35: Backup
My sister suggested that I stayed in Naboo to recover after being exposed to the Blue shadow virus, she said that being near the place where you were born helps you heal faster and she was right, I felt stronger, better after three days more or less but she insisted that I stayed longer to make sure.
I was at my mother and father's house, I've missed them terribly. Sola was also here every now and then, taking care of me like she hasn't in years.
I found out that Anakin and Ahsoka were going to Ryloth. I wanted to go, visit the Twi'leks again and save them from the Separatists so, after I decided I'd go after I felt good enough to get back into action, I walked out of my room and went to the dining room.
"Morning flower." Greeted my father as I walked in the place to have breakfast.
"Morning Dad." I walked up to him to kiss his cheek. "Hello Mom." I kissed her cheek too.
"Hello sweetheart." She placed a plate next to hers, where Padmé usually sits. "Did you sleep well?"
"I did, thank you, did you guys sleep good?"
"We did dear." She gave a tender smile.
"I'm glad."
"Hello everyone." Greeted the Senator as she kissed our parents's cheeks as well. "I see you're better little sister."
I chuckled. "I am, in fact, I'm thinking of going back to Coruscant."
"So soon?" Asked my Father.
"Dad, it's been two weeks, it's not that soon."
"Well, when you're just here for a while it always feels too soon." I smiled and grabbed his hand.
"I'll come back some other day, I promise."
"You should bring my Son-in-law." Mom said and I giggled smiling. "How is he by the way?"
"He's fine, right now he's in Ryloth with Ahsoka, facing a Separatist blockade."
"Ahsoka?" Asked Dad.
"She's their Padawan." Padmé said as I chewed my food, seeing that I was unable to answer. The fact that she said that Snips is our Padawan made my heart jump, I smiled. "She's a young Jedi that they're training, doing a great job by the way." I giggled.
"Thanks." I said and took a sip of my juice. Later on Sola arrived and ate her breakfast, then, I walked to my room and changed the white sleeping dress Padmé gave me long ago into my now clean marine blue, sleeve and backless turtleneck and my skin-tight green cargo pants, then, I placed my hair on two braids and then on a bun and placed the handle of my lightsaber on my belt. Afterwards, I placed my brown boots on.
"Did that hurt a lot?" My mother asked behind me, I assumed she was asking about my scars.
"Mm, more or less." I turned around smiled at her as I placed my gloves and the light grey armour over them.
"You look more grown up like that." She added pointing at my outfit, I smiled more and walked up to her, hugging her as we walked through the bedrooms hallway towards the dining room.
"Well, I'm twenty, so." She chuckled as her warm hand rubbed my exposed skin gently.
"Goodbye sweetheart, take good care." She broke the hug and kissed my forehead.
"Bye Mom." I turned to my dad and hugged him. "See you Dad."
"See you flower." He kissed my forehead too. "We love you." I smiled as I grabbed my dark grey cape and placed it around my neck and over my shoulders.
"I love you too." Sola then arrived. "Bye big sister."
"See you Lana." We hugged.
"Tell the girls that I'll be back soon okay?"
"I will."
Padmé arrived by my side wearing her fancy clothes. "I'll go with you." She said and I nodded.
"You're going to Coruscant too?" Asked my mother.
"No." Padmé giggled. "I'll just walk her to my ship, it's in the Palace, I'll be back at night." They nodded, I opened the door and walked out.
"Say hello to Anakin from us would you?" Sola asked and I looked over my shoulder chuckling. "And tell him that the girls are asking none stop when will Uncle Ani visit them to play." My smile grew bigger.
"I will." Padmé laughed and we began our walk towards the Palace.
We arrived at the hangar and there Padmé let me borrow her silver ship, I liked it, it's elegant and functional.
"So, you're staying?" I asked as the ramp opened.
"Yes, I want to make sure everything's fine in the Swamps and make sure the Gungan situation cools down."
"Alright." I faced her. "Guess I'll see you later." She smiled.
"Yes." She hugged me. "Before you go...I need to ask you something."
"Okay...what is it?"
"I must ask you to cover me."
"At the Senate?"
"Yes, there's a meeting at the end of the week, but knowing how the Gungans are..."
"You'll be here longer than expected." I nodded with a smile, then, I sighed and walked up the ramp. "Fine, I'll talk to Bail, I assume he has the details you've planned already."
"He does." She said with a chuckle. "Thank you."
"Sure, see you, Senator." I said smiling at her as I clicked the button of the ramp for it to close the entrance.
"See you, General." She said and the door closed.
I walked up to the pilot's seat and turned on the engines, then, I piloted the ship out, I was outside the system and placed coordinates for Coruscant, I jumped into hyperspace.
I arrived at the Senate's hangar, landed the ship there and walked out, it was odd though, yet funny, for me at least, everyone expected Senator Amidala but it was me instead. Then, I made my way to the Jedi Temple that's on the opposite side of the place, miles away, on a speeder.
When I arrived, I was spotted by Obi-Wan, who was walking beside Mace, they smiled at me, I smiled back.
"Masters." I greeted making a head bow. Kenobi opened his arms and I chuckled as he greeted me with a hug.
"Allana, is good to see you're doing well." Said Obi-Wan, his hand falling on my shoulder, my own holding on to his arm. "How are you feeling?" We let go of each other.
"Better, stronger, thanks for asking." He nodded when the last words escaped my lips with a smile.
"I thought you'd stay in Naboo for a while." Windu jumped in.
"Yeah, well, I got bored of being in my bed all day, besides, it's been two weeks. I figured that after that time I could be useful again." They chuckled. "Is there something I can do?" They looked at each other.
"Do you know about the situation in Ryloth?" Asked Mace as he resumed his walk, alongside Obi-Wan, inviting me to follow them.
"Just that there's a Separatist blockade on the planet." I answered.
"Yes, well, Anakin and Ahsoka have gone to face them, get the Twi'leks medical supplies food, all the things they'd need, but, the Separatists set them up, Ahsoka lost her entire Squadron." Obi-Wan said and my heart grew small when I heard the last words, one loss is hard but an entire squadron? That must be terrible. "Right now we're heading their way. They've told us they got a plan to get through, already on course."
"I see." I said looking from his blue eyes to the front. "Can I join you?" They looked at each other again. "I spent five years there, I know their language and paths into the villages like the back of my hand, plus, I have a good relationship with the Twi'lek's, I have some great friendships there."
"Well, if you think you're up for it then sure, we can use all the help we can get Naberrie." Said Windu.
"Then it'll be my pleasure Master." I looked at him and he nodded as we continued the way to Kenobi's cruiser. "Should I bring my men?"
"If they're ready then, yes."
"Alright, then, I'll get to my own cruiser." They nodded.
"Don't take too long." Said Kenobi.
I chuckled. "I won't." Then, I began to walk away from them to get to my ship as I pulled out my communicator disk, then, I called Wolffe, soon enough he picked up.
"Commander, good to see you."
"Likewise General." I chuckled.
"Thanks Wolffe, hey, get the 104th into the cruiser would you? We're going to Ryloth with General Kenobi and General Windu to assist Skywalker."
"Yes ma'am, we'll be there in no time."
"Great, I'll see you there."
"And, General?" He said before I ended the communication.
"Is great to have you back." I smiled. "The boys and I were getting pretty bored here." I laughed.
"Well, is good to be back" He smiled. "Now all of you will get some action." His smile grew bigger and made a salut and I made a head movement before the transmission was over.
When I arrived to my ship, the entire crew was already there, my soldiers would greet me and talk with each other about their excitement to go back into the field after weeks with no action, I smiled at them, when I got to the bridge, my right hand was already there.
"Waiting for instructions General." I looked through the windows and saw Kenobi's cruiser starting to elevate, as well as the one beside it.
"Get the engines on, set the coordinates for Ryloth, let's get going boys." Everyone started to move as I commanded placing my hands behind my back. Soon enough we jumped into hyperspace and about an hour later, we got out of it. When we arrived at Ryloth, I was able to see a battle at its climax: the Separatist ships were completely blown up, the bombers were destroying what was left of the fleet, I scoffed, whoever came up with the idea of turning the ship around was genius, those two are quite a pair. "Open up communications would you?" I asked my Lieutenant, who nodded and clicked the button.
"This is Obi-Wan, may we begin our landing?" Said Kenobi.
"Yes Master." Ahsoka answered. "You're clear for ground assault."
"I won't even ask where the rest of Anakin's fleet is." I said as I admired the chaos before me.
"Or why he is in an escape pod." Added Kenobi and I frowned, why was he in an escape pod?
"That's probably for the best." The communication with her bomber ended, I sighed as I admired the show.
"Wolffe, Sinker." I called them and soon enough they stood beside me, in an 'attention' position. "At ease." They relaxed and I smiled at them, they smiled back. "I need you to get half of the Wolfpack in the hangar, I'll be there in five minutes."
"Just half of the men ma'am?" Asked my Sergeant.
"Yes, just half of them, we're going with Kenobi and the 212th, we're just there to assist them and the people, not to properly engage battle." They nodded and walked up to the elevator. "Five minutes."
"Yes General." They said at the unison as they walked in, then, the doors closed and I turned back around.
"Comet, have you made contact with Skywalker's ship?"
"Yes ma'am."
"Alright, patch me through."
"Right away General." He said and soon enough, Anakin's hologram appeared.
"Allana, hey." He greeted and I smiled. "Is so good to see you."
"Is great to see you too." He smiled too. "How's your ship doing?"
"Well, you know, hanging in there, why do you ask?"
"Because I can see the flames from here, and the rest of your fleet is...gone."
"Yeah, what can I say?"
"I don't know, but, in case you'd like to get into a more safe spot, the Triumphant is at your disposal, there's enough room for your Gunships and your men here."
"Thanks, I appreciate it." He smiled, making me do the same.
"Well then, my men will be waiting for your arrival in the hangar, or the ones that you send here."
"I'll see you there."
"Mm, no, Flynn will receive you, I'll go to Ryloth to assist Kenobi, Windu and the Twi'leks."
"Oh, I see, well, good luck then."
"Thanks." I nodded with a smile, he returned the gesture, then, the transmission was gone. "Alright." I called my crew's attention.
"Lieutenant, you're in charge until General Skywalker gets here."
"Yes ma'am."
"I want every single one of you paying attention at the scanners, we don't know if the Separatists will come back with backup, be ready." I received nods as I walked up to the elevator. "Flynn." I called him and he began to walk beside me. "Tell Boost he'll be in charge of the rest of the Pack, if we need help I need the rest of the men ready to get into gunships and join us in the ground."
"I will General." The doors of the elevator opened, then, I walked in. "What if Skywalker doesn't come on board?"
"Well, then you're still in charge." I smiled and he did the same. "Thank you Lieutenant." He nodded and the doors closed.
I started my way to the hangar to find half of my platoon ready, I saw boxes with backpacks and lifted them using the Force, dragging them behind me.
"Here they are ma'am, ready for action." Wolffe informed.
"Thank you Commander, but, we're not ready to leave yet." I placed the boxes on the ground and looked at every clone that was in front of me. "Everyone, grab a backpack." I said and they all moved quickly, taking one from the boxes, myself included. "Listen up." I called once they were all standing where they were, they formed a circle around me, as they usually do whenever I give instructions. "I need you to divide in two groups, Sargent, you'll take group B while the Commander and I take group A."
"Come on boys, in half, move." Sinker ordered and they all divided in half quickly, it didn't matter who was in which half, we all worked as one, we always have. "Where do you want us ma'am?"
"Looking for all the medical supplies you can find in this ship, the rest of us, we'll go get as many food as the backpacks we have can carry, we don't have much time, Kenobi and Windu are waiting for us, get moving."
"Roger that General." They all said at the unison and we all began to move. My team rushed to the kitchens and the dining rooms of the ship, we filled up the backpacks with what we could find, fruit, protein bars, desserts, water bottles, everything that the starved people could use, then, we rushed to the hangar where we met with the rest of the team, who were arriving as well.
"Is anyone missing?" I asked the Sargent as I placed the backpack's strings on my shoulders, he shook his head. "Alright boys, how do we feel about destroying some clankers?" They all raised their fists, blasters and cheered, placing their helmets on. "Well then, into the Gunships everyone." We all rushed inside, Sinker's half was in the Gunship piloted by Warthog and my half into the one piloted by Corvis, I grabbed my disk communicator as the red light turned on, then, I communicated with Obi-Wan, who soon enough answered the call.
"Allana, are you ready?"
"Are you?" I asked with a smirk that he returned, he was walking side by side with Windu.
"First trick will be getting our troops on the ground." Kenobi said as he entered his Gunship.
"If we take the city of Nabat first we'll have our landing zone."
"She's right." Said Windu. "You'll be our map down there Naberrie."
"It'll be my pleasure Master." He nodded.
"Well, time to meet the natives." Said Obi-Wan and finished the communication, then, the doors of our gunship closed and I assumed the cruisers began their descent into the atmosphere of the system.
"Begin decent of the gunships." I ordered and our pilot informed the other ship while I breathed in and out. "Crovis, contact the other ship."
"Patching you though General." He clicked some buttons in the cockpit. "You're though ma'am."
"Thank you, listen up Wolves, we don't know what we're going to be up against down there, what we're going to do is get to the people and liberate them. We'll give them the supplies we've brought and call it a day, we have to be aware of our surroundings, remember, we're here to aid the Twi'leks, not destroy their home." I paused. "Wolffe?" The Commander nodded and gave a step forward.
"We're not doing it the hard way, that means minimal destruction with blasters, droid poppers only, no rockets, no detonators, check your aim, keep an eye out for the locals, are we understood?"
"Sir yes sir!" Answered the troopers that were before me and the others on the opposite side of the line, then, when Corvis looked over his shoulder I nodded and he nodded, clicking a button and ended the transmission.
"May the Force be with us." I said under my breath and looked outside through the opening of the door.
Soon enough the beep of an incoming transmission echoed in the place, we answered it and the hologram of Master Windu appeared in the center of the Gunship, as well as Kenobi's.
"Bad news." Windu said. "The enemy fire is penetrating our shields, we can't risk landing the larger transports until you take out those guns."
"Pull back." Said Obi-Wan. "We'll take care of it." Then, Mace's hologram left, he ended the transmission. "Who's up for a challenge?" He said looking at everyone in his Gunship, it seemed like he was looking deep into my trooper's eyes as well. "We're not getting any reinforcements until those guns are out of commission."
"Here we go again." I said.
"You said you were up for this."
"Dear Obi-Wan, this is just where all the fun begins." He chuckled.
"You spend so much time with Anakin."
"Since we were kids, yes." I chuckled and then his hologram disappeared as we landed.
The lights turned green and the doors slid open, I took my lightsaber's handle from my belt and took off my cape as I ran out, followed by my troopers, thankfully, the other half of my Pack was still complete. Kenobi's eyes met mine as we ran through the forest and into the battle.
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