42: Force Sensitives
My eyelids felt heavy. I opened them slowly as I could, breathing in slowly as well, he was beside me, my hand tightened around something, his hand, I smiled weakly.
"Lans." He whispered. "Hey." I smiled more.
"What are you looking so sad about?" He chuckled as I placed my hand on his cheek, he kissed my palm gently.
"How do you feel?"
"Good, tired but good." He smiled at me and I returned the gesture. "My face feels numb."
"You had multiple cuts and an almost broken cheekbone so, they had to fix that."
"Oh." He nodded and I breathed in. "Sorry I had you worried."
"It's okay." He brushed my cheek and I moved to sit down and he stood up as I held my head, feeling slightly dizzy.
"So...what happened? How long has it been?" I asked looking up for my eyes to meet his. "Last thing I remember are the droids."
"Yeah, well, I saved Ahsoka and you, opened the Holocron but it was destroyed with the ship before you say anything and in a resumed way, I won and saved the day." I chuckled.
"Right." I smiled.
"It's been five minutes more or less." I stood up and stretched, I thought it had been longer. There was a sharp pain in the back of my head but it faded away in seconds. "The med-droids say that you've suffered a concussion, not as serious to be in a coma but serious and recommend that you to rest." He placed his hands on my shoulders.
"I'm fine, I promise I won't go running around." He chuckled and kissed my forehead making me smile, that's when his communicator began to beep.
"Skywalker here."
"General." Said Rex. "I think there's something you should see." We frowned and he turned the communicator off. We walked out of the medical wing and proceeded to get to the hangar, where we spotted the Captain inside of the transport that I assumed got us here, Ahsoka was walking behind a clone.
"What is it Rex?" I asked.
"Ma'am, is good to see you're alright."
"Thanks." I smiled as we approached the area. Ani bent down and we spotted a green liquid on the floor.
"It's blood sir." Explained Rex as Skywalker ran his fingers through the liquid. "It sure isn't from any of us." He turned around.
"I knew it." He commented under his breath and ran outside, the three of us following behind. "Ahsoka!" He yelled as we saw the kid talking to the trooper and getting punched in the stomach with his knee. She fell and I ran towards her to help her stand as Ani ran behind the man disguised as a clone who quickly jumped into a fighter.
My husband managed to hop on top the ship and punched his face, knocking the helmet off his head, then, the pilot tried to shake him off but Anakin managed to stand in place but when he saw how the ship was about to get out of the blue plasma door, he jumped and resumed the run as the rest of us approached him.
"Admiral!" He called through the communicator. "Lock down the Hyperspace rings! Hurry!" The alarm started buzzing and a single ring started to rise as the fighter managed to get closer and closer, Yularen won't lock it in time. "It's Bane, lock those rings now!" We saw how the ship locked itself to the ring and in no time, the bounty hunter jumped into Hyperspace, he has escaped, the Master, apprentice and I sighed. "Fuck!" The frustration in Anakin's voice reflected the way we all felt, he fooled us completely.
"We'll have to inform the Council." I commented and Anakin nodded and placed his hands behind his back as we all walked back to the bridge. "You okay kid?" She nodded.
"Are you?" I smiled and nodded as well.
"Admiral, set course back to Coruscant." Anakin ordered once we had arrived at the ship's bridge and sooner than later we hopped into hyperspace.
Snips and I got changed and then, we had to go to meet the Council, once we were in the Chambers before the Jedi Masters, we explained the situation that we had experienced.
"It is must unfortunate Bane was allowed to escape again." Said Kenobi to my left, my hands were behind my back and my grip around my wrist intensified, it's not like we let him, he fooled us, it was an accident.
"With access to the names and locations of the most Force-Sensitive children in the Republic." Mace added.
"Inflict devastating damage on the Jedi Order he could." Yoda commented.
"We've discovered he's working with the Separatists." Anakin told them, my eyes met his side profile, he's stressed.
"There are thousands of children in that list." Adi spoke up, making me look at her, I smiled proudly, she deserves that seat. "Which will he go after first?"
"Small chance there is, through the Force the Council may detect them." Yoda told us all. The holograms of those that were not here faded away, some others stood up and left as soon as Master Windu said that the meeting was over. I was walking out with the rest alongside Snips and Anakin, the three of us knowing that we aren't in the Council. "Wait." Yoda said, we turned around. "Skywalker, Naberrie, stay you must, your help we will need." I raised my eyebrows, shocked and grateful.
Ahsoka did leave to get some rest while my Master, Anakin, Kenobi, Yoda, Mace and I directed ourselves to the meditation room Master Yoda spends most of his time in. We all sat down in a circle, closed our eyes and breathed in and out slowly, calming down, clearing our heads, connecting to the Force to find the innocent children that may be in danger.
"Mmm, a jungle world, Dome cities I see." Said Yoda. "Rodia it is."
"A house in Kay Tap Square." Kenobi assured, I was able to see it but foggy.
"Yes, I see it too." Said Adi. "There's an ocean planet, home to Nautolans."
"Glee Anselm?" Asked Windu.
"Glee Anselm I see not." Master Yoda spoke.
"I sense a place I've been to before." Anakin commented.
"Waterfalls." I spoke. "Naboo."
"Jan-Gwa, a village, southern sector, sense it strongly I do." I heard screams and my eyes snapped open as I took a deep breath, the fear and pain flooded my body.
"The Gungan child was screaming." Anakin commented, our eyes met, he sensed it too.
"The future you see young Skywalker while you hear it Naberrie." We directed our gazes to the green Master and he pointed at us while I frowned. Hear the future, that's cool but...I don't know if it's an ability I'd like to have. "To Naboo you must go, Cad Bane you will find, with you take your Padawan."
"You are certain there's no child in Glee Anselm?" Asked Windu.
"Into the shadow of the Dark Side, taken the child was, shrouded is his fate from us." I felt my heart breaking for the kid, his family. I could never imagine the pain I'd go through if my child was taken away, the pain they must be experiencing. "Great the loss is, but more children in danger there are."
"I shall leave for Rodia Immediately." Said Kenobi.
"I'll help you." Said my Master.
"Find more younglings we will." Yoda finished looking at Mace, who just nodded.
We walked out of the room and after exchanging a few words with our Masters, we walked our separate ways.
"Ahsoka, meet me at the Hangar, we're leaving." Anakin said through his communicator.
"Yes Master." She answered and I sighed.
"What is it?" He asked once the transmission was over.
"If there's one thing that I hate about the ideals of the Jedi is that sometimes you have to let of life go to save other nine, I just...wish we could try and save the ten of them."
"I understand but Master Yoda's right, there are more kids that need our help right now, one of them...I don't know, I feel bad for not being able to help the child too."
"Same, I mean, imagine the pain his family must be going through."
"Truth is...I can't." He placed a hand over my shoulder. "We'll do everything we can to save the rest, they will be fine, I promise." I nodded as Snips rushed in, we waved at her and hopped on my cruiser, that was already warming up the engines.
In no time we arrived at the planet that's in the Mid Rim, hopped on a Gunship and were taken immediately to the Palace, when we landed we walked out, Typho was already there.
"General Naberrie, General Skywalker, they told us you were coming." Said the Captain.
"Has the Gungan family been notified?" I asked, going straight to the point.
"Yes." He pointed gently at the Gungan that's standing beside him. "Captain Lunker here is in charge of the operation, he will take you to Jan-Gwa City." I looked at the Captain and thanked him with a head movement that he returned with a soft smile.
"Let me take the lead Masters." Said Ahsoka. "I've got a score to settle." She tightened her fists as we looked at her.
"Alright." Said Ani. "Go with the Gungan, we'll be there shortly." They started to walk away as a strategy that we could used clicked in my head, so, I shared the ideas that I had and alongside Typho and Anakin, they found structure.
When we arrived at the city when the sun began to set, quickly, we met the family and they agreed in being part of the plan. I was praying that everything worked out. We waited for the nightfall to let everything happen because that's when we thought Bane would show up.
"Now, we wait." Said Ani sitting down, we were on the rooftop of the house.
"Yeah." I turned my communicator on. "Ahsoka, are you in position?"
"Yes Master, everything's still quiet down here." She whispered. She was in the baby's room, inside of a wardrobe, hidden, ready to attack, she came up with that idea.
"Same here kid." I ended the transmission. "Do you think it'll work?"
"Name one time when your plans didn't work." I smiled at him. "Calm down, it'll be fine."
"I know, and I'm trying but." I sighed. "Ugh, I don't know why I'm worrying so much." He frowned. "I mean, I'm not a mother, I- we don't have any children...yet...the closest one is Ahsoka because technically we're 'raising' her, teaching her everything we know and I don't know how these people may be feeling but I can actually feel it...if that makes any sense."
"Well, you're an empath, you always place yourself in others shoes, besides, you're a Jedi, we've been trained to be this way, it's normal, and it does make sense, at least for me." He smiled again. "Try to relax, clear your head, take deep breaths, this will work, I'm sure of it."
"Thanks." I smiled back and he nodded. We sat in silence for a while until we saw him approaching, we moved backwards and hid better as we saw him walking in. "The guest has arrived." We waited for Snips to get him but instead we heard the blasts of his weapon and in no time, he attempted to escape using the rockets on his boots but we were faster this time, we were ready.
We jumped and grabbed his ankles, breaking the rockets as we could. The three of us fell and rolled down the round house, then, over the ground, I shook my head to shake off the stunned feeling.
When I looked up, Tano was already there, pointing at Bane with her lightsaber, the Gungans were standing behind her.
"Looks like I win." She told him, I was proud. In no time she placed a pair of handcuffs around the bounty hunter's hands, tightening them until he complained, then, she grabbed the metallic Padawan braid that he had taken and placed it on again as Ani grabbed Bane's shoulders and pushed him.
I was able to hear a child cooing, so, I turned around to find the baby Gungan in her mother's arms. I smiled at her as she reached out for my hands, Snips walked beside me towards the woman and her baby too.
"Your daughter's safe now." I said holding the baby's tiny pink hand as she laughed, I was able to sense her strength in the Force, I was truly amazed.
"Do you really believe that?!" Bane asked behind me, making me snap my attention towards him. I frowned, angry at the fact that he tried to hurt innocent children and might be succeeding. Anakin intensified his grip around his shoulder and made him resume the walk, I could bet my husband had an anger frown that matched mine.
We hopped on the Gunship, my eyes glued to the bounty hunter, he was analysing me as well, silence made the tension palpable.
"We have met before haven't we?" He asked as we made our way towards the Triumphant. "Not when we fought but before."
"I don't know."
"Uh, I think you do...Senator." I scoffed as we landed, I grabbed his left arm as Skywalker grabbed the right one.
"Just move Sleemo."
Kenobi and Gallia were here. We met at the detention level, threw Bane into a cell and they went to interrogate him first as we reported to the Council about the successful capture and searched for the Holocron and children in the bounty hunter's ship, they were walking out as we returned.
"So?" Asked my old Master.
"We tore the ship apart." Answered Anakin. "No sign of the Holocron or the kids."
"Did you check the ship's navigation records?" Asked Obi-Wan, directly to Snips.
"They were wiped clean before he landed on Naboo." She answered.
"We'll have to use the Force to make him talk." I said looking at the blue alien, anger did the talking not the common sense.
"I don't think Bane is that weak." Said Kenobi.
"Maybe if we all concentrated on his mind together." Snips suggested.
"Mmm, even if I agree, using the Force to compel a strong mind to cooperate is...risky." Said Adi.
"There is a danger that his mind could be destroyed in the process." Obi-Wan backed up.
"Well, one life for two." I said shrugging remembering Yoda's words. I wanted to get this case closed as soon as I could. "Besides, do we have another choice?" Everyone was quiet.
"Then it's settled." Said Anakin approaching the door, he opened the gate and I walked in.
"Are you here to torture me Jedi? That's not your way." None of us said anything, we just stood before him. He went silent and frowned after a while, then, I closed my eyes and extended my hand.
"You will take us to the Holocron." I said.
"Jedi mind tricks don't work on me."
"You will take us to the Holocron." I repeated, this time, Anakin's voice was added to the pronunciation of the sentence.
"Forget it."
"You will take us to the Holocron." We repeated, our Masters spoke with us too, the four of us uniting our strength to get through the bounty hunter's mind.
"I...I...I won't!"
"And you will take us now!" I felt a certain...darkness on the place, taking slightly over me and Anakin. I was unable to sense the other two. This kind of power was indeed something that Jedi aren't supposed to use but this time using the slight hint of darkness to add a shade of grey to the picture was needed.
"I...I will take you." He gave in, or so I thought. "No! Get out of my head!" He started to scream as we continued to push but he was refusing, so, we let go slowly. He rested on the table, recovering his breath as I looked at him with disgust.
"He won't give in." Said Adi and I frowned.
"Let us talk to him." I said turning around to face the Masters.
"Alone? Are you sure that's wise?" Asked Kenobi.
"You had your shot, let us shoot ours." Anakin backed me up.
"Just don't do anything stupid." Said Adi and the gate of the cell opened. "We'll be at the bridge." I nodded.
"Ahsoka go with them." I ordered the young girl who was standing by the corner of the room.
"Do as we tell you Snips, we'll meet you soon." She sighed and nodded. When they were gone we looked at him, he was panting.
"Perhaps we should try...again." Anakin suggested.
"I...I've had enough of that." He breathed in. "I'd much rather play good cop and bad cop." I chuckled.
"None of that, you'll see, the two good cops already talked to you, now, you'll face the bad cops." I approached the table until I rested my hands on the cold metal. "Tell us where they are." He shook his head. "We have two options on the table, you speak willingly or unwillingly." I continued coldly. "You know I'll do it without hesitation and if I have to break you I will."
"That's not the Jedi way..." Bane whispered.
"Answer her." Anakin backed me up. "Tell us where the Holocron and kids are or...face the consequence." Anakin approached, Bane was silent, grunting.
"Tell us now!" I yelled hitting the metal table with my hands. He was silent. "I'm tired of this shit."
"Who does it, me or you?" I looked over my shoulder and he nodded. "I'll let you handle it." He approached the door and looked at the troopers. "Leave us." He ordered.
"Yes sir." They said at the unison and walked away. We got what we wanted. Bane started to feel afraid, we could sense it.
"Wha- what are you doing?" He asked and I breathed in, looking at him dead in the eye.
"I have my ways to get information." I started to 'dig in his head'. I extended my hand and the Force flowed through me to get to him. The weak mind gives in immediately, but those who have a stronger mind are tougher to get through. They set up barriers that, without knowing it, takes you to where you want to go. However, minds like Bane's are tricky, all the barriers they set up are a path to the truth you're seeking and a diversion that pushed you past it. It gets tougher and tougher to break them.
"No! Get out of my head." I did as he said with a sigh and as I placed my hand on the table again.
"Fine, that was the first way." His red eyes met mine and I started to close my hand on a fist slowly over the table. As I did said action, he started to choke, the lack of air in his lungs was obvious as the gagging left his mouth, his hands reached his throat and the veins on his skin popped. "Tell me where are the children." More gagging. His silence made me tighten my fist even more. "Tell me now!"
"Fine!" His red eyes met mine and begged for a release. "Just...let me-" I released him and he collided against the metallic table. He started coughing as the air made its way through his traquea and reached his lungs. "Better yet...I'll take you to it...you'll get your children back." My eyes met Ani's and he nodded.
"Don't play any tricks on me bounty hunter."
"I...won't." I walked up to where Anakin was and the gate opened for us to walk out. "You're not usual Jedi did you know that?!" We didn't answer but we know he was not wrong.
We arrived at the bridge and our Masters and Padawan looked at us immediately.
"Well?" Asked Obi-Wan.
"He's willing to cooperate, he'll take us to the children and the Holocron." Anakin informed.
"How did you make him talk?" Asked Adi as she crossed her arms.
"That doesn't matter, all that should matter is that we got what we wanted." Kenobi and Gallia looked at each other and frowned. "We didn't do anything bad!" Lie. "We tried to get into his head again and he spoke that's all." Skywalker nodded and they shrugged, not willing to argue.
Moments later, we went to the detention level again and I asked Wolffe to bring an escort to get Bane to the transport. When they arrived, we all made our way to the hangar where we spotted a ship in the background, brought from Kenobi's cruiser. I was able to spot my Commander and the one of the 212th greeting each other and talking vividly.
"Master Windu says the Chancellor wants a report on our progress." Adi informed Kenobi as they walked side by side after she had attended the communication she was receiving.
"Tell him this is not Republic business, it's an internal Jedi affair." I nodded.
"I'm sorry to disagree." Said Ani, we all looked at him. "As long as the Jedi are acting as military we should report to the Chancellor, even on internal matters like these." I placed my hands behind my back, he kind of had a point.
"Well then, I guess you just volunteered to go." Kenobi said placing his arm around my handsome Jedi's shoulders and a smile on my lips. "Give the Chancellor our best regards."
"Now, wait a minute." Said Skywalker as Obi-Wan started to walk away, I started laughing.
"I agree." Said Adi and I laughed more. "In fact, I think both of you should go." I stopped laughing.
"What?" I asked and Anakin chuckled this time. "Why me? It was his idea."
"Just because my young apprentice." She replied walking away after dedicating me a smile. "Report here when you're finished."
"No 'but', you will go." I sighed.
"Yes Master." The two adults chuckled. This brought back a ton of memories, that's how usually training with Anakin all those years ago could be resumed like, how hanging out with him actually is.
"Hey, you know this could be a trap right?" Asked Ani as we watched the backs of our friends. "You sure you don't need us to go?"
"Of course is a trap young Skywalker." Said Adi.
"I will contact you when we find the children." Kenobi told us.
"What if they can't find those kids?" Ahsoka asked behind us, we looked at each other and sighed.
"They will Snips." Anakin told our apprentice. "Come on."
We returned at Coruscant and directed ourselves towards the Senate. Once we were in the building, we walked towards the Office of the Chancellor, as we approached, he was already waiting for us by the door.
"Ah, Anakin, Allana, it is good to see you." I smiled and bowed my head.
"Your Excellency." Ani greeted back. Palpatine smiled but then looked at Snips. The young Togruta smiled at him but he just went serious, I frowned.
"Excuse us child." He said and placed his hands on our shoulders, dragging us into his woking place. We looked at Ahsoka and sent her a reassuring smile, telling her with our glances to wait there before the door closed. "I understand you made an important arrest in the plot to destroy the Jedi." He commented looking at Anakin as we approached the window to admire the glimmer of the Capital Planet. "To think a simple bounty hunter could create such a plan."
"I believe someone else..." My husband commented. "Someone much more powerful was behind this."
"I agree." I spoke, making the two men look at me. "I don't think it was Dooku though."
"Oh." Exclaimed the once Senator. "And have you any clues as to who it may be?" He alternated his intense gaze in between the both of us, I shook my head looking into his eyes before I looked back at the scenery before us.
"Not yet Chancellor." Anakin said and from the corner of my eye, I was able to see how he looked at the window too, as if we could find the answers in the ships that were flying on the other side of the glass. The Chancellor placed his hands on our shoulders again.
"Have patience." He said in a reassuring voice that I've heard him use in the Senate whenever there's a decision to make and he gives the 'motivational' speeches. I smiled at him and Ani did the same, then, he placed his hands behind his back and we returned our eyes at the outside.
We walked out and met Ahsoka again, who was bored sitting on a couch, looking at the ceiling, patiently —but not much— waiting for us. My eyes met Ani's, both of us smiled.
"Hey kid." I called and her eyes met mine. "Let's go, I sense Masters Gallia and Kenobi may need us at some point." She nodded as we made our way out of the building to get back at my cruiser.
Once there, we there directed ourselves to the hangar to check the ship again. Anakin was on the pilot's seat while I was underneath the ship checking everything with Ahsoka.
"Well, the piloting systems are clean." He informed us. "Check the landing gear?"
"Double checked." I answered impulsing myself out to look at him.
"You know?" Ahsoka popped out from underneath the ship too. "I share the feeling that Master Gallia and Master Obi-Wan could've used our help."
"Look, I don't like being out of action either but someone's gotta do this job." Anakin told her.
"And it always ends up being us." She said as I sneezed. "Bless you." She added and Anakin repeated, even R2 beeped.
"Thanks." I sniffed and looked at my fingers and clothes. "Volcanic ash?" I asked.
"Bane seems to pick a lot of it on his travels." Snips commented looking at me.
"The question is where." I said and proceeded to sniff, that's when R2 whirred and I looked at him. "What have you got buddy?" We both stood up and walked up to where Anakin and the astromech were.
"Looks like Bane erased his navigation records but not his fuel computer." I smiled as Snips jumped to sit on top of the ship, in front of Ani, I just placed my hands on my hips and stood beside R2.
"So?" Asked Ahsoka, thinking.
"If we cross the list of planets we know he visited, with the distance he traveled..."
"We may be able to calculate where else he went." My smile grew bigger, these two also think as one. "That's a new one."
"Not really, it's an old Jedi trick that was used to track down smugglers." I commented.
"Let's see." Ani whispered and I jumped to sit behind them to have a better look. "Glee Anselm, Rodia, Mustafar, Naboo." He named the planets and I frowned.
"Wait Mustafar?" Asked Snips before I could. "There were no children on Mustafar."
"It's a mining world, very remote, probably stopped there to refuel."
"That explains the ash." I commented. "But it was six systems out of his way, if I were him, I wouldn't go that far to refuel."
"Maybe he met up with whoever he's working for." Ahsoka said. "It's worth a look isn't it?" She smiled at us, alternating her gaze in between us as if she was asking for permission, Anakin hopped off the ship and so did we.
"Well, anything to get out of here." We directed to the silver ship that I —by so no accident— kept and piloted to the remote system. As soon as we entered the coordinates, we jumped into hyperspace.
"We're coming up to Mustafar." Said Ahsoka behind us, looking at the scans.
"R2, begin the landing cycle." I asked the little droid as Anakin sat on the co-pilot seat.
We entered the atmosphere and found a landing spot, there, I placed the ship down gently as a cold shiver made its way down my spine. I opened the hatch and the ramp fell, we walked out.
"Are you sure this is the right place?" Asked the Padawan as the heat of the lava embraced us.
"We're gonna find out." Said Anakin as we rushed down a ramp. The shivers kept on coming and going and a knot was formed on my stomach, chest and throat. Breathing was getting harder to do.
"I don't like this." I commented once we were in front of the gate, that R2 opened for us.
"I sense something Masters, and I don't like it either." 'Soka said.
"It's the Dark Side Ahsoka." Anakin told her. "This is the right place." We ran inside the dark hallways until I heard the echo of the cry of a baby.
"Did you hear that?" I asked.
"Yeah I heard it." Anakin said and I took my saber from my belt.
"The question is where are they?" Ahsoka commented to my left. I closed my eyes and heard them again, my eyes snapped open when I felt their fear.
"This way." I pointed and started running, both of them following behind. We reached a crossway and looked around for a moment but I quickly continued running through the hallways until we found a door.
I quickly turned my lightsaber on and started to cut through it, Anakin did the same, helping me out to make it faster. As soon as the hole was made and I pushed the metal away, we walked in, about six cradles could be seen with the very few light that filtrated through the window. We walked slowly and when I reached one my heart broke a little bit more, I closed my eyes and focused.
"We're too late." Said Ahsoka and I shook my head.
"I can still sense them here." Anakin spoke my thoughts. Our attention snapped to the front and we enlighted the lightsabers again. Ahsoka placed it before her and after I turned mine on I spinned it quickly taking an attack position, to my right Ani mirrored my movement.
A droid came forward. The baby cried and the droid attacked us, so we dodged the attacks, behind me I sensed another droid, so I jump to be behind it as it continued to attack me. "Be careful of the younglings." He told our Padawan.
"I know, I know!" She said dodging attacks. Suddenly, an alarm went off and the floor started to break from one moment to another. The glimmer of the hot lava could be seen through the fissures on the ground.
Anakin and I were trying to get the Rodian baby as I saw from the corner of my eye how Snips was already holding the Nautolan one in her arms. When I attacked for Ani to get the youngling, the droid turned around and attacked him, using the infant as a shield, that's when the floor fell. I yelped as the vertigo feeling that I'm still not used to took over my body.
I held on to Anakin's arm once we jumped backwards in order not to fall, he was holding on to something and we were basically hanging from a thread before we fell into the hot, deadly liquid.
The baby cried and a cradle hit the droid, who let go of the baby to old on to the floor that was falling apart, the tiny hands of the child were holding on for dear life. I quickly placed my lightsaber's handle on my belt and extended my hand, using the Force to pull the baby towards me. I carried him and pressed him against my chest as his arms found my neck, he was trembling, pure fear all over his tiny body.
"I've got you, you're okay." I whispered as I heard something cracking above us.
"I'm going to let go." Anakin warned and I nodded. He dropped the piece of ground he was holding on to and we slid down the metallic ground as the heat became to make it harder to breathe as it embraced us, I've never been more scared of dying than now. I can't imagine how it must feel to be burned alive and I don't want to find out.
Skywalker wrapped his arm around my waist and impulsed himself, the baby and I with the chest of the droid and jumped through the walls until we made it beside Ahsoka, who was trying to open the gate.
"The panel's fried." She informed.
"Where's R2?" He asked and then the door opened, his droid in the opposite side got us put. He beeped and we rushed through the gate to get back to the ship.
We ran inside and Anakin grabbed the pilot seat this time to get us out of here before the facility decided to fall above us and let us drown into the burning lava.
"Shh, it's okay." I whispered as I sat down on the co-pilot seat.
"Ahsoka sit down and buckle up." I commanded and the young girl did as I said trying to calm down the kid that's in her arms. "It's okay." I calmed the little boy, who's eyes glimmered like the stars on the universe. "You're okay." I whispered as our skilled pilot took us out of this terrible place quickly before the entire facility fell into the lava.
We informed Gallia and Kenobi that we had rescued the babies and they instructed us to get them back to their families at once, and we did. In no time the kids were safe and sound in the arms of their parents, they were calmed, the worry and sorrow was no longer palpable. My nerves finally calmed down, my mind and heart were at ease.
We returned at Coruscant again and walked towards the Council's Chambers where we reported what happened in our mission.
"The base was completely destroyed Master." I said looking into Adi's blue eyes. "So as any clue of who's behind this."
"Hmm, most unfortunate this is." Yoda said.
"We still have Bane." Anakin commented looking at Obi-Wan but he looked away. My eyes met Adi's and she did the same, that could only mean one thing, I sighed and closed my eyes.
"Ugh, he got away again?" Ahsoka complained and asked in a whisper.
"The important thing is that the children are safe." My Master said.
"And we've recovered the Holocron." Kenobi added.
"The list is intact." Said Windu. "There's no evidence it was copied."
"Still, the future of all Jedi uncertain is." Yoda commented making us all frown. "Move forward cautiously we must." We bowed and walked out of the place.
Ahsoka excused herself and said she wanted to take off the ash and rest, so, she directed to her room after we said goodbye.
When no one's eyes were watching, Anakin and I directed ourselves to our apartment, where we refreshed ourselves too and talked about how stressful these days have been, thankfully it was all over now and the peace embraced us all once again.
a/n: hii everyone! i wanted to apologise for how long these chapters have been lmao, once you get inspired you can't actually stop but anyway, i just wanted to thank you all for reading this.
i mean,1k reads on this???!?!?!??? THANK YOU SO SO MUCH! like i've said before, i didn't think this book would make it this far, i'm so thankful for that, very, very thankful :)
anyways, i wanna tell you that i'm currently working on yet another fanfic hahaha, it's about peter parker! andrew's peter tho cuz i love him :) the story is called 'paths' and yeah, if you'd like to check it out then feel free!
i'll try to update the stories as i usually do but i started exam week today so, as i'm running out of drafts i may or not be able to update, we'll see.
also, i do need your help on this one, so please please please comment what you think. I'm the one writing, so, I feel totally okay by making this a long book but you as my readers...idk if you'd like it, so, we have the option of complete this story (ofc not yet) in one book or dividing it and make two books but i really don't know what you guys would like, so, please do let me know!
anyways, have a lovely day, ily sm, take care! :))
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