(No One's POV)
The brother-sister duo were walking back to their "home" when Damian sat down under a tree to try to understand what happened to his eyes while also just glad that Yang was safe.
Yang:" Damian, what was that? You haven't mentioned being able to shoot lasers from your eyes."
Damian:" That's because I didn't know I could do that till now. It helped but still why did that happen?"
Yang joined Damian under the tree since it brought peace after the excitement that took place but it didn't last long when suddenly six Atlas soldiers appeared with their rifles aimed at them.
RS= Random Soldier:" Hold it there!"
Damian:" What the hell?!?! Where you freaks come from!?!?!"
RS:" Quiet and stay there! We're taking you in for questioning!"
Yang clinged on to her brother's right arm in fear and that angered Damian to see her scared three times in one day and he thought it was time for some ass whooping.
Damian:" Time to take out the trash."
Within a blink Damian punched one soldier so hard he shattered his armor and broke several bones in the guy's body. One soldier kept his gun on Yang while one other fired at Damian which only resulted with the bullets bouncing off his body before he caught one and threw it right into the barrel of the rifle, breaking it in half. (Guess the reference)
RS:" What the hell!?!?!"
Damian shut him up with a roundhouse kick that knocked him into a tree. Three of the soldiers were so shocked they didn't move from their spots though the one with his gun aimed at Yang tried to grab her but Damian grabbed his arm and punched it several times, causing it to break in several different places.
Damian:' Who's next you Atlas sacks of crap?"
The three remaining men looked at each other in question to what to do but suddenly one of them suddenly screamed out in choked pain before collapsing face first. It didn't take much of a look to see what had happened: Something had jammed a piece of the first guy's armor in the right side of his neck.
RS:" What the f-"
That one was grabbed from behind and had his spine snapped and from what Damian was able to judge from their arms they barely flexed their arms to accomplish that feat. The remaining looked around fearfully at whatever was doing this while Damian was thinking of just getting Yang out of here since while he had power that most semblances couldn't allow their users to do, he didn't know how much experience or power his potential opponent had so leaving while they were distracted was the smarter move. Damian picked up Yang and just started running the opposite direction of their "home" to prevent the person from knowing where they live but before he was able to get far one of the soldiers started firing at him so he ducked behind one of the countless trees to shield Yang.
Yang*Terrified*:" Why are these psychos shooting at us?!?!"
Damian:" I don't know but since someone else is dealing with them appropriately, I need to get you out of here and I need to deal with something else. When I say run let's beat it, got it?"
Yang nodded and when the firing stopped they ran towards town in hopes the soldiers wouldn't shoot where it was populated with witnesses.
{Timeskip 15 Minutes Dusk Time}
After a while they managed to find refuge in a coin laundry mat and just sat in one of the chairs to calm themselves down from what just happened. Yang was hugging Damian while he was petting her hair gently to calm her down which seemed to work a little but what he was worried about was what his "family" would do if they saw they weren't there and that they were in town, he couldn't stand the idea of Yang having to watch him get "beat up" again and his mother was always to busy to get them to stop.
Damian:" Yang we need to head back because I have a feeling those scumbags found out by know that we aren't there."
Yang:" But Damian, they'll hurt you worse than usual for sure."
Damian:" It doesn't matter what happens to me, what does is that you are safe."
Yang:" But that's not all that matters. What's keeping you safe?"
Damian:" I do not need you to protect me."
Reluctantly Yang followed Damian out of the laundry mat to head home but then Damian remembered a power that manifested about two weeks ago that he managed to master quickly and could hide easily so he led her into a alleyway to show her.( This was a bit weird to write if you take it out of context but if you read some of my other, this is nothing)
Damian:" Yang there is another power I've had for over two weeks now and I think this strongly supports one of my theories."
Damian started to remove his shirt causing Yang to blush redder than a tomato before shock filled her system to see Damian's fair skin become a dirty silver and look like steel.
Damian:" These are nano machines Yang. They harden in response to physical trauma or to make it easier to understand, they get stronger the more someone or something hits them. These are why I can't feel those scumbags attacks."
Yang:" I think they look cool Damian!"
Damian chuckled and grew a smile to hear that she didn't see him as a freak.
Damian:" Care to hear what my theory is?"
Yang nodded her head and Damian let out a slow sigh before continuing.
Damian:" You won't like this one Yang but I think that me and you aren't actually related because I don't think I'm either human or Faunus."
Yang's eyes widened at that but she did hear him say that it was theory so it was possible that it was wrong and Damian saying not human was what stuck to her.
Yang:" W-W-What do you mean not human Damian?"
Damian:" I mean that I might be another species because I had these powers every since I was 3 and for the doctor to say it wasn't a semblance and me having no Aura has to mean something doesn't it?"
Yang looked at Damian and contemplated what he was saying. Could he be right? Was it possible that he wasn't human or even her brother? What does this do to their relationship?
Yang:" D-Damian what does this mean for me and you? If we're not related then what are we?"
Damian gently placed both hands on the sides of Yang's head and connected their foreheads.
Damian:" Even if we are not related that does not mean me and you aren't siblings. Besides mom you have been my everything from friend to baby sister so don't you dare for a second think anything has changed between me and you. You are still my little sister. Till now and forever."
Yang's eyes had tears poking the corners of her brother's words then burying her face into his chest while he placed his chin on the top of her's, neither saying another word while in each other's embrace. Suddenly Damian looked up when he heard what sounded like metal creaking from pressure to see a feminine figure that seemed to be around five foot eight inches and had some muscle on her judging from the tight shirt she was wearing. The woman was wearing the said tight shirt with ripped jeans all black with heavy boots and finger less gloves but what caught Damian's eyes was how she looked. Her skin was the most pale Damian had ever seen it was like looking at snow or ice dust but it was quite the contrary to her hair, lips and eyes. They were as dark as coal and made her stick out of a crowd easily but despite that she was truly one of the most beautiful people he had ever seen. Yang saw Damian's eyes became averted to above them so when she looked she saw the woman and considering what has happened earlier, she was very much still on edge with people showing up outta nowhere.
Damian:" Can I have your name miss?"
The woman chuckled at Damian's question before jumping down and doing a superhero landing.
Jane:" Name's Jane kiddo and your's?"
Damian:" Mine is Damian and when she's comfortable and decides to, she'll say her name."
Jane:" I understand but I have to say, you took care of yourself good back there with those asswipes."
Damian:" Hold up, were you the one that killed the last four?"
Jane:" Yeah that was me and the reason I'm here is I have a little proposition for you."
Damian did the go on wave and made sure he shielded Yang with his body.
Jane:" Alright let's have a little match. If you win I'll give you a location to meet someone you might like to see but if I win you have to give me some of your blood."
Damian:" What for?"
Jane:" It doesn't matter. Take it or leave it and the way to win is the pin your opponent with your body onto the ground."
Damian:".... Fine."
Damian got into a stance before Jane lunged at him only to receive a roundhouse that made her stagger a little but she quickly recovered and landed two punches on Damian's face only to grab them in pain afterwards. Damian then quickly landed a strong headbutt to her stomach that knocked the wind out of her before kneeing her chin hard and ending the fight by tackling and landing on her ample chest to pin her.
Damian:" I beat you Jane now what location are you telling us about?"
Jane*Thoughts*:" Damn he beat me like nothing! That training he's done certainly paid off good."
Jane:" Alright got a piece of paper?"
Damian nodded before ripping one out of his journal and handing it to her. Jane wrote down a address and handed it back.
Jane:" Let's spar again some other time kiddo. Be seeing ya."
With that, she jumped up high onto the roof of the building she was on to Damian's surprise of the strength she must have.
Damian:" Alright I guess let's get going."
{Timeskip 20 minutes Brought to you by Chibi Damian and Chibi Yang sleep cuddling}
They both made it to a apartment building that seemed expensive but also worth it since during the twenty minutes Damian had some extra training from beating up four criminals, one trying to rob him and three others that were trying to rob some old couple to also using his newly obtained heat vision to beam some stray Grimm and this time without his eyes feeling any kind of pain.
Yang:" Hey Damian, when that girl punched you she felt pain. How come?"
Damian pressed the elevator button and waited for it to open but decided to tell Yang his little trick.
Damian:" Well I keep my nano machines activated all around my head, neck and spine for ultimate protection since I learned something about my regeneration."
Yang:*Tilts Head*:" What is that?"
Damian:" I can heal from things that would either cripple or just kill any normal person even if they have more than the max amount of Aura like the time I regenerated my whole left arm or when I had six of my ribs shattered and just like that *Snaps Fingers* They healed up like nothing ever happened."
Yang*Wide Eyes*:" Wait how did that happen!?!?! Did they really go that far!?!?!"
Damian:" No I just go places at night and let's say some of the things I'm involved in are not what you would call normal. Anyway I keep the nano machines activated in those areas because my regeneration relies on my brain so I need to keep my noggin on my shoulders to stay alive.*Gives her some Head Pats* Don't worry though, just thinking of you helps me realize I have something to live for."
Yang blushed enough again to become a stop light but then they made it to where they were suppose to go and saw the door number Jane had written down. Damian looked around and saw a recycling bin so he jumped up and looked down to see a empty beer bottle still intact, so he grabbed it and hid it behind his shirt in case this was some kind of trap Jane had come up with.
Damian:" Alright let's see who this person is and Yang make sure you stay behind me, got it?"
Yang nodded and Damian knocked on the door. Some rustling was heard on the other side before a lock was heard with the door opening to show a man that seem to be in his early thirties with a beard and short hair to go along with his tough expression. His attire was a pair of camo military pants with a jogger's hoodie showing off his muscular body but Damian noticed the two knives in his back pockets so he carefully took this slowly to see how this would go.
Damian:" Hello sir, we were told to come here."
???:" Were you? From who kid?"
Damian pulled out the note and handed it to him.
Damian:" A girl named Jane, ring any bells?"
???:" Indeed it does, come in these neighbors aren't a friendly bunch."
Hesitantly, Damian walked in while holding Yang's hand to see a very clean home with a decent-sized kitchen and living room with a sixty five inch TV and two couches that doubled as massage chairs. The room also had a lavender scent to it but Damian also smelled a all too familiar one.
Damian:" Nice place."
???:" Thanks but why did Jane tell you to come here?"
Damian went on to tell the stranger what happened when they met Jane and the bet they made. The man's expression went from tough to surprised when he heard that you beat Jane in under ten seconds.
???:" Alright kids, I'll tell you something and it don't matter to me whether you spill it to anyone or not but first let me ask you something. Have you ever heard of the Winter Solder?"
Yang seemed confused but intrigued as for Damian he was confused on why the man brought up his idol. Winter Soldier was a vigilante that had proved you didn't need a semblance to show you can be strong so to Damian he was a hero rather than a monster like how Atlas had told the public that he was.
Damian:" He was a vigilante that went missing over three months ago. Why are you bringing him up?"
???*Chuckles*:" Because I AM the Winter Soldier."
Both Yang and Damian were shocked to here that but Damian was overjoyed that he was meeting the actual hero that was a member of the Avengers.
Damian:" You're the Winter Soldier!?! Oh my god you're my idol! It's amazing to see you!"
Winter Soldier:" Well kid, I didn't know I had fans but anyway how are you kids doing?"
Damian and Yang were wondering to tell him about that but decided to ask him something else.
Damian:" Well we got some questions to ask you since you might have something similar."
Winter Soldier*Raised Eyebrow*:" Ask away."
Damian:" Ever since I was three I had supernatural strength, speed, durability, stamina and regeneration but I don't have a semblance."
Winter Soldier:" Really? Can you do anything else?"
Damian nodded before showing his nano machine on his hands and using his heat vision on a nearby soda can.
Winter Solder:" Damn kid that's some impressive stuff. I think I might know what you are."
Damian jolted when he heard and then grabbed Winter Soldier's right hand with desperation in his eyes.
Damian:" Please sir, tell me! This has been a burden to me for three years!"
Winter Soldier was shocked by that but then patted Damian's head.
Winter Soldier:" I understand buddy it's okay. I think that you might be a mutant."
Yang:" A mutant? What's that?"
Winter Soldier Gently picked the two kids up and placed them on the couch before sitting on a steel chair by the TV.
Winter Soldier:" Before semblances became a thing, there were humans who had a gene that allowed them to have powers that relied on nothing in order to work. Like semblances they are ranked but weren't just random so people actually had a idea on what it would be but what made them special was that the offspring almost always had stronger powers than the parents did."
Damian:" And you think I'm one?"
Winter Soldier:" From what I have seen you most definitely are one kiddo. Oh wait I didn't get your names, did I?"
Yang:" Oh right! Well my name's Yang mister Winter Soldier."
Bucky:" You can just call me Bucky sweetie."
Damian:" My name is Damian."
Bucky:" Heh, same name I gave my son."
Damian/Yang*Shocked AF*:" You have a SON!?!?!"
Bucky:" Whoa loud, yes I have a son but I had to give him up for adoption because I was afraid he would get hurt from my occupation to put it."
Damian was shocked to hear that THE Winter Soldier had a kid but when he heard adoption, he thought of what he said to Yang that they may not be related so was it possible?
Damian:" Wait what did your son look like?"
Bucky:" Well kid he *Looks to Damian with Widen Eyes*Looks L-Like you."
The room suddenly became silent enough to hear a pin drop with no one even seeming to be breathing. Could it be?
Damian:" Are you..... my daddy?"
Bucky:" It could be possible but still I don't know so I have a idea to see."
Bucky then said that he knew a place where with just a little DNA they would get their answers. Damian asked where and once Bucky said the coordination, Damian teleported them there where they saw some insanely advanced technology and computers that put Atlas to utter shame.
Yang:" Who this place is crazy!"
Bucky picked up a small glass lid and gave it to Damian.
Bucky:" Since your durability won't allow it, I need you to spit in that so we can see if we're related."
Damian nodded and did just that before handing it back to his idol and possible father. Bucky placed it into a machine and after about five seconds, a piece of paper came out and when Bucky read it he started to tear up. then he gave it to Damian, who read it and it said that his father was indeed Bucky but strangely it didn't say who his mother was.
Damian*Crying*:" DADDY!!!!"
Damian jumped up into his real father's arms and gave him a powerful hug that Bucky reciprocated in full.
Bucky:" My son!! I can't believe that you are the one who found me!! Oh how I missed you!!!"
After about ten minutes of hugging and crying they both calmed down enough to read the rest of the paper to see that Damian had unlocked all of his mutant powers but it didn't say his supernatural physical abilities were a part of that.
Bucky:" Looks like you also inherited the Super Soldier Serum from me as well."
Yang:" Super Soldier Serum? Wait is that why your so strong and tough?"
Bucky:" Yes, it was something Atlas made to make their soldiers capable of being more on par with Grimm but they didn't know how safe they were so they made out cash rewards for anyone willing to try it but the catch being you had to survive."
Damian:" H-H-How many people actually managed to?"
Bucky*Sighs Tiredly*:" Me and a old friend of mine were the only ones out of over two hundred others."
Yang and Damian were horrified and disgusted at what Atlas had done for just power and this solidified their refusal to fight for anything Atlas related.
Damian:" I-I-I-Is that what happened to your arm?"
Yang:" Wait what?"
Bucky lifted up his left sleeve to show his cybernetic arm and slowly nodded his head.
Bucky:" I think that's all the time we have today kids but we can talk more tomorrow okay?"
Yang/Damian:" Okay Uncle!/Okay Daddy!"
Yang immediately covered her mouth when she realized what she just called her now stepbrother's father but he just chuckled and head patted her.
Bucky:" You can call me that sweetie, just be careful around who though."
She nodded before Damian took her hand and teleported them to a store he's been to that was opened twenty four hours to get some things.
Yang:" What are we doing here Damian?"
Damian:" I need to get some things."
Yang:" But we don't have any money though."
Damian:" You don't but I do*Opens his Backpack for Yang to see over twenty stacks of hundred dollar bills* The things that made me realize I had a healing factor paid me very well and it helps with training."
Yang:" Oh okay but please promise me you'll come back to me."
Damian*Grabs her Hands*:" I promise."
They started looking around and all Yang got was a large soda since today has been about as insane as any day could be while Damian got a scroll, a military combat knife, a baseball glove, a big blue bucket and over two dozen baseballs.
Yang:" Why do you need all those baseballs Damian?"
Damian:" Training purposes my little sun dragon but we best get home."
Yang nodded and they headed to the counter to see the owner of the business, a man named Bubba who Damian had become close to.
Bubba:" Hey kiddo, this all you getting?"
Damian:" Yep."
Bubba had rung up all the items with Damian giving his change to Yang since he had enough money so far and he was sure Bubba had more jobs for him to do but just as they were gonna leave Bubba asked a question that made Yang stutter like hell.
Bubba*Smirks*:" This your girlfriend kiddo?"
Damian looked to Yang and now knowing that they weren't related, he just smiled and shrug. Damian:" Sure*Kisses Yang on the Forehead*"
Yang:" W-W-W-W-Wait r-r-r-r-really!?!?!"
Damian*Smiles*:" Sure why not?"
Yang punched herself to see if she was dreaming only to realize she was awake.
Damian:" Let's get going before they get any madder."
The duo teleported to the house and saw TEAM STRQ there with worried expressions till they saw them or more so Yang arrive and they raced over to them.
Tai:" Yang where have you ever been!?!?!"
Qrow:" We've been so damn worried kiddo!!! You can't just leave like that!!!"
Summer was the only one who noticed Damian and how he was smiling and holding Yang's hand.
Summer:" Sweetie are you okay?"
Damian:" I'm good, today has just been a bit crazy."
Raven*Annoyed*:" Where the hell have you've been boy?"
Damian:" It doesn't matter to you so I ain't gonna say anything Raven."
Damian let go of Yang's hand and started to head to his "room" but Tai grabbed him and made him look at him.
Tai:" What did you say young man!?!?!"
Damian:" Might need to clean your ears out Taiyang if you couldn't hear if I was right next to you."
Tai growled angrily before sending a right hook but this time Damian caught his fist, much to the shock of the whole family.
Damian:" Hands off Taiyang."
He pushed Tai to the ground with one arm and said goodnight to both Summer and Yang before heading to his "room" to get some sleep and placed the bucket by his bed.
{Next Day brought to you by Chibi Damian using his heat vision to heat up popcorn while Chibi Yang claps}
Damian woke up when some sunlight hit his nose so he got up, picked up the bucket and headed outside to test some things out. He grabbed one of the baseballs and used his heat vision but went very slow on the heat and to his surprise the beams weren't even visible when they incinerated the ball.
Damian:" So I guess I lost control of the heat when I first manifested this. I really need to control this but I wonder how hot the beams can go though too."
Damian then focused his X ray vision to see inside the baseball and successfully managed to along side some of the trees and the shed.
Damian:" Well there's that power mastered but I wonder if there is anything I can't see through."
Damian was going through several different ideas, questions, theories and possible answers before suddenly noticing something different in the air: Four unfamiliar people in his territory. Turning he saw two woman one with a kinda mohawk hairstyle and the other tall and with a strong body. The other were two men one with a sleeveless shirt and a smile that a arrogant kid would get when they won a competition and the last being a tall imposing man with neatly combed black hair and a military uniform that from Damian's research that he used for army tactics and strategies he knew that this man was a general from his medals and suit.
Damian*Thoughts*:" Military folks. Has to be Atlas probably here for those assholes Jane killed."
Damian picked up the bucket and placed it near the shed before walking back in to see that Summer was still here along with Tai but Damien just wanted to keep Yang safe so he quickly told Summer that some people were showing up. After he told Summer she went towards the door while Damien went up to Yang's room to tell her what is happening.
Damien:" Yang some Atlas freaks are here."
She seemed scared but she remembered what Damien had done and how tough he was so she calmed down a little.
Yang:" What why?"
Damien:" Those assholes that found us when I first used my heat vision might have blabbed since only half of them were killed while the ones I beat down were just out cold."
Yang:" What should we do?"
Damien:" I'll stay here with you till they leave but if anything goes down you hide and I will fight, understand?"
Yang:" Please Damien, I can help you."
Damien:" You are only five years old Yang and are untrained but I do love your determination. Until you are trained, I'll be dealing with Grimm and any other threat but don't worry I made a promise that I'll come back to you and I damn sure am not breaking."
Damien got into bed with his now girlfriend he guesses and put a arm around her shoulders to calm her down but then they heard Tai call out for them to come downstairs.
Tai:" Yang, Damien! Come downstairs! Someone wants to talk to you!"
Sighing to himself in annoyance Damien grabbed Yang's hand and shielding her with his body, led her down the stairs to meet the people that showed up and instead of the shorter man, the other three had stoic and dead serious expressions on their faces before the general spoke.
???:" Hello children, how are you today?"
Damien:" Fine."
Yang:" Good, mister." ?
??:" That's good now the reason me and my Specialists are here is because some of my soldiers have found something unique about you young man."
The two parents turned to Damien who was annoyed that he was caught and assumed one of the surviving soldiers told him but what the man said next eased him somewhat.
???:" Some of my men went out to the woods near your home and found six bodies that were wearing Atlas military uniforms but they were not Atlas soldiers or police but they did have cameras on their bodies so we did some looking and saw that you defeated three of them before leaving right when someone else was fighting them but we learned something else."
Summer:" And what would that be James?"
James:" That they were stalking these two and managed to get some interesting video work of this young man's semblance."
Both Tai and Summer were shocked to hear that Damien had a semblance though Damien knew that it wasn't anything like that but kept his mouth shut. Then the tall woman stepped forward and showed the video through a scroll that depicted Damien manifesting his heat vision and destroying the Grimm but what hella surprised him was that there was a video of his "fight" with Jane.
James:" The store cameras caught you fighting infamous vigilante "Black Mist" and beating her within ten seconds without any form of outside assistance or even weaponry. Just pure skill and grit the perfect ingredients for a huntsman and I must say the training you've been doing is impressive."
Damien:" Thank you general but she didn't mean me or my gir- sister any harm. She just came upon us by mistake and I attacked first."
???:" By the video that seems true sir."
James:" It does but still she has committed numerous of crimes so she must be tried for them all but I believe we should be leaving you all to what you were doing. My apologies for the sudden intrusion."
They bowed then left and I turned to Yang to signal for her to go upstairs because I knew Tai was gonna ask some questions and I didn't give two craps about him. I teleported us to Yang's room and ask her to lock the door so I could ask her a favor.
Damien:" Yo Yang I was doing some training before they showed up and now that they're gone think you can help me?"
Yang nodded her head at speeds that Damien thought it would snap before grabbing her own notebook that had a picture of Lady America on the cover. Damien smiled to see that his sister was a fan of the Avengers as much as he was.
(A/N: The Avengers are not under Shield since they do not exist, so they are a big group of vigilantes)
Damien:" Let's get going then."
They teleported to the same open area they were before the shit storm that was a bunch of fakers before Damien spoke up.
Damien:" Alright Yang we are going to be testing how hot my eyes can get, okay?"
Yang nodded before writing random things that Damien can try to burn and see if he can or not with the first being stone. Damien aimed his eyes at a decent sized boulder the size of tree trunk and activated his beams the same way he did with the baseball and again the beams weren't visible to the human eye for the boulder to not only be sliced in half but also melt.
Damien:" Okay Yang write this down please "So far we know that my heat vision can reach 1,100 degrees Fahrenheit since I can melt stone."
Yang:" Whoa that's hot Damien!"
Damien:" Indeed but let's try something metal this time."
Yang:" Oh, I know a place where we can get some!"
Yang told Damien some coordinates and they arrived by teleportation to a scrapyard that conveniently had the metal sorted by name.
Damien*Headpats Yang*:" Nice work my little sun dragon."
Yang blushed and smiled at the praise before they started walking around to collect different metals and the ones they had were copper, aluminum, steel, iron, titanium and some tungsten that all ranged to be the size of a truck tire so they would do.
Each Test and Results.
Iron-Melted Temperature- 2,750 degrees Fahrenheit.
Steel-Melted Temperature- 2,500 degrees Fahrenheit.
Aluminum-Melted Temperature- 1,221 degrees Fahrenheit.
Copper-Melted Temperature- 1,984 Fahrenheit.
Titanium-Melted Temperature- 3,034 Fahrenheit. Beams were finally visible at 3,000.
Tungsten-Melted but lasted the longest Temperature- 6,191 degrees Fahrenheit.
Damien:" Okay then that's all and it seems so far we know I can go at temperatures higher than six thousand degrees Fahrenheit but we'll see if that's the limit. Thanks for writing this down Yang."
Yang:" No problem Damien but there is something I'm wondering about your strength."
Damien:" Is it how strong I am?"
Yang:" Yeah, what have you lifted before?"
Damien:" Well whenever it's night time I sneak out and find heavy things and so far I've managed to bench tractors, buses, semis, bulldozers and one time knocked down a thirty five story high building with just two punches, so my strength is very high and for my speed same thing. I reached hyper-sonic speeds so I'm faster than any vehicle on Remnant and I've outran explosives while saving people."
Yang:" Saving people?"
Damien:" I had to save a lot of people when I did those jobs for Bubba."
Yang:" Okay, how about durability?"
Damien:" Even without my nano machines, I can take a hell of a beating and most times not be fazed by it. Those jobs proved it when they shot me with normal to armor piercing to even explosives round and it just tickled. The bus I picked up actually fell on me first and I didn't even feel it but I think the time I had someone shoot me with a RPG and I didn't move even a inch probably takes the cake."
Yang:" Holy moly, that's amazing Damien! You can be the greatest huntsman ever!"
Damien:" That's not the plan though, little sun dragon. I want to become a Avenger like my daddy."
Yang:" Then I support you all the way!"
Yang saluted but again blushed when Damien gave her a kiss on the forehead.
Yang:" Hey, were you serious when you said that we were girlfriend and boyfriend?"
Damien:" Do you want to be Yang?"
Yang:" Yes, I just love how brave, strong, kind and hopeful you are and I love that you always help others."
Damien*Smiles Brightly*:" Well I guess then yes, we are boyfriend an girlfriend but we have to keep this a secret from the others."
Yang squealed before giving Damien the strongest hug she could muster with his hugging her back. Suddenly Damien teleported and came back with a baseball glove and the bucket before handing a ball to Yang.
Damien:" Throw it as hard as you can Yang."
Yang did just that and it reached over twenty six feet so that was showing that her strength was manifesting then Damien teleported with the same one back and threw it but it went so fast that it caught fire.
Damien:" We're gonna be needing more baseballs."
???:" Whoa, that was a hell of a throw kiddo."
Damien's expression went to annoyed when he heard the voice of a drunk asshole but he begrudgingly turned around anyway and saw all of TEAM STRQ there with them each having besides Summer having smiles on their faces while Summer had a shocked look on her face that he could tell wouldn't go away.
Tai:" Hey buddy, you training by yourself and that video really shows the incredible potential you have."
Raven:" That throw was enough to show that you have power and you taking down a hardened and skilled like Black Mist who managed to beat me and Qrow at the same time makes you Beacon material."
Tai walked up to Damien and placed a hand on his shoulder, pissing him off even more.
Tai:" Damien we are so proud of you for finally unlocking your semblance and on your own too."
While he said that in a cheerful voice, Damien was pissed that the mere hour they learn he has power, they treat him like a human for once. Damien reeled back his little left fist and punched Tai so hard that he was sent back over eleven feet away from his team while Damien placed his hand in his pockets and signaled Yang to pick up the bucket since it was time to leave.
Raven:" Well now that was certainly a punch but I want to see more of that heat vision that you have Damien."
Damien:" No because I'm busy Raven."
Qrow:" Busy? Doing what kiddo?"
Damien:" None of your business Qrow. Let's go Yang and mom we'll be at the house if you need us."
Over 6000 words.
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