31: The Hidden Enemy
After being in Orto Plutonia with Obi-Wan and Senator Chuchi and after solving that entire conflict, we returned to Coruscant for few days before we were sent to Christophsis again in order to save lives and prevent more destruction and this time, Allana was coming with us this time while Ahsoka stayed to train with Master Secura.
On our way there, we planned an ambush to get this crucial system out of Separatist's hands. The 501st and 212th came with us, we were in position in two buildings that were slightly separated.
"Anakin." Said Obi-Wan through the communicator. "How are you doing over there?"
"We're set. I've got some guys here that are anxious to get going." I looked to my left and saw Captain Rex smiling and to my right I heard Allana's giggle.
"Glad to hear it." My Master said and I finished the communication, then, I handed over the binoculars to Lana.
"They're moving." She said after a while.
"A full battalion coming right on schedule." Added Rex.
"And...they've brought tanks." Lans added.
"It's fine, we just have to wait for them to get closer and-" I spoke but she cut me off.
"Wait, wait, wait, oh this is not good."
"What?" She removed the binoculars from her face and handed them over to me.
"They're splitting up." She said looking at me.
"What?" I repeated and looked at the droids with the binoculars.
"Oh no." I looked to the right and saw blasters, I frowned turning my communicator on. "Obi-Wan, what's going on?"
"We're cut off, the droids are onto us." He answered and my eyes met Lan's who also turned her communicator on.
"Gunship come in." She said. "Hawk, we need an evac in the south tower." I smiled, guessing what had crossed her mind.
"Roger that ma'am, we're coming." He answered.
"South tower?" Asked rex. "We're in the north."
"Yeah, not for long." She told him turning her violet lightsaber on.
"What are you doing?" I asked.
"Somebody's gotta save their skins." She said and cut the window's glass, then she pushed it with the Force, breaking it entirely. I smiled as I felt butterflies in my tummy. My goodness she's amazing. And she's my wife. She turned around and I smiled even more. "Rex, cables please." She asked. Her eyes met mine and she smiled too as my Captain did as she commanded. I noticed she blushed and chuckled. The cables got stuck in the green bricks on the opposite tower and we hopped in them, sliding to give Obi-Wan a hand.
Soon enough, we started to receive enemy fire, one of my troopers got shot and fell while Lana and I deflected the red blasts back to the enemy. When we approached the windows, we kicked our way in and began to destroy the droids from behind. We crossed a door and soon enough, I saw my Master.
"This way is clear." I informed.
"How did you get over here?" He asked.
"I improvised." Answered Allana deflecting more blasts.
Obi-Wan threw one of our cannons to the droids using the Force and we used that diversion to rush towards an elevator and began our way up. As soon as the door opened, we ran outside and approached the edge of the building's rooftop.
"Now what?" I asked Lana who shrugged in front of me and turned around just in time to move me to the left, avoiding a blaster from blowing my head off. "Thanks." I said as the three of us turned our lightsabers on again.
"Don't mention it." She told me before she jumped and destroyed a droid. Kenobi and I didn't stay behind, we continued to fight slashing metallic heads, arms, legs, weapons and literally everything we could until we saw the Gunship approaching.
We began to move backwards towards the ship, deflecting the blaster's fire and cutting those that were too close, covering the boy's backs. As soon as we got in, we turned off our lightsabers and the doors closed, the area was illuminated by the red light.
A trooped handed over to Rex the head of a tactical droid, it was a smart move to take it.
"Maybe this tactical droid will tell us how they knew our plan." He said and we all nodded.
After we arrived at the base and got freshen up, Obi-Wan, Allana and I went to meet up with the Captain and Commander that were in the Command Room.
"Blast!" Exclaimed Rex as we walked in.
"Well, at least we're not the only ones having a bad day." I commented.
"Generals." Cody greeted us. "They had all our intel."
"That would explain the ambush." I commented crossing my arms over my chest as Obi-Wan placed his behind his back and Allana placed her hands on the table, trying to figure things out in her head, making me spot the Wolf symbol of her battalion painted in the metallic material that she placed over her gloves, I smiled, those men love working with their General and she loved working with them. "How could we have left ourselves so vulnerable to a security breach?" I asked once I focused back on the important matters.
"I don't think we did." Said Obi-Wan.
"You think someone infiltrated our defenses?" I turned around to face him.
"Possibly." He said. "It would have to be someone cunning and resourceful enough to gain access to all our plans."
"But that still wouldn't explain how they got our intel."
"You're right."
"They wouldn't act alone...they surely have someone working with them." Lana said after being awfully quiet.
"A spy miss?" Asked Cody. "But, who would want to betray our troops to the Seppies?"
"I don't know Cody, that's an excellent question." She answered incorporating herself, crossing her arms, holding her chin in between her fingers.
"Perhaps it's time we made a visit behind enemy lines." Obi-Wan suggested. "I think we'll find our answers there."
"We'll get right on it." The Commander of the 212th said with determination.
"No." Obi-Wan contradicted." I need you here to find the security breach."
"You can count on us Sir."
"One more thing." Allana commented calling everyone's attention. "This mission is extremely confidential, if what we're thinking is right, the spy could be anyone, let no one know of this."
"Understood ma'am." Said Rex, then, the three of us nodded and began our way out.
Each one of us got a speeder and soon enough, we began our way to the enemy's side.
Few minutes had gone by when we realised there were droids in almost every corner, but they didn't attack us, that was odd.
"We appear to have picked up some friends." I said loud enough for them to hear me.
"Indeed." Said Obi-Wan. "In fact I believe the number of eyes watching us has been steadily growing."
"Great." Exclaimed Lana sarcastically. "Perhaps this means our adversary has learned about our mission."
"Perhaps it does." Said Kenobi.
"But, nobody's tried to stop us yet." I commented.
"Also true."
"That means, they want us to get to the Separatist headquarters, which means this is a trap." Alana said.
"I imagine it is." Obi-Wan sighed. "Well that's unfortunate."
"Yeah, for them." I told him and we all smiled.
We drove the speeders for a little more time until we arrived at the headquarters like we said we would.
"No guards, no barricades, huh, you'd think the Separatist headquarters would be better protected." I commented as we walked upstairs towards the main gate.
"But clearly, keeping us out is not what they intend." Kenobi commented and opened the door using the Force.
The building looks the same as any other, but it felt slightly colder, we reached the elevator and as soon as I clicked the button the doors slid open.
"Ladies first." I said and Lana smiled.
"Thanks." I nodded and walked in behind her, followed by Obi-Wan. "Now what? Are we going to scan every floor until we find something?"
"Sounds rougher when you say it like that." Said Kenobi, then, he looked at me. "Let's go to the first one."
"I-" She looked at us and shook her head narrowing her eyes. "Think like a Separatist leader, you wouldn't place yourself in the first floor, would you?"
"I'd stay where I have a good view." I commented. "We'll go to the before last one."
"Sounds good." My master said shrugging, we smiled and the doors closed as soon as I clicked the button.
It took no time for the doors to open with a ding. We walked out and before us there were stairs, just that, but I had a bad feeling.
"So this is the belly of the beast." I commented sensing Allana tensing beside me, I looked in her direction and my Master did the same, the three of us frowning.
A woman in a hood walked past us until she was standing before us, her eyes scanned us and then, she removed the hood off the head, revealing her face.
"Ventress." Obi-Wan said. "And here I thought this mission would be unpleasant."
"The pleasure is all mine my dear Obi-Wan." She took off her robe, making it fall off her shoulders. "I've missed you." She added in an attempt of seductive tone of voice, from the corner of my eye, I was able to see Allana making a disgusted face and I almost chuckled. She's never heard this part of the battles against her.
"This is going to be fun." I whispered.
"You have no idea how much." Lana added tying her braid around her head and pinning it behind her ear, making me remember the styles the Queen of Alderaan wears, then, she took her lightsaber from her belt, at the same time than the assassin. Ventress turned her two lightsabers on, red lights framing her face, Obi-Wan and I turned on ours, blue lights flanking the violet one.
Ventress rushed upstairs and we stayed down, getting ready for her next move. "My loyal informant let me know you were coming."
"And what do you want us to do? Thank you for your hospitality?" Lans asked sarcastically. I clenched my jaw and walked upstairs, rushing at her and attacked Ventress, who defended herself and didn't stay behind with the attacks.
The others didn't want to miss the fun so they jumped into action quickly. We were taking turns, I gave space to Lana and she'd fight, then I'd replace her or Obi-Wan would and so on.
At some point, the assassin began to throw things that were around at us, but we'd cut them when they were about to impact our bodies. She'd continue to get the high ground, walking upstairs but again, we didn't stay behind and rushed after her.
She began to run towards a corridor and we followed after her, as soon as we arrived, she threw books at us, but Obi-Wan stopped them using the Force, then, the three of us threw them back and she couldn't handle the strength of our united attack, so, the books rained on her, Lana chuckled with a hint of malice in her voice.
"Give up Ventress." My wife spoke with ice in her veins.
"I'm all yours Jedi." She said and my Master and I walked up to her.
"Wait!" Lana yelled when the assassin smiled and turned her lightsabers on. The weak ground immediately gave in to the heat and broke as we walked, both of us fell on our backs with a loud thud.
"You've served your purpose." Said she turning her weapons off, looking at the three of us.
"Distraction." Lana said from above.
"Mm, you do have a brain after all." Ventress teased.
"We have to get back now." I told Obi-Wan.
"It's already too late my dear Skywalker." We looked up. "So hard to know whom to trust these days isn't it?"
"What's the plan?" I asked. "Either one of you can answer that question." I added looking at my Master and my Angel.
"Bringing us here was a mistake my sweet." Obi-Wan told Dooku's trainee. "You've overestimated your abilities."
"Yeah...really." Allana said and jumped to the other side where the assassin was, we heard a thud and looked at each other as we heard grunts of them fighting, though no lightsaber was ignited yet.
"Huh." I smiled and we jumped back up. I heard Lana grunting again and when our feet hit the ground, she stood up and we ran after the Sith's apprentice, who turned her lightsabers on and cut through the glass. We turned us on as well and then she jumped off the balcony, landing on one of those huge spider droids that I hate very much, even if they're fun to destroy, that's when we saw her entire battalion behind her. "Well...shit."
"Come and get me." She said and some ships arrived behind her.
"You didn't tell us you were bringing friends." Said Obi-Wan to my left.
"Poor Obi-Wan, you've been betrayed, and now we're about to take control of this world."
"Only in your wildest dreams." Lana told her and placed her lightsaber up, as well as us. The three of us jumped, Lana in the middle again to get her revenge against Ventress, the sound of lightsabers colliding echoed above our heads as Obi-Wan and I cut the legs of the spider droid off.
"Anakin!" Obi-Wan called me. We jumped and landed above some speeders, kicking the droids to use their place.
"Allana!" I yelled and after I heard Ventress grunting, my Angel landed behind me.
"Thanks for the ride." She commented as she placed her arms around my waist.
"Anytime." I told her looking over my shoulders. "You alright?"
"Honestly, is there going to be one battle when you don't ask me that?" I laughed as we began our way back to our base.
We arrived and were entirely shocked, walkers and gunships destroyed, columns of smoke raising from the debris towards the air.
"What the hell happened here?" Allana whispered as she placed the slightly curved lightsaber on her belt.
"I have no idea." I said as we walked in, and when we did Cody looked away when our gaze met his and Rex was making a trooper walk, handcuffed.
"Slick?" Asked Obi-Wan, as if he couldn't believe it, and honestly, none of us could. "It was you?"
"He gave us a bit of a chase sir." Explained Rex as I crossed my arms.
"You couldn't be a greater disappointment." I said honestly. "How could you do this?"
"To your brothers?" Lana added crossing her arms too and he scoffed.
"Only a Jedi would ask that." We frowned. "It's the Jedi who keep my brothers enslaved, we do your bidding, we serve at your whim, I just wanted something more."
"And all you had to do to get it was put the rest of us all at risk." Commented Rex.
"I...I love my brothers." Said Slick. "You're too blind to see it, but I was striking a blow for all clones."
"If you loved your brothers, you wouldn't have put them at risk." Cody jumped in.
"You betrayed every one of us." Said Rex.
"Take him lo Lockup." Ordered the Commander to the troopers that had just arrived.
As soon as they were away, we approached more the Captain and Commander using the space where the brother who had lost hope was.
"Were you able to salvage anything from the weapons depot?" Allana asked.
"Slick pretty much scorched the whole thing." Answered Rex.
"That seemed to be what he was doing for all along."
"We managed to save the heavy cannons though." Cody commented.
"Well that's good." Said the brunette. "We better get ready, there are going to be a thousand battle droids on their way here."
"The fight goes on gentlemen." I added and after that we walked away to get a strategy ready for the upcomming battle.
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