23: Enemies in the Inside
Ahsoka and I were dispatched to Rodia to escort Viceroy Gunray, who was previously captured by the Senator of Naboo.
"Good to see you." My sister greeted us as soon as we walked out of the ship.
"Likewise." I said. "I don't think you two have met in person before." I added and my sister shook her head with a smile on her features. "Well, Ahsoka, this is Padmé Amidala, my older sister, and Padmé, this is 'soka, Anakin's apprentice." I introduced them.
"It's a real pleasure." Said the Senator. "I've heard so much about you little one." She smiled at her but the young Togruta was just alternating her gaze in between us, not saying anything.
"You alright Snips?" I asked her.
"I- yeah, is just..." She paused. "If you were not wearing respective black and white suits and I didn't know you, I wouldn't be able to tell you apart." She added and we chuckled. "You sure you aren't twins?" We laughed.
"No, she's five years older." I answered. "Besides, I don't think we're that...similar."
"No, you aren't exactly the same but...I mean I get why you go on missions as a double." We chuckled once more.
"We get that a lot, believe me." Said Padmé, smiling.
Afterwards we talked a bit about how she caught the Viceroy and what was going on, she also told me everything that had happened, Ono's situation, how Jar Jar basically saved her while using a robe that I had left in her ship when I went on a mission, etcetera. Soon enough we hoped into our ship after saying goodbye to the Senator and taking the Viceroy with us.
"Captain." I called the pilot's attention. "Have you made contact with the cruiser?" I asked.
"Yes General, we'll patch you through now." He said and clicked a button, making a screen appear above our heads.
"Jedi cruiser Tranquility this is General Allana Naberrie requesting permission to land." I told them calmly.
"You're cleared General, we await your prisoner's arrival."
"Thank you Captain Argyus, I look forward to delivering him to you." I commented and the transmission ended.
"Finally." Ahsoka said as she walked up to me to stand by my side. "It's been such a boring trip." She added as our ship connected to the cruiser, making her chuckle.
"Indeed Snips, indeed." I turned around and the smile I had on my lips faded away as soon as I locked eyes with the Viceroy. "Now, start walking." I commanded and Wolffe pulled the evil man behind us as we walked into the bigger ship.
"So it was you? Back in the day in the Arena?" He asked me when he spotted the Nexu's scratch on my exposed back, I ignored him as we walked down the hallway. "This is an outrageous miscarriage of justice." He commented after a couple seconds, changing the subject. "I demand my litigator." He added.
"Keep moving." Wolffe said pushing him.
Soon enough the Captain met us halfway through the long hallway. "Greetings General." He said. "We have the brig all ready for this traitor." He informed us.
"Very good Captain." I said in response. "Commander Wolffe, let's get underway."
"Right away ma'am." He said looking at me behind his helmet.
"Let's move." He added and Gunray started walking, placing himself in between the Senate commandos, behind them, Wolffe started walking, and behind them, us.
"Senate commandos?" Tano asked. "How does a money-grubbing worm like Gunray rate all this security? He doesn't look that dangerous."
"For you nothing looks dangerous." I answered. "Don't let your overconfidence give Gunray an advantage Ahsoka, even now his allies may be conspiring against us." I added and we continued walking.
Soon enough we reached a cell where the Senate soldiers threw Gunray in, afterwards, we walked in.
"Please Viceroy, take a sit." I told him as the ray-gate closed behind us, then I turned around and faced the young Padawan. "Be quiet, watch and learn okay kiddo?"
"Yes Master." Snips said and I smiled at her.
"Now, I must tell you Gunray, your thoughts betray you." I placed my hands behind my back as my eyes met the Neimoidian's, as I digged into his head. "I can sense your concern, the fear, all this because you could loose the wealth and power that war has given you, am I right?"
"I have no idea what you're talking about." He said, breaking the eye contact.
"Hmm, no, no, I think you do." I added. "You hide great many things." I closed my eyes, getting inside of his head even further. "The name of your secret allies, the locations of their bases..."
"I am an innocent pawn in all of this." He told us, and I couldn't help scoffing as I opened my eyes.
"If you were merely a pawn, then who are you protecting? And why?" My tone of voice turned colder as I pushed him gently into the hole, trying to break him and make him talk.
"No one, I- I know nothing."
"Liar!" Ahsoka suddenly said. "Liar!" She took her saber and turned it on making the room be flooded by it's light. "I'm tired of all this whining." The Padawan placed the bright green saber close to his neck. "Tell us what we want to know right now or I will cut you like a Rokarian dirt fish!"
He grunted and fell down. Before she could do anything, I grabbed her arm and pulled the young girl away from him gently. "Ahsoka." I whispered. "In case you forgot and need to remember, terror is useful, yes, but it is a weapon Jedi can't use."
"I wasn't serious about it." She whispered back turning her lightsaber off. "But the only way he'll talk is if he's scared enough, and you know it."
"Perhaps..." The Viceroy called our attention as he sat back down slowly. "Perhaps I was too hasty, let us negotiate." He said when we heard an explosion.
"What was that?" I asked turning around, facing both the Senate Captain and Commander.
"Captain, status report!" Wolffe asked over his communicator to the Wolfpack's Cap.
"Droid fighters, incoming, they've brought boarding ships." We were informed.
"They must not get here." I said.
"Wolfpack, prepare to repeal the enemy." The Commander said as we walked out of the cell.
"Grey leader to Commander Wolffe, super battle droids have breached our hull." Suddenly a groan sounded and my body tensed. "They are headed to the detention level." He whispered. "We need reinforce-" A blaster echoed, then a groan and then static...he was gone.
"Wolffe." I said after closing my eyes, for the Force, how I hate loosing troopers. "Come with me."
"Let's go." Said Ahsoka.
"No, no, no Snips, you are staying here, with Captain Argyus. Guard that...him." I told Tano, placing my hair in a braid quickly and letting it fall over my left shoulder.
"But-" She tried to speak but I just arched an eyebrow. "As you wish Master." I smiled kindly at the kid and proceeded to walk away.
"Seems like you are in no position to negotiate after all Padawan." I heard Gunray saying behind me as I walked away. "Perhaps after my rescue-"
"Rescue?" Ahsoka scoffed. "Maybe they're here to make sure you won't talk" She added, making me smile.
Wolffe and I rushed through the corridors trying to find where the members of the Wolfpack who needed reinforcements were, and it didn't take long. Soon enough we heard basters being fired and we ran even faster. When we arrived at the place, we spotted loads of super battle droids, so, I turned my saber on, making the light violet blade make contrast with the white lights that were around.
Afterwards, I started to destroy them, deflecting the blasts, protecting those troopers that were left behind me. Minutes later, we destroyed what seemed to be the last pair of droids.
"Looks like the last of them, General." Sinker said after sighing.
"Yes, Sargent." I said turning my lightsaber off. "But I don't think our problems are over."
"What do you think it is, ma'am?"
"I don't know, Commander. I don't know." I said and seconds later, I heard the echo of lightsabers crashing against each other, my attention snapping towards the sound. "Ahsoka." I whispered and ran through the hallway.
"Come on." Wolffe told the boys and they ran behind me.
I rushed myself into the elevator and went directly to the detention level and when the doors opened, I spotted the Viceroy out of his cell standing side by side with Ventress.
"If it isn't Dooku's pet." I said calling her attention.
"And Skywalker's affair, huh?" She answered and I froze before her. "Ah, so it's true?"
"That you're the Count's bitch? Yes, it is true." I said as I turned my saber on and used the Force to open the cell's door, letting Ahsoka out. She turned on her lightsaber and Ventress didn't stay behind. We attacked her and she managed to block the attacks. I was making pressure against the red saber before my face when the doors of the elevator opened, revealing my troopers, I locked eyes with the assassin. "Surrender." I ordered as the yellow light emitted by the violet and red lights colliding shone before me, and seconds later, she turned her weapons off, surprising me. She placed her hands up and I heard a beep, I focused on her wrist and a red little light was flashing, a detonator, I thought and seconds later, something in the ship blew up.
When everyone fell, I managed to maintain my balance but Ventress pushed me back using the Force, making me fall, she turned her sabers on and scratched the floor very close to my face, but I managed to avoid it. She started to run, and I followed behind her, Ahsoka behind me as well.
She reached the elevator and didn't wait for it, she just jumped using her lightsabers to go down at a reasonable speed, 'soka and I looked down, following the red lights.
"What are we waiting for?" The reckless Padawan said and intented to jump, but I pulled her arm avoiding the elevator to crush her head as it went down. "Thanks." She said looking at me. I nodded.
"Everything's running haywire." Informed the Captain. "Doors, lifts, also, communication's down, propulsion's dead."
"She's crippled the entire ship." Snips said to my right.
"She has come for Gunray." I said. "Troopers, stay here and guard him, I'll go get her myself." I added.
"Master." Ahsoka called my attention. "Ventress's too powerful for any one Jedi to fight alone, you know it and experienced it in Teth." She said making me remember. "That time, you asked me to leave and you almost died, let me help you." My head whispered that she was right, but what if she could handle us both? No, I thought to myself. In anyway, I have lived, the Padawan hasn't.
"No." I said.
"Stay here and keep a clear head, if I need help, you'll know." I said and jumped down the elevator. As I fell, I helped myself with my foot and jumped out, spotting many of my troopers dead, that only made me increase my anger towards the assassin.
I followed her deadly trace to the very origin of the explosion, the engine room. I walked in, saber in hand, looking around making sure that she didn't take me by surprise again, but in anyway, she's good at hiding.
The echo fo her lightsabers being turned on sounded above me, I blocked the thrust and roled over the ground but she managed to give another thrust with her saber cutting, slightly, above my left eye, and also making a cut in one tube that hit the same side of my face, making me scream in pain and have a slightly blurry sight. I placed my hand above my eye that burned as hell as she attacked me, but I managed to block her attacks.
"Do you think you'll still be able to call on the Force after I've separated your head from your body?" She asked when we broke the engagement of our lightsabers.
"You know? Dooku has taught you well, but you're not a good learner. Your technique is unrefined, sloppy, mediocre, honestly...it sucks." I teased back and she screamed, attacking me with no mercy, and I blocked the attacks, but the intensity they had was tiring.
As our little fight continued, my sight returned, the burn of the gas that hit my face slightly gone. At some point, she tried to push me using the Force, so I tried the same thing, our hands almost touching as the invisible Force that we were using tried to do what we commanded, we went backwards slightly, not being completely thrown back by one another.
I jumped to land on the opposite side, and when I did, she jumped as well and kicked me, making me fall and groan as my back hit the floor with a loud thud that made me feel as if my bones had broken entirely. Suddenly, I saw how tubes from the top part of the ceiling started to fall towards me, so, I extended my hands trying to stop them with the Force, but I barely could, I was too tired, one landed on my leg and I screamed again. I tried to take my leg out but I couldn't, I was trapped.
I looked behind me as I heard the assassin approaching. "Now you fall." She said. "As all Jedi must." I continued to try to get my leg out desperately, but I couldn't. I heard the Separatist assassin turning on her scarlet lightsabers again but when she was about to end my journey, she was pushed backwards, screaming.
I looked at the opposite side and saw Ahsoka approaching me, she made a cut with her saber on the tube and I was able now to take my leg out. "I know, I know, you told me to stay." She said handing over the whitish iron handle of my lightsaber.
"As long as you're here, Snips." I said and she smiled as we heard Ventress turning her sabers back on, as well as us.
Red, green and violet met again, causing a terrible noise whenever they collided. We fought once again fast, merciless, to kill. But, as usual, the Separatist found the 'easy' way out and jumped away from where we were, getting lost in between the smoke.
"We need to find her." I said. "We can't let her get to Gunray." I said and jumped behind her, Ahsoka with me time time, our sabers on in every moment, always ready for what was coming.
"And hey." I said after a few minutes in silence and after we found a droid. "Remind me to listen to you more often, would you?"
"Of course, Smarty." She said making me smile.
"General Naberrie." Wolffe's voice called my attention. "We have been betrayed, Argyus has freed Gunray."
"That filthy liar." I said.
"Let's get back there." Ahsoka said and we started to run towards the detention levels, but I felt something approaching from behind so I turned around right on time to cut by the half another tube that Ventress had thrown at us. She jumped and landed, turning her lightsabers on one more time. "We'll take her together this time." Ahsoka said.
"I was about to say that." I commented and we ran to engage the dark disciple, who started to laugh when our sabers collided again.
The duel was getting more and more violent as the seconds went by. We took turns, I attacked the assassin and then jumped backwards, giving Tano the opportunity to attack as well, then, Ahsoka bended herself and I jumped as I spinned and placed myself in front of her; but Ventress made a backflip, separating herself from us and pushed some metal pieces at us using the Force, but we were fast and destroyed them except for the last one, the biggest one, that I caught with the Force and pushed back at the Separatist, but she avoided it by jumping before running towards us again.
When we continued to fight and we were close again, the communicator on her wrist began to beep, she broke the engage and jumped once again, Ahsoka followed behind her, without spotting the detonator that Ventress had placed, when it blew up Ahsoka was hit by it and flew away and almost fell, but I grabbed her hand and with some effort pulled her back to where I was.
We got up and ran to get Ventress, Gunray and the traitor into custody but when we reached her, it was too late, she had hopped into a scape pod and launched it. As we watched her leave the ship through the window, we also spotted how they had taken the small ship where we arrived, Snips and I sighed at the same time.
When we finally managed to get the communications back online, we called for help and soon enough another cruiser arrived to help us out. We hoped in and, against my will, Ahsoka took me to the medical bay before giving our report.
The medical droids cleaned my injury and made sure that my eye was fine, they told me that there will be a scar above my eyebrow, some bruises but nothing too serious, so I was not worried, though I could already imagine the awful purple spots that will be on my leg and back from the fall I had, the punches and kicks I received as well as Anakin's worried face at the sight of them.
We directed ourselves to the briefing room of the Jedi cruiser and when we clicked one button, Anakin's and Master Yoda's blue holograms appeared. Ani's eyes reflected worry as soon as his sight landed on me, like I had imagined, but I shook my head and he calmed down a bit as I explained the situation we had just gone through.
"I'm sorry that despicable wealth-worm Gunray got away." Ahsoka said, she might be angrier than me.
"It's okay Snips." Anakin told his Padawan. "I know you did your best." He said and I smiled at him gently.
"Master I-" The kid tried to speak but Master Yoda interrupted her.
"Troubling is the treachery of the Senate guard, Captain Argyus." Master Yoda said said. "Revealed all around us our enemies are."
"I'm not sure it's all lost Master." I said. "Gunray and his accomplices stole a Republic ship to escape."
"It could be tracked," Ani completed my idea, always thinking what I am.
"Exactly." I said.
"A coward Viceroy Gunray is, but powerful allies he has. Swiftly we must move if we are to recapture him." Master Yoda commented.
"Master Gallia's fleet was near Gunray's position." I said. "I've already contacted her to follow the signal."
"I'll meet you at the rendezvous point." Anakin said.
"We'll be waiting for you General." I said before the transmission was over.
"Allana." Ahsoka called my attention.
"You know? Never mind." I frowned.
"Are you sure?" I asked.
"Yeah, is just a stupid question, it doesn't really matter."
I chuckled. "If you say so." I told her. "Commander, let's go to the rendezvous point. Skywalker will meet us there."
"Yes, ma'am." Said Wolffe as he nodded.
I turned around to face the young girl. "I owe you my life, Ahsoka."
"It's the role of a Padawan to protect and help the Master."
"And is the Master's role to teach." She looked at her hands.
"Anakin is surely proud." I said and she looked at me with a smile.
"And so am I." Her smile grew bigger and I smiled at her. "Go get some rest kid, you deserve it."
"Thank you, Master." She said and walked away from me towards a room where to get some sleep.
I looked at the front and saw how we jumped into hyperspace. "Wolffe, keep an eye on everything alright? I could really use some sleep right now as well."
"Go ahead, General." He said and after dedicating him a smile, that now I was able to see.
"Thank you." He nodded I directed myself my small room.
Once there, I had a look at the mirror, the red cut was across my eyebrow, vertical, like my husband's, but not as big. I sighed and didn't even take off my clothes, boots or anything, I just took off my lightsaber and placed it on the bedside table, then I laid down on the bed, feeling the pain in my muscles and how the tension diffused as I took a deep breath. I closed my eyes as my fist found the necklace that is always hidden underneath my shirt and my mind found peace, as I fell deeply asleep.
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