52: Unexpected Alliances Pt. 1
We lost contact with the Medical Station on Felucia a while ago, so, Obi-Wan, Anakin, Ahsoka and I were sent to investigate what was going on.
"That's Felucia, straight ahead." Said Ani to my left as I looked at the controls.
"But where's the medical station?" Asked Snips behind me, I looked up and said station was nowhere in sight and there was nothing in the screens. "There's nothing on the scanners." I looked over my shoulder and the Padawan was trying to look at the scanners. I smiled at her as I heard a beep, I turned around and looked at the blue screen.
"There's something." I commented. "Oh, you're gonna like this." I commented sarcastically.
"What thing?" Asked Obi-Wan.
"Vulture droids." Everyone sighed. "Strap in." The clicks of the seatbelts echoed quickly.
"Hang on." Said Ani as he flew away from the droids.
"I guess we know what happened to the medical station." Said Obi-Wan when suddenly the ship trembled and I had to hold on to my seat as something blew up. "Oh, that's not good."
"They took out the plasma conduit." I said looking back at the scanners.
We entered the atmosphere of the planet and the droids followed behind us, an alarm went off.
"You're thinking what I'm thinking?" Anakin asked looking at me.
"It's the only way, but I don't like it." I answered, Ani looked over his shoulder.
"What about you?" He asked Kenobi.
"Almost certainly not." Answered Obi-Wan as we all placed the oxygen masks that are attached to the seats over our faces.
"Looks like we're doing this the hard way." Said my husband.
"Don't we always?" Said Ahsoka and I chuckled.
"Starting ejection sequence." I said as I clicked the buttons.
"How come every time you fly, we crash?" Ahsoka asked Skywalker.
"It's not my fault, it's the ship!" He answered.
"Ready to eject." I got nervous as I saw how we got close to a hill by second.
"Wait...now." When Anakin gave the signal, we all pulled the leavers of the seats and were ejected from the ship, the seats were surrounded by a protector made out of rubber.
As we fell and hit the trees and the ground, I heard the ship exploding.
"He always...blames...the ship." I said as I bounced on the ground constantly feeling like I could throw up in any minute and a sharp headache. In no time the protector opened and I walked out to sit down on the ground and catch my breath. I coughed and heard the rest doing the same, but, Anakin chuckled and I shook my head as a smile cracked through my lips.
"Ah, you alright there Master?" He asked Kenobi as he approached me and extended his hand, I took it and he pulled me to stand up.
"I'm fine Anakin." He answered rubbing the back of his head.
"Again, next time, I'm piloting Skyguy." I said approaching Ahsoka who rubbed her lower back with a playful smirk.
"Keep dreaming about that Smarty." Said he.
"Where on Felucia do you think we are?" Asked Ahsoka as we started walking.
"I'm not sure." Obi-Wan answered as soon as we heard a growing in the distance. "Oh, I don't like the sound of that."
"And I don't like the look of that." Said Anakin pointing at a huge pair of creatures that were walking right before us and we stopped walking. "We don't wanna scare 'em."
"We can't just wander around aimlessly, we need a plan." Obi-Wan commented.
"You always taught me to go on instinct and my instincts tell me to go that way." He said and I sighed, here we go.
"No, that...that doesn't seem right, I think we should go this way." Kenobi pointed at the opposite way from where Ani was pointing. I frowned and my eyes met Ahsoka's, she was frowning as well.
"Why do you even ask for my opinion, you never do things my way." I blinked.
"We crashed the ship your way." I chuckled.
"Very funny, I see your sense of humor survived the landing." I chuckled again as Snips padded my forearm, I looked at her and she pointed with her eyes at the front, where a column of smoke could be seen in the distance, I smiled at her, she smiled back.
"It's about the only thing."
"If you two are done arguing like an old married couple." I called their attention and saw how Ani looked at me, with amusement and surprise. "Your Padawan has spotted some smoke on the horizon, that means people and a way off this planet, so, we'll go that way, we'll done Snips." I started to walk.
"Thanks Smarty." She walked beside me.
We walked in silence through the large path, admiring the wild landscape that this system has, it is truly unique. The weather was very comfortable, not too cold, not too hot, a considerable humidity, very pleasing, and everything was quiet, peaceful.
"Look, there's a village." Said Ahsoka.
"Maybe they have a ship we can...borrow." Anakin told us as we approached the entrance of said village, looking around.
"They're growing healing herbs."
"Nysillim, I believe." Added Kenobi.
"That's one of the most valuable crops in the galaxy." I said as we walked past the herbs.
After ten minutes, more or less, the peace of the place that the silence produces started to feel unsettling...
"This place looks deserted." Said 'soka as I looked in all directions.
"I don't believe it." Said Obi-Wan. "The crops are ready to be harvested, tools are laying about...no, something's amiss." I nodded and walked beside Anakin, who guided the way towards the back of a house.
"Well, there's one thing I learned where I grew up." He said. "If you want to know what a farmer's up to...look in their barn." We approached the large doors and he clicked the button to open it. Once the door had lifted, a silver ship was revealed.
"That is an odd ship for farmers, perhaps someone's here to pick up the sillim." I commented.
"I still don't get it." Snips said calling our attention. "Where is everyone?"
"Let's find out." I said and walked away. "Let's spread out and look for the people." Everyone nodded. I walked alongside Ahsoka while Ani left with Kenobi towards another house as we entered the first one.
We were inside and it was a lovely little home, with a small table in the center, right behind the entrance and a two couch living room to the right.
We wandered around in silence and my attention snapped towards a small hatch when I heard a noise underneath it. I bent down and looked up at Ahsoka, who was already in front of me, I took the handle of my lightsaber from my belt and I placed my index finger over my lips, indicating her to stay silent. She nodded and took her own saber as well with a frown. I used the Force to open the hatch and saw the farmers down there, they looked scared.
"Mystery solved." I commented and Ahsoka gasped.
"They're terrified." She said and approached the edge of the hatch. "It's okay, we won't hurt you." Suddenly, I saw movement from the corner of my eye and heard a gun clicking. I looked up and we were surrounded, there were four bounty hunters in the house now, aiming their weapons at us.
"Kindly drop your weapons Jedi." The one who's pointing at me said and I stood up, I looked at 'soka and breathed in.
"Take it easy kid." I said. "We don't want any trouble." The one that was standing to my right started to speak and I narrowed my eyes, 'you're outnumbered' he said. "It's not always about the numbers." I told him.
"Four on one is hardly a fair fight, even for a Jedi." Said the other woman, the one who's pointed at my Padawan's head. I scoffed and managed to click my communicator without being seen to signal the other two.
"Wait a minute, four on one?" Ahsoka asked. "You mean four on two."
"We don't count you knee-high." Said another one of them, the tallest one. There was a short pause.
"Do you count us?" Asked Obi-Wan as he walked side by side with Anakin, both of them had their lightsabers on, something whirred and we turned our lightsabers on as well. This will be interesting.
"Stop!" A man yelled. "Don't harm them! Can't you see these are Jedi? We're saved!"
"Saved?" Asked Ahsoka.
"Need I remind you Cassis, you already made a deal with us?" Said the girl who was still pointing at my head.
"But with the Jedi's help-" Said Cassis.
"Excuse me." Ahsoka called the attention. "Help you with what?"
"Pirates." Answered the farmer as he moved a blaster down. I turned my lightsaber off and the rest followed. "It's better if you sit down." The bounty hunters placed their blasters away and Kenobi and 'soka sat on the chairs of the table with Cassis.
He explained the whole situation to us. Anakin and I were reclining our backs against the wall with our arms crossed listening to what he was saying, feeling the gazes of the bounty hunters, who don't trust us at, on us.
The explanation was very long, we realised it when the sun went down and the moon raised on the sky. Everyone was eating something while we just drank the water the farmers gently gave us.
"Simply stated." Said Cassis. "If we don't give the pirates a portion of our crop, they will destroy our homes, with us in them."
"Hmm, I see your dilemma." Obi-Wan said.
"Sillim farming is a meager trade, without our herbs to sell, we will have no money for food, fuel or equipment."
"And yet you can afford to pay mercenaries?" I asked gaining a side eye glance from the girl, whose name I now know is Sugi.
"These bounty hunters drive a far more reasonable bargain than the pirates." Cassis answered.
"Why not just fight them yourselves?" Asked Ani this time.
"Easy for you perhaps, but look at us, we are farmers, not warriors. Even with the bounty hunter's help, I had feared the worst but now there-there are seven of you!"
"What do you want Jedi?" Sugi asked.
"We need a ship." Ahsoka answered after she looked at Obi-Wan and he nodded. "Ours is...beyond repair, right Master?" I almost spit the sip of water I was taking and Anakin nudged my ribs with his elbow.
"That's pretty much right Snips." He said. "The one in the barn, that'll do." The woman scoffed.
"That's our ride, it doesn't go anywhere without us and right now, we're busy."
"Busy extorting farmers?" Asked Obi-Wan dryly.
"I don't hear you offering to help."
"Unfortunately, we couldn't help, even if we wanted to." He answered and I frowned.
"What?" Asked Snips, Kenobi sighed.
"If you'll excuse my team and I, we need to talk." Said he and they both stood up while we followed behind.
Once outside Ahsoka crossed her arms, annoyed, I crossed mine too to think comfortably, unconsciously, grabbing my chin, like my Master does.
"Master, these farmers are in trouble." She said. "Why can't we help them?"
"Believe me Ahsoka, I would like nothing more." Said Obi-Wan. "However, we need to report that the medical station has been destroyed. If we stay too long the Separatists will show up looking for us here." He has a very fair point.
"Better they get robbed by pirates than attract the interest of General Grievous and his horde."
"Pirates!" A kid said and my attention snapped towards her. "Pirates! Pirates! The pirates are back!" I frowned and let my arms fall to my sides.
In a second, five speeders arrived, their faces were illuminated by the green flame of the bonfire.
"That's far enough." Said the leader of the hunters. "I speak for the people of this village, state your name and business."
"My name is my own business!" That voice sounded vaguely familiar and I wasn't the only one who noticed, I looked at Anakin and he looked at me, both of us frowned even more. "And my business is taking what's ours!"
"There is nothing here that's yours unless they're here to buy it."
"Buy it?" Now, I recognise that voice perfectly, as well as the laugh. "Naberrie, Skywalker, I can't believe you came all this way to see me."
"Hondo." Ani and I said at the same time. Our eyes met again in the process and now there was surprise all over our features.
"You know each other?" Sugi asked us arching an eyebrow.
"Of course we do!" Hondo answered. "Tell them how far we go Naberrie."
"Too far I'm afraid." I said with a sigh as the Captain approached.
"Ha, ha! And here I thought we were friends." He placed a hand on my shoulder, I smiled.
"Remember your warning Hondo." He removed his hand from my exposed skin with a forced smile. "Now, if you're truly interested in friendship, then, I suggest you stop threatening these farmers."
"Threatening them? Oh! Please tell me you have not been listening to this bounty-hunting scum!"
"Scum?" Asked Sugi. "We're just here to help them protect what's theirs."
"Oh, come, come, my dear, how much are they paying you? Bup, bup, bup! Does not matter, whatever it is, I will double it and all you have to do to earn it is...step aside."
"We. Don't. Break. Deals." Sugi pushed Hondo, very slightly though, but in any way, his men aimed at the bounty hunters, causing them to aim at the pirates.
I extended his hands and walked slowly towards the leaders of each gang.
"Steady everyone." I said, once I was beside the man and woman, I let my arms fall to my sides again.
"What is your stake anyway Naberrie?" Asked the pirate.
"All we want is a ride to the nearest Republic outpost and I'm willing to pay you handsomely for it, twice what you could make selling this crop, what do you say Hondo? For the old times?"
"Well um, how do you plan to pay me?"
"Mm, a funds transfer when we arrive." I placed my hands behind my back.
"Republic credit?" He clicked his tongue. "We've been over this before General." He sighed. "My associates don't accept that currency."
"I'm offering a deal that benefits us all Captain, don't let your greed blind you."
"You know? I like you Naberrie but um...no one leaves this planet until I get my sillim." I frowned.
"Then I hope you enjoy it here." Sugi said. "Because you'll be staying a long time parasite."
"You know...this crop." Hondo walked in between Sugi and I. "Has not been harvested." He approached Cassis. "You better hurry old man before things start to uh...die? On you." He then walked back to his men and left, so, we walked back into the house.
"How is it that you know the pirate Jedi?" Asked Rumi in a cold tone of voice, I sighed and looked out through the window.
"Months ago, the Separatist leader, Count Dooku was captured by these pirates on Vanqor. Allana and I were sent to confirm they had him in custody." Anakin began the explanation, I turned around and sat in front of Sugi and Embo, who was standing behind her.
"We confirmed they had him and before we could exchange the spice with them, they drugged us and tried to use us to triple the payment, they locked us, tortured us and you could imagine how."
"You never told me that part of the story." Said Obi-Wan frowning with worry.
"Of course we didn't." Said Anakin. "That would've made us look less heroic." I chuckled. "Specially after it was Jar Jar the one who saved us...not really knowing he did."
"That's pretty much it, and luckily we, more or less, know how they operate and attack." I commented. "Do you have a holo-projector of the area?" Cassis nodded, he walked upstairs and got lost somewhere above us, minutes later he returned with the disk, placed it on the table and clicked the button making the blue hologram to illuminate our faces.
I analysed it, feeling the intense gazes of those in the room on me.
"I believe that when the attack comes, it'll come from two fronts, the forest to the south and the ridge to the north." I said as I pointed at the areas I had mentioned. "Whatever you do, you must defend both sides."
"But there are only four of them." Said Dilanni, who's sitting beside Sugi, to her left, my right. "How can four bounty hunters defend against so many?" Embo spoke quickly, I looked at Obi-Wan.
"The farmers are right." Said my darling. "These bounty hunters don't stand a chance."
"We've been over this." Kenobi told his apprentice and looked at me too.
"You seem to lack confidence in our abilities, young Jedi." Sugi told my husband.
"I'm sure you're good at what you do but you're in way too deep." Ani told her.
"Said the peacekeeper who fails to keep the peace." I sighed.
"The rift in the Galaxy is not our fault." Kenobi intervened. "If more worlds would stand up for themselves against the Separatists, this war would have been over long ago." I stood up and paced around the room, I think better that way, Obi-Wan took my seat and it clicked in my head after a couple minutes.
"That's it!" Anakin and I said at the same time.
"Oh, you go first." I said.
"No, no, please, your ideas are always better." He commented.
"That's true." He rolled his eyes with a smile. "Thanks." I cleared my throat. "We can train the villagers to defend themselves."
"That way, they'll stand up for themselves." Ani added. "I thought the same thing." Said his voice in my head. I smiled at him and at the way he manages to get inside my thoughts every time.
"But we are just simple farmers." Dilanni complained again. "Why are we paying bounty hunters to defend us if we're just going to end up doing it ourselves?" That's...that's a good point, but it's a must now.
"Hush Dilanni." Cassis said.
"Trust us, we'll have you ready." Ani said with a kind smile and I nodded.
After some more talking we all went to sleep to prepare for tomorrow.
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