22: The Spy
We were in the base, walking carefully through the hallways until we heard some droids chatting not far from us. I raised my fist indicating everyone to stop, then, I poked my head and spotted the droids, just a pair. In no time Commander Wolffe and Captain Rex moved, the member of the 104th ripped the head off one of those metal things and Rex blasted the other one; then, I moved my hand again and we continued to run through the hallways undetected.
Soon enough, we reached a computer. "Alright Stubby, get to work." I told the R3 unit.
The droid quickly projected the hologram of the base we were in, Lans kneeled down and started to analyse it from up close.
"We are here." Said she. "The reactors are thirty levels below us, here." She pointed the spot.
"Ahsoka." I called my Padawan's attention. "You take the squad and blow up those reactors." I took off the backpack and handed over to her. "Gravity will do the rest, we'll meet at the landing bay, you, come with me." I told my partner in crime and she frowned as she stood from the ground.
"Right, and where are we going?" Lana asked.
"To have a little look around." I said.
"I hope you find R2 in one piece." Ahsoka answered making me smile as she placed the backpack over her shoulders.
We started to walk in the opposite direction, I was guiding us using the Force, trying to reach my droid through the hallways in complete silence when suddenly an alarm went off making us stop walking, it was not loud, but we were able to hear it.
"They know we're here." Allana said, and after those words escaped her mouth the echo of droids marching around called our attention, they were behind us, we moved trying to find a place to hide and continue looking for R2, and by the time we did, they were too close. I pulled Lans close to me by the waist and placed my back against a wall, placing hers against my chest, my hand not leaving her waist. Suddenly, our communicators started to beep.
"Come in." I whispered.
"We found the reactor room sir." Rex informed. "The alarm triggered a security door, ray-shielded." He informed as we tried to see if the droids were gone, but there were too many, so I pulled Lans closer and moved to the corner of the wall, making sure to remain hidden.
"This could take a while to bypass." Added Ahsoka.
"Well, good luck with that." Lans whispered and I smiled.
We waited there for couple more seconds until they were completely gone, and when we poked our heads out, we continued to run towards where my instincts were guiding me. We quickly arrived at a door and when Lans used the Force to open it, we spotted four droids carrying something and some others escorting them, suddenly he beeped.
"R2!" I said and turned on my lightsaber, rushing to get my buddy back. Allana did the same and she started to run behind me, deflecting the blasters of the droids back at them. "Hang on R2!" I added. We destroyed the droids that were shooting at us, but when we reached the door it closed.
Then our bodies tensed, sensing something, but we couldn't decipher what it was so we concentrated in the door, with no use.
"Trying to cut right through it will take some time." I said.
"Yeah, well, there's more than one way to get there." She
commented looking up, spotting a ventilation duct right above our heads. She cut it open and I smiled as her violet saber turned off and she placed herself inside of the duct gracefully and silently with the agility of a Lothal cat.
"Always on the move." I whispered and jumped, grabbing the edge of the new entrance she had just opened.
We moved what we calculated was enough distance for us to be on the other side and she turned her saber on and cutting the metal where we were standing, making another circle, where we jumped into, facing the other droids, then I turned my blue saber on, making the droids face us.
"You have something that belongs to me." I said and they dropped R2 before they attacked us, so we took defensive positions, there were six of them, easy.
We started to fight side by side against the droids, Lans destroyed one almost at the same time I did, then the others came to fight as well. As we fought I saw how R2 placed himself together and stood up, I smiled, that distraction made one of the thrusts get to my shoulder that was protected by the armour, so I just closed my eyes feeling a bit of the electricity on my covered skin. I looked at it and cut its head.
Allana pushed two of the four remaining droids away, cutting one's head as I stabbed one, then she jumped as well as me, both of us cutting our metal enemies by the half at the same time, our buddy looking at us, suddenly he electrified a droid that surprisingly was still alive that tried to reach for my ankle.
"Thanks R2." I said, then he beeped. "Is good to see you too buddy." I placed my lightsaber on my belt and looked at Lans, I was able to see how the headless droid started to stand up. "Lans, watch-" She turned her saber on and stabbed the droid without even looking around, her eyes glued to mine, a smirk on her lips; I smiled at her. "I love you." I said making her giggle as a peach shade blossomed on her features, as if I had never had told her those three words before.
"I know." She answered as she approached us, placing her lightsaber on the belt around her hips and kneeled beside R2. "You don't look so good buddy, you okay?" She asked as I placed properly my droid's head, making it beep.
Suddenly our communicators turned on. "Rex? Rex, can you hear me?" I asked and she frowned looking at me. "R3? R3 is that you?" I asked but I just heard static. "We've got R2, we'll meet you back at the landing bay." I said to whoever of our crew was on the other side of the line and we stood up, starting to walk side by side with one of our most loyal friends.
Allana held my left hand with her right one, intertwining our fingers, making me smile as R2 beeped. "R3?" I said looking at him.
"Oh yeah, I had to get a replacement droid, look, sorry R2." But he beeped angrily.
"Look it was Obi-Wan's idea." Lana backed me up. "Now, I suggest talking about this later." She moved our hands and clicked the communicator that is resting on her left wrist. "Twilight, this is Naberrie, rendezvous at the south landing bay immediately for evacuation." She commanded.
"Acknowledged General, I'm on my way." Said Fox and then the communications ended.
We were close, and walked hand in hand making sure there were no droids, and when we reached the door of the landing bay, we let go of each other, the coldness of the air contrasted against the warmth she had left on my gloved hand.
"Great, there's the Twilight." I said as soon as we saw the ship landing.
"Now, where's everyone else?" Lans asked as we looked around, not being able to spot any of our squad.
Fox rushed out of the ship to meet with us, blaster in hand.
"Sir, ma'am." He said and saluted us once we were face to face, then, Stubby's whirring called our attention, making us turn around.
"Hey Stubby, where's Ahsoka?" I asked tensing as worry began to fill me up as I was unable to see our Padawan, but the droid ignored me. In that moment, Rex, Sinker and Wolffe walked in, but Snips was nowhere to be seen.
"Generals, explosives are in place, objective completed." He informed but Allana and I tensed again, now we knew what meant the feeling we har earlier, fear and worry.
"Where is Ahsoka?" Allana asked this time to the troopers.
"She engaged General Grievous ma'am." Informed Wolffe and I felt a hole in my stomach as a cold shiver went down my spine.
"Alone?!" We asked at the same time.
"She distracted him while we completed the mission." Said Sinker.
"It was on her orders." Rex added. "The droid was with her."
"We've got to find her." I said.
"We must do it now." Lana said, both of us extremely worried.
"I can take you to her." Said my Captain and began running towards the landing bay's gate, making us follow him, but the doors closed, my hands and Lana's touching the cold metal. My eyes met hers and they reflected pure worry and fear, then we heard the metal of the engines of the door moving. We directed our glances to the noise and found R3 closing the gates, and not only the one that would take us to our Padawan, but the hangar's one.
"What is the matter with you?!" Naberrie and I asked at the same time. "Are you trying to get us killed?" I added and the black droid squeaked.
"Uh...Ani?" Lana said beside me, her eyes glued to the ceiling. I followed her gaze and saw how vulture droids turned on just to fall and place themselves in front of us. We took our sabers from our belts and the boys tightened up their grip around their blasters.
"I've got a bad feeling about this." I said this time.
"Likewise General." Said Rex and blue and violet lights turned on.
"That double-crossing droid is a spy." I said and suddenly, droids walked in the place. "Lans, right or left?"
"I'm already to your left." She answered and the metal enemies started to shoot their blasters at us. The troopers started to fire their own blasters as we deflected back the Separatist's fire, we all started to run and take cover to make things slightly easier, so, Lana and I were the last ones, covering our trooper's backs.
"Captain." I called Rex's attention after a while. "Trigger the explosives."
"In case you haven't noticed." Allana said stopping a blast and pushing it back, like she does now since she found out she could do that in Teth a while ago. "We're still in the station."
"You just let me worry about the details." I told her. "Do it Rex."
"Sir, yes sir!" He said and clicked the remote, the floor shook drastically as the sound of the explosion filled the room. Lans and I jumped behind some boxes to take cover.
"R2!" I called my droid. "I need you to get the hangar door open, see if there are any controls in the outer platform." I commanded and he beeped, going to do as I instructed him. "Round two?" I asked and she smiled.
"This is not the usual circumstance when you ask that." She said and I smiled back as we walked out of our hiding spot, I laughed.
We deflected blasts once again as the troopers fired none stop, suddenly, Snips popped out of a ventilation duct out of the blue and the tension that was all over our bodies when we found out about her situation, faded, she was alright.
She jumped from one droid to another, cutting off their heads, leaving them useless. We walked up to her, each one of us taking one flank.
"So?" Ahsoka asked. "What did I miss?" A smile on her features that soon enough was placed on ours, relief taking over us, she was fine. We shrugged.
"Not much." Said Lans.
"The usual." I added as we continued deflecting blasts. "It was foolish of you to take on Grievous by yourself." I added after a couple minutes.
"Well, I was leading the mission." She said beside us. "And it seemed like a good idea at the time."
"And did he tell you your stubby little gold droid pal works for him?" Allana asked her.
"He...might have mentioned it, I guess we were all fooled." I smirked at her and when my eyes met Lana's she was smirking too.
"General Skywalker!" Rex called my attention. "There are fuel cells over here!"
"Sounds like fun." Lana commented.
"Of course it is." I told her. "Get ready Rex!" I said and proceeded to use the Force to raise some of those cells, when I did, my Captain shot them and it blew up right above the droids, destroying them.
Afterwards the hangar's doors opened. "R2 did it!" Ahsoka exclaimed as we turned our lightsabers off.
"Of course he did it." Lans told her. "Now let's get outta here." She added and the three of us ran towards our ship as well as the troopers, I stood by the door while the rest ran inside.
"R2 where are you?" I asked through my communicator, but got no response.
"Anakin we-" Allana said as soon as I walked in, when our eyes met she knew what was going through my mind and she just nodded walking in the cabin as I directed myself to my ship, once I got inside I turned my communicators on.
"General Skywalker has gotten int his fighter, what is he doing?" Wolffe asked his General from the other side of the line.
"He's going after R2." Allana answered.
"I'll be right back." I said. "Don't wait for me." I added and piloted my ship out of the Twilight, down to where the Separatist station was, I spotted R2 and I quickly placed my fighter beside the area where he was. "Come on R2." I said and he quickly jumped into the little spot my ship has for him.
Then, I flew out of the moon and spotted the Twilight waiting for me. I landed inside and walked out of my star fighter to direct towards the cabin, R2 following close behind me, when I walked in, a hologram of Obi-Wan was there, his arms crossed over his chest.
"So let me get this straight, he-" His eyes directed from my wife to me in just one second. "There he is." He said and the rest turned around. "So." He continued but looking at me as I sat in the co-pilot seat, due to the fact that Lans was piloting. "You risked the mission, your men, your fellow General and even your Padawan to save a droid?" He asked as I frowned and Snips began to clean R2.
"In my defence, R2 found the listening post and he saved our lives, we couldn't just leave him there Obi-Wan, besides, the listening post as been destroyed and...most of us are here."
"Oh Anakin." He said, annoyed. "One day..." He commented and ended the transmission.
"I'm glad we got R2 back Master." Ahsoka commented. "But...Obi-Wan does have a point."
"Snips...I knew you would complete the mission, besides, R2 is more than a droid." I told her. "He's a friend." I said and he beeped happily as we jumped into hyperspace.
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