14: The Escape
We walked towards, honestly I don't know where, in the Monastery. Allana was beside me and Ahsoka was in front of us, guiding the way behind R2.
R2 arrived at a control panel and started to look for something, whatever it could be that Snips was thinking of.
"If there's a way out of here, Artooie will find it." Ahsoka said.
"Make it quick." I ordered my old metal friend. I heard Lana trying to suppress a groan, the medicine usually takes at least ten minutes to make effect, I looked at her and she looked away, she doesn't like it when she may seem weak to others.
I turned my gaze back to Ahsoka's back, who was in front of me, spotting the little Hutt with his eyes closed.
"Finally asleep huh?" I said. "Put him down, get some rest yourself." I told her. "It's been a long day for you little one." I said as I grabbed Lana's arm and placed it around my waist because I'm too tall for her to work as a crutch, making her walk beside me again.
"I can hold him Master." Snips commented. "I'm not tired."
"Okay, suit yourself." I said as I sat my girl and myself down, the groan finally escaped her lips. "I just don't see why you won't listen to me."
"I do listen to you Master, to both of you." She commented looking at us both. "I just don't like being treated like a youngling."
"You must have patient kid, we all must." Allana's soft voice spoke to my right. "What are you trying to prove anyway?" She asked.
"That I'm not too young to be your Padawan." She finally said, her vibrant blue eyes looking back into mine, I looked at those hazel eyes that drive me crazy and she smiled softly.
"Ahsoka." I whispered as I stood up. "A very wise Jedi once said, 'Nothing happens by accident'." I explained to the young girl. "It is the will of the Force that you are at my side." I looked at Lans. "At our side."
"We're just trying to keep you there in one piece." Lans spoke again, and I could feel her smile behind me as I turned back around to meet my Padawan's eyes.
The kid understood and placed the backpack with the baby down and we sat down, it hadn't been more than two minutes when we felt the ground shaking.
"That sounded bad." I commented as R2 beeped, he showed us a hologram of the Monastery, Lans hurried and placed herself to my right once more.
"A backdoor landing platform." Ahsoka said excitedly.
"We'll call for a gunship when we get there." Lana commented.
"Lead the way R2." I asked the droid, but my eyes met a new problem. "Ahsoka wait, where's Stinky?" I asked.
"You told me to put him down!" The apprentice complained.
"Find him!" I ordered.
"I can't believe that thing has a nickname." Lana whispered in a joking way.
Then, we heard that thing grunting, Ahsoka and I looked under the sofa and saw him crawling to the bottom.
"Come outta there, you grubby little slug." I said as I pulled him out and he started to yell. I placed him back into the backpack and zipped it up to his neck. "Ha." I exclaimed. "Let's see if you get away this time."
"Are you sure you don't want me to carry him little one?" Allana asked the Padawan.
"No Master, I can handle it."
"Anakin, come in." Rex's voice called our attention.
"Anakin?" Lans asked with a frown.
"We've held the droids sir." He commented as the three of us frowned even more.
"That's not like Rex." I commented.
"What is your location?" He asked again.
"Ventress." I whispered.
"Dooku's assassin?" Snips asked.
"Sounds like I'm finally going to meet her." Lana said, surely remembering the story about the scar above my right eye. I remember that Lana was playing to be the Senator's shadow again, she was in Naboo while Padmé was in Coruscant, I was nearby the beautiful system and said that I needed to get fuel, when I arrived at the Lake Country with the fresh cut on my face, Allana worried as she never had before and helped me clean it and heal. When she asked me how it happened, I told her that Asajj Ventress had done it while we were fighting and she has been anxious to have the chance to have an aggressive talk with her.
"She's dangerous, she's here to kill the Hutt, come on." I said.
"And you." I talked to Lans specifically. "You won't try anything stupid."
"Oh, it's not stupid, I'll just have a talk with her, girl to girl, maybe an aggressive one."
"These are not negotiations." I said remembering our adventure in Geonosis.
"No...but it is a conversation." She smiled, I spotted Snips getting tired, I approached her and took the backpack off her shoulders, she didn't complain and just nodded.
We were now in the platform R2 previously found.
"Skywalker to Obi-Wan, mark my position, I need a medical ship immediately, do you copy?"
"Anakin!" Obi-Wan's voice sounded distorted.
"They must be jamming our transmissions." Allana spoke.
"I'll see if I can find Rex." I commented. "Come in Rex, do you copy? Captain Rex, respond."
"I read you General, we're pinned down in the courtyard." He informed.
"Do you need help?" I asked under the expectant gaze of Lans, but he didn't respond, I looked at the hazel eyes in front of me and she nodded, pointing out the obvious. "I'll take that as a yes Captain, stand by, we're on our way, Skywalker out."
"Master, Stinky is really sick." Snips said. "He's turning every shade of green except the one he's supposed to be! Our mission was to get him back to Tatooine alive."
"Obi-Wan will get here eventually." I told her, trying to calm down her nerves. "Right now, we need Rex to help us find a ship."
R2 beeped and we turned around, more destroyers. Geez, how I hate them.
"Great." Allana said.
"Rolling death balls." Snips added.
We turned our sabers on and started to deflect the shots.
"R2, the door!" I said and the droid rushed to get it closed, in that moment, she showed up, walking slowly towards us, but right before she walked in, the doors closed, though it didn't take her long enough to get her sabers through the door.
"I think now's a good time for a retreat." I commented.
"Retreat? That's a new word for you." My Flower commented, teasing me like always.
"What Master Naberrie said." Ahsoka backed her up.
"Maybe into the jungle." I suggested and ran to the edge of the platform, followed by Snips while Lana stayed by the door keeping guard, her lightsaber up waiting for the assassin to walk in.
"Wait, I remember the jungle was a bad place." Ahsoka said as we stood by the edge spotting spider droids firing their basters at the platform where we were standing.
"So much for going that way." We returned by Lans's side waiting for our guest to walk in as she turned the light violet lightsaber on. "Looks like we're out of options." I said.
Then the baby started to whimper again.
"No, not now Stinky." Ahsoka called but the Hutt continued, then my apprentice looked to the back, she sighed paying attention to the baby. "Masters!" She called our attention. "Another landing platform!"
"With a ship on it." I added.
"Nice work Junior." Lana told the slug. "But, in anyway, how are we gonna get over there?"
"Leave that to me." I told them, then I jumped, I heard Lana commanding in a scream to Ahsoka to leave, and jump. She fell behind me, obeying the instructions of the other Master. I started to hear lightsabers hitting one another.
"Ventress, my pleasure." Lana said sarcastically as the lightsabers collided, I pictured her dancing gracefully but attacking in a deadly way.
"Wish I could say the same." Their lightsabers hit one another again until Lana groaned, surely struggling due to her wound, a flaw that the assassin is taking advantage over. "Tell me now, where is Skywalker?"
"Right here Ventress." I said and I used the huge dragon-fly Snips and I were riding to get her away from my love, then I flew over Lans. "Hop on General."
"Like I have a choice!" She yelled turning her lightsaber off, but when she was about to grab my hand, Ventress pulled her backwards when our fingers were an inch away.
"No!" I yelled as I saw her fall on the platform that was crumbling down, but it didn't take long before she pushed Dooku's pet back until she collided against the wall and ran just to jump and grab Ahsoka's hand. "That's my girl." I whispered low enough for the youngling not to hear me.
"Master, are you alright?" Snips asked her.
"I am." She sighed, catching her breath. "Remind me not to that ever again."
"No worries, I will." I said and she just nodded with a smile.
Moments later we landed on the other platform.
"We're taking this junker?" Ahsoka asked. "We'd be better off on that big bug."
"Get aboard and prime the engines." I said. "Assuming it has engines." I added and my wife laughed beside me. We bent down beside R2 to check on the Hutt, Lana had the brilliant idea of placing the baby on our droid. Suddenly we heard Snip's saber being turned on.
"Blast her!" A droid said and then blasters being fired echoed in the area.
"She's at it again." My girl commented.
"Let's go." I whispered.
We were on our way to help but there was no need to, Snips finished each and every droid in within seconds, I looked at Lans and she was smiling as well as me, impressed by the abilities of the kid. Then, we hoped on the ship, I sat in the pilot seat, Lana beside me as co-pilot and the kids behind her; the kids, I expected to hear myself saying that in years, I smiled to myself.
"Let's get Stinky outta here." I said as I tried to turn the engines on but it just wasn't happening, I clicked the button countless times until Ahsoka groaned.
"Relax Snips, R2, see if you can spark the ignition couplers." I asked the droid, who beeped and did as I asked, but it didn't work.
"Nope, that's not it." Lana said. "Try opening the fuel lifters all the way." She asked, then, everything powered up. "Right as always." She mocked making me chuckle.
"Good work buddy." I told the droid.
"Hey." She complained.
"Yeah, you too." I said taking out importance, mocking her back, and now we both giggled.
As we approached the Monastery we saw how our ships were fighting against Separatists ones.
"Master Kenobi is here." Ahsoka said. "Now we'll see some real fireworks."
"Excuse me? What do you call what we've been doing all day?" I asked the kiddo turning around.
"Mm, Master Naberrie's actions, fireworks too, and yours...I don't know, the word 'reckless' come to mind."
Lana laughed. "Very funny Snips, now, back to work, the troops still need our help." I said. "Charge the main guns."
"How are we gonna help? Stinky's getting sticker and sticker." Tano complained.
"But we promised Rex we'd help them, and you cannot break a promise that can cost your men's lives." Allana said as she charged the guns.
"Masters, we've got to take him to the medics on the Jedi cruiser, it's our only chance to get Stinky back to his father still breathing." Ahsoka said as she padded the Hutt's head, I looked at Lans as the baby whimpered, and she looked back at me, we both knew that was exactly what we had to do, but leaving our men there...it was a tough call.
We meditated for a few seconds what to do, and then she nodded, after that I opened our communications.
"Captain Rex? This is General Skywalker." I said and waited for an answer.
"Yes General." He said and I saw from the corner of my eye how Lana closed her eyes, I did the same.
"We're not going to be able to help you."
"We're sorry." Allana added.
"Don't worry about us Generals, we'll be alright." He commented.
"And ma'am, you already saved my life today, a second time wouldn't look that good in my records." Lana's chuckle filled the cabin.
"If you say so Captain." She commented.
"The mission always comes first." Rex spoke again and then the transmission was over.
Allana closed her eyes again and reclined her head on the seat, relaxing for a few moments. We were in a very comfortable silence as I piloted the ship back to the cruiser.
"Masters."Ahsoka started. "Today I did my best to stay calm, focused, and when I did, everything seemed so easy." She commented and then we felt something blowing up, shaking our world for a moments.
Lana opened her eyes and adjusted herself to the seat. "I think you spoke too fast again kid." She said. "Well, time to focus again." She said as we all saw our ships fighting against the enemy's ones.
"Things just got a lot harder." I added.
I moved the ship to avoid crashing on another one and avoid the blast of the vulture droids behind us. "All we have to do, is land in that Jedi cruiser." I said.
"Yeah, well, did you notice their deflector shields are still up?!" Allana asked beside me as Ahsoka tried to calm down the cry baby that she was holding.
"Oh, sorry about that."
Then they hit us, our own blasts, not enemies ones.
"They must think that this grease bucket is an enemy ship." Snips said.
"You think?" I asked sarcastically as I tried to communicate with them. "Jedi cruiser hold your fire!" I ordered.
"Who is that?" A clone asked. "Incoming ship, identify yourself, I repeat, identify yourself!"
"This is General Skywalker, we have Jabba the Hutt's son here, he needs medical attention, we must board immediately."
"Stand by." He replied.
"What? 'Stand by'? You must be joking." Allana complained.
"That's helpful." Snips whispered, in that moment, the ship rumbled again as we were shot again, this piece of junk won't be able to hold for much longer.
I kept on making movements, avoiding the blasts, even though every time it was getting harder and harder. "Hang on!" I yelled. I placed the ship upside down in order to get in between the two towers on top of the cruiser.
"Whoa." Ahsoka exclaimed as Lans closed her eyes.
"I hate it when you do that." Naberrie complained once we were back into a usual position.
"He does that often?!" Snips asked, that question brought back many memories.
"You have no idea." Lana replied making me smile.
Minutes later they communicated with us again. "General Skywalker, we think we can lift the shields on the lower rear hangar."
"We're on our way." I answered.
"We've made it! We've made it." Snips celebrated behind us, but as always, she spoke too damn fast.
"General Skywalker, abort! Abort!" The clones yelled and the ship blew up before us.
"That changes our plans." I commented.
"Oh, you think?!" My girl exclaimed beside me.
"Looks like we'll have to take this bucket of bolts all the way to Tatooine." I told the girls, minutes later we were away from harm. "We're clear to make the jump to hyperspace." I said. "R2, program the navicomputer." I asked and my droid beeped behind us.
"I don't think he's gonna make it Master." Said Ahsoka in a sad tone of voice. "There's gotta be something we can do for him."
"Take a look in the back." I suggested. "See if you can find some medical supplies."
"I'm on it." The Togruta assured as she walked out, leaving the smelly larva on her seat carefully.
"Don't die on us now little guy, just hang in there." Lana told the thing as she stood up too. "If you've locked the coordinates R2, let's go." She said and the droid beeped again, in that moment, I moved the hyperspace leaver and we made the jump.
"Masters, I found something!" Snips commented. "I'm gonna take this little one over there, we'll be back in no time."
"Take all the time you need kid." Lana told her as she stretched and I turned on the automatic pilot, once Ahsoka was gone, Lans hissed.
"It still hurts huh?" I asked as I stood up.
"Nah, it doesn't." She answered as I stood before her.
"Let me see that." I placed my hand on her waist to lift up her skin-tight shirt but she stopped me. "What? She's busy, and R2 won't tell her." I joked and the droid beeped, we stood silent for a moment. "Please." I whispered and she sighed moving her hand, and letting mine move. When I lifted the shirt up to her ribs I saw the droid blast, it was red and seemed to be slightly deeper than I thought.
"What?" She asked. "Is it that bad?"
"Nah, nothing that cannot be fixed." I answered with a smile.
"Though, it may leave another scar."
"Another victorious battle." She answered lowering her shirt again.
"If you continue with that mentality you're gonna end up with more than me."
"Then it'll mean I've had more action than you." She teased.
"Just please don't tell me you're gonna show off that one too."
"What's that supposed to mean?"
"Well, I just don't want all our colleagues looking at every inch of you." I said.
"Every inch mm, I think that's a bit of an over reaction." She laughed placing her arms around my abdomen in a hug, making me place mine around her shoulders, like we did on the ship hours ago. "And does that mean you'd be jealous if I did?"
"Maybe yes, maybe not, you'll never know."
"Unless I do it."
"Please abstain yourself from that, okay?"
"Then you'd be."
"Well yes, 'cause you're my girl, I'm the one who gets to see all that, not everyone can have that privilege." I commented playfully and she laughed standing on her tippy toes leaving a tender and soft kiss on my lips, I intensified it a little bit, missing her touch, making her smile into it, adding more magic to it.
After a while, we sensed the young girl approaching, so, we separated quickly and I pulled a tool towards my hand with the Force as I stood on the pilot's chair and started to fix something on the ceiling.
"The medicine is working." Ahsoka commented as she walked in the cockpit. "His fever broke."
"Then he's gonna live to stink another day." Lans added.
"Great." I said. "Keeping him alive wasn't as easy as you'd hope was it?" I asked the youngling.
"Master, if you have taught me one thing today, is that nothing is easy when you're around." Snips joked making Allana laugh once more, placing a proud smile on my face. "You think Rex and Master Obi-Wan made it out okay?"
"If I know my old Master, he has things well in hand." I assured her.
"Now, help me with this, I want the primary systems fully repaired by the time we reach Tatooine."
Ahsoka smiled as she handed over the tools.
"You grew up on Tatooine right?" She asked and I sensed Lana tensing, she knows my story. "So for you, this trip is like going home." Tano finished and my body tensed as well.
"Yeah, home." I whispered as I heard in my head the screams of the Sand people. God, I hoped not to return to that place again...
a/n: hi jedi and sith friends, i forgot to update this story too, so here you have it. thank you for reading this sm, i really appreciate it. i gotta tell u, the book 'legends' is up in case you wanna read it, i'd be eternally grateful and thankful if you do, but anyways. thanks again, ilysm, have a lovely sunday <3
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