12: Bonding
I was walking with the...girl following me, admiring the chaos that was previously formed.
"So...may I ask you something Master?" She said. 'Master' ugh, I never thought I'd be called like that one day.
"You just did." I said, using the same phrase my flower always uses when I try to ask her something.
"Sure, tell me." I said after I chuckled and the kid giggled.
"Who was that? I mean I've heard she's the sister of a politician, but I've never met her before."
"She's Allana Naberrie, she's, indeed, the younger sister of Senator Amidala."
"I see."
"Why do you ask?"
"Well, I heard how she offered herself as bait when the Senator was attacked last year."
"Yeah, that's the term the other Padawans used."
"I wouldn't use it." I commented as I remembered everything that happened. "I would rather say, distraction, she offered to play pretend and that was actually our first solo mission."
"You were Padawans in that mission?"
"Yes, she created that plan in within seconds when we were in session with the Council. Lana and the Senator are very alike, so she disguised herself as Padmé and we went to Naboo." I started the story, I sighed. "Eventually, we had to go to Geonosis to rescue Obi-Wan, we almost died and got pretty hurt, the three of us."
"Wow." She whispered behind me as we walked upstairs to finally meet up with Rex. "What do you mean with 'pretty hurt'?" She asked raising up her voice a little.
"You ask too much, don't you?"
"I'm sorry Master." She whispered again.
I sighed once more as I looked over my shoulder, remembering how I used to do the same when I was her age. "Obi-Wan got a few cuts by a lightsaber, that same saber chopped off my arm." I started, when I mentioned what happened to me, I squeezed my right hand into a fist and let go quickly. "And Allana got her entire back scratched by a Nexu."
"A Nexu? How is she still alive?"
"It was not that critical, the beast didn't have the opportunity to attack her properly, therefore it was not...that bad, but those were quite deep cuts, she lost a lot of blood that day according to the medical droids."
"That day was the first Battle of Geonosis, how did she managed to fight through it all with those kind of injuries?"
I scoffed with a smile. "I don't know, must have been the adrenaline, she's the strongest woman I know, a great Jedi, leader, not to mention how good of a-" I was going to say 'wife' but I stopped myself right on time. "friend." I cleared my throat. "She's just, great, in fact, she's proud of surviving that battle so much that she enjoys showing off those scars." I commented as I remembered how she changed her Jedi robes into something more alike to. her sister's style.
She now used shirts that show off her shoulders and have no black, quite tight letting everyone see her curves anther long sleeved or with no sleeves at all, her pants are tight enough for it to look stylish but lets her move and fight comfortably, she wears matching boots, long fingerless gloves and her belt, the colours are still dark, mostly black, dark brown marine blue, green or beige, every now and then.
"That's admirable, I look forward to get to know her better, I'm sure I can learn so much with her."
"Perhaps." We finally reached the top floor. "What's the status Rex?"
"Quiet for now sir, they're gearing up for another assault." He informed as Ahsoka looked around, Rex then looked at her. "Who's the youngling?"
She turned around hearing his words. "I'm Master Skywalker's Padawan, the name's Ahsoka Tano." She introduced herself for the third time, I think.
"Sir, I thought you said you'd never have a Padawan." Rex told me.
"There's been a mix-up, the youngling isn't with me." I said.
"Stop calling me that! You're stuck with me Skyguy." She said and I just had to breath deep in as Rex laughed.
"What did you just call me? Don't get snippy with me little one, you know, I don't even think you're old enough to be a Padawan."
"Well maybe I'm not, but Master Yoda thinks I am." She commented with a playful smile on her features.
"Well, you're not with Master Yoda now, so if you're ready, you better start proving it. Captain Rex will show you how a little respect can go a long way." I said as I called him to join my side.
He stuttered as he placed himself next to me. "Right, come on youngling."
"Padawan." She complained in a whisper.
As she walked to meet the rest again beside me and Rex, I was able to see so much of my younger self in her, as well as Lana's. I don't have a clue how I got into this, but now, things are going to get a little more...complicated.
We were now reunited with Lans and Obi-Wan and we were analysing a hologram of the area.
"The shield generator is somewhere in this area, they're slowly increasing the diameter and keeping it just ahead of their troops." Obi-Wan explained as Lana placed herself in between my old Master and me.
"Heavy cannons are going to be useless against that thing." Rex said.
"I figured that with or without shield we could try to draw them into the buildings." Allana said as she studied the hologram before us, Ahsoka moved behind her to stand by her side, while she did so, she was able to see the exposed scars on her back that her black top let everyone see causing her bright blue eyes to open wildly. "That might level the field a bit." She concluded. "Wolffe already has a strategy, he's talking to the 104th about it now." It's impressive how those two work so good together.
"If that shield's gonna be such a problem, why don't we just take it out?" Tano asked.
"Easier said than done." Rex said.
"Well, I, for one, agree with her." I said gaining the attention of everyone, I cleared my throat before I continued. "Someone has to get to that shield generator and destroy it, that's the key."
"Indeed but it won't be that easy." Lans commented, her hazel eyes reflected the blue light of the hologram, and I could see how her mind raced to create another plan.
"What do you suggest?" Obi-Wan asked her, the plan maker star was still processing everything.
"Well, maybe we can tiptoe through the enemy lines, or just you two." She said looking at the apprentice and me.
"Can do, Master Naberrie." Ahsoka said excitedly.
"I'll decide what we do." I commented and those honey like eyes sent me a glare, then, she turned back to the hologram.
"If we can engage them here." She pointed to the middle. "They might have a chance to get through the lines undetected over here." She pointed again.
"So...you won't be coming with us?" The Togruta asked her, making her giggle.
"You heard your Master Ahsoka, he'll decide what we'll do." I rolled my eyes, with Naberrie, everything you say can can be used against you.
"In anyway, there won't be much time, the droids far outnumber us." Rex commented. "So our ability to street fight is limited without the use of our cannons, they will march under the protection of their shield until they are on top of our cannons, then they'll blow them away." Optimism at its finest.
"We'll figure out a way." Ahsoka said. "Come on Masters, let's go." She ordered as started to walk away.
I looked at Allana, and she looked at Obi-Wan.
"Go, we'll be fine." Said he, and she nodded walking with me side to side.
"If we survive this Snips, you and I are gonna have a talk." I said. "Do you actually think we have a chance?" I asked the other General.
"We better, otherwise, there won't be a scape for any of us." She said, another optimistic being. She walked up to her Commander and told him he was in charge of her battalion, then, she grabbed a backpack and filled it up with chargers and handed it over to the Padawan, who started to walk a bit faster, enthusiastic about the mission. "You have to be patient with her Ani."
"I know, but she's getting on my nerves."
"I know." She giggled. "But guess what? She's just like you used to be, you just have to learn to be more patient."
"I-" She looked at me and I sighed. "I will try, I promise."
"I know you will." She commented and smiled at me, making me smile back at her.
We were now standing in the balcony of a building. I was using a pair of binoculars to find a way to do this thing.
"So, what's the plan?" Ahoska's cheerful voice spoke behind me.
I scoffed. "Oh, I thought you were the one with the plan." I said and Lana giggled beside me.
"No, I'm the one with the enthusiasm, you two are the ones with the experience, which I'm looking forward to learn from." She said and I looked at my flower's eyes and her hazel ones looked back at me, we both smiled and looked back to the front.
"Well, first, we need to get behind the shield, then, past their tank lines." Lans told the youngling.
"Why don't we just go around? Outflank them?" Snips asked again.
"That'd take too long." I whispered as I kept on looking.
"Sneak through the middle, then?"
"Impossible, unless you can turn yourself into a droid." I said trying to be sarcastic but something clicked inside of my head. I felt Lana's eyes on me, knowing I just thought of something.
"Alright, you win, my first lesson will be to wait while you come up with the answer."
"Well, wait's over kid, he's got a plan." Allana commented as she smiled.
We got out of where we were and moved to the area. I found a huge box looking thing and told the ladies to lay down on the floor to place it over our heads. We waited there until we felt that we were close, Ahsoka was in between us both. I lifted the box a little to see how far they were and smiled as I saw them approaching.
"When I said you had a plan, I didn't think of this." Allana whispered.
"Agreed, this is a stupid plan, we should fight these guys instead of just sneaking around." Ahsoka complained.
"Except for the fact that their deflective energy just passed over us." I said and I bet Lans is thinking about the great pair we are. "If you can't cross their lines, let their lines cross you."
"You didn't say that." Alana whispered.
"If you say so." Tano said, then, we started to crawl inside of the box.
Moments later she spoke again. "I think we made it past all of them Master, we may pull this off yet."
"We still have a ways to go before we get to the generator station." I told the apprentice.
"Do we still need this thing?" She complained. "I can't take it anymore, I have to stand up." And that's what we did, because honestly, we all needed it.
"You have got to be careful!" I said while I looked at her over my shoulder. "You never know what you're gonna run into." I told her as we bumped into something that made us all fall back.
"You had to open your mouth." Allana complained as we faced a destroyer. We were on the ground when it opened fire, we had to crawl back while we deflected the shots with our laser swords, then, we managed to get back up.
"We can't beat its shield." Ahsoka pointed out the obvious.
"Run!" Lans yelled.
"What?! Jedi don't run!"
"She said run!" I said and we did so. I saw what she thought of, the droid started to come after us, but when these ones run they become a metal ball and roll over the ground, their shield disappears as well as they stop shooting. "Ahsoka stop!" I yelled again as the droid rolled behind us.
"Make up your minds?!" She asked playfully.
"He said stop!" Lans said.
We all stopped running and Ahsoka was the first one to hit it, then, Lana and I gave it a final thrust making it blow into pieces behind our backs, we looked at each other and our eyes spoke for us, an unspoken 'I love you' crossed our minds as we smiled.
I turned my gaze to the youngling. "Good, you take direction well." I said as soon as she arrived by our side. I walked away and Lana and Snips stood behind me, I looked over my shoulder and saw how Ahsoka frowned and Lans placed her hand over her shoulder and whispered not to take it personal, the kid smiled at her and nodded as they walked side by side.
We climbed some rocks and made it to the area where the generator was placed, it was still quite far, so we had to hurry.
"There it is, come on." Ahsoka commented as Lans and I exhaled in relief. We started to run and when we were meters away from the buzzing generator, we stopped to analyze if there were any threats.
"Stay close." I told them. "We've gotta be careful."
"Come on!" Ahsoka said.
"Ahsoka wait!" Allana told her but she started to run away.
"Why? We're almost there, it's right-" She stopped talking when she realized she had activated some sensors on the ground that quickly started to beep.
"She said wait!" I yelled as we ran towards her, but Snips fell backwards touching more sensors, in a second, huge droids emerged from the ground.
"Padawan, forget about the droids, set those chargers!" Allana ordered as she turned on her violet saber and started to destroy the droids, I turned mine on as well and helped her as Ahsoka set the chargers.
We were almost over when one of those machines tried to attack the youngling, she was faster and destroyed it, but she used the Force to push it away, a piece rolled over the ground turning on more droids.
"Sorry!" She yelled.
"Whose side are you on anyway?" I asked.
"Stop arguing and keep fighting." Lans ordered me as she ran and destroyed one.
"Yes General." I said playfully and followed her lead, but there were just too many, even for the both of us, we were surrounded by those things. "We could use a little help!" I yelled as they made us walk backwards.
"Skyguy, Master, don't move!" Ahsoka yelled as we kept on deflecting the blasters as we could, then, we heard something crack behind our backs.
"What?" I turned around and saw how the rock with a quite small whole started to fall above us. "No, no no!" I yelled and turned my saber off, beside me, Alana did the same as I placed my body over hers, protecting her even if we could be smashed by that thing. I covered her head and mine as we kneeled down waiting for the impact, but it never arrived.
I opened my eyes as I realized that it had fallen above the droids, then I looked at her. "Are you alright?" I asked as I moved her now slightly shorter hair off her face.
"I am, I am, are you?" She asked placing her hand over my metal one.
"Yes." I saw from the corner of my eye how Ahsoka approached and I got up quickly grunting.
"Ani..." Lana whispered but I didn't listen.
"You could have gotten us killed!" I yelled.
"I know what I'm doing!" Ahsoka yelled back.
"We had everything under control." I started to walk away.
"No we didn't, you asked for help and that's what she did, Anakin, she just saved our lives." Allana said and I kept on walking.
"Did you get the charges set?" I asked.
"Yes." Ahsoka answered.
"Then what are you waiting for?" I asked again as I crossed my arms and saw how Allana did the same as she sighed and rolled her eyes, then, the kid, who was also crossing her arms, clicked the button on her wrist and the generator blew up, then, after sending me a cold glare she walked away to sit down, quite away from where we were standing.
Once she was gone Lana stood closer to me. "What did I ask you to do?" She whispered, she's shorter than me, so she had to look for my eyes that were trying not to look into hers.
"To be more patient." I said when she finally made eye contact.
"Then why don't you do that?"
"She could've got us killed."
"But she didn't, she saved us, she saved you, and honestly that's how I picture you saving Obi-Wan when you were in her place." She said with a smirk.
"Maybe." I commented, making her chuckle, her laughter made me giggle as well.
"There you have it." I looked away and her hand found my face and made me watch her features when she made sure the Togruta was not looking. "Go talk to her, this was your success after all." She smiled at me and I smiled back, I grabbed her hand and left a short and quick kiss on her knuckles as we saw the reinforcement ships flying across the sky.
I sat down beside Ahsoka, looking at my hands. "You're reckless little one, you never would've made it as Obi-Wan's Padawan." I said and saw from the corner of my eye how her head fell even more. "But you might make it as mine." I said and faced her, her blue eyes met mine and she smiled, making me do so as well.
After a short while, Lana walked in between us, kinda interrupting the moment, both of us smiled. "Come on you two." She said giving us her back, and we stood up to walk behind her as a gunship landed before us to give us a ride.
Once inside, we realized Rex was there too. "Great job Generals." He said as we grabbed the tubes above our heads to maintain our balance. "You too, kid." He told Ahsoka and she nodded, thanking him.
A few minutes had gone by when we approached the area where all the troops were. I saw how Ahsoka was looking at Lans and they were smiling at each other, that made me smile, this girl truly admires her, the Padawan also looked at me and smiled, I returned the gesture; soon enough, we landed. "Thanks for the ride Rex." I told my trooper.
"Anytime sir." He said and then, the two Jedi ladies and me walked out of the ship.
"Master Obi-Wan, Master Yoda." I greeted and the three of us made a small bow before them.
"Trouble you have with your new Padawan I hear." Master Yoda said, I looked at Snips, and she looked back at me.
"I was explaining the situation to Master Yoda." Obi-Wan informed us.
"Really?" I asked.
"If not ready for a Padawan you are, then perhaps, Obi-Wan, we can-" Master Yoda started.
"No, wait a minute." I interrupted, looking at the green old man. "I admit Ahsoka is a little rough around the edges, but with a real deal of training, and patience," I started, and in the last part I dedicated a short look at my love that smiled discreetly at me. "she might amount to something." I finished.
"Then go with you she will, to the Teth system." Master Yoda instructed after a couple seconds in silence.
"Teth?" Allana asked, more to herself. "That's Wild Space, the droid army isn't even in that sector."
"Kidnapped, Jabba the Hutt's son has been." Master Yoda informed and we all let out a surprise sigh.
"You want me to rescue Jabba's son?" I asked.
"Anakin, we'll need the Hutt's allegiance to give us an advantage over Dooku." Obi-Wan told me.
"Negotiate the treaty with Jabba, Obi-Wan will, find the renegades that hold Jabba's son your mission will be Skywalker." Master Yoda ordered. "Take Naberrie with you too, helpful she will be."
"Come on Master, it doesn't sound that hard." Ahsoka commented. "I'll find Rex and get the troops organized." And with that, she left running away.
"Don't worry Anakin." Kenobi said, "Just teach her everything I've taught you and she'll turn out fine."
"You know, something makes me think this was your idea from the start." I turned around to dedicate a glare to my Master, after that, we walked away to get on the ship.
We were in the ship now, already in Hyperspace, there were at least ten minutes left for us to arrive at the remote system.
"Wolffe, can you read me?" Allana asked her Commander.
"Yes General." Answered he. "Loud and clear."
"Good." She said. "I've been sent to a mission to the Teth system with Skywalker I need to continue guiding the troops in case anything happens, for now go back to Coruscant, rest, you and your men have done a great job today Commander."
"Thank you General, good luck."
"Thank you Wolffe."
I heard Lana talking on the other side of the Conference room while I finished talking to the scouts on the system, then I walked in the room to see the clone trooper's hologram disappear.
"Hey." I greeted.
"Hi." She greeted back as she smiled, the door closed behind me.
"Is Ahsoka here?" I asked.
"No, she left with Rex couple minutes ago." She informed. "They must be at the hangar, why?"
"Oh, just because." I said with a smirk as I walked up to her making he chuckle nervously. "What?"
"Nothing." She said with a smile.
When I was in front of her, I hugged her, my hands around her shoulders, hers around my waist, my head over hers. Whenever we have time, we share moments like this, they are not as often as I'd like them to be, but they're there.
"How are you?" I asked softly.
"Tired." She answered, her voice soft against my chest's armour. "I want to take a nap." She said.
"Me too." I said, then we broke the hug, my hands traveled to the exposed skin of her lower back. "We have to go to the hangar, I told the scouts we'd meet them there and I'm pretty sure we're about to jump out of hyperspace."
She sighed. "Fine, but, can we just stay here for a moment? A little one." She placed her cheek against my chest again, making me chuckle.
"We can." I rubbed her back with one hand as I played with her hair with the other one, every time we're embracing one another I do that, I can't explain why, guess it calms me down.
We stood there, breathing softly until the ten minutes we had passed, the feeling of getting out of hyperspace letting us know it was time to go. We let go of the hug and kissed for a brief moment, then we walked out and started to walk towards the elevator to reach the troopers.
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