41: Playing with Fate
"Bane's not on Coruscant." Obi-Wan's hologram said, Lana was standing beside him.
"He vanished, like a damned ghost." My wife said crossing her arms.
"Do you think you can get to us? If he's out there we'd probably need help." I lied, just giving excuses.
"I can go if that's okay." Allana said looking at my Master, who she was going to be working with.
"Fine by me." He said and she nodded. "But when I call you, get in the ship and come at once."
"Roger that Master, do you need me to bring more troops?" She asked me.
"No, the Legion's here, I'll send you the coordinates." She nodded and disappeared, Obi-Wan was still there.
"How are things going on now?" He asked.
"We've just jumped out of Hyperspace. I'm going to cut off the escape, gotta go."
"Be careful."
"I always am Master." He rolled his eyes and ended the transmission. "Rex." I called my loyal friend.
"Yes General?" He said behind me.
"Send Allana our coordinates, she'll come to help us."
"Right away sir."
"General." Admiral Yularen called my attention. "We're receiving an urgent transmission from the planet." I frowned and made my way towards the briefing room, where the hologram of a trooper was already there. He was firing against the enemy.
"General Skywalker." He said with some difficulty. "Our base has been overrun, there's no possibility of an evacuation." He got shot on the shoulder. "Agh!" I frowned again. "They've taken General Ropal and the Holocron memory Crystal." He struggled with a droid but managed to push him away and shot it.
"Do you know where they've taken him?" I asked.
"Sorry sir, we tried to stop them but they left the outpost." He screamed as a droid came from behind and snapped his neck, the communication ended afterwards, I closed my eyes.
"There's too much interference." Said the trooper that's seating in front of me. "Transmitter has been destroyed at the source sir." He added looking at me.
"We have to find what ship Master Ropal is on." I ordered and everyone nodded, then, we all walked out and stood by the windows of the bridge.
"General." Said Yularen again after a while. "A Separatist command ship is fleeing away from battle." Ahsoka arrived by our side.
"You think they have Master Ropal on board as a prisoner?" She asked.
"I'm sure of it." I said looking at her. "Admiral." I added directing my eyes to the man that's to my right. "Intercept them before they can jump into Hyperspace." I sensed her close.
"A ship has jumped out of Hyperspace, it's Naberrie's fighter." I smiled.
"Great, open the gate for her to board, I'll ready the troops for boarding."
"Boarding? We have no boarding craft, we were prepared to land on the planet, not to board another ship, you can't be serious."
"I am Admiral, thank you for your opinion. Now, target their hyperdirve, we don't want them getting away. Snips, let's go to receive Smarty."
"Yes Master." She had a smile on her features, they haven't been on a mission together on a while as well and they've become really good friends, I am happy about that.
We hopped on the elevator as I figured a way to get on board of the Separatist ship quickly but I couldn't think of anything yet.
When we walked out, I was able to see Lana talking vividly with Rex, she placed her hands on her waist as we approached them, when my Captain saw us, he placed his hands behind his back.
"I've rounded three brigades sir." He informed and I nodded.
"Where are we going?"
"We're going to board a Separatist frigate." I answered with a smile. Lan's face reflected confusion and I could bet the troopers had the same expression underneath their helmets. "Rescue Master Ropal and recover an archive Holocron."
"We have no assault craft sir, only a couple fighters, now General Naberrie's and the Twilight." I frowned. "Waiting for orders sir." He said and Allana smiled.
"And the plan is...?" Asked Snips and I sent her a glare. "Just curious." I looked at Allana.
"What?" I arched an eyebrow. "Oh no, I want to hear your plan for once. I have no idea how to get there." She crossed her arms. I didn't say anything, I just started to look around, that's when my eyes met our way in, I smiled to myself.
"I came down to see if I could be of any help." Yularen's voice said behind me as his eyes met my Angel's. "General Naberrie." He greeted.
"Admiral." She greeted back.
"You're right on time." I smiled at him. "Activate those walkers Admiral." I pointed at the machines in the back of the hangar.
"You are not thinking of using those to transport the clones to that frigate." He said.
"Well...they are pressurised." Allana said looking at the walkers, tapping her chin with her index finger, I smiled at her.
"And they're equipped with magnetic feet." Added Rex. "Hmm."
"Good call." Said Lans and I thanked her with a head movement as she smiled proudly at me.
"Master...you're a genius." Snips finished with a smile that intensified mine.
"Those walkers are designed for terrain, not space." He complained again today. More than other days. More than usual.
"Rex, load them up." I ordered with a smile. "Snips, Smarty, let's go." They nodded and the three of them ran to the opposite side of the hangar as Rex's voice giving orders to my troopers echoed behind us, excitement began to fill me up.
We were now standing on top of the walkers. Snips and Smarty had to change into suits that would cover their bodies completely.
Lans was wearing the exact same white suit than she once did, the only difference is that this one's not broken and Ahsoka had an orange one, pretty similar to Naberrie's.
We placed the helmets over our heads to make sure they worked and we could breath perfectly out there in the vast space.
Soon enough, the gate that's underneath us opened, and the walkers were dropped. We landed on top of the Separatist ship and when the magnetic feet made contact with the metallic surface, the blasters fired and green, violet and blue lightsabers were enlighten. The blasts of the cannons of our gear hit the bridge of the ship, columns of smoke began to raise at the distance.
The enemy didn't stay behind with the attack: vulture droids appeared on the opposite side and fired at us, but we deflected their attacks every time. Ahsoka, Allana and I jumped, the Force and the zero-gravity helped the jump have more impulse than it would be on a planet, so, we reached the droids with that a single movement and destroyed their legs just to destroy them completely afterwards. Quicker than we thought, we finished them and the spare parts were floating away.
"There should be a hatch over there." Said Lana, remembering how she got into one of these ships with Obi-Wan to 'rescue' me.
"R2!" I called and he whistled as he flew past us to get it open. The three of us covered his back as he worked. Right after he was done, he opened the hatch and the first one to jump in was Snips, then Lans, followed by me and the clones.
We got rid of our helmets and placed them on the ground as we made our way to the bridge. Once there, the gates opened and revealed droids, very few of them. We turned our lightsabers on again and rushed to destroy them as they attempted at shooting at us.
The clones destroyed every droid that we didn't until there was no threat.
"R2." I called my loyal friend again. "See if you can find Master Ropal." He chirped as we turned off the weapons and placed their handles on our belts as my droid projected a hologram.
"One authentic Jedi Holocron, and the Memory Crystal I was after." Bane said and Lana tensed beside me and frowned angrily, just like I was doing, then, the hologram faded away.
"Oh no." Ahsoka exclaimed. "He has both pieces now."
"Rex, send a squad." I said. "Lock down the hangar bay and destroy all the scape pods, no one gets off this ship." He made a quick salut.
"Yes sir." He began to run with some of the men outside to follow my order.
"R2, you have to find Master Ropal." Ahsoka told the droid.
"Hurry!" He beeped and that's when the floor rumbled below us and explosions echoed.
"What was that?" Allana asked.
"General Skywalker." Yularen's voice called my attention from the other side of my communicator, so, I placed my wrist near my mouth to speak if needed. "All of the engines on that frigate has exploded, I caution you to avoid the left section." I met my wife's eyes.
"How much damage is there?" I asked.
"I suggest immediate evacuation." I shook my head.
"Not until we get what we came for." I finished the communication and sighed, that's when R2 beeped and said that Master Ropal was in the detention level. When I asked which cell, he said the records had been wiped, so, we directed ourselves to the cold area of the ship and went cell by cell to find our college.
I clicked a door, and another one, and another one, but the cells were empty. Snips had the same luck, and Lana as well, until she reached the before last cell...
"Ani!" She called me and I rushed towards her. "I found him." She closed her eyes and so did I when I saw him. He was laying on the floor, his tongue out of his mouth, eyes open, the galaxy eyes his species has was no longer shining in his, I sighed.
"Rex, have some men take Master Ropal back to the Resolute." I said and he nodded.
"We might not be able to find the Holocron in time Master, but if it is destroyed with the ship, Nute Gunray won't get it either." Said Snips, I smiled at her bright ideas.
"Maybe, but I'd rather return it to the library personally." She frowned and looked worried; the ship shook again.
"Come on R2." Snips told the droid who beeped in response. He turned on the light that he has and guided the way.
The hallways were too dark, so, Lana, Snips and I turned our lightsabers on, the combination of the colours made it easier. After a long while of endless walking, the astromech beeped.
"R2 says we're close, stay sharp." I warned the team and we tightened the grip around our lightsabers as we continued to walk.
As the walking continued through the dark, empty hallways, we saw a shadow running towards the right, R2 whistled, scared.
"There!" Said Allana and we all started to run behind the person or droid.
As we chased him, he opened a door to what I assume is a hangar. We stopped as we looked around, all of us taking a defensive position as the lights turned on and revealed a small army of droids and the bounty hunter.
"Welcome Jedi." He said. "We've been expecting you." I breathed in and out as Lans and Ahsoka tensed beside me. "Kill them!" He commanded and pointed at us with his gun, causing the droids to fire at his will at us.
We deflected the blasts as the clones fired their blasters as well. The three of us started to run towards Bane and suddenly, we were now floating. He had deactivated the gravity generators of the ship, but he has magnetic boots, so, he was able to stand his ground while we were closer to the ceiling as the seconds went by. He fired his blaster at me constantly but I deflected his attacks every time, I smirked proud of myself as I saw how my wife and Padawan moved gracefully to attack and defend themselves.
"R2!" Ahsoka called. "Turn the gravity generators back on!" He chirped and flew to get things done as I impulsed myself to attack the bounty hunter, but my movements were quite slow. I ended up behind him as Lana began her approach from the front.
I saw how he fired at the clones and how we started to loose men, suddenly a shell fell off its place and started to float around, if a droid or clone hit it, we'd all blow into pieces.
I impulsed myself with the spare parts of the destroyed droids and cut a pair by the half, then, I turned around to face Bane's back again, spotting Snips jumping right above a grey droid and stabbing him and Smarty dodging a blast that went for her head, stopping it midair and pulling it just to push it back from where it came, making the droid loose its head.
I finally approached the bounty hunter and kicked his face, knocking the Holocron off his hand but when I was about to reach it, the gravity was on again and we all fell to the ground, our bodies hit the metallic floor with loud and painful thuds.
I got up slowly, stunned by the impact and Bane did the same, but he took the Holocron and I frowned, annoyed, then, he fired his gun at me but I deflected it back at him with my lightsaber causing him to dodge it too, then, he stood up and ran away.
As he did, one of my men fired at him from above but Bane's smart, he fired at the point in the ceiling where he was standing and as he fell, I caught him using the Force as Bane escaped.
"I'll get him Master!" Said Ahsoka as she ran after him, that's when it clicked in our heads.
"Ahsoka wait!" Lana screamed as she stood up. "It's a trap!" She ran after them.
"Wait!" I yelped. "We'll take him together! Just wait!" None of them listened, I guess this is how Obi-Wan felt when I jumped right in to attack Dooku.
As the door closed, Lana jumped and made it through but I wasn't so fast, my hands collided against the cold metal as I saw the lock moving, making it impossible for me to open it, so, I stuck my blue saber on it and started to cut through, but, as my good luck's always there to back me up. A blast hit the shell and the explosion rumbled behind me, making me collide against the door, the pieces of ceiling that fell hit me and trapped me against the ground.
My eyes closed for a minute until I heard screams in the back of my head, I sensed the pain my apprentice was going through and then grunts from my lover. My eyes snapped open and I tightened my fist using the Force to lift the heave metal, I shook my head to shake the stunned feeling off.
"General Skywalker?!" Yelled Rex. "Can you hear me?! Are you alright in there?!"
"Yeah, I'm alright!" I replied as I ran towards the wall that divided the place and separated my troopers and friends from me, my hands were over the metal again. "Get back to the hangar!" I ordered as I moved some pieces away. "Find a transport and wait for us as long as you can!"
"We're on it sir!" Rex replied and then I turned my communicator on.
"Ahsoka, can you hear me?" Silence, I was about to communicate with Allana when a transmission interrupted. "Admiral, nice to hear from you."
"There's a power surge heading towards the bridge, if you're there get out immediately, you must abandon your mission."
"I...don't have the Holocron memory and I seem to have misplaced my Padawan and also, Naberrie went after her so..."
"The ship is tearing itself apart."
"Move off to a safe distance Admiral and await my signal for evacuation." I ended the communication and rushed towards the door. "Just hold on." I whispered to myself as I turned my lightsaber on and resumed my way through the door.
As soon as I cut through the metal, I started to walk through the hallway, that's when I found the curved handle of a lightsaber that I know to well. I picked it up and looked up, the girl in the white suit was laying unconscious on the ground, so, I rushed towards her.
"Hey, hey." I whispered as I turned her around. "Lana." I grabbed her shoulders and shook her until her eyes snapped open, she threw two punches towards my face with her fists but I stopped them. "Hey, hey! It's me! You're okay! You're okay. I've got you" I said, as if I was reassuring it to myself more than her, she sighed and looked around.
"Sorry." She sat down and I pulled her close for a short embrace.
"It's okay, here." I handed over the weapon as she placed her hand over her head and then to the back of her neck, when she looked at her fingers they were slightly stained with blood. I looked at the back of her head and saw a small cut, it wasn't bad. "You're okay, is just a scratch."
"Thanks, that's good to know." We stood up. "Ahsoka."
"Where did they go?"
"I-I don't know, I." She looked at the ground remembering. "She took him down as I approached them but then he electrocuted her and we started fighting when I tried to help her, to- to save her, but he took me down and hit my head against the ground I-" She spoke fast. "I'm sorry, I didn't reach her on time."
"It's okay, it wasn't your fault, it doesn't matter, we'll find her." I said placing my hand on her cheek, she nodded. I couldn't help the anger from flooding me, that filthy bounty hunter could've killed her, he could've fucking broke her skull. I breathed in as I heard more screams and my head snapped to the end of the hallway.
"This way." We began to run and then, we found battle droids, a lot of them securing the way to a room.
We turned our lightsabers on at the same time and started destroying them. Once the ones that are on the hallway were nothing but garbage, we continued to walk slowly. Even if I focused on my breath to calm down, the anger continued to fill me up, as well as worry and I could sense Allana's emotions too, she shared mine but we could add guilt to the list.
We finally reached the end of the corridor. The door that's at the bottom of it is the only thing that separates Ahsoka from us, the humming of our lightsabers echoed in the place as we continued our approach.
"You said we'd be safe back here." One of the droids said as we continued to reach their position. Lana went for the one of the right while I approached the one in the middle as the one that was on the left walked backwards to click the communicator that contacts who's behind the door.
"Come on, there's three of us and two of them."
"It won't matter." We placed our lightsabers up and soon enough, Lana stabbed the one that's in front of her and proceeded to cut his head off while I cut the legs and then the head.
"Sir...the- the Jedi are coming." Said the third one as we walked up to him. "They look very unhappy." She stabbed him as I cut his head off, causing him to scream, then, I clicked the door open to find him standing before us, Ahsoka handcuffed behind an orange plasma door, kneeling on the ground.
"You have nowhere left to run bounty hunter." I spoke coldly. The droids beside him aimed their guns at us, we both tightened our grip around the handles of our weapons.
"Let me worry about that Jedi." He spit and placed his finger above a button on his wrist. "If I activate this control, the outside airlock will open and she will be sucked into oblivion, do you think you can kill me and save her before she's pulled out into space?" My eyes went from his red ones to the hazel shade to my right and then the blue ones behind the orange glowy wall. "It's a horrible way to die, besides, isn't negotiations the Jedi way?" My eyes met Allana's as the droids approached, our defence started to feel weak.
"What to you want?" I asked in a whisper, both of us turning our lightsabers off.
"This Holocron carries information I've been paid to collect. I can't unlock it but one of you can, the last Jedi who had it wouldn't open it." The droids approached more. "I hope neither of you make the same mistake." I looked at him with a frown and then at Ahsoka, my eyes met Lan's for a moment, we didn't know what to do, well, we did but it would make the entire mission be in vane. "We don't have much time, hurry it up Jedi, or she dies." I frowned more, Lana's sight met mine again she shook her head gently trying to figure out a way to save our Padawan and get the Holocron, I could see the gears moving in her head and I knew Bane had seen her movements. "Perhaps you need more motivation." The droids jumped on us before we could move, they separated us and punched us, it hurt like hell, but I was able to take it, more or less, the one that couldn't was Allana, she was still kinda stunned by the previous encounter with Bane, when a droid hit her head she fell with a grunt.
"Stop!" Ahsoka and I yelped, he wanted me to open it, not Naberrie, me, he knew that she'd refuse, more after the fight they had. Lana coughed and spit blood on the ground as the droid kicked her stomach.
"Stop it!" I added but the metallic devil kept on going until she stopped complaining, she seemed like a rag doll, unconscious again. "Fine!"
"No Master!" Snips yelped. "Don't do it! It's not what she was thinking of!"
"I can't let you die Ahsoka, nor her."
"Master no!" I looked at my wife on the ground, the droid pointing his gun at her head. I could already see the bruises forming on her skin, the cuts on her lip, the thread of blood dripping from her nose. I can't let her die, she's my everything and Snips...they can't die.
"We'll deal with the Holocron later." I added placing my lightsaber on the ground and tried to give her a reassuring smile.
"How touching." Bane commented.
I kneeled down as Bane placed the small blue box before me. I looked at my apprentice, who had worry written all over her features and then at Lan's whose face had scratches.
I breathed in and closed my eyes. I focused on opening the Holocron, picturing it before me and imagining it open. I was able to sense and hear the box being lift in the air and how its parts unlocked lowly and separated, I opened my eyes slowly after a blue light glimmered before me.
"Now, we'll combine this Holocron and the memory Crystal I acquired from your dead Jedi friend." He said placing the small stone in the middle, I assembled it back together, now it could be read. He took it and held it in between his hands. "My employers will be most pleased." I looked at the backpack where he had placed my lightsaber and Ahsoka's and pulled the handles towards me. As soon as I held them, I turned them on, blue and green illuminated the place, Snips stood up.
I destroyed the droids and Bane clicked the control, opening the hatch, I heard Ahsoka screaming. I pulled and pushed Lana's body out of the room, and then threw a piece of the droid towards the control panel knowing that it'll be the only way to open the hologram door.
I held on to the edge of the wall as I could just like Snips was doing, her yelling echoed in the place. Allana's unconscious self was approaching so I pushed her away one more time as I made an effort to close the gate clicking the emergency button, Bane used the rockets on his boots to fly away. Ahsoka started to slip so, I extended my arm and she took it holding on for dear life to me, certainly leaving a bruise on my skin but I didn't care as I made an attempt to close the airlock, thank God I succeeded.
The door closed and I had to catch my wife's body midair before she collided against the ground.
"Is she okay?" Asked Ahsoka as I turned her lightsaber on and cut the handcuffs that were around her wrists to hand the weapon over after I had turned it off. I placed my handle on my belt and bent down beside the unconscious General that made my heart stop as I didn't see her moving anymore.
I wiped the blood from her lip and placed my ear over her chest and heard the breathing, slow and quiet, I sighed with relief.
"She will be." I carried her. "Come on." We started to run to get to the rest of our squad. "Turn you communicator on." I ordered the Padawan and she did as I said.
"Done." She informed.
"Rex!" I yelped. "I hope you've found us a ride off this bucket!"
"We've got to leave now, the reactor's gonna blow." He informed. "We cannot wait."
"You'll have to, I'm going after that bounty hunter." I stopped running when we reached the crossway. "Here." I placed Lana's arm around 'Soka's shoulder and resumed my run forward.
"What? No!" She complained. "Wait! Stop! This is the way to the hangar! We must get off this ship now!"
"I can't let Bane get away."
"Patience!...Master." She breathed in trying to hold on to the woman's body. "Patience." I looked at the ground and thought about it for a second.
"You're right." She smiled with relief as I took Allana off her and carried her again making Snips sigh with relief.
When we finally arrived at the hangar, the boys were already on the shuttle and we were able to see how a trooper killed Bane.
"Come on! Come on!" Yelped Rex from the ramp waving with his hand at us to hurry up, and we did so, we rushed to where he was and a pair of clones grabbed the arms of the other General, placing her gently on the ground. I turned around and asked the trooper to hurry up, he did and jumped into the ramp.
"Trooper?" I bent down beside him. "Did you get the Holocron?"
"No Sir." He answered standing up, he walked in to the bottom of the ship.
"I'll get it Master." Said Ahsoka.
"No time, Rex, get us out of here." I ordered and the ramp closed.
I walked up to Lana and bent down beside her, placing her head on my lap for her to be more comfortable. I wiped the almost dry blood off her skin. I'm sorry Angel. I closed my eyes for a second, I was still able to feel her, she will be alright, she has to. Now I know how she felt when we were at the Lurmen village months ago. The explosion of the ship echoed far away and J breathed out.
"Well." Ahsoka's voice snapped me out of my thoughts. "It looks like the Holocron was destroyed, but at least the Separatists didn't get it."
"Huh." I said looking at her. "Bane's dead but...I can still feel him." I frowned as we flew back to our cruiser, feeling odd.
Soon enough we arrived and I carried Lans back up. R2 was the first one to get out, followed by us and the troopers.
"Master." Ahsoka called my attention. "I'm sorry I let that mercenary get the upper hand, it's my fault that Master Naberrie's in this situation."
"It wasn't your fault Snips, it was mine, start to finish." I smiled at her as I started my way to the medical station.
"So." Yularen's voice said meters away from me. "Did you manage to recover the Holocron? Or capture the Bounty Hunter?"
"Um...no and no." I smiled. "Look Admiral, even if I'd love to stay here and have this talk, I'm in a rush here." I pointed with my eyes at Allana, who's body started to tense, she'd wake up soon...hopefully.
"I see." I started to walk away. "So the mission was your usual version of success?!"
"If by success you mean that I won then yes!" I continued my way, my eyes not leaving her face.
I arrived at the medical bay and surprisingly it was empty, only the medical droids were there. I gently placed Allana on a bed and they made a checking, quick scans. The verdict was that she had suffered a concussion, not so serious to leave her on a coma, but one. Her body was tired and that's why she hasn't open her eyes yet, but she will, she just needed to rest.
They gently cleaned her face and cured the scratches and whipping the blood stains away. I stayed with her the entire time, my hand not leaving hers for even a second.
"You'll be okay." I said brushing her cheek with my opposite hand and smiled. "You'll be okay my beautiful warrior." I whispered this time. "You'll see."
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