37: Liberty


I woke up with the sunlight. Ryloth has always have a very peaceful sunrise. The birds sing and the people start their day quickly. Plus, I remembered today's a special day: Snips' birthday, I hope to see her soon.

While I was here, I remember listening to women singing as they made their way through the streets of the cities, the children laughed and slowly —but at the same time quickly— the town was awake. Today was not the exception.

When I walked out of the small room Nilim offered me to stay in, the villagers were already awake and started the hard task of rebuilding their homes. My troopers were helping them out and it was a nice thing to see: everyone working together.

I took five minutes to meditate before I helped them out. In within six hours and a half, nearly ten houses were completely rebuilt and things continued smoothly until lunch time, that's when my disk communicator started to beep.

I walked into Nilim's home —that wasn't as destroyed as I thought— and placed it on the ground, as soon as I answered the call, multiple holograms appeared before me: Windu, Yoda, Anakin, Yularen, Senator Free Taa and Chancellor Palpatine. They all greeted me quickly as I placed my hands behind my back and chewed my lip, not really knowing what was going on.

"What's your progress Skywalker?" Palpatine asked.

"My fighters have secured control of the space around Ryloth, we have the Separatist cruisers on the run." I smiled at his success.

"Very good General Skywalker." He nodded and his hologram faded away to be replaced by the system's hologram.

"Master Kenobi has taken the Jixuan desert." Windu informed as he pointed at the area, that was good news. "So the southern hemisphere is ours." That's where I am located right now.

"Then it's almost over." Said Free Taa.

"Not yet." I frowned as my eyes met Windu to my left and a hologram of Lessu —the Capital— appeared in the middle of us all. "The key position is the Capital of Lessu, our spies are certain the Separatist leader Wat Tambor has his command center there."

"When taken the city we have, capture Tambor we must." Said Yoda and I slowly nodded as I crossed my arms over my chest and held my chin in between my fingers as I tried to figure out why am I listening to this meeting.

"I don't think it'll be easy Master, Tambor has chosen his stronghold well. This plasma bridge is the only way in or out." Said bridge was highlighted with red.

"I'm afraid a seize could drag on indefinitely." Said Palpatine.

"My people have suffered so much already." Added Orn Free Taa, he's not wrong, I have seen it.

"A plan you have to take the bridge Master Windu? Hmm?" Master Yoda asked.

"No. Not yet, I've been worried about our forces being stretched so thinly. That's why I contacted Naberrie." Everyone's eyes fell on me and I cut my lip with an accidental bite, the taste of blood filled my mouth as I brought together strategies to formulate a plan. "Her plans seem to be effective most of the time and yesterday she commented she has great contacts in the planet." I nodded.

"I do." And it's not most of the time, it's all the time Master. "Now that I am aware of the situation our forces are facing, the only thing that comes to mind is to enlist the help of the Freedom Fighters, led by an old friend of mine...Cham Syndulla." I clicked a button on the disk and the image of Cham appeared before us too. "It has come to my ears that his fight against the droids has made him a symbol of freedom for the people."

"Cham Syndulla was a radical before the war, he's very unpredictable." Said Palpatine.

"He can't be trusted!" Said Free Taa and I frowned again. "I know Syndulla seeks to gain power...we were political rivals."

"With all due respect, you don't know Cham like I do." I said looking at the two men, then, I looked at Free Taa directly. "So, how about I leave the politics on your hands gentlemen and you let me do whatever I can to help these people...your people Senator." He stood quiet and the tension I had built was palpable.

"Perhaps we could send you Republic reinforcements instead." Palpatine shared an alternative and I had to contain the impulse of rolling my eyes.

"There are no reinforcements available Chancellor." Yularen commented and a sarcastic grin made its way through

"Gentlemen, trust me on this one, if we are to take the Capital, we'll need Syndulla's help."

"I...trust you." Said Mace and I looked at him and nodded, thanking him for those words. "I'll send you the coordinates of our location, we'll be waiting for your arrival."

"Thank you Master." With that, I finished the communication and walked out to find Nilim. After, more or less, ten minutes I spotted him playing with Numa. I already had the coordinates, now, I needed a transport. "Wolffe!" I called the Commander that was helping a man carry some water for the ones that were still reconstructing buildings.

"Yes ma'am?" He said as he approached.

"We must leave, General Windu needs us." He nodded. "Sinker!" He approached in a second. "I need you to get everyone to Windu's battalion position, I'll send you the coordinates in a moment."

"Right away General." I nodded and looked at my Commander.

"You'll come with me." He nodded and placed the helmet on as we approached Nilim and I transferred the coordinated of the battalion to my Sergeant.

"Lana." He smiled as soon as he saw me. "Thank you for your help earlier, are you hungry dear?"

"No Nilim, Numa made sure to give me a plate with fruit before we all started to rebuild." The young girl giggled. "I'm afraid we need a transport, duty calls." He sighed and nodded.

"Follow me." He guided the way towards a hidden garage where, apparently most of the population of the town hid their transports so hat if they escaped, they could get out and by transports, I mean Blurrgs. "You can take these, you do remember how to ride them right?" I chuckled as I hopped on a dark turquoise one.

"Of course I do." Wolffe hopped on a dark pink one and reached my side. "Thank you, we'll make sure to hand them back before we leave." He smiled.

"Just pat their backs when you hop off them and they'll return."

"Will do." He smiled kindly.

"Be careful dear one." I scoffed.

"You know me, I always am." He chuckled as I approached the opened gates. "See you soon." He nodded as I rewatched the coordinates and memorised them and sent de battalion's position to my Sergeant. "Let's go Commander." He nodded and in a minute, we were on our way to meet with Mace hearing the 'goodbye' cheers of the locals.


After a fair amount of time, we arrived at the location. Windu and his men were standing before a small graveyard that made my heart sink as I remembered the stories of the massacre the people of Nilim's town had told me last night by the bonfire.

"Allana...took you long enough to show up." Windu said with a smile that was contagious.

"Yeah, well, Blurrgs get tired you know? But we're here now aren't we?" He nodded.

"Indeed." He looked over my shoulder. "Commander."

"General." Wolffe made a salut that lasted a second.

"It looks like you don't need me as a map, you know your way around here very well." I commented as I placed my hands on my hips and looked at the endless sand that's before us.

"Thank you." I scoffed as I hopped off the creature and approached his side.

"Pleasure to see you ma'am." Said Razor.

"Likewise trooper." I commented.

"General." Stak called our attention. "What makes you think the rebels are this way?" Mace looked down and kneeled before a footprint.

"What is it sir?" Asked Razor.

"If I'm not mistaken, the Resistance Fighters ride creatures native to this region, like the ones Naberrie and Commander Wolffe brought with them. And this tracks are fresh." He stood up.

"You're not wrong and that means they cannot be that far." I said as I looked at the horizon and the troopers hopped off their walkers.

"Isn't this the spot where they were massacred?" Asked Stak.

"Looks like it was a hell of a fight." Razor commented under his breath.

"It was." I said as I looked at the gravestones. In that moment, we heard a beast groaning.

"Is that them?" Asked Wolffe and Windu placed his hand up, making him go silent. He then closed the fist and indicated us to get to our transports to get going and we did as he ordered.

As we made our way through the vast desert, we spotted a droid patrol walking very close to us, so, we directed ourselves to a place where we could hide. What we found in the middle of nowhere was what was left of a walker, so, they hopped off the walkers and we jumped off the Blurrgs and patted their backs as we were instructed.

They hid the transports and we watched the creatures run back from where they came as we waited for the droids to walk past us, making an effort not to make any noise. For some reason, that didn't last long.

"Did you hear that?" Asked a droid from above after Stak had taken a misstep. I looked up careful not to be seen and spotted the seven droids looking down at us as the troopers placed themselves to my left alongside their General.

"I don't see anything." Said another one. In a second, they started to talk about how the unit RB-551 was defective and dumb unlike them who are 'independent thinkers' and aren't programmed by a central computer. When their argument was done, they continued their way and we weren't spotted.

"Why didn't we take them out sir?" Asked Razor.

"I have a feeling the rebels will do it for us." I nodded with a smile that only grew bigger as the echo of the blasters firing reached my ears.

I turned my lightsaber on and started running towards the battle hearing Mace doing the same but he managed to get in front of me in a second.

When we arrived at the top of the hill, my smile faded away. I was hopeful to see Cham and show him what I've become, he always said he wanted to see me in action while I was here but he was nowhere in sight, only the spare parts of the droids. I turned my lightsaber off as I looked at the debris, then, I saw a familiar figure on top what was left of a ship and multiple of his men aiming at us.

"I was wondering when you'd find me Master Jedi." He said as he crossed his arms.

"General Syndulla." Said Mace. "I've come for your help."

"And what makes you think you'll get it?"

"I can think of a few things." I gave a step forward placing my lightsaber's handle on my belt. It took him a second to acknowledge me.

"Stand down." He ordered and slid down the ship's wing as the aim of the weapons fell off us. "If it isn't my young Jedi." I smiled as he opened his arms and I walked up to him, he smiled back as I hugged him.

"Hello Cham." He broke the embrace and studied me.

"Well, who would've thought the little girl who lived here so long ago would come back."

"It's good to be back." His smile was tender. "Now, we all know how the desert is at night, can you guide us somewhere else? We seriously need to talk." His smile faded away a bit but he nodded as he looked over my shoulder at Master Windu.

"Follow me."

He guided the way through the endless plain until we reached the hiding spot he had. It was underneath a ship. Brilliant, no one would think in checking what may be underneath the debris of an ancient ship.

Once inside the ship, they had built a tunnel with a perfect structure as not to fall underground. Brilliant again.

"Some hideout you have here." Said Windu to my right as we walked behind Cham.

"It has advantages." Said Syndulla as we walked beside the cages of their animals.

"We saw the graves of many of your people in that battlefield as well, together we can prevent that from happening again." I sighed as I sensed Cham tensing, knowing that the story was coming.

"Do you know why were we massacred Master Jedi?" He asked. "When the droids swept over Ryloth the Republic was unable to help us. We were forced to surrender and we came here unarmed. The Separatists brought tanks to exterminate us." I placed a hand on his shoulder and he smiled as we turned around when we heard a chatter going on.

"Come here boy." Said Stak. "Come on." He extended a hand towards the animal. "Don't be afraid...see? There's nothing to be afraid of here." When his hand was about to make contact with the Blurrg's resistant flesh, it gave a big step and collided against the metal bars of the cage, causing the trooper to give few steps backwards and the Twi'leks, Wolffe and Razor to laugh.

"Jigh-sen moof deng-ka." Said one of them and I chuckled.

"He says his Blurrg may be ill-tempered but she's much faster than your riding machines." I translated.

"I don't know about that." Said Stak.

"You'd be surprised." I commented and Cham chuckled.

"You haven't changed a single bit kiddo." He placed a hand on my shoulder and I smiled ay him.

Once we reached an open area where the rest of the Twi'leks were, he removed his hand from my skin to take in his arms a little girl with green skin who came running towards him. Then, another man approached. "What is this? A scratch?" Cham placed his hand on the man's shoulder. "Gobi, get better. I need you."

"Rahn fanyo Syndulla." Gobi smiled at us and walked away.

"We have little food or drink but it is our tradition to share what we do have with our guests." Said he and I smiled, Gallia says this is the place where I took my kindness from.

My eyes scanned the place and then a familiar face appeared in the distance, when her green eyes met mine, she smiled.

"My eyes must be deceiving me." She said with a smile and I chuckled. She picked the little boy that looks like the man that stands to my left and approached us.

"My eyes are the ones that deceive me." Cham took the boy's hand from Eleni's without letting go of the girl and Leni hugged me. "My goodness...it's been so long." She chuckled in my ear.

"You couldn't be more right." She let go of me and her hands cupped my face. "Look at you." She looked at Cham. "Look at her." He chuckled. "You're all grown up, a Jedi Knight." Her hands found my hands and squeezed them.

"Stop, there's a Jedi Master here, you're gonna make me blush." She laughed and Mace giggled behind me.

"Alright, I'll stop but I...just, wow. I'm proud of you that is all." I smiled more. "I kept on thinking about that little girl who sneaked from here to there in a matter of seconds, I never thought she'd turn into this." I chuckled.

"Thank you." I turned to Mace. "Master this is Eleni, another great friend of mine." They shook hands.

"General Windu."

"Eleni Syndulla." My eyes opened wildly as my mouth opened slowly. I turned around to look at Cham and he nodded proudly and pointed with his eyes at his children and I had to look at Eleni, who rolled her eyes and smiled. "Oh please, I bet you're not that surprised and you can tie the loose ends."

"I...I mean I can and it was only a matter of time but...I- wow." She chuckled. "So these guys?" She nodded.

"This is Cham II." The boy waved nervously just before he hid himself behind his father with a smile that I returned. "And this is Hera." She pointed at her daughter. Cham placed her on the ground and her brother took her hand as I bent down to be right in front of them.

"Well, hello you two." I smiled. "I'm Allana, pleasure to meet you." They smiled.

"Pleasure is ours." Said Cham Jr with a smile.

"Do you want to come and play?" Hera offered and the green eyes she inherited from her mother glimmered with happiness.

"Show me where." She smiled and grabbed my hand tenderly.

"Until dinner is served Hera, then, off to bed you'll go." Said Cham and I chuckled.

"Such a bossy dad." He rolled his eyes.

"Shut up."

"Hey! Don't teach those manners to your children Syndulla." Eleni giggled and Mace shook his head as he crossed his arms with a soft smile. "Don't worry little ones." I picked Hera from the ground and she laughed. "I'll be the cool aunt who will convince your parents to let you sleep a bit late."

"Sick!" Yelped Cham II as we walked up to the rest of the children and his parents chuckled behind me.

I played with them all for hours until dinner was served. After we ate, I did convince the Syndulla's to let them play for another while until time for bed arrived and their mother placed them on their small, improvised beds and stayed with them until they fell asleep.


As we sat down and more food was brought to us as well as beverages, music started playing and multiple Twi'lek women showed up in the middle to dance.

Even in times of peace, this was a usual thing to see here. In no time, men joined the dance and it seemed to be a small party, I smiled at the scene as I ate my fruit quietly.

"I hope you don't mind...this. Specially you kid." Said Syndulla. "A little distraction goes far to ease the burden of the war on my men." He chuckled and I scoffed.

"I used to see this dances almost every day for five years, I don't mind it at all. In fact, if my dancing skills were not bad —which they are— I'd get up and join them." He laughed and I did the same as I took a sip of my water while Wundu chuckled.

"I don't doubt it."

"I didn't know you held a close friendship." Said Windu.

"I told you I had pretty cool friends here, didn't I?" He nodded.

"You might have mentioned it." He paused for a second. "How did you know each other?" Cham and I exchanged looks and smiled, then, he started to tell the anecdote.

"Little Lanny stayed here for a long while for her training. She came with Aayla Secura, who was also a trainee back in the day, and Master Jedi Adi Gallia." I nodded as he spoke and smiled at the nickname I haven't heard in ten years. "I was helping those in need but some...people who disliked me called me a 'radical' and said that I was violent, therefore if Jedi were here, they had to pay a visit and make sure everything was fine."

"And we did." I commented. "Like he said, he was just helping. It was the ignorance of those who had more power what got him the nickname and reputation, as well as the political issues he seemed to be involved into." I paused for a second. "He gave us a hand, offered a place to stay as we helped those who needed it and himself because he was all alone, very few people had joined his cause, Eleni was one of them, for example. He also provided us food, water, places to practice, etcetera." I laughed. "One day a gang of pirates showed up, do you remember that?" He laughed and nodded. "Master Gallia went to investigate, so, Cham and Leni took care of us while my Master was away."

"That day this little girl ran after her Master when she realised Gallia had been gone for hours disobeying her mandate to stay with us." I chuckled. "She had to kick one of my men off his speeder because he refused to give it to her."

"Gallia seemed to be in pretty serious trouble and if it hadn't been for my stubbornness, she wouldn't be with us here today. Anyways, when we came back we continued to train and Cham here offered some of the spare parts he had collected as targets to help us, that's how we became friends."

"I've always wanted to see you in action and not training you know?" I nodded, he repeated that every single time.

"I know, believe me...although I wish it wasn't under these circumstances." Windu nodded.

"The circumstances that we're facing are the reason why we need your help." Said Mace. "Why won't you help me free your people from this occupation?" Cham sighed.

"I don't trust Senator Taa, his plans for a wold after the war." General Syndulla answered.

"The Republic will help you rebuild. We won't abandon you." I alternated my gaze in between the two men.

"Your troops will stay for security?"

"For a while, to keep the peace." I shook my head slowly, making sure Mace didn't see my movements. After we met the Lurmen and I heard the way Tee-Watt-Kaa described how and why Jedi are no longer Peacekeepers, it made a lot of sense and it broke my heart. The definition of 'keep the peace' has multiple points of view now.

"Another occupation is not a free Ryloth." There's one of the many views. "How long before I am fighting you, Master Jedi?" I frowned as Wolffe approached us slowly, a frown of worry was painted over his features.

"What is it, Wolffe?" I asked.

"Sinker has informed me that the droids have begun a firebombing campaign. Several villages in their sector have been destroyed General." He informed and the music died. The dancing stopped as well as my breath.

The images of Nilim and Numa appeared in my head and I feared to never see them again. I feared they were gone and refused to believe and to think they could be the ones. No, the troops were not in that sector, they must be fine. A voice said in my head as the silence felt eternal.

"Make the arrangements." Cham finally spoke, his face reflected nothing but sadness. "I will speak to Senator Taa." Windu looked at me and I nodded.

I stood up and contacted the Senator saying that General Syndulla would like to have a word, when I waved at them, they stood up and walked up to where I was.

"Senator Taa." Cham greeted the politician. "So glad you could join us from comfortable Coruscant. Our people have survived with only me."

"I knew you would turn this into a campaign to take power." Orn spit. "Need I remind you that it is I who leads our people in the Senate?"

"And it is I who leads our people here and now!" I placed a hand over my friend's shoulder as Windu stepped in.

"There will be nothing left to lead if you two refuse to work together." The Jedi Master commented, in that moment, my comlink started to beep.

"Naberrie, do you copy?" It was Anakin.

"I hear you, Skywalker." I answered the call.

"My fighters are taking out the bombers as fast as they can but there are just too many. I doubt we can stop them all." I frowned and my eyes met the three pairs that were close to me. "I suggest you get the people away from the cities."

"You must destroy those bombers." I commented. "Then meet us at the Capital."

"I'll do what I can." I ended the transmission as a wave of worry washed over my when my head was filled with the images of all the innocent Twi'leks.

"What can the Separatists hope to gain from burning our homes?" Asked Free Taa.

"Nothing." Said Cham. "Wat Tambor spoils for others what he cannot possess."

"Then we must act quickly." I nodded.

"Senator." Windu spoke. "Your people are hesitant to join us because they're worried there will be another military occupation."

"The people have my promise that the clone army will leave once Ryloth is free of those droids."

"General." Mace called Cham's attention. "What assurance can you give Senator Taa you will not try to assume power?"

"I only want to see my people free Master Jedi, I give my word. I believe in democracy."

"Then we are together in this." I assured and everyone nodded in agreement. Free Taa's hologram faded away as my eyes went from Windu's to Syndulla's. He breathed in, turned around and walked out of the small hallway we were in to face his people. We followed behind him.

"Men of Ryloth...the time has come to free ourselves!" He raised his fist in the air as the last words escaped his mouth and the rest did the same as they cheered. Bravery filled their body and courage took over their heads as they were informed the so awaited battle for freedom had arrived.

I smiled as I saw a town united. If I have something clear is that the Twi'leks have an unwritten and unspoken loyalty towards each other and the union they have with one another was admiring.

We were awake overnight discussing what we knew and what we could and would do, helping ourselves with the spies i tell and the holograms of the capital. When the soldiers that were on the entrance of the tunnel told us the sunlight had raised, we all knew time had arrived.

Every soldier, men and women grabbed their weapons and walked towards the entrance to start the march towards the Capital. Windu stayed with the clones as I stayed with the Twi'leks. I was surprised to see Leni with us. She had stayed with her children but came to the battle at the end. I imagine that's how my life with Anakin could be if the plan of having children ever happens before we had anticipated and war isn't over by that point in time. We'd have to go out and risk it as we spoke prayers to the stars to get home safely.

I sighed as I bent down behind some rocks and brought myself back to reality and stopped daydreaming about what the future could hold. From the corner of my eye, I saw Cham bending down to my left and Mace doing the same to my right.

"Tambor is still there." Windu commented as Cham pulled a pair of binoculars out.

"How are going to attack with my people so close?" Asked the Twi'lek General and I chewed the inner part of my cheek anxiously as a strategy formed in my head.

"Well, if our walkers can cross the bridge into the city, your people won't be in any danger." I nodded. "The key is getting control of that bridge."

"Perhaps there is your way." I looked at the hill he was looking at. "My spies tell me those transports carry treasure." He gave me the binoculars to have a quick look as he turned around to look at us. "It's not enough for the Separatists to enslave and murder us, they must rob us too." The pain and anger in his voice could be felt. I shared them. When you stay somewhere for so long, the local people become your people too.

  I gave the binoculars to Windu and he analysed the transports too for a brief moment, then, he looked at Syndulla as he handed the binoculars over. "You think we can use them to get across the bridge?" Asked he.

"It is risky." Answered Cham. "They're usually scanned while crossing."

"Well." I stood up. "It's worth a shot." I started to walk away from the hiding spot with determination. "Wolfpack, stay here, Commander you're in charge, await for my orders." My troopers nodded.

"Yes, ma'am." Said Wolffe.

"Master, Razor, Stak, come on guys, we don't have all day." I added and the clones nodded and walked alongside me as Windu approached.

"I have never worked with you on a mission like this." Said Mace.

"Yeah, it'll be fun. I promise."

"I don't doubt it." I scoffed as we approached the edge of the hill that's above the transports' path.

The big transports and their escorts moved below us at a steady pace and we got ready to jump.

"When we get control of the bridge, you must start the attack." Windu commanded through the wrist communicator, informing Cham. "Are you ready for this?" He askers as he lowered the communicator and I scoffed again.

"Are you?" I grabbed my lightsaber as I smiled and jumped, turning the pale violet light on, cutting the head of one of the droids that were escorting the last transport. Windu jumped behind me and destroyed the other droid, then, we jumped to the back of the transport and his troopers landed right behind us.

We looked at each other and nodded. Both of us stabbed the metallic ceiling of the transport with our lightsabers and cut a hole on it for us to jump into it, once inside, I communicated with my Commander.

"Wolffe, I need you to create a diversion, get the rest of the Pack ready." I looked at Windu. "Can we borrow the walkers?" He nodded. "Work with the Lightning Squadron, you have permission to use the walkers if needed."

"Yes, ma'am." I could hear the excitement in his voice and I could imagine the faces of the boys. The Wolfpack is known for our successful assaults, no matter if it's in the air or on the ground, we manage, but my men have never used the walkers, so, I assumed they'd be excited. I sighed as I placed myself close to the wall of the transport to hear what was going on outside, the rest did the same.

"Here they come." Mace whispered and he walked up to the entrance of the transport. The hatch opened in a minute and he turned his lightsaber on, so, I followed his lead.

As he pulled one of the droids towards him and destroyed it, I approached the other one and cut it by the half. That seemed to be the signal for our troops. The walkers started firing and they destroyed the droids that were far behind us while we deflected the blasts back to the ones who fired at us as they approached our position with their speeder-bikes.

From one moment to another, an alarm went off and I had a bad feeling about it.

"Run for it!" Windu ordered the soldiers. "They're turning the bridge off!" They started to run bt we knew there was little time, so, we pushed them using the Force to the opposite side. Unfortunately, we seemed to be a little unlucky.

The bridge turned off as soon as the troopers stood up and we had to hold on to the transport. The world seemed to go quiet for a moment as the vertigo of the fall flooded my body from head to toe.

We jumped on the hatch and then to the ceiling, then, we ran as fast as we could, our lives literally depended on it. In that moment, luck was back on our side. The closing patrol of droids flew past up with their speeder-bikes, so, we jumped on top of them. I managed to get control of the bike, cut the droid's head off with the blade of my weapon and proceeded to kick him off the speeder and took his place.

I flew towards the firm land while Mace managed to destroy a pair of droids by impacting the speeders against each other.

I jumped off the speeder in the second the doors of the citadel opened. A bunch of droids walked out and I turned my lightsaber on as the speeder flew towards two of them and blew up.

"We'll hold them off." Windu informed and turned his darker purple saber on. "Get that bridge back up!" He added and we ran into action as the troopers yelled 'yes' to the order and got to work.

Mace deflected blasts from afar while I approached the droids as I deflected their attacks to destroy them. Both of us made an effort to clear the way for the troopers. In less than three minutes we finished with their first wave, then the second one. As I slashed the metal head off the droid's body and Mace pushed one to the ground to destroy it, we were informed the bridge was back up. That's when the third wave came into scene, this time, they had super-droids and destroyers, or, as Ahsoka likes to call them: rolling death balls.

As I took a defensive position and the muscles of my legs tensed to get ready to defend myself from their attack, Windu pushed them all backwards and destroyed them. A whistle of surprise left my lips as a damned tank came into scene. No wonder why he's called a 'powerful Jedi'. While he tried to pull a wall down to throw it on the tank, I ran to cut the cannon of it off, when I jumped backwards, the wall fell and destroyed. Team effort.

I heard the distant cheering of the Twi'leks as the steps of the numerous Blurrgs and the walkers that were approaching echoed behind us.

The fourth wave came in and we started to deflect their blasts back to them when the cavalry arrived by our side, firing their own blasters at the common enemy.

"You take these droids." I told Cham as I threw a blast back using the Force. "We'll find Wat Tambor." I didn't give him time to say anything because I ran towards the building with Mace following me.

We made our way to the hangar as we saw a ship flying towards the atmosphere. The first thought was that Tambor had escaped, but, when we saw him standing in the middle of the opened area, the idea was discarded.

The super-droids fired their blasts at us but we deflected them every single time as we approached their position. I took care of the one that's on the right by jumping on top of it and stabbing my saber on it, melting it inside-out. Windu destroyed the one of the left quickly, cutting his arm off and then cutting it by the half.

I jumped off the droid and pointed at Tambor's face with the blade of my weapon.

"Surrender." Windu ordered.

"Generals Windu and Naberrie...perhaps we can come to a compromise." He said and I scoffed.

"No." I said dryly. "Not when I hold all the cards and not after all you've done to these people."

"It appears a surrender is unnecessary." Said the Separatist with a disoriented voice as he fixed something on his suit. "We will all perish for the glory of the Separatist Alliance." I heard the bombers approaching and saw them from the corner of my eye, but their blasts weren't the ones that echoed in the Capital.

"That was close wasn't it, Master?" Ahsoka's voice made its way through the communicator on my wrist and I smiled.

"Isn't it always, Snips?" Said Anakin and my voice grew bigger. "You're welcome, Smarty." Cham and his fighters approached our position, among them was Eleni, who smiled proudly at me as I turned my lightsaber off and placed my wrist close to my mouth.

"Thanks, Skyguy." I said and turned the communicator off, communication with others wasn't exactly needed right now. We had succeeded.

"What are your terms for surrender?" Tambor asked Cham.

"They're unconditional." Said Syndulla and Tambor's annoyance could be sensed.

"Agreed." He said reluctantly. Cham's eyes went from the Separatist to us, the anger in them shifted to thankfulness, relief and kindness.

"I thank you Master Jedi, today all of Ryloth thanks you." He smiled and I smiled back.

"You've earned your freedom, General." I said as I clipped the handle of my weapon to my belt.

"She's right." Windu added. "All of you."


About an hour went by and the entire population arrived at the place and cheered to watch a parade of the Freedom Fighters and the Republic troops that were here to ensure peace and safety.

Cheers echoed all around the place and the Ryloth of my memories came back to life completely. Happiness could be heard and sensed among every single one of the souls that were present here and now.

I was standing beside General Syndulla. To his right was standing Senator Taa and to my left Wolffe, Windu and his men were admiring the parade with smiles on their faces. My eyes connected with the Jedi Master's and I returned the smile that only grew bigger as the Senator and General of Ryloth waved at their people at the same time.

Windu shook hands with Cham and after a little word exchange, he walked up to his cruiser that'd be landing outside the Capital. As my eyes followed him, they met with Master Skywalker and his Padawan. They were talking vividly and when his blue ocean eyes met mine, he smiled, making me do the same. We broke the eye contact when I heard Cham's giggle.

"What?" I asked.

"I know that look, the look you both have." I chuckled.

"I don't know what you're talking about."

"Don't play dumb." He smiled. "Those are heart eyes kid, I know them very well." I laughed nervously.

"I...no. Absolutely not, I'm a-"

"Jedi, I know. He's one too but the look is the look."

"You're insane."

"The eyes, Lana. They never lie." I rolled my eyes with a smile and laughed nervously. "That's Anakin Skywalker, am I right?" I nodded. "I remember your little girl-self was head over hills for him." My eyes opened wildly and I stopped laughing.

"You...you're unbelievable, you still-"

"Yeah, I still remember that talk we had." I laughed again and covered my face with my hands. He's like a father, he was one years ago and I never realised that.


"Don't worry, I'll tell no one, I just want to know what's going on there." I removed my hands from my face and placed them on my hips.

"We sorta did what you did." I knew he'd be a tomb, he's always been good at keeping secrets and I've always known that if there's someone who's very trustworthy, it's him.


"Yeah, you know, the...husband and wife thing."

"Oh, you're kidding."

"I'm not." He laughed and I did the same.

"Your secret's safe with me kid." He said once we stopped laughing.

"I know." There was a short pause and then he spoke again.

"I've finally seen you in action, and all I've got so say is that I'm impressed...and very proud." I smiled. "You've become the great Jedi I thought you'd be someday and I'm glad to have seen it with my own eyes."

"Thank you." I saw Ani waving from the corner of my eye, it was time to go. "Guess it's time to say goodbye." He nodded and made a military salut.

"Until next time, General Naberrie." I returned the salut.

"Until next time, General Syndulla." The salut ended and I hugged him. "Tell Eleni and the kids that we'll meet soon...hopefully."

"Will do." The embrace ended. "You should visit us more often." I started to walk backwards, spotting Nilim and Numa.

"I will, there's a few people that I'd like to see more often." He nodded. "See you soon, Cham."

"Se you soon, kid." I turned around and started to walk up to my husband and the birthday girl when someone grabbed my leg. I looked down and spotted a girl with light turquoise skin smiling at me.

"Hello you." I picked her up. "You know I gotta go, but I'll see you soon okay?" She nodded and I gently tapped the tip of her nose with my index finger, making her giggle. "Be good little one, don't give your Uncle trouble and a heart attack." I placed her on the ground and Nilim reached our side laughing, I laughed alongside him and hugged him. "See you soon, Nilim."

"See you soon, dear one." With a smile, I arrived at Anakin and Ahsoka's position.

"Hello Master." She greeted and I hugged her.

"Hello birthday girl." She chuckled and Anakin giggled beside us. "How does it feel being fifteen?"

"Like any other day." I laughed. "But fun."

"I'm glad to hear that." We hopped on the shuttle that'd take us to the Trimphant. Wolffe was already there with the rest of the Wolves. Knowing that we had no casualties was a relief.

"Numa! Numa!" Yelled Numa as she waved and the ramp of the ship closed. I smiled and waved back.

"What does 'numa' mean?" Asked Skywalker.

"It means sister." The little girl continued to wave until the metal closed the gate and she was no longer in my vision field.

"I didn't know you could understand and speak Ryl." Said Snips and I chuckled.

"Well, try living here for five years and not understand a word for the first six months." I sighed. "You'd be lost in somewhere like here where the communication is key for anything." They laughed as we reached the cockpit.

As we flew to the cruiser, we caught up, from everything that has happened in the past two weeks and yesterday to how were my days here. As the talk ended, we arrived at the hangar of my cruiser and we walked out to get to the bridge.

"Snips, can you do me a favour?" Anakin asked the young girl as the door of the elevator opened for us.

"Anything, Master." Said the young girl.

"Can you please clean R2 and R7?"

"What? Come on, I did a great job today, plus, it's my birthday."

"I know, I know, but hey, I'll make it up to you." He said as he clicked the button of the bridge's level.

"Yeah right, how?" The door started to close but Ani stoped it using his hand. That was attractive.

"How about a day off?"

"I'll get to that right away."

"Thanks, Snips." The door finally closed and I chuckled while he sighed and followed to chuckle as well. "She can't catch an indirect can she?"

"Nope, she can't." He turned around and wrapped his hands around my waist while mine did the same around his neck. "Hi."

"Hey." He kissed me slowly and I felt my cheeks on fire. "How are you?" He asked once we broke the kiss.

"I'm great, you?"

"Great too." I smiled and remembered my mother and sister's words. "I've missed you." I giggled and he smiled.

"I've missed you too." He left a quick peck on my lips and I was able to feel his smile growing against my lips and mine mirrored his. "Before I forget again. My mother asked when would her son-in-law visit and Sola asked me to tell you that your nieces won't stop asking when will Uncle Ani come and play." He chuckled.

"Soon." He kissed my forehead and we let go of each other as the door was about to open. "Hopefully very soon." I smiled.

"Good to know." The door opened and we walked out. "Lieutenant! So long no see." Flynn smiled.

"It's been a short while, ma'am." He smiled and I chuckled. "Waiting for orders, General." I sighed with the relief of a long day being over and the sweetness of the last moment it had.

"Set course to Coruscant." I commanded as I placed my hands behind my back. "Let's go home boys." They did as I said and in no time, we jumped into hyperspace to get back to the busy planet, to the city that never rests.

a/n: hello friends! i'm sorry i haven't updated in a little while but here i am. i just wanted to stop by and tell u that i'm pretty dumb. i had this chapter on my drafts on docs and forgot to put it here as it should've been, so, i fixed that and now it is here. it doesn't change the story really but i wanted to add what was missing, so, i divided the last one in two and here's the full thing.

hope ur day goes great, ily <3

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