18: The strategy
We walked out of the conference room after giving our report to the Council. At the beginning everyone was slightly mad at us but after we gave the information we had they changed their mood. The Senate agreed that we should try to do something, that we should attack them back, and so we started planning the assault. Master Plo and Ahsoka stayed at the ship's bridge while Ani and I hoped in the elevator and began our way down to the hangar to meet up with Yularen.
"Wolffe, can you read me?" I said turning on the communication disk we are given. "Commander, can you hear me?" I asked again when he didn't pick up.
"Yes General, loud and clear now." He replied as soon as his small hologram appeared.
"Good." I said. "Now tell me, are you up for some action?" I asked with a smirk that he quickly returned.
"Always ma'am."
"Well then, bring the pilots of the squadron and yourself to Skywalker's cruiser, we're going to need your help."
"Right away General."
"Thank you." I said and the hologram disappeared. I kept the disk on it's pocket in the back of my belt and looked at Anakin as we walked out, he was awfully quiet. "Are you alright?"
"I am, just...thinking."
"Don't worry, whatever you have in mind will work and we'll be fine."
"I don't doubt it but I don't know if we'll be able to pull it off, that thing is literally is able to destroy everything."
"These are skilled pilots Ani, we'll be fine, now, what do you have in mind?"
"You'll see." He said with a smile that I returned.
I saw how the ships of my squadron landed and how the pilots walked out approaching me. Anakin kept on walking to meet up with the Admiral while I waited for my men.
"We're here General." Wolffe told me as soon as he was before me.
"Thank you Wolffe." I said and faced my troopers. "Welcome aboard Light Squadron." I greeted. "Now, listen up." I said and they made a circle around me. "We're going to go against a huge Separatist weapon, this thing is able to leave our ships defenseless and without power, we have to be careful." I paused looking deep into each of their pair of eyes. "We'll be working alongside the Shadow Squadron as usual, so, go meet up with the rest, Admiral Yularen and General Skywalker will be giving the details."
"Yes ma'am." They all answered at the same time and proceeded to walk up to the rest of the pilots. I walked beside Wolffe until I arrived beside Ani who dedicated me a proud grin and I placed my hands behind my back while Wolffe took off his helmet and held it against his waist across from where I was standing.
Then, Ahsoka and Plo walked in, R2 with them. The silver and blue droid placed himself in between us all and projected the hologram of Grievous's ship.
"This strike force has been commissioned by the Senate to hunt down the enemy's new battleship." Yularen started. "As the bulk of our fleets are engaged on the front lines, we'll be on our own." He paused. "General Skywalker has prepared our attack strategy." He added.
"Thank you Admiral." Ani said and proceeded to take a few steps forward. "While our capital ships are are vulnerable to enemy's attack, I believe that a squad of bombers can out-maneuver their ion weapon." Said he pointing at the now bigger hologram of the Separatist's ship. "Our target will be the bridge and General Grievous." He said and everyone started murmuring. I heard how one man from the Shadow Squadron said that Anakin's quite ambitious today and I giggled in a whisper, he was not wrong. "Our bombers will attack at high speed to evade the enemy's ion weapon." The General added and the hologram showed the tiny ships flying and doing what he was saying. "We'll concentrate our firepower on the bridge superstructure, here." He pointed at the tower.
"We destroy General Grievous and the ship will fall with him." I said to myself.
"Exactly." Anakin said turning around to see me, he's the one that is able to hear me all the time even if I'm just whispering, either when the world is too quiet or too loud; he turned back around to face the pilots. "Any questions?"
"Just tell us where the metal-head is sir." Matchstick said.
"Yeah, we've been waiting for a chance to take him out." Wolffe backed up, both of them standing tall. Then, everyone started to agree and I chuckled, the bravery and courage of these men are admirable.
"Alright men." I called their attention. "Settle down." I said and they did as I commanded, then I gave a few steps forward. "This is an important mission, we destroy Grievous, we can bring the war to a quicker end, now, pilots, prepare your bombers." I added and they all stood up to go and get ready.
"Skywalker." Master Plo said and my eyes snapped towards him as well as Ani's. "This is an aggressive plan, are you sure yours and Naberrie's squadron can complete this mission?"
"Let's ask them." Anakin answered with a proud smirk.
"Matchstick!" He called a clone, who immediately turned around, tensing his body. "You think our boys and Lan's can pull it off?"
"Yes sir!" he answered. "There hasn't been a mission that Shadow and Light Squadrons couldn't complete."
"That's right." The clone behind him added. "Minimal casualties, maximum effectiveness."
"I admire your confidence pilot." Said Master Plo looking at our mates. "Even so." He added, turning back around to face us.
"Minimal casualties may be enough to prevent you from breaking Grievous defenses."
"Master Plo is right." Ahsoka added, her bright blue eyes looking back at us. "With Grievous in that ship's bridge, it's bound to be well protected."
"Don't worry Ahsoka." I said.
"We'll destroy that bridge and Grievous along with it." Ani added, then, we nodded at Master Plo and proceeded to walk away.
We heard how Plo said that we inspire great confidence in our men and how the kid answered that we do lead the example, their words made us smile.
It didn't take long for Ahsoka to come and join our walk towards the fighters, and while we were at it, we discussed the path that we'd take, but Anakin kept on repeating that it was a surprise.
"Which one's mine?" Tano asked as soon as we reached the silver and yellow ships.
"You're with me." Anakin informed her. "You'll be my gunner." The Togruta turned around with a not so pleased grin on her features.
"What? Someone's got to watch my back."
"Well, I assumed that Master Naberrie was going to do that." She commented making me scoff. "Besides, you have R2." The droid beeped and whistled beside the girl in excitement.
"Oh, even if I do enjoy Allana's company very much, I enjoy more yours my Padawan." My eyes snapped to him when he highlighted the word 'very' making it clear, at least for us, that it has a double meaning, though the rest of the sentence was filled up with his usual sarcasm.
"Just admit it." Ahsoka said. "You don't like my flying."
"No, I-" He giggled nervously, making me chuckle. "No, it's not that, is just I-"
"Skywalker, Naberrie." Yularen called our attention. "The enemy warship has attacked our convoy of medical transports near Ryndellia."
"Medical transports?" Anakin asked.
"Only Grievous would go after clones who can't fight back." The Padawan said.
"Ryndellia...that system is near Naboo." A little bit of fear flooded my body, my overthinking kicking in, there are many things that could happen there, he could attack the planets or..."Wait" I called their attention. "Isn't that where our medical base is?" Everyone's eyes opened wildly, now it made sense. "I'll bet that's his next target."
"There are many star cruisers in that area." Said Master Plo.
"With a ship that big, he will be unable to chart a course that's less than ten parsecs."
"Look's like we're gonna have to take a shortcut." Anakin commented and I remembered the 'shortcuts' he usually takes, I sighed as I crossed my arms over my chest. "Admiral, warn that station what's coming." He commanded and Yularen nodded and walked away from where we were quickly.
"This journey may be treacherous." Master Plo commented. "If any of you looses any ships before you reach the target-"
"We won't loose anybody." Anakin and I answered at the same time and frowned, just to turn around to hop on our ships.
"I will come along, I'll be the fighters escort." The Jedi Knight said, raising his voice in order for us to hear him.
"Any help is welcome Master Plo." Anakin assured and R2 beeped. "Just try not to fall behind." He added and we giggled.
"I had a feeling you'll be coming along." Ahsoka told her oldest friend. "Your ship has already been prepped."
As soon as I hopped on the ship, Wolffe placed himself on the gunner's seat behind me. I smiled at him over my shoulder and he returned the smile as he placed his helmet on. I know I can trust that man blindfolded, we're a great pair.
We waited for a couple minutes until we saw the gates opening, being the signal that we were now able to start our mission.
"Shadow Squadron, tighten formation, call in." Anakin's voice sounded over the communicators.
"Shadow two, standing by."
"Shadow three, standing by."
"Shadow four, standing by."
"Shadow five, standing by."
"Shadow six, standing by."
"Light Squadron, call in." Anakin commanded.
"Light Leader, standing by." I said.
"Light two, standing by."
"Light three, standing by."
"Light four, standing by."
"Light five, standing by."
"Light six, standing by."
"Fighter escort, ready." Said Master Plo. We were all in a circle waiting for the signal to go.
"This is Admiral Yularen." Said he. "You are cleared for hyperspace jump, good hunting Generals."
"Thanks Admiral." Anakin said. "Alright boys, and ladies, let's go."
"May the force be with us all." I whispered.
"Broadside, if we make it through this one, drinks are on me." Matchstick said and I chuckled.
"I can already taste it." Broadside replied.
"Here we go." I said and pulled the lever that would make our ship jump into hyperspace, the engines started reviving and the adrenaline started to fill up our veins.
When we jumped out of hyperspace, we were able to see a huge orange and red nebula before us.
"Okay, if we can just manage to navigate through my shortcut, we'll be alright." Said Anakin.
"A nebula can be very unpredictable." Master Plo commented and I nodded. "I advise caution."
"Don't worry about us, Master Jedi, we can hold our own." One of Anakin's pilots said. "Right Shadow Squadron?"
"Right Shadow two."
"Does anyone care about what the girls think?" Ahsoka asked and I giggled.
"Of course we care Snips, but we're still going through that nebula."
Anakin added. "But, let's hear it, Naberrie, anything you'd like to say?"
I chuckled. "Meh, just that next time we'll do my shortcuts, yours suck." I said and heard a few laughters from our troopers.
"Oh come on, you are going to love it, and not all of they suck." Skywalker answered.
"Most of them do." Ahsoka said making me smile.
"Whatever." Anakin complained as we entered the nebula.
"This soup is thick." Shadow two said. "Can you see anything?"
"Just keep your eyes on my thruster Shadow two." Anakin said.
"They'll have to, this scanners are useless." Tano commented.
"This is old-fashioned flying." I added with a smile.
"Precisely." Anakin said. "You have to feel your way through to stay on course."
"Skywalker is right Ahsoka." Master Plo added.
"Remember what I taught kid." I told my friend. "You don't need your eyes to see everything, clear your mind and you will see the path."
"Right now, I can't see anything at all." She commented and I smiled, and I could bet my right hand that Ani did too.
"I always know where I'm going."
"Is that so Broadside?" I asked.
"Yes ma'am." Answered he.
"Where's that?" Wolffe asked from behind.
"I'm gonna blow up that battleship." He answered and I giggled, their determination is admirable.
"A clear path, if ever there was one." Master Plo said and I sighed, he was right, as usual.
"So, Skyguy." Ahsoka said. "How did you know about this shortcut?" She asked after a while.
"It's an old smuggler's route, the pilots used to talk about it on Tatooine." Anakin answered.
"Smuggler's route? Huh, that makes us all feel better." I teased.
"They call it the Balmorra Run" Skywalker added and the name sounded oddly familiar, but I couldn't quite remember where or why have I heard it before, this hasn't been a shortcut that I've been through.
"Balmorra Run?" Asked Master Plo.
"I think I'm picking up a contact." Tano informed.
"Skywalker listen to me, we need to turn around." Plo said.
"We can't, not if we're gonna catch Grievous." Anakin said.
"Another contact, this one's much larger." I frowned.
"Why are we worrying that much? What happens here?" I asked.
"Balmorra's the nesting ground of a giant neebray mantas."
"Oh dear." I whispered.
"Another, another." Ahsoka said and gasped.
"Take evasive action!" Anakin commanded and then we did as he said.
We all flew in different angles and directions evading the huge creatures that were around us.
"Those gas-glupers are huge!" Ahsoka commented as we flew above, under and around them, careful enough not to touch them.
"Don't shoot or they'll panic." Koon ordered.
"They'll panic? I'm about to panic!" Tano added and a smile was formed on my lips, she reminds me so much of myself time to time.
"There are so many of them." Wolffe said.
"I'm hit!" A pilot of the Shadow Squadron commented. "My stabilizer's out." He informed.
"Pull it together Matchstick." I said.
"I'm okay, I got it." he said after a couple seconds and a breath, that I didn't realise I was holding, escaped my lips.
"These things are gonna make a meal out of us." The Padawan said, I was able to hear the fear in her voice.
"All wings, line up behind me." Anakin ordered and we all did as he said again.
"Roger that boss."
"Yes General." I said, mocking him, like we usually do.
"Hurry." Master Plo said after a couple more seconds of tension.
"They will not follow us beyond the nebula."
We heard how one of the creatures roared as we flew beside it.
"That one looks hungry." I heard Ahsoka's voice as I flew the ship in between the wings of one of those huge things.
"Nah, it's just smiling at you." Anakin replied and an even bigger smile was formed on my lips.
We continued to fly at a considerable speed.
"We're almost out of it." I informed and seconds later we were outside. A breath of relief escaped my lips again, the thirteen ships were still here, every single one of us was alright. "Let's just hope your shortcut paid off Skywalker."
"We're not far from Grievous now." He informed.
"Shadow two." Master Plo spoke. "What is the damage to your ship?"
"Just a scratch sir."
"We must not take any more unnecessary risks, if we lose even a single ship, our mission is much closer to failure." I sighed once more. I admire and have affection towards Master Plo, he has been one of my mentors since I arrived at the Temple, but his optimism was not helping me calm my nerves.
I intensified my grip on the controls of the ship and took a deep breath, trying to clear my head.
"Understood Master Plo." Anakin's voice sounded and helped my stress and anxiety vanish a little. "But we didn't lose any ships and I didn't-"
"Sir." Matchstick's voice interrupted the General. "Another contact."
"I thought those things wouldn't follow us." Ahsoka said.
"Not following, coming out of hyperspace." He paused. "It's a ship...it's the Malevolence."
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