17: The Mystery Weapon


I was in the bridge of my cruiser above Coruscant, when we were getting ready to jump into hyperspace to reinforce Anakin's troops in case it was needed. The last time we met was about a week ago, since we came back from Tatooine, after saving Jabba's son we were sent to different locations.

I was thinking about the last night we shared together and how we enjoyed just sleeping on each other's arms and how our laughters filled up an entire room in just a whisper when my Sergeant, Sinker, told me that there was an incoming transmission from the Capital Planet, taking me out of my thoughts, so, I directed myself to the briefing room.

"Allana, good to see you." Said Obi-Wan.

"Likewise Master." I said. "Master Yoda, Master Windu, Chancellor." I greeted. Obi-Wan was standing to my right, Mace beside him then Master Yoda and the Chancellor opposite from me.

After they greeted me back, we started to talk about the Separatist's newest little toy. This thing, whatever it was, could and has destroyed entire fleets.

"This mystery weapon has struck in a dozen systems and disappeared without a trace." Said Windu as I crossed my arms and held my chin in between my index finger and my thumb.

"We cannot afford to loose anymore ships, my friends." Said the Chancellor. "Ah, Master Skywalker." He greeted Anakin as soon as his hologram appeared. His blue image was beside Chancellor Palpatine and Ahsoka's was next to me. "Have you had any success in finding General Grievous's secret weapon?" Ani clicked a button on his communicator showing us the hologram of a planet.

"Master Plo was here in the Abregado system when we lost contact." Said Anakin.

"The Agregado system huh?" I asked, more to myself than to the rest.

"Yes." Anakin said to my left, letting me know that they heard me. "And we have had no further contact with General Plo Koon, the absence of distress beacons indicates that his fleet was-" He paused and looked at his Padawan. "That his fleet was destroyed, like the others." He looked back at us, worry in his features, that in times like this I and only I was able to read, he usually wants to seem tough to other people, like he could let go...when he actually couldn't. "We were about to prepare a rescue mission."

"Hasn't Clone Intelligence reported this weapon never leaves any survivors?" Asked Palpatine, making my heart skip a beat.

"The Separatists are being usually tidy." Said Kenobi. "They don't want any witnesses."

"Tragic are these losses, but prevent more we must." Master Yoda added.

I just stood there, like Ahsoka, silent, my jaw about to drop to the floor, I was unable to believe that the Council was considering to let another Jedi Master who's member of the Jedi Council, a General in this war, who could be alive, die.

"All our battle groups will be reassigned to guard our supply convoys, including yours." Windu said looking at me and Anakin.

"Master, I was sent not long ago by Master Gallia, who you held a conversation with earlier, to help Skywalker's troops if needed, my men are ready, I can change the coordinates and go directly to assist Master Plo, I'm sure he is alive, we must help him." I said. 

"I'm afraid not Naberrie, we can't risk anymore ships with a rescue mission." Windu said.

"Wait!" Ahsoka called the attention of all of us. "What Master Naverrie said is right, just because there haven't been any survivors before doesn't mean there won't be any this time."

Everyone looked at one another, Yoda's gaze went to Mace and his went to Tano, Obi-Wan looked at Anakin and he looked at me, every single one of us surprised with the comment she just made, no one expected her to speak. It's something that I've always hated, when you're a Padawan learner you're 'not allowed' or expected to speak unless you're told to do so, it makes you feel small, and even though I was proud about Ahsoka being able to speak her mind, from the point of view of a Master, like the ones that were present at the moment, it was not so well seen.

"Boldly spoken for one so young." Said Palpatine, making me frown.

"She is learning from Anakin." Said Obi-Wan making me send him a glare, letting him know that wasn't helpful.

"Excuse my Padawan." Ani said sending his own glare to the kid. "We will deploy as you have instructed Master."

"Thank you Skywalker." Said Windu. "Naberrie, go to where you were instructed to, but stay there." He commanded making an emphasis on 'stay there' making me sigh.

"Yes Master." I said and the holograms were gone. I walked out and met with Sinker again.

"We're ready to jump into hyperspace General." He informed.
"Then let's get going." I said.

About an hour later we arrived at the Bith system, where Anakin's fleet was.

"Commander." I called Wolfe's attention. "Do you know, by any chance if my fighter is ready?"

"It is ma'am, just in case, like you always say." He answered making me giggle.

"Good, I'll go meet up with Skywalker, I sense he's about to do something, probably stupid, as it's usual, and he may need help, you're in charge until I come back." I said as I entered the elevator and clicked the button that would take me to the hangar.

"Really ma'am? He's gonna get us all in trouble." Sinker teased
Wolffe and I laughed.

"Then keep and eye on him S."

"That won't be necessary ma'am." Answered the Commander with a smile that I returned while the Sargent chuckled behind him. "We'll be waiting for you General."

"I know you will." The doors closed and I heard the Wolffe calling out his brother's actions and the Sergeant chuckle as the elevator made its way down and I waited to get out.

When I did, I walked up to my ship, greeting a few of my troopers on my way there. I hopped in as well as my Astrodroid, R6.

"Ready to go buddy?" I asked and the emerald green and silver droid beeped back, making me chuckle. "Alright, but you must know, you're staying with the ship so, don't get too excited." It beeped again, complaining, making me laugh once more.


I landed on the bay of Ani's cruiser after Yularen opened the gates for me, the Jedi was heading to the ship that got us out of Teth not long ago alongside Ahsoka and R2.

Anakin frowned when he saw me walking out of my ship as I placed my curly hair in a low bun.

"What are you doing here?" He asked with a tender smile.

"Hello to you too." I said making him chuckle. "I thought that I could be useful in...whatever you're planning to do, besides, I didn't want to wait in the ship for something to happen." I told him. "Hello kid." I greeted the Padawan that was standing beside my darling.

"Hello Master." Ahsoka greeted me back with a sad smile, surely she was still upset about what happened earlier, I smiled back at her.

"Well, is good to have you here, now, shall we?" Anakin said and I followed behind after I padded R2's head.

"So you fixed it?" I asked when I saw the blue ship renewed, the paint was shining and it seemed less like a piece of junk.

"Indeed." He said proudly. "I told you it had potential." Answered he.

"Cool." I said as we all walked in.

We directed ourselves towards the cabin, Anakin, as usual, sat in the pilot seat, Ahsoka sat behind the co-pilot and I took that seat.

"Set those new coordinates R2?" Ani asked his droid, who beeped beside us.

"Master." Ahsoka called Anakin's attention as I clicked buttons. "I should tell you why I spoke up before."

"You don't have to explain anything." Skywalker answered to my left as he clicked button and pulled the hyperspace lever, making us jump into it.

Minutes went by until we jumped out of hyperspace and the bright red light emitted by the planet filled up the cabin.

"R2." Said Ahsoka. "Set up the scanner, modulate for incoming mystery weapons."

"No." Said Ani beside me. "R2, tune the scanner for life-forms."
He paused as I looked at him. "Highest sensitivity."

"Why would we scan for life-forms to spot an enemy weapon probably just filled with battle...droids." The Padawan paused. "The Abregado system." She aid when she placed herself in between us. "Huh." Anakin looked at her with a playful smirk on his features. "So it's okay when you don't follow what the Council says." She complained making me chuckle.

"Ahsoka, at this point you should know that with him, doing what the Council says is one thing, how you go about doing it...that's another." I said.

"That's precisely what I'm trying to teach you my young Padawan." Ani added.

"So you always meant to come out here looking for survivors?" Ahsoka asked.

"Lives are in danger Ahsoka, we can't just turn our backs on them."

"That's what I said back in the briefing room!" She complained.

"We know." I said. "But the way you said it was wrong."

"Exactly." Anakin concluded. "Now, Lans, switch on the illuminator." Anakin ordered, changing the subject.

"Yes General." I mocked, making them both giggle.

"Just so you know." Snips said as she sat behind me again. "We don't have much time before the fleet misses us."

"Well, is good we're fast." Skyguy answered.

We flew closer and closer to what was left of the ship. I had a bad feeling, but nothing too serious.

"Well, the scanners are practically useless." I informed as I saw the image before me. "Got anything in the emergency channel R2?" I asked and the droid beep behind us. Ani cleared his throat.

"Now, Ahsoka, we might find something we don't want to find." Said Skywalker.

"I know Master, but I have to believe."

"How do you know Master Plo, anyway?" I asked as I looked her over my shoulder.

"He's one of my oldest friends." Said she. "It was Master Plo Knoon who found me and brought me to the Temple where I belonged." She paused. "Now he's lost, so I thought maybe I could find him." My eyes went from her to Anakin beside me, his blue eyes looked deep into mine with a sad smile, we know the impact the Jedi who find us have in our lives. For him, it was Qui-Gon Jinn, Obi-Wan's old Master, that man believed that Anakin is the Chosen One and could become a great Jedi, and he was not wrong, he could've trained him if he hadn't been murdered by Darth Maul. I was lucky enough for it to be Master Gallia the one to train me, the Jedi Lady who found me, I completely understood her feeling, I'd do the exact same thing.

In that moment, R2 beeped.
"Incoming transmission." I said.

"I think someone noticed we're gone." Tano added behind me.

"Anakin, where are you?" Obi-Wan's hologram said before us.

"Oh, hello Master." Said guy greeted. "Uh, we made a quick stop in the Abregado system." He added with a childish smile on his features, making me smile, for the stars, I love this man so much.

"A rescue mission I suppose." The Jedi Master's hologram said. "You had other orders."

"It was my idea Master Obi-Wan." Said Ahsoka calling Kenobi's attention.

"Oh, I'm sure." He said, then, his eyes landed on me. "And I see you've got more help."

"Is good to see you again Obi-Wan."

"Likewise." He sighed, slightly amused. "Well, have you found any survivors?"

"No, you were right." Said Anakin. "The Separatists don't want any witnesses."

"All the more reason for you to rejoin the defensive escorts, we need you Anakin." He then looked at me too. "You two are going to miss the rendezvous with each one of your fleets if you don't hurry." His eyes alternated in between his apprentice and me as he said the last sentence.

"We know Master, we're on our way." Anakin said and the transmission ended. "I'm sorry Ahsoka." He told the young girl as he looked at her over his shoulder.

Moments later the droid beeped again.
"What is it R2?" I asked as the three of us truned around to face the silver and blue astromech, he beeped again with excitement. "He thinks he's got something in the emergency channel." I informed feeling Ani's intense gaze on me.

"Can he trace it?" Tano asked and the droid beeped again, even with more excitement.

"Let's get going." I said and Anakin flew the ship to where the signal was being emitted.

"Are we still picking up this signal?" He asked after a few minutes went by.

"Yes." I answered.

"But why aren't we finding anybody?" Snips asked behind us.

"I don't know Ahsoka." Ani answered her. "I don't know."

We continued to fly around searching for survivors, then, I opened our channel, trying to communicate.

"Is there anyone out there?" I asked hoping that someone picked up. "This is Allana Naberrie, can anyone hear me?" There was silence that only increased my heart rate. "Is there anyone out there? Come in, this is Allana Naberrie." More silence, I sighed. "Is there anyone out there? Come in." I stopped trying to communicate with another sigh, then, I turned around to face Anakin's droid. "R2, see if you can boost the reception." The droid beeped as I pinched the bridge of my nose with my fingers trying to calm my nerves a bit.

"Ugh." Exclaimed Ahsoka behind us, saying what I was about to.

"Patience, we're trying to boost the power, hang on." Said Anakin beside me.

More minutes went by as we traced the signal, those minutes may be vital to find them and they're nowhere in sight, the feeling of desperation was very annoying. As I looked around, the controls started to beep.

"Another incoming transmission." I said and frowned. "From the Senate." I whispered and the hologram of Chancellor Palpatine himself appeared.

"Anakin." He greeted the General. "The Council is furious, why have you left your post?"

"I decided we couldn't just give up on Master Plo Koon."
Skywalker answered.

"A noble gesture, Anakin, but the Council fears your daring may put others in danger." I frowned. "Please listen to me." Said the Chancellor after a very short pause. "Return at once." I looked at our Pilot and then back to the blue hologram.

"Yes Excellency." Ani said and the transmission was over again.

"You're not being serious, we are so close, I'm sure." I complained.

"You heard him."

"Yes, I did, but so what? We found the distress signal, we know they're out there and that they're close, why should we go back now?"

"The order is coming from way up."

"You're forgetting that the Senate doesn't have our loyalty Ani, the Council does, Master Plo is in the Council, we can't go back."

"I'm sorry Lans." He told me, making me sigh and roll my eyes.
"Time to go Snips."

"We have to stay." Said Ahsoka backing me up.

"Listen, I want to believe Master Plo is alive but I just-"

"I know he's alive!" The kid said. "I can sense it." She used the Force to move the controls on my side, piloting the ship.

"Ahsoka!" Ani and I exclaimed as we grabbed what was closer to us in order not to fall off the seats with the strong movement she caused, R2 beeping behind us, well, he actually screamed.

Afterwards, we finally saw them, a scape pod.
"There they are!" Ahsoka said.

"Ready tow cable." Anakin instructed and the Padawan got up from her seat and rushed to do as her Master instructed.

"Cable loaded Master." Said she, I got up from my seat as Anakin pressed the button that lunched the cable, the image from the back of the ship appeared in the small screen in the controls, letting us know that the pod was being pulled towards us with success. Ahsoka was the first one to get to the entrance, then, we followed behind her.

The pod entered and the clones, as well as Koon fell to the ground thanks to the anti-gravity sensors of the ship, they were exhausted.

"Come on, hurry." Ahsoka said and we ran to help them.

"Are you alright Commander?" I asked the clone as I helped him sat properly.

"Yes ma'am, thank you." Said he, making me smile.

"Are you okay Master Plo?" I heard Ahsoka asking the Jedi Master.
"There's someone in the pod." She informed us, Ani made the glass fall using the Force and the clone walked out, almost falling down, if it hadn't been for Anakin he would have, but he caught him when he lost his balance and helped him sit beside his brothers.

Then, a med-droid appeared in the scene, walking closer to the troopers.

"Will they be alright?" Anakin asked.

"The pressure suits offer some protection, but they require a medical frigate for recovery." The droid informed. "I will stabilize them sir."Ani and I stood up and walked up to Master Plo and Snips.

"Your men are safe now." She told the other Jedi Knight.

"Tell me." He said looking at me and Skywalker. "Were there any survivors?"

"We couldn't find anybody else." Ani informed.

"The hunters must have destroyed the rest." He said making me frown.

"I'm sorry Master Plo." Said Ahsoka, who threw herself into the arms of the Jedi, bringing him close in a hug that he didn't hesitate in returning, I smiled at them.

After we made sure Master Plo was fine, we took the troopers to the Med-bay of the ship so that they could be attended and proceeded to go back to the cockpit.

"We tracked the mystery weapon to this system." Master Koon said as we sat on our seats, he sat behind Anakin. "That is when we found out it was an ion cannon."

"An ion cannon?" Asked Tano.

"That's...brilliant." I said. "That way they are able to neutralise all the power of the ships."

"Leaving them defenceless." Ani complemented.

"Precisely." Affirmed Plo.

"There's a massive vessel approaching." Anakin informed and Master Plo rushed to get up his seat to take a look at the scanners.

"Shut down the power systems before they detect us." He ordered as he started to click buttons and pull levers. I started to click buttons too helping him out when R2 beeped. "The droid!" Said the Jedi Master and Ahsoka rushed to turn it off.

"Sorry little guy." She said when R2 beeped questioningly. Then, we saw the enormous ship that left me almost speechless.

"That is one big cruiser-crusher." I whispered.

We were right below them, unnoticed, we could get out of this one without a scratch, the four of us were holding our breaths; Anakin's hands tightening up around the controls in case we needed to rush as mine were ready in the controls to turn everything back on, then, the ship started to turn back around.

"They're coming back." Anakin said pointing out the obvious.

"Are all the systems shut down?" Asked Master Plo, but before any of us was able to answer, the Med-droid walked in.

"Is there a problem sir?" He asked.

"Well now there is." I commented with sarcasm.

"We forgot to shut down the medical droid." Snips added.

"We need to get the power back up now." Said Ani.

"I'm working on it." I said and started to click the controls, with the help of Master Plo in the levers.

"Can I be of assistance?" The droid asked behind us.

"No, thanks." Ani and I said a the unison and I was able to feel his smile as well as he did with mine, even in stressful times we were able to get that gesture on one another's face.

"Just get in the back and take care of the clones." Anakin instructed and the droid left as the power was back on.

Then, once everything was on again, we started to fly away, as quickly as possible.

"R2, program the navi-computer, be ready to get us out of here." Anakin told his atromech.

"You forgot we turned him off." Ahsoka told him and Master Plo was kind enough to go and turn it on, once he beeped, the Jedi Knight greeted him.

"R2, program the hyperdrive." I commanded and he beeped back in response, asking where exactly. "Anywhere, just hurry!" I said as I turned back around.

The good thing about this ship is that if two people pilot it, it goes faster, the key is to move the controls at the same time, and luckily, that is something we're good at. Anakin and I moved as if we were dancers that were only ones able to listen to the music and we'd dance to it in perfect synchronisation, we are each other's mirror. We piloted the ship gracefully through what was left of Koon's fleet, avoiding each one of the metal pieces with a frown in our faces.

"Masters?" Ahsoka asked when she saw how the scanners indicated that we were dangerously close to the ion cannon's shot, but we didn't answer, we just moved the controls at the same time once more. "We're clear." She said and we grabbed and pulled the lever at the same time, jumping into hyperspace, a breath of relief escaping our lips as we quickly let go.

"Great job you two." Master Plo congratulated us.

"Thank you sir." I answered.

"Thank you Master." Said Anakin.

We looked at each other and unspoken 'I love you' was said, we smiled at one another and concentrated on getting us all safe back to the fleet.


We finally arrived; we landed in the hangar of the cruiser. Anakin and I waited for the last one of the clones to get out and walked beside him.

"Thanks for getting us out of there in one piece Generals." He said.

"You have my Padawan to thank for that." Anakin said as our attention snapped towards the Togruta that was kneeling beside R2 and stood up as soon as she heard her name. "Her and General Naberrie always said that you guys would pull through."

"General Plo said someone would come for us." The clone added as said Jedi walked out of the ship and placed himself beside me.
"I'm glad he was right." He said looking into my eyes with a smile, I smiled back and nodded my head.

"Skywalker, Naberrie." Said Master Plo. "It is time to give our report to the Council."

"Right, the Council report." Said Ani and we sighed as we started to walk behind Koon.

"My favourite part of all this." I whispered sarcastically as I placed my hands behind my back.

"Come on Ahsoka." Called Ani, making me stop walking and face them, I smiled.

"You...want me there?" She asked looking at us and then at the ground. "I figured because of before-"

"Ahsoka, through it all you never gave up." Anakin said once we had approached her.

"You did a great job kid." I added. "But, if we're getting in trouble, especially him." I said pointing at my husband. "You're gonna share some of the blame too." I smiled at her and she smiled back at me.

Anakin laughed beside me. "So, come on." He said and the three of us started to walk behind Master Plo.

"Right beside you Masters." She commented making us both giggle.

a/n: hello friends :) i'm sorry i didn't updated yesterday, i was literally drowning in schoolwork but here it is. thank u so much for reading this, i'm glad you're enjoying it. have a lovely Wednesday, i love u all
friendly reminder: drink some water and eat something, it's very important <3


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