36: Friends
Soon enough, as we arrived at the other side, blasters began to fire at us, so, we turned on our lightsabers as the troopers fired their own blue blasts at the droids.
We dodged and deflected the red blasts as we covered our troopers and our backs, promptly, when we were basically inches away from the cliff, we took cover with some trees, cyan and violet lights on, their humming echoing alongside the blaster's fire.
"That bunker's gonna be a problem Generals." Said Cody.
"Leave the bunker to us." I said looking at Obi-Wan, who nodded in agreement.
"Bring in your respective troopers on my signal." He told Cody, who was to his right and Wolffe, who was in front of us, then, he looked at two of his troopers. "You two wanted action? Follow us."
"You heard him Waxer, come on." Said one of them.
"Ladies first." Kenobi said looking at me.
"How kind of you." I smiled and ran towards another tree, the three men followed close behind. I avoided blasts here and there until I made it to a big rock, Kenobi arrived and placed himself opposite from me, the clones fired up, covering us, then, they arrived at our side and we turned off our lightsabers.
"Let's take them out." Ordered Obi-Wan. "Now!" He said and the trooper that was beside me threw a droid popper, but it didn't get to the point where it should be.
"We've gotta get closer to the wall." He informed and I looked at him.
"Try again, I'll give you a hand." I said and he nodded, he threw another popper and this time, I gave it extra momentum using the Force, making it land where the droids were, seconds later, the droids were deactivated. The trooper that was beside Kenobi did the same and Obi-Wan was the one to help this time, and again, seconds later, the droids fell, useless. "That was easy."
"I wish you didn't speak so fast, we're not there yet." The remaining droids were destroyed by the Ghost Company and the Wolfpack, so, we stood up from our hiding spot.
"Hey, you're the one who has that bad luck, so as Anakin and Ahsoka." I said as I guided them through the rocks as we climbed our way up again, Kenobi laughed. "I'm not the one who anticipates the talking."
"Right." He said with a chuckle as soon as we reached the top part, where our Commanders were already waiting for us.
"The wall is secure sir." Cody told his General. "Are we moving on to the guns?"
"We need to know what the droids have in store for us." Said Obi-Wan. "Send your best men to scout ahead."
"Will do sir."
"Care to do the honours?" I smiled with a nod.
"Everyone." I raised my voice that echoed through the empty alleys. "Follow me." Everyone began to walk behind me, Kenobi was to my right while Wolffe to my left.
"Where are we going right now?" The Jedi Master asked as we saw how four men were sent to scout the zone.
"Well, we have taken their first defence down, they're going to secure their toys, so, we need to plan our next move, I'm not guiding you to somewhere special, just a place where we can stay hidden and formulate the plan, that would be-"
"After the scouts's report."
"Precisely." He nodded as we continued to walk. After about ten minutes, we reached what seemed to be a church, the ceiling was broken, as well as the entrance, but it was useful. The troopers sat down on the benches that were in the place as Cody placed his communicator disk on the floor, we waited for either the troopers or Windu to communicate, and, as expected, the Jedi Master was the first one to make contact, his blue hologram appeared before us.
"Talk to me." He said looking at the three of us.
"Found the guns." Said Cody as a hologram of the city appeared before us. "They're in the courtyard, here, and here." He pointed at said zones.
"But there's a complication." Added Wolffe. "They've taken the locals hostage and they're using them as shields." My heart grew smaller as I pictured women, men and children hostages, the ones that I knew came to mind immediately and my worry increased.
"The Twi'lek prisoners will make this difficult but not impossible." Said Obi-Wan as if he had read my mind and helped me calm down.
"I agree." I said crossing my arms, taking a deep breath. "I've thought of something quite good, if I say so myself, for taking out those guns." Kenobi smiled at me rolling his eyes with amusement.
"Getting the villagers out of harm's way is our first priority." I nodded. "I have faith in you General Kenobi." He looked at my friend. "And in you too Naberrie." I nodded and smiled.
"What's your plan?"
"Going in with everything we can." I said looking at him. "Wolffe, you'll clear those hostages."
"Yes General."
"Contact me as soon as possible." Mace ordered me.
"Yes Master." I said and his hologram soon disappeared. "We need to get ready." Obi-Wan nodded and the troopers began to move, armours painted with orange and grey going slowly from one side to another setting everything up.
As Kenobi walked away from where I was alongside Cody, I took the backpack off my shoulders to rest a bit, then, from my pocket, I took out an energy bar and snapped it into four —more or less— equal pieces. I took the backpack from the ground and threw it over my shoulder as I offered one of the pieces to Wolffe as he walked beside me to where his brother and the other General were.
"What is it?" I asked offering the other pieces, both men took one, thanking me with head movements as I ate my portion.
"It's Waxer and Boil ma'am, they're not responding." I frowned.
"They never returned from scouting."
"That isn't like them." Said Obi-Wan. "They may have run into trouble."
"Captain." Cody called Gregor. "Use the high-powered transmitter to see if you can reach Waxer and Boil."
"Yes sir!" Said he.
"I'm sorry, but we need to get the rest of the men moving." I commented. "The rest will catch up."
"You heard the lady everyone." Said Kenobi. "Get moving!"
We walked through the empty streets that in my memory were full of life, the natives would place small stalls with all kind of handicrafts, food, fruit, clothes, anything and they'd trade it for other things, sometimes you could buy it but usually it was all about trade. The laughter of the children running around would echo everywhere, now that life had faded away and everything was silent.
"I'm sorry." I told Kenobi once I stopped rewatching the memories in my head.
"Why?" He asked.
"I kind of stole your mission." He chuckled.
"Maybe it was for the best." I chuckled this time.
"Maybe." We walked for a bit more and I tensed, raising my fist in the air, everyone stopped moving. I frowned. I was able to hear growls that were oddly familiar and then, the troopers that were ahead ran back to where we were standing. "Watch out!" I said grabbing my lightsaber from my belt and turning it on.
"They're not stopping!" Someone yelled.
"Aim for their eyes!" Someone else suggested as the blasters were heard.
"Look out!" I yelped. "Fall back!" I ordered and they all ran back to where we were. I dodged an attack from one of the creatures.
"We can't kill them with your blasters, their skin is too resistant and the lightsabers will merely make cuts, believe me." I told Kenobi, who was behind me, he jumped over a creature.
"Follow my lead." He instructed and I saw how he raised a hand at the creatures that were about to kill a trooper of his battalion, he then started to walk backwards. I turned my lightsaber off and placed the handle on my belt, then, I raised my hand as well, concentrating in controlling the minds of the deadly Gutkurrs. As we walked, the creatures followed us, their dark red eyes looking into our souls as we continued to walk backwards. As I followed Obi-Wan, I realised we were now in a hallway, I started to get tired, mind controlling a living thing like this was hard to do. "Shoot the bridge!" Kenobi commanded the troopers and they quickly obeyed, making the rocks fall and block the exit for the creatures. "Ready?"
"Go!" I yelped and let go, as well as him. When we did so, the first Gutkurr threw itself at us, we moved to our sides, making the creature smack it's face against the rock that marked the dead end of the alley, then, the rest started to attack us and we had to jump over them. We dodged more and more attacks until we jumped again. I did a single jump and impulsed myself with the walls that were around me while Obi-Wan impulsed himself with the creatures, then, we landed outside.
"That was fun." Kenobi said as Cody gave him his weapon.
"I agree." The clanking of metal called our attention, the troopers aimed at a strainer as we turned on our lightsabers. "Wait!" I said walking up to the place, taking my defensive position down and turning off my lightsaber.
"Don't shoot." Ordered Kenobi placing his hand on Cody's blaster. The strainer fell to the ground and a trooper walked outside, followed by the other one, as soon as their glances landed on us, they made a salut.
"Waxer, Boil." Said their Commander. "Where have you two slackers been?"
"Sir, there is an explanation." Said Boil.
"We got sidetracked." Added Waxer and they looked down at a young Twi'lek girl, I giggled.
"I think we can see what sidetracked you." Said Obi-Wan as I placed the curved handle on my belt and walked up to them, letting my hair loose, the two braids of the bun fell down my back.
"Hello little one." I said as I bent down before the girl, a braid falling down my shoulder, she hid behind Boil's legs. In my time here I learned that the more you look like them, the more they'll trust you, especially if they're just kids. She exclaimed and covered her face with her hand.
"She brought us here through the tunnels, knows her way around them pretty good ma'am." Waxer said as I looked up to him, then, I looked back at the girl.
"Loonala kwee jannweelo?" I spoke and pointed to my right, she approached me and took the braid into her hands, I smiled, she did the same and nodded.
"Ooh yana-yana." She let go of my hair to take the edge of the blaster Boil was carrying, she looked up at him. "Wah nerra." She pulled him. "Kumee nerra."
"She can lead us through the tunnels to the prisoners." I stood up, "We're going to need a diversion." I placed my hair back up.
"We can work on that ma'am." My team answered and Obi-Wan's men nodded as well, then, the girl took my hand and pulled me towards the entrance of the tunnel, so, I followed her.
We walked for a while until we reached the other entrance. I opened it using the Force to make less noise and then, the two members of the 212th and I walked out. Our new little turquoise friend didn't want to let go of me, so, I carried her with my right arm while I used the left of to take my lightsaber, turn it on and destroy the droids that were around, we saw how a droid was inside of a cell, cleaning it, where, —by intuition and scent— I knew was where they kept the Gutkurrs, I looked at the young girl and she placed her hands around my neck, I turned the lightsaber off and slowly walked up to the controls of the cell, clicking the big red button that made the gate close, leaving the yellowish droid there.
"Bin-bin-kooneena." She said pointing at the other side of the hallway, I frowned.
"I'll take care of this." I said and tuned around. "You keep her here." I told Waxer, who immediately took the girl —that we now know as Numa— into his arms. Afterwards, I rushed upstairs quietly. When I poked my head over the last step, I was able to see all the Twi'leks on the ground, starved, their emotion and excitement taken away, droids surrounding them, I got angry, breathing in and out slowly to calm my emotions. After I had analysed the area, I turned around and waved at the troopers, indicating them to come, and they rushed to my position.
When they were close behind me, we walked out and placed ourselves behind the metallic leg of the platform, I was able to see Obi-Wan from the other side, when his eyes met mine, I nodded, then, we jumped out of our hiding spots and turned on our lightsabers and destroyed the droids that were around, then, I approached the locals and used my lightsaber to destroy their handcuffs.
"Allana?" Someone called my name, my attention immediately snapped towards the man, my eyes opened wildly.
"Nilim!" I freed his hands. "Oh man, I'm so glad you're okay." He hugged me for a brief second and let go.
"It's so good to see you dear." I smiled. "You've grown, and more beautiful than I remembered you." I giggled.
"Thank you, now come, I'm sure we'll have time to catch up later." I said placing my hand over his shoulder, then, I looked at the large crowd. "Wa-janeel! Wa-janeel!" I yelped and everyone began to run behind me.
"Have you seen my niece? She's all I have left, I'm all the family she has left as well." Said Nilim beside me.
"How is she?"
"Young, she's only ten, her skin is turquoise, her name is-"
"Yes!" His eyes told me he was desperate and hoped for her to be alright, there was a glimmer of hope and relief in his eyes and voice. "How did you-?"
"She guided us here and she's safe and sound, you have my word." He smiled. "Now come on."
I stood by the entrance flanking the right side, beside Waxer, Obi-Wan with Boil on the left side. I saw my old friend rushing in with the rest of his people, my eyes were glued to the front as I deflected blasts but I wanted to see if they reunited, and they did.
"Numa!" He yelped, relief flooded his voice. "Koma jel ree-kha!" He picked her up in his arms and they hugged. He was facing the top of the staircase, so when he opened his eyes and met mine, he smiled more. "Thank you." He said and I nodded with a smile just to look back at the front.
"Allana, Waxer, Boil!" Called Kenobi. "Come with me!" He added and the three of us nodded. We rushed to destroy the droids that were around. I saw how Obi-Wan jumped to get control of one of the cannons that were there. "Cover us would you?" He asked me as his troopers placed their weapons on the ground to carry a munition for the big gun.
"Count on it." I said and prepared for the droids that could come, so, I tightened my grip around the handle of my lightsaber.
The very few blasts that were incoming were stopped by the explosions that Obi-Wan caused when he fired the cannon against the rest of the big guns and the droids, so, I didn't have to do much, but, when we less expected it, the protocol droid arrived with his own cannon and fired at us. A blast targeted the weapon we were close to and we barely avoided it. When it hit the cannon, it blew up, making us fly away. I landed on my right side, the handle of my weapon got knocked out of my hand with the impact. I groaned as I looked up, still on the ground, hearing the yelling of the angry Twi'leks everywhere, the concentration of blood in my ears made them ring, causing the noise to fade a bit.
I was stunned on the ground when I saw Numa running towards me, she picked up my weapon and handed it over to me once she had reached my side. I took it as she grabbed my arm with her tiny hands, I kneeled on the ground as she placed my arm around her shoulders, then, I heard a robotic laughter.
"You loose General Naberrie." Said the droid, pointing the cannon at us, I placed myself in front of the girl, but our saviours were the Twi'leks that ran angrily at the command droid, they climbed the big weapon and grabbed him, pulled its arms, its head, punched him, a not so friendly scene to watch for a kid.
I stood up and covered her eyes with my hand once I had placed the handle of my lightsaber on the belt, but she moved my hand up to watch the scene that was developing before us, I was impressed, and amused to be honest. Soon enough we all were able to see the huge Jedi cruisers arriving at the place, ready to decent.
I walked up with Kenobi all the way to where Mace was, descending from his ship, my arms were crossed while the ones of the Jedi Master were behind his back.
"Great job getting rid of those cannons." Windu congratulated looking at Kenobi as we began to walk.
"It was all Allana's doing." He said and I smiled.
"Yeah, I do deserve most of the credit." They chuckled. "But not all, at the end, I wouldn't be here if it hadn't been for the Twi'leks."
"Indeed." Said Obi-Wan. "None of us."
"I'm afraid we have now a more difficult objective." Said Mace. "We must take the capital and free this world."
"Yes Master." Obi-Wan and I said at the unison as Mace left to check something with his division as we continued to walk.
"Nerra!" Yelped Numa from afar. "Nerra! Nerra!"
"Ma'am." Waxer called my attention. "What is that thing she keeps calling us?" I smiled.
"Nerra." I repeated and chuckled. "It means brother." I stopped walking to look at the young girl as well as the troopers, but then, they walked past me, as well as Kenobi.
"Is everything alright?" Asked Obi-Wan, I smiled.
"Then why aren't you coming?"
"The 104th and I still have to hand in the supplies we've brought."
"I see."
"If we stay, can you stay out of trouble?" He chuckled.
"If we leave, can you?" I scoffed looking at the natives. "Stay." He said after a while. "They need you, and if we need your help, we'll call you."
"Likewise Master." He nodded. "May the Force be with you." He smiled.
"May the Force be with you."
I turned around as well and Numa ran towards me, I laughed as I picked her up in my arms.
"Click the yellow button can you?" I asked showing the communicator that's on my wrist's glove, she did so with a giggle. "Thank you Numa." She smiled. "Wolfpack, time to deliver the supplies, meet me up with the natives."
"Roger that General, we're on our way." Said Sinker, then, the transmission was over as I approached Nilim, he smiled as he took his niece into his arms.
"You've always been good with children." He said with a smile.
"What can I say? I guess it's natural." He nodded.
"You've become the great Jedi I though you'd be one day dear one." I smiled. "I'm glad I got to see it with my own eyes."
"Thank you." He smiled back. "I've got something for you." I took the backpack off my shoulders and opened it. "It's food, water, anything that you'd need. A few things got out of the bag when I fell earlier but most of it is still there and I'm pretty sure it's enough for both of you."
"Thank you."
"My men will bring you medical supplies, just in case you need them."
"You are our Guardian Angel my dear." He added with tears in his eyes. If what I'm thinking is right, and based off what he said, he has lost his home, the rest of his family, but the girl, his words filled my heart with joy but I couldn't help feeling bad for him. I smiled kindly, reassuring him as I placed my hand on his shoulder and hugged him, he hugged me back and I felt his cold tears fall on my back.
"You'll be okay Nilim, you'll see." I broke the hug and locked eyes with his niece, I smiled at her. "Both of you will."
Numa extended her tiny arms at me and I carried her as the Wolfpack handed over the backpacks with food and the rest of the supplies. I smiled at them, then, we turned around to face the Republic forces marching to get the Twi'leks their freedom.
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