46: Crashlandings
"And then it exploded as soon as one of them tried to approach" Said Ahsoka as she told us about her experience with the Blue Squad as Ani and I smiled at her.
"In anyway, I won." Said Anakin.
"Nah, you didn't." I said and he scoffed.
"Yes I did."
"That's cute you two, but I think I won." Said the young girl.
"Is that so?" We asked at the same time.
"Yeah." We approached Masters Mundi and Kenobi.
"You're late." Said Obi-Wan.
"Sorry Master." Said Anakin. "These two and I were busy rounding the Seppies near Dorin."
"My Squadron alone had fifty five kills." Said the Padawan.
"And you think you won with that?" Ani chuckled. "Mine had seventy six." I laughed. "What?"
"I won by one, I had seventy seven." He rolled his eyes with a smile.
"Show-offs" Said Snips with a smirk and we both chuckled.
"Well, I'm glad you three are enjoying yourselves." Said Kenobi.
"Hey, is just a little friendly competition Master, nothing to worry about." My love answered with a smile as I placed my hair in a braid to let it fall down my back.
"What I worry about us the way this war seems to be drawing out with no end in sight." I sighed, everyone thinks the same.
"Which is why it is crucial that our invasion of Geonosis meets with success." Said Master Mundi.
"Agreed." I said and crossed my arms. "Geonosis...I hate this place." I added looking through the windows of the Cruiser. "Anyway, Ahsoka, contact the Outer Rim Command, we're ready for our briefing."
"They're already waiting for us." She informed.
"Alright then." Said Kenobi and walked towards the briefing room. The rest of us followed behind him and as soon as the doors opened, Masters Windu, Gallia, Luminara, Yoda and the Chancellor himself were before us.
"So? What's the status?" Asked Windu.
"Our ships are in position." Answered Obi-Wan. "We're ready to begin our campaign against the Geonosians."
"And what about Poggle? Any report on his location?" Asked Adi looking at me.
"It seemed he's holed up at the primary droid foundry here." I answered clicking a button that made a hologram appear before us —and them— and pointed at a specific sector. "The factory is protected by a shield generator. The plan is that Anakin, Obi-Wan and I, and Master Mundi will attempt a three-pronged attack through their defence lines and staging area just short of the shield, once we've landed, we shall knock out the shield generator, that's the primary target."
"Isn't it risky commuting four Generals to one area of the attack? If something goes wrong, we could be dealt a serious blow." Said the Chancellor and I breathed in slowly. We've done this hundreds of times, what's the problem now? Anakin seemed to sense my annoyance and moved an inch closer, making his arm brush against my shoulder.
"To ensure that rise again Geonosis does not, capture Poggle we must." Said Yoda.
"Of course, as always, I shall leave the strategy to you Master Jedi." Added the Chancellor looking at us.
"Our thanks Chancellor." Spoke Obi-Wan.
"May the Force be with you." Said Windu and soon enough the blue holograms of the the Jedi Knight and the Politician faded away, leaving Gallia and Luminara with us. In that moment, the gates on the opposite side opened and the two Commanders and the Captain walked in.
"Alright, your turn." I told Obi-Wan and he smiled.
"Good, Cody." He called his trooper. "These are the coordinates for the rendezvous."
"Yes Sir." He said. "When we hit the ground, we'll create a perimeter there, getting past their defences here will be the trick." He pointed at the hologram as he spoke and I was following his movements closely, trying to imagine how the field will be looking. "General Mundi will come across the defensive lines from the north, General Naberrie and us will come from the middle and General Skywalker will make his attack on the defensive lines from the south, then, we'll meet at the rendezvous point at 0700 exactly." I crossed my arms nodding, this will work.
"If we meet with strong resistance and are forced down away from the landing zone, hold out until we join our forces before attacking the shield generator." Master Mundi told the clone troopers to my right.
"Their front lines are heavily fortified." Ahsoka pointed out as her eyes analysed the hologram standing next to Anakin, to our left.
"Look at that giant wall with all the gun emplacements...that won't be easy to get past."
"Don't worry, we're not going anywhere near that." Anakin told his apprentice with a reassuring smile.
"Come now." Said Kenobi. "What happened to all that enthusiasm I saw earlier?"
"Don't worry about us." Ani answered placing his hand over his Master's shoulder. "You just make sure you get yourself to that landing zone in one piece."
"Yes, I shall be waiting for you when you finally arrive." I chuckled and smiled at these two.
"Gentlemen, if you're quite finished we have a battle to begin." Said Luminara and I nodded. Sometimes —and I do not mean to offend— she doesn't seem to have any sense of humour, when, in my opinion, it's not wrong to use in times like these but in anyway, I agreed.
"Quite right." Said Kenobi. "Cody, prep the Gunships, I'll meet you at the hangar." Luminara and her Padawan bowed their heads and their holograms disappeared as Obi-Wan walked towards the exit.
"Yes Sir." His Commander answered and Mundi and his Commander walked behind him.
"Wolffe, we should go too." I told my loyal friend and he nodded, then, I looked at my Master. "Will I see you down there?"
"Most likely, we'll see."
"May the Force be with you."
"May the Force be with you Master." Her hologram vanished, then, I sighed and looked at my husband and our apprentice. "Careful out there you two." I told them and they smiled and nodded.
"Likewise." Said Anakin and I mirrored the manners he previously used. "Hey, competition goes on." I chuckled as I walked out of the room.
"I know."
We saw how the Squadrons got ready as we arrived at the hangar of the cruiser and made our way towards the Gunships that'll take us to the ground.
"Wolffe, were you in the first assault of Geonosis?" I asked my Commander to make conversation.
"No ma'am, I wasn't." He answered as we reached the Gunship with marine blue lines, my face and the Wolfpack's helmets on it's sides.
"Well, you didn't miss much." I chuckled. "Last time I was chained to a pole alongside Skywalker and Kenobi and attacked by several disgusting monsters."
"That sounds...entertaining." I hopped in and he stood out there.
"It was...for them." The gates closed and we flew out of the ship. In no time, we were able to see the chaos that was outside through the openings the metal doors have. The ship moved in a terrible way as our skilled pilot tried to avoid the blasts and attacks from the enemy.
"Gentlemen, hold on tight, you won't like it if those doors get open and you fall from here, take my word for it." In that second, every trooper held to the handles that are on top of our heads.
Suddenly, a knot was formed on my stomach and my muscles tensed, but I didn't know why, I couldn't tell why, it was just a feeling. Something bad had happened but it wasn't as intense as to tell me that someone was injured, so, I frowned and shook my head. In less than a second, my communicator started to beep.
"General Naberrie, don't land! The zone is hot!" Said Wolffe on the other side of the line and a blast echoed to my right.
"But there's nowhere else to go!" In that moment the ship shook in a more terrible way than before. "We're hit, we're going down!" I informed as the alarm beeped and went louder and louder. "Brace yourselves!" I commanded and every trooper tensed as we waited for the impact. It was so strong that we all fell and I personally felt as if someone tried to snap my neck. I hit my head and everything went blurry for solid ten seconds until my eyes were shut.
Minutes later, I woke up and checked on the men, only Comet and I survived, that made my heart ache. As I reclined my back on the cold metal, the doors opened and the sunlight blinded me, making me cover my eyes with my hand.
"Good to see I'll have to deal with you for a longer time." Said Kenobi. He was standing beside Waxer and Boil, the troopers I got to meet back in Ryloth.
"Hey boys, glad to see you too, did you crash as well?" I answered as my eyes adapted to the sunlight.
"Yeah but it wasn't this bad."
"Well that's better." I sighed. "There's only two of us left." He frowned and looked around, Obi-Wan also dislikes loosing troopers.
"Good to see you ma'am." Said Boil as he bent down and moved my arm up for it to be around his shoulders.
"Likewise." I said as I incorporated feeling a terrible pain on the right side of my body.
"Cody and Wolffe stablished a square just beyond this position." Said Waxer, who picked Comet up. "The bugs are on the move and trying to surround us as we speak." They made me catch up with everything that was going on and I sighed again.
"Ready for the fun part?" Said Obi-Wan turning his blue lightsaber on.
"Always." He smirked and we walked out. The other Jedi Knight covered our backs as we approached the perimeter that was previously built by the Commanders, and sooner than expected, we arrived.
"General." Called Wolffe. "Are you injured?"
"No, nothing too serious...I think. What's the situation?" Boil let me sit on the burning sand and recline my back against some munition boxes that were piled up nearby.
"Well, General Kenobi's troops and ours were the only ones that made it through the enemy lines. Skywalker and Mundi's crashed." I figured out that was the reason of the knot I felt earlier as it formed itself again. "Thankfully we've heard from them. General Skywalker is in a firefight wile General Mundi is trying to meet them at a middle point." He took a short pause to take a breath.
"We've got no air cover and the bugs are surrounding us." I placed my hand over the right side of my ribcage that hurt as I breathed, but I could live with it. "The enemy was more than prepared for our attack ma'am." I frowned. "They knew our every move." He added as I hissed when Waxer injected the stimulant in the back of my neck.
"I'm sure Anakin and Ki-Adi will make it to our position." Said Kenobi behind him as I nodded.
"We just have to make sure we're still here when they arrive." I added and stood up but my knees felt weak.
"Stay there." Said Obi-Wan.
"No, I'm fine, you...all of us need everyone's help, I can fight."
"Are you sure?"
"No, but we'll see." He smiled and we turned our lightsabers on walking towards the edge of the perimeter of ships, where the fire was hitting hard. We deflected the blasts and tried our best to destroy the droids and disgusting insects that were approaching quickly. "This brings back a lot of memories." I said as I made pressure on my ribcage and deflected blasters with the other one, using the violet lightsaber.
"Indeed, though I wished they were better than this."
"Agreed." We continued to deflect the attacks, but it was a never ending battle. The blasts kept on coming, the soldiers kept on falling, being killed by the enemy as they approached with every second more and more, getting in my nerves. There were simply too meany. "It's a good time to back up a bit."
"That's a first." Obi-Wan said sarcastically.
"Hey, tell that to your Padawan because I always know when to fall back."
"If you say so." I scoffed. "Retreat! Everyone move back!" He ordered and we started to move backwards slowly as we continued to deflect and protect the troopers as well as ourselves.
"Where are they?" I asked annoyed tightening my teeth together because of the pain and annoyance.
"Not to worry, they'll be here in any minute."
"I really hope you're not wrong." I grunted as I sat on the ground, not being able to keep fighting with the sharp pain on my ribs.
"Allana." He turned around for a second to check on me.
"I'm fine, I'm-" I said as I started feeling my breath heavy and hard to catch, making an effort to reincorporate.
"Reinforcements!" Yelled Cody. "Reinforcements have arrived!" A bomber squadron flew past us and attacked the bugs, they saved our skins. I let my body fall again and reclined my back against the boxes again with a breath of relief escaping my lips and a smile on my lips, everyone around me was cheering.
"I was not wrong." Kenobi said with a smirk.
"I owe you a drink when we get back." He smiled and I smiled back. "Now, go, I'll be fine."
"As you wish." He rushed to lead the men to the front.
"Master Naberrie." Ahsoka's voice sounded behind me. I looked at her and she bent down beside me, I smiled at her and placed a hand on her shoulder.
"Well, what happened to you?" Asked Anakin. I was able to hear a hint of amusement in his voice but it was mixed with concern. When I looked at him he was covered in dust as well as Master Mundi, who was smiling tenderly at me beside him.
"I might as you the same question." I said smiling.
"Yeah, but I asked first."
"In a resumed way: crash, probably two broken ribs, fight, survived, and here we are." He chuckled and my eyes met our Padawan's. "I'm fine Snips, like Obi-Wan said, you'll deal with me for a long while." She smiled and surprisingly hugged me, making me smile and hug her back.
"It's nice to see you're here in one piece." Kenobi told his apprentice.
"Likewise Master." Obi-Wan smiled. "Now, what's next Smarty?" I looked up and pulled out the hologram disk with the 3D blue images of the place.
"Well." I placed it on the ground and turned it on. "Our combined forces should be enough to destroy the shield generator, Anakin." His blue eyes that seemed lighter with the sunlight looked deep into mine with a frown. "You'll need to take a small squad through the shield." He nodded. "As long as you can get to their gun emplacements...Obi-Wan." Kenobi nodded to continue the explanation.
"From there, you'll be able to temporarily jam their scanners so they are unable to target the incoming tanks. Once the tanks knock out the shield, Master Mundi can bring the rest of the troops in with the Gunships."
"Consider it done." He smiled and I smiled back, in no time, he left with Ahsoka to get the job done.
From where we were and with the binoculars' help. I was able to see how the plan had work entirely. Anakin's efficiency was able to bring down the shield in the precise second when Mundi was arriving at the place, then, they came back to get to where I was with what was left of the Wolves that came to this mission.
"Hey smartass." Anakin greeted me making me chuckle.
"Hey dumbass." He grabbed my arm and picked me up, making me groan. "Your part of the mission was a success."
"Yeah, it was, now, let's get you fixed for the rest of it." I smiled at him and he did the same as he helped me to walk towards the Gunship to get medical aid, while Obi-Wan helped Mundi, who suffered an injure as he tried to get to where Anakin was earlier.
"So Masters, what was your total?" Ahsoka asked we approached the medical droid that was brought by Master Gallia, who did meet us down here at the end.
"Not now Ahsoka." Anakin said as he grabbed my hand to help me sit by the droid to get checked completely.
"Come on, are you afraid you lost this time?"
"Well I did loose, I had about twenty." I commented.
"I had fifty five, that's my count, and you?" Anakin said.
"Sixty." She answered smiling. "Looks like I won." She added as Kenobi and Mundi walked into the Gunship that's right next to us.
"Yeah, but I called the air strike, so, tie." My husband smiled like a little kid and that made my heart warm, so, I smiled at the pair.
"You're impossible." Snips commented.
"It was about time you figured that out." I said gaining a soft punch on my shoulder from Skywalker.
"I'll never understand how you three can simplify these battles into some kind of game." Said Kenobi.
"It's to make it easier in some way." I said shrugging.
"Well, take care of yourselves." Anakin told the Masters as I stood up, placing my hand over my ribs. "I expect to see you both back here by the time I've destroyed the main factory."
"We shall do our best, now, I should tell you Allana, you should come get checked." Obi-Wan told me.
"Already done Master, Adi Gallia brought a medical droid. I do have two broken ribs but, some bandages will do by now. I'll stay here, just in case they need a quick hand."
"If you insist." I smiled and bowed my head, gaining a smile in return.
"Skywalker?" Said Mundi.
"Yes Master?" Ani answered.
"Sixty five." He said.
"My total, sixty five, so, what do I win?" Anakin stood quiet for a second and alternated his gaze in between his Master —who had a playful, amused smirk on his face— and me —who shrugged with a smile—.
"My everlasting respect Master Mundi."
"Oh." The Jedi sounded slightly disappointed, as if he expected something else and I had to avoid a chuckle to escape my lips.
"Master, that is a gift Anakin rarely gives to others." I said mocking my beloved.
"I can assure that too." Said Obi-Wan, who never misses the opportunity to bother his apprentice alongside me.
Anakin smiled at the two men —as well as me— as the gates closed and their gunship flew away, after that, Ahsoka arrived by our side alongside Rex and we walked to the Gunship where my Master was.
Once we were there, we gathered around the troopers for Snips to give her a briefing as we waited for Luminara and her Padawan to assist Anakin in his next part of the operation.
a/n: hi friends! omg i'm terribly sorry that i missed last week's update, but i've barely had time and i found myself in a lack of inspiration and creativity situation, but, in anyway, here it is.
btw, if you'd like to check it out, i'm remaking "candles" a harry potter fic in case you'd like to take a look at it. for those that are reading "paths" there's new chapter tomorrow :))
anyways, happy monday night for some of u, happy tuesday early morning ours for some others, ilysm, take care <3
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