32: Blue Shadow Virus
After the battle in Christophsis, —that we won— we returned to Coruscant, and as usual, I decided to pay a visit to my sister in her chamber at the Senate.
"Hello Clint." I greeted the Senate Commando that's always outside her door. "Is the Senator in there now?"
"Yes General, is good to see you." He made a gentle head movement that I returned with a smile.
"Likewise." He clicked the door open and when my eyes went inside I just saw her rushing from one side to another. "Whoa, hey, what's going on?" I asked and her brown eyes snapped towards me.
"Lana, hi." She rushed to hug me quickly leaving a kiss on my cheek. "I'm on a rush."
"Yeah, I can tell, what's the matter? Is everything alright?"
"Not really." She sighed as I silently asked what was going on again. "There are battle droids in Naboo."
"What?" I asked again as she resumed her walk from one side to another.
"Captain Typho discovered them and the Queen fears that it could be about another invasion."
"Well of course."
"So, I'm going."
"And what's gonna happen here while you're there? There are still several matters the Senate has to take into discussion."
"I know, I've talked to Jar Jar, he's going to represent Naboo while I'm away."
"Are you sure that's...wise?"
"You underestimate him."
"No, no, is not that, I'm far too sure that he's...capable of doing some...things but, he's speech years ago wasn't exactly the wisest."
"Yet he was named 'Representative'."
"Right." I sat on the chair of her desk. "So, if Binks is staying, you're going alone?"
"Well." She turned around and I frowned just to realise she wants me to go with her. "You're here now."
"Okay, look, I want to, I really, really want to but what if they call me?"
"Lana we're talking about an invasion at home, I think that you are going to end up calling them."
"Such a pessimist."
"No, I'm realistic."
"You're a realistic that's a pessimist." She rolled her eyes.
"Are you coming or not? I'm sure I'll need you." I sighed.
"Fine." We walked out and I began my attempt at contacting Anakin, that I knew was at the Temple, soon enough he picked up.
"Naberrie, what's up?"
"Hey, I need you to cover me." I said as we entered the elevator to reach the landing zone for the Senators's ships and speeders. "I'm on my way to Naboo."
"I can't tell you the details yet, only that Padmé wants to investigate and I'm going with her." We walked our the elevator and started to walk up to the shiny silver ship.
"I-" He sighed. "Fine, I've got you but be careful alright?"
"I will, if anything happens, I'll call you."
"Fine." The transmission ended and we walked in the ship, I sat in the pilot's seat, Padmé in the co-pilot one and 3PO behind me. Anakin gave him to me but, I figured that he could work with Padmé too, he speaks almost every language so, he has been very useful on this side, although he's with me whenever I'm not working.
"Here we go." I said as soon as the engines turned on and began piloting the ship out of Coruscant's atmosphere to get home as soon as possible.
We were minutes away from arriving, everything was silent as I checked everything.
"He still worries too much." She commented with a smile referring to my husband.
"Yeah he does, is sweet though."
"I agree."
We jumped out of hyperspace and quickly entered the system's atmosphere. I piloted the ship straight to the Palace, entering the hangar and placing the ship in the middle of the place, as soon as we landed, we rushed outside, the Queen and Captain Typho already waiting for us there.
"I came as soon as I could my Lady." Padmé said. "And I've brought some help." I bowed before my Queen and she made a gentle movement with her head.
"Have you found any more droids?" I asked.
"Only three." The Queen answered. "But you can be sure they aren't tourists. Now that the two of you are here, I need you to convince the Senate and, or, the Jedi Council respectively, or whoever is in charge of this terrible war that we are threatened."
"They'll need more proof, whoever we inform about the situation. Finding a couple battle droids will not be enough." Said my sister to my right and I nodded.
"Captain Typho, the battle droid is ready for analysis." A man informed through the communicator that's resting on Typho's wrist.
We began to walk up to the analysis laboratory to find out whatever the droids were holding in their heads.
"Have you been able to retrieve any information?" I asked as soon as we arrived.
"Unfortunately, the Naboo security who discovered them preferred to shoot first and retrieve data later." Queen Neeyutnee said and I looked at the Captain who looked at his hands and smiled at him, he looked at me and smiled back.
"If they were found in the grasslands, where'd they pick up all this mud?" Padmé asked.
"Add that to our very long list of questions." Typho answered as the droid that was there grabbed a saw, 3PO raised his hands and I smiled as the head of the tactical droid began to get cut.
"I'm getting a bad feeling about this." Commented the golden droid that came with us. "With your permission Senator Padmé, I would like to shut down before I get sensory overload." I giggled as he began to walk away.
"Permission denied." Answered she.
"Denied?" Asked 3PO.
"3PO, you may be able to get some information out of him." Suddenly, the droid sat up and by instinct I took the handle of my saber from my belt while the rest have a step back.
"Cannot see." The droid exclaimed moving its head around. "Where am I?"
"You are in very good hands on board a..." 3PO looked at me and I mouthed Separatists. "Separatist ship." Padmé walked up to our protocol droid that was still looking at me as I nodded and told him to get closer. "Count Dooku himself intends to reward you for your bravery."
"For your assignment on Naboo, do try to activate what's left of your memory, we all want to hear your tale of medical heroics."
"Virus." Said the droid, in a warbling speech, we all exchanged looks and frowned.
"Yes, the virus, you do remember, please continue."
"A small amount leaked out, must contain." I placed the handle of my weapon back on my belt and crossed my arms meditating and feeling my frown intensify. "Naboo cannot know, Lab must remain secret."
"A secret lab on Naboo?" Asked 3PO making my eyes snap at him. "Where? You must-" Padmé shut him up before he could continue covering his mouth.
"It is secret...this is no Separatist ship."
"Unless you want to become a box of spare parts, you'll tell us where the lab is." Typho pointed at the droid with his gun.
"Naboo...must not...know." A steady beep could be heard. "Lab must remain...secret, auto-destruction system-" The beep echoed more and more, my eyes opened.
"Get down!" I commanded and they all did as I said, the droid created a small explosion in the place that covered everything in smoke, we stood up slowly, coughing.
"We'll never get any information out of him now." Said the Captain as he looked at the head of the droid that was separated from its body, suddenly, a movement called my attention and I extended my hand, catching the insect with the Force. "A blue moth?" I pulled it closer, making it rest on my finger.
"It came out of the battle droid in the back." I informed pointing with my eyes at the yellow box of spare parts.
"Why is it so relevant?" Asked the Queen.
"They can only be found in one place."
"Where?" Asked the Senator.
"In the mud underneath the Parlote Trees, in the eastern swamps, perhaps that's the location of the lab." I looked at everyone. "We must inform the Jedi Council." Padmé giggled. "What?"
"I was right." She answered.
"You calling them." I scoffed and smiled at her, she returned the gesture. Once we were out of the lab, I made the moth fly away.
We arrived at the room and I quickly clicked a few buttons, getting through all the way to Coruscant, soon enough, they answered the call.
"Master Windu, Master Yoda, great to see you."
"Likewise Lana." Said Yoda with a smile.
"I though you were here in Coruscant Naberrie." Said Windu crossing his arms.
"I know Master but there was an emergency." I said and pointed with my arm at the people around me.
"Queen Neeyutnee, Senator Amidala, Captain, a pleasant surprise this is." Added Yoda bowing his head and smiling at everyone.
"Likewise Master Jedi, though I hope it could have been under better circumstances." Said the Queen.
"What's the problem?" Asked Mace.
"Separatist droids were found in the grasslands." Informed Padmé and they both frowned.
"They're planning an attack on Naboo, it's the only explanation of their presence." Added Typho.
"Delicate this situation is." Said my Master. "Two Jedi we will send."
"May I recommend General Kenobi and General Skywalker?" I said. "Relations with the Gungans are a little tense right now, about...what I've heard, but they trust Obi-Wan like one of their own."
"Send them we will."
"Allana." Windu called my attention. "If anything happens, report to us or Master Gallia immediately."
"Count on it Master." I said and the transmission was over, then, I looked at the rest. "We need as much information as possible before they arrive." I looked at Padmé. "See if you, Typho and 3PO can download any of the information of the other battle droid's memory, I'm going to find that lab."
"Alone?" My sister asked this time as I turned around.
"Are you sure that's wise?" The Captain asked but I didn't stop, I kept on walking.
"Allana!" Padmé called me, running behind me as I made my way to the room where the special suits are. "I'll go with you." She said once she reached my side.
"No." I said. "You're too important."
"So are you."
"Look." I stopped and so did she. "There are very few good Senators nowadays, Jedi are still a reasonable lot, stay here."
"I'll go with you." She continued to walk as I sighed until we reached the room, once there, I began to place a special suit over my body. She got her fancy clothes changed for her field mission ones, her hair now on multiple braids.
"You're too stubborn you know?" I told her as I placed the helmet on and began to walk towards a ship, her laughter echoed through the communicator.
"Yeah, well I think I taught you that." I looked at her and laughed as well, then, we hoped on the ship and began our way towards the swamps.
We arrived at the place and I made the ship land, as soon as the ramp touched the ground, we walked out and my mouth fell open, several Shaaks were laying on the grass, dead. They were the ones Ani rode to 'impress' me so long ago, I smiled at the memory but the smile faded away as I counted the animals.
They were blue, tongues out, eyes wild open. "It's the plague." Said Padmé as she bend down beside one of them. "We're definitely getting close." She said and then she grunted as someone pushed her.
"Padmé!" I called and turned around receiving few punches with a stick, I groaned.
"Whosa are you?" A female voice asked but before I could try to answer she grabbed the helmet.
"What are you doing?" I asked trying to remove her hands, I hit her face with the elbow before she could try anything again and in that moment she ripped the helmet off the suit, I took a deep breath and pulled out my lightsaber, turning it on and taking a defensive position.
"Don't move!" My sister commanded, I looked over my shoulder and she was pointing at the pink Gungan with her blaster. "We don't want to hurt you, Lana, put the helmet back on." I nodded and turned the lightsaber off, placing it on my belt walking up to her slowly and taking the helmet gently from her hands, then, I placed it over my head and sealed the suit, taking a deep breath in.
"Yousa okeyday." She said raising her hands as I took the handle from the belt again. "Is not in the air, is in the water." We looked at each other and took the helmets off.
"Who are you?" I asked.
"Meesa Peppi Bow." She answered.
"We think the virus that made your animals sick came from the Perlote Trees." The Senator informed.
"Yousa follow thisa river, yousa finda yousa perlote, mesa take you."
"No Peppi, you stay here." I said placing a hand over her shoulder and smiled. "You'll be going home soon, I promise."
"I'll send some soldiers to pick you up and take you back to Theed." Padmé added and the Gungan nodded, we looked at each other and continued our way.
Like Peppi said, we followed the river and soon enough, we reached the swamp, no longer wearing the helmets, we were carrying them.
"Keep your eyes open." I told her as we scanned the place with our glances. "Look for anything out of the ordinary." We walked for a bit more and I almost slip down with the mud, when I stabilised myself I gave another step but it no longer sound like wet dirt but metal. "A hatch."
"Captain Typho." Padmé called through the communicator she had. "I think we're standing right on top of the lab, I need a geo-scan of coordinates SP127." She sighed as she finished the communication with the Captain. "There's no way we're opening this." That's when I felt someone's eyes on us.
"Freeze!" Commanded few battle droids they surrounded us. "Hold it right there!"
"Watching." I completed my idea and sighed. "Okay, we have two options" I whispered. "I can destroy them and we get outta here as fast as we can or we just give in."
"Second one."
"Really? Honestly, next time I'm not bringing you."
"That way they'll take us inside."
"Yeah and they'll unarm us and we won't be able to get out."
"Who's the pessimist now?" I rolled my eyes as I raised my hands slowly, giving in, as well as her.
The droids grabbed us tightly and pulled us into the lab, soon enough, we were placed against a wall handcuffed and unarmed.
"Let us go." Said the Senator as I scanned the place, analysing the situation to see the best way to get out and ask for help.
"Who are you?" I asked. "Why are you holding us?" The droids pointed at us as a tall thin humanoid approached us, placing a pair of glasses over his eyes, analysing us.
"Wonderful specimens." He said getting too close to my face, making me frown and look away after holding his insane gaze for a couple seconds. There was something disturbing in his eyes that made it impossible to look at them, it was as if he had lost sanity. "What are life forms like you doing in a swamp like this?" He asked doing the same with Padmé.
"I was about to ask you the same thing." She answered and I smiled.
"Thanks to the support of my compassionate friends in the Separatist Alliance." He said. "I am creating life!" He raised his hands, celebrating his achievement.
"And how exactly are you doing that?" I asked.
"I'm so pleased you inquired." He looked at me and I rolled my eyes. "A demonstration is in order." He walked up to some cabinets, the blue hologram door whooshed and disappeared as he took a small jar. "Allow me to present the the return of the infamous blue shadow virus." The hologram door reappeared.
"The blue shadow virus?" Padmé asked. "I thought that deadly decease was extinct."
"Yes it was wiped from the Galaxy generations ago." Said the Doctor. "But I have given it life once again."
"You're not creating life, you're taking it." I said with a frown. "You've poisoned the Gungan water."
"Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah." He said several times, nodding frenetically. "Yes, unfortunately the blue shadow virus in its natural form thrives only in water." He began to walk away. "Until I improved upon that weakness." We exchanged looks as he placed the jar upon a small platform and then pulled down a lever. Electricity rays fell upon the yard, too white they were blinding. I looked away for a second and when the sound of the electricity stopped I looked back up, realising that the liquid was now gas, my mouth opened and my eyes met my sister's. "Your eyes do not deceive you, I have perfected an airborne strain of the blue shadow virus."
Suddenly, from a hallway a small droid approached. "This is the last of the bombs Doctor." It informed.
"Bombs?" I whispered and my sister's eyes met mine again.
"They're planning to bomb the planet?" She shrugged.
"I'm well aware this is the last!" He yelled at his droid, making me look at him again and realise 1) he didn't hear me and 2) that the little serving machine is scared of him. "You think I'd loose count?!" We looked at each other again. "The virus is in its gaseous form, combined with this bombs, it will release the blue shadow virus back into the Galaxy, more potent than ever before."
"Are you insane?!" We asked at the same time. "It's a deadly disease, no life forms are immune to it, that's why it was eradicated!" Added the Senator.
"You mean murdered!" The Doctor yelled back, then, he turned at his droid, handing in the bomb. "Take this away." The droid took it and began to walk out of the room, my eyes were glued to him. "Meanwhile, as we speak thousands and thousands of so-called superior life forms are spreading their disease of war throughout the Galaxy." He paused. "Perhaps they are the ones who should be eradicated." He finished and the droids grabbed us by the arms again and guided us to the opposite side of the place.
I was sitting down, eyes closed, meditating, figuring a way out, listening to what might be beyond the walls that surrounded us.
"Where are they?" Ani's voice echoed far away. I was able to sense his concern and his worry as I tried to make him sense me, my comfort but I didn't know if I could.
"Patience, they'll be here in a moment. You seem a bit on edge."
"There's a good chance we're about to destroy all life on this planet including ours, Lana's and the Senator's, so yes, I'm a bit on edge, why aren't you?"
"I'm better at hiding it."
I frowned. "Anakin and Obi-Wan are here." I whispered.
"Master, are you there?"
"Did you find her?"
"Negative, I'm pretty sure she's inside the lab. The whole area is wired with pressure sensors, there's no way to get in without being detected."
"Ahsoka's here too." I opened my eyes. "They're looking for us."
"You can hear them?" Padmé asked.
"You'll be surprised." She smiled. "They're going to try to get inside."
"Allana may be lost, don't risk the mission trying to rescue her." I frowned. "I'll take care of the bombs, you focus on the doctor."
"I know what's at stake here."
"We have to get out of here." In that moment the ground trembled and an alarm went off.
"We have a breach!" Said the Doctor. "All droids to hatch number one!" He then turned around to face us. "Friends of yours I assume, they arrived quicker than I would've thought." He placed a helmet over his head. "Move them over there." He ordered and the droids grabbed us, moving us closer to the platform where he turned the liquid into gas, handcuffing us there.
"Can't you do your Jedi tricks now?" Asked Padmé as she tried to free herself.
"I'm trying but your talking is distracting me." I closed my eyes again, frowning trying to reach him, then I connected with him, I could sense he tensed when he cleared his mind and then relaxed. "Go to the left." I whispered. "Follow that hallway and you'll find a door, it's sealed."
"What is she-?" Said the Doctor as I opened my eyes and saw how Anakin arrived at the door and cut through it, I smiled. The metal and glass gate fell with a thud as the troopers aimed the droids and the metal clanckers did the same.
"Lana!" He exclaimed when our eyes met.
"Take another step and your friends die!" Warned the doctor. Ani's eyes met his and then mine when suddenly an electrical current flooded my body. I screamed as I felt my skin on fire. "Drop your weapons." I shook my legs as I closed my eyes and the rays continued to electrify my skin.
"Don't...do it!" I said in between screams. I wanted the sensation to stop but they couldn't risk it, even if I knew he was going to.
"Wait!" I heard Ani's voice. "Do as he says." They all dropped their weapons and seconds later, the electricity stop falling upon us. I sighed with relief and tried to recover my breath as my eyes opened slowly and the cool air made contrast with the warmth my skin felt.
"Are you okay?" I asked my sister, who's screams stopped as well.
"Yeah." She breathed out and I saw how the droids surrounded the ones that came to our rescue against the wall, opposite from us, hands up and behind their heads, their weapons away from them.
"I realise I won't be able to hold you for long Jedi." The Doc placed the jar he turned from liquid to gas into a triangular suitcase. "That is why I'm going to give you a choice."
"Fine with me." Ani said. "As long as one of the options is killing you." He added, his voice colder, my body felt numb so I rested my head on the metallic thing that's behind me.
"How about you capture me, or...save your friends?" I frowned and again, the electricity fell over me and I felt like drowning, as if my lungs collapsed and I ran out of air that I'm pretty sure was happening. I tried to kick my way out, I pulled my hands, feeling my wrists burning as I tried to break the metal, but I couldn't do anything, I just felt like my body would give up in any minute.
Blasters being fired echoed and a lightsaber hummed in the place, soon enough, the electricity gave up and my body rested, the air came back into my lungs, my eyelids closed, I breathed in slowly as the tensed muscles of my body relaxed a little. His hands cupped my cheeks and he moved my face carefully in order to face him.
"Are you okay?" He asked me as soon as my eyes met his ocean ones, I smiled.
"Even if I thought I could handle it, how about next time you rescue me and then you kill the battle droids?" I told him as his thumbs traced circles on my skin.
"A little 'thank you' would go a long way." He said and then with a blast, a trooper destroyed the handcuffs, I rubbed my wrists.
"Grab your weapons, we need to find that doctor." A trooped threw the handle of my lightsaber at me and I took it, then, they handed Padmé and I our respective communicators. "You okay Senator?" Anakin handed her blaster over.
"I'm good General, now let's get going." She said as I placed the communicator on my left wrist's glove.
We ran outside through the hallways to get out of here as soon as we could and avoid an entire planet to be doomed.
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