43: Doubles


  She was standing by the balcony, reclining her body on the railway. Her curly hair was loose dancing to the wind that played a soft melody as well as the dress ruffles. I smiled at the view.

  After the case with the Holocron, the children and Bane, Lans talked to Master Yoda, he told her that she should stay away from battle, take some time for my mind to rest, so, she decided to go to Ryloth, where I know she stayed with Cham and Eleni at Lessu, the Capital, met with Nilim and the now more grown up Numa and enjoyed a great time. During those days I was sent back to Ansion after a long while of not being there and then to Christophsis, a planet that we seem to never free of the Separatist forces.

  I was now back at Coruscant. The sky was pink and purple, a combination that only the sky here possessed and the city lights started to glimmer as the night fell. 3PO greeted me and in no time, she sensed me, turning around to face me, a bright smile on her features. "Anakin." She whispered and I heard her even if she spoke under her breath. She rushed upstairs towards me. "That will be all 3PO."

"Are you sure Miss?" The golden droid that's always here with her asked.

"Yes 3PO, now, go." I smiled at her and we didn't waste a second, Lans threw herself into my arms, warping hers around my neck, pulling me close. I hid my face in her neck inhaling her scent and left short and warm kisses on the skin the cyan blue, cotton dress and long sleeves with fancy lace let me see and feel, like her neck, her collarbone and her shoulders. My available arm rested around her waist.

I lift her up and spinned her around, making her chuckle against my neck, then, I placed her feet back on the ground. We smiled at each other as the long awaited meeting was finally happening.

"I...brought dinner." I pointed at the trade I was carrying, she frowned, my smile not leaving my face, nor hers.

"How did you manage this?" She asked giggling softly.

"I had to hitch a ride on a cargo freighter."

"What happened to your military transport?"

"Eh...it blew up." I smiled as I made my way to the couch, she followed behind. "Anyway, the freighter captain was bringing a shipment to a restaurant here and he gave me something to bring home." She stopped walking and looked at me with surprise in her beautiful eyes. "We just have to-" I looked at her and frowned with a smile. "What?" I chuckled at her expression.

"You called this...a home." Home. That's a big word with a deep meaning. I'm sure she remembered how I used to say that home was wherever my mother was, after she passed away, I avoided the word, instead I'd say: 'I'll see you there', 'we'll meet at the apartment', 'I'll be waiting at our place' but never 'home'. I smiled at her.

"Well, what else would I call it?" I kissed her lips quickly and grabbed her hand, her chuckle echoed behind me. "Home is wherever you are my love." She chuckled again.

"You know? Padmé gave me something that I think I still have here somewhere."

"It must be something nice, I'm sure." I looked at her, left the trade on the small table that's in front of the sofa, and sat down.

"It is and it'll be perfect, five-blossomed bread, my specialty." My wife smiled, placing her hands behind her back innocently.

"You have a specialty?" She scoffed. 

"I do, I know how to make lots of things, more than you do." It was my turn to scoff. "I used to visit my family every now and then like I still do but when I was younger and my mother taught me to cook every single day I spent there and...I've been saving it for a special occasion." I smiled and extended my hands for her to take them, then, I pulled her close, making her sit down on my lap.

"An evening alone with you?" I smiled. "I can't think of anything more special." She smiled back and placed her head over my shoulder, I laced our hands together as I left a kiss right next to her eye, on top of her mole.

  We stayed there for a while until I told her to teach me how to cook the meal, so, we made our way to the kitchen and she pulled the cookbook out using the Force as she tied up her hair, then, we placed the ingredients on the kitchen bar and started to follow the instructions using the tips and recommendations her mother gave her.

  We'd eventually fool around, played some music, kissed, hugged and even slow danced, having fun and enjoying ourselves and the company that we've missed.

  Once the dish was ready, I placed the food I had brought on the table and we set the rest up: plates, glasses, wine because, why not? Etcetera. We sat beside each other and enjoyed our meal, we talked about anything that came to mind, avoiding the war subject, pretending to be a normal married couple and not a pair of Jedi and Generals who were escaping from duty.

  Once we were done, we walked up to the balcony and stood by the area where a ship could land if needed as we embraced each other. Her head was resting above my chest as usual while my chin was resting on top of her head. I took a deep breath.

"I wish it could always be just like this." She whispered.

"Me too." I whispered back. She looked up at me, our smiles not leaving our lips. When she stood on her tippy toes to kiss me, my communicator chirped again. "Ugh." I complained as our foreheads touched. "I have to report to the Council."

"Right now?"

"Actually...about seven clicks ago." Lana laughed and I did the same, she shook her head, slightly amused. "If I keep delaying this, Obi-Wan will send an entire clone squad to find me."

"I can totally see that happening."

"Yeah...I've been ducking his signals all night."

"It's fine." She said after sighing. "You...should go."

"You know? I can sense that you're angry."

"Get out of my head Skyguy." She said playfully trying to play it cool with a smile. "I'm not angry, I just wish we could...i don't know, take the weight off our shoulders for an entire night you know? Be an usual couple even if we aren't a usual couple."

"I know, and I understand but you know our promise my Angel, duty comes first specially-"

"On war time, I know, I know." I smiled and kissed her lips, then the tip of her nose and lastly her forehead, her smiled reappeared.

"I'll be back at night." I started to walk away. "You know? I'm surprised that after weeks they haven't summon you." We laughed, that's when the communicator that she always leaves on the table started to beep. "Ups."

"Lucky me you spoke." I shrugged and walked towards the entrance to make my way to the Temple. "I'll meet you there!"

"I know!" I smiled as I looked over my shoulder to wink at her, spotting a peachy blush on her cheeks that looked like the strawberries of our meal and the clouds in the sky.


  On my way to the Temple I finally answered my Master's calls, he asked me to meet him, Windu, Yoda and Gallia at the Communication Center. I said that I was on my way and when I arrived they explained the situation to me but said that we had to wait for Naberrie to show up, and in about ten minutes later, she walked in, I sent a complicit smile that she discreetly returned.

"Sorry I'm late." She said, her hair was now on a ponytail that had multiple braids on it. "What did I miss?"

"Just the explanation of the events my young apprentice." Adi Gallia commented placing her hands behind her back as I crossed my arms.

"We believe Senator Clovis is conspiring with the Separatists." Windu informed.

"Clovis? As in Rush Clovis? From Scipio?" Lans asked, crossing her arms as well.

"Yes, we need to find what he's planning."

"Do you want us to interrogate him Master?" I asked Windu.

"No." Yoda answered. "Treat Senator Clovis as a criminal, we should not."

"The slightest misstep could cause a major incident." Obi-Wan explained.

"You feel if we provoke him we'll never find out which are his intentions." Allana placed together the loose ends.

"Exactly." Said her Master. "We need someone who's not a Jedi to get close to him for us, someone he won't suspect."

"If not a Jedi...who?" I asked.

"A fellow Senator." Windu's eyes landed on Lans.

"Selected Senator Amidala we have." Master Yoda informed.

"You want her to spy on Clovis?" She asked frowning. "I don't think that's a good idea."

"I agree." I backed her up. "No offence, but, there has to be someone more qualified for this." I added looking at her.

"None taken, you're right, she has refused to do these kind of missions in the past, she will definitely decline this time."

"The thing is, we've selected Senator Amidala because she and Clovis entered the Senate in the same year, they served in the same committees, they were...good friends." Gallia said.

"I didn't know that." I said. Amidala has been one of my best and closest friends since I returned from Ansion all those years ago, man since I became a Padawan and started my Jedi training, even before. I told her many things, but she didn't do the same, interesting...I was able to sense the surprise in Lana too.

"Personal matters for the Senator these are, know them why would you?" I almost choke with air. I thought out loud.

"Well, I- I don't know, we've been friends for a long while, I just didn't expect Senator Amidala to have a friend in the Banking Clan."

"I agree." Lana backed me up. "This is new information for me and she's my sister, so." She shrugged.

"Master Yoda has already asked her to spy on Clovis for us." Obi-Wan said. "She refused."

"There you have it." Lana commented.

"Trust you two she does." Yoda commented looking at us. "That is why convince her, you must." We looked at each other, this one will be hard.

"Yes Master." We said at the same time, bowing at him and walked out.

  We directed ourselves home discreetly and began thinking of an strategy to convince Padmé even if we didn't think she'd change her mind.


  We decided that I'd try first and if I didn't succeed, then Lans would try to push a little further, so, I directed myself to the Senate and walked through the hallways to meet with the Senator.

  I was looking around for her until I saw her wearing purple dress and huge hair accessory that carries her brown mane into a large bun...ponytail thing.

"Senator Amidala." She turned around and smiled.

"General Skywalker, so good to see you, what can I do for you?"

"Well... I'm here on Jedi business." She looked at me as we continued to walk. "I need to know about your dealings with Senator Clovis." She sighed.

"I already told Master Yoda, I don't want to spy on a colleague and an old friend."

"Old friend huh?" I asked with a smile. "How well do you know him?"

"Well...we were together...long ago." I raised my eyebrows. "Don't make that face." We both laugh, then, I pointed to the entrance to one of those huge disks where the Senators stand for speaking their minds before the large audience, we hopped in and I clicked the button to make it float.

"I'm just trying to make a sense of who this guy is, I'll need to brief whoever ends up spying on him."

"He's just a Senator that worked and studied with me, then, he started working with the Banking Clan that's it."

"Well, you do know him perfectly, so, why can't you help us out?"

"I already told you, and in anyway, if they so want me to be an Agent for the Jedi, why can't they send my sister? She's done it before."

"Because a) they want her to convince you too and b) I don't want them to. If Clovis is involved in a Separatist Conspiracy the place where she should be is nowhere near him."

"Wait, wait, wait, Clovis is conspiring with the Separatists? Yoda didn't tell me that."

"Well, now you know."

"No, it's impossible, he wouldn't." I shrugged. "This is terrible."

"I know, that's why I need your help. If anyone can talk him out of it is you, and if I don't get you to accept, Lana will come and try."

"I...I'm afraid I'd refuse to her in anyway."

"Padmé listen, whoever takes this mission will be placing their life at risk, and...look, you're my friend but Allana is my wife, she's been...stressed lately, I don't want anything to happen to her."

"I get it, okay? And after listening to this I've kind of changed my mind."


"I can't."

"Why? Make it make sense."

"Because, as I didn't expect you to insist, I've arranged things here, so, I asked for meetings with the committees and other Senators, meetings in other systems, with the Queen, I can't be in two places at once." I opened my mouth. "Before you say that Lana can cover my back and stay away from the battle to stay in the political side for a while, last time that happened a wing of the Senate blew up and they all, included her, were lucky you were there." I sighed.

"I was going to suggest Sabé but-"

"This time Allana will have to take my place but not to play a politician that gives speeches, I'm sorry."

"Fine." I clicked the button to get back. "But you'll have to explain this to her, help her out to be you on this one."

"I know." We walked out and reached the hallway again. "I must tell you, you'll have to place all your trust on her."

"She already has it."

"Yes but...Clovis and I were together, if she'll be me on this one, she may have to play along...differently." A knot was formed in my chest. "Trust her." She walked away as I stood there.


  We were in the Council's Chambers. Lana was standing before the four Masters that are always involved in the Top Secret missions, she had just returned from her meeting with Padmé. When her eyes met mine, something told me that I wasn't going to like what will come out of her mouth.

"So?" Asked Obi-Wan.

"Well." She started. "About what she told me, she accepted to help us but not quite."

"Elaborate." Adi Gallia said.

"She has important things to do, an endless list if you ask me, but she proposed that I take her place, and given the tough situation we're facing, I'm afraid it's the best option we have." She paused for a second. "Senator Amidala says that the very first thing she 'has to do' is get back in touch with him, though it won't be easy, she claims that they haven't spoken in a long time."

"A surprise this is, given their past." Yoda commented.

"I agree, they were pretty...close. Although it was Padmé's decision to bring everything back to a strictly professional level and for my fortune, Clovis didn't take it well."

"Do you think you'll be able to rekindle their relationship and set him up?" Windu asked.

"I hope so, but-"

"Master." I cut her off. "Senator Clovis is a very dangerous man, if he realises she's trying to trick him and that she's not actually Senator Amidala-"

"I am aware of the risks this mission holds. I trust my instincts, and I know you trust me too. I can regain Clovis's trust on Senator Amidala." She cut me off this time, sending an indirect.

"Good." Said Master Gallia. "The closer you get to him, the better."

"I understand, though that worries me."

"How so?" Asked Windu.

"Well, the very few differences between Senator Amidala and I are the scars, if they had a relationship he'll know perfectly that she doesn't have any."

"That's a minor inconvenience."

"I know, but like Obi-Wan said, the slightest misstep will a) blow my cover and b) risk the mission."

"I understand your concern Allana, but it is a risk you'll have to take." Master Gallia said and I breathed in. "I propose Skywalker to be the Senator's escort, like he was once before, that seemed to work out last time."

"I agree." Said my Master.

"So do I." Yoda said.

"And I." Windu finished, they were placing their trust on our shoulders again, we bowed.

"I'll make everything I can to succeed in my mission." Lana said.

"And I'll make everything I can to protect her." I added.

  We walked out and she headed to her sister's apartment to disguise herself as the Senator and get the plan going as I stayed at our place, placing my trust on her shoulders.

a/n: hii everyone! ik this is out of schedule, but, it's a special day :)

happy star wars day folks, take care, stay safe
may the 4th be with u!

btw the 'paths' peter parker story is already up in case you feel like giving it a try! so far is just the prologue but it's there now haha, anyway, ily guys


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