11: Christophsis


  I was running towards the squadron. Anakin beside me, guns firing from all sides as smoke curtains covered the area. The Separatist army were approaching us from the front quickly.

  It's been one year since the beginning of the Clone Wars. The Republic Army against the Separatist one. We've been fighting day and night to make the things right, to restore peace in the Galaxy. Anakin and I stopped being Padawans and are now Generals in this war. It's also been a year since we started living a secret.

  We had captured the Christophsis planet, or so we thought until we realized things were not exactly going as we planned.

  "They're back!" Anakin said as we stopped.

"I told you this victory was too easy." Obi-Wan told us as he approached. I was concentrated, focusing on a quick strategy we could use right now, to help the soldiers of the 501st, 212th and 104th a little bit. "We never should've sent the ship back for supplies."

"It wasn't my idea to send the ship back." Ani commented as I sighed, these two just never stop arguing over this kind of things.

"Alright men, second wave incoming!" I told the troops interrupting the conversation they were holding. "Anakin, go with Rex and his men over there!" They did as I said with a nod. "The rest of you, battle positions! Wolffe!" I called my Commander. "Get your men ready!"

"Right away General!" He answered. He's one of the most intelligent clone troopers I've met. Anakin says that is good that he's working with me, saying that both of us have a never ending chess game in our head, always trying to be a step ahead.

  We all took our positions, Obi-Wan was covering the left side as I covered the right one, our soldiers placed themselves behind us ready to fire as the cannons were firing against the enemies.

  Red and blue blasts were coming and going as we tried our best not to get too tired.

"Skywalker should've attacked by now!" Commander Cody yelled.

"Don't worry! He knows the plan!" Kenobi defended his apprentice as we all continued fighting. Then I saw them, we all did. Anakin jumped from one of the buildings and started to deflect the blasts back. His men did the same and then we knew it was our turn.

  "Come on then!" I yelled and gave the order of moving forward. I ran alongside my troopers and we all started to destroy the droids from up-close.

My violet saber was hitting every single one of the yellow and grey droids, chopping off their metal heads, arms and blasters. Kenobi did the same and the clones just kept on screaming and avenging their fallen brothers. Anakin made it to destroy one of the giant metal spiders and jumped to another one.

  The cannons kept on blasting the opposite lines and we managed to destroy almost every droid. I cut one by the half as Obi-Wan deflected back a blast and Ani jumped off another of those huge machines. But there were still too many.

  "We're gonna need reinforcements." Anakin commented.

"We haven't been able to get through the Admiral." Obi-Wan said as we deflected their blasters.

Suddenly we all saw how they started to retreat. "They're pulling back." I told them as we kept our guard up and saw how a Republic ship flew over our heads. "Looks like help has arrived." I commented as I turned my saber off and placed it on my belt. Then R2 beeped behind me.

  We all started to walk towards the small ship.
"Our cruiser must be back." Master Kenobi assured.

"Which means we'll be able to get our reinforcements." Ani said and I giggled, then I sighed, relief filling my body. We all know how necessary they are right now.

"Then it looks like our problems are solved. Fresh troops, new supplies-" I started, but was interrupted.

"And perhaps they brought my new Padawan with them." Kenobi said and I almost choked with air.

"New Padawan?" I asked.

"You really think it's a good idea to bring a Padawan learner into all this?" Skywalker asked letting me know that he, apparently knew.

"Wait, you know?" I asked but they seemed not to be able to hear me.

"I spoke to Master Yoda about it."

"Alright, hold your horses, both of you." I said and both of them stopped walking, just like I did. "Excuse me? Why am I just finding out?"

"Just now? I thought we had told you." Kenobi said with a giggle.

"No, certainly you haven't. I feel offended. It's good to know you trust me Master Kenobi." I crossed my arms over my chest.

"I do, blindfolded." Obi-Wan said with a smile.

"Oh, don't be so dramatic." Anakin said as he grabbed my arm to keep the walking going.

"I learned that from you, get used to it." I punched his arm softly and he scoffed while Kenobi chuckled at our childish behavior. "A new Padawan, seriously? You don't have enough with this one?" I pointed at Anakin arching an eyebrow.

"Hey, I'm no longer one you know?" Skywalker complained.

"Well sometimes you still behave like one."

"She's not wrong." Kenobi backed me up. "And yes, you both should put in a request for one, you'd make good teachers." Obi-Wan said and we just looked at each other, just to exchange a chuckle and shake out heads.

"No, thanks." We said at the same time.

"Teaching is a privilege and it's part of a Jedi's responsibility to help train the next generation." Kenobi told us.

"I mean...yes, but a Padawan is like a child, too much responsibility that I personally, don't think I'm ready for." I said.

"One would just slow me down." Ani said as we stopped walking, and I sent him a glare, as well as Kenobi. When the main gate of the ship opened, a very young Togruta girl walked out, all by herself.

  "A youngling?" Kenobi whispered as my arms fell to my sides.

"And who are you supposed to be?" Anakin asked her as R2
beeped excitedly beside me.

"I'm Ahsoka, Master Yoda sent me." She explained. "I was told to tell the three of you that you must get back to the Jedi Temple immediately. There's an emergency."

"What kind of-" I was going to ask, but was cut off again. This time was Anakin the one who interrupted, I sighed as I placed my hands behind my back.

"Well, I don't know if you've noticed, but we are in a bit of an emergency right here too." Anakin told Ahsoka.

"Yes our communications have been a bit unreliable, but we've been calling for help." Obi-Wan said.

"Master Yoda hadn't heard from you so he sent me to deliver the message." The young girl explained herself.

Anakin sighed and turned around. "Oh, great. They don't even know we're in trouble."

"Maybe you can relay a signal through the cruiser that just dropped me off." Ahsoka offered and we all looked at each other and smiled.

"Great idea young one." I said and the four of us started to try to communicate with the Admiral.

  "We're under attack by Separatist warships, but I'll try to make contact with the Jedi Temple for you. Stand by." The commander's blue hologram said. There was a short pause filled up by a very awkward silence where everyone looked at each other repetitively.

Then, Master Yoda's hologram appeared. "Master Kenobi, glad Ahsoka found you I am." He said.

"Master Yoda, we are trapped here, and vastly outnumbered." Obi-Wan informed. "We are in no position to go anywhere or do anything, our support ships have all been destroyed."

"Send reinforcements to you we will." He said and then the transmission started crackling making me frown, as well as the two men standing in front of me.

"Master Yoda? Master Yoda?!" Obi-Wan said, but there was no use. So I quickly communicated to our cruiser.

"What happened?" I asked.

"We have lost the transmission ma'am. We have to leave orbit immediately, more enemy ships have just arrived." They informed us. "We'll get back to you as soon as we can." Then their transmission was also lost.

"Well I guess we'll just have to hold out a little longer." I commented.

  There was another short silence. "My apologies young one." Kenobi told Ahsoka. "It's time for a proper introduction."

"I'm the new Padawan learner, I'm Ahsoka Tano." The Togruta said, making me smile.

"I am Obi-Wan Kenobi, your new Master."

"I'm...at your service Master Kenobi, but I'm affraid I've actually been assigned to Master Skywalker." She said and now the three of us, choked with air.

"What? No, no, no." He said as he denied with his hands. "There must be some mistake. He's the one who wanted the Padawan." He pointed at Obi-Wan.

"No, Master Yoda was very specific." She commented as I crossed my arms again with a smile on my features, I was really enjoying this situation. "I'm assigned to Anakin Skywalker and he is to supervise my Jedi training."

  My eyes, as well as Obi-Wan's travelled from the young girl to Ani with a smile. He looked at us with a frown. It looked like his eyebrows were going to touch each other in any moment.

"But that doesn't make any sense." Said Ani.

"We'll have to sort this out later." I commented, then I placed my hands behind my back. "It won't be long before those droids figure out a way around our cannons."

"I'll check on Rex in the lookout post." Ani told us as he turned around.

"You better take her with you." Obi said.

"Right. Lana, lets-"

"No, he didn't mean me." I said. "Go." I whispered at Ahoska and she left, following the upset General. After that I looked at Kenobi and giggled. "You're really enjoying this, aren't you?" I asked when I saw the smile he had on his lips.

"You have no idea."

"This will be interesting."


"Let's check something, I might have a plan." I commented and he nodded. We regrouped with the Commanders and I told them what I had in mind as I imagined the fun Skywalker must be having right now.

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