15: Tatooine
"I was hoping I'd never have to lay eyes on this dust ball again." Master Skywalker said with disgust as we jumped out of hyperspace.
"Okay...what happened?" I asked my Master.
"I don't wanna talk about it." He replied dryly. "How's Stinky holding up back there?" He asked, quickly changing the subject.
"He seems to be feeling much better." Master Naberrie said as she turned around to find Jabba Junior sleeping on my arms, when my eyes met her hazel ones, she mouthed me not to take it personal for the second time today and I nodded with a smile.
"His fever's gone." I informed them. "Even you two have to admit, he's cute when he's asleep."
"I admit, I like him better when he's quiet, but only a little." Skyguy said with a smile, than, R2 beeped. "No R2, I want the cannon operational first." He told his droid. "Leave the rear deflector shields for later."
"No rear shields Ani? That's awful risky." Master Naberrie commented. Ani? Guess knowing one another for years has its advantages.
"A strong attack eliminates the need of defense, Lans." Then a scanner she had before her started to beep, the Jedi lady had to punch it in order for it to work. "Attack ships closing." She informed.
"Somebody doesn't want Stinky to get home in one piece." Skyguy said.
One blast hit us and an alarm started to beep all over the place. "Wow! Quite a welcome home party!" I commented with sarcasm filling my voice. R2 beeped again calling his owner's attention.
"Yes, set the approach vector and make ready to land." He said.
We started to fly faster as the alarms kept on beeping.
"Allana, activate the guns!" He ordered his partner.
"I'm sorry to tell you, but all the guns are locked in the forward position, it's too bad you didn't decide to repair the deflector shields." She teased him.
"Not now okay?" He answered. "R2, see if you can unlock those guns!"
"Sometimes a good defense is the best offense, Master." I told him.
"Why don't you make sure your little Huttlet friend is enjoying his ride?" He asked sarcastically, making me get out of the conversation in a 'nice' way.
"None of us enjoy it when you're flying." I teased my Master.
"Whatever, just hang on back there." Anakin said as he piloted the ship to the sides and upside down again.
"No matter how many times you do that, I'll never like it you know?" Master Naberrie told Skywalker.
"I was hoping to change your mind." He commented as he made the ship go down dramatically, making me fall down, bringing the baby with me, Stinky woke up and started to cry again.
"Great! You woke the baby!" I told him.
"I'm a little busy here." He yelled turning around to face me.
Then, we all spotted a ship right ahead. "I got it." Allana said and she grabbed her controls and blasted it, blowing it up in within seconds.
"One less." Anakin told her.
"I don't wanna be negative but, what about the other one?" I asked as I stood up.
"One thing at the time kid." She spoke, her eyes never leaving the front. We got shot again and this time it was critical, I fell down again and R2 got disconnected from the control disk.
"I think we needed those rear shields after all." Skyguy said.
"I told you so!" Master Naberrie and I yelled at the unison.
"R2 turn those guns around!" Allana yelled as I tried to push the droid back into the station. "R2?!"
"Why couldn't you be just a little mouse droid." I complained due to the fact that he was extremely heavy. The ship moved slightly to the left and R2 connected himself and moved the guns around I suppose, due to the breath of relief of Master Naberrie.
Afterwards, she opened fire again. "Come on." She whispered until she got the final ship.
"Good shot." Skyguy congratulated the beautiful woman beside him. "You've been holding out on me."
"As always." She replied and I finally sat down again.
"Ahsoka, strap in." Anakin said as he faced me once more.
"You've got that 'we're in trouble' look." I told him.
"There's a look?" He asked.
"It's quite hard to miss now that you mention it." Naberrie said backing me up.
"Very funny." Skyguy told us as he tried to communicate. "Obi-Wan, come in! Do you copy?"
"Kenobi here." Master Obi-Wan answered quickly as the ship rumbled again. "Anakin, have you reached Tatooine yet?"
"Almost, but we ran into some old-"
"Did you get shot down again?" He asked my Master.
"Yes." Allana said as she placed her head before the transmission for Obi-Wan to see her, I can tell they have a basic rule in their friendship where they make everything in their power to bother one another, gladly, they're letting me play the same game.
"This ship is too slow, I haven't had the time to modify it yet." He replied dedicating her a glare.
"I'm still cleaning up your other mess, but I'll get there." Master Kenobi told Skyguy, then he ended the transmission.
"So much for reinforcements." Said he, looking at his co-pilot.
"Hang on, this landing could get a little rough."
Alarms started to beep again as fire appeared all over the windows.
"This is the second time, I think, that your landing gets a little rough Skywalker." Master Allana commented.
"It won't be the last, I can assure you that." He added.
"Second?" I asked but got no response. "Crashes are rough, landings are not."
"Yeah, well then it's a crash-landing." Anakin said.
The temperature in the cabin raised and raised until we hit the ground moments later, we landed jerking horribly.
"Next time, I'm piloting." Allana said as she rubbed her neck.
"What she said." I added.
"We'll see about that." Skyguy responded.
Moments later, we opened the gates and walked out.
"Welcome home Stinky." I told the little baby on my arms.
"Jabba's palace is on the far side of the Dune Sea." Master Skywalker said kneeling down before me in order for me to place the little guy in the backpack that's resting on his shoulders again.
"Well then." Master Naberrie spoke. "We'd better hurry if we're gonna make it by morning." Then, she jumped off into the sand, being followed by Skyguy. Once his feet hit the sand the baby started to whimper at me.
"I'm coming." I told him with a giggle. We gave a few steps when R2 beeped behind us all. "Oh Artooie, it's just endless tracts of gritty, abrasive sand." I told the droid. "I'll clean your servos later, come on." After that, he jumped off too and followed close behind.
I felt like we have been walking for hours and hours and the bright orange colour the sky had helped me confirm my theory, it was light blue when we arrived. I started to feel thirsty and was extremely surprised by the two Jedi Knights before me were not even bothered by the bright light of the sunset.
They were walking side by side, not saying a word, the only sound was the one of our footsteps and our breaths, so I decided to change the situation.
"You know? Master Yoda has a saying." I started. "Old sins cast long shadows, does any of you know what he means by that?"
"He means your past can ruin your future if you allow it." They answered at the unison.
"But." Skyguy added. "You forget it was Master Skywalker the one who said I don't want to talk about my past." His voice was cold, as well as the glance he sent me.
"Okay fine." I said. "There's so much more we can talk about out here, like...the sand."
"The desert is merciless." He said again. "It takes everything from you." Master Naberrie placed her hand gracefully over his shoulder, and he placed his hand over hers and slimed at her, but that smile didn't reach his eyes like the previous ones I've seen he sent her, it was...sadder.
"That's a happy thought." I whispered. "But it won't take any of us Master, right?" I asked and Artooie beeped as Allana nodded her head.
We continued for more hours I suppose until we heard a distant chattering.
"We're not alone." I commented as Master Naberrie touched something that was on her chest, it seemed like a necklace of some kind. "Master? Are you alright?" I asked her, Anakin turned around and faced her, looking at her hand, she was holding the pendant in her fist, clearly, he knew what it was about.
"I'm fine, don't worry." She said as we all focused in the feeling that increased in our stomaches.
"I sense it too." Anakin said. "It's the Dark Side of the Force." The little Huttlet covered his head with the top part of the backpack.
"Whatever it is, is coming for the Hutt." Allana said.
"Time to split up." Skyguy said.
"We'll face it together Master." I said.
"Not this time Snips." He told me as he placed his hand over my shoulder. "I have a far more important mission for you."
"More important than keeping you alive?"
"Ahsoka, I need you to trust me on this one." He said, then, he told us his plan and suddenly I felt scared, then Allana approached me.
"Listen kiddo." She started as she placed her hand over my shoulder too, it seems to be a parental manner these two always do. "This will work, I promise." She smiled at me and when I tried to smile back it didn't reach my lips, she sighed. "I understand how you're feeling."
"You do?" I asked.
"Yes." She began to explain. "When I was younger, I was sent in my fist solo mission too and as I walked away, on my own, I felt like you, scared, being separated from my Master and continuing by myself sounded terrifying." She told me as I listened carefully. "Remember what you did back in Teth, that will help you survive in so many ways, and remember that you also have R2, alongside him, you'll always be fine." She finished with a smile. "May the Force be with you kid." She smiled and remembered something. "If you so like Master Yoda's sayings, remember, fear is a path to the Dark Side, be brave Ahsoka, we believe in you."
I smiled back. "I will." I told her, thankful for her kind words. "May the Force be with you Masters." I said again as we walked in different ways, I was leaving my two friends and continued my path with the metal buddy, as I hoped for everything to go according to plan.
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