38: Hostage Crisis Pt.1


It's the end of the week, yesterday we arrived at Coruscant and we were in the Senate, I was hanging out with Allana as she sat and typed things on Padmé's computer, she was wearing a lavender dress that was covered by a purple, thin vest. Her hair was up in a tall ponytail held by a golden accessory that matched the choker around her neck.

She told me that the Senator asked her to cover her today since she wanted to stay at their home planet to make sure things were fine with the Gungans, I was sitting on the chair that's on the opposite side from where she was sitting to her right, my left.

"Hey." I called her, she raised her eyebrows asking what's up without saying any words. "I'm supposed to be on a meditative retreat, we should go away together." I stood up. "I know a place away from here, where no one would recognise us." I walked up to the large window that's behind her, her hazel eyes glued to the blue screen before her. "Yeah...it'll be like we're actually husband and wife, instead of Jedi and Jedi."

"It's not like even if we're both Jedi we're not husband and wife." She said with a soft chuckle, then, she paused and sighed. "Besides, I-I can't Ani."

"What do you mean you can't? Come on, it's only two weeks." I looked at her. "We'll be back before anyone even notices we're gone." She finally looked at me.

"I just returned after a two weeks break."

"Health break."

"And what do you think that a 'meditative retreat' is for?" I remained silent. "Mental health break." She smiled. "Plus, Senator Amidala has to bring this bill before the Senate, and I don't really know what I'm doing, and it's important, like, avoiding a vote kind of important." She pointed at the screen.

"Uh-huh." I smirked as she turned her eyes back at the screen. "More important than the way General Naberrie feels about me?" She sighed.

"It's not more important, but important, and you know perfectly how I feel about you." She looked at me with a frown, she still has a hard time to figure whenever I'm making fun of her. "The work she does-" She paused. "The work the three of us do is in service to the Republic, to protect those who would otherwise be powerless to protect themselves."

"Of course, but those are ideals, isn't our love more important to you?"

"No, but I-"

"No, no 'but'." She looked at me, I smiled. "To me there's nothing more important than the way I feel about you." Her eyes met mine. "Nothing."

"Nor to me, and you know that, but please don't be so-" She stood up.

"You don't believe me." I bothered her.

"I never said that."

"I'll prove it."

"What is going on with you?" She smiled and I chuckled. "You're more romantic than usual."

"Just listen." She chuckled. "When I finished constructing my lightsaber Obi-Wan said to me." I took it from my belt. "Anakin, this weapon is your life." I mocked his accent and she giggled again. "This weapon is my life." I placed it before her, handing it over.

"No, I can't, your lightsaber is-" I took her hand gently and placed the handle on her palm. "Heavier than mine." She smiled. "I've picked it up before but I never noticed that."

"It's yours." I said once her eyes met mine again. "My life is yours." She smiled. "Believe me now?" I smiled.

"I never said I didn't believe you silly." She sighed with a tender smile that matched mine, she figured it out. "You're making fun of me again anyway, if you're just here for that-" I placed my hand on her shoulder when she tried to sit down again, her body relaxed under my touch, she's stressed about covering Padmé today, more than usual for some reason.

"That's not what I want." I placed my hand on her cheek, cupping it, I smiled again. "At all." She smiled, I looked at her lips and pulled her close, getting rid of the space between us, making our lips touch gently. She broke the kiss for a minute.

"If these are your wedding vows it's unfair." She said.

"Why?" I smiled.

"Mine's not here to offer you my life as well." My smile grew bigger. "Though I think you already know that."

"I do." I closed the gap again and she smiled into the kiss, her chuckle vibrated through her lips against mine. My left hand found her waist and pulled her close while the right one stayed on her cheek and travelled to the back of her neck. One of her hands found the back of my head and began playing with my hair while the other one found my waist as well.

"But Senator Organa." We heard 3PO after a while, so we broke the kiss and looked at the door, we instructed him to stay outside to 'take guard' for us, he didn't complain. "It just wouldn't be-"

"Quick, hide." Lans instructed me and I looked around somewhere to hide as she grabbed my lightsaber from the desk.

"The situation cannot be delayed." Bail's voice echoed and I just sat down underneath the desk. "I apologise for my abruptness."

"Bail, is so good to see you." I heard Lans's voice and saw her placing her hands behind her back, hiding the handle of my weapon with the sleeves of her dress. "What's the matter?"

"Senator Philo has called a meeting in the lobby before we vote on the Enhanced Privacy Invasion Bill."

"Right...the Invasion Bill." She sighed.

"Don't worry, you just have to say what she instructed you and you'll be fine, we must hurry if we are to stop the vote." She looked down for a brief second and when her eyes met mine, I nodded, she nodded back. "Coming Senator Amidala?" She chuckled.

"Of course." When I heard the door opening I pocked my head out of the desk carefully. Our eyes met again and I told her to go with my eyes and she said 'I love you' with hers as a tender smile was drawn in her lips.

I waited for a couple minutes and walked out of the room to find the lights blinking. "What's going on?" I asked myself as the yellowish lights gave in and were replaced by red ones. The door of the room snapped close behind me, the security system has been activated. I frowned and rushed through the hallways towards the Lobby, where all the Senators and a Jedi were.

"And who might you be?" Asked a male voice.

"I'm Padmé Amidala." Allana answered imitating her sister's tone of voice perfectly. "Senator from Naboo, and I demand that you release us immediately." I arrived at the side of the second floor railing and observed the situation from afar. "The Galactic Senate will not treat with terrorists." She spit.

"Ain't you awful young and pretty to be a Senator?" He was holding her chin with his left hand while he used the other one to point his gun at her head, but she was frowning with anger, not a glimmer of fear could be seen but annoyment. She broke the eye contact with him when she saw me and that caused the aggressor to turn around. Cad Bane. He fired his gun at me but the blasts only hit the railings as I ran through the hallways again.

"Skywalker?" He asked. "After him!"

I ran upstairs quickly, knowing that the bounty hunters we running behind me. I pulled my communicator out.

"Hello? Come in, anyone there?" I asked but there was just static. I turned around in a corner to my right and on the other side of the hallway were two bounty hunters. I placed my hand over my belt but my lightsaber was not there, I remembered it is in Lana's hands. "Uh-oh." They fired their blasters to my head but I dodged the blasts quickly, then I rushed back from where I came.

As I ran though the hallway once more, I turned to my right and rushed to the end of the place. The long path had rooms where to hide but their doors were closed. I hid behind a column and pocked my head seeing how the droid and man that were after me checked every room that could be opened. That would buy me some time.

I walked backwards and found a communication room. The door was still open, so, I walked in and thought of a quick way to communicate with someone and get help. I opened a panel of the big communication device and took my communicator out, breaking it, hoping that the noise I made wouldn't alarm the bounty hunters. I pulled out a cable of the device and quickly connected it with my communicator to amplify the signal.

"This is General Skywalker, Chancellor Palpatine, can you hear me?" I spoke.

"My dear boy, I'm glad to know you're there and alright." He said.

"What is going on down there?"

"They sealed the entire building, nobody can get in and we cannot get out, it's up to you." I sensed them approaching so, I turned around facing the door, my time was about to be up. "You have to get to the power control room and turn off the security seal." I ripped out the cable and closed the panel, then, I ran to the opposite side of the communication device. In that moment, the lights of the guns appeared on the wall, moving around the room searching for me.

"You have two more floors to check." I whispered and the lights turned off, the famous trick worked.

"Come on." The man said. "We've got two more floors to check." I pocked my head out and watched them turn to the right, then, I slowly walked out and watched them go to the hallway that's to the left, so, I waited for them to walk few more meters away and then rushed to the wall, placing my back against it. I watched them stop. "You take downstairs, I'll go up, we'll meet on the other side." I waited for them to move and then slowly followed the droid, watching my steps so that he didn't notice me, but soon enough I made my steps audible and the assassin droid turned around. I grabbed the cannon of the blaster with my left hand and pushed it up, taking the droid down and started punching it with my right hand but it quickly pushed me away with his foot.

He got me against a table as we fought for the blaster, he made my head hit some jars that were on a dresser that was on the opposite side of the hallway where we were fighting, making them fall and break, then, he got me against the frame of a door, hitting the back of my head with it. I groaned as I punched him and ripped the sniper from his hands but when I was about to pull the trigger, he grabbed the cannon and bent it, I opened my eyes surprised but I punched him again and then pushed him against the wall with the Force and while he got up I rushed to punch him with the weapon until I destroyed his head, that's when I heard the footsteps of the other guy, so I looked at the staircase and ran away from there as fast as I could.


I continued to run through the empty hallways to get to the power control room, like the Chancellor said, careful not to be spotted.

When I turned left and found the door, a funny looking creature walked out. "Oopsie." He exclaimed when he saw me, I frowned and rushed towards him. "Hurry, hurry, hurry!" He begged the door to open as I approached, but he got inside before I could get him. The door closed behind him and I began clicking the button to open it but it wasn't responding.

"Come on." I said tightening my teeth together, annoyed. "Open the door." I said under my breath as I tried again to open the door clicking the blue button, but it just wasn't working. "I won't hurt you." I told the little fella that's on the other side.

"Well, well, what do we have here."I turned around, the Weequay man said pointing at me with his blaster, so, I pulled his weapon with the Force, now I was the one pointing at him. He raised his hands and then smirked as I heard a clicking, then, he got down and the blast of the sniper hit the blaster I had in hand, making it fly away from my grip.

"Blast it!" I exclaimed frowning and taking a defensive position. The scary woman kept on firing her weapon at me but I dodged the blasts every time, the three of them landing in the door behind me, suddenly, someone climbed my back and held my face, covering my eyes with its hand and then, I felt energy flooding my body, the weapon was placed on my neck. I screamed and moaned in pain until my eyes closed and my body felt numb, the last thing I remember was hitting my head with the ground.

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