit and saw how Embo grabbed it effortlessly, then, as we waited to continue, a guy fell and the bounty hunter behind us started to laugh. I frowned and looked at him as Lans went to help the farmer while Embo threw the staff back, hitting the face of said guy, making me shake my head, in that moment, Dillani whined.
"The bounty hunter is right." He said as Lana reached my side, sighing, translating what Embo said, even if we knew the words that left his mouth. "Every minute you waste teaching us to twirl these stupid poles is time you could've spent beating those pirates yourselves." He kicked the staff and Obi-Wan, alongside Sugi, arrived.
"And what good would that do you?" Asked my Master. "Another band of brigands would inevitably come along, or, do you intend to give away part of your crop every harvest season?"
"If you make us do this, there won't be another harvest season!" He walked away angrily as the rest looked at each other in confusion.
"Alright everybody." Allana called the attention. "Get back in position, let's continue."
After a fair amount of time, four hours and half to be exact, the farmers were getting better and better, at the point where neither Lans or me had to be the examples for them to have the movements memorised.
Obi-Wan walked in between them to help them out if needed and we'd watch alongside the bounty hunters their progress, there was hope after all. Everything was calm and quiet until...
"There!" Yelped Sugi to our left. "A scout!" She pointed at the hill, we all frowned as we saw the figure of a man run away fast.
"Embo!" She commanded and the alien started to run towards the spot where she pointed.
We started to run behind Embo and heard an explosion but, when we arrived, we heard a man choking and his arms shaking until we saw the corpse falling before the bounty hunter.
"Quick work." I said as soon as we stopped running, he thanked me.
"Yes, but when the scout fails to report to Hondo, he'll be coming, and soon." Lans said crossing her arms, she was not wrong, it'll be a problem.
"We need to get ready." Said Obi-Wan. I contacted Ahsoka and explained the situation, she said she'd start to organise everything with Rumi's help, soon enough we arrived and divided ourselves again.
"The farmers are on position." I informed Obi-Wan what Snips had told me as we approached him, after he had walked out of the barn with Sugi.
"Well, the ones who stuck around anyway." Lans completed, both of us crossed our arms, as well as Embo.
"Very well, turn the fence on." Kenobi commanded and I clicked a button on the fence's control and turned green lasers on. As the lasers whirred we heard engines revving, a bit uphill, we saw the silhouettes of the pirates, their speeders and...a fucking tank?
"Oh man." I whispered.
"Battle positions, everyone!" Yelled Sugi and we grabbed our lightsabers just to turn them on while the farmers grabbed the poles, here we go.
The pirates were the first ones to approach and they fired their blasters in the process. Our allies did the same, then, they took different paths, some of them went towards the crop, others through the fields and others went towards Ahsoka's sector. I knew she had everything under control, specially when I heard a tree falling and explosions. It's all part of the plan, her plan.
We stayed by the barn and took cover as we head and saw the tank firing constantly. The blasts impacted the houses, —that thankfully were empty— and some places of the fields, one of them exploded near Embo, making him fly and hit the ground with a loud thud.
"Embo!" I yelled and we all started to run towards him.
"Embo, can you hear me?" Sugi gently asked as she bent down beside her friend. He moaned in pain, but he did, he was alive. "You'll be alright, we'll get you inside." In a second, there was another impact.
"Everyone! Fall back to the barn!" Obi-Wan commanded and everyone rushed to the save spot.
"That tank is going to tear the villagers apart." Said Sugi as she placed Embo's arm around her shoulders.
As I looked up, Lana's thin figure ran beside me and I started to run as well, she was close to an impact and dodged it, but the villagers weren't so lucky. I deflected the second impact that was close to get Lans as she bent down to check on the farmer, then her head fell forward, it confirmed that said villager was gone.
I could feel her anger and her sadness, they matched mine, almost all the emotions she feels are shared with me, that's why we understand each other so well. Her hazel eyes met mine and she had a frown on her graceful features, I nodded and we started to run uphill towards the tank, dodging the blasts as we jumped.
"Die Jedi scum!" Yelped Hondo as we jumped with all the strength we could gather and using the Force in order to land on the tank, in front and behind him, making an effort not to fall.
Ohnaka pulled out of the tank an electro-staff and started to attack us, from one second to another, the tank fired against the barn. I frowned and stabbed the cockpit picturing the little, blue, annoying animal that's always resting on Hondo's shoulder, those things are smart, I didn't doubt it was moving the controls.
In anyway, the tank fired again and Allana groaned, she jumped to be beside me instead of behind the pirate and started to attack him when I rested. The three of us were trying to maintain the balance as the tank jerked from one side to another.
I jumped in front of Lana when she made a head movement, but when I landed, Hondo kicked me, making me loose my balance. I avoided the fall by holding on to the edges of the entrance of the tank, when Hondo tried to attack me again, Lana kicked him and as he gave a thrust, we moved backwards, avoiding his attack, he gave another thrust that made an impact with our lightsabers and in that moment the blue little devil appeared, it grabbed my leg.
"Get off me." I grunted and kicked the animal away, making it scream, then, as Hondo went for our heads, we jumped backwards and landed on our feet.
"Your situation is hopeless Jedi." The bloody little thing came out of nowhere and jumped to my face, screeching. I grunted as I tried to get him off my face, and as I struggled, Allana and Hondo engaged a fight, then, once I had ripped the animal off my face feeling three light scratches on my left cheek, I managed to get into the fight as well and help my wife out, in a second, the animal started to bite my leg again.
"For goodness sake." I grabbed the stupid Kowakian monkey-lizard and threw it up to kill it as it fell, I hate it.
When I was about to succeed, Hondo's staff blocked my attack, I realised he had kicked Lana, on the stomach, pushing all the air of her lungs out and she was trying to breath in on the ground. Ohnaka attacked me again but I managed to grab his wrists, he was pushing me downwards but I also managed to bend down and take him down, as he fell, he slipped and successfully avoided his fall by holding himself to the edge of the hill.
"Help me!" He asked extending his hand and I frowned. I looked over my shoulder and Naberrie was kneeling up, coughing, air was finally filling her lungs again. "Skywalker, let me call off my men." I turned my saber off and grabbed his hand to pull him up until he was in front of me. He smiled when he was in front of me and pushed me, when I turned around, the cannon of the tank was in front of me.
"No!" Lana's heartbreaking scream flooded my senses and in a second, she tackled me and we fell hearing the blaster making impact with the ground, she saved my life.
We collided against the ground and rolled over thanks to the momentum of her jump, it hurt as hell, we certainly didn't manage to land on our feet this time.
I thought some bones might be broken but I was fine, and she seemed to be when we both stood up and looked upwards, our eyes met Hondo's silhouette.
"This effort!" He started his 'goodbye' speech. "Is no longer!" The gigantic ship appeared into scene. "Profitable!" He started to run away and in within twenty seconds, the ship flew away.
We all returned to the barn and the farmers ran out, cheerful but they settled down when Cassis stood before them.
"There are crops to harvest, fields to till and huts to rebuild, now, let's get to work." The farmers walked away to get their chores done and their leader turned around to face us. "How can I ever thank you for saving our village?" I smiled.
"We didn't save your village Cassis, your people did." I told him.
"For the first time in my memory, my people don't have to be afraid." He made a little bow before us and we all returned it.
"We will never forget you." He walked away and his place in front of us was taken by Sugi.
"I seem to find myself light on company." She said. "Still need that ride back to the Republic outpost?"
"If it wouldn't be any inconvenience." Said Obi-Wan and Lana chuckled beside me.
"On the contrary, it would be my pleasure." She pointed to the side of the ship and we started to walk towards the entrance.
Before we had to leave, the farmers gave the bounty hunters what they had promised and they were kind enough to give us some food and beverages, after about ten minutes, we all walked into the large, silver ship and Sugi piloted out of Felucia.
In no time, we jumped into hyperspace. I was sitting with Snips and we were playing Dejarik against Seripas and Embo, Lana was in the cockpit with Obi-Wan and Sugi. After we lost the game, we were told that we had arrived, we were at Coruscant, it was the nearest one, so, after we walked outside, thanked our allies and informed the Council about Felucia's medical station situation, we were dismissed for the night.
Lana and I made our way home, and as soon as we walked through the doors, we let out a sigh, it's good to be back here, it's peaceful.
I didn't waste a second and let myself fall on the couch, and I thought my love would do the same but instead she got lost, somewhere in the bedroom. I closed my eyes for a second and when I opened them, she walked into he living room, with a first-aid-kit in between her hands, I smiled at her and she returned the gesture as she sat on my lap.
"You know? I can do tha-" I spoke, but of course she cut me off.
"Shh, I know, but, you always pretend you clean the wounds because you hate to do it."
"It burns."
"But it avoids a future infection." I sighed and rolled my eyes, then, I looked at the kitchen. "I'll be quick, I promise."
"Yeah right." She gently grabbed my face and moved it to have a better look.
"Oh, look at that, it's nothing, I'll be done faster than you can say 'midi-chlorian'." She chuckled.
"You always say that, 'I'll be-' fuck!" I closed my eyes strongly as the burning feeling appeared on my skin and Lans laughed. "Lana, it's not funny!" She always takes advantage of my distracted talking to this this.
"Not for you, but for me it is."
"Why?" I breathed out when the cotton stopped making contact with my skin, then, she kissed the clean wounds making a warmth blossom on my skin, butterflies fly on my stomach and a small smile to appear on my lips.
"Because of the faces you make, and...the cussing." I looked at her and she brushed my hair as I pulled her close, placing my hands on her hips.
"I never thanked you."
"For what?"
"Saving my skin."
"For the..." She looked up, arching an eyebrow and placing her naked arms around my shoulders. "Hm, look at that, I've missed the count." I scoffed as she took her long gloves off and placed them on the center table.
"What? You haven't done it that much." She giggled.
"But I have, haven't I?" I smiled.
"I can't deny that." I sighed. "Thank you."
"No problem my dear."
"And...I didn't ask you either, are you alright? That fall, it hurt like hell." She chuckled.
"I'm very well, thank you, what about you?" I smiled.
"Never better." Her smile intensified and she kissed my forehead, making me smile again, then, she kissed my lips, softly, as she always does, when we ran out of air, she broke the kiss and laid down.
I took off my armour and placed it on the ground, as well as my belt, she did the same and I placed my head on top of her chest, leaving a kiss on her neck. She kissed the top of my head as she brushed my hair and I traced lines on her waist with my thumb, her heartbeat was steady and calming, as well as her breath, I closed my eyes after a while, hearing the humming of her angelic voice, I smiled, she's truly an Angel.
With that peace involving me, with her singing and her presence, I fell deeply asleep, feeling calm and safe.
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