21: Magnets for Problems
"We have to assume that R2 was destroyed in the explosion that claimed your ship." Obi-Wan said, his hands on his hips as he looked directly at Anakin, whose eyes were glued to his hands.
"Yes Master." Said Skywalker.
"Our intelligence has confirmed that Grievous' spies have been intercepting our transmissions."
"He must have some sort of secret listening post out there somewhere." Ahsoka commented to my right.
"That would explain how he's been able to ambush our fleets." I added.
"Split your Squadrons, both of you, find that base and destroy it."
"It is good as done Master Kenobi." Snips told Obi-Wan with a smile.
"May the Force be with you." He said and his hologram disappeared.
Then Anakin left the room quietly, directing himself to the bridge.
"He really cares about R2 doesn't he?" Ahsoka asked me.
"Yeah he does." I answered. "Can you do me a favor kid?"
"Anything Master."
"Get his ship ready, I'll go talk to him."
"Sure thing." She said as we walked out of the briefing room. "See you in the hangar Lans."
"See you there 'soka." I said and the doors of the elevator closed as soon as Snips clicked a button.
Anakin turned around to face me, he didn't reflect any emotion but worry and sadness, he was truly hopeful to find R2. I made a movement with my head and asked him to follow me to the elevator to go to the hangar, he sighed quietly and walked up to me as I clicked the button.
When the doors opened we walked in, without even saying a word, as soon as the doors closed I held his hand and he intertwined our fingers. "I could swear, he was really there." He said.
"I know." I turned around and faced him, pulling him close and gently placed my hand on his cheek as he placed our foreheads together, his hands around my waist and my free hand against the cold armour on his chest. "We'll find him, you'll see." I said and he smiled sadly, he placed his hand over mine and kissed my knuckles, making me smile, then, when he let go of my hands slowly, the doors opened and we walked out.
"Wanna come with me?" He asked.
"Absolutely, but...where?"
"You'll see where exactly in a moment." I smiled, always keeping the last details as a surprise, I never know what to expect with him anymore.
We spotted Ahsoka, Rex and R3 beside Anakin's new ship. The fighter was pretty much the same, yellow and grey with the Republic symbol on a side, right next to mine, where R6 was patiently waiting for me.
"We'll sweep the outer corridor while the rest of your ships focus on the center." He said as soon as we arrived by their side.
"Are you sure you want to go it alone?" Rex asked us.
"I'm sure sure." Ani answered. "Besides, I won't be actually alone."
He added and I nodded not understanding completely what they had talked about this. "Two fighters will draw too much the attention already." He completed.
"Yes Generals." Said the Captain before walking away.
"Master." Ahsoka called Anakin's attention. "You'll need a droid to help you navigate."
"I think Stubby is defective." He said looking at the golden and black droid. "Besides, we have R6."
"Oh, give him another chance Master, this is the perfect time for you and him to, you know, bond." The young girl highlighted the last word and the droid beeped behind her, I looked at Anakin and he frowned, sighed and rolled his eyes.
"Alright." He finally said and walked up to his star fighter. "Come on Stubby." He said and the golden droid beeped behind him.
"What did you tell him?" Ahsoka asked as she walked beside me towards my ship.
"Nothing really." I said getting inside. "I'm pretty sure you're the one who's changing his mind." I added and winked at her as the glass of my cabin closed, her hands behind her back and a contagious smile on her lips. "We'll be back in no time." I mouthed and she nodded.
I turned the engines on and we flew out of the cruiser, the hyperspace engines for our ships already waiting for us, we got the fighters there and after we placed the coordinates, we jumped into hyperspace.
We jumped out of hyperspace in no time. At this point I still wasn't entirely sure about what was his plan, he always kept those thoughts deep inside of his head, only for himself, and even if I tried to read his mind, I wasn't always successful.
"What have I let you drag me into?" I asked over the communicator, after I failed at reading his thoughts making my husband chuckle.
"Nothing too bad Angel...hopefully, and please, stay out of my head, you'll ruin the fun." He answered and I chuckled, butterflies flying in my stomach as he called my by the pet name that I so love to hear escaping his lips.
"There's so much fun in trying to decipher what's in your head."
"Likewise." I smiled. "Alright, let's see what we can find." He said to himself. "R3, activate long-range scanners." Suddenly an alarm started to echo in my cabin making me frown as I saw his spot blinking on my screen.
"Ani?" I asked, concerned.
"No, no!" He yelped. "Not the tracking-bacon!" I held my breath, this was definitely going to be a problem. "Shut it down R3! Shut it down!"
"Ugh." I complained as a familiar knot was formed on my chest, danger. "I have a bad feeling about this."
"Why do I have to do everything?" He asked, to himself again, ignoring what I had just said, even though I'm sure he heard me. I was able to get into Ani's mind this time, as well as he was able to get into mine, that's why we always work as one all the time, and right now, he was thinking what I had just said, something was up, something felt out of place. "Let's hope Grievous didn't hear that."
For our misfortune, the Separatist General's fleet appeared right in front of us, making a breath of stress scape my lips. "Yeah...he heard it." I said and tightened my hands around the controls of my fighter. "What a day." I whispered to myself.
"Well, time to leave." He said as we started to fly in the opposite direction as soon as the enemies started to fire their cannons at us. "Plot a curse out of here and prep the hyperdrive engines." I heard Anakin commanding the droid, but instead of doing as his master had said he let go of the engines that helped the ship.
"What the hell are you doing?!" I asked avoiding the blasters.
"I'm doing nothing! Stubby is just trying to get me killed! That's it!" He answered with a hint of sarcasm in his voice as he tried to fly back to his engines but they were blown up, making it impossible for him to get them, meaning he was now stuck here, he groaned, frustration, anger and worry that were extremely palpable filling him up. "Where's R2 when I need him?" He asked himself again.
"Allana, leave." He ordered.
"What? No." I answered refusing to listen and do what he said.
"Yes, leave, leave now!"
"I'm not leaving you!" I answered.
"If you don't then we both will die here!"
"Then so be it." I said and we started to fly away, as we could.
Suddenly missiles were following us.
"I hate those things." He said.
"That makes two." I added. "We're going on the offensive, R6, R3, get ready to cut the engines." I commanded and my droid beeped.
"Will you just do what we tell you?!" Anakin asked his droid, what the hell is wrong with that unit?
We flew a couple more meters and turned our fighters around, the engines off, when that happened we had a couple seconds before the missiles hit us, so we fired our blasters, hitting every target, blowing the missies up right on time.
"Alright, R3, R6, get turned around before those fighters catch up to us." Anakin commanded and my metal buddy turned my engines on and I turned the ship around but Anakin was still not moving. I spotted the stupid vulture droids approaching, so I started to fire at them, my blue blasts making contrast beside the green ones Ani was firing at the metal droids that were coming towards us.
"You know if this ship blows up, you go with it." He told the golden droid.
"Could you not say that right now?" I asked, destroying one of those things. Suddenly, Anakin stopped firing at the droids. "Now what are you doing?!"
"This thing says the guns won't fire!"
"What?!" I asked, getting distracted and gaining a shot on the top part of the hyperspace engines. "R6, let go of the engines or we'll blow with them." I commanded my droid and he did as I said, the ring was now flying away from us, guided by gravity zero and blew up seconds later. "Great." I whispered. I fired at another droid but there were too many, I sighed when they were destroyed by someone that was behind us.
"Cargo bay doors are open, you better get inside." Ahsoka's voice echoed in our cabins, a breath of relief escaped as a smile appeared on my lips.
I started firing at the droids, as well as the Twilight, piloted by Snips, then, I flew back, spinning my ship around and placed myself inside of our ship. "I'm in." I informed.
"I'm almost there." Anakin said as I spotted his yellow and grey ship land beside me, crashing a side of my ship. "Sorry." He said. "I'm in too, let's get out of here Ahsoka." He said and we both jumped out of the cabins of our respective ships.
"You're paying the paint of my ship and the wing repair." I said when I saw the damage, that was not much, but I enjoyed teasing him, besides, I know that jokes after events like this calm his stress a bit.
"I will, don't worry about that." He said as he sighed and the droids jumped out of their spot.
We walked to the cabin of the Twilight to gather up with the rest.
"Now I'm sure your droid is defective." I commented.
"Finally you do." He added.
When we arrived with the crew, we thanked them for saving our skins, we were by the computer, right behind Ahsoka with our arms crossed over our chest, when the R droids popped out of the gate, R6 placed himself beside Wolffe, who placed his hand above its metal head, while R3 just stood there.
"Hey Goldie!" The Padawan greeted the droid that almost got us killed. "What do you think of your first adventure?" She asked, being too kind, as usual.
"I'll tell you what I think." Anakin snapped to my left.
"Here we go again." I whispered.
"I think I'm lucky to be alive." He said and the golden and black droid walked back inside of the door, away from us.
"Great!" Ahsoka complained. "Now you hurt his feelings!"
"His feelings?" I asked jumping in the conversation, angry at the fact that we could've —indeed— gotten killed. "Ahsoka, Anakin's right, he activated the tracking-bacon making us vulnerable and almost getting us killed, him specially, there's something wrong about him."
"Yeah, and what about R2?" Ani said walking away from where we were standing to place himself in between the pilot and co-pilot seats. "He's still out there, I know it." He added, looking over his shoulder at us.
Minutes that felt like hours went by extremely slow. I was sitting behind the pilot, next to Rex, who was searching for something in the computer, Anakin was beside him and Ahsoka behind them, reclining her weight on the wall. I felt my body tired, my mind begged for a short rest, so I crossed my arms and closed my eyes, letting out a breath.
The feeling of jumping into the hyperspace woke me up, but I fell asleep once more, being too tired to keep my eyelids open.
I don't know how long it had been when we jumped out of hyperspace and my eyes opened slowly; a scent of coffee and smoke filling my nose, I realised I had his robe over my body placed as a blanket, his gesture made me smile.
"Sir." Rex said in front of me. "The last transmission came from that moon's upper atmosphere." He added.
"Transmission?" I asked, making their attention snap towards me, my husband offered a tender smile to me.
"Yes sleepyhead." He commented with a smile. "We've found R2."
"Really?" I asked standing up, my shoulders felt cold, so I placed the huge brown robe properly and walked over to where they were.
"Yes ma'am." Said Rex. "Here, right ahead." He clicked the screen and the image appeared.
"That's a Separatist battle sphere." I commented.
"I'm picking a lot of encrypted chatter." Snips said behind us, our attention snapping towards her.
"Contact Obi-Wan." Said Ani. "Stubby, scramble Secret Code Set 1477, I don't want that station to lick us up."
The droid beeped and seconds later, Obi-Wan's hologram appeared by the controls. The first time Goldie did as we asked.
"Anakin?" He asked placing his hands on his waist, like he usually does when he's upset.
"Master, I believe we've found found your Separatist listening post."
"Excellent work, back off and wait, I'll send Allana's and another mainline cruiser to help you destroy it."
"But R2." Ahsoka whispered as soon as the both of us approached the boys.
"We believe Anakin's droid is on board." I said.
"He's the one that led us here." Skywalker added.
"Hmm." Obi-Wan thought placing his hand over his beard. "This complicates things, you must sneak aboard that station and destroy it before they crack R2's memory banks." Anakin tensed a bit beside me. "I know you're fond of that droid, but he's fallen into enemy hands."
"I could...rescue R2." Anakin suggested.
"No." Kenobi said. "This is not a rescue mission." He said and the transmission ended and we sighed.
"Keep jamming their scanners." Anakin told Wolffe, who was piloting. "If they spot us, we're dead."
"Well." I said. "What now?"
"We get ready." He said and I smiled at him.
Wolffe gave Fox, the Sargent of the 501st Legion —who was not going to come with us— the controls of the ship while the rest left the cabin to reach the gate doors at the back.
Ahsoka, Rex, Wolffe and Sinker walked out, being followed by R3. I took off the Jedi robe from my shoulders and left it in the small closet alongside mine and Ahsoka's. I dedicated Ani a smile thanking him and he returned it as we walked out to meet with the rest.
Anakin placed a backpack over his shoulders while I stretched, shaking off the sleepiness from my body. Ahsoka kneeled down to check on R3 when Rex arrived beside her, followed by two other clone troopers.
"We're bringing the droid?" The Captain asked.
"We'll need Goldie to open secured hatches and access the station's computer for us." Tano explained. "Oh, and Rex, you get to carry him." She said and I giggled.
"Oh, that's just great." Rex whispered as I walked away with the young Togruta giggling together this time.
We were all standing outside of the thin light blue gate that kept things in place here, all facing the horizon.
"Follow me!" Ahsoka yelped and ran, jumping off the ship.
I blinked a few times as we all walked up to the edge and saw her figure fall down. I exchanged looks with my boy, who just shrugged, we looked at our troopers and proceeded to jump behind the Padawan.
Soon enough we landed, Ahsoka, Ani and I landed on our feet quickly with a quiet thud as our troopers helped themselves by some jetpacks, no alarms sounded, meaning we haven't being detected...yet.
"Next time." Said Rex calling our attention. "You're lugging this astromech around." He told his brothers as they laughed and I giggled smiling at them.
Anakin turned his lightsaber on and started to cut a hole on the metal underneath our feet, once he was done, he jumped in followed by Snips and his troopers. I looked at mine and then back at the hole. "Here we go." I whispered and jumped in the Separatist base.
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