24: The Capture Attempt
It's been days since we've lost contact with Anakin when he made a heroic attempt at capture the Count. We've stayed in orbit close to Ani's last location, but the situation was getting on my nerves.
"Your thoughts betray you Allana." Obi-Wan said beside me as I placed my hands behind my back.
"I'm sorry, but it's been too long. What if something happened to him?" I said.
"I'm sure he's alright."
"Yet you feel as concerned as me." He dedicated me a glare and smiled, making me do so as well. "I say we go."
"Even if I said no you'd go anyway."
"You finally learned it."
"Then, let's go." He said and we walked out of the bridge to get suited up with special space suits. I went quickly to Anakin's room and took his lightsaber. We grabbed some jetpacks and flew up to the Separatist ship where we lost contact with Anakin.
We stepped out of the ship, letting gravity do its job and impulsing ourselves with the jetpacks towards the enemy ship. We hoped not to be noticed and we succeeded as we realised there was no problem when we approached the big droid cruiser. Once our magnetised boots made contact with the ship, Obi-Wan clicked a button that opened a gate, revealing a metal staircase.
"Ladies first." He said pointing the entrance with a contagious smile. I thanked him with a gentle head movement and proceeded to go down the stairs, as soon as he closed the gate, the anti-gravity sensors activated and our grip around the metal staircase intensified. Once we were about to get properly inside, we removed the space suits, helmet, gloves, everything and walked in carefully.
We made our way to the detention level avoiding the droids that were around. When we arrived, the door was open, so, when the battle droid that was checking some monitors got a bit distracted, we rushed inside before the door that guided inside the cells closed.
"Can you sense him?" Obi-Wan asked me in a whisper and I nodded. "See? Told you he was fine." It was weird that he asked me if I could sense him but I decided to ignore it.
"We don't know if he's actually fine though." I said as he clicked one door opened, revealing two not so good looking dudes, who quickly stood up and rushed to leave.
"Don't bother to get up, you're not the person we're looking for." He said to my left.
"They might be useful later on." I whispered.
"Diversion." I said and he smiled as we walked past two cells and I clicked a button to open it, once the door lifted open, there was no one inside, so we walked in slowly. I was looking around when I sensed someone behind us, Obi-Wan did too and when we turned around, we turned our lightsabers on, making a combination of blue and violet light illuminate the place.
"Oh, it's you." Anakin said when the edge of the sabers were before his face.
"This is how you thank us for rescuing you?" I asked as I turned my saber off, placing it on the left side of my belt and taking Anakin's from the right side. "Pouncing on us from the ceiling? Rude."
"I thought you were someone else." Ani justified himself. "Now that you mention it, it was kind of difficult without a-" I extended my hand, giving him his weapon. "Lightsaber." He completed. "Thanks."
"You're welcome."
"Did you manage to locate Dooku before landing in jail?" Kenobi asked him making me giggle.
"Well, I know he's on board." Ani answered as we started to walk out. "Might have been able to do something about it if I had my weapon."
"We've been through this Anakin." I whispered walking up the little stairs that were there.
"It was important for you to arrive without it so that your capture could be convincing." We walked out.
"Oh, they were convinced alright." Anakin added. "But how come I'm the one getting caught all the time? It doesn't look good."
"Not all the time though, sometimes you use me as bait too."
"The point is Lans, that it doesn't look good in our records."
"When you're Jedi Masters, you can make the plan." Obi-Wan told us.
"Well that's just it!" Anakin and I complained at the same time. "How can we become Jedi Masters if we're always getting caught?" Ani completed.
"At least you're Masters...at getting caught." Kenobi said amused.
"Ha, ha, ha." I laughed sarcastically.
"Very funny." Ani said.
"Besides, Allana you do make plans, why do you complain?"
"Because every time you come up with these plans we end up in a cell." I answered highlighting some words that only amused him more.
"If only that were true." Kenobi told us shaking his head.
"It is." Anakin and I complained as we walked into Dooku's room. He had his eyes closed and was sitting on the floor, meditating.
"Surprise, surprise." Anakin said and we turned on our lightsabers, blue to my left and right, violet in between.
"If it isn't Count Dooku." Obi-Wan added.
"Obi-Wan Kenobi, the Senator's sister." Dooku said. "I thought I had sensed your unpleasant disturbance in the Force." He spoke, his eyes closed. "I see you've freed young Skywalker." He added and I felt Ani's vibrant gaze on us. "Where might he be if you always around to rescue him?" Suddenly, explosions echoed in the place and the ground where we were standing began to shake.
"Sir, there's a Jedi cruiser attacking." A droid informed through a communicator as Dooku snapped his eyes open.
"Your ship is surrounded Count." I said and spinned my saber shortly to point at him as well as the other two Jedi who were standing beside me. "Republic troops are boarding as we speak."
"Jedi fools." He said and his seat started to go down whooshing.
"What?" I asked as I ran over to the place to spot a tunnel.
"We should've seen that coming." Said Kenobi. "What are you doing?" He asked me as I placed myself very close to the edge of the tunnel.
"Following him." I answered turning my saber off. "You coming?" I asked and prepared to jump down the tunnel.
"But not that way, we need to cut him off."
"You cut him off." I said jumping. "I'll meet you at the hangar!" I yelped.
"Wait!" Anakin screamed from above.
"Anakin, don't-!" Obi-Wan said as a giggle escaped my lips. "Why do I even try?" His voice echoed in the tunnel and we laughed.
As we slide down, I felt the cold metal of the walls, suddenly Dooku turned around and raised his hand, shooting his Force rays —or whatever they're called— at me, but I blocked them with my lightsaber before they could touch my skin. The electricity zapped as the light emitted by the lightnings blinded me, making me cover slightly my eyes, but suddenly my feet hit a surface. I turned off my saber as Anakin landed behind me.
"Oh great." Anakin said. The tunnel where we were going down divided itself in two, we alternated our gazed in between left and right, wondering what to do next.
"Let's split, you go right, I'll go left."I said.
"What? No."
"Why not?"
"Because last time I heard those words and tried to fight the old man, I lost an arm." He said raising his right hand. "I don't want you loosing one or me loosing the other one."
"Okay, first, you lost it because you were reckless about what Obi-Wan has told me, which, may be true and-"
"Hey!" He complained and I smiled.
"Second, I'm pretty sure this structure is a distraction in case this happened, which means it probably leads to the same spot, and third, if we keep arguing he'll just escape again. If one of us lands somewhere else, we rush to the hangar as we can." I told him and he just sighed, he still hasn't tried to argue with me about these kind of situations, or about anything really. I made a short salut and jumped to the left side. "See you there Skyguy!" I yelped as I fell.
"Whatever Smarty!" I heard him far as I slid down the metallic tunnel.
I fell for couple more minutes until I landed in the left side of the hangar, seconds later, Anakin did the same but in the opposite side, I looked at him and smirked as he rolled his eyes. We rushed to a ship that was in the middle deflecting blasters from the droids and as soon as we got inside the door closed.
"I was right." I said as we walked in the cabin, Kenobi was sitting in the co-pilot seat and Ani quickly took the pilot one, leaving me standing.
"Whatever." He said once more.
"I thought you were following Dooku." Obi-Wan told me looking over his shoulder.
"We were, we followed him here." I explained.
"Hang on." Anakin said and moved the ship, making me almost loose my balance and making my grip around the co-pilot's seat top part intensify, but when he placed us in a horizontal position to get out of the hangar before the gate closed I fell, hitting the right side of my body. "Oops." Ani said as I rubbed my arm, still on the ground. "Sorry." He said with a smile on his lips, he probably enjoyed it.
"Yeah right." I said, not even trying to stand up, knowing he'll probably do his tricks again and I'll end up here or just bouncing around every corner of the cockpit. "Ahsoka." I said turning my communicator on, communication with our young Padawan learner. "Dooku managed to escape, we're in pursuit, but we could use reinforcements, follow us in what ships you can round up please."
"We'll get there as soon as we can Master." She said when Obi-Wan started to fire at the Count's ship, suddenly, I heard a crash.
"That was easy." Exclaimed Skywalker looking at his master, both of them with smiles on their faces.
"Lucky for us, I'm an excellent shot." Kenobi exclaimed as I stood up slowly.
"Well now those fighters are attacking." I said once I had stabilised myself.
"I'm on it."
"Uh...he's getting too close." I added and the Master blasted it when it was extremely close, we avoided one, two and the third one hit a side of the ship, making me to hold on tight to the seats.
An alarm went off as we felt the ship falling and slowly loosing power.
"And lucky for us, I'm an excellent pilot." Anakin said sending a cold glare to Obi-Wan.
We entered the system's atmosphere and soon enough we hit the ground, the impact made me loose my balance and almost hit my face with the control panel if it hadn't been for Anakin placing his arm in front of me as I groaned trying to hold on to his arm and the seats.
"For all your expertise, this is not a very smooth landing." Obi-Wan told his Padawan.
"Well if you'd hit that third fighter, we wouldn't be in this mess." Ani said as well as the ship slowly started to stop, and once it did I finally recovered my balance, but still feeling a slight dizziness.
"I've had better landings." Said Kenobi when we finally walked out.
"Next time, either I'm the gunner or the pilot, is not up for discussion." I rubbed the back of my neck.
"Right." Anakin told me with a smile, I looked at the front.
"Dooku." I said and pointed at the ship behind them. We walked up to it and heard a steady beeping. "A homing beacon." I said as my finger made contact with the round metallic object.
"Which means the distinguished Count is waiting for help." Anakin said standing to my right.
"So he can't be far off." Obi-Wan added as I kneeled down, looking at the low part of the ship.
"His engines are damaged, he's not going anywhere." I told them.
"Not without a homing beacon." Ani added and turned his saber on, destroying the artefact.
We walked for a bit in the dessert place, trying to find a hiding spot where Dooku could be.
"There, caves are a good start." Suggested Obi-Wan pointing at the area, making us walk behin him.
When we reached the entrance, we stopped. "Strange." Said Anakin.
"You sense it too." I said.
"Many life forms there." Kenobi completed what we were all thinking.
"And Dooku's one of them." Anakin said before turning his lightsaber on, making the blue light illuminate his face.
"Let's get him before something else does." I said turning my saber on, followed by Obi-Wan.
We walked inside being able to see thanks to the bright light emitted by the sabers, which's hum was echoing in the cave. Our eyes scanned the place, but everything were rocks, some brighter than others, as if they were crystals. We reached a dead end when we heard a rumbling in the distance.
"What's that?" Obi-Wan asked as the three of us took defensive positions, but the noise was not coming exactly from a side, or maybe it was, but I looked up when I heard rocks, and I spotted them falling right above us, the other two looked up as well, a wave of fear flooded me. "Run!" Kenobi yelped but Ani and raised our hands thinking we could hold the rocks that were falling, I yelled as I felt a huge amount of weight being placed over me, then, everything went black as my body felt numb.
"Lana, hey, please, open you eyes, come on." I heard him talking to me, very distant, I felt in pain as my eyelids opened. "Oh thank the Force, you're alive." Anakin said as he helped me stand up and I groaned.
"You'll have to deal with me a little longer." I whispered and he smiled tenderly.
"When I tell you to run, run." Obi-Wan said behind Ani.
"Master! You're alive too!"
"Shhh!" I shut Skywalker up covering my ear, that was ringing.
"And where are your lightsabers?" Kenobi asked in a quite low tone of voice, that I silently thanked.
"Probably got knocked out of his hands." I said. "And why do you speak in plural? He's the one loosing it all the time." I pointed at the blue eyed guy with my thumb.
"Yeah well, I don't see yours in your hand or belt Smarty." Anakin told me.
"What?" I asked looking at him and then placing my right hand over my left hip, the handle of my weapon was gone. I looked at the ground trying to find it with my sight, but I just couldn't. "You've got to be joking." I whispered and sighed.
"So you're saying your sabers got knocked out of your hands? By a rock?"
"Yeah, by a rock." Anakin and I answered annoyed at the same time.
"They've got to be around here somewhere." Anakin said as he walked around looking for the weapons and I sat on a rock, giving myself some time to recover after the impact of the rocks that hit my body, not so long ago.
"Now, that, is a feeble excuse." Kenobi told Skywalker as he placed a hand over my shoulder, checking up on me as a father would, making me smile.
"I'm fine." I whispered and he nodded smiling back.
"You know what would be more helpful than your lectures? A little light." Said the young Jedi.
"Certainly." Said Kenobi as he walked up to Ani. When he turned his lightsaber on, the light started to fizzle, making me frown, I've never seen a lightsaber disfunction like that before. "Silly thing." Kenobi said. "It was just working a minute ago."
"You don't suppose it was hit by a rock do you?" Ani asked sarcastically, making me smile and chuckle as he threw a small rock at his Master's white armour that was over his chest. Kenobi looked at him, and then we heard a growl above our heads.
"Oh, this will be interesting." I said as I stood up, feeling dizzy again. The boys reached the spot where I was, walking backwards.
Anakin moved, and the beast followed him and only him, he started to run away from us, being followed by the red Gundark, so, I took this moment to sit again and place my back against a rock, getting comfortable enough.
"Either of you can jump in anytime." He told us as he ran from the aggressive creature.
"Oh, you're doing just fine." Kenobi said analysing his weapon trying to spot the issue with it.
"I think she likes you." I said.
"Yeah, lucky me!" He yelped. "Kinda reminds me of someone I know."
"Is that so?" Obi-Wan and I asked at the same time.
"This isn't as much fun as it looks!" Skywalker complained again as he jumped. "I thought Gundarks were only found on Vanqor."
"Well dumbass, has it crossed your mind that this system is Vanqor?" I asked as I extended my hand at Kenobi, who handed over his saber for me to check it with a chuckle.
I disarmed it and looked close to it. "So, that would make this one-" Ani started as he was being pulled by his leg by the red gundark.
"The mother of all Gundarks, precisely." Obi-Wan completed Skyguy's idea as I placed back together the handle and handed it over for him to hit it with a rock and try to make it work.
"Is any of you going to help me?" Anakin asked and I couldn't help but laugh a bit, the scene before my eyes was amusing: the Gundark was holding Anakin upside down by his leg. "Allana, stop laughing!"
"I'm sorry!" I said standing up and loosing my balance once again, what was going on with me? In that moment, Kenobi used the Force and pushed a huge rock against the creature's head, making it let go of my lover, that quickly ran towards us.
"Well, you took your time." Said Anakin and they began to throw rocks at it until a huge one fell on its back, making it fall and stop the growling that was helping my headache to increase. "It's a pity." Anakin commented admiring the creature lying on the floor. "I was starting to sense a connection." He added and I laughed.
"Should we leave you two alone? Or do you prefer we find a way out of this hole before your lover wakes up?" I teased as he walked up to me to help me out.
"She's already awake." He whispered once he spotted mis Master away enough in order not to hear as he placed my arm around his waist, and his around mine, lifting me up and helping me walk, knowing that the dizziness was not leaving.
We were by the entrance and my head was no longer that cloudy for me to be useless, besides, my body was back online and working at maybe, a bit more than the half of it's capacity.
We were lifting the heavy rocks altogether but it seemed like we'd never finish. Suddenly we heard another growl.
"Sounds like another Gundark." I said.
"That it's too far to worry about." Anakin told me.
"It won't stay far away." Added Obi-Wan as he helped us move another rock. I let go of it when Ani nodded, he didn't want me to ask too much of myself right now, again, he was being over protective.
I turned around at the huge amount of rocks when I heard a crash behind me, followed by a hiss. I sighed. "What have you two done now?" I asked, when I turned back around to face them, there were green clouds of smoke coming out of the ground.
"New problem." Anakin commented the obvious.
"Oh really?!" I asked sarcastically, and began to cough.
"That's not good." Obi-Wan also pointed out the obvious.
"It's just gas." Ani commented, taking importance from the matter.
"Yes, probably toxic gas." I said as we all coughed again.
"That's good, maybe it'll kill your Gundark." Obi-Wan commented as he covered his nose with his forearm.
"Yeah, and us with it." I commented.
"Come on, let's get out of here." Kenobi added as we started to move the rocks that blocked the entrance, our coughing not stopping, but intensifying as the feeling of air being ripped our of our lungs flooded us, or at least, me.
"This isn't gonna work." Ani said with some effort, trying to hold his breath ad the green smoke flooded the cave almost completely.
"I can't breathe." I said, my knees failing, making me fall.
"Lans." Ani whispered, but when he tried to help me he fell as well.
"As always I'm open to sugges-" Obi-Wan tried to speak, but he fell to my left.
"Come on, we..can't give up now-" Ani gasped as he placed his hand over my shoulder.
Suddenly the rocks rumbled and my eyes snapped open. "What was that?" I asked getting up slowly and coughing.
"I have no idea." Anakin answered coughing and getting up, placing our arms like they were before and helping me walk out.
"Masters!" Ahsoka yelped from the entrance, now I owe her my life once again. We coughed as we walked out of the cave. "Looks like I got here just in time."
"What?" I asked, incorporating and slightly pushing Anakin away from me, as he shook the dust off his dark grey armour.
"What do you mean just in time?" He asked his apprentice.
"You were in very big trouble." Ahsoka told him raising her index finger.
"What?" Kenobi asked this time.
"Trouble? Come on Snips, we were just looking for Dooku." I said and hid a cough, as well as Skywalker.
"Yeah." He supported my lie. "We had the situation well under control my little Padawan."
"Oh, I see." She said. "So, which part of the situation did you have under control? The block entrance? The poison gas? Or that gundark behind you?"
"Gundark?" Ani asked, turning around as I closed my eyes with defeat.
"Oh, you surely mean the one Anakin thought was too far away to worry about." Kenobi teased as we saw a red one coming at us.
"Block the entrance." Tano commanded the troopers and they started blasting the rocks, that quickly fell before the creature could approach any more.
I stretched my arm and began to walk away. "There's still Dooku to deal with." I said.
"You let him get away?" Ahsoka asked.
"No, not...get away...exactly." Anakin answered. "Just-" Snips was looking at us, very serious, like I look at them whenever they do something stupid, and she was in the perfect position for doing that. "Chime in, anytime." Ani told me and Kenobi with a smile.
"Oh no." Obi-Wan said crossing his arms. "I'm enjoying this far too much."
"Same here."
"Whatever you say Skyguy." Ahsoka said and we walked up to the small ship she came into and flew towards the Jedi cruiser we were in several minutes ago.
As soon as the four of us walked in the bridge, Rex told us that there was a transmission from Masters Yoda and Windu, the two Jedi were already waiting for us.
"Masters, is good to see you." I said and Yoda smiled greeting me back, while Windu just made a movement with his head. Then, they told us that some pirates that also were in Vanqor had captured the Count, making me wonder how they made it that easy, then they told us what they asked for in exchange of the once Jedi.
"His only stipulation is that you arrive unarmed." Said Mace.
"Unarmed?" Asked Anakin as I meditated crossing my arms.
"We know very little about these pirates." Added Kenobi. "We may be walking blind into what could very well be a hostile situation."
"Oh come on Obi-Wan, don't be such a pessimist." I said placing a loose lock of hair behind my ear. "We can't let Dooku escape again."
"I agree with Naberrie." Said Windu making me raise my eyebrows, he hasn't said those words to me in a very long time. "Decide who'll go and report as soon as you arrive." He added and they ended the transmission.
"I'm not a pessimist." Kenobi complained.
"Meh, sometimes you are." I added making him smile.
"So, who's going?" Ahsoka asked us.
"Anakin and I." I proposed.
"You can barely walk." Skywalker told me, making me frown.
"That's a lie. I can walk. Besides, they said the we have to be unarmed, you and I already are and Obi-Wan has to check on his lightsaber that cannot turn on without turning off several times before." I told him and the rest just went quiet.
"I cannot argue with you anymore." Anakin said pinching the bridge of his nose.
"Thought you were unable to a while ago Skywalker."
"Well, have fun you two." Obi-Wan added with a chuckle and we walked out of the briefing room and the bridge to direct ourselves towards the Twilight.
a/n: wooah, this one was kinda long lmao, anyway, i want to thank u for 300 reads on this story already. if i'm honest, i didn't think ppl would like it this much for it to be 300 of you, so thank you! i really appreciate it.
ily guys sm, have a lovely day/night, whatever time it is wherever you are, stay safe!!
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