28: Help


We had been running for hours as the night began to fall and fall, the sky was red with hints of orange and yellow as the clouds began to turn slightly purple, that's when we decided to walk instead of run to catch our breaths.

"I can still sense your worry." Master Naberrie said beside me.
"Your attachment to him." She paused and I sighed. "Try to calm down, breathe, I'm telling you, he's made of iron." She added.

"I know, is just, I get so confused sometimes." I said.

"Confused how?"

"It's forbidden for a Jedi to form attachments yet we're supposed to be compassionate." She giggled in response, making me look at her.

"You know, I once heard someone saying that compassion is unconditional love, and it's nothing to be ashamed of, at all." She told me. "I went through the exact same process when I was your age, in fact, I still am." She looked down at the ground.

"Really?" I asked a bit of doubt was born inside of me. Allana is just like Anakin in so many ways but she seemed like the kind of person that can easily calm her mind, perhaps I was wrong about that part of her.

"I think I'm someone that struggles to let go easily, like you and your Master." She explained, looking at the horizon as we walked. "Years ago, to do half of my training I was sent to Ryloth with my Master. One day, she left and I stayed behind. I was worried about what could happen to her or myself." She sighed. "I didn't want to loose my sister so I almost begged to be the one to keep her safe, I was selfish enough to not let go of my family, my parents and older...older sister, and I actually still visit them every now and then whenever I can. I am unable to let go of those around me, my colleagues, friends, anyone." She sighed again. "I don't know what I would do if my Master was in this position, if you or Obi-Wan were the ones laying there." She paused. "I certainly not know what I would do if I lost Anakin, he's one of my oldest...friends...my best friend." She sighed again trying to place her mind at ease. "We're told that we have to let go for the greater good, to not loose a thousand lives just to save one and sometimes we can't." She looked at me. "The Jedi haven't been able to understand that, after all, we feel and suppressing those feelings is the hardest thing to do. I'm sure one day we'll be able to do it Snips, one day."

  She looked at me and smiled, I smiled back nodding, getting to know this part of her was nice, feeling like I'm not the only one who feels this way all the time, then we continued walking as the sun continued to set until the moon raised, taking its place.


The night had fallen and the moon was illuminating everything, even though the light it provided wasn't exactly the one we could use. The troopers turned the light of their helmets on and we continued to walk like that, always preparing for what may be coming next, as Allana always says.

Soon enough we reached a quite clear area where huge trees raised up to the sky. We placed ourselves underneath one and looked up, trying to spot something or someone that could help us save the life of the man I see as an older brother.

"I don't see any signs of life." Said Commander Wolffe. Suddenly, we heard something cracking above us, I looked up and gasped. Master Naberrie followed my gaze.

"Watch out!" She yelped tackling Wolffe and saving him from being crushed by the giant pod that fell from the tree. Another one fell, and another one, that I quickly avoided. We all moved to the part of the tree where we had cover.

"No wonder it's deserted." I said. "It's a death trap." Allana looked up as I spoke panting after that big scare I had. "You'd have to be crazy to want to dodge those on a daily basis." She placed her hand over my shoulder, making me go silent.

"Look." She said pointing behind me. "It looks like someone or...something was intelligent enough to figure a way to use the pods, and dragged them away."

"And your plan is to-" I said as I thought of what she might be thinking of.

"Follow the trail, yes." She told me with a smile. "Let's go." She began to run and we all followed behind her.

As we ran, I spotted the muscles of her back tensing making me frown, that is something that I've realised Anakin does whenever he sensed something that usually has to do with her and I wondered if it was the same case. Ever since our little encounter with Asajj Ventress and what she said about Master Naberrie being 'Skywalker's affair,' I've been thinking about how much they care about each other, but I've never wanted to pay that much of attention. I meant to ask her what did the assassin meant but I decided not to, feeling like it wasn't something I should know, it's not my business, after all, like Master Naberrie just said, he's one of her older friends, her best friend, nothing more, they can care about each other as a brother and a sister, like me and my Master, although sometimes he's like a father to me just like Lana is an older sister or a mother...thinking about what they could be for me if they were my actual family was a bit confusing.

We heard a creature cawing and we stopped when my other Master placed her fist up, then I tensed, maybe this was danger what she had previously sensed. We looked around everywhere, hearing how something was approaching.

"Watch your left." One of the troopers warned as our attention snapped to that flank, we turned our lightsabers on, violet and green lights illuminated the place as three huge creatures jumped from the tall grass grabbing a clone by the neck as it made us fall. Our lightsabers got knocked out of our hands with the impact.

The troopers screamed as the creatures bit their necks, and we pulled our sabers using the Force. Sinker and Wolffe shot a creature from the ground, killing it and making the other two run away. We turned our lightsabers off when they were out of our range.

"Cameron's dead." Said the Commander, making us turn around and Allana rush to her fallen men.

"So is Lucky." Added the Sergeant as Master Naberrie bent down beside the trooper and I kneeled beside the deadly creature, she closed her eyes as she stood up.

"We have to keep moving." She said with sadness and the four of us began to run, following the trail as we were doing before we were attacked.


We didn't stop running what was left for the night, not willing to be killed by those things and determined to find help for my Master. The sun was shining bright above us as the sweat fell down our faces. Soon enough we reached the end of the hill we were apparently standing on, a small village before us.

"Pod central." I said and looked at my Master beside me. "We made it." I added as she smiled and I cleaned the drops of sweat that were falling down my forehead. We slid down the hill and the local people looked at us, quite intimidated as we walked in. "Hello?" I said waving at them. They started to move aside as one of them wearing a yellow robe approached us, I exchanged looks with Lana as he placed himself before us.

"Why have you come here for?" He asked, if my memory doesn't fail, he's a Lurmen.

"We are Jedi from the Galactic Republic." Allana started the talking. "Our ship crashed few miles away from here and one of us awfully injured, we need your help." She concluded as a few of the natives approached us.

"Violence breeds violence." Said the leader.

"We're peacekeepers."

"Jedi are no peacekeepers." He contradicted the skilled twenty year old, pointing at the whitish curved metal handle that was hanging from her waist.

"We're fighting for freedom." I stepped in.

"And freedom and peace require fear and death?" He asked and I stood quiet, he had a point. I exchanged looks with Lana again.
"We colonised this system to find solace from your wretched war, we came here to find peace." He started to walk away. "You must leave." He added. "You'll only destroy what small amount of peace is left in the galaxy."

"But-" I tried to speak.

"You will only bring the destruction of us." He cut me off turning back around.

"Regardless of the Clone Wars and l our part in them, we still need your help." Naberrie said walking up to the little man.

"I'm afraid I must do what's best for my people." He said. "We cannot help you."

"Please." I raised my voice as he resumed his walk away. "Can you at least give us some medical supplies? Our friend is dying." I added and he stopped, then, waved at someone in the distance that quickly walked up to us.

"I cannot ignore a plea for help." The leader said. "I will send my son, Wag Too to help your friend, he is a healer."

"Thank you." Allana said with relief.

"But." He added, raising a single finger. "Only one Jedi can go with him, the other must stay as insurance, we wouldn't want a surprise attack on our village, or the kidnapping of our only healer."

Master Naberrie sighed, slightly annoyed. "Wolffe and I will stay, Sinker you go with her." She told her loyal companions and then looked at me. "Ahsoka, go and help Anakin."

"No!" Said the villager. "The clone and his blaster cannot stay, he will go with the youngling as well."

"I can handle it, I don't need help." My eyes found Allana's.

"Ahsoka-" She said.

"Don't worry." I cut her off.

"Just pay attention to what's around you kid, those creatures are still out there."

"Got it."

"They will still go with you."


"It's not up for debate."

I sighed. "Fine." I started to run backwards towards the way we came from, making the boys and Wag Too follow me. "We won't be long!" I added ad she smiled as we ran to help Anakin at once.


We were in between of the tall grass, as we heard a blaster firing and a lightsaber whooshing. When we arrived at the scene, one beast had fallen dead and the other one destroyed the tent that was built last night, making Rex and Master Skywalker jump to the sides. The Captain was able to roll over and continue to fight, while Anakin just fell with a loud thud, not having the necessary strength to fight.

Wag Too began to tie up the creature's legs, but when it kicked him, I jumped into scene, turning my green saber on.

"No, don't!" Said the little guy as he jumped backwards and began to pull the rope to take the creature down.

"Fine." I said turning my weapon off, I placed the handle on my belt and ran to get the rope behind him and help him, we struggled a bit until someone behind me pulled the rope, helping us out, Rex. Then, Wag Too rushed to finish tying it up with a knot, leaving the animal on the ground. "Good work little guy." I said as he jumped off the big creature's paw. I heard Anakin groaning and I rushed towards him. "Master!" I said as I bent down beside him.

"Good to see you Snips." He said with a soft smile on his features, he coughed. "Whe- where's Lana? Is she safe? Is she alright?" He coughed once again.

"She's alright, waiting for us back at the village." I told him and he breathed out in relief. "This is Wag Too." I introduced our new ally. "He's a healer, he can make you well again."

"Don't you worry." Said our little friend. "I can fix you right up." He added and my Master smiled and made a gentle movement with his head, thanking him.


We created a stretcher with what was left of a wing of a ship, then, we carefully placed Skyguy on it and began carrying him to the village, so that Wag Too could finish his healing process.

As soon as we walked in, I spotted Allana talking to some of the natives, sitting on the ground, a smile on her features that was contagious. Her kindness making more and more of the Lurmen to gather up around her. When she saw us, she stood up, making the attention of all those around her snap towards us, then, she began to walk up to us.

We carefully placed the stretcher on the ground and I let my muscles rest after a long day.

"Uh...Snips?" Anakin called me as some of the people surrounded him, I smiled. Instead of me going to assist him, Allana placed her hand on my shoulder and with a smile she made her way towards him.

"Alright everyone, back off a bit, let the man breathe better that he has been trying to do." She said and I heard Anakin's chuckle. "Commander, help me out here would you?" She called Wolffe's attention and they carried Anakin to a pot where Wag Too began to help him in a better way.

I was outside, waiting for an update. Smarty has been there for the past ten minutes with them, suddenly she walked out. When she spotted me, she made a movement with her head indicating me to follow her, and I did.

We walked up the hill and sat down on the ground facing the village from above and seeing how the sun began to set as little butterflies flew around us. "He's going to be fine." She said, informing me, but it also sounded as she assured that to herself. I breathed out in relief.

"You were right all along Master." I said and quickly turned around, for a brief second, I was able to see Senator Amidala, instead of my Jedi friend.

"About what?" She asked, looking into my blue eyes with her hazel ones.

"If I had stayed with Anakin we probably wouldn't have found the village in time to save him." I answered picking up a rock. I sighed and stood up. "At least this whole ordeal is over now." I added.

"Well." I saw her standing up from the corner of my eye, making me turn slightly around to face her. "We still have to find a way out of here you know?" She said placing her hands behind her back as a breeze hit our faces, she closed her eyes for a brief second, letting peace embrace her, I did the same.

"I'm sure Admiral Yularen and the Republic fleet are looking for us." I said after a couple seconds, she smiled and nodded in agreement. "It shouldn't take them too long to get here." I added.

"Indeed kid, indeed." She added looking back at the sunset, making me do the same, our hands behind our backs as we hoped that whatever that was going to happen next could be less rough on us than today.

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