50: Grievous Intrigue and Intercepted Messages
After three months and a half with no action. I went out on a small patrol mission and Wolffe and I intercepted a message. When we played the first part, Grievous appeared into scene, Master Koth was also there. I didn't waste a second and called an emergency meeting with the Council, they asked me what was happening and I told them they needed to see something, an urgent message that I didn't entirely play so that we could all see what was it about, after that, we rushed to get to the Temple.
In less than five minutes, we were all at the Communication Center. Ani and Masters Kenobi, Yoda and Windu were physically standing to my right, in front of me were the holograms of Master Plo and Kit and to the left, to close the circle, were the holograms of Luminara and Mundi, as well as my Master but she was physically there, behind me was my loyal Commander.
"Allana, you have us all worried, what is going on?" Said Adi.
"I know Master, I'm sorry." I looked over my shoulder and Wolffe gave me the disk. "We intercepted this message. I've only seen the first minute and I thought we all should have a look." I looked at Windu and he nodded, indicating me to play it, so, I placed the disk inside the large table and clicked the button.
"Greetings Jedi." Said Grievous with Master Koth laying beside him. "It would seem, once again, one of your Order has lost his way, and even better, a leading member of your Jedi Council." He was grabbing Eeth by his long, black hair and that caused him to yelp in pain. I frowned, worried, my eyes met Anakin's, his face reflected mine. "Listen to me Jedi, I do not care about your politics, I do not care about your Republic." He threw Koth to the ground. "I only care to see you die." A droid appeared into scene and moved one of those large staffs that electrify whatever they touch and hit Eeth's back. The electricity zapped as he groaned, the younglings gasped and I closed my eyes and crossed my arms, squeezing my skin. I opened my eyes again once the zap stopped. "But death will not come so easily for Master Koth, I will make him suffer endlessly, because I know that is more painful for you all." He started to laugh maniacally until the echo of his laughter evaporated away as the message ended.
The room filled with whispers that said how much of a monster and a maniac he is. The grip around my arms relaxed a bit as I met my Master's eyes, she was just as worried as me.
"Away with the younglings." Said Yoda. I looked at him and realised Ahsoka, Barriss and a pair of young kids were here too. "Much there is to discuss." They left and very few of us stayed.
"It's time someone finally put an end to that monster." Said Anakin and I nodded, looking at the empty space where the hologram of our colleague was.
"On that, agreed we are, how to find him, the question remains." In that moment, Wolffe padded my shoulder, I leaned over to him and he whispered he saw something in the message, a code.
"After engaging Grievous, we lost contact with Master Koth, he could be anywhere." Said Kenobi as my Commander finished speaking.
"Commander Wolffe has found a message, a code, in the holo transmission." I said and clicked the button again, playing the message and I skipped all the intro up to the part where they tortured him. The sizzling echoed as I looked for said message, spotting it quickly. Hand signals. I didn't see them before because I closed my eyes.
"Look." Said Ani.
"Hand signals." Said Plo Koon as I turned around and whispered 'good job' at my trooper, who smiled kindly and nodded.
"I admit my skills are rusty but..." Obi-Wan commented as he analysed the signals Koth was giving us. "Saleucami System, sector J-19...zero...eight, zero-five, two-nine." He added.
"Coordinates?" I asked and Ani looked at me, he shrugged as my eyes met his.
"Saleucami?" Asked Adi, placing her hand on her chin like she always does when she thinks. A gesture I've adopted through the years. "Our intelligence reported Grievous has no ships near that sector." Our gazes went from her to Master Yoda.
"Yes, but so often, inaccurate, our intelligence is." He said.
"I shall go." Said Kenobi.
"So will I." Anakin backed up. Adi met my eyes, we nodded in agreement.
"And us." She spoke and I nodded again.
"Very well, report everything you find out to us and may the Force be with you all." Windu said and we nodded before we walked out of the room and directed ourselves to the ship we'd use.
We made our way to the large hangar of the Tenple. We decided not to take four complete battalions, instead, we took small groups of the 104th, 501st, 91st and 212th and formed a complete force.
We were divided into small attack ships and a large vessel, but, we decided to take with us our cruisers, the Resolute, the Triumphant and the Negotiator, just to make more of an impression. Obi-Wan was there with the members of his battalion while Anakin, Adi, Rex and I, alongside Wolffe and other members of our units, were in separate shuttle. Anakin was the pilot and Rex was his co-pilot this time.
"Are you ready?" Asked Kenobi's blue hologram that was standing before us.
"Ready and waiting." Anakin answered.
"I shall engage the Separatist fleet and send you the coordinates of Grievous's command ship."
"Just make sure you get it right." I giggled at Anakin's teasing.
"I always do." His Master answered and I breathed in.
"How do you plan on getting Grievous on board of your ship?" Adi asked before I could as I reclined my forearm on the pilot's seat, next to Ani's head.
"Not to worry, the good General and I have a history, I'm sure he'll want to even the score face-to-face." He answered.
"Meanwhile, we'll jump in undetected and board the command ship." I said looking at all the ones present in the cockpit. "Once inside, we'll find Master Koth." I added hoping that he was still alive.
"Hopefully, by the end of this mission, we will have saved Master Koth and captured General Grievous." We nodded and the hologram faded away as the cruisers, the vessel and other small ships disappeared as they jumped into hyperspace.
We were waiting for our part of the mission to start. I was sitting on the seat behind Anakin with my eyes closed, taking advantage of the time. Yoda once said I could hear the future, so, I wanted to try and use that ability but there was nothing, I could only hear what I always do whenever I use the Force: an ocean, nothing was making the waves be deadly at all, it seemed so peaceful.
I opened my eyes realising said ability was not working at the moment and sighed, in that second, the monitor started to beep.
"We are receiving the coordinates from General Kenobi." Said Rex before he stood up and went to inform his brothers. "Cover my back as co-pilot ma'am?" I smiled and nodded, he returned the gesture.
"How close are you going to jump in next to Grievous's ship?" Adi asked our skilled pilot, I scoffed alongside him as I sat down beside Skywalker.
"I can answer that." I said buckling up. "Pretty close." He chuckled.
"You know me too well." He said.
"Well, I've dealt with you since we're nine, so, how could I not?" My Master and my husband chuckled again. Both of us knowing that we actually know each other too well, not only because we've trained together most of our lives.
"I'd suggest you all to do the same than Smarty here, buckle up." Ani said looking over his shoulder to the rest in the cockpit and those way behind us: the members of the Legions.
"I haven't dealt with you in a very long time Skywalker." My Master commented as she tightened her belt around her hips and shoulders. "Define 'pretty close'."
"Close enough to get the job done." He answered and I chuckled again as we jumped into hyperspace and the blue lights emitted by the stars illuminated my face. A view that I really enjoy.
About fifteen minutes had gone by. Fifteen minutes to think about a strategy so that we don't improvise that much and made sure to bring a good friend back home and call it a day, so, I figured more or less what to do and shared it with the group. The idea is jumping out of hyperspace, track Eeth, fight droids and be out of that ship quickly without triggering the alarm and go undetected. Simple, but effective, hopefully.
"Coming out of hyperspace." Skywalker informed us. "Hang on." In that moment, the stars stopped moving at light speed and we flew quickly in between the Separatist cruiser and the Republic fighters. Anakin safely avoided the blasts emitted by the enemy cannons and placed our ship upside down underneath the ventilation dock of the ship. "Primary power down." He said and turned to Adi as I made an effort to place my hair on a braid, tying it up was hard now. "Was that close enough for you?" He had a playful smirk on his lips and looked like a little kid, I smiled.
"Any closer and we'd be flying down hallways." Answered her.
"Eh, next time." I giggled as the attempt of braid was done and he quickly winked at me making me smile more and turned my cheeks on fire.
"Well, let's get going." I said after I cleared my throat and we all started moving, making an effort not do be too disoriented when our feet hit the ceiling of the ship instead of the ground.
We moved quickly and boarded the enemy ship. Anakin was leading the group and I was behind him. He indicated us to stop as he opened an entrance for us. He cut a circle on top of the vent and we jumped out looking around to make sure we weren't spotted.
"Cost is clear boys." Anakin whispered as Adi and I looked around.
"Copy that sir." Rex whispered back and he walked out of the vent, followed by my Commander.
"Stay here and guard the entrance." I ordered. "This may be our only way out." They all nodded as I heard a distant beeping.
"Allana, Skywalker." Adi called us. We looked and walked up to her, she was a few steps ahead. "Master Koth is located on the bridge, this way." She pointed and we started running through the hallway as quiet and fast as we could.
There was a heavy silence as we ran and turned left and right through the dark hallways of the ship to get to the Jedi Master.
"How are we doing?" I asked my Master. She looked at her wrist and then at me.
"We're close." We ran more and when we turned right we reached a door secured by battle droids. We turned our lightsabers on, the blue ones flanked me as we deflected the red blasts and got closer to the door. "We'll handle the droids, Naberrie, open the door."
"Yes Master."
I moved and started to cut through the door as they destroyed the droids that came, covering my back. Once I was done and cut a hole through the metal, I pushed it and it crushed few droids while the rest that were in the hallway quickly aimed at me and fired their blasters.
I jumped into the hallway and started destroying them as the other two arrived and helped me out. Quickly after that, Anakin and I gave the final hit to one, cutting it by the half and we pushed it through the door, that opened to let the pieces get into the bridge's room.
bb"Surprise." Said my husband as we walked in and took an attack position.
"Not exactly." Said the protocol droid as his red eyes looked at me, after a second, —with a zinging— combat droids appeared. I hate them, they are skilled in sword fighting and with a blaster, so, I shifted from attack position to a defensive one as Ani and Adi placed their backs against my arms, there were ten of them. Ten deadly adversaries.
"At least they're not destroyer droids." I said taking a deep breath.
"The General's description of your tactics have been 100% accurate today, very impressive, even by my standards."
"Thanks, it was my idea." I said sarcastically as the droids aimed at us with their weapons.
"I don't doubt it, usually, Skywalker's tactics include everything but subtleness."
"Hey." Anakin complained.
"Now is not the time to start an argument with a machine." I suggested in a whisper.
"Yeah, but even if I'm not subtle, I'm effective." I rolled my eyes with a smirk.
The droid clicked a button on his wrist and the electricity zapped again causing Master Koth to grunt in pain. My defence was broken as I gave a step forward, extending a hand and frowning as I sensed his pain, then, it stopped when the droid let go of the button.
"One more step and your friend will die." I locked eyes with Anakin and as the droid laughed, I pulled him with the Force and Anakin cut the arm that had the controls.
The combat droids started to attack, so, after the arm was cut off, I turned around to help Adi, who was fighting the droids behind me.
Anakin joined the fight on the left while we fought on the right. I bent down and my Master cut the droid by the half and I extended my hand, grabbing one she had behind with the Force, when I closed my fist, the droid compressed itself and I threw it to another one, making it fall, then, I helped Ani out.
He was trying to fight three of them at the same time. I cut the head of one and avoided the attacks of another one while he cut one by the half, after that, both of us stabbed the third one at the same time. It was my turn to wink at him and look at his cheeks turn a bit red. I smiled and started to fight another droid.
I was side by side with Adi again. We avoided the attacks and as I cut the legs of one of the droids and then the head. I spotted the protocol droid crawling towards his arm. My Master cut the head of another droid after she stabbed it.
"Behind you." I pointed out and she used the Force to hit his own head with the metallic arm.
To my right, Anakin was struggling with one of the last ones of the droids. He kicked it and tried to cut it by the half, so, I helped him when I saw he missed and the droid aimed for his head as well, in a second, we cut him by the half as Adi destroyed the last one by herself.
We looked up and saw how the droid had his arm on his hand and laughed again but when he was unable to click the button, I released the breath I didn't realise I was holding and when I was about to act, Anakin did, cutting the droid by the half too.
We walked up to the area where Master Koth was suspended and Ani aimed for the power cells of the machine and cut them, making Eeth fall. Adi held him quickly and placed his arm around her shoulders and held him carefully.
"I see you got the message." He said weakly, I nodded and smiled. "Where's Grievous?"
"If everything's gone according to plan, he's on board Obi-Wan's ship." Anakin answered.
"He's been captured?"
"If we can cut off his escape there's a good chance of that." I answered this time. "But, if we want to do that, we must hurry."
My Master and I are more or less the same height, well, she's taller, but in anyway, we figured it'll be more comfortable for Master Koth that we assisted them instead of Anakin, he's way taller than the three of us. He's 6'3 while Adi is 5'7 and I'm 5'3. They're all tall titans.
We walked carefully out of the bridge and started our way towards the only way out we had and regroup with the rest. As we reached a crossways, Ani's communicator started to beep.
"Anakin." It was Kenobi. "I hope you've rescued Master Koth because Grievous is headed back to his ship." We stopped walking and the communication ended. We needed to capture him and assist Obi-Wan.
"You go." Said Koth. "I'll make it back."
"Master I don't think that-" I tried to speak.
"I'll be fine, young Naberrie." Koth cut me off, offering a weak smile.
"Well, I'll have to disagree with you on that one too." Anakin backed me up. "Allana, Master Gallia, you go ahead, I'll get Eeth back to the shuttle."
"I don't think that's a good idea ei-" I tried to speak one more time.
"Lana, just go." I sighed as I gently placed Koth's arm around Anakin's shoulder.
"May the Force be with you." Said my Master as we started to walk away, or better said, run the other away.
We ran in silence and made en effort to find Kenobi and Grievous.Suddenly, we saw Grievous entering the crossways we've reached and stood outside of a hallway.
"Until we meet again Kenobi." He started to chuckle as I grabbed my saber and ran towards him. I turned it on and he looked my way. I jumped and reached him but he turned his own saber on.
Green met violet with a loud crash, then, I avoided by a hair a blue saber that thrusted by the right and attacked again as Adi arrived to help me out. It had been five minutes of fighting the gigantic and very strong machine when the dock that maintained the ships connected gave in an we started to get sucked by the air of the outer space.
Adi managed to hold on to the wall and I held on to her arm, spotting Obi-Wan holding Cody's hand. In that moment, Grievous crawled up and managed to get away. I groaned in annoyance and gasped as the grip around my Master's hand went loose, she was holding my glove, she looked at me with worry as my hand slipped away from the glove. As I was sucked into oblivion, Kenobi extended his hand and I managed to hold on to his arm to avoid a terrible death.
A second later, Adi threw her ascension cable, so, we held on to it and started to ascent quickly. Once we crossed the door, Master Gallia rushed to click the lock of the emergency door and it snapped closed. I was panting on the ground, waiting for my muscles to relax and making an attempt to catch my breath and not throw up, I've never experienced this, at least not consciously.
"Hurry, we can still catch him." Said Kenobi, standing up as I the feeling of throwing up increased with every minute. Adi placed a hand on my shoulder and helped me stand up, once I had incorporated, she handed my glove over.
"Obi-Wan, Anakin is leaving." Said she as I placed my glove on, focusing on the grey paint that had the symbol of my unit, a Wolf painted on the dark grey armour and repressed the nausea. "If we go after him, we'll be trapped on this ship." He meditated for a second, then, he raised the communicator up to his mouth.
"Anakin, come in." He said and I took a breath of relief. I've never fought against Grievous, he's truly a murderer machine. The hatred I could feel through his attacks...man, he's killed so many of us, each lightsaber is a victim of his, I wish not to face him in a battle ever again, although I know that I may have to in a near future.
"Skywalker here." Anakin's voice echoed through the communicator after a few seconds in silence.
"We're in a bit of a spot, and we need a way off of Grievous' ship."
"There's a large hangar near your position, make your way there and I'll pick you up." The transmission ended and we started to run through the hallways to get to said hangar.
We reached the open area after three minutes and waited for five minutes until Anakin showed up. He opened the hatch for us and we rushed in, I walked in after Adi and as soon as Obi-Wan stood beside me, the hatch closed and I walked into the cockpit. The co-pilot seat was empty so, I sat down beside my darling.
"Here we go." He said and we flew out of the hangar to get back to our fleet, moments later, Adi and Obi-Wan walked in, as well as Eeth, who immediately sat down on the seat that's behind me, I saw from the corner of my eye how Kenobi gave his seat to Adi and then he stood in between Anakin and I.
"Get me Admiral Yularen would you?" He asked and I nodded, in a second, the Admiral's hologram appeared before us. "Admiral, do you know anything about Grievous' fleet?"
"Several craft detached from Grievous' ship." Said Yularen. "They've attempted to land on Saleucami."
"Then we'll have to land and follow them, prepare the tanks."
"Yes sir." The transmission ended.
"There must be several landing sites." Anakin pointed out.
"Yeah, it may be hard to locate the good General." I added.
"You'll have to command the space battle, both of you, while Rex, Cody and I head to the surface."
"You sure you can handle this on your own?" Ani asked Kenobi.
"I think I can manage." We nodded as we approached the Resolute.
In no time, we reached the cruiser and landed the ship in the hangar, then, we all walked out.
"While you face Grievous and you two handle the battle out there, I'll take Master Koth to a medical frigate." Said Adi and I nodded.
"You all took a great risk rescuing me." Eeth said, he smiled at the four of us.
"It was our pleasure." I commented, returning the smile.
"You're welcome Master Koth." Said Obi-Wan.
"Since you divided your forces, Grievous is still at large. I would have gladly given my life if it meant bringing that monster to justice."
"Well...at least we all live to fight another day." Ani commented and I looked at him, he smiled, then, my Master nodded and walked away with Eeth to the medical frigate. Kenobi nodded at us too and we nodded back before we walked away to organise our squads.
Once we had the Light and Shadow Squadrons ready and we prepped our ships. We enjoyed a comfortable silence until I turned around and looked at him, he was inside of his fighter.
"What is it?" He asked with a smirk as I approached him and rested my arms on the opening of the cockpit.
"Nothing." He looked at me and scoffed. "What?"
"With you 'nothing' never means nothing."
"Well, this time it does." He arched an eyebrow. "Well..."
"There it is." I giggled.
"Just...good luck." He smiled and I stared to walk away towards my ship.
"Not even a good luck kiss?" I laughed and returned, looking around. I approached him and pulled his steel armour, making his lips collide with mine quickly, when I pulled away, he was rising his eyebrows. "I thought about a kiss on the cheek but um, that...that was better." I chuckled and hopped on my ship. "By the way, I heard you fought with Grievous." I nodded. "How was that like? Ahsoka said he's huge and very strong."
"She gave you the most accurate description. He's incredibly tall, probably two meters and a half and his fighting skills...they're like Dooku's and he only tries to kill..." I bit the inner corner of my lips. "He's insane, he enjoys the fear that you have when you look at him."
"You're completely okay right?"
"Of course I am Skyguy." I looked at him and he smiled as the glass of our cockpits closed. "Alright boys, let's have some fun and destroy some droids." I said communicating to the members of our Squads and to the Shadow Leader as I flew my ship out of the hangar.
The troopers and Ani agreed through the communicator and we headed out of the ship to get the job done and head back home soon.
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