48: Legacy of Terror
I was standing on a cliff beside my Master watching what was left of the Factory the Padawans successfully destroyed. Adi had her hands on her hips while I had mine behind my back. In that moment, we heard the engines of the gunships behind us, so, we turned around, Obi-Wan was walking out one of them.
"A hard-won victory." Said he.
"Indeed." Said Adi. "And a costly one. We suffer great many losses in these battles."
"Indeed Master, too many of them." I said and we all looked at the horizon once more. "How are you doing?" I asked Kenobi once he had reached our side.
"I've been better but I'm hanging in there." He smiled and I smiled back. "Where's Luminara?"
"She left with her Padawan and Ahsoka." I informed and he nodded. We stood in silence for a moment.
"These battles do appear to be coming with growing frequency." Said he, retaking the subject.
"No sign of Poggle then?" Asked Gallia.
"Nothing." I frowned and bit the inner part of my cheek anxiously. "We have clone squadrons spread out all over the area but no hits yet."
Adi started to walk towards a speeder she had brought. "I'll go out and find some clue as to where he went." She informed.
"I'm sure the clones can handle that Master." I said.
"Poggle has too much information about the Separatists to let him get away Allana."
"Very well, do you want me to go with you?"
"No, stay here and make sure to leave some of strategic planning for me when I come back Padawan."
"You know I'm no longer a-"
"I'd hate to feel left out." She raised an eyebrow and I chuckled as well as Obi-Wan.
"As you wish." She turned the speeder on and started her way.
"So there's where your entire personality and behaviour came from huh?" Obi-Wan asked playfully making me chuckle again.
"Indeed, although many others contributed to it." He smiled. "You're one of them."
"Yeah, I learned arrogance from you." He scoffed.
"Oh if only that were true." We laughed. "Now that we're talking about the qualities you have, who taught you to be sarcastic as hell?" I laughed again.
"Myself, I guess." He laughed now.
"Makes sense."
"Oh shut up."
We talked as we hopped on the shuttle that had brought him and made our way towards the Triumphant to check on the Intel we have.
"You know? You should rest a bit." Kenobi suggested as we entered the bridge.
"Nah, I'm fine. My wound is almost heeled, and we still have a job to do, so, there's no time for resting." He chuckled.
"Well then, let's make sure we don't have to take Geonosis a third time." He turned on the hologram on the table. "Poggle's forces seem to have come from the Northern Hemisphere, where was Master Gallia's last contact made from?"
"This region, farther to the west." I answered pointing at a sector of the blue hologram of the planet that's before our eyes. "But, according to our latest intel, there's nothing there."
In that moment a transmission was incoming. It was Adi, I played it quickly.
"I found something, it appears to be a munitions container of some kind." She informed.
"It could just be debris." Said Obi-Wan.
"I don't think so, there was no battle in this area."
"It looks like Poggle was on a direct course." Said the voice of her Commander. "11 mark 72, that way."
"Headed directly for the Progate Temple." She said.
"That makes no sense." I commented. "Nothing in that Temple could've survived the munitions we used in the first wave of our attack, why would he risk exposure to go there?"
"I'm not sure." Said my Master. "Perhaps he don't realise the extent to which we cleared that area." In that moment, Anakin walked in.
"Master Gallia." He said. "I'm tracking a sandstorm that's heading your way." He informed.
"No matter." She said. "Poggle is out in the open and I intend to grab him before he can get offworld."
"I say you should wait." I told my Master.
"You are going to tell me to wait my apprentice?" She scoffed. "That's ironic."
"Okay, first of all, don't say things like that in front of others, I have a reputation to maintain and second, it's dangerous, sandstorms are very unpredictable, you may get lost in there."
"I agree." Said Kenobi. "Then we'll have to find both you and Poggle."
"I feel it is a risk worth taken." I sighed.
"Adi-" I tried to protest again.
"If I'm in any trouble you will know." Her blue eyes that seemed darker thanks to the hologram met mine and told me that it'll be okay.
"As you wish." I said for the second time today as she finished the transmission and I rested my hands on the table, letting a sigh escape my lips and feeling the strong gaze of the two shades of blue eyes on me. "Yes, yes, yes, she made me more stubborn than I already was when I was little, so what?" They chuckled.
"Nothing." Said Ani crossing his arms above his chest. "Nothing we didn't already know." He smiled and I returned the gesture, shaking my head.
I was looking through the window at the storm developing outside. Nothing could be seen but sand being aggressively moved by the wind. The scanners didn't pick anything, nor from our side or the enemy. It was all so quiet and minutes were going by extremely fast, even if they felt like an eternity. I sighed as I walked back to where I was earlier.
"What's taking her so long?" I asked as I placed myself beside Anakin. "Something must have happened."
"Patience Allana." Said Kenobi. "It's a delicate operation." I crossed my arms.
"I'm sure we'll have more information soon." Ani commented. "She's fine." He smiled and I made an effort to smile back.
"Besides, you're not the only one who's troubled about not hearing from her, but, let's not start worrying yet, we all know Adi is not one to take unnecessary risks." Obi-Wan added.
"If you say so." I studied the Hologram of the planet that we have before us as Anakin walked past me, placing a hand on my shoulder making me close my eyes as I sensed his comfort before he walked up to the window.
About five minutes later, an incoming transmission arrived and I played it.
"Lana." I breathed out of relief as well as the other two. "We've tracked Poggle to the Progate Temple but now there's no sign of him."
"Stay where you are, go no further until we can send support." Kenobi said once he had approached the table. "The storm is making things difficult, we can barely read your transmission as it is."
"Are you sure he went into the Temple?" I asked.
"Yes, we saw him enter, but I think he's gone down into the catacombs below."
"Those catacombs go on for miles, Luminara said it earlier." Anakin commented. "Maybe we have lost him." I started feeling the terribly familiar knot in the mouth of my stomach and shook my head.
"I don't like this, Adi, get yourself out of there." I said as we heard a scream. She immediately turned her lightsaber on, turned around and the transmission ended. "Master?! Master!" I watched the empty place with horror.
Last time I felt the emptiness in my stomach of loosing my Master was in Ryloth, long ago, but I was right behind her to save her skin, now, I wasn't, if something happened to her...I shook my head and walked away towards the entrance.
"Where are you going?" Asked Obi-Wan.
"Take a guess." I answered dryly.
"She told you to stay here earlier."
"Yeah, and now she's in danger, so, I don't really care."
"Allana, come to your senses, we'll never get to her in this storm, the gunships can't handle it."
"It's a good thing we have speeders."
"We can't wait."
"I'm sorry, we have no choice."
"We must be patient and trust Master Gallia, she's your own Master, trust her."
"I do trust her but she also told me that I'd know if she was in trouble and I know she is and she's got the luck that everything gets worse in situations like this one."
"We'll have to wait until the storm lifts, once it does, we'll go." I crossed my arms and walked up to the window angrily, being worried. I heard the doors opening and closing, looked over my shoulder and saw that Kenobi was gone.
"Calm down." Said Anakin.
"Calm down?" I turned around. "Calm down? You saw the hologram, she's in trouble. What if it was Obi-Wan? You'd calm down?" He was quiet. "Or what if it was Qui-Gon? Do you think he'd calm down?" His eyes went from mine to the window and he clenched his jaw, it still hurts him to talk about Qui-Gon, I stepped over the line. I breathed in and closed my eyes. "Sorry." I opened them and saw how his gaze went from the storm to my eyes again. "Is just that my Master is in danger and he's making me wait, he's holding me back."
"I know, I understand, I can sense what you're feeling but you need to have a clear mind in order to think. We need your head clear once we're out there. You and Master Gallia are the ones that share that strong bond at the point where you can sense each other." He looked around. "Like us, but differently." He whispered and chuckled making me giggle as I looked at the window. He then placed his index finger on my chin gently and made me look at him, he smiled tenderly. "So, please, calm down." He placed his hands on my shoulders and I relaxed my tensed muscles under his touch. "If you want to save her, we need your100% out there." I breathed in and nodded. "That's my girl." He whispered before padding my shoulder. I knew he'd kiss my cheek, my forehead or my lips but there were a few clones around, too many eyes that could see us, so, that gesture was the closest he could get.
He winked as I smiled and we looked outside, watching the storm develop before our eyes with our hands behind our backs.
About an hour went by before the storm lifted. Sixty minutes that could be crucial whenever there's danger. Three thousand and six hundred seconds that made me get more anxious and worried at the point where I could hear the ticking of the clock in my head.
I called Wolfe and made him get the Pack ready to look after my Master. As soon as I arrived at the hangar, everyone was already into the gunships. Anakin came with me while Obi-Wan stayed to receive back Master Mundi.
The gunships flew as fast as they could to get to the last point where she made contact, the Temple.
"Stay alert everyone." I said as we walked in slowly. "Spread out and look around." The Wolves moved around as my eyes scanned the place, it was all destroyed and in ruins.
"General!" Yelped Sinker making our gazes fall on him instead of the pieces of ceiling covered by sand. I rushed to his position hearing Ani's footsteps behind me. "Buzz is dead." I held my breath.
"Any sign of Adi?"
"No ma'am." I looked around more trying to find something.
"There was a struggle." Said Anakin as he looked around as well. I did the same and my heart stopped when I found the handle of her lightsaber. I rushed to it and took it from the ground, turning around to face my husband.
"This is not good." I said. "It's Adi's saber." Anakin walked up to me and grabbed it.
"Poggle didn't do this." He looked up, his blue orbs glued to something above me. "Maybe that did." I looked up as well and found a sculpture of a not so good looking Geonosian creature.
"That...is one ugly bug." Said Wolffe.
"I haven't seen one that looks like that before." Ani commented.
"I don't believe anyone has." I said as Anakin handed my Master's lightsaber over. "It could be the Geonosian Queen." I placed the handle in the opposite side of my belt. The weight of two handles felt awkward, it's been a year since I've had two lightsabers on my hips.
"The bugs have a queen?" Skywalker asked.
"Mhm. It's just a rumour though. No one has found any proof of her existence."
"Yeah...until now." We looked at the entrance of a dark hallway.
"Boys." I took my lightsaber from my belt and turned around to face my men. "Follow me."
"Come on then." My Commander told the troopers. "Let's move."
We turned out lightsabers on. The pale violet light and bright blue one flooded the place with a whoosh as we walked in with the Wolfpack following close behind and using the lights that their helmets have on them.
No one was talking, the only noises that were audible were the footsteps, the guns being moved to aim at the infinite darkness and the buzzing of our lightsabers. Everyone seemed to be holding their breath. That changed when something behind us started to beep.
"This leads to a dead end." Said Wolffe and we turned around as he bent down to look at a small entrance that connected the hallway we were waking through, to another one. "This one goes down the furthest, ma'am, I'd say that's our best bet." He added when I bent down beside him.
"I'll go first." I said turning my lightsaber off and Anakin did the same, placing his hand on my shoulder as I walked in, letting me know he was right behind me.
We reached the other side and turned the lightsabers back on. The beeping was starting to annoy me as we continued walking and reached the opposite side. We started to walk down the dark hallway when suddenly, the disk communicator that rests in the back of my pocket started to beep too. I grabbed it, placed it before me and answered the call. In no time, the hologram of my Master was desolated before me, her voice sounded desperate and scared.
"If you're following me, you must leave this place, just get out, I repeat fall back-" A screaming interrupted her and the hologram disappeared making my heart stop for a hot second.
"If we picked up the signal then she must be close by, come on!" I said and we started to run to find Adi.
We ran all the way down until we heard a buzzing, a very familiar buzzing. It was like an insect, in that moment, we stopped. Soon enough the nasty bugs appeared, squeaking.
"Oh my." I tightened my grip around my lightsaber and breathed in. "I don't like the look of this." I added as I looked at Ani over my shoulder who tensed as well while the Geonosians that look like zombies approached us.
"Yeah, me neither." Said Skywalker. "If I were you I'd take the other saber." I sighed. Muscular memory, let's see what you do remember. I grabbed the other handle and turned the blue saber on. Behind us, the echo of more bugs made itself louder. "I have a bad feeling about this." As if his words were a signal, the things screamed and attacked us.
"Look out!" Comet yelled and the blasts echoed as well. The blue lights flashed as I cut here and there with a violet light blinding the right side of my sight and a bright blue one blinding the left one.
"Can't stop them!" Said Boost as I cut the legs and the head of two of those insects and jumped, landing on my feet.
That's when I saw from the corner of my eye how the zombie bugs grabbed a trooper and dragged him down another entrance. I rushed towards him but didn't make it on time to save him, instead, I heard his yelling being amplified by the hallway. I frowned as I adopted a defensive position grabbing the blue backwards, maintaining the violet one in an attack position.
"Back everyone!" I yelled. "Back!" Anakin reached my side. "Take out the tunnel supports, it's the only way." The Wolves started to blast them and the structure fell behind us as we ran the opposite way, then, Ani and I flanked a slide so that the troopers slid in and down. I turned the lightsabers off when Anakin looked at me. I slid down and he followed me.
"What were those things? We couldn't kill them." He said as soon as we stood up and shook the dust off our clothes.
"I know...I- I've heard stories of a Geonosian hive mind so powerful and strong that it can maintain its connection with its warriors even after they have died." I answered his question.
"I thought you hated this place, you seem to know an awful lot about it here."
"I know, I was just curious one day and had nothing better to do." He chuckled.
"And you think that's we couldn't kill them, because they're-"
"Already dead, yes." I cut him off speaking his mind, whenever we connect the loose ends we reach a common answer.
"But that can't be true...that's impossible."
"Well, impossible or not these creatures keep moving even if we cut them up or shoot them down." I turned my saber on and walked up to another entrance. "Call for reinforcements." I told my darling as I looked at the dark hole in the wall. His communicator beeped but there was only static, he sighed.
"There's no signal." I bit the inner part of my cheek.
"We must be too deep underground." I looked at the troopers. "Gearshift, you and another trooper get back to the surface carefully and contact General Kenobi, tell him we need reinforcements."
"Yes ma'am." Said my trooper and they left to go back up.
"Now what?" Asked Skyguy.
"We keep moving." I said. "I don't want those things to get to our position."
We started to walk and we were able to hear screaming in the background. We stopped and didn't waste a second to get to the source of the sound. When we arrived, we found the worse, both troopers down, I closed my eyes as I heard Comet checking on his fallen brothers.
"Obviously this thing is a lot more powerful than we assumed." Anakin commented as I looked at the corpses and at the darkness of the hallway that's before us. "I'm going to the surface to alert Obi-Wan myself." I felt a hole in my chest. I sent one of my best Scouts and a trooper that he chose and they're dead, I feared that if I let my husband go...he'd suffer the same destiny.
"That's awful risky Anakin." I spoke. "We can't divide our troops again, we don't have time to double back to the surface and if you go..." He looked at me and asked a soft 'what' with his eyes. "You could suffer the same fate than these men." My eyes told him that I didn't want him to go. I couldn't handle loosing him for real when I've been so close to multiple times. The emptiness is too much to handle. "Besides, every second we waste puts Adi in greater danger, we must stick together."
"Alright Smarty, you win." I sighed with relief.
I nodded and started to run as I made an effort to sense my Master.
After a long while, as I guided the troops, we reached another dead end. Wolffe was the first one to walk through a small entrance and we followed behind again. I didn't know if it was the lack of oxygen I was experiencing or what but...
"The air is warmer here." Said Anakin, as if he had read my mind, and I don't doubt he had.
"We must be getting close." I commented. "Eyes open everyone, turn off the lights." I gained nods from the boys and they turned the lights of their helmets off as we shut down the lightsabers.
"Besides the heat." Ani coughed. "It smells down here."
"I know but keep your voice down."
"I'm just saying, this planet is rotten from the inside out."
"Tell me something that I didn't already know."
In that second, we reached a huge open area, illuminated by a dim blue light. There were zombi-bugs everywhere as well as the huge, ugly larva queen that I spoke about earlier.
"I've got a bad feeling about this." I whispered this time.
"Same here Angel." Ani whispered back low enough so that only I heard him as we observed and I analysed the place meticulously.
"I'll assume that's the queen, huh, she's not a rumour after all, she's very real." I saw Wolffe turning the infrared light of his helmet's visor.
"Any sign of Master Gallia?" I asked.
"I see her." Said my Commander. "She's suspended near the throne."
"Perfect." Said Anakin. "What about Poggle?"
"He's speaking with the queen." Wolffe answered.
"Good." He looked at me. "You take the soldiers, I'll take the queen."
"Do you always have this...what's the right word for it?" I sarcastically meditated for a second. "Urge to rush into things?"
"Hey, you're the one who wanted to rush into things earlier remember?" I frowned, he's not wrong, but we must act carefully. "Besides, what's your plan? Talk it out with those insects?" It clicked, we needed to incite them, see what they're up to. The most qualified person for that would be Obi-Wan, he's called 'the negotiator' for a reason. But he's not here, so, we'll take his teachings into practice. My silence was enough answer for him. "Oh no, please tell me you don't actually want to talk it, please." I remained quiet and looked at him. "Lana?"
"Shh. I do."
"I want to save her but we need to know what they're doing, I mean, they could've killed Adi by now, don't you wonder why they took her captive instead?"
"Lans, she's leverage, she's a hostage." I frowned again.
"Leverage for what?" I shook my head. "No, I have this...feeling that there's something else going on and these zombie-bugs are connected to it." He groaned.
"Fine, we'll try it your way, again."
"I'm glad you agree."
"But." I sighed. "If things don't work out, we'll try my way."
"Deal." He nodded and we made a small fist bump, then, I turned to my Commander. "Wolffe, set the boys up around the perimeter, these insects live in the darkness, the light from your helmets should blind them temporarily. Turn the lamps in at my signal, they should create enough confusion for us to get Master Gallia out of here."
"But what happens when the bugs pursue?" He asked. "You've seen them in action ma'am." We turned our gazes to my right, his left, to see the bugs. "We can't kill them."
"We'll have to burry them." Said Anakin and my eyes met his. "It'll at least slow them down. Shoot down the support pillars and this whole place will collapse." I nodded.
"Let's go." I said and we all moved to take the positions we were going to play.
As Anakin and I walked towards my Master with the sabers in hand, the bugs started to growl and snarl. As soon as Adi's eyes fell on me, she frowned, then, the queen screeched loudly.
"How did you know they wouldn't just attack us?" Asked my beloved.
"We've already had this conversation, because I observe while you just jump and think with the lightsaber."
"Well, that quick thinking of mine is usually needed when your observations get us into trouble."
"Excuse me? My observations never get us into trouble. Your thinking does, since we were kids, besides, think about it, the queen took Adi hostage, she wanted a Jedi, now she has two more. I want to know what she's after. I'll succeed in this rescue mission and will extract the information I'm searching for, now shut up."
"Before I do that, just keep in mind that when this doesn't go as planned, which it won't, I'll be ready."
"That is so reassuring." I sighed and took a deep breath. "Just wait for my signal to do whatever you have in mind my dear."
"Will do my love."
We finally reached the end of the path and were now standing before the Geonosian Queen.
"I thought I told you not to follow me, my apprentice." Said Adi after she sighed.
"Hello Master, good to see you're still alive. I'm here to save your skin again, thank me later." She rolled her eyes. "And answering what you said, yes, I decided to take a lesson from Anakin or two: one, not follow orders and two, say sorry rather than ask for permission."
"Hey." Ani complained. I looked over my shoulder and winked at him. "About what I know, I didn't 'teach' you not to take orders, you ignore them every now and then since you're ten."
"You." Said the queen. "You are the creatures that attacked Geonosia...why have you come before me?"
"Your Majesty, it's a pleasure to finally meet you. My name is Allana Naberrie and this is Anakin Skywalker, it is our sad duty to inform you that your rule is at an end."
"You don't dictate to me Jedi! My empire is forever." Adi looked at me and arched an eyebrow, asking me to continue. She knows I'm good at distracting people by talking.
"Yes, well, I'm afraid it does not appear that way your grace. You shall release the Jedi Adi Gallia and submit to Republic law." I spoke firmly causing her to growl and screech loudly. That made me narrow my eyes.
"I do not submit to you!" The Geonosians that were around us pointed their guns at us and hell, I know very well how does an impact of those feels like. Anakin turned his lightsaber on and adopted a defensive position, so, I placed my hand over his. His grip relaxed under my touch.
"No, patience Anakin, patience." He turned it off and the bugs took our sabers, they also took my Master's from my belt.
"You sound an awful lot like Obi-Wan right now." I ignored his comment and cleared my throat.
"Majesty, destroying us shall only make the Republic's judgement of you harsher."
"No Jedi, no! I no destroy you...I devour you, I control you, I had but one Jedi before young Poggle bring me, but now I have three. Now, watch as my child enters your Jedi friend, and once inside, her mind...becomes my mind, her thoughts, my thoughts."
I opened my eyes wildly, now the reason why they're all zombies made sense.
"It's a sort of mind control, a hive mind." I said, meeting Anakin's eyes. "She thinks she can possess us." I whispered the last bit.
"Great." He said rising his thumbs and gave me a sarcastic smile. "Find out everything you wanted to know yet?" His face went serious in a second and a frown appeared on his features as he crossed his arms.
"No...I want to see how it works." I spoke up again.
"I don't think your Master wants to know how it works."
"No, she doesn't." Said Adi as I crossed my arms too.
"No, hold on, hold on, I'm curious, the more we know, the better." I commented as Poggle approached Adi with a green yellowish worm in his hand, approaching it to her.
"I disagree." Said my Master.
"So do I." Said my husband. "Honestly, what's your definition of save someone's skin?"
"Shut up." I told him without removing my eyes from the front. "Now tell me, the nose or the ear, which do you think it'll enter?" He sighed.
"I think the nose." He answered.
"Ugh, I hope this is part of your brilliant plan Allana." Said Adi, who had the worm already going around her head.
"Isn't it always?" I smirked. "Wolffe, now!"
The lights turned on and the creatures screeched with pain as they tried to block the light with their hands. Ani and I used the Force to pull back to our hands the lightsabers. I threw my saber at Anakin, who grabbed it and killed the Geonosians that grabbed our weapons while I pulled the worm to my hand with the Force, he approached my Master and freed her and as he threw my lightsaber at me. I threw Adi's hers to her hand, she caught it as I caught mine and turned it on, placing the edge before Poggle.
"You're coming with us Poggle." Said Anakin as he pulled out of his belt a pair of handcuffs and placed them around the Archduke's wrists and Adi started to pull him with her.
I was killing the creatures, helping the men as the blasts echoed in the place careful not to drop the worm.
"Lana look out!" Skyguy yelled and he hit my hand, making me drop the worm.
"Wha...Ani don't!" I placed my hand above his chest to stop him but he stepped on the worm and killed it.
"Got it." He said.
"What are you doing?!" I asked angrily. "I was going to study that!"
"Study the bottom of my boot." He grabbed my hand and pulled me behind him. "Let's get out of here!"
"Here they come!" Yelled Sinker as the blue blasts hit the zombies. Ani let go of my hand so that we continued to fight.
"Take down the supports!" Wolffe ordered the men and they did so, making the rocks rumble and crumble down and the zombie-bugs screech again.
The ceiling fell on top of the queen and the rest of the insects. The debris also blocked the entrance, so, we had plenty of time to get the hell out of there, or so I thought.
"They're still coming!" Yelled Wolffe after a minute or two.
"Just hurry up Commander." I ordered and he kept on blasting the bugs as I continued to chop hers off here and there.
We ran more and as fast as we could, following Adi. After a fair amount of time, we reached a spot where the light of the surface filtrated and illuminated the area.
"This is our way out." My Master informed as she jumped and began her ascent, dragging Poggle with her.
"Start climbing." Ordered Anakin and he jumped too. I jumped behind him, hearing the blasts below me.
The formation was closed by my Sargent, and below him, the zombies tried to climb to get us too, so, when I looked down to push them downwards using the Force I heard Adi gasping.
"Allana, look out!" She said and I looked up, observing small rocks falling down. One of them hit my shoulder and I felt it getting dislocated, maybe even breaking. I screamed because of the pain and my grip on the wall went loose but my Master was fast and grabbed my hand tightly. I thanked her with a glance as the pain sharpened.
"Lana!" Yelped Ani from above. Somehow, he managed to get past Adi.
"I'm fine!" I lied. "Go, go, go!" I ordered the rest and I managed to grab the wall again, not without feeling the pain increasing.
We continued to climb and in a second Anakin slid down to reach my spot. He told me to wrap my healthy arm around his neck. He was going to climb for both of us and I didn't refuse, the pain on my shoulder only increased as I tried to reach the top.
We saw rocks falling down more and more, so, I placed my body closer to Anakin's while he placed his closer to the wall. In no time, the rumbling of the rocks echoed louder underneath us and a thin dust cloud embraced us. The air pushed us up, we all screamed.
Anakin managed to turn around and embrace me. When his feet hit the ground, he was already carrying me. We looked around and saw the place falling down, so, he didn't waste a second to run and get us both out of there as the rest ran outside too. As we admired the place collapse, he placed my feet back on the sand.
"Are you alright?" He asked when I grunted.
"No." I answered honestly. "I think it's definitely broken." We sighed.
"All things considered." He said as I held my arm and we coughed. "That went better than I expected." He smiled and I smiled too.
"Told you, my plans never fail, we saved Adi and got information, although I wish we could have gotten one of those worms, knowing how the queen controls her minions could've proven valuable."
"Well, hopefully the secret is buried with her."
"Yeah...hopefully." Said Adi. "I owe you my life again my Padawan."
"I'll always be on time to save your skin my Master." She smiled.
"Great job, both of you." She looked at the troopers. "All of you." Her eyes met mine again. "I'll call General Kenobi and reinforcements, and you'll get off this planet to receive medical attention."
"Yeah...all things considered, I won't say no to that this time."
a/n: i'm baaack! hello friends, hope ur great! i'm sorry i've abandoned this story, kind of, i've been busy with my finals and i was away during the weekend, in fact, since friday and i planned to update the story that day but i didn't have my computer but, now we're back and officially on vacation, yay.
i may or may not update the stories as often as i did bc honestly i want to stay away from the screen of my laptop for a while, an entire year of online schooling has me tired of it, but i'll continue to write and update in a more or less 'usual' schedule for u, don't worry ab it :)
anyways, hope u enjoyed another chapter of our not old married couple arguing like an old married couple being back here with u all and btw, if u'd like to check out any of my other stories i'll be very thankful, i'm saying this in case i don't update this story again for some reason, (hopefully it doesn't happen lmao) there are other books u can check out!
that being said, hope u have a great summer and see u very soon, ilysm, thanks for everything and for sticking around <3
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