I put my hair up into a ponytail, biting the inside of my mouth as I stared at the back door of the pub. Leighton, you better be ready for what's about to come at you.
"Stay out here. He won't talk if you are all in there pressuring him." I glanced to the three, all with dissatisfied looks on their faces. "He tends to like to fight his way out of situations like that, so I can't afford it."
"This is the dumbest shit I've ever heard, tracking down some small town smuggler with a bad rep just like every single other one in the universe. Let's just go back to Gabrian." Raphael cursed.
"I know we promised that we'd take you to see your sister, but there are a lot of bad people inside that pub." Cybele stepped forward. "Remember, you told me that? Leighton's not a good one either."
"I've dealt with Leighton and plenty others for a long time, Cybele. I can do it once more, and he'll leave me alone, trust me." I rolled up my sleeves, flexing my fingers. "He thinks I'm a freak so it will be a miracle if I can talk to him at all."
"You aren't a freak." She replied.
"You definitely aren't." Finn added and I looked into his eyes. "If anything happens, I'm coming in there, understand?" His tone was deadly serious as I flashed him a smile, my heart hammering in my chest.
"I've learned how to punch, remember? I think I can handle myself now after all those lessons. Wish me luck." Turning my head to the door, I pried it open, letting it swing shut behind me as I strolled inside.
The music and the smells came rushing back to me as I walked through the pub, the layout exactly the same as it had been a long time ago. I walked through the packed crowd; this entire city burnt down to the ground and these people were back to the same drunken antics? Pathetic.
The familiar face of the bartender caught my eye as I walked towards him. Looks like he'd survived and was back to work. I pounded my fist against the counter, making him glance up at me. "Leighton? Where is he?"
"Haven't seen you or your sister around lately, Stratton." He mused as he cleaned a glass. "She was a big source of business."
"Just tell me where he is and cut the shit."
"You're looking for me, baby?" My entire body turned to ice as I turned around, Leighton's dark green eyes glaring into mine. He looked exactly the same as I remembered him, dark blonde hair and a bad attitude dressed in grey. I remembered when I used to find that attractive, and now I could only see it as pitiful. I pushed off the edge of the bar, standing nose to nose with the man who'd broken my heart.
"You look like shit."
"I was going to say that you looked nice, really nice. I'll even say that you've been working out because you didn't have that body before. I'd know. But, I guess I'll take that back." His eyes glanced me over, "thought you skipped town with Butterfly?"
"His name is Finn and I left, but now I'm back."
"Rich coming from you: a fucking cheater." I hissed. "Where's Matilda?"
"Can't find her since your house burnt to a crisp?" He took a sip of his drink, giving me a wink. Those green eyes gave me a once over again. "I'm sticking with my original thought: you look really nice, baby."
"Heard your play house burnt down too, so I guess we all got a little lost. And don't call me baby. I'm not your's."
He leaned in close, placing either hand on the bar as he trapped me there. Leighton leaned closer to me and I thought for a moment that he'd be brave enough to try and kiss me. We'd see what that would earn him. "You used to be mine. Remember when you wanted to be so bad? We had a lot of fun, Kate, and you were always very special to me." He took a hand off the counter, lifting the edge of his shirt just a little to show off part of his six pack. "I let you touch these bad boys."
"Load of shit." I pushed forward, making him yank his hands away from me as I moved at him and he retreated further back. Oh, it filled me with so much pride that I'd scared him. "Tell me where she is now before I kick your ass! You've always needed a nose job and I can give you one for free. No strings attached, baby."
"That only turns me on," he smiled and I shot him a glare. "I like your fire, Kate. I want to get burned."
"Then I'll burn you." I smirked, "that is, if you can last longer than 30 seconds like you do in bed."
"Right, when you spread your legs for me and I popped your cherry?" He grinned and I slapped him hard across the face, making him stumble as he rubbed his jaw. Leighton chuckled, giving me a smirk. "Feisty little bitch, aren't you? Hot, very hot."
I grabbed onto fistfuls of his shirt, giving him the meanest Raphael glare of my life as I yanked him forward like a rag doll. He hardly stacked up to the men I'd been fighting with for the past month. "Matilda. Where is she? I can hit a lot harder than that, trust me."
"Matilda's at..."
"Kate Stratton!" The voice I wanted to hear least in the world boomed, making me release Leighton as a huge man walked across the open floor of the bar. Jack Fucking Warren. "The Shrimp has returned." He laughed, cracking his knuckles as the drunks around the tables eyed in on us. Money started to fly as bets were placed, deja vu running through my veins.
"What happened to your face?" His nose had obviously been broken, a nice black eye to match. Whoever did that deserved a big reward for knocking his ego down a few levels. "Did you change up your beauty routine because I really like the look."
His entire face hardened as he let out a roar, but I was already ready for his childish outburst as he swung a fist at me. I ducked down as he missed me before I was back on my feet.
In one leap forward, I punched him hard in the chest, making in stumble backward before I kicked his legs out from underneath him. Warren hit the ground hard as his head crunched against a table, his eyes rolling back into his head as he went unconscious. Then there was a silent awe as money started to fly into different pockets all over again.
I brushed a stray hair from my face as I looked to Leighton. "Matilda. Now."
A round of cheers rang through the bar as everyone toasted, giving me pats on the back with their fresh cash as Leighton narrowed his eyes. "Look's like someone manned up since she's been gone."
"Not quite. Just learned a few new skills. I already had the balls." I stepped closer to Leighton, giving him a smile. "I can knock you out just as easily too."
This made Leighton's jaw clench as he ground his teeth together before letting out a deep sigh. He'd given in. "Your sister's at the brick house on the corner of Harper and Scott in East. It has a white door and black shutters." He raised his drink, knocking it back as he wiped the liquor from his lips. "Cheers, you badass. I should've held onto you a little tighter."
I looked him in the eyes, "You had me, Leighton. Now, we're done for good. Even though you were a dick, I wish you the best."
"Same to you, Kate." He took another sip, a certain sadness in his eyes. "Always the same to you."
I turned my back, walking towards the back door of the pub. I didn't feel anything for Leighton anymore, not a single thing. He looked less attractive and a lot smaller than I remembered him being, the spark that once drew me to him dead like an old battery.
Licking my lips, I pushed all the old memories of us out of my head. It was the past, and I couldn't look back just like Karmen had told me. My path wasn't here any longer and it was time I started to think ahead.
And who I really wanted to see was outside through the pub's back door.
Harper and Scott. Corner of Harper and Scott. Brick house. White door. Black shutters.
I rushed down the streets, checking each street sign just in case we'd gotten there quicker than I thought. I knew where those two streets met, but it didn't keep my heart from beating fast inside my chest at the thought of not being able to find it.
That would just be perfect! I would come home and not be able to locate Matilda in this new city and she'd slip from my grasp like grains of sand between my fingers. Was she angry at me that'd I left? What if she didn't want to see me at all?
The thought made my heart constrain in my chest as I bit my lip, feeling my fingers start to quiver. I froze as I saw the street signs, Harper blaring out to me like the sun through a patch of clouds.
I kept walking, finding Scott as I prayed to Fate that Leighton hadn't lied to me. He was a dick, but I'd never pegged lying as one of his crimes. He was usually very open about all the shitty things he did.
Stopping in the middle of the street, I scanned for the brick house that he'd mentioned. What if it wasn't really here? I'd murder him. I'd actually kill that son of a bitch!
"Brick house with a white door and black shutters." Finn said, and I turned back to him. He pointed down the street, his eyes trained on a particular spot by the road. I looked back, narrowing my eyes as I scanned the street.
There it was. A brick house with all the qualifications. Matilda had to be in there. She just had to be, and I needed to see her if she was mad at me or not. I took a deep breath; this was goodbye for now until I could come back to see her again.
I was headed in a different direction, and she needed to know not to look for me any longer. I felt tears rise in my eyes as I fought them back. I needed to rip off the bandaid.
"Let's go." I said through clenched teeth before taking the first step down the street. I crossed my fingers for luck, whispering a small plea to Fate that everything would be ok. I didn't really know what I wanted to happen when I saw Matilda. I only had a small idea of what I was even going to say.
Sorry sis! I'm back home but I'm leaving you to go train with these winged people because I might save the world with the glow sticks coming out of my hands! I'm going to defeat a demonic army and kick some ass while you stay at home. Also, we probably won't see each other for a really long time and I'm also your only living family member, so have fun with that loneliness too! Ciao!
The house sat in front of me as I stepped onto the sidewalk, halting in front of the brick steps that led up to the front door. I stared at the door before my eyes moved to the windows, closed by thick grey curtains.
This was it. No turning back.
"She'll want to see you too." I looked to Finn, his eyes glancing into mine before he turned his attention to the house.
"You think?"
He nodded in reply and I took a deep breath before walking towards the house, climbing the stairs until I stood right in front of the door. I peaked behind me, Cybele, Raphael, and Finn waiting at the base of the steps looking like grim reapers in their huge cloaks and hoods.
I looked back to the door before knocking on it loudly with my fist. And then, there was silence. No voices sounded and there was no sign of footsteps. Absolutely nothing.
"No," I breathed, "she has to be here."
"Tough luck! Let's go home now."
"Raphael!" Finn and Cybele hissed together.
I banged loudly on the door again, my heart stopping in my chest as I sucked in a deep breath before slamming against the wood just once more.
"Nothing! Time to move out!"
"Shut up, Raphael!" I retorted, glaring at him over my shoulder. "Just shut up!"
Then, the door knob turned as it unlocked behind me, making us all freeze as I turned around to face the house. It pried back as a figure moved into the shadow before coming into the light.
I about cried as I flung myself at my friend. "Malaki! Oh my Fate, you're alive!"
He tensed at my movement, but cautiously wrapped his arms around me. "Kate?" He sucked in a breath, "and fellow cult members on our front lawn?"
I pulled back with a huge grin as I looked over my shoulder. "Not a cult, I promise. These are my friends, the guardians who saved our city? That's Raphael, Cybele, and Finn. Finn saved Matilda..." I looked into Malaki's eyes. "Where is she? I need to see her?"
He just blinked at me. "Where have you been, Kate? Just... slow down for a minute. You left with those... people and now you're back?"
I swallowed, biting my lip. "I can explain what I've been doing to the both of you if you just tell me where she is. Is she here?"
"Malaki?" Matilda's voice made me freeze as he stepped to the side, extending out his arm to allow me to walk into the house. I went in, staring at where the staircase curved towards the door as footsteps echoed. "Malaki? Who's there?"
Then, she was there, pinning back her hair as she walked around the corner. She was in faded jeans and a baby pink sweater as she stared down at her feet. Matilda hadn't noticed us yet but I finally found my voice.
"Matilda, it's Kate."
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