19: Destroy Malevolence
"We've got fighters coming in." Snips said behind me.
"Alright boys." Allana said. "This is where the fun begins." She took the words out of my mouth, that's my girl, I smiled and I could bet she was smiling too.
"Here we go." I whispered and the gunners started to fire back to those droids. "Steady, come on, hold it steady, Ahsoka, get those fighters off us."
"Your fancy flying is making it difficult." She told me. "Incoming!"
She said as soon as we saw the purplish blast coming towards us.
"Make towards the edge of the ray now!" Lans commanded.
"Give it everything you've got!" I added as we all flew in a vertical line to avoid the blast.
"Shadow two." Ahsoka said. "Your speed is dropping, what's wrong?"
"Nothing ma'am, just trying to keep it together."
"You can make it Matchstick, hang on." I told my pilot.
"No!" Lana said when the Matchstick's fighter blew up and hit another of my Squadron's ships, then we saw how the ray left at least two ships of the Light Squadron useless. "Damn it." She complained.
"Shadow Squadron, check in." I said, my voice low, I've never lost men out here on a space battle.
"We've lost Matchstick and Tag."
"Light six and four, as well as Shadow seven were caught in the ray." Allana informed, her voice low as well, I bet there's a knot on her throat that hurts as she speaks, I frowned, that made almost the half of our ships, she has never lost a single men in a space battle either.
The heavy cannons of the Malevolence were firing at us mercilessly, but the rest of us were able to manage.
"Stay on course!" Master Plo said.
"This flank is heavy." One of the troopers said.
"All deflectors double front." I commanded.
"Master, we need a new plan." Ahsoka said behind me.
"We can make it Ahsoka, just hang in there." I replied. "Watch those towers boys." I warned after a couple minutes, as we approached the bridge.
"We're too close, loosen up." One of Lana's pilots suggested the rest of us right before I heard a crash.
"Light two? Light-" She groaned, anger and pain filling her up. "We've lost them." That could be easily translated to 'I've lost them', and I understood completely.
"Master!" Ahsoka called me. "You and Master Naberrie can make it, but everyone else is getting shot down." She was right and I was quiet meditating about my next move. "Master!"
"Allana, I need a new plan, now!"
"Hang on!" She said as she avoided the blast and placed her ship in a better position, then she sighed. "I think that if we can make enough damage, the weapon may overload when Grievous tries to fire."
"Alright, Shadow and Light Squadrons, you heard Naberrie, new target, we're taking out the starboard ion cannon." I said.
Everyone followed behind me and we flew in between the cannon and the rest of the ship, fast enough to avoid the attack against the station.
"Torpedos away." I commanded again and everyone dropped them, the 'boom' echoed everywhere and we saw how the part that held the cannon to the ship blew up, and just like my Angel said, the weapon overloaded and the ship started have multiple explosions around itself, then, we directed ourselves to the medical station, the rest of us at least.
"Good job Squadrons." Master Plo congratulated our troopers.
"Nice job Ahsoka." I congratulated my Padawan. "You too General Naberrie."
"Likewise General Skywalker."
Minutes went by and suddenly we were able to see Obi-Wan's, Lana's and my cruiser come out of hyperspace.
"Anakin, do you copy?" Master Obi-Wan's voice said through the communicator.
"I'm here." I answered.
"Congratulations." Said my old Master. "It looks like your mission was a success."
"Partially, but Grievous is still alive, the battle was pretty rough on our men, we're heading for the medical station." I informed.
"We'll take it from here, but don't worry, we'll call when we need you."
"We'll be waiting Obi-Wan." I said as we flew past his cruiser.
We landed and got off the fighters, Ahsoka was the first one of the two of us that got out. As I stood up to make my way through the stairs on the side of the ship, I saw Lana sitting in the cabin facing the dark space before her eyes, emotionless, surely trying to let every emotion sink in to try to let go, but just like me, she has trouble doing that, and also hates being 'weak' before those who see her as someone made of iron, therefore she was trying to bring herself together to place the armour over her body once more and not letting people see her hurt.
"Great job Master Skywalker." Plo Koon said behind me as I made my way down. "Yours and Naberrie's leadership skills are most impressive."
"Thank you Master, you didn't do so bad yourself."
"Uh, excuse me?" Snips called our attention as my feet hit the ground. "I believe it was my suggestion to change the plan."
"That's kind of true Snips, from a certain pint of view, but, the one that can take almost all the credit is Allana, she was the one with the idea."
"Where is she by the way?" Master Plo asked. I looked over my shoulder and saw her talking with her Commander, placing a hand over his shoulder, probably giving her condolences for his fallen brothers.
"She'll be with us in no time." I said.
"Very well."
"Make sure our ships are ready." I told a trooper. "We'll have a short time before Obi-Wan calls us for support."
"Yes sir." He said and the metal doors opened behind us.
"General." He said and I turned around.
"Trooper." Allana greeted him. She smiled at us, her hair was no longer placed in a bun, it was loose, falling down her shoulders. "I didn't miss anything did I?"
"No Master." Ahsoka answered. "You're right on time."
She nodded and smiled, but the gesture didn't reach her eyes, afterwards, we proceeded to walk to the center of the medical station.
"Generals." The Kaminoan greeted us. "I wanted to thank you for your valiant effort today, do not take the lives you saved lightly."
"We don't." Allana and I answered at the same time. "But we also can't take the lives we lost today lightly." I completed.
"I see."
"If you will excuse us, we must prepare for the coming battle." Allana commented, wanting to get out of that room as soon as possible.
We made a short bow and walked away, Ahsoka knew we needed to be alone for a minute, so, she didn't follow us. We were now standing in front of one of the gates, my hands behind my back, just like hers.
"This is the part that I hate the most." She commented in a whisper. "I've never had a single casualty with the Squadron, not one in an entire year, and those guys, they are my colleagues, my friends and I-" She said, looking at the white stars that made contrast on the black space behind the light blue gate.
"There's nothing we could've done."
"I believe there was."
"And what could that be? Placing your fighter in between theirs and the towers? That would've been worse."
"I don't know, okay? I just-" She exhaled. "I just wish I could've done something."
"I know." I wanted to hug her, embrace her, let her know that it was fine and that she was able to take off the iron armor for just one second, but I couldn't, not where so many eyes may be watching, so I just stood beside her, sensing her pain and making her sense my comfort with just one look, she smiled and I smiled back.
In that moment Ahsoka arrived. She stood there with us admiring the immensity of the space before us, then, she broke the silence.
"I think they're waiting for us at the bridge Masters."
"Then let's get going." I commented and we made our way to the elevator that would take us all the way up.
Lans and I walked in first, Snips and R2 were standing in front of us. That was when I had the chance; I held her hand for the brief seconds that the doors would take to open, she squeezed it, thanking the touch that certainly made her nerves calm a little. Then, the metal doors before us opened to reveal Obi-Wan and Master Plo, she let go of my hand quickly after rubbing the back of it with her thumb.
"We must summon reinforcements." Plo Koon said.
"That's why we're here Master Plo." I said as we placed ourselves beside them.
"Allana, were you able to contact Master Gallia?" Obi-Wan asked me.
"Yes Master." She answered. "She's busy with a fleet of Separatist reinforcements nearby, she won't be able to give support until she's turned them away."
"Then we'll have to make do with what we have." I added.
Snips was checking something in the computer as Lana, Obi-Wan, Plo and I admired the Malevolence getting what it deserves.
"Admiral." Allana called Yularen. "Status report please." She did a braid with her curly brown mane and placed it back into a bun as she received the Admiral's answer, making me remember of how her hair looked when we were in Naboo; then, she took out of her shirt the necklace that she always wears and started to play with the pendant.
"They're not attempting to jump to hyperspace, their hyperdrive must be damaged."
"This is our chance then." Obi-Wan added. "All ships target the bridge, maximum firepower."
Suddenly I sensed Allana tensing beside me, I looked at her from the corner of my eye and her grip around the necklace that Padmé had given her long ago when she was nine intensified. It was the pendant I had given to the Senator when I kind of had a silly crush on her; when I found out I was mad at both of them but then I realised and understood that it was something that the older sister gave the youngest in order to always be near her heart. I frowned, she usually does that when she thinks too much or senses something.
"Master." Ahsoka's voice brought me back to reality. "I'm picking a signal near the enemy vessel, something just came out of hyperspace."
"Enemy reinforcements?" I asked.
"No, it looks like a Naboo ship." She answered.
"Gunners, stand down." Obi-Wan ordered. "What in the blazes are they doing out here?"
"Padmé." Allana whispered low enough for me to hear it. "Ahsoka, contact that ship, now!" The Padawan did as she was told.
"Naboo cruiser, identify yourself." Snips said.
"This is Senator Amidala." Lana groaned, annoyed, surely fearing something to happen to her sister and best friend.
"Padmé, what are you doing out here?" The youngest Naberrie asked the middle one as soon as her hologram appeared before us.
"I was sent on a special mission." The Senator began her explanation. "The Senate was told that the Banking Clan wanted to negotiate a treaty."
"Get out of there as fast as you can!" Lans commanded.
"Have we been hit?" The voice of 3PO echoed in the background.
"I'm afraid is much worse than that." The Senator answered the droid's question.
"Padmé, what's happening?" Lana asked, worry filling up her voice.
"I'm being pulled inside the droid cruiser by a tractor beam." She said and Lana took a deep breath. "I will not be made a Separatist bargaining chip, continue your attack." The Senator commanded. "You must destroy this monstrous ship."
We were silent, not knowing if we should or not do as Padmé was saying.
"Admiral." Allana said turning slightly around. "Order our ships to stop firing." She commanded and Yularen did as she said.
The fire of the Jedi cruisers stopped, seconds later, she started to walk away from where we were standing, making us face the scars on her back.
"Where do you think you're going?" Obi-Wan asked her.
"Somebody has to save her skin." Answered she. "Are you coming or staying?" She asked us, Obi-Wan and I exchanged looks and followed behind her.
"I thought you might say that." I added.
The three of us rushed into the ship that I had previously fixed and proceeded to call 'Twilight'. Allana was fast enough and placed herself on the pilot seat, leaving me as co-pilot, I complained but she shut me up immediately, making me chuckle.
"I trust you've already formulated a brilliant plan to rescue the Senator." Kenobi told her as she clicked some buttons and controls.
"The question is offensive Obi-Wan, but yes, I have."
"But do we have a plan B? Every operation needs a backup Allana."
"Well, to be honest, I don't have a backup...yet, you two can think of it on our short way there, right now, I only have a plan for getting on that ship." She was facing us as the last words escaped her beautiful lips, then her eyes turned cold and looked at the front.
"Care to share?" I asked.
"The enemy sensors are obviously damaged, so, we'll sneak behind them and dock at the emergency airlock."
"That is your plan?" Obi-Wan asked. "Just fly there, land, hope they don't spot us and walk in the door?"
"Basically." She answered shrugging. "Is not the best one compared to the rest of my plans but it'll work."
"Brilliant." I said with a smile.
"Let's get going." My Master said and she tuned on the engines.
"If they spot us, we'll be pulverized." Kenobi said.
"Master Kenobi, I find your lack of optimism disturbing." Allana said making me giggle. "Tell me one time when one of my plans hasn't work out, just one." She said and waited for an answer, but the silence that my Master provided was enough. "Besides, they're too busy repairing the ship, they don't have time to notice us."
"Subtlety has never been one of our strong points." Kenobi added.
"He's not wrong."
"I am subtle, unlike you two."
"You have your moments of missing subtlety." I said.
"Maybe, but that, my friends, is something I learned from you."
"Oh if only that were true." Obi-Wan and I said at the same time making her giggle. The frown that she previously had disappeared a bit being replaced by a smile, the tension in her body was starting to defuse.
She piloted the ship and gently placed it in the airlock, spinning it around a bit, then, the three of us quickly rushed out to get inside of the Separatist ship.
"Lana, you're crazy." I said. "I admire your flying but-"
"Spinning is not flying." Obi-Wan interrupted.
"But it's a good trick." She answered smiling at us.
"We do not want to be spotted." Kenobi added as soon as the metal gates opened, revealing three combat droids.
"Ah! I knew it! It's them!" One of them said.
"Oh no." The other two said at the unison. We looked at each other quickly and gave a step forward turning on our sabers, destroying them in just one thrust.
"You stay here R2." I told my loyal droid, afterwards, we started running, Lana was trying to sense her older sister but her head was too clouded, therefore we had to improvise a little bit, suddenly, the communicator on her left wrist beeped.
"Yes?" Answered she, placing her forearm closer to her mouth.
"Master." Ahsoka's voice said. "We've found the Senator, I'm patching her through." She stopped running and we did the same behind her.
"Padmé." My wife called her sister.
"Lana." Amidala said.
"Are you alright? Where are you?"
"On the lower levels, I'm fine but I don't know for how long, droids are everywhere."
"Obi-Wan, Anakin and I are on board too."
"What? What are you doing here?"
"Oh, we're going to have dinner with Grievous, he contacted us shortly after you ended the transmission." Lana answered sarcastically, speaking quickly. "What do you think we're doing here? Getting you off this ship." She paused. "Ahsoka, how can we get to the Senator?"
"According to our scans, there seems to be a large open area in the corner of the ship, it should be half way in between the two of you." Snips informed us.
"We're on our way, did you hear that Padmé?"
"I'll be there." She answered and the communication was lost.
We were now standing in a platform looking down at a large transportation system inside of the ship, it vaguely reminded me of the Droid Factory in Geonosis.
"I don't see her Allana." Obi-Wan said.
"She's here Master." Lans answered as we all continued looking for one of my best friends with our gaze. "I sense it."
Suddenly the echo of blasters being fired called our attention.
"There!" I said pointing at the entrance where they were.
"Race you two to the gate." She said and jumped, turning her violet saber on.
"You did teach her that." Obi-Wan said and I laughed.
"Meh, maybe I did." We turned our sabers on as well and jumped behind her.
We saw three droids and they blasted at us so we deflected their blasts and destroyed them, then, I saw how Lana jumped towards another train far down from where we were, I followed her.
"Jump!" Allana told her sister and she did as she said. With the help of the Force, she helped Padmé stand beside her, they hugged for a brief moment. "This is not the usual family gathering that I'd like to keep having Senator."
"Missed you too." They giggled for a second until a droid blasted the bridge. "The bridge is out!"
"Obi-Wan, get her to safety!" Allana asked my Master.
"Senator, jump!" Obi-Wan said and when she jumped he caught her using the Force too.
"And that is not the way of getting to greet you that I'd like to keep having Jedi Masters." Padmé said and we chuckled.
Suddenly the train where Lans was standing started to go down and she started to run to the back to gain impulse and ground to jump, but it wasn't quite enough, when she jumped, she groaned and gasped when the impulse she had wasn't the one she needed and she started to fall, but I was fast, I pulled her towards me using the Force as well, making her stand close to me.
"I've got you." I whispered as her hands were on my shoulders and mine around her waist.
"Nice catch!" Obi-Wan congratulated. "We'll fetch the droid!"
When the train where we were standing went through a tunnel, we hugged, there it was, the short intimate moment that we so needed.
"Oh, the things you do to get me alone." I teased as soon as my eyes looked at her hazel ones.
"Stop talking." She whispered and leaned towards me. I did the same and we kissed, soft, tender, lovely, but as everything that is good, it ended too quickly, faster that what we'd like to.
"Anakin." Obi-Wan said my name and our eyes snapped open as we pulled away from each other, this was rather annoying and it bothered us, but it was the price to pay for being together."We got separated from the droid."
"3PO." Lana whispered, a frown on her face.
"I'll take care of it." I said after sighing.
"Padmé, go back at the Twilight." Lana commanded.
"No, we can't leave yet." She replied and our frown just intensified on our features. "I overheard Grievous, their hyperdrive is almost repaired."
"We're already headed in that direction, I'll make certain the hyperdrive stays offline, but you Senator need to wait by the ship, these will be...aggressive negotiations." Allana and I smiled, knowing exactly what he meant.
"Fine then." Padmé said and they ended the transmission.
"R2." I communicated with my droid. "I need you to help me locate 3PO, he's on the rail jet." My adventure buddy beeped in response. "I know, I know, he- he does." I said as Lana had a face of confusion and amusement. "Look just find him for me and I'll be there soon."
We were walking through the hallways looking for the protocol droid when some of those stupid battle droids spotted us and started blasting us.
We turned our lightsabers on again and started deflecting the blasts as we ran, we didn't exactly had time for entertaining ourselves right now.
We were with our backs agains a column that worked as a shield.
"Obi-Wan, come in Obi-Wan." I said as I directed the communicator closer to my face, Allana was deflecting blasters gracefully as I tried to talk to my Master.
"Anakin." He finally answered. "I'm afraid Grievous is on to us."
"Yeah, we noticed." Lans and I said at the unison.
"We'll rendezvous back at the Twilight, the Senator must be there by now, the fleet must engage the-" He was cut off in that moment, without finishing the sentence.
"Obi-Wan?!" I exclaimed. "Come in! Obi-Wan!"
"They're jamming the transmissions aren't they?" Allana asked beside me.
"Indeed my love." Suddenly a blaster almost hit her but landed on the wall, so I pulled her closer to me, she turned her saber off in order not to hurt me or anything.
I placed her behind me and rushed to destroy those grey droids that were getting on my nerves.
"That might buy us some time." I said as soon as the last one fell to the ground.
"Couldn't you have done that earlier?" Lans mocked.
"Oh, shut up."
"Anyway, I suppose you have a plan now?"
"Follow me." I dedicated her a smile and we started to walk more calmly towards the bridge.
When we were in the elevator waiting for the doors to open I told her my plan and she just chuckled. As soon as the metal doors revealed the droids that were there, we turned our sabers on and started to destroy them at an amazing speed.
"Ha, I destroyed the last two." I told her as we turned off the violet and blue lightsabers.
"Ever since I've known you, you've been playing with droids." She mocked.
"Not the same thing though, I used to put them together, and now I only take them apart."
We stood in silence for couple seconds, admiring the mess before us.
"So." She changed the subject. "Where do we start?"
"First we need to get rid of these droids so they won't know we were here." I commented and turned around towards the computer. "I'm gonna hot-wire the ship and give Grievous a little surprise." I sat down and started to do what I previously said.
"And I'll clean up?" She sighed when I directed her a smile. "Fine, but next time you'll do it." She used the Force to place everything inside of the elevator while I did my thing, that didn't take much time.
"That ought to do it." I said, more to myself. "How's the housecleaning going?" I asked in a mocking way and a droid's head hit the back of mine. "Ow, what was that for?"
"Oops." She said as she walked in the elevator, she hates to clean all this mess whenever she has to. "Done, let's get out of here." She added and I walked in the elevator as well, soon enough we reached the level where we needed to walk out.
In front of us were our two friends.
"3PO, what are you doing?" I asked. "Don't just stand there, let's get back to the ship!" I said as we started running towards the Twilight to get the hell out of here.
"Power up the engines R2." Allana commanded as the droids walked in the small place that connected our ship to this one.
"Hold the ship!" Obi-Wan yelled as he ran towards us, being followed by some droids.
I used the Force to place some boxes in between my Master and the destroyers while the gate closed, then we walked in the small but useful ship that we found all those moons ago in Teth.
"What took you so long?" Padmé asked from the seat behind the co-pilot.
"I told you, we were going to have dinner with the General." Lana said sarcastically again as she sat down in the co-pilot seat and I took the one beside her, as pilot.
"Very funny." The Senator told her sister making me chuckle.
"I'll contact the fleet." Obi-Wan said.
"R2, release the docking clamp." I told the droid who chirped back. In that moment, we started to fly away, but not even one minute had gone by when we started getting shot. Grievous.
"Time for some of those clever tricks." Obi-Wan said and we looked at one another shortly.
"That's what I was thinking." Allana and I answered at the same time once more, for the third time in the day I think.
"You know we have guns, you can shoot back any time you'd like." I told Lans with sarcasm after I avoided a blast from the fighter that was behind us.
"I was just about to, you focus on piloting fly boy." She said.
"I'll help you." Padmé said and took the controls that are on a side of the ship.
The two girls started to shoot the guns at the enemy fighters amazingly and hit almost every target. R2 beeped behind us.
"Pardon me sir." 3PO said. "But R2's scan of the enemy's ship indicates their hyperdrive is activating."
"Oh, don't worry about it." I said simply as I continued piloting.
"What?" Obi-Wan asked concerned to my right.
"Just wait for it." I told my Master and we saw first, how Grievous's star fighter jumped into hyperspace letting us alone, and then how the Malevolence flew straight into the moon that was nearby, I smiled and high-fived Lana.
"I imagine you two had something to do with that." Kenobi said.
"All part of the plan Master." Lana answered. "Though it was his idea."
"Brilliant." Said my old friend back.
a/n: hello friends! oh it's been a while. i'm so sorry about the ages it took me to update this but i'm on finals weeks and the first has just ended, therefore i just had time to polish this before publishing it. thank you for being patient though, i really appreciate it.
i think i will be uploading my other two stories for the time it took for the chapters to arrive. i'd be extremely thankful if you checked them out, they're on my profile ofc, i really enjoyed writing them so i think you'd like reading them???? idk i'll leave that up to you :))
love you all so much, i hope your week was less stressful than mine lmao, take care and again, thank you for being here. <3
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