4: The Persecution
I was shocked when I saw him again. It was as if the last time we met was an eternity ago. He has changed in many ways. He seems more mature, intelligent and strong.
I've always known that he has a certain...affection towards Padmé but I never expected him to...like her, kind of. When in fact I have had feelings for him since the age of twelve. We used to spend ages together, training in every field the Jedi do, and they made us partner up for many activities, and as a teenager girl you cannot avoid your heart to take over every now and then.
When I left towards Ryloth to continue with my training, I knew we'd meet again, just not soon. And when I returned he had left towards Ansion, therefore we never collided again until now.
I was meditating at Padmé's room as she got ready for bed with Dormé's help. I was thinking about everything that happened today and about what could happen. As my Master taught me, I was trying to anticipate myself for the future circumstances.
"Did you notice?" Padmé asked me.
"Notice what?" My eyes were closed as I took a deep breath and flashes were coming and going around my head, they were blurry, but I was still able to hear her voice and try to continue the conversation. I exhaled slowly.
"The way he was looking at you of course."
"I think you mean the way he was looking at you." I answered as I took another deep breath.
"What are you talking about?"
I exhaled. "I think he may be into you."
"Don't think so, his eyes were glued to you." I opened my eyes but didn't move. I was looking at the ships on the other side of the glass flying by and biting the edge of my bottom lip.
"Right." I whispered. I was sure that the feelings of the Jedi were not directed to me, they couldn't and even if they were, it could never work. Due to the fact that we swore loyalty to the Jedi Order as soon as we walked in the Temple, we basically gave up a life with attachments, a life where we could love whoever we want, get married, have a family, etcetera. All the things a girl dreams her future to be at a certain point in her life could never happen to me. Even though, I, actually, have gone against those rules in anyway. For seventeen years I've kept in touch with my blood family, when I shouldn't have, and now liking or in an extreme case loving him? Another Jedi? It's just forbidden and we would be forced to live a lie.
"It's true." My sister continued and I got up from the ground, turning around to face her. My arms were crossed over my chest. "Look. Sometimes, you're unable to see things, but others around you can. Specially me that I'm your sister. I'm telling you, he has feelings for you."
"Padmé he doesn't, besides, he cannot do it. It goes against the rules."
"Oh please, you said that he's into me a minute ago. Do you think that doesn't go against the rules either?" I sighed and looked away. The Senator has left me without any arguments, again. She giggled. "Didn't you see it?" She asked again, and I just shook my head. "Dormé did you see it?" She asked her friend.
"I did." She answered with a smile.
The heat of my face concentrated on my cheeks with the simple thought of it. "That's...no, just, no." I commented as a nervous laughter left my lips. "No, no, no, no. I don't-" I talked very fast. Like I do when I'm nervous.
"You're blushing?! Aww, you are!" Padmé commented laughing making Dormé giggle too.
"Shh!" I said. "Shut up you both, he'll hear you."
"So you do like him?" Padmé asked playfully.
"I won't answer that question, now, go to bed Senator." I said as I walked out, her laughter flooding up the place. "Shut it! Geez." I said laughing as well. Seconds later, her maid walked out too. When our eyes met she couldn't avoid giggling. "Oh Dormé, come on. Stop it already!" I whispered as she walked towards her room.
I made my way towards the living room with a smile on my lips. I walked into a conversation between Master and Apprentice. When Ani's blue eyes met mine he smiled, certainly he heard the laughter attack that my sister had.
"What's going on?" Kenobi asked as he frowned looking at a device on his hand.
"She covered the cameras." I explained. "I'm sorry, didn't mean to eavesdrop." I apologized with a smile. "She doesn't like being watched."
"What is she thinking?" The Master asked.
"I've programmed R2 to warn us if there is an intruder." I said.
"There are many other ways to kill a Senator." Obi-Wan told us.
"We know, but we also want to catch this assassin, don't we Master?" Anakin commented. Our eyes met once more. We realised that it was now time to tell Master Kenobi about our little plan.
"You're using her as bait." He said, tying up the loose ends before we could even speak. I must admit I didn't agree with it either at the beginning, but it's hard to discuss with the Senator of Naboo.
"It was her idea." Anakin told his master. "Don't worry. No harm will come to her. I can sense everything going on in that room."
"That's creepy Skywalker." I said.
"What?" He asked and I raised my eyebrows playfully with a soft smile on my lips. "N-no, that's not what I-"
"I know, it wasn't what you meant." I giggled and Master Kenobi did too. "Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to check something very quickly with the Captain. I'll be back in no time." Obi-Wan nodded and Anakin just scoffed. As I made my way to the elevator I was still able to listen to them and I also was able to feel the Padawan's intense gaze on me.
"Constant teasing huh?" Master Kenobi's voice echoed in the corridor.
"Constant teasing." Anakin confirmed, and I smiled as the doors closed.
I was checking the surroundings with the Captain and returned five minutes later. I, once again, walked into them talking.
"You look tired." Kenobi told Skywalker.
"I don't sleep well anymore." Ani explained, I frowned. He sounded worried. Scared.
"Because of your mother?" There was a lot of silence, and I supposed that it was Anakin's answer. I stood by the wall hoping not to be noticed, even if deep down I knew that this action was not right.
"I don't know why I keep dreaming about her."
"Dreams pass in time."
"I'd much rather dream about Lana." He said and my heart jumped. I felt my entire body warm and my heart started to race just like my breath. "Just being around her again is...intoxicating."
"Be mindful of your thoughts Anakin, they betray you. You've made a commitment to the Jedi Order, a commitment not easily broken and don't forget, she is committed to the same thing you are..."
"She's not like the others in the Order, Master, she understands me."
"It is my experience that this kind of situations are hard to handle, you must be wise. The code-"
"Not another lecture...at least not on the do's and don't's of the Jedi Code." Ani started to complain. Then I felt it once more, danger approaching. I walked in the living room making them go silent.
"Gentlemen." I greeted, letting them know I was there now. "What did I miss? What are we talking about?"
"Nothing." Both of them said at the unison.
"In anyway." Ani said, "That's generalizing. The Chancellor doesn't appear to be corrupt." He changed the subject. Certainly this was a part of a conversation that had already taken place between them.
"I had already told you, Palpatine is a politician." Kenobi started to speak when my heartbeat kept on rising and a weird feeling in my stomach made it tickle, I frowned once again. "I have observed that he is very clever in following the passions and prejudices of the senators."
"I think he's a good man. My-" Anaking tried to talk but stopped as the three of us snapped our glares towards Padmé's room. My heart stopped for a brief second.
"I sense it too." I said and ran towards my sister's room. The two men followed me. We all walked in the room. I turned my right lightsaber on as I jumped on the bed and destroyed two poisonous worms that were crawling over the edge of the bed and her arm.
They flew over to the wall. The whole bedroom was flooded in a violet light. Padmé then woke up with a gasp, scared, looking at me, not understanding what had just happened. "Are you alright?" I asked and she just nodded.
Then, Obi-Wan's attention was directed to something outside of the window. He didn't think about it twice and jumped right through it. He was now holding a droid flying in the dangerous air of Coruscant and I mean dangerous because of the flying ships and speeders and the fact that...the floor is way below. The fear that took over my body as I thought that if something went wrong and he fell, he could, most certainly, die.
I turned off my lightsaber and exchanged looks with Skywalker. I knew he had to go behind his master.
"Stay here!" He ordered my sister and ran out of the room.
"Anakin what are you-?!" I called him from the door of the Senator's dormitory.
"Come on Lana!" He screamed from the other side of the room.
"I'm going to regret this." I said to myself as I ran behind Anakin and the memory of pranking Madame Jocasta and running through the archive room to 'escape' came back to me, this is exactly what he said to start the joke and what I replied was the same too as I hesitated. It was fun at the end but we ended up washing all the droids in the Temple, it took us a week and a half.
I followed him to a hangar of speeders. Last time I reported to the Council and my Master I was instructed to stay with Padmé and not leaving anywhere. If I went with Skywalker, things could get upside down, well, more than they already are.
"Anakin what are you doing? We cannot leave, we-"
"Are you coming or not?" He asked hardly. He got into a speeder and turned it on. "We have to help Obi-Wan and this will lead us to the assassin. If you don't get in, in three seconds I'm leaving. Three, two, o-"
"Just fly." I said as I jumped into the speeder.
We started to fly through the city looking for the Jedi Master.
"Do you see him?" Anakin asked me looking everywhere for his mate. I was silent for a few moments as I was looking for him, then my eyes saw a body falling down in the air.
"There!" I said pointing at him. Anakin flew faster, we were now flying in a more vertical line, then he placed the vehicle right below Kenobi. We caught him mid air and a breath of relief escaped my lips.
"What took you so long?" Obi-Wan asked as he sat down behind us.
"You know Master, I couldn't find a speeder that I really liked." Anakin said.
"There he is." Kenobi commented and my gaze followed his, spotting a yellow and green speeder flying away from us.
"With the open cockpit and the right speed capabilities." Ani continued to talk about the speeder we were riding as I was making sure not to loose the ship we were chasing from my sight. I smiled as I heard the passion in his voice.
"If you spent as much time practicing your saber techniques as you do your wit, you would rival Master Yoda as a swordsman." His Master mocked him making me smile.
"I thought I already did." Skywalker said making me scoff.
"Only in your mind Anakin." I mocked him too gaining a smile from him.
The ship of the attacker started to fly to the bottom part of the city and we chased after it. We had to fly in a vertical position and I felt like I was going to fly out of my seat. The vertigo feeling was too hard to handle. Then I saw how we were going to hit the ceiling of a bridge.
"Pull up Anakin. Pull up!" Obi-Wan commanded his apprentice but instead he was laughing and I frowned with worry as a smile appeared on my lips in anyway. Then he pulled up when we were about a meter from hitting the hard surface. I sighed and then giggled. "You know I don't like it when you do that."
"Sorry Master." Said Anakin.
"He does that often?" I turned around on my seat to ask Master Kenobi.
"You have no idea." He answered as I heard Skywalker's laughter to my right.
"I forgot you don't like flying." Ani commented.
"I don't mind flying but what you're doing is suicide!"
The persecution continued and then by not so accident we flew by power couplings, the electricity filled us up, making our skin tickle.
"That was fun." I said sarcastically sending a glare to our skilled pilot. Then, the other ship flew inside a bridge and we flew right past it, I frowned and, just like Kenobi, I turned around to where we were supposed to go. We shifted our glances between the bridge's entrance and Anakin. "Where are you going?" I asked but his eyes were glued to the front. "He went that way." I said.
"Allana, if we keep this chase going any longer, that creep is gonna end up deep-fried. And personally, just like you, I'd very much like to find out who he is and who he's working for. This is a shortcut...I think"
I turned around again crossing my arms over my chest once more as I hoped for Ani to be right, but after a couple minutes of just being parked midair not knowing where the person went to, I was pissed.
"Well...you've lost him." Kenobi commented.
"I'm deeply sorry Master." Anakin told him.
"That was some shortcut Anakin...he went completely the other way." I sighed and looked up.
"Once again you've proved-" Kenobi tried to lecture him but was quickly cut off.
"If you'll excuse me." Anakin said and jumped off the speeder.
"Anakin!" I screamed as I shifted from my seat to the pilot one.
"I hate it when he does that." The Master whispered. I looked at him once more as he moved to the co-pilot seat.
"He does that often too?"
"You have no idea." He told me again, this time giving me a half smile. "Honestly I don't know why I get surprised anymore, now, fly Allana."
"Yes sir." I said as I took the controls to fly towards the guy that fell right on the ship that we were chasing.
As we continued the persecution we were able to spot Skywalker's lightsaber flying towards us. Obi-Wan was fast enough and caught it before anything else could happen to it. The next thing we saw was how the ship caught fire and started to fall down until it hit the ground. In the process I saw how Anakin started to chase the other pilot on foot. I parked the speeder at the fist parking spot I could find and we both got out to follow behind Anakin.
"Anakin!" Both, Master Kenobi and I called his name as we stopped him at the entrance of what seemed to be a club or a cantina.
"She walked into the club Master." Ani told Kenobi.
"Patience." He said. As I walked passed Anakin towards the entrance, I placed my hand on his forearm, as if I was telling him to calm down and that he did a good job, knowing that he'd understand the gesture
I walked a few meters inside of the building trying to find someone who looked suspicious, but I was unsuccessful. Then I heard my Master's voice in my head
'Don't look with your eyes Padawan. Look with your other senses too. Listen to what's around you, try to follow a scent, a whisper, anything, that way you'll be able to see and find whatever you're looking for.'
I closed my eyes and focused trying to find what I was looking for. "I'm listening." I whispered to myself and was able to listen to different conversations, laughters, breaths...then I heard it, a heavy breath not far from when I was standing. My eyes snapped open and I walked back outside to find Kenobi handing over the lightsaber to Skywalker.
"Shall we?" I said walking in again.
Then the three of us were inside, I was leading the line. We all stopped walking, looking at the ocean of people before us. We were looking carefully at every corner of the place.
"Do you see him?" I asked.
"I think he is a she." Ani explained. "And I think she's a changeling." My eyes went from his face towards the crowd in front of me.
I sighed.
"Well that simplifies things." I exclaimed. "We have to be careful."
"Extra careful, young apprentice." Obi-Wan told me. "Now, you two go and find her." Kenobi ordered us after a few seconds.
"Where are you going Master?" Ani asked.
"For a drink." He answered with a smirk on his lips.
"Of course you are." I whispered with a smile; then he left towards the seats near the baristas. "Alright, we should split."
"What? She's dangerous."
"Yeah I know that. But if we split we'll cover more ground, trust me." He sent me a glare. "You know I can take care of myself Ani." I told him and after I winked I walked away from him.
As I walked I was looking for that person that seemed to be exhausted, but now she was nowhere to be found nor heard. People were clapping and cheering everywhere then suddenly I head a lightsaber be turned on followed by a scream. My head snapped towards the noise and I walked towards it just to find Obi-Wan before the girl we were looking for. I approached them and grabbed her by the half of the arm she had left while Kenobi grabbed her healthy arm.
The room was now silent, the chit chat stoped as well as the music and we were now the center of attention, then Anakin spoke.
"Easy, Jedi business, go back to your drinks." He commanded and everyone did so while we walked to the back exit of the building. Once we were outside I placed the girl on the ground, well, I basically dropped her. She was complaining, the wound made by a Jedi weapon is extremely painful, even if is just a scratch...I can't even imagine the pain of a member being cut off completely. We all bent down beside her to ask a few questions.
"Do you know who it was you were trying to kill?" I asked her in a deadly tone of voice that I didn't know I possessed. Now it wasn't only my head talking but also my heart and stomach. I was angry at this assassin wannabe.
"It was a Senator of Naboo." She answered as if it was nothing.
"Well she also happens to be the relative of a Jedi." I whispered. "Who hired you?" I asked.
"It was just a job." She answered avoiding my question.
"Answer her. Who hired you? Tell us." Anakin backed me up. He was also speaking in a deadly tone. The changeling remained silent and that was getting on my nerves.
"Tell us now!" I raised my voice and felt Kenobi's eyes on me.
"It was a bounty hunter called-" The woman started to speak but was cut off and started to choke. The sound of a jet pack being turned on echoed at the distance and called our attention. We all looked behind us and saw a figure flying away.
My gaze returned to the woman that was now dying in my arms. She said something that I couldn't quite catch because her voice distorted as she returned to her usual shape.
"Damn it." I whispered as I got up from the ground and placed my hands on my hips as I looked at the corpse before us. Obi-Wan pulled out something that was incrusted on her neck.
"Toxic dart." He informed us. Then Anakin checked her vitals but it was useless, she was no longer alive.
We all returned to the speeder and flew back to Padmé's apartment. When we arrived Captain Typho's men were patrolling the floor where her bedroom is. I quickly walked in to see her peacefully sleeping with R2 scanning everything.
I kneeled down next to him and padded it's metal head.
"Thank you buddy." I said and smiled at the droid. He beeped back careful not to wake the Senator up. I got up and walked towards my sister and kissed her forehead like she used to do with me all those years ago, a feeling that I haven't forgotten even if the last time I felt it was when I was a baby.
When I walked out I saw Anakin by the window, all by himself.
"Where's Obi-Wan?" I asked calling his attention. He's eyes traveled from the view before him towards me.
"He's with the Captain, he said that he was going to sleep afterwards, and that we should go to bed too." He answered as I walked towards him and placed my back on the edge of the balcony. I sighed as I closed my eyes and took a deep breath, letting my head fall backwards slightly, relaxing myself for a moment.
"I don't think I'm going to be able to at the moment. Not with the killer on the loose." I said after a short pause.
"Me neither."
I looked at him admiring his side profile. I smiled at him. "The only thing that was good about today was you, you know?"
His eyes met mine in less than a second. "Me?"
"Yes." I turned around meeting the flying ships. "Having you back. To be honest, I...really missed you."
"Yeah." I looked at those bright blue eyes that have been driving me crazy since I was a kid. "I've missed our talks about droids and speeders, the sword fights, and the revenge I'll have soon." I commented making him laugh, then I continued. "The races through the Temple." He laughed again, even a little louder, making me laugh alongside him. "I've missed...us." I paused as I looked at him. My eyes traveled from his intense gaze to his lips and to every single freckle kiss that is on his skin, then I remembered my sister's words as I spotted his eyes doing the same, studying my features carefully. I cleared my throat, "Our...friendship I mean." Then I looked away as all the heat of my body was drained to be placed on my face.
I begged for the city lights to hide it from him as I felt his eyes leaving my neck to meet the lights of the ships too.
"Well," he whispered, "I've missed you too, a lot, actually." I looked at him again and smiled, he smiled back at me. I remembered what he told his Master, about my presence being intoxicating and now I knew how it felt like exactly. The air being drained from my lungs, as if I was dying a little while I looked at his ocean eyes, that could make you drown in them, but I couldn't let myself do so. I broke the eye contact with a nervous giggle.
"It's been a long day...we-we should sleep a bit, or try to at least." I commented.
"Yeah...we." He cleared his throat. "We should. But if you'd like, we can take rounds. I'll have the first one, you know, to make sure everything's fine." He suggested.
"Sounds like a plan. Wake me up in an hour then?"
"Two hours, just so you can rest a bit more." I smiled at him, always kind.
"Thank you. Then it's settled."
"It is." He smiled at me and I felt a blush cover my cheeks again.
I walked towards the couch and laid down, I closed my eyes and focused on my breath. As I fell asleep, I couldn't avoid thinking of the guy that was walking around the area right now. I was glad that he was back, that we were back. And I knew I was doomed already, thanks to his stupid smile and the words that I shouldn't have listened to hours ago.
I fell asleep with a clouded mind and butterflies on my stomach flying around.
a/n: hello friends, okay, so, this is another long chapter, and sorry not sorry for it lmao buuut i have a far more important thing to show y'all.
i want to apologise bc i didn't post yesterday lol. is just that i wanted to adjust a few things first, so that y'all know
anyways, i wanna tell u something. scrolling through ig i came across this fanart that just...is exactly how i picture our oc so here it is let me show u.
this is just perfect. creds: @vevoria.art on ig. check out her work i promise is so worth it and beautiful.
originally it's about padmé but i asked if we could think of allana like this and she said "sure thing" so, just picture her with hazel eyes and a violet lightsaber:))
have a nice day ilysm
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